
Cosmonaut lazarev biography. Forgotten hero: an Altai cosmonaut who miraculously survived after inhuman overload. Barnaul is not proud of him

Lazarev Vasily Grigorievich - commander of the Soyuz-12 spacecraft, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR No. 26 and 64th world cosmonaut, colonel.

Born on February 23, 1928 in the village of Poroshino, Kytmanovsky District, Altai Territory in a peasant family Russian. In 1946 he graduated from high school. In 1951 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute with a degree in Surgery. In 1952 he graduated from one course of the military medical faculty of the Saratov Medical Institute. In 1954 he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of Pilots on an accelerated program.

From August 15, 1952 he served as a specialist doctor of the 336th separate battalion of aerodrome technical support of the air regiment of the 30th Air Army. From October 27, 1952, he served as the head of the infirmary - a specialist doctor of the 343rd separate battalion of airfield technical support of the air regiment of the 30th Air Army. From December 14, 1954, he served as an instructor pilot of the 810th training aviation regiment of the Chuguev Military Aviation Pilot School. From January 25, 1956, he served as a test pilot in the aircraft test department of the Air Force Research Institute. He was a member of the backup crew of the Volga stratospheric balloon on November 1, 1962, when the test paratroopers P.I. and Andreev E.N. made the first in world history jump from the stratosphere, from a height of 25600 meters.

In April 1964, he underwent a medical examination as a candidate for the cosmonaut corps and was admitted to special training. On May 29, 1964, by order of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief, he was enrolled in the group for preparation for flight on the Voskhod spacecraft. From June 1 to September 1964 he was training for a flight to the Voskhod spacecraft as part of a group. During the launch of the Voskhod spacecraft on October 12, 1964, he was the second backup for the crew doctor. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of January 17, 1966, he was assigned to the post of cosmonaut of the 2nd detachment. In 1966-1967 he was trained under the Spiral program as part of a group of cosmonauts. In 1967-1969 he was trained under the Almaz program as part of a group of cosmonauts. From January to May 1970 he was trained as the commander of the third crew of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft under the long-term flight program. From September 1970 to July 1971, he underwent flight training as a Soyuz crew commander under the Contact program. From October 10, 1971 to July 1972, he was trained as the commander of the second (backup) crew for a flight at an orbital station. From August to September 1972 he passed direct training for an autonomous test flight on a modified Soyuz spacecraft as commander of the second (backup) crew. From October 25, 1972 to April 10, 1973, he underwent direct training as the commander of the second (backup) crew for a flight on the Salyut orbital station. From July to September 1973, he underwent direct training for an autonomous test flight of the modified Soyuz spacecraft as commander of the prime crew.

From September 27 to September 29, 1973, as the commander of the Soyuz-12 spacecraft, Lieutenant Colonel V.G. Lazarev. together with flight engineer O.G. Makarov carried out its first flight into space. In flight, the first test in manned mode of the modified Soyuz spacecraft and the new Sokol rescue spacesuits was carried out. The flight duration was 1 day 23 hours 15 minutes 32 seconds.

Haveby the kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 2, 1973 for courage and heroism shown during a space flight, to Colonel Lazarev Vasily Grigorievich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 10737).

From December 10, 1973 to March 1975, he was trained as the commander of the prime crew under the program of the second expedition to the Salyut-4 orbital station.

Secondary colonel Lazarev V.G. together with O.G. Makarov launched into space on April 5, 1975 on the Soyuz-18/1 spacecraft. Due to the accident of the launch vehicle during the separation of the second stage, the spacecraft did not go into orbit. Descending on a ballistic trajectory, the astronauts experienced overloads with a force of 18g. The descent vehicle with the crew landed on the slope of one of the mountains of the Altai region. The evacuation of the crew was carried out only the next day.

March 30, 1976 Lazarev V.G. was appointed commander of a group of orbital ships and stations. He headed the CTC commission for the selection of cosmonauts from socialist countries, led a delegation of Soviet specialists who traveled to conduct the last stage of the selection of cosmonauts in socialist countries. Supervised the training of international crews. Since January 25, 1982, he was the commander of a group of astronauts-researchers. On November 27, 1985 he was dismissed from the Armed Forces to the reserve and expelled from the cosmonaut corps due to illness.

He died on December 31, 1990 in an accident. He was buried in the cemetery of the Leonikha village of the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.

Colonel (01.10.1973). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (02.10.1973). Cosmonaut 3rd class (02.10.1973).

He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (2.10.1973 and 04.1975), medals.

Honorary Citizen of the cities of Dzhezkazgan, Karaganda (Kazakhstan), Kaluga, Barnaul, Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Leninsk, Pechora.

The writing:
Moments of a Life (1974)
Runway (1989)
Spacecraft tester (1976) - (co-authored with M.F. Rebrov).

Born in the village. Poroshino (Kytmanovsky district of Altai Territory). In 1952 V.G. Lazarev graduated from the military medical faculty of the Saratov Medical Institute, worked as a military doctor. In 1954, he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation School of Pilots, served in the Air Force as an instructor, test pilot, senior test pilot-doctor.

In 1966-1985. V.G. Lazarev is in the cosmonaut corps. He was a backup for the crew commander in preparation for the flight of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft. September 27-29, 1973 together with O.G. Makarov flew on the Soyuz-12 spacecraft as a crew commander. V.G. Lazarev - cosmonaut-26. On April 15, 1975, he started a second time together with O.G. Makarov on the Soyuz-18-1 spacecraft, but due to the deviation of the parameters of the carrier rocket, the mission was terminated. Before entering the reserve (1985) V.G. Lazarev - group commander, cosmonaut instructor at the Cosmonaut Training Center. After 1973 I visited Altai several times.

A native of the Altai Territory, Vasily Lazarev flew into space twice. His second flight ended in tragic failure: Lazarev and the flight engineer Makarov made a hard landing near an abyss in Gorny Altai, nearly went blind, experienced cardiac arrest and hastily burned documents, as they thought they had landed abroad. The rescue team was hit by an avalanche. And the cosmonauts themselves were not awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union awards for that flight. All this was kept secret for many years. In the Altai Territory, only a street in a small village was named after Lazarev.

How many cosmonauts were born in Altai? This is a question for filling in for the anniversary of the region. My little research showed that people of the older generation name two: German Titov and Vasily Lazarev. The name of the second, however, is not always, but at least they remember that there are two. Young people know something about Titov, they have not heard about Lazarev at all, so much his personality is not in sight and not heard. Probably, only in the local history museum you can learn something about him.

Barnaul is not proud of him?

One friend, answering my question about the astronauts, referred to the gallery "They are proud of Barnaul" on the Sovetov Square. Say, there is only the cosmonaut Titov, which means there is one. And if not one, why is Barnaul proud only of him?

Apparently, the gallery was left over from the Years of Culture (2014), Literature (2015) and Cinema (2016). As for Herman Titov, these years are just round dates: 80 years from the date of his birth in 2015 and 55 years of space flight in 2016. This probably explains why the cosmonaut heads a large detachment of literary and cinematographers from Altai.

German Titov flew into space in the 60s, Vasily Lazarev - in the 70s of the last century. Titov from the first, Lazarev from the second, but no less heroic squad of cosmonauts. Back then, flying had not yet become as commonplace as it is now.

The second - failed - Lazarev's flight was classified for a long time. As journalists later wrote, "the flight of this spacecraft is one of the most dramatic pages of the national cosmonautics, and its crew had to endure something that no one else got."

Whatever it was, we remember one cosmonaut, but forgot about the second. It's not about the gallery. The city and the region should know their heroes, be proud of them. And the gallery on the Sovetov Square is, of course, not the only source of this knowledge. And this gallery does not exhaust the number of people we can be proud of. By the way, the gallery is not a dozen years old, and most likely the portrait of Vasily Lazarev was there at one time, after his first flight.

Boris Bryazgin

Titov vs Lazarev

It is clear that Titov had a stronger connection with his native places. He graduated from high school in Nalobikha, his father Stepan Pavlovich worked at a local school, was an honored teacher of the RSFSR, and his name bears the governor's prize for rural teachers. Lazarev left his native place, apparently during his school years.

But we are proud of the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky (his portrait is in the gallery), who was born in Altai, in Kosikha, in 1932, and since 1934 has already lived with his parents in Omsk. This short period is enough for our memory and pride. The Christmas Readings is a great example of our ability to maintain memory and pass it on to other generations. Or we are proud of Mikhail Kalashnikov, who also left our area at school age.

It is a pity that Vasily Lazarev "fell out of the nest." Let us recall our compatriot, at least briefly telling about his life, which contained extraordinary events.

Picture by Y. Skripkov. “Star sons of Altai. Cosmonauts German Titov and Vasily Lazarev "


Medical pilot or flying doctor?

Vasily Lazarev was born on February 23, 1928 in the village of Poroshino, Kytmanovsky district. In Sverdlovsk, where the family moved, he graduated from high school and a medical institute with a degree in surgery, then one course at the military medical faculty of the Saratov Medical Institute. He worked as a military medic. But once he decided on a sharp "turn" - he entered the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School, received the qualification of a fighter pilot.

V. Lazarev's track record reflected the organic combination of these professional aspects: 1962 - senior test pilot, doctor of the 10th department of the 1st Directorate of the State Research Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine; 1964 - senior researcher, doctor-pilot of the 10th department of the 2nd Directorate of the same institute.

Vasily Grigorievich took part in test flights on the SS-Volga stratosphere as a strato-pilot. He dealt with the problems of the influence of various factors of atmospheric, stratospheric and space flights on the human body, participated in the development of training methods for adaptation to weightlessness.

Lazarev was among the first volunteers in the cosmonaut corps, passed a medical examination together with Yuri Gagarin and German Titov (this is where fellow countrymen met, later they will collaborate on another project), but did not overcome this barrier. However, he stubbornly continued to prepare, and on January 17, 1966, he was enrolled in the 2nd detachment of the Cosmonaut Training Center (CTC).

In the same year, the CTC formed a group to prepare for a flight on the "product-50" - this is how the orbital plane (OS) was encrypted under the Spiral aerospace program. The group included five pilots with good flight training, including cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov and Vasily Lazarev, who had not yet flown. For space flights on the OS "Spiral", the qualifications of a test pilot were required, therefore all members of the group were sent to the 8th State Scientific Testing Institute of the Air Force named after V.I. V. Chkalov (Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region) for retraining and for test flights on aircraft of various types. V. Lazarev added the experience of a test pilot to the qualifications of a fighter pilot. In his asset training for several programs, including in the framework of the manned Soviet "lunar project". It was then that flight engineer Oleg Makarov became his partner, an excellent crew was formed, and they began to prepare for the flight to the Salyut-2 station, but the plans changed.

Cosmonauts Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov in Sokol K spacesuits at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The first flight

On September 27, 1973, Vasily Lazarev headed the crew of the Soyuz-12 spacecraft, which successfully launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The purpose of the flight was to test a modified Soyuz transport spacecraft and Sokol spacesuits designed to rescue the crew in case of emergency depressurization (the flight of the previous Soyuz ended in a descent capsule depressurization and the death of three cosmonauts, who were dressed in ordinary flight suits). The flight of Soyuz-12 lasted one day 23 hours 15 minutes 32 seconds and ended safely.

After landing, Lazarev and Makarov joked that the third crew member, Comrade Sukhov, was with them. Starting from this flight, the crews of all Soviet and Russian spaceships before the launch watch the feature film "White Sun of the Desert". This is where the origin of the unfading tradition lies.

After the flight, Vasily Lazarev came to Altai, visited his native village.

Second flight. He is undershot

Soyuz-18 with Lazarev and Makarov was launched on April 5, 1975. Everything went according to the program. At the 261st second of the flight, the second stage was supposed to separate, but instead, the rocket began to swing, as on a giant swing, which gradually increased the amplitude. A few seconds later, an alarm went off in the cockpit and a red light flashed with the words "Launch Vehicle Accident". The carrier did not reach the calculated orbit, refused. The emergency system worked, firing off the descent vehicle. It happened at an altitude of just under 200 kilometers, that is, de facto already in space. An accident at such an altitude leads to the most difficult descent, which is inevitably accompanied by overloads, dangerous for the life of the crew.

The emergency descent took place in an uncontrolled mode. The lander fell almost from space. Overloads of 20 g * fell on the crew. This means that the astronaut's body weight increased 20 times. What magnitude the severity reached at its peak is not known exactly. Vasily Lazarev told reporters much later that experts, analyzing telemetry, noted that for a few seconds it had grown to an incredible 26 g.

At this moment, the cosmonauts lost sight, cardiac arrest was recorded. They came to their senses when the parachute system worked. The flight engineer was saying something to the commander of the ship, but Lazarev did not hear - his hearing was also temporarily disabled.

They survived the heavy overload. This has not happened in the history of world cosmonautics either before or after their flight.

The crew tried to contact the Mission Control Center to find out where the descent vehicle would land. But the connection turned out to be one-way: the MCC heard them, they did not. Therefore, the astronauts had no idea where they would set foot on the earth. Before the Soyuz-18 flight, it was predicted, depending on the scale of a possible accident, two landing options - the Altai Mountains, China, and in the worst case scenario - a splashdown into the Pacific Ocean (for this case, the cosmonauts trained in the Black Sea).

It took four minutes to climb. Together with landing, the entire flight lasted less than 22 minutes. This was the end of the space part of the crew's adventures. The earthly began.

V. Lazarev (right).

Hard landing on Teremok-3

To say that they were fantastically lucky with the landing is to say nothing. The descent vehicle reached the ground in an inaccessible area at an altitude of about 1200 meters in Gorny Altai, then it was an autonomous region within the Altai Territory. Here is the bitter irony of fate for Lazarev: in such an extreme way to get to his historical homeland.

When they got out into the light of day, they found that the descent vehicle was standing on a mountainside, 150 meters from the abyss and did not roll down just because the parachute got entangled in the treetops. It was not only his huge dome that saved the astronauts from certain death, but also the advice of rescuers: in which case, first look around, and then shoot the parachute. Although, according to the instructions, the crew should have shot him immediately after landing.

We flew from spring, flew into winter: there is snow in the mountains, temperature is -7C. Lazarev and Makarov began to settle down in the parking lot: they took off their spacesuits, changed into heat-protective suits and lit a fire on a piece of thermal protection that had broken away from the apparatus, warmed up by the fire. Lazarev, as the captain of the ship, according to the instructions, burned documents about some of the experiments that they were supposed to carry out in orbit. Feared they had landed in China.

A little later, the cosmonauts saw the plane and realized that they had been found. But when help will come, it is not known, given where they fell.

The first person to reach them was a geologist who disembarked from the helicopter of the geological party. The rescue squad, trying to climb the mountain to the astronauts, got caught in an avalanche, and had to be rescued - fortunately, there were no casualties. The next day, one of the military helicopters, which were not part of the official rescue team, managed, at their own risk and peril, to lift the astronauts and geologist from the slope of the mountain, which turned out to have a cute fabulous name - Teremok-3.

V. Lazarev (right).


How the heroes were met

The only message about the failed flight in the Soviet media appeared only on May 8 and was modestly posted on the internal pages of newspapers:

“… There was a deviation of the parameters of the launch vehicle movement from the calculated values, and the automatic device issued a command to terminate the further flight under the program and to separate the spacecraft for return to Earth. The descent vehicle made a soft landing southwest of the city of Gorno-Altaysk. The search and rescue service provided the delivery of the astronauts to the cosmodrome. The state of health of comrades V. G. Lazarev and O. G. Makarov is good. "

Only eight years later, they were allowed to write to the newspaper of the Ministry of Defense "Krasnaya Zvezda" about some details of the accident. Later, the Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Aksenov mentioned this flight in his book. About three years ago, the crew was devoted to the publication in the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty", in the project "Real Superheroes of the USSR".

Life after flight

The cosmonauts were marked for the flight according to the "cut down" version. According to the established order in the USSR, the second Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin were awarded for the second flight, but Lazarev and Makarov were awarded only the Orders of Lenin for their heroism during the suborbital flight **.

The dramatic flight had a strong influence on the further path of the heroes. For several years Vasily Lazarev successfully completed training in various space programs, in 1980 he was a backup for the commander of the Soyuz T-3 spacecraft. But at least one more flight never took place. In 1985, he was dismissed from the Armed Forces to the reserve and expelled from the cosmonaut corps due to health conditions. He died on December 31, 1990 at the age of 62. Oleg Makarov, who was five years younger, flew into orbit twice more, but after spending 20 years in clinics, passed away in 2003 without suffering a fourth heart attack.


V. Lazarev left his memories and reflections. He is the author of The Moments of a Life (1974), The Runway (1989), and co-author of The Spaceship Tester (1976).

His son became a pilot.

Vasily Grigorievich was an honorary citizen of the cities of Dzhezkazgan, Yekaterinburg, Kaluga, Karaganda, Leninsk (now Baikonur), Pechora. In Altai, only a street in his native village of Poroshino is named after him.

* Acceleration of free fall (acceleration of gravity) is the acceleration imparted to a body by gravity, excluding other forces from consideration. Free fall acceleration is numerically equal to the force of gravity acting on an object of unit mass. An ordinary person can withstand overloads up to 15 g for about 3-5 seconds without losing consciousness. Overloads of 20-30 g or more can be sustained by a person without loss of consciousness for no more than 1-2 seconds.
** Suborbital flight is the movement of a spacecraft along a ballistic trajectory, that is, along the trajectory of an artillery projectile, the spacecraft does not go into orbit around the Earth.

"They thought they were screaming - in fact, they were wheezing."

The dramatic flight of Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov on April 5, 1975 remained classified for a long time. Due to the crash of the launch vehicle, it became suborbital and lasted 21 minutes 27 seconds. The emergency rescue system was activated. The descent took place in an uncontrolled mode. Astronauts literally fell from a height of 192 kilometers from space ... G-forces reached from 21 to 26 g. At some point, Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov lost their eyesight, they had cardiac arrest.

Having landed in the Altai mountains, they almost fell into an abyss. Waiting for the evacuation group, we spent two nights by the fire in the cold.

The wife of flight engineer Oleg Makarov, Valentina Ivanovna, and pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Vladimir Dzhanibekov told MK about the fate of the cosmonauts, as well as what they had to endure on that flight.

The crew had to endure something that no one else got.

On April 5, 1975, an experienced crew started from the Baikonur cosmodrome to the Salyut-4 station. In 1973, the spacecraft commander Vasily Lazarev and flight engineer Oleg Makarov had already been in orbit as part of the Soyuz-12 expedition. They were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Vasily Lazarev is a former military doctor. After graduating from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School, he became a fighter pilot. As a strato-pilot he took part in test flights on the SS-Volga stratospheric balloon. And in 1966 he got into the second detachment of the Air Force Cosmonaut Training Center.

His wife, Valentina Ivanovna, told us about flight engineer Oleg Makarov:

Oleg was a very extraordinary person, with a specific mindset, a perfectionist, an excellent student, he had to do everything for one "five" for everything to be perfect. His father was a career soldier, he took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, and reached Berlin. He taught his son to be fair. Oleg had his own opinion on everything. He never backed down from his decision. Didn't do nasty things to anyone, never let down. He was very sarcastic, had a subtle humor.

He got into the design bureau, headed by Sergey Korolev, as a student at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. In the famous OKB-1, Oleg Makarov completed his diploma practice. After graduation, he came to work for Korolev.

Here I also met my future wife, Valentina Soldatova.

Oleg saw me somewhere at work, came and said: I'll marry you, - says Valentina Ivanovna. - I did not know him, and in general, he was not the hero of my novel, I liked completely different men. But he had a strong masculinity, he did real masculine deeds, and Oleg managed to win my heart. And he didn't care about the opinion of either mom or dad. He always made his own decisions. Any doubts were alien to him. He has already decided, and that's it. Just made it known; as he himself said, "you don't need to flap your wings."

Of course, it was not easy for me with him. Oleg was a tough man, very strict. He did not like any weakness, negligence, he often said: how can you not? ..

Did he manage to work with the chief designer of rocket and space technology, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev?

Korolev once said: young man, you have a very bad character, but that is why we will work with you together. Oleg was very principled: if he believed that he was right, he did not yield, he did not bow before the authority. In 1960, when we were already married, Korolev sent Oleg to lecture recruits from the first cosmonaut corps on rocketry and flight dynamics. The husband participated in the development of the first manned spacecraft. At that time, nothing was known about this, it was a terrible secret.

In 1966, Oleg Makarov, with the blessing of Korolev, got into the cosmonaut corps. Together with Alexei Leonov, he underwent training under the flight program to the Moon. But after the Americans landed on the moon in July 1969, the Soviet lunar program was curtailed. Oleg Makarov first entered space on Soyuz-12 with Lazarev, at the age of 40.

Before that, in 1971, the cosmonauts Vladislav Volkov, Georgy Dobrovolsky and Viktor Patsaev died on their return to Earth. The descent vehicle was depressurized. Was Oleg Grigorievich scared?

What kind of fear are you talking about? They were possessed people. They had no psychological barrier. Interesting work was the main thing in life for them. When preparing for flights, the husband, for example, was at home on weekends at best. All everyday problems fell on my shoulders. I remember many years later they somehow argued with an already grown-up son, and Lenya told his father: dad, I saw you for the first time when I was 14 years old. Of course, this was said with irony, but there was some truth in it. When one of the sons misbehaved, I had one argument: when dad comes, you yourself will tell him everything. It was worse than any flogging. And I must say that we have never physically punished children. Everyone loved each other very much.

- How did you know that the next flight, on April 5, 1975, on the Soyuz-18-1 spacecraft went abnormal?

I was at work. There was no signal. At the 261st second of the flight, the husband quietly said: "Accident." Then, as it seemed to them, they screamed, in fact - wheezed. What happened to them was terrible. Our youngest son Kostya was only one year old then.

At first, the overload went off scale for 10 g, then the terrible figure of 21.3 g and even 26 g appeared on the telemetry tape. Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov suffered from vision failure and cardiac arrest was recorded.

What is 20 g overload? If your heart weighs 50 grams, multiply this figure by 20. And it should drive blood, which has increased in its mass by 20 times, ”says cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov. - We were tested when the overload reached 12 units. I had the feeling that the lungs were torn away from the chest, the trachea was sticking to the spine. At the same time, they tried to say something, but one wheeze escaped. This, of course, is overloading. I heard that cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky once “walked” at 15-16 g. And, in general, he kept them.

- There is a known case when, during an overload of 15 g, one of the test pilots tore off a kidney ...

And this can be. A colossal weight is acquired. In this case, both vision loss and blood drainage are possible. In the ship, the chair is made a little differently, so the outflow of blood there is not so intense, but nevertheless. Vessels burst. I watched the result. If the astronaut did not take vitamins before the overloads, his back became all purple, as did his hands from the back, and legs ... Capillaries burst, and not only on the skin. Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov experienced something that no one has ever experienced. They were saved by the fact that the cosmonauts were exposed to such a monstrous overload for a short time, it lasted for several seconds, and then a decline began.

The cosmonauts came to their senses when the parachute system worked. Oleg Makarov turned to Vasily Lazarev, but he did not hear him. The ship's commander temporarily lost his hearing ... According to the navigation system, the ship was descending in the Altai region. There was a threat that the crew would land in China. The astronauts checked where the pistol was. And they prepared to burn the secret journal with the expedition program upon landing.

The landing took place on a snow-covered slope in the Altai Mountains. The descent vehicle, having touched the ground, rolled ... The cosmonauts did not manage to shoot the parachute - this saved them from death. The dome caught on the treetops and prevented the space shuttle from sliding into a half-kilometer abyss.

Vasily Lazarev and Oleg Makarov had to spend two nights by the fire in the cold before they were evacuated.

Then, in January 1978, you flew with Oleg Makarov in Soyuz-27. Did he remember that extreme flight? - we asked Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

Oleg was very tense inwardly. But he had a strong character, he was sharpened for his favorite work. And in general, he was a very interesting person.

- Have you made any changes since that emergency landing?

In case of such an accident, a descent control panel appeared. The astronauts could already take over control of the spacecraft and reduce the overload. The centrifuge was also modified for these modes.

“On that flight, Oleg took a small wooden dog with him. Then she was constantly in space with him, ”says Valentina Ivanovna.

Exhausting training and overloading in space undermined the health of the astronauts. In 1998, Oleg Makarov underwent heart surgery, then several more surgical interventions followed ... But the worn out cardiovascular system could no longer be restored. On May 28, 2003, the 71-year-old astronaut died of a heart failure. Even earlier, in 1990, Vasily Lazarev died.

- Oleg Grigorievich left no memories or diaries?

Our family had a directive: keep your head down. His work was separate, and our life together was separate, ”says Valentina Ivanovna. - For a long time, about forty years ago, he tried to write a book, and then abandoned it, saying: “Who needs it? Who will read it? " We lived at a time when the turner, who was sharpening the nut, knew that it would be bolted to the common state business. There was a community, and now - every man for himself.

(1990-12-31 ) (62 years old) A place of death: Autograph:

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Vasily Grigorievich Lazarev (February 23 ( 19280223 ) , Poroshino village, Kytmanovsky district, Altai Territory - December 31, Moscow) - Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (), colonel (from October 1, 1973).


Vasily Lazarev was born on February 23, 1928 in the village of Poroshino (now the Kytmanovsky district of the Altai Territory). Father - Grigory Lazarev, mother - Alexandra Andreevna Lazareva, stepfather - Ivan Grigorievich Tyumentsev.


After graduating from high school in 1951, he was drafted into the army. He graduated and then one course at the Saratov Medical Institute. For several years Vasily worked as a military doctor, and in 1954 he graduated from the Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in Chuguev, where he was qualified as a fighter pilot.

Military service

  • December 22, 1951 - awarded the military rank of "lieutenant of the medical service";
  • August 15, 1952 - awarded the rank of "Senior Lieutenant of the Medical Service";
  • from August 15, 1952 - medical specialist of the 336th separate battalion of aerodrome technical support of the air regiment of the 30th Air Army;
  • from October 27, 1952 - chief of the hospital, specialist doctor of the same battalion;
  • November 4, 1954 - awarded the military rank of "senior lieutenant";
  • from December 14, 1954 - pilot-instructor of the 810th training aviation regiment of the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation Pilot School (HVVAUL) in Chuguev;
  • from January 25, 1956 - test pilot of the 1st department of the 3rd department of the Aircraft Testing Directorate of the State Red Banner Research Institute of the Air Force (GKNII VVS);
  • August 15, 1956 - awarded the military rank of "Captain";
  • from January 14, 1957 - senior test pilot of the 1st department of the 1st department of the same Directorate;
  • from October 21, 1959 - senior test pilot, hygienist of the 14th department of the Air Force GKNII;
  • October 31, 1959 - awarded the military rank of "Major";
  • from January 26, 1962 - senior test pilot, doctor of the 10th section of the 1st Directorate of the State Research Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine (GNII A&KM);
  • from March 31, 1964 - senior researcher, pilot-doctor of the 10th department of the 2nd Directorate of the State Research Institute of A&KM);
  • November 24, 1964 - awarded the military rank of "lieutenant colonel";
  • from January 17, 1966 - he was assigned to the post of cosmonaut of the 2nd detachment of the Air Force Cosmonaut Training Center (Air Force CTC);
  • October 1, 1973 - awarded the military rank of Colonel;
  • November 27, 1985 - by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, dismissed from the USSR Armed Forces due to illness;
  • December 23, 1985 - excluded from the lists of the unit.

Flight test service

In 1962 he took part in test flights on the SS-Volga stratospheric balloon as a strato-pilot. In total he flew on the Volga for more than 28 hours. Participated in a test flight with maximum climb. Was a member of the backup crew in the stratospheric jump experiment on November 1, 1962.

He was engaged in the problems of the influence of various factors of atmospheric, stratospheric and space flights on the human body.

Preparing for space flights

  • April 1964 - participation in the recruitment of candidates for the program of the first three-seat spacecraft (SC) "Voskhod" as a candidate from the State Research Institute of A&KM. He successfully passed a medical examination at the Central Military Aviation Research Hospital (TsVNIAH) and was admitted to special training.
  • May 26, 1964 - at a meeting of the Credentials Committee selected for training as a crew doctor under the "Voskhod" program.
  • May 29, 1964 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force, he was assigned to the flight preparation group of the Voskhod spacecraft.
  • From June 1, 1964 to September 1964 - preparation for the flight of the Voskhod spacecraft as part of the group.
  • October 12, 1964 - the second understudy of the Voskhod crew doctor B. B. Egorov.
  • January 17, 1966 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force, he was assigned to the post of cosmonaut of the second cosmonaut corps of the Air Force CTC. The detachment was replenished on October 23, 1965 in the process of the "third recruitment of the Air Force CTC", but information about VG Lazarev's participation in this recruitment was not preserved. He was enrolled in the detachment in place of VA Degtyarev, who had retired for health reasons.
  • 1966-1967 - training under the Spiral program as part of a group.
  • 1967-1969 - training under the program of the orbital manned station (OPS) "Almaz" as part of a group.
  • From January to May 1970 - training as the commander of the third crew of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft under the long-term flight program together with V. A. Yazdovsky.
  • From September 1970 to July 1971 - training for the flight as the crew commander of the Soyuz spacecraft of the 7K-OK modification under the Contact program (testing the docking system of the lunar orbital and lunar descent vehicles) together with O. G. Makarov. The lunar flight program was terminated, and flight preparation was stopped in January 1971.
  • From October 10, 1971 to July 1972 - preparation for a flight to the long-term orbital station DOS-2 as a backup crew commander, together with O. G. Makarov. The flight was canceled due to the crash of the Proton-K launch vehicle during the launch of the station into orbit on July 29, 1972.
  • From August to September 1972 - preparation for an autonomous test flight on the modified Soyuz spacecraft (7K-T # 34) as a backup crew commander together with O. G. Makarov. The flight was canceled.
  • From October 25, 1972 to April 10, 1973 - preparation for a flight on DOS-3 as a backup crew commander, together with O. G. Makarov. The flight was canceled due to an in-orbit accident in May 1973 of the DOS-3 station, which was named "Cosmos-557" in the open press (the name "Salyut" was not assigned to this station).
  • From July to September 1973 - preparation for an autonomous test flight of the modified Soyuz spacecraft as commander of the prime crew together with O. G. Makarov.

Space flight on "Soyuz-12"

He made his first space flight in 1973 together with O. G. Makarov on the Soyuz-12 spacecraft. The start was made at 13 hours 58 minutes UT on September 27, landing at 13 hours 14 minutes on September 29. The flight duration was 1 day 23 hours 15 minutes 32 seconds. Vasily Grigorievich in this flight was the crew commander, his call sign was "Ural-1".

In this flight, a manned test of the modified Soyuz spacecraft and the Sokol rescue suits were carried out.

After the successful completion of the flight on October 2, 1973, for his courage and heroism, he was awarded the military rank - colonel, the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Gold Star medal and the Order of Lenin, the honorary title of Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR and the class of Pilot- cosmonaut of the 3rd class ".

Preparation for the second flight

  • From December 10, 1973 to December 1974 - preparation for flight on DOS-4 "Salyut-4" as the commander of the backup crew together with O. G. Makarov.
  • On January 10, 1975, during the launch of the Soyuz-17 spacecraft, he was a backup for the ship's commander A. A. Gubarev.
  • From January 15 to March 1975 - training under the program of the second expedition to DOS-4 "Salyut-4" as the commander of the main crew together with O. G. Makarov.

Second (suborbital) flight


He died on December 31, 1990 as a result of poisoning with an unknown poison. There is a version that it was a surrogate alcohol. He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Leonikha of the rural settlement of the Aniskinsky Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.

Titles and awards

  • Vasily Grigorievich Lazarev was an honorary citizen of such cities as Dzhezkazgan, Yekaterinburg, Kaluga, Karaganda, Leninsk (now Baikonur), Pechora.
  • Hero of the Soviet Union (October 2, 1973).
  • Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (October 2, 1973).


  • "Moments of Life" (1974).
  • Runway (1989).
  • "Tester of spaceships" () - (co-authored with MF Rebrov).

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  • Barnaul: Encyclopedia / Edited. - Barnaul: Publishing house Alt. state University, 2000. - ISBN 5-7904-0140-6.



  • .
  • .
  • ... Video encyclopedia "Cosmonauts". Roscosmos TV studio.

An excerpt characterizing Lazarev, Vasily Grigorievich

- You will succeed, Isidora! You will still have time for this. And much will depend on how you behave, my dear. Until then, your daughter will come with me. I will return to you soon, and I really hope that you will speak differently ...
The icy horror of death crept into my tired Soul ...
- Where are you taking Anna ?! What do you want from her, Your Holiness? - Afraid to hear the answer, I still asked.
- Oh, calm down, my dear, Anna is not heading to the basement yet, if that's what you thought. Before deciding something, I must first hear your answer ... As I said, everything depends on you, Isidora. Enjoy your dreams! And letting Anna go ahead, the crazy Caraffa left ...
After waiting a few very long minutes for me, I tried to mentally go out to Anna. Nothing worked - my girl didn't answer! I tried again and again - the result was the same ... Anna did not respond. It just couldn't be! I knew she would definitely want to talk to me. We should have known what we were going to do next. But Anna did not answer ...
Hours passed in terrible excitement. I was literally falling off my feet ... still trying to summon my sweet girl. And then the North appeared ...
- You are trying in vain, Isidora. He put his defense on Anna. I don't know how to help you - I don't know her. As I already told you, it was given to Karaffe by our “guest” who came to Meteora. Sorry, I can't help you with this ...
“Well, thank you for the warning. And for the fact that he came, Sever.
He put his hand gently on my head ...
- Rest, Isidora. You won't change anything today. And tomorrow you may need a lot of strength. Rest, Child of Light ... my thoughts will be with you ...
I hardly heard the last words of the North, easily slipping away into the ghostly world of dreams ... where everything was gentle and calm ... where my father and Girolamo lived ... and where almost always everything was right and good ... almost. ..

Stella and I were stunned and silent, deeply shaken by Isidora's story ... Of course, we were probably still too young to comprehend the depth of meanness, pain and lies that surrounded Isidora at that time. And surely our children's hearts were still too kind and naive to understand the whole horror of the upcoming test for her and Anna ... But something was already becoming clear even to us, so small and inexperienced. I already understood that what was presented to people as truth did not mean at all that it was true, and it could in fact turn out to be the most common lie, for which, oddly enough, no one was going to punish those who invented it, and for some reason no one should have been responsible for her. Everything was taken by people as a matter of course, everyone for some reason was completely satisfied with this, and nothing in our world became "upside down" from indignation. No one was going to look for the guilty, no one wanted to prove the truth, everything was calm and “calm”, as if there was a complete “calm” of contentment in our souls, not disturbed by crazy “seekers of truth”, and not disturbed by our asleep, forgotten by everyone, human conscience ...
Isidora's sincere, deeply sad story numbed our children's hearts with pain, not even giving time to wake up ... It seemed that there was no limit to the inhuman torments inflicted by the callous souls of the ugly executioners on this amazing and courageous woman! .. I was sincerely afraid and alarmed, only just thinking about what awaited us at the end of her amazing story! ..
I looked at Stella - my belligerent girlfriend was frightenedly huddling towards Anna, not taking her shocked, round eyes from Isidora ... Apparently, even her - so brave and not surrendering - was stunned by human cruelty.
Yes, for sure, Stella and I have seen more than other children in their 5-10 years. We already knew what loss was, we knew what pain meant ... But we still had a lot to go through in order to understand even a small part of what Isidora felt now! .. And I only hoped that I would never have to yourself to truly experience ...
I was fascinated looking at this beautiful, bold, amazingly gifted woman, unable to hide the sorrowful tears that had come to my eyes ... How could “people” dare to be called HUMANS, doing this to her ?! How did the Earth ever tolerate such a criminal abomination, allowing itself to be trampled without opening its depths ?!
Isidora was still far from us, in her deeply wounding memories, and I honestly didn’t want her to continue telling further ... Her story tormented my childish soul, forcing me to die a hundred times from indignation and pain. I was not ready for this. I didn’t know how to protect myself from such atrocity ... And it seemed that if this whole heart-rending story did not stop right now, I would simply die without waiting for its end. It was too cruel and defied my normal childhood understanding ...
But Isidora, as if nothing had happened, continued to tell further, and we had no choice but to plunge with her again into her warped, but so high and pure, unliving earthly LIFE ...
I woke up very late the next morning. Apparently the peace that the North gave me with his touch warmed my tormented heart, allowing me to relax a little so that I could meet the new day with my head held high, no matter what this day brings me ... Anna still did not answer - apparently Karaffa was firm decided not to let us communicate until I broke down, or until he had some great need for it.
Isolated from my dear girl, but knowing that she was nearby, I tried to come up with different, different ways to communicate with her, although in my heart I knew perfectly well that nothing could be found. Caraffa had his own reliable plan, which was not going to change, according to my desire. Rather, on the contrary - the more I wanted to see Anna, the longer he was going to keep her locked up, not allowing a meeting. Anna changed, becoming very confident and strong, which frightened me a little, because knowing her stubborn fatherly character, I could only imagine how far she could go in her stubbornness ... I so wanted her to live! .. the executioner of Karaffa did not encroach on her fragile life, which did not even have time to completely blossom! .. So that my girl still had only ahead ...
There was a knock on the door - Karaffa was standing on the threshold ...
- How did you rest, dear Isidora? I hope your daughter's closeness didn't bother your sleep?
- Thank you for your concern, your Holiness! I slept surprisingly great! Apparently, it was Anna's closeness that reassured me. Will I be able to chat with my daughter today?
He was radiant and fresh, as if he had already broken me, as if his biggest dream had already come true ... I hated his confidence in himself and his victory! Even if he had every reason for this ... Even if I knew that very soon, by the will of this crazy Pope, I would leave forever ... I was not going to give up so easily to him - I wanted to fight. Until my last breath, until the last minute released to me on Earth ...
- So what have you decided, Isidora? Dad asked cheerfully. - As I told you earlier, it depends on how soon you see Anna. I hope you won't force me to take the most violent measures? Your daughter is worth not ending her life so early, isn't it? She is really very talented, Isidora. And I really don't want to hurt her.
“I thought you had known me long enough, Your Holiness, to understand that threats will not change my decision ... Even the most terrible. I can die without taking the pain. But I will never betray what I live for. Forgive me, Holiness.
Caraffa looked at me with wide eyes, as if he heard something not entirely reasonable, which surprised him very much.
- And you will not regret your beautiful daughter ?! You are more fanatical than me, Madonna! ..
Exclaiming this, Karaffa got up abruptly and left. And I sat there, completely numb. Not feeling my heart, and unable to hold back the scattering thoughts, as if all my remaining strength was spent on this short negative answer.
I knew that this was the end ... that now he would take on Anna. And I wasn't sure if I could survive to endure all this. I didn't have the strength to think about revenge ... I didn't have the strength to think about anything at all ... My body was tired and didn't want to resist any longer. Apparently, this was the limit, after which “another” life was already beginning.
I really wanted to see Anna! .. Hug her at least once goodbye! .. Feel her raging strength, and tell her again how much I love her ...
And then, turning to the noise at the door, I saw her! My girl stood straight and proud, like a stiff reed trying to break the impending hurricane.
- Well, talk to your daughter, Isidora. Maybe she can bring at least some common sense into your lost consciousness! I give you one hour to meet. And try to take up your mind, Isidora. Otherwise, this meeting will be your last ...
Caraffa did not want to play anymore. His life was put on the scales. Just like the life of my dear Anna. And if the second for him did not matter, then for the first (for his) he was ready to do anything.
- Mommy! .. - Anna stood at the door, unable to move. - Mom, dear, how can we destroy him? .. We won't be able to do it, Mom!
Jumping out of the chair, I ran to my only treasure, my girl and, grabbing into my arms, squeezed as much as I could ...
- Oh, mommy, you will strangle me like that! .. - Anna laughed loudly.
And my soul absorbed this laughter, as a condemned to death absorbs the warm farewell rays of the setting sun ...
- Well, what are you, mommy, we're still alive! .. We can still fight! .. You yourself told me that you will fight while you are alive ... So let's think if we can do something ... Can we rid the world of this Evil.
She again supported me with her courage! .. Again she found the right words ...
This sweet brave girl, almost a child, could not even imagine how Caraffa could have subjected her to torture! In what brutal pain her soul could drown ... But I knew ... I knew everything that awaited her if I did not go to meet him. If I do not agree to give the Pope the only thing he wanted.
- My dear, my heart ... I will not be able to look at your torment ... I will not give you to him, my girl! The North and others like him do not care who will remain in this LIFE ... So why should we be different? .. Why should you and I care about someone else, someone else's fate ?!
I myself was frightened by my words ... although in my heart I understood perfectly well that they were caused only by the hopelessness of our situation. And, of course, I was not going to betray what I lived for ... For what my father and my poor Girolamo died. Simply, just for a moment I wanted to believe that we can just take it and leave this terrible, "black" Karaffian world, forgetting about everything ... forgetting about other, unfamiliar people. Forgetting about evil ...
It was a momentary weakness of a tired person, but I realized that I had no right to even allow it. And then, to top it off, apparently unable to withstand more violence, burning evil tears poured down my face ... But I tried so hard not to allow this! .. I tried not to show my dear girl into what depths of despair my exhausted, a soul tormented by pain ...
Anna sadly looked at me with her huge gray eyes, in which lived a deep, not childish sadness ... She gently stroked my hands, as if wishing to calm me down. And my heart screamed, not wanting to resign ... Not wanting to lose her. She was the only remaining meaning of my failed life. And I could not allow the non-humans, who were called the Pope, take it away from me!
- Mommy, don't worry about me - as if reading my thoughts, Anna whispered. - I'm not afraid of pain. But even if it hurts a lot, my grandfather promised to pick me up. I spoke to him yesterday. He will wait for me if you and I fail ... And dad too. They will both be waiting for me there. But leaving you will be very painful ... I love you so much, mommy! ..
Anna hid in my arms, as if looking for protection ... And I could not protect her ... I could not save her. I did not find the "key" to Karaffe ...
- Forgive me, my sun, I let you down. I failed us both ... I couldn't find a way to destroy him. Forgive me, Annushka ...
An hour passed unnoticed. We talked about different things, never returning to the murder of the Pope, since both knew perfectly well that today we have lost ... And it didn’t matter what we wanted ... Caraffa lived, and that was the most terrible and most important thing. We failed to free our world from it. Failed to save good people. He lived in spite of all attempts and desires. No matter what...

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