
How much does a magical tattoo sak yant cost. Shaman tattoo. The meaning of Sak Yant - which one to choose

Sak Yant is considered a magical tattoo, which is particularly sacred. They are mostly made in Thailand. If you want to make a tattoo on your body, then you need to keep in mind that Sak Yant is not just a drawing on the body. This tattoo is endowed with magical powers. Before you do it, you should think a few times: do you really need it? This is not a simple tattoo that any artist can do. Sak Yant can turn the fate of its owner in a good or, conversely, bad direction. Everything is detailed in our article.

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Meaning of Sak Yant

Sacred drawings can be seen on the body of a large number of Thais. They are deeply convinced that tattoos help with various troubles and misfortunes, diseases, and can protect them from the enemy. Tourists have long begun to look at Sak Yant. It is believed that such a tattoo can make happy and enrich the one who wears it.

After they saw the tattoo on the body of Angelina Jolie, which is, in fact, Sak Yant, the popularity of this sacred drawing has grown significantly. The famous actress made it for herself in order to attract success into her life. Who wants to be happy in life and successful in all matters and undertakings? Of course, everyone. But everything is not so simple. When drawing a picture, you can bring not only happiness, but also trouble.

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Before starting the procedure, it is worth discussing the meaning of the tattoo with the master, telling some details of your life, telling about future plans and aspirations. The master must understand which pattern is suitable for a particular person. An individual approach is essential in such a difficult craft. We must try to be as open as possible in communication, not to try to hide even the smallest details, otherwise the tattoo will not play in favor of its wearer.

Thai monks are true masters of Sak Yant. Only they can make a truly mystical drawing with sacred symbols. In addition to the fact that the monks apply the pattern, they also read Buddhist prayers and special formulas, which are designed to bestow blessings. Some salons offer to make a tattoo - a kind of Sak Yant. But this is precisely the similarity, since the pattern will have absolutely no meaning. It is neither a talisman nor a protection. This is just a picture on the body that any tattoo parlor master can do.

What does the word "Sak Yant" mean?

"Sak" in translation - "stuffing", and "Yant" - sacred

A pattern created in accordance with geometric symbolism. Buddhist monks have the right to make such a tattoo only for males. Tattoo artists can put a pattern on a woman's body. But true monks are strictly forbidden to carry out such a procedure.

Those miraculous prayers that are applied during the execution of the drawing (Yant) are called Kata in Thai. These prayers have another name - mantra. More than two thousand years ago, Yants were applied in Asian countries and in Thailand. This is an ancient custom. The masters have their own secrets regarding the creation of the pattern and its conspiracy. Secrets are passed from the master to his disciples.

Drawing technology

Thus, several dozen generations tried to preserve the established tradition. Now the technologies for applying Yants are slightly different from those that were used before. The tattoo is applied to the body with a bamboo or steel stick. They are reusable. Tools are treated with alcohol. Other methods of disinfection are not used.

Each instrument is unique. Before using it for the first time, prayers in Sanskrit are read over it, as subsequently over Sak Yant. Therefore, sticks are not disposable. The execution time of the order by the master ranges from 15 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the complexity of the drawing.

Commandments to be obeyed

At the end, when everything is ready, the master asks the one whose body is tattooed to fulfill the basic commandments: do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not commit adultery. These are the rules that play an important role for every Buddhist. If you do not fulfill the commandments, then the magical power of San Yant will disappear. The master may ask, for example, not to wear a red shirt (this is rare). But still. If you need it, then you need it. The requirements and advice should be taken seriously.

Myths about Sak Yant

With the advent of information about Sak Yant, numerous rumors appeared. Europe was flooded with information allegedly that the monks mixed the ashes of the deceased and blood with the ink. But in fact, this kind of information is groundless. It is not known where such ridiculous rumors came from.

Some journalists managed to communicate with the masters, who did not confirm them. All the power of a mystical tattoo lies in the pattern itself and those inscriptions that are applied during execution. The inscriptions are unique. For each client, they are selected individually. During the performance, the master reads a mantra that will not be repeated for another person. It is worth knowing that at first glance, tattoos that are absolutely identical to each other have completely different meanings and act on their owners in different ways.

What color is Sak Yant

Sak Yant is made in three colors: black, red and transparent. Basically, everyone makes their choice in favor of black, rarely decides on red. Transparent tattoos are applied with the help of oil to children serving the state and women. No one will be able to see such a tattoo, while its power is preserved. Invisible Sak Yant is in no way inferior to black and red. Moreover, a transparent tattoo is considered stronger than its counterparts.

Where to find Master Ajyan Kobu

Now a few words about the master Sak Yant. To find it in Thailand, you have to spend a little time. The master who practices Sak Yant is called Ajyan. Ajyan Kobu lives in Ayutthaya near Bangkok.

To find it, you can use the services of a Russian guide who will take you to your destination. You can find such a guide on the social network. If you don’t want to pay money for delivery, then the only way to get to Ajyan is to go to it yourself. You can take a taxi for 100 baht.

The city's famous landmark Wat Maha That has taxi drivers who know where the master lives. They will agree to take the tourist to his house. Arriving at the place, you should keep in mind that Ajyan may be busy. More precisely, you need to think about this even before your arrival. A large number of people want to make Sak Yant from a professional. You have to be patient and wait your turn. Sometimes people even spend the night in a tent near the master's house, waiting in the wings.

It is quite possible that the visitor will be lucky and the waiting time will not be more than a few hours. May fortune be kind. Never stop hoping for luck. The house with turquoise walls is the working area of ​​Ajyan Kobu. It is worth checking the price in advance. It is assigned from 1000 baht and goes up to 25000. The last figure is indicated for tattoos all over the body. Sometimes there are lovers to paint themselves from head to toe, but usually one is enough for people.

I have been meaning to write about my experience with the mystical Sak Yant tattoo for a long time. But she did not do this, since it is believed that if a person boasts of this, then the tattoo loses its power. But there is a difference between the term "boasting" and what other people might find useful if I share information. In life, everything is relative, the main thing is my personal attitude and belief in one or another fact. Again, it is much easier to remain silent about the fact that you have a sacred tattoo than to keep the commandments that a person undertakes to fulfill before applying it. More on this later. First, let's figure out what "SAK YANT" is.

“Sak in Thai means “to stuff”. Yant (Thai ยันต์; from Yantra) are sacred patterns (including tattoos) that are made in the countries of Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand and Cambodia. The Yants themselves came to Siam from Cambodia during the middle period of Ayutthaya during the reign of King Naresuen the Great, when Siamese and Khmer armies first marched together against a common enemy in Burma. Yants contain in their pattern Buddhist prayers and magical elements in the Pali language, which are believed to give the owner certain preferences, such as health, strength, protection, the well-being of others, etc. Since the Pali language does not have its own script, then with yants are applied using the Khmer or Thai alphabets.

According to their appearance, they are divided into:

  • round - represent the face of the Buddha, in the Brahmin tradition - Brahma.
  • triangular - represent the Triple Jewel of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; in the Brahmin tradition of three gods: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.
  • rectangular or square - represent the four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
  • artistic - depict various angels and mythical animals According to the "purpose" - the effect on the owner:
  • Amnaj - the owner of the tattoo receives physical strength, cunning and prudence.
  • Metha Mahanyom - compassion from others, people of higher rank perceive the owner of this tattoo as an equal.
  • Kong Grapan - protects against melee and firearms.
  • Maha Sana - makes the owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, allows you to find the love of a particular person.
  • Claev Klaad - Power of Evasion - from accidents and dangers.
  • Tam Kvaam - the action of this Yant is classified as black magic
  • Jang Ngang - reducing the capabilities of the enemy.
  • Sathv Himapant - tattoos of mythological animals that give certain qualities to this animal. (WIKIPEDIA)

The tattoo is applied with a metal needle, which requires special sharpening and is passed down from generation to generation, from master to master. Most craftsmen simply process the games in alcohol between clients. When applying sak yant, the needle does not penetrate the skin as deeply as in the case of a machine, which is why there is either no contact with blood at all, or there is, but very limited. This also causes a lower risk of infection when applying sak yant in comparison with machine tattoos with approximately the same level of hygiene. Not a single case of HIV has been officially recorded while applying this tattoo.

It is customary to address the master as A-tyan (translation of the Thai-Russian dictionary by A.N. Morev), but more often we can hear that the Master is called Ajan or Ajarn. Initially, only Buddhist monks and only men could apply a tattoo (since a monk does not have the right to touch a woman). Nowadays, it is not only monks who make it. You can call such a person a white shaman. He has a wife to whom he is obliged to be faithful, meditates, and observes the Buddhist precepts.

Sak Yant is made in three colors: black, red and colorless tattoo. Most often choose black, less often - red. Transparent tattoos are applied with oil. The oil is completely absorbed by the body and leaves no visible marks, except for red dots that disappear after a day or two. No one can see her, but her strength is preserved, moreover, she is considered the strongest.

Many people who want to get a tattoo are much more concerned with sak yant ink. Some masters use individual capsules of fresh ink for each client, but this practice has not been widely adopted. Most of the pigments used in inks are not approved by the FDA for skin contact. Some of the ingredients are industrial coloring agents that are more suitable for printing purposes or car painting. And although allergic reactions to tattoo ink are rare, if they do occur, they are often severe due to the difficulty of removing the pigment from under the skin. There are cases when allergic reactions develop years later after tattooing. Therefore, be careful!

So you've made the decision to do Sak Yant. Found and selected masters. Arrived in Thailand. What is going on? I am talking about my experience on Koh Samui.

To be honest, I was not going to do it at all and really did not know anything. But it so happened that I am sitting in front of the Master and we are talking. My English is not very good, neither is his. The shaman's wife served as our translator. The dialogue lasted two hours. He was interested in some details of my life in order to understand what my priorities are, what I want from life, my goals and values. He calculated the material and spiritual proportions of my being. Then he summed up that the tattoo is not a magic wand. You need to work hard on yourself and follow the principles.

  1. Don't kill.
  2. Don't steal.
  3. Do not lie.
  4. Don't commit adultery.
  5. Do not take any psychotropic substances that alter consciousness.

I timidly asked: “What, and sometimes you can’t drink wine?” - "You can, but not more than 2 glasses." Discipline and restraint gives strength, originally laid down by the master. And the violation of this word destroys the power and, moreover, can be directed against the owner of the tattoo.

The “something” formed by tattoos is not just abstract elements, but a sacred, metaphysical object for which the human body is a repository. Drawings applied in ink (or oil) on the skin turn into a boundary between the inner world of the student and the outside world around him. To put it simply: I form a clear intention - the master gives me energy and the help of natural forces for embodiment, and I pay for this with moral and ethical behavior. For me, this is quite acceptable.

Sacred tattoos are morally neutral, and their power does not exist unconditionally. If the owner of the tattoo uses the power of Sak Yant with good intentions, then he receives good in return; in exactly the same way, evil begets evil. Careless handling of tattoos can lead to accidents, illnesses and other unpleasant things. Those. the tattoo is not so much important as the behavior of the one to whom it is inflicted.

Angelina Jolie got the tattoo in 2003. We know that this is one of the most successful women on Earth, and we can watch her life. I don’t know if the tattoo is “guilty” or something else, but thanks to her, we Europeans learned about the miracle tattoo.

Well, so I digress from the process. When I confirmed that we were doing a tattoo with oil, the Master chose for me the drawings that he would apply on the crown, between the shoulder blades and on the ankle. Then we did various rituals, I asked everyone for forgiveness, I made offerings to the Gods. Then, chanting mantras, he quickly "stung" me. It hurt a little, but it was bearable. Then I glued it with golden leaves, which dissolved on my skin. And it's all over. The whole procedure, including the dialogue, lasted 4 hours.

I didn't feel any change in myself right away. But later I began to understand that habits began to change. And what for my actions, I really get what I deserve from the outside world. I can definitely say that Sak Yant has influenced my life. And I don't want to talk about whether it's mysticism or the placebo effect, the important thing is that it gave me a different level of consciousness.

Elena Petrova is a certified Hatha yoga instructor, a student of the Himalayan Yoga Academy, a professional traveler.

Yant ยันต์ - "sacred patterns", take the basis from the teachings of Yantra. And first you need to understand this basis.

Yantras are symbolic images of energy structures, each yantra contains a specific Hindu deity or energy. It is believed that during meditation / Buddhist spells, yantra is filled with power. Yantra is universal, as it consists of archetypal parts that are common to all phenomena.

The syllable "yang" - means "retention", holds the essence of thought, concentration. "Tra" from the word trana - "liberation from bonds." Yantra is what preserves the essence and liberates, it is expressed in a symbol, the symbol itself holds, and the spell releases the power of the symbol.

The dot - "bindu" - is the most compressed form of energy, and the circle means the spread of force.

A circle is an extension of a point. The circle, in which the lotus petals are inscribed, personifies the Cosmos. Lotus petals signify the manifested reality. This is the whole phenomenal world, which has 8 aspects: akasha, air, fire, water, earth, mind, higher understanding and higher consciousness. That is 8 main worlds.

Three rings, they three golden circles inside a lotus - symbolize the three components of time - past, present and future.

The triangle with its apex upwards draws attention to the higher and leads thoughts away from this world, personifies male energy, the fiery element.

The downward facing triangle is the element of water, female energy.

The Star of David in the center is a static balance, this is the balance of two energies - male and female, fiery and water, light and dark, yang and yin, again.

Nine-pointed star - means nine energies. Three triangles with their vertices facing upwards mean the three primordial forces that create, preserve and destroy - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.

3 of anything - it is also - the three qualities of shakti energy - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva is the divine balance. The three main human energy channels are Ida (Tamas, moon), Pingala (Rajas, sun) and Sushumna (Sattva, balance, Kundalini). The three qualities of the universe (triangles) are connected to the three rings of time.

The outer square symbolizes the most practical use of space. Square - stability, hardness. Square is the element of earth. T-shaped protrusions mean 4 cardinal points - "bay".

The horizontal line - the base of the triangle, square - is the inactivity and stability of yin.

Vertical lines - the movement and activity of yang.

Three layers/lines - three states of matter - solid, liquid and gaseous.

(Oddly enough, this does not always correspond to the gender of even a god, not that a person, for example, Shiva, is considered static, i.e. Yin energy, and Shakti is considered dynamic Yang energy ...?).

3 examples of yantra:

Yantra Durga is one of the incarnations of Shiva's wife. It is believed that it destroys all kinds of evil - poverty, suffering, hunger, bad habits, diseases and sins. This force manifests itself in the form to establish balance, peace and well-being.

Yantra Kali is another incarnation of Shakti Shiva. Kali is the goddess of change, "death", which is necessary for energy renewal and spiritual development.

Attachment to the material form causes fear of death. And this sign fights the fear of change.

Sri Yantra (the power of 3 according to the concept above) is a mystical device of the cosmos. It is formed by the mutual intersection of triangles in two directions: four points up, symbolizing the Yang principle, and five points down, symbolizing the Yin principle. This yantra gives an image of the fullness and integrity of existence, the final comprehension of one's unity with the universe.

Now back to yants. In yanks, the evenness of the forms of the yantra acquires roundness.

These designs may be temporary on the body, paper, clothing, etc.

Or forever - in the form of a tattoo - "Sak Yant" สักยันต์

In general, initially such tattoos appeared in Cambodia. They have spread in all countries of Southeast Asia since the Middle Ages, especially in Siam, where they survived most of all. Even monks, and even especially monks, cover themselves with them and

others are helped, and the way they do it is very unusual in appearance:

It is believed that such tattoos necessarily give the owner certain powers / skills, carry out the meaning of the yantra of certain deities, - it serves as the owner's talisman.

These are patterns consisting of compilations of all the symbols described above + Khmer script (Pali language) and Thai letter - spells, + other symbols - animals; and + a lot of other little-studied things.

I tried to understand a little in this "little studied".

A few different looks:

1) กระดูกยันต์ “Bone-talisman”, I don’t know why “bone”, maybe “the basis of faith”.

The continuous twisted line in the middle is the essence of the Buddha.

in the 1st picture - triangles on 4 cardinal points (4 elements also symbolize) from 3 stones with peaks - “3 buddhas. jewels "or" 3 worlds ", 3 brahmins, or again - Shiva-Brahma-Vishnu:

2) คลัง ภาพยันต์ - "Gallery" - has several types. It serves as a defense against enemies. Signs in squares - ???, the rest also, triangles, square / rhombus, protection from enemies that can come from 4 cardinal directions:

3) ยันต์มหาศิริมงคล - "Talisman Siri" - from all dangers. Round or lotus shaped.

4) ยันต์ มหาสาวัง - "Talisman for the protection of property or body"- square, triangles upside down, are in the cells:

5) ยันต์ มหาอุด - "Talisman of the Mercy of the Gods":

6) ยันต์ โภคทรัพย์ - Talismans of Wealth:

7) ยันต์ ท้าวเวสสุวรรณ

Alluring with its mysteries and secrets, Eastern culture attracts more and more followers to its ranks. Many of those who get acquainted with the teachings and traditions of Buddhism associate their lives with this religion. One way or another, Buddhist tattoos, the meaning of which goes back centuries, become the choice of those who accept and share the philosophy of the ancient Eastern religion.

Buddha image with lotus flower

Tattoos and Buddhist culture

Although the Buddha's teaching itself does not say anything about tattoos, many of his followers have their own opinions on this matter. Tibetan Buddhism treats such body decoration with restraint, neither forbidding nor approving. This is due to the fact that the drawings on the body can prevent a person from correctly performing Phowa at the time of death, that is, in transferring the soul from the body to a new world for it.

Did you know? The Thai government is going to come up with a ban on tattooing with Buddhist symbols for tourists coming to the country. The image of sacred symbols on your body by adherents of other religions is a fashionable trend and displeases many residents of the country. In addition, the Minister of Culture urged the masters of the whole world to refuse to apply these tattoos to people who do not profess Buddhism.

Buddhist tattoo in the form of an inscription on the leg

Many branches of Buddhism look negatively only at the image of sacred symbols for religion, especially if a person belongs to another culture, perverts, rethinks the symbolism, or puts sacred drawings on his feet.

At the same time, Southeast Asia practices Sak Yant, which means stuffing sacred patterns.

Sak Yant

The painting of a person with Buddhist prayers and magical elements that bestow blessing, protection, strength and health is rooted in ancient times. Yants, consisting of symbols of the Khmer and Thai alphabet, appeared not as an ornament, but as a magical amulet that changes the life of its wearer for the better.

The Sak Yant procedure is performed by Ajyan Buddhist masters who are familiar with the art of tattooing. Traditionally, stuffing is done with sharp bamboo sticks and ink. At the same time, the master says special prayers, and after finishing the work, he becomes a spiritual mentor of a person, giving him important Buddhist instructions.

It is interesting . It is curious that earlier only men and only men stuffed yants, because Buddhist monks are not allowed to touch a woman's body. However, Angelina Jolie has this magical tattoo on her back, and Ajyans today are not necessarily monks.

Pleased Buddha in color on the leg

Anyone can get such a tattoo, while its cost depends only on the generosity of a person and, as a rule, turns out to be orders of magnitude less than soulless compilations of ancient symbols in elite tattoo parlors.

It should be remembered that Sak Yant is not just a drawing that multiplies strength and luck, it is a complex sacred formula that nourishes in a person what prevails in him, which means that it requires long and constant work on oneself, painstaking self-improvement. In addition, for the operation of magical power, Buddhist principles are mandatory: you cannot steal, kill, commit adultery, lie and drink alcohol.

Sak Yant is generally not applied below the waist, and many of the images have their own place to be placed. And the customer can choose whether to apply the pattern with ink or oil, that is, make it invisible.

According to their appearance, yants are divided into round (the embodiment of the face of Buddha), triangular (the embodiment of 3 foundations) and square (the embodiment of 4 elements and elements). The main types of yants are the following:

  1. Amnay. Grants physical and spiritual strength, subjugates others to the will of the bearer.
  2. Sath Himapant. Yant of animals, transferring their abilities to the wearer of the tattoo.
  3. Mattha Mahanyom. The surrounding people will always help and sympathize with the bearer of such a yant.
  4. Kong Grapan Chatri. Will protect the owner from any type of weapon.
  5. Maha Sanae. Helps in love.
  6. Chok Laap. Brings good luck in all life situations.
  7. Clave Treasure. Protects from misfortune and danger.
  8. Jang Ngang. Applied by fighters, stuns and paralyzes opponents.
  9. There Kvaam. A dark amber capable of fulfilling the wearer's worst wishes.

Buddhist patterns with the image of the Buddha himself

He asked the master to stuff a Buddhist knot on the back of his head. It is not as hackneyed as Celtic braids, but looks very stylish and concise. In addition, it is nice to feel that behind your pattern there is a rich history and deep symbolism.

Victor, Khabarovsk

Among the specific sketches of yants, the most common are:

  • Nine Towers.
  • Lovebirds.
  • Twin tigers.
  • Jumping tiger.
  • Rooster.
  • Five Buddhas.
  • Lotus.
  • Diamond armor.

Buddha in the lotus position

Other popular sketches for Buddhist tattoos:

  • Buddha. Spiritual teacher and founder of religion.
  • Footprints of the Buddha. They symbolize the presence of the Enlightened One on Earth and the desire to follow him.
  • Wheel of Dharma. The personification of the path to nirvana.
  • Lotus. A symbol of purity and enlightenment, the divine flower of Buddhism.
  • A lion . Royal power animal personifying the Buddha.
  • Bodhisattva. A being who strives to save all life.
  • Sacred sound Om or the mantra "Om mani padme hum".
  • Buddhist knot. This intricately woven pattern represents the interconnection and harmony in the Universe of everything with everything.
  • Mandala. In Buddhism, this geometric figure embodies the model of the cosmos and the map of the universe.

OM symbol and mountain-eye

Sacred Yants came to Thailand from Cambodia, during the time of joint opposition to Burma. Even kings felt it necessary to protect their bodies with magical tattoos. Now Yants are made in large quantities only in the Land of Smiles, the neighbors have long forgotten this art and do not seek to decorate their bodies. However, the language in which the Yants stuff themselves and talk is still Khmer.

I learned about magic tattoo a couple of years ago. I immediately wanted to do it. But the more I studied this topic, the more often my mood changed: from “Let's go immediately!” to Never! Never!" and back. The fact is that Yant changes a person's life, and it is impossible to understand how ready we are for these changes in advance.

Some of the tattoo owners talk about miraculous healings from an incurable disease, someone writes about incredible successes in love or business, and others claim that they found themselves with its help. All eyewitness stories are amazing and different. They have only one thing in common - the first year with Yant will literally have to survive: before giving the owner what he wants, the tattoo tests him for strength, selects the superfluous and unnecessary (at her discretion), takes him through trials and hardships, tempering his character. If a person does not break loose and keeps all the vows, in a year happiness may find him.

By keeping the vows, we become more conscious - then positive changes come

The true essence of Yant is something like a huge umbilical cord that connects a person with a shaman who has applied a tattoo. Through this invisible connection, the Master transfers his powers, magical abilities to a person, takes care of him and protects him along with the spirits. But in response, we should not fail or harm the “parent” (feedback also exists!). Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to steal, kill, scold anyone's mothers, take drugs, sleep with married (married) and drink.

With the last point, our compatriots have the most problems, but now Yanty is a huge business, and quirky guides reassure those who wish that you can actually drink, most importantly, do not get drunk. And even if you get drunk, you can come and do Yant anew. But this is just questionable...

There are other restrictions as well. One master will forbid eating star-shaped products (pumpkin, tangerine), another - to pass under linen hanging on the ropes, the third will come up with something even more cunning. No one knows where this comes from, but most tend to think that by keeping the vows, we become more aware - then positive changes come.

In general, for two years I either returned to the topic of shamanic tattoos, or forgot about them. But one day I woke up and firmly understood - I urgently need to make the sacred Yant! First of all, she announced the news to her husband, he only laughed in response: “Well, of course! You are so hot-tempered! Some aunt will be rude to you in the store, you will think nasty things about her, and she bam - and someone's mother! She is nothing, but your Yant will begin to take revenge on you! This is good in tropical countries - the sun, the sea, fruits - that's all and go kind. And for us - unacceptable! No, you definitely can't!"

Then I told my mom. “What is it, where they make a huge needle? Is it disposable? Not?! How do they disinfect it? No way?! Have you even read reports about the spread of infections in Thailand? No, you definitely can't!" Friends reacted even worse: “How do you imagine it - never drink anything at all? All life! How about a glass of wine after work? What about fun discos on Fridays? And the gatherings over a glass of beer and poker? No, you definitely can't!"

Unlike those close to me, I was sure that these changes would only benefit me - a sober lifestyle and boundless inner tolerance. Nothing bad. Things were a little worse with the “one-for-all” needle, but, as they say, if you don’t believe that Yant will protect you from everything, then there’s no point in doing it.

Having done Yant, you find yourself forever connected with the shaman, all his students and the same tattooed

The option to apply a magical tattoo in an incomprehensible Asian salon was not considered. I needed proven shamans who proved themselves in the best possible way! At the moment, three adjans (masters) working with Europeans are known. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the choice, because, having made one Yant, you find yourself forever connected with the shaman, all his students and the same tattooed ones.

The master cannot be changed under any circumstances, in the event of his death, you can communicate with the student of ajan, to whom he will transfer all the skills. The man who stuffed Yant to Angelina Jolie, the most hyped Master, turned out to be involved in an unpleasant story - it seems like he made her a tattoo, being a monk, and monks are strictly forbidden to touch a woman.

I couldn’t find much information about the second ajan, and I switched to the third option. Kob is a pretty uncle who hosts in Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Thailand, from where the spread of Sak Yant began. He has nine dogs at home (and I love animals), a pleasant smile does not leave his face, and in general - I seemed to immediately feel that this is “my person”.

We bought tickets to Thailand, decided that we would first rest on the islands, and then go to Ajan. The husband was still wary, mother reconciled, friends were on strike... Hurrah! We are at the resort. Sunshine, palm trees, pina colada, shrimp, lobster, beer. Songs, dances until the morning, dawn meetings, shots.

Doubts crept into my head. And everything is just as good - a wonderful job, a loving husband, devoted friends. Why these restrictions, risks, costs, again? No, apparently I'm not ready for Yant. Not this time. But then suddenly my husband changed his point of view and began to ardently convince me of the opposite. He called me all the arguments that I gave him at home, but again I began to doubt.

On the day when doubts reached their peak, a huge frog appeared in the middle of our room. She just sat and looked at me, not croaking or running away. I picked her up to take her outside. And then came the revelation. Kob - the name of the ajan I chose - translates as Frog. That's what his name is - Master Frog, Ajahn Kob. I decided that here it is, the long-awaited sign, and we must certainly go.

Animal tattoos are considered the strongest - Hanuman monkeys, crocodiles, centipedes and tigers.

Our train to Bangkok was 7 hours late. I felt sad, realizing that we were not in time - the queue for ajan had to be taken until 9 in the morning, and I wilted (or maybe I made a last attempt to escape). But then the husband again showed strange determination: “Let's go, at least you will get to know him - if you like it, you will come back and make your Sak Yant next time!”

Was not! It turned out that the bus station to Ayutthaya was right behind our hotel, the bus left in a minute, and the first tuk-tuk stopped in Ayutthaya knew where Master Cob lived and agreed to interpret for us a little so that we could get to know each other. It seemed surprising to the taxi driver that the Europeans knew their ajana and came specially to chat with him.

We were met by Koba's wife, who took us to a huge bright room, and it turned out that there was no queue that day! I started flipping through the pages of the catalog with drawings and examined the space around me. When else will I get into the dwelling of a real shaman? The room is warm and cozy, there is no furniture at all, a solid wooden floor. The long wall is completely filled with images of deities and photographs of saints, many flower and fruit offerings, amulets, incense sticks.

Previously, Kob lived in a small house, almost a hut, but then grateful clients gave him such a large and beautiful house. There are a great many sacred Yants. There are basic, universal ones - they will give a little of everything, with these tattoos they usually begin their acquaintance with Yants. There are more highly specialized ones - attracting good luck, protecting against enemy weapons, promoting an easy path, health. Animal tattoos are considered the strongest - Hanuman monkeys, crocodiles, centipedes and tigers.

The form of Yant is canonical, its functions and orientation are laid in a certain symbol-drawing, but the inner content of Yant is individual. That is, if you and a friend make the same Yant "ha teu" (five columns, like Jolie's), the words themselves inside the Yant will differ - this is selected by ajahn for each person.

It is difficult to describe the feelings that overcame me at that moment, but it was something new, very calm and pleasant.

The master is free. I knew that you need to crawl up to him so as not to be higher than him (and he is sitting). It looked ridiculous and funny - a white cuttlefish in a skirt, but I had no time for jokes - I was terribly worried. Tuk tuker translated which Yant I want to do. The place is chosen by ajahn himself, but most Yants are not customary to fill below the waist - disrespect for the spirits.

There are three types of yants - black, red and colorless. Each paint is a secret magical composition - several dozen herbs, ashes, minerals and God knows what else is mixed with natural ink. Each Master has his own recipe.

I asked to make me an invisible Yant, in oil. Firstly, because you can’t brag about a magical tattoo (but it’s hard to determine where the difference between boasting and just putting on a jacket that opens a tattoo is). Secondly, I already have a number of conventional tattoos, and I know how many questions this always raises. What then will happen to Yant, who is even more unusual than simple drawings?

Ajan favorably reacted to my choice and for several minutes spoke the needle and paints in a quiet, melodious voice. And I was scared - suddenly it will be very painful? But with the first touch of the needle, the fear went away, I relaxed and calmed down. Twenty minutes later, Ajahn finished and began to speak the tattoo, "breathe" life into it. He stroked Yant with his hand in a circle, blew on him, stroked him again, without ceasing, uttering a conspiracy in Khmer. It is difficult to describe the feelings that overcame me at that moment, but it was something new, very calm and pleasant.

By following my every step and remembering my vows, my life has become more conscious

I felt Yant for a few more days, but it was not pain, but like a light touch of a gentle hand. Yant himself was visible for about a week, then the oil was completely absorbed and he disappeared. But I found out his strength the very next morning.

We fly to Thailand quite often and always with the same airline. I'm afraid of flights, the only thing that calms me is huge liners. And this time we returned home just on such a brand new handsome man of unprecedented sizes! My happiness knew no bounds. I immediately attributed this incredible luck to my new spirit assistants.

It is forbidden to talk about Yant's influences, but if in general terms, many different and unusual events happened during the year. For example, I broke up with people who were close to me for a long time, but then suddenly began to do terrible things. I was denied an important grant, and for two weeks I did not find a place for myself, and then I received an even better offer. I stopped running into bars, and the freed up time is spent on sports and walking.

I don’t know how miraculous power Yant has, but thanks to the fact that I follow my every step and remember the vows that I made, my life has become more conscious, quality in all areas. Mentally, I am already building the next itinerary of our family travels in such a way as to visit Ajan and thank him for all the magic that is now constantly with me.

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