
Test your lifestyle. Personal self-esteem test: I-real, I am ideal. Methods Budassi Study I-Concept. Blue sea spacious

Test Budassi S.A. The self-esteem allows the study of self-assessment of the individual, measured quantitatively. This technique is based on a ranking method.

Psychodiagnosis of self-consciousness, self-relation, self-esteem is aimed at learning and assessing the idea of \u200b\u200bitself. "I-concept", which is the sum of the "I-Real" and "I-ideal", an important factor in the formation, choosing one or another type of human behavior. Which largely determines the direction of its activities, actions committed in all spheres of life, with contacts with people.

Analysis of the "I-image" allows you to allocate two aspects in it: knowledge of yourself and self-relation. In the course of life, a person will know himself and accumulates knowledge about himself, these knowledge make up a significant part of his ideas about themselves - his "I-concept". However, knowledge about themselves, naturally, it is not indifferent to him: the fact that they are revealed, it turns out to be the object of its emotions, assessments, it becomes the cause of his permanent self-relation. Not everything really comprehended in itself, and not everything in the self-effort clearly consciously. Some aspects of the "I-image" are eliminating from consciousness unconscious, unconscious. This test allows them to reveal.

Personal self-esteem test: I-real, I am ideal. Methods Budassi Studies I-Concept:


You are offered a list of 48 words, indicating the properties of the personality, of which you need to choose 20, mostly characterizing the reference identity (let's call it "my ideal") in your supervision. Naturally, in this row can find a place and negative qualities.

Test material.

1. Accuracy

17. Legurgier

33. Pedantic

2. carelessness

18. Slowness

34. Radies

3. Thoughtfulness

19. Dreamy

35. Establishness

4. susceptibility

20. Dismissive

36. Intentionality

5. Quility

21. Avenue

37. Self-criticism

6. Pride

22. Reliability

38. Restraint

7. Roughness

23. Perseverance

39. Justice

8. Humanity

24. Tenderness

40. Compassion

9. Dobrota

25. Indecision

41. Shame.

10. Cheerfulness

26. Imstrangeness

42. Practicality

11. Carefulness

27. Charm

43. Goodworking

12. Envy

28. Sensibility

44. Cowardice


29. Care

45. Conviction

14. Calloon

30. Responsiveness

46. \u200b\u200bInterest

15. Sincerity

31. Suspicious

47. Related

32. Connection

48. Egoism

Of the twenty selected identity properties, you need to build a reference series D 1 in the study protocol, where in the first positions are the most important, from your point of view, the positive properties of the personality, and the latest - the least desirable, negative (20th rank is the most attractive quality, 19th - less and so on up to 1 rank). Make sure that no grade rating is repeated twice.

Protocol research

Rank number
Standard D 1.

Properties of the personality

Rank number
Subject D 2.

ranks D.

Square difference
ranks D 2.

Σ d 2 \u003d

From the previously selected personality properties, the subjective range D 2 is built, in which they have given these properties as they decrease their severity. You personally (the 20th rank - the quality inherent to you to the greatest degree, 19th - the quality characteristic of you somewhat less than the first, etc.). The result entertain the research protocol.

Processing results

The purpose of the results of the results is the definition of the relationship between the ranking assessments of the personal qualities that are included in the ideal representation "I am perfect" and "I am real". Communication measure is installed using a rank correlation coefficient. To calculate the coefficient, it is necessary to first find the difference in the ranks D 1 - D 2 for each quality and apply the result in column D to the study protocol. Then each obtained value of the difference of ranks D is elevated to the square (D 1 - D 2) 2 and write the result in the column D 2. Calculate the total sum of the squares of the rank difference σ d 2 and make it in the formula

r \u003d L - 0.00075 x Σ d 2,
where R is the correlation coefficient (indicator of the level of self-assessment of the individual).

The key to the test Budassi on self-esteem.

The rating correlation coefficient R may be in the range from -1 to + 1. If the resulting coefficient is not less -0.37 and not more than +0.37 (with a level of reliability equal to 0.05), this indicates a weak minor connection ( Or her absence) between human ideas about the qualities of their ideal and real qualities. This indicator may be due and non-compliance with the test instructions, but if it was performed, then low indicators mean a fuzzy representation by a person about his perfect me and I am real. The value of the correlation coefficient is from +0.38 to +1 - evidence of the presence of a significant positive connection between I was ideal and real. This can be interpreted as a manifestation of adequate self-esteem or, at r from +0.39 to +0.89, as a tendency to overestimation. Values \u200b\u200bfrom +0.9 to +1 are often expressed inadequately overestimated self-examination. The value of the correlation coefficient in the range from -0.38 to -1 indicates the presence of a significant negative connection between I am ideal and I am real (reflects the discrepancy or the discrepancy of the person's ideas about how he wants to be, and what kind of reality is). This inconsistency is proposed to interpret as a low self-esteem. The closer the coefficient to -1, the greater the degree of inconsistency.

In the proposed method of study of self-esteem, its level and adequacy are defined as the relationship between "Ideal" and "I am real". A person's ideas about themselves, as a rule, seem to be convincing it, regardless of whether they are based on objective knowledge or subjective opinions.

The process of self-examination can occur in two ways:

1) by comparing the level of their claims with objective results of its activities and

2) by comparing itself with other people.

However, regardless of whether self-esteem is based on their own judgments of a person about themselves or interpretation of the judgments of other people, individual ideals or cultural standards, self-esteem is always subjective; In this case, its indicators may be adequacy and level.

The adequacy of self-examination expresses the degree of compliance of the representations of a person about himself the objective grounds for these ideas. The level of self-esteem expresses the degree of real and ideal, or desired, ideas about themselves. An adequate positive self-esteem can be equated to a positive attitude towards himself, to self-esteem, making themselves, feeling their own fullness. Low or understated self-esteem, on the contrary, may be associated with a negative attitude towards himself, rejection of oneself, a sense of own inferiority.

In the process of forming a self-esteem, a comparison of the images of the real me and I am perfect. Therefore, the one who reaches the reality of the characteristics corresponding to the ideal will have a high self-esteem. If the person "is ineffective" overcomes the gap between these characteristics and the reality of its achievements, its self-esteem is likely to be low.

Self-assessment and human attitude towards themselves are closely related to the level of claims, motivation and emotional features of the individual. The interpretation of the acquired experience and expectations of man regarding himself and other people depends on self-esteem.

Interpretation of results

Complete individual results of the study of self-esteem features using a table for this.

Customized results of the study of self-esteem features

Levels of severity
Indicators of self-esteem

Manifestations of self-esteem

in ordinary behavior

in communication(interpersonal:infamily, at work, etc.)

in educational (professional) activity

From 4 - 1.0 to + 0.85

Self-esteem high

From + 0.84 to + 0.53

Self-esteem high

From + 0.52 to -0.1

Self-assessment average

From -0.09 to -0.32

Self-esteem low

From -0.33 to -1.0

Self-esteem low

Characteristics of personality behavior depending on its self-esteem

People with overwhelmed self-esteem put higher goals than those that they can really achieve, they have a high level of claims, not always corresponding to their capabilities. Healthy qualities of personality: dignity, pride, pride - reborn in arrogance, vanity, egocentrism. Inadequate self-assessment of its capabilities and an overlapping level of claims cause self-confidence and refuse to affect the right to errors. The development of excessive self-confidence can act as a consequence of the appropriate style of education in the family and school. Self-confident people are not inclined to self-analysis, which can cause any self-control, and this leads to the adoption of erroneous solutions and the implementation of risk actions. Further loss of feelings of necessary caution adversely affects the safety, reliability and efficiency of all human life. The absence or insufficient need for self-improvement makes it difficult to include them in the process of self-education.

People with understated self-esteem usually set lower goals than those that can achieve, exaggerating the meaning of failures. With understated self-esteem, a person is characterized by another extreme, opposite self-confidence, - excessive uncertainty in itself. Insecurity often objectively unreasonable, is a sustainable personality quality and leads to the formation of such features as humility, passivity, "incompleteness complex". This is reflected in appearance Human: The head is drawn in the shoulders, gait is indecisive, he is Hmur, unshaking. The surrounding sometimes take such a person for an angry, evil, non-contact and consequence of this is isolation from people, loneliness.

Some subjective factors can also be promoted: the type of higher nervous activity, temperament damn, etc.

For example, uncertainty acts as one of the characteristics of anxiety. Overcoming uncertainty through the process of self-defense is difficult because of the disbelief of a person in their capabilities, prospects and the final result, but in any case it is possible and necessary because it significantly improves the quality of life.

The most favorable adequate self-esteem, involving equal recognition by a person as its advantages, and the fact that at first glance seems a disadvantage. At the heart of the optimal self-assessment expressed through the positive property of the individual - confidence, the necessary experience and appropriate knowledge are. Confidence allows a person to regulate the level of claims and correctly refers to its possible errors. A confident person is distinguished by decisiveness, hardness, the ability to find and make decisions, to realize them consistently.

A confident person calmly and constructively applies to the mistakes allowed, analyzing their reasons so that it is possible to repeat them again.

You can develop adequate self-esteem on the basis of self-knowledge.

Looking and evaluating himself, a person can more consciously, and not spontaneously manage his behavior and successfully engage in self-development.

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The psychological test definition of your lifestyle will help you determine what category of people you treat if you love to have fun, whether you are a stormy life or, on the contrary, you are ascetic and live only by work. Our test will give you a reason to think and make certain conclusions for yourself. Answer all questions honestly and without long rapidly. At the end of the test you will be given an assessment of your lifestyle with some comments. Our test online: [Test lifestyle] completely free without SMS and registrations! The result will be shown immediately after the answer to the last question!

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Scale:self-esteem; social, communicative, material, physical, active, promising, reflexive me

Purpose of dough

The test is used to explore the meaningful characteristics of identity identity. The question "Who am I?" Directly associated with the characteristics of his own perception by the person himself, that is, with his way "I" or I-concept.

Instructions for test

"For 12 minutes, you need to give as many answers as possible for one question related to yourself:" Who am I? ". Try to give as many answers as possible. Each new answer start from a new line (leaving some place from the left edge of the sheet). You can answer the way you want to fix all the answers that come to your mind, because in this task there is no right or wrong answers.

It is also important to notice which emotional reactions arise with you during the implementation of this task, how difficult or easily you were to answer this question. "

When a client finishes responding, he is asked to produce the first stage of the results processing - quantitative:

"Name all the individual answers made by you. To the left of each answer, place its sequence number. Now each one's own characteristic is evaluated by the four-digit system:

. "+" - the "plus" sign is set, if in general, you personally like this characteristic;
. "-" - the "minus" sign - if in general, you personally do not like this characteristic;
. "±" - the sign "plus-minus" - if this feature you like and do not like at the same time;
. "?" - The "Question" sign - if you do not know at the moment of time, as you specify the characteristic, you do not have a certain assessment of the response under consideration.

The sign of its assessment must be placed on the left of the number of the characteristic. You may have estimates of both all kinds of characters and only one sign or two or three.

After all the characteristics are evaluated, sum up:

How many answers turned out,
. How many answers of each sign ".


Processing and interpretation of test results

How to analyze self-esteem identity?

Self-satisfaction It is an emotional and estimated component of the I-concept. Self-assessment reflects the attitude towards itself in general or to individual parties to their personality and activity.

Self-esteem can be adequate and inadequate.

Adequacy self-standing Expresses the degree of compliance of the representations of a person about himself the objective grounds for these ideas.

The level of self-esteem expresses the degree of real, ideal or desired ideas about themselves.

Self-assessment of identity is determined as a result of the ratio of the number of estimates "+" and "-", which were obtained by evaluating each of their response to the subject (client) at the quantitative processing stage.

Self-esteem is considered adequateIf the ratio of positively evaluated qualities to the negatively estimated ("+" to "-") is 65-80% by 35-20%.

Adequate self-esteem is the ability to realistically realize and evaluate both their advantages and disadvantages, it is worth a positive attitude towards himself, self-esteem, taking itself, a sense of one's own fullness.

Also, adequate self-esteem is expressed in the fact that a person sets itself really achievable and appropriate goals and objectives, it is able to take responsibility for his failures and successes, confident, is capable of life self-realization.

Confidence allows a person to regulate the level of claims and correctly evaluate its own capabilities in relation to various life situations.

A person with adequate self-esteem freely and naturally behaves among people, knows how to build relations with others, satisfied with himself and others. Adequate self-esteem is a prerequisite for the formation of a confident sexual behavior.

There are inadequate overestimated self-esteem - reassessment of themselves with a subject and inadequate affected self-esteem - the underestimation of themselves by the subject.

Inadequate self-esteem indicates an unrealistic assessment by the person of himself, reducing criticality towards his actions, words, and often the opinion about himself in a person dispelled with the opinion of him around him.

Self-esteem is considered inadequately overestimatedif the number of positively evaluated qualities in relation to the negatively estimated ("+" to "-") is 85-100%, that is, a person notes that he has or not there is deficiencies, or their number reaches 15% (from the total number "+ "And" - ").

People with overwhelmed self-esteem, on the one hand, hypertrophy evaluated their advantages: they overestimate and attribute them, on the other hand, underestimate and eliminates flaws. They set themselves higher goals than those that can actually achieve, they have a high level of claims that are not suitable for their real possibilities.

A man with an overwhelmed self-esteem is also characterized by the inability to take responsibility for his failures, it is distinguished by an arrogant attitude towards people, conflict, constant dissatisfaction with its achievements, egocentrism. Inadequate self-assessment of their capabilities and an overestimated level of claims determine excessive self-confidence.

Self-esteem is considered inadequately understated if the number of negatively evaluated qualities in relation to positively assessed ("-" to "+") is 50-100%, that is, a person notes that he has or not the merits, or their number reaches 50% (from The total number "+" and "-").

People with understated self-esteem usually set lower goals than those that can achieve, exaggerating the meaning of failures. After all, low self-esteem involves rejection of itself, self-denial, negative attitude towards his personality, which is due to the underestimation of their successes and advantages.

With understated self-esteem, a person is characterized by another extreme, opposite self-confidence, - excessive uncertainty in itself. Insecurity often not objectively substantiated, is a sustainable personality quality and leads to the formation of such features from humility, passivity, "incompleteness complex."

Self-esteem is unstableif the number of positively evaluated qualities in relation to the negatively estimated ("+" to "-") is 50-55%. Such a ratio, as a rule, cannot last long, is unstable, uncomfortable.

What is about the use of a person's assessment of "±" regarding its characteristics?

The use of a plus-minus sign ("±") indicates the ability of a person to consider this or that phenomenon from two opposite parties, indicates the degree of its balance, about the "influence" of its position relative to emotionally significant phenomena.

You can conditionally allocate people Emotional-polar, balanced and doubting type.

To people emotional-polar type These are those who all their identification characteristics are evaluated only as the moral or non-smoking on them, they are not at all useful when evaluating the "plus minus" sign.

For such people, maximalism is characterized in estimates, the differences in emotional state, we can say "from love to hate one step". This is usually emotional-expressive people who have a relationship with other people depend on how a person it likes or does not like.

If the number of "±" signs reaches 10-20% (from the total number of characters), then such a person can be attributed to balanced Type. For them, compared with the people of emotionally polar type, there is a great stress resistance, they faster allowed conflict situations, know how to maintain constructive relations with different people: and with those that they generally like them, and with those that they do not cause deep sympathy; Terepima belong to the disadvantages of other people.

If the number of "±" signs exceeds 30-40% (from the total number of characters), then such a person can be attributed to doubting Type. Such a number of signs "±" may be in a person who is experiencing a crisis in his life, as well as to testify to indecision as a character line (when a person is hard to make decisions, he long doubts, considering various options).

What is behind the use of a person's assessment "?" Regarding your characteristics?

Availability of sign "?" When evaluating identification characteristics, it indicates the ability of a person to endure the situation of internal uncertainty, and therefore indirectly indicates a person's ability to change, preparedness for change.

This evaluation mark is rarely used by people: one or two sign "?" It is only 20% of the surveyed.

Availability of three or more signs "?" When self-examination assumes in humans, the presence of crisis experiences.

In general, the use of the "±" and "" self-standing of signs? He is a favorable sign of good dynamics of the advisory process.

Use these signs people usually go to the level of self-solving their own problems.

As in the method "Who am I?" Does the features of sexual identity manifest?

Sexual (or gender) identity - This is part of an individual I-concept, which comes from the knowledge of the individual of its belonging to the social group of men or women along with the assessment and emotional designation of this group membership.

Features of sexual identity manifests:

First, in how a person means its sex identity;
. Secondly, in what place in the list of identification characteristics there is a mention of its sexuality.

The designation of its sex can be done:

. indirectly
. absent at all.

Direct gender designation - A person indicates his sexuality in specific words that have a certain emotional content. From here you can select four forms of direct floor designation:

. alienated
. Emotional positive
. Emotional-negative.

Forms of direct floor designation

Forms of designation Examples Interpretation
Neutral "Man Woman" Reflective position
Alienneous (distant) "Men's man", "Female sex" Irony, a sign of a critical attitude towards his sex identity
Emotional positive "Attractive girl", "cheerful guy", "Rocky woman" Sign of making attractiveness
"Ordinary guy", "ugly girl" A sign of a critical attitude towards its sex identity, internal disadvantage

Availability of direct floor designation It suggests that the sphere of psychosexuality as a whole and comparing itself with representatives of their sex in particular are an important and adopted internally theme of self-awareness.

Indirect floor designation - A person does not indicate his sexuality directly, but his sexuality is manifested through social roles (male or female), which he considers its own, or on the endings of words. Indirect methods of floor designation also have a certain emotional filling.

Indirect ways of floor designation

Method for designation Examples of identity designation

Availability of indirect floor designation Speaks about knowledge of the specifics of a certain repertoire of sexual behavior, which may be:

. wide (if includes several sexual roles)
. narrow (If only one or two roles in itself).

The presence and direct, and indirect variants of emotionally positive The designations of their sex speaks of the formation of positive sex identity, the possible diversity of role-playing behavior, making its attractiveness as a representative of the floor, and allows you to make a favorable forecast for the success of establishing and maintaining partnership relations with other people.

Lack of gender designationin self-identification characteristics, it is stated when the writing of the entire text goes through the phrase: "I am a person who ...". The reasons for this may be as follows:

1. The absence of a holistic representation of sexual behavior at the moment (lack of reflection, knowledge);
2. Avoiding to consider its sexual features due to injuries of this topic (for example, the displacement of a negative result of comparing themselves with other representatives of their sex);
3. Normality of sexual identity, the presence of the identity crisis as a whole.

When analyzing sex identities, it is also important to consider at what place the text of the answers contains categories associated with floor:

At the very beginning of the list,
. in the middle
. in the end.

This indicates the relevance and significance of the categories of the floor in a person's self-consciousness (the closer to the beginning, the greater the significance and degree of awareness of identity categories).

How does the reflection manifest itself when performing the method "Who am I?"?

A man with a more developed level of reflection gives on average more than answers than a person with a less developed idea of \u200b\u200bitself (or more "closed").

Also, the level of reflection says the ease or difficulty in formulating responses to the key question of the test.

As a rule, a person with a more developed level of reflection is faster and easier for answers regarding his own individual characteristics.

A person, not often thinking about himself and his life, answers the question of the test with difficulty, writing each answer after some thought.

About low reflection You can say when in 12 minutes a person can give only two or three responses (it is important to clarify that a person really does not know how to answer the task as possible, and not just stopped writing his answers by virtue of its secretion).

About high enough Reflection testifies 15 and more different answers to the question "Who am I?".

How to analyze a temporary aspect of identity?

Analysis of the temporary aspect of identity must be carried out on the basis of the parcel, which the success of human interaction with the surrounding implies the relative continuity of its past, present and future "I". Therefore, the consideration of the person's answers to the question "Who am I?" It should occur from the point of view of their belonging to the past, present or future (based on the analysis of verb forms).

The presence of identification characteristics corresponding to different temporary modes, indicates the temporary integration of the person.

Special attention should be paid to the presence and severity in self-describing indicators of promising identity (or promising "I"), that is, identification characteristics that are related to the prospects, wishes, intentions, dreams relating to various areas of life.

The presence of goals, plans for the future has a greater importance for the characteristics of the inner world of a person as a whole, reflects the temporary aspect of identity aimed at the further life perspective performs existential and targeted functions.

It is important to take into account that a sign of psychological maturity is not just the presence of aspiration in (the future, but some optimal relationship between focus to the future and acceptance, satisfaction with the present.
The prevalence in self-describing verb forms, describing actions or experiences in the past time, indicates the presence of the presence in this dissatisfaction, the desire to return to the past by virtue of its greater attractiveness or trauma (when psychological trauma Not recycled).

The dominance in self-describing the verb forms of the future time speaks of self-satisfaction, the desire of a person to escape from the difficulties of the present moment due to insufficient implementations in the present.

The predominance in the self-describing verbs of the present time indicates the activity and consciousness of human actions.
For consulting on marriage and family, the most importantly, as reflected in the identification characteristics of the family and marital relations, as present and future family roles are presented, as they are evaluated by the person themselves.

So, one of the main signs of psychological readiness for marriage is the reflection in self-describing future family roles and functions: "I am a future mother," "I will be a good father," "I dream of my family," "I will do everything for my family" and t. d.

The sign of the same family and marital disadvantage is the situation when married man Or a married woman in self-describing in no way designate their real family, marriage roles and functions.

What does the analysis of the ratio of social roles and individual characteristics in identity?

The question "Who am I?" It is logically connected with the characteristics of his own perception by the person himself, that is, with his way "I" (or I-concept). Answering the question "Who am I?", A person indicates the social roles and characteristics of the definitions with which he relates to, identifies, that is, it describes the social statuses meaningful for him and those features that, in his opinion, are associated with him.

In this way, social role ratio and individual characteristics Speaks about how a person is aware and takes its uniqueness, as well as how important it is important to this or that group of people.

Lack of self-image individual characteristics(indicators of reflexive, communicative, physical, material, active identities) when specifying a multitude of social roles ("Student", "Palestor", "voter", "family member", "Russian") can talk about insufficient self-confidence, about The person has concerns in connection with self-discharge, a pronounced tendency to self-defense.

Lack of social roles in the presence of individual characteristics It can speak about the presence of pronounced individuality and difficulties in the execution of rules that proceed from certain social roles.
Also, the lack of social roles in the identification characteristics is possible in the identity crisis or identity infantality.

The ratio of social roles and individual characteristics is the question of the relationship between social and personal identities. At the same time, under personal identity, a set of characteristics, which makes a person similar to itself and different from others, social identity is interpreted in terms of group membership, belonging to a greater or smaller group of people.

Social identity prevails in the case when a person has a high level of definiteness of the scheme "We - Other" and a low level of definiteness of the scheme "I - we". Personal identity prevails in people with a high level of definiteness of the scheme "I - Others" and a low level of definiteness of the scheme "We are others".

Successful establishment and maintenance of partnership relations is possible by a person who has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits social roles and hosting individual characteristics. Therefore, one of the tasks of marital counseling is to assist the client in the awareness and adoption of the peculiarities of their social and personal identities.

What does the analysis presented in the identity of the spheres of life?

Conditionally, the six main spheres of life can be distinguished, which can be presented in identification characteristics:

1. Family (related, parental and marital relations, relevant roles);
2. work (business relationships, professional roles);
3. Study (the need and need to obtain new knowledge, the ability to change);
4. Leisure (time structuring, resources, interests);
5. The sphere of intimate personal relationships (friendly and love relationships);
6. Rest (resources, health).

All identification characteristics can be distributed across the proposed areas. After that, correlate the complaints presented by the Client, the formulation of its request with the distribution of identity characteristics by the seferences: make a conclusion as to how the sphere corresponding to the complaint in self-describing is evaluated by these characteristics.

It is believed that the characteristics of themselves, which a person records at the beginning of his list, is most actualized in his consciousness, are more conscious and significant for the entity.
The inconsistency of the topic of complaints and the request for the sphere, which is presented more convex and is problematic in self-describing, indicates not enough deep self-impact from the client or that the client did not immediately decide to tell about what he really worries.

What gives an analysis of physical identity?

Physical identity Includes a description of its physical data, including a description of appearance, painful manifestations, addictions in food, bad habits.

The designation of its physical identity is directly related to the expansion of the boundaries of the real-to-knowing inner world, since the boundaries between "I" and "Na-I" initially take place on the physical borders of its own body. It is the awareness of its body that is a leading factor in the human self-awareness system. The expansion and enrichment of the "image" in the process of personal development is closely related to the reflection of its own emotional experiences and bodily sensations.

What gives an analysis of active identity?

Active identity Also gives important information about a person and includes the designation of classes, hobbies, as well as self-assessment of abilities to activities, self-esteem of skills, skills, knowledge, achievements. Identification of his "active I" is connected with the ability to focus on herself, restraint, influence of actions, as well as with diplomacy, the ability to work with its own alarm, voltage, maintain emotional stabilityThat is, it is a reflection of the combination of emotional-volitional and communicative abilities, features of available interactions.

What does the analysis of the psycholinguistic aspect of identity?

An analysis of the psycholinguistic aspect of identity includes the definition of which parts of speech and what a meaningful aspect of self-identification are dominant in human self-describing.


The predominance in self-describing nouns is talking about the need of a person in certainty, constancy;
. The disadvantage or lack of nouns - about the insufficient responsibility of a person.


The predominance in self-describing adjectives indicates the demonstration, human emotionality;
. The disadvantage or absence of adjectives - about the weak differentiation of human identity.


The prevalence in the self-describing verbs (especially when describing the spheres of activity, interests) is talking about the activity, independence of man; The disadvantage or absence in the self-describing verbs - about insufficient self-confidence, the underestimation of its effectiveness.

Most often, nouns and adjectives are used in self-describing.

Harmonious type Linguistic self-describing is characterized by the use of approximately equal number of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Under valence Identity It is understood as the prevailing emotional-evaluation tone of identification characteristics in human self-describing (this assessment is carried out by the specialist himself).

The difference in the general sign of the emotional-estimated tone of identification characteristics determines the various types of identity valence:

Negative - generally negative categories in describing their own identity, the disadvantages are described more, identification problems ("ugly", "irritable", "I don't know what to say about yourself");
. Neutral - there is no equilibrium between positive and negative self-identifications, or no emotional tone is pronounced in human self-describing (for example, there is a formal listed role: "Son", "Student", "Athlete", etc.);
. Positive - positive identification characteristics prevail over negative ("funny", "kind", "smart");
. Heavy - manifests itself or in the practical absence of negative self-identifications, or in responses to the question "Who am I?" The characteristics presented in an excellent degree prevail ("I'm better than all", "I am super", etc.).

Availability positive valence It may act as a sign of an adaptive state of identity, as it is associated with perseverance in achieving the goal, accuracy, responsibility, business orientation, social courage, activity, self-confidence.

The remaining three types of valence characterize the non-adaptive state of identity. They are associated with impulsiveness, impermanence, anxiety, depressiveness, vulnerability, uncertainty in their forces, restraint, timidity.

The psycholinguistic analysis data conducted by a specialist is compared with the results of the customer's self-examination.

It is possible to conditionally find compliance between the sign of the emotional and estimated tone of the identification characteristics and the type of self-assessment of identity, which suggests that the technique "Who am I?" A person uses the criteria for the emotional assessment of personal characteristics typical of other people (for example, the Quality "kind" is estimated as "+"). This compliance is a good prognostic person's ability to adequately understand other people.

The presence of discrepancies between the sign of the emotional and estimated tone of the identification characteristics and the type of self-assessment of the identity (for example, the quality of "kind" is estimated by a person, as "-") can talk about the existence of a special system of emotional assessment of personal characteristics, which prevents contact and mutual understanding with other People.

Compliance of species of valence and self-esteem

How to estimate the level of identity differentiation?

As a quantitative estimate of the level of identification of identity, a number reflects the total number of identity indicators that a person used during self-identification.

The number of indicators used varies from different people most often ranging from 1 to 14.

High level of differentiation (9-14 indicators) is associated with such personality features as sociability, self-confidence, orientation on their inner world, a high level of social competence and self-control.

Low differentiation (1-3 indicators) talks about the identity crisis, is associated with such personal features as closedness, anxiety, insecurity, difficulties in controlling themselves.

Identity Analysis Scale

Includes 24 indicators, which, uniting, form seven generalized identity components:

I. "Social I" Includes 7 indicators:

1. Direct gender designation (young man, girl; woman);
2. sexual role (lover, mistress; Don Juan, Amazon);
3. Educational and professional role-playing position (student, study at the institute, doctor, specialist);
4. Family affiliation, manifested through the designation of the family role (daughter, son, brother, wife, etc.) or through an indication of related relations (I love your relatives, I have many relatives);
5. Ethnic-regional identity includes ethnic identity, citizenship (Russian, Tatar, citizen, Russian, etc.) and local, local identity (from Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Sibiryachka, etc.);
6. Worldview identity: confessional, political affiliation (Christian, Muslim, believer);
7. Group Affiliation: Perception of yourself by a member of any group of people (collector, member of society).

II. "Communicative I" Includes 2 indicators:

1. Friendship or circle of friends, perception of yourself by a member of a group of friends (friend, I have a lot of friends);
2. Communication or subject of communication, features and assessment of interaction with people (I go to visit, I love to communicate with people; I know how to listen to people);

III. "Material I" implies various aspects:

Description of your property (I have an apartment, clothes, bike);
. evaluation of their security, attitude to material benefits (poor, rich, wealthy, love money);
. Attitude towards the external environment (I love the sea, I do not like bad weather).

IV. "Physical I" Includes such aspects:

Subjective description of their physical data, appearance (strong, pleasant, attractive);
. The actual description of their physical data, including a description of appearance, painful manifestations and location (blond, growth, weight, age, live in a hostel);
. France in food, bad habits.

V. "Active me" Estimated after 2 indicators:

1. Classes, activities, interests, hobbies (I like to solve problems); experience (was in Bulgaria);
2. Self-assessment of the ability to activities, self-assessment of skills, skills, knowledge, competence, achievements, (well swim, smart; operational, I know English).

Vi. "Perspective I" Includes 9 indicators:

1. Professional perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with a professional field (future driver, I will be a good teacher);
2. Family perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with family status (I will have children, future mother, etc.);
3. Group perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with group affiliation (I plan to enter the party, I want to become an athlete);
4. Communicative perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with friends, communication.
5. Material perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with the material sphere (I get inheritance, earn an apartment);
6. Physical perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams associated with psychophysical data (I will take care of your health, I want to be pumped out);
7. Activity perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to interests, hobbies, specific classes (I will read more) and the achievement of certain results (perfectly learn language);
8. Personal perspective: wishes, intentions, dreams related to personal features: personal qualities, behavior, etc. (I want to be more fun, calm);
9. Assessment of aspirations (I wish a lot like a person).

VII. "Reflective I" Includes 2 indicators:

1. Personal identity: personal qualities, character characteristics, description of the individual behavior style (kind, sincere, sociable, persistent, sometimes harmful, sometimes impatient, etc.), personal characteristics (nickname, horoscope, name, etc.); emotional attitude towards yourself (I am super, "cool");
2. Global, existential "I": statements that are global and who are not enough to show the differences of one person from another (intelligent man, my essence).

Two independent indicators:

1. Problem identity (I do not know - who I can not answer this question);
2. Situational condition: the experienced condition is currently (hungry, nervous, tired, in love, is distressed).


Test Kun. Test "Who am I?" (M.Kun, T.Makipartland; Modification T.V.Rumyantseva) / Rumyantseva T.V. Psychological Counseling: diagnosis of relationships in a pair - St. Petersburg., 2006. P.82-103.

Experimental study of the image "I" with the help of the dough M. Kuna and T. McPartlend "Who am I?"

The study was conducted on the basis of the university friendship of the peoples of the city of Moscow. The sample of a sociole-psychological study was 40 students of the medical faculty, of which 25 young men and 15 girls; average age At the time of study amounted to (20.13 ± 1.3) years. The purpose of this study is to conduct a psychosemantic analysis. an important component The image of the world is the "image of I" of students as representatives of modern youth in the test "20 statements" M. Kuna and T. McPartlend ("Who am I?").

Young people are a relative concept, in this category are high school students facing their future selection. professional activity, students defined in this choice, and working young people, mostly absentee learning students. It was during these age periods of socialization that there is a sustainable formation of a person as a carrier of certain norms and values \u200b\u200bof society, a self-awareness of the personality is developing, a conscious presentation of its place in life and in the world as a whole. A man independently begins to solve vital issues. In connection with the change in the values \u200b\u200bof young people, their lifestyle, unlike past generations, it can be assumed that modern youth looks at the world, in its place in it and their attitude to life is distinguished by their new, fresh look.

Directions in the study of the image of the world are determined by the study of its structural elements: cognitive (meaningful), emotional-affective and behavioral. Test "Who am I?" Kuna and McPartlend relates to a group of psychodiagnostic methods for studying the cognitive component of the image of the world. The technique allows you to identify the ethnonym (self-confusion) as an indicator of ethnic identity in a number of other identities: sexual, family, professional, personal, etc., and thereby identify the degree of relevance of ethnic knowledge about himself.

The study of the image I was carried out according to the method "Who am I?". Students were offered the following instruction. "Please, 20 different answers to the question" Who I ", addressed to myself. Write the first thing that will come to mind in response to this question, not worrying about logic, grammar or sequence of answers. Work fast enough, working time is limited. " The time of work is 12 minutes, but it was not reported to students about it.

The study of modalities of the I-Concept was carried out according to the method "Test differences between the ideal and real" I "Batler-Heyga. The test includes 50 alternatives-characteristics of the image. In a specific sequence, students should evaluate in points from 1 to 5 proposed characteristics.

At the first stage, estimation occurs, taking into account what students see themselves; On the second - what they would like to see themselves. At the third stage, students determine the degree of difference between their real and ideal Ya.

In the study of the characteristics of the I-image, various aspects of self-stations were studied: the degree of reflexivity (a tendency to self-knowledge), category, maturity index (IP).

The degree of reflexivity is determined by the number of answers, the data to the question "Who am I?" in 12 minutes. The average reflectivity of the young men is 19.46, and the girls - 19,76. A categorical analysis shows that the most common form of answers was "I -...". Often, "I -..." was omitted and the answers were just one or a few words ("Girl", "Student", "Man", etc.).

The processing of answers was carried out by the content analysis method. All the answers were attributed to one of two categories: an objective or subjective mention.

These meaningful categories distinguished, on the one hand, attributing themselves to the group or class, whose borders and membership conditions know everything, i.e. Conventional, objective mention, and on the other hand, characteristics of themselves, which are associated with groups, classes, features, states or any other moments, which for their clarification or require the instructions of the student himself, or for this it is necessary to correlate it with other people, t. e. Subjective mention.

Examples of the first category are such characteristics of themselves as "student", "Girl", "Husband", "Daughter", "Warrior", "Athlete", i.e. Approvals related to objectively specific statuses and classes.

Examples of subjective categories are such as "happy", "very good student", "responsible", "good wife", "interesting", "uncertain in yourself", "affectionate", etc.

The ratio of objective and subjective characteristics reflects an individual "locus point" - the number of objective characteristics specified by this respondent when working with the test "Who am I?". The locus score of young men and girls is respectively (7.4 ± 5.0) and (7.2 ± 5.6).

The maturity index (IP) is equal to the attitude of all positive estimated (subjective) responses to all the estimated responses found in the self-describing subject. It is known that usually the maturity index is subject to the rule of "golden section": 66% of positive answers, 34% are negative. The advantage of appraisal answers in one direction or another testifies to a positive or negative self-confidence.

IP in young men is (77.4 ± 19.5), girls - (80.8 ± 22,1). Higher values \u200b\u200bof this indicator in girls find their confirmation in the relative predominance of its positive level (p\u003e 0.05). The peculiarities of virgin virgins can be attributed to higher values \u200b\u200bof its negative level.

When analyzing the discrepancies of "I-Real" and "I-ideal", we used the following aspects of differences: a general indicator of discrepancies (average value in points and lack of difference in%) and evaluating a separate approval (maximum discrepancy and "conflict" discrepancy in%) .

The overall discrepancy rate (ODA) is equal to the total difference of estimating I-real and I-ideal 50 statements. In the absence of difference, the overall discrepancy rate is 0. The maximum discrepancy in the assessment of a separate statement is 4 points. "Conflict" discrepancy - the presence of one student of the above indicator both when evaluating i-real and i-ideal, i.e. The structure of both modalities in this case consists of opposite qualities (constructs).

Analysis of the general difference indicator indicates, first of all, on low average values, if we consider that the maximum discrepancy can reach 200 points from each student. At the same time, the range of differences in the young men is from 0 to 88 points, girls from 0 to 77 points.

Gender analysis indicates a lower average of the ODA value in the young men (p\u003e 0.05). At the same time, they are more than three times less often there is a lack of difference (p<0,01).

Analysis of the assessments of individual assertions shows that the young men in 4 points is 2.4 times more often determined (p<0,05) и чаще встречается «конфликтное» расхождение (р>0,05).

The data of the study of self-reporters and discrepancies between I-real m-ideal are presented in Table 1 and 2.

Table 1

table 2

Analysis of various aspects of the self-stations of medical students, first of all, indicates the high values \u200b\u200bof their reflexiveness - self-conceived activity. This confirms the ideas of Erikson about the crisis of identity (feelings of stable ownership of their own I) in youthful.

At the successful passage of this period, low location points indicate (most of the students' responses are subjective - estimated - character).

According to social science, people organize and direct their behavior in accordance with their subjectively defined personal qualities, and not the role characteristics of the objective social statuses occupied by them. High values \u200b\u200bof a positive level of differential (p<0,05) в сочетании с преобладающим субъективным характером самопредставлений указывают на успешный характер психосоциальной адаптации студентов в период возрастного кризиса.

The results of the study will be presenting in the form of diagrams.

Chart 1.

Aspects of self-study of medical students

Analysis of gender differences I-image revealed a higher reflexivity of girls. This is confirmed not only by the indicator of the degree of reflexivity, but also by the level of differentiation. It can be hypothetically to testify to the less successful overcoming the identity of the young man.

The results of the study of I-image is consistent with the previously obtained data of student coping behavior. As factors contributing to the selection of the most constructive basic strategies of consolation and individual coping-styles, we can consider the high self-knowledge activity of students and the positive level of differentiation.

Chart 2.

Diffuses between "I-Real" and "I-ideal"

When analyzing the discrepancies between I-real and I, ideal, it is necessary to take into account modern scientific views on this problem.

In the Western European literature, the problem of discrepancy (disparity) I-real and I-ideal is investigated in the direction of a psychoanalytic theory, cognitive and humanistic psychology. In each of them, the essence and value of this discrepancy is understood in different ways.

In psychoanalytic theories, the development of super-π is the highest instance in the structure of mental life, which performs the role of internal censor. 3. Freud and A. Freud believed that over-I and I ideal is the same thing. Its formation is the necessary stage of personality development. At the same time, an excessive strong discrepancy, and above-I become the cause of personal conflicts.

The development of I-real and I-ideal is considered in modern psychoanalytic theory. According to this point of view, the development of I-ideal represents the interiorization of the external, primarily parental, ideals. Representatives of cognitive psychology express the opinion that the mandatory divergence of I-real and I-ideal accompanies the normal development of a person. As you grow up to a person, more and more requirements are presented. In a highly developed personality, these requirements become internal, and this leads to the fact that it will see more differences between I-ideal and I-real.

In addition, a highly developed personality implies a high degree of cognitive differentiation, i.e. Such a person is inclined to find a lot of thin nuances in his concept. High differentiation leads to the emergence of a significant discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal. The research conducted by representatives shows that people who have higher social maturity rates have more significant discrepancy rates between I-real and I-ideal.

As opposed to psychoanalytic and cognitive approaches in which the discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal is considered as a normal phenomenon, representatives of humanistic psychology emphasized his negative character. According to K. Rogers, the congruence of these structures correlates with a positive I concept, which strengthens the possibility of a person's social adaptation, and vice versa.

Thus, there are various approaches to understanding the role of this aspect of the I-concept in the social adaptation of the individual.

V.V. Stolin claims that the attitude of a person to himself is heterogeneous. It allocates at least acceptance of themselves (autosimpacy) and self-esteem. The discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal, apparently, is the basis for the development of a person's self-esteem, which is one of the elements of human attitude towards himself.

Respect or disrespect - this is most likely a later education of attitude towards himself. Apparently, the child in the early years develops themselves, which is the interiorization of the parental relationship. This aspect of attitude towards himself is unconditional.

The discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal emphasizes how closely or far a person approached his ideal. So the conditional nature of this aspect of attitude towards himself is found. It reflects the degree of critical human attitude towards himself.

The discrepancy between I-real and I ideal as it is asks for the direction of human self-improvement. But this discrepancy should not be too large: the ideals should be achievable, real, but also a person should not underestimate their capabilities.

Apparently, there is some reason for the differences of I-real and I-ideal, in other words, the norm to the degree of criticality to itself:

1) overly small discrepancy between these structures indicates non-formation of a critical attitude to itself, which indicates the immaturity of the human concept;

2) A very large discrepancy, apparently, indicates excessive self-criticality, which can lead to difficulties in human social adaptation.

This analysis finds its confirmation in the results of the study of the I-image and self-esteem of students of Moscow State University. The dominance of the positive level of maturity and high level of self-esteem corresponds to the low average values \u200b\u200bof the ODA. Perhaps this discrepancy between I-real and I is ideal and is "optimal", in which ideals should be achievable, real, but also a person should not be underestimated by their capabilities.

The lack of difference means almost complete identification of I-real with I-ideal. This congruence of these structures may be an expression of a positive I-concept, which strengthens the possibility of a person's social adaptation, and vice versa. On the other hand, the lack of discrepancies can reflect the low degree of critical attitude of a person to himself.

The presence of students of the maximum and "conflicting" discrepancies may be an indicator of increased problem loading and a sign of insufficient psychosocial adaptation. Gender differences between young men and girls on the "lack of difference", the maximum and "conflict" discrepancies are also consistent with the results of the study of I-image and self-esteem. Girls identified: higher reflexiveness (desire for self-knowledge), evaluation character of self-describing, higher maturity index and average self-esteem.

High values \u200b\u200bof a positive level of differential (p<0,05) в сочетании с преобладающим субъективным характером самопредставлений указывают на успешный характер психосоциальной адаптации студентов в период возрастного кризиса. Анализ гендерных различий Я-образа выявил более высокую рефлексивность у девушек, что подтверждается не только показателем степени рефлексивности, но и уровнем самоприятия. Это может свидетельствовать о менее успешном преодолении кризиса идентичности юношами.

We identified the discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal students may be "optimal", in which actually achievable ideals are combined with an adequate assessment of their capabilities. This pattern is more characteristic of girls. Students with a maximum and "conflict" discrepancy between I-real and I-ideal need psychological consulting.

The results of a sociological research can be used in the work of psychological and social services, when developing a program for the prevention of various forms of socio-psychological disadaptation, as well as in the content of psychological and pedagogical training of students of this university.

1) Author, are you a fascist? What kind of stupid questions about the eyes, nose, hair? What, really a girl with karium or yellow eyes can not be beautiful? Is the Asian or Georgian or a black woman can not be beautiful? And the blue-eyed blonde can not have repulsive appearance? The Romans had a big nose with a porridge, but did they generally be called ugly, with the exception of some? And where did you get that smoky nose is ugly? What are cute girls with a smoky nose! How tired of these stupid questions in tests! There is only a question about skin color, and finally, the nation set! I do not know which author of the nation, but the tact, and therefore the mind, he is definitely not enough. Such questions can be very offended.
2) lips. This is only part of the face. It's not a fact that full-cutting will be straightfish, and thin lips spoil everything. And at all you should not live standards. This is all nonsense some. Each beauty has an individual, unique, and drive themselves under the scope is at least stupid. Sometimes our beauty can generally be incomprehensible to others. We must appreciate yourself as you are. Did you never know what a fool can go past you, who didn't like your hat and get rid of this, and what to hang around? And the main beauty is it inside, not outside.
I am generally surprised that there is no question about the figure.
3) Hairstyle, hair length as a whole does not affect beauty. Just like the style of clothing, I was not looking masked, what auxoiars did not put on it, it would not change you in general, and you do not need to deceive yourself. Clothing, any style can be beautiful, and in any clothes, with any robbing, make-up, a hairstyle girl can look like a cow, if all this is selected as it fell or she just does not go.
4) How can a favorite color can affect beauty? I mean congenital beauty, not all this fashion, today one is fashionable, tomorrow is different. Well, okay, as a favorite color can influence the girl, like a cow or not, in general, can she get dressed? Whatever your favorite color is, there will always be people who do not have an artistic taste and no fashion will help them because they will not even be able to distinguish that they are from this fashionable or not coming, but what is generally a complete beamless and The fruit of the sick brain of the grief designer, and there are those who in the gloomy black may look stunning or even successfully combine the frostable peas and the cage, "poisonous" colors.
5) Well, finally the result. How can all this affect the character of a person, will he betray you or do not betray you? There are beautiful bitchs, there are terrible bitch, there are very beautiful unsure the complex girls who in the society of two words can not be expanded, because too much attention is paid to such nonsense and in general she is not lucky in life, with her parents and she is expensive. Well, if the company can appreciate you only for appearance and fashionable clothes, so it is worth working with it at all? Why do you need friends who are throwing you at a difficult moment, because more how to dissolve gossip and they are not able to cry at anything? Are you sure that they do not gossip you about your eyes?
In general, I do not put anything. I do not understand why people put good grades.

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