
Forms of writing numbers in the text of documents. Which would be correct: ninety or ninety? How the calculator "Amount in words online" works

How do you spell ninety or ninety? We will give an exhaustive answer to this question in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about how numerals are written in a particular case.

General information about the names of numerals

Features of numerals

Before telling you how to write correctly: ninety or ninety, it must be said that both options presented have every right to exist. To confirm these words, here are some illustrative examples:

  • “I'm already quite old. I'm almost ninety years old."
  • “You have to subtract ten from ninety to get eighty.”

As you can see, the question of how to write correctly: ninety or ninety is not entirely correct. After all, both of these options can be used in writing and speech. However, this should only be done in certain cases. In which, we will consider a little further.

Ninety or ninety? Spelling of numerals

Such as "hundred" and "ninety", have the ending -o only in cases where they are in the accusative or In the rest - only the letter -a should be written at the end of these words.

To verify the correctness of this rule, we decline the named numbers.

Numeral name "ninety":

  • nominative case (what?) - ninety buttons;
  • (what?) - ninety buttons;
  • (what?) - ninety buttons;
  • accusative case (what?) - ninety buttons;
  • (with what?) - ninety buttons;
  • prepositional case (about what?) - (about) ninety buttons.

Numeral name "hundred":

  • nominative case (what?) - one hundred rubles;
  • genitive case (what?) - one hundred rubles;
  • dative case (what?) - one hundred rubles;
  • accusative case (what?) - one hundred rubles;
  • instrumental case (with what?) - one hundred rubles;
  • prepositional case (about what?) - (about) a hundred rubles.

Thus, in order to understand how to write correctly: ninety rubles or ninety rubles, you need to study the context more carefully. After that, to this numeral it is required to ask the corresponding question. However, this should be done in relation to the phrase being checked, that is, to “ninety (s) rubles”.

Only after such an analysis are you able to correctly write this expression in a particular text.


In order to consolidate the material covered, we recommend considering several sentences where the numeral "ninety" is used in different case forms:

  • “To buy an expensive thing and be left with ninety rubles in your wallet is a reckless act.” In this sentence, the phrase "ninety rubles" is in the instrumental case, as it answers the question "with what?". Accordingly, at the end of the numeral name, it is necessary to write the letter -a.
  • “When I was walking along the embankment, I saw a passerby drop a purse containing exactly ninety rubles.” In this sentence, the phrase "ninety rubles" is in the nominative case, as it answers the question "what?". Accordingly, at the end of this numeral name, it is necessary to write the letter -o.

It should be especially noted that the word “hundred” also obeys these rules:

  • Why are there 80 guys for every 100 girls? In this sentence, the phrase "one hundred girls" is in the accusative case, as it answers the question "what?". Accordingly, at the end of this numeral name, it is necessary to write the letter "o".
  • "Out of a hundred industrial cities, only thirty are safe for life and health." In this sentence, the phrase "one hundred industrial cities" is in the genitive case, as it answers the question "what?". Accordingly, at the end of this numeral name, it is necessary to write the letter "a".

Summing up

As you can see, it is not difficult to determine in which cases the letters “o” and “a” should be written at the end of the name of the numeral “ninety”. For easier and faster memorization, we recommend making the following diagram on a separate piece of paper:

After a few practice sessions, you will forever remember this rule.

Exercises to consolidate the material

Fill in the missing endings:

  1. "Do not have a hundred ... rubles, but have a hundred ... friends."
  2. "He ate ninety... sweets."
  3. “Without ninety… points, he won’t pass the exam.”
Q&A coins

Sizes of all types of banknotes of the Bank of Russia

What are the sizes of banknotes of 5,000 rubles - the same as those of a thousand or not? And in general, what are the sizes of all banknotes of the Bank of Russia that are in cash circulation?

Answer: The sizes of denominations of 5000 rubles and 1000 rubles really coincide. The dimensions of 5000 banknotes are 157 x 69 mm, and it is the same for banknotes of all issues. So, banknotes with a face value of 5000 rubles by the Bank of Russia have been put into circulation twice today and have the following dimensions:

  • Banknote of the Bank of Russia of 1997 - 157 x 69 mm (put into circulation on July 31, 2006);
  • Banknote of the Bank of Russia sample 1997, modification 2010 - 157 x 69 mm (put into circulation on September 6, 2011).

5000 rub. and 1000 rubles. bills

The sizes of denominations (banknotes) and their design are developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and ready-made samples are approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

Sizes of banknotes of the Bank of Russia

According to the Bank of Russia, the sizes of banknotes in circulation and legal tender are as follows:

Banknote denominationNumber of releasesNumber of modificationsBanknote sizes (all types)
5 rubles *1 No137 x 61 mm
10 rubles **3 2 150 x 65 mm
50 rubles3 2 150 x 65 mm
rubles5 3 150 x 65 mm
rubles1 0 150 x 65 mm
rubles4 3 150 x 65 mm
rubles3 2 157 x 69 mm
rubles1 0 157 x 69 mm
rubles2 1 157 x 69 mm

It should be noted that the sizes of denominations (banknotes) indicated in the table refer to all their issues into circulation and modifications.
As an example, I will give the sizes of 100 ruble bills of all years of issue, namely:

  • The size of the banknote of the Bank of Russia of the sample of 1997 with a face value of 100 rubles is 150 x 65 mm;
  • The size of the banknote of the Bank of Russia of the sample of 1997 with a face value of 100 rubles of the modification of 2001 is 150 x 65 mm;
  • The size of the banknote of the Bank of Russia of the sample of 1997 with a face value of 100 rubles of the modification of 2004 is 150 x 65 mm;
  • The size of the Bank of Russia commemorative banknote of 2014 with a face value of 100 rubles (Banknote of 100 rubles about the Olympics in Sochi) is 150 x 65 mm.
  • Commemorative banknote of the Bank of Russia sample 2015
    denomination of 100 rubles (Banknote of 100 rubles about the Crimea and Sevastopol) - 150 x 65 mm
* A banknote with a face value of 5 rubles is practically never found in cash circulation, but it remains legal tender - you can verify this by visiting the Banknotes and Coins section of the Bank of Russia website. This means that such a banknote is still in the hands of the citizens of the country.
** A banknote of 10 rubles in cash is sometimes still found and is also legal tender of the Bank of Russia. New printing of 10 ruble bills will not be made, the bill, as it is naturally withdrawn from circulation due to dilapidation, is replaced by coins of the same denomination.

For information: All information on the size of banknotes is taken from the website of the Bank of Russia.
Changes to the material were made on 10/16/2017.

The free calculator “Amount in words online” will help you quickly convert the amount written in numbers into the amount in words according to all spelling rules. The spelling of numerals is a vast topic with a lot of nuances, not everyone remembers it from school. Our simple calculator will show the amounts in words in Russian without errors. You only need to enter a numeric value in the field.

When filling out financial, accounting and tax documents, you need to write a monetary indicator in numbers and duplicate it in words - that is, write it in words. This is done in payrolls, contracts, cash orders, it is used for a bank check - money appears in almost all papers. The main purpose of prescribing amounts is the desire to avoid counterfeiting. The appearance of the numbers is easy to change, but the verbal spelling is difficult to correct.

Converting digital values ​​into verbal ones is a tedious task. If you have to fill out a lot of documents, then the risk of error increases. To easily and free of charge convert the amount to the correct capitalization, use our calculator.

How the calculator "Amount in words online" works

Enter the numerical version of the amount in rubles in the calculator field. The program will respond to the input of a number automatically and offer a verbal formulation of the amount. It will be written below the numeric field immediately after entering the numbers. You don't need to press anything else.

Capital decoding appears exactly in the version that is adopted for financial documents: rubles are indicated in words, kopecks - in numbers, this is the rule. The amount is written with a capital letter, the value of the amount in rubles and kopecks is not separated by a comma or other punctuation mark (dot, bracket). For example: "Twenty thousand five hundred one ruble 51 kopecks."

If you need to specify the number of kopecks in the amount, write them after a comma or a period as part of the number. A space cannot be used for this purpose. For example: "20500.56" or "346.5".

If the amount is whole, without kopecks, write the number without a comma and zero indicators after it. For example: "3000000". The calculator will understand everything itself and will offer a capital version of the amount with the addition: “00 kopecks”. But specifying the amount as a decimal fraction with zero values ​​​​after the decimal point is also acceptable. For example: "100.00". The third sign after the comma (point) cannot be put.

Be careful when writing large numbers, especially with multiple zeros in a row.

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"Everyone must to one
Know the numbers up to the number five -
Well, at least for
To distinguish marks

V. Vysotsky
"Alice in Wonderland"

Paraphrasing the words of a famous poet, we can say that everyone should know not just numbers, but also how numbers are spelled correctly, consisting of these same numbers and so often used in various documents. To understand when and how to write numbers in the text of individual documents, you must first understand what forms of writing numbers in the text are used.

There are three number writing forms in the text:


    alphabetic (verbal);


In digital form, predominantly quantitative numbers are written, for example, “We confirm that our company received 3 tons of cement.”

In verbal form, all the numbers with which the sentence begins are written, especially the first in the paragraph, for example: “Ten machines must be sent to the branch of the Ekotekhnika enterprise in Pskov.”

Alphanumeric form representations of numbers are preferred when large round figures are given. For example, 50 billion rubles, 50 thousand rubles, 10 million rubles are easier to read than 50,000,000,000 rubles.

Arabic and Roman numerals

At writing numbers Arabic or Roman numerals are used. The choice of one or another type of numbers is determined mainly by tradition or the magnitude of ordinal numbers. Agree that no one will dispute the inconvenience of using Roman numerals when denoting large numbers.

Nowadays, in the texts of documents, as a rule, Arabic numerals are used. But numerals, denoted by Roman numerals, have a place to be. Note that Roman numerals do not represent plurals.

Ordinal numbers, denoted by Arabic numerals, are written in increments: "80s". The case ending in ordinal numbers must be one-letter or two-letter.

One-letter endings are written when the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a vowel sound. For example, 4th (fourth), 4th (fourth), 5th (fifth, fifth), 5th (fifth, fifth).

Two-letter endings are used if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a consonant. For example, 5th, 5th, 6th.

At writing ordinal numbers much less often, Roman numerals can be used, which in this case are written without extension: “specialist of the II category”, “legal adviser of the I category”.

Compound nouns and adjectives containing numerals are written in the following way:

  • 3 month period,

    10 percent

    3 day.

But all this concerns the rules of the Russian language, which you must always know and remember when using numbers in the text of a document. We are also interested in the question in which cases and in what documents the amount written in numbers requires its subsequent indication in words. This question is, one might say, historical.

For the first time in world history, the decision that in all documents the numbers should be written in cursive, and not in Arabic numerals, was adopted in 1299 in Florence. However, this ban on Arabic numerals was imposed not only because numbers are easier to correct than words, but also because Arabic numerals, then new to Europe, were considered by many residents as suspicious "Arabic magic".

Specifying the amount in words

Nowadays, the use of deciphering numbers is necessary in order to protect yourself from various problems that may arise due to the fault of an inattentive contractor (just made a mistake) or “through the fault” of the counterparty, who deliberately increased the amount of the contract by adding several numbers to the previously specified amount. As for such “creative creativity” in agreements, it should be remembered that an agreement is a double-edged sword that can hurt any of the parties. Therefore, the question is whether it is necessary to prescribe amounts in words in contracts, powers of attorney, letters related to the transfer of funds, should not be. But figure out how to do it right enter these amounts, costs. At the same time, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any references to how these amounts must register in contracts and powers of attorney.

Let's take a look at accounting first. Everything is more or less clear here. As a rule, the bulk of the documents that employees have to fill out are primary accounting documents. The rules for working with them are regulated by the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”. Primary accounting documents are divided into:

    documents, the forms of which are approved by the resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation;

    for documents whose forms are not approved, but then they must contain the necessary minimum details specified in the law on accounting. One of the mandatory details of such documents is the measuring instruments of a business transaction in kind and in monetary terms. At the same time, the law does not contain an explicit reference to the need to decipher the monetary expression.

Many approved forms of primary accounting documents contain not only lines indicating the amounts, but also lines for deciphering them in words. In accordance with the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 1999 No. 20 “On approval of the procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation”, the removal of individual details from unified forms is not allowed. And this means that filling in the details indicating the amounts and their decoding are mandatory. The procedure for filling in these details is not established. Although in accounting documents it practically does not cause difficulties.

Analyzing the forms of approved primary accounting documents, we can conclude that in those documents where amounts necessary prescribe , this is done in the following order (see example 1):

    the amount is indicated in numerical terms,

    and then this amount is repeated in words, while the kopecks are indicated by numbers.

S.Yu. Kozlova, Leading Lawyer of Optima iXchange Services (OXS):

Although the current law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” was adopted after the Civil Code, almost 11 years have passed since its entry into force. During this time, the Russian economy has changed radically.

Due to the introduction of relevant amendments to the legislative acts, new subjects of accounting have appeared (lawyers engaged in advocacy in the lawyer's office), the range of bodies authorized to regulate accounting has expanded. The latter circumstance, in turn, was a consequence of the weakening of the state's influence on the country's economy and the strengthening of the economic independence of business entities.

And, finally, the fact that Russia, wishing to enter as an equal participant in the world economic community, began to play an important role, is gradually moving to accounting and financial reporting in accordance with international standards (IFRS, US GAAP). All this is reflected in the draft of the new law "On Official Accounting", which is under consideration in the State Duma.

But now, in relation to the topic we are considering, we will be interested in one significant change that affected the primary accounting documents (the so-called "primary").

The draft law imposes on the head of the organization the obligation to approve the forms of primary accounting documents. Approval is carried out upon presentation of the person responsible for accounting.
At the moment, the forms of primary accounting documents are contained in albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, which, in accordance with the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of May 29, 1998 No. 57a and the Ministry of Finance of June 18, 1998 No. 27n, are subject to introduction in all organizations operating on territory of our country. Therefore, now an economic entity has the right to approve only the forms of those primary accounting documents that are not in the albums of unified forms.

Apparently, the adoption of the new law involves the rejection of the use of unified forms. Each economic entity will have the right to approve the forms of primary accounting documents required for accounting in this particular economic entity. An indispensable condition for the approval and further use of such forms is the availability of mandatory details, the list of which generally corresponds to those contained in paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the current law "On Accounting".

At the same time, in nominative case only that part of the amount that is expressed in rubles is indicated in words. In order to avoid postscripts, the first word must begin with a capital letter, and in accordance with clause 2.9 of the "Regulations on Documents and Workflow of Accounting Documents" approved by the USSR Ministry of Finance dated July 29, 1983
№ 105"free lines in primary documents are subject to obligatory dash".

Not only in accounting documents, but also in contracts, powers of attorney, when drawing up, the amounts that must be repeated are indicated in words.

The procedure for decoding the amount of the contract or the amount specified in the power of attorney, as we noted above, is not regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But the principle writing sums in words remains common for all documents: first we indicate the amount in digital form, and then in words in the nominative case with a capital letter. But there are also variations here:

    Based on the practice of business turnover, we can recommend the following most common method, in which the amount is first written in full in digital terms, including rubles and kopecks, and then it is repeated, but in words (see Example 1).

    But in practice there is another way. First the amount is prescribed, which reflects rubles, in numerical terms and in words in brackets, and then kopecks are indicated only once in numerical terms:

In contracts you can meet another way to decrypt the amount, for example, "17,363.00 (Seventeen thousand three hundred and sixty-three rubles 00 kopecks)". Logically, there is a contradiction here. The second part (decryption) must fully comply with the first part (digital expression). In this example, in the first part there is no reference to the currency, then why are rubles indicated when decrypting, and, for example, not US dollars or euros? By adding the word “rubles” to the first part, we get a modification of the first of the listed acceptable options: “17,363.00 rubles. (Seventeen thousand three hundred and sixty-three rubles 00 kopecks).

Whether to use the words "rubles" and "kopecks" or use their abbreviated versions ("rubles", "kopecks"), you can decide for yourself. It is of no fundamental importance. The main thing is that there should be uniformity: having indicated the word "rubles" in full, do the same with the word "penny". Moreover, the ways of specifying kopecks (cents, euro cents) can also be different, which is especially typical for international contracts.

At the same time, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that you can use any of the listed methods. breakdown of the amounts in the contract, power of attorney, letter or other document (except accounting). Which one to choose, you can determine for yourself, because. None of these methods are legally mandated. The most important thing is that the numerical expression of the amount corresponds to the fact that spelled out.

If, nevertheless, the organization wants to introduce uniformity in the order in which the amounts are written in various documents, then this can be fixed in the Office Instructions, where, for example, the order in which the date of the document is written is usually prescribed. At the same time, it should be remembered that the Office Work Instruction is a local regulatory act of the organization, and, therefore, oblige the counterparty under the contract write down the amount in the way that is enshrined in your Instructions for Record Keeping, you will not be able to. It is important here that the parties agree on any correct spelling of numbers and their interpretation.

We considered options when the amount is clearly indicated in various documents. But in practice, very often, when issuing powers of attorney for the right to sign certain contracts, a limit is indicated on the amount above which the trustee cannot conclude contracts. In this case decryption of the amount written in the genitive case, because it follows the words "no more", "no less". For example, "no more than 2,000,000 (two million) rubles".

A similar situation occurs when transcription in words other numbers, for example, the number of banking days or the volume of copyright sheets ( Suma in cuirsive to be declined):

* * *

Thus, the analysis of possible options deciphering numbers in words allows us to conclude that today this issue is not regulated by law. And if so, then we can recommend that the developers of the new GOST on office work include such a section in the new edition of GOST and try to dot the “i” so that each of us, like Alice from Wonderland, could say:

"To a million far away,
But first you need to know
What is simple and easy -
One, two, three, four, five".

In the meantime, the author of the article hopes that the considered number writing examples, based on many years of experience with documents and business practice, will help many employees to cope with this task.

Before we go directly to the numerals, let's deal with some nouns. Journalists are often scolded for misusing the word "number". “The numbers are from one to nine, there can’t even be a number ten, not to mention millions!” is what language purists usually say in this case. Explanatory dictionaries explain: in colloquial speech (not in official texts!) Thousands and millions can be called figures. For example, Ushakov's dictionary gives such a definition to the word "number": "sum, number". And the Big Explanatory Dictionary, edited by Kuznetsov, gives such examples: “argue about the fee figure”, “indicate the income figure”. In general, the figure is not at all prohibited and does not at all indicate the illiteracy of the speaker.

As for the words "number" and "quantity", they are interchangeable.


Numerals have more than once predicted an imminent "petrification". Many linguists even now say that a few more decades - and we may stop inclining them. Maxim Krongauz, in his numerous interviews about the state of the Russian language, often reminds: numerals have been declining badly for at least 50 years, or even all 100. This is a long-standing process. Moreover, as the linguist notes, even quite educated people get confused in the declension of long numerals.

Questions about numbers and more

1. "Five hundred" or "five hundred"? Only "five hundred", "six hundred", "three hundred", "eight hundred", etc. In general, none of these numerals ends in -hundred.

2. "2001" or "2001"? Only "two thousand and one" is correct. In complex ordinal numbers, only the last part changes.

3. "Five and three tenths of a percent" or "five and three tenths of a percent"? Correct "percentA" because the fraction governs the noun.

4. "In a thousand kilometers" or "in a thousand kilometers"? Both options are correct. The fact is that the word "thousand" in this sense is unique: it can both control a noun (in a thousand of what? Kilometers), and be consistent with it (in what? in a thousand kilometers). In addition, the "thousand" itself can take on different forms. Remember Pasternak: “The twilight of the night is directed at me with a thousand binoculars on an axis ...”? You can say "thousand" and "thousand".

5. If 32 miners were rescued from the mine, then how to say: “Rescued thirty-two?”, “Rescued thirty-two?” That's right: "Thirty-two miners saved." Here we must remember the special status of compound numbers that end in "two", "three", "four". In the accusative case, they have the forms "two", "three", "four". For example, “twenty-four tourists were detained”, “thirty-three students were released”.

6. Is it possible to say "with ninety rubles"? No. The numerals "forty", "ninety", "one hundred" have only two forms. "Forty", "ninety", "hundred" in the nominative and accusative cases and "forty", "ninety", "hundred" - in all the rest. Therefore, it is correct - "with ninety rubles."

7. How do you spell "850th anniversary"? Is it in one word? Yes, indeed, in one word - "eight hundred and fifty". Other similar words would be spelled the same way, such as "two thousand five hundred years".

8. "Two friends" or "two friends"? Now you will say again that linguists are too liberal, they themselves do not know anything and allow everything in a row. Yes, you can do this and that. True, in fairness it should be noted that such liberties are not always permissible: the combination of "three professors" is hardly possible. There is no grammatical difference here - it's a matter of style. We quote Rosenthal: “In some cases, on the contrary, collective numbers are not used, since they bring a reduced connotation of meaning, for example: two professors, three generals (not “two professors”, “three generals”)”.

But with feminine nouns, collective numerals are not used at all. You can't say "two dressmakers" or "three teachers".

9. What if you need to say "22 days"? No, there is no normative option here. The only way out is to look for some descriptive phrase, for example, "within 22 days." It is recommended to do the same with the expression "a day and a half", which exists in the literary language, but is grammatically flawed. It is recommended to look for turnovers: “within one and a half days”, “one and a half days”.

10. "Two-tone" or "two-tone"? Again, both are possible! But, however, there are nuances that D.E. Rosenthal: he notes that the parallel use of such words is possible, but nevertheless in most of these words there is a tendency to one variant. In terms, formations with the element "two-" prevail, and in everyday, everyday words - formations with the element "two-".

How well do you remember these rules?

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