
Make changes to the staffing table by adding a position. Justification for introducing a staff unit. How much and where is the staffing table stored?

The work of enterprises is associated with constant development and increasing the pace of work. For this reason, from time to time there may be a need to introduce a new position into the staffing table. This procedure actually has many serious aspects. It is important to decide not only on the name of the vacancy, but also to justify the innovation with documentation.

How to introduce a new position into the staffing table?

The introduction of a vacancy into the organization's staff should be carried out in several main stages. They can be divided into organizational and documentary support.

To carry out this procedure, you must follow these steps:

  • Identify the need for changes;
  • Write a memo about the need for an additional unit;
  • By order of the manager, draw up a document indicating all existing vacancies, as well as newly created ones.

The names of positions in the staffing table must correspond to the approved state list.

How to justify the introduction of a new position into the staffing table?

The laws of the Russian Federation determine that an organization can itself coordinate the number of hired workers. Also, at the initiative of the manager, employees can be added, existing positions can be renamed, or reductions can be made. But for each of the listed actions it is necessary to have serious justifications, which are expressed through the preparation of official calculations and documents.

An increase in staff and the addition of an additional unit usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • The scope of work was increased;
  • Additional technologies or areas have been introduced;
  • Adding a vacancy will help improve the performance of a department, business unit or enterprise as a whole.

The list is not final and other reasons may arise in the company that may justify the need for innovation.

Example justification - introducing a new position into the staffing table

An example justification is also called a memo. Let's consider an example of justification for introducing an additional unit into the staffing table due to an increase in document flow. I follow the rules for storing documents; in each department there is a person who is responsible for the timely delivery of filed folders to the enterprise archive or zonal archive. Especially many such documents are formed in the process of work of accountants, human resources workers and economists.

Employees of these departments can prepare a memo to justify the need to introduce a unit that must timely bind, file and transfer documents to the production archive. In addition, they can be issued upon request only upon signature.

An example of justification indicates:

  • Number of cases generated annually;
  • The time spent on binding, filing, receiving and issuing them.

The time spent per month is calculated. Based on this, the rate and salary of the future employee are determined.

Order on introducing a new position into the staffing table - sample

A new position is introduced into the staffing table by order of the manager. The order is issued on the basis of the submitted memo.

The order specifies the following points:

  • The need to draw up a different structure in connection with the submitted application for amendments;
  • Indication of the department where the vacancy will be posted;
  • Name of the entered vacancy;
  • The size of the rate, official salary and other permanent allowances.

The order is approved by the manager and sealed with the seal of the enterprise.

Memo on the introduction of a new position into the staffing table

A request to introduce a new position into the staffing table is expressed by a memo from the head of the department or structural unit that needs a new employee. The memo does not simply express a request to introduce changes, but provides official justification for this action. The new structural unit will require certain material costs from the enterprise. Therefore, it is very important in the note to calculate the feasibility of these costs and obtain financial benefits from the new employee.

In addition to the memo itself, it is necessary to develop the following applications:

  • Calculation of the volume of work generated;
  • Provide data on labor cost standards for specialties from the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 2002;
  • Give an economic calculation of the profit received from the introduction of a new vacancy.

The resulting benefit can be expressed, for example, in the fact that the introduced work unit will relieve significantly different specialists who will be able to spend the freed-up time on developing new ideas and concepts.

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The staffing table is the main document of any organization, which determines its structural component, as well as the level of earnings for each vacancy. This standard can be corrected in two ways:

  • issuance of an order with amendments;
  • drafting a new version of the main document.

The last method is relevant in cases where the changes made are large-scale. The legislation does not limit the time frame when a new standard can be issued.

Notification of staffing changes

Notification of changes to the staffing table is sent to employees in the following cases:

  • when establishing a new salary;
  • to rename a position or structural unit, the latter is relevant if it is specified in the employment contract;
  • when transferring to another vacancy;
  • when staffing is reduced.

There are also other cases where adjustments need to be made to those positions that are specified in the employment contract. Notification is provided when corrections affect employees. If there are none, then no one needs to be notified about making adjustments.

Do I need to approve the staffing table every year if there are no changes?

A separate issue is the frequency of amendments to this document. The legislation does not prescribe any restrictions in this regard. That is, you can change the document on the structure of the enterprise as many times as these actions become necessary. The main condition is compliance with the design.

Most often, the procedure for drawing up the main document provides for its approval for each year. The question arises whether it needs to be changed if there are no changes. Since the annual renewal of the document is a recommendation, there are no regulations on the mandatory nature of this procedure. That is, if there are no changes, there is no need to create a new edition.

Order to change salaries due to changes in staffing

Salary change is a pressing issue that has its own solution procedure. The main aspect to pay attention to is the presence of interested employees. If a vacancy is available, then to make amendments it is only necessary to issue an appropriate act with amendments.

If there are busy employees, you need to coordinate the adjustments made with them. indicates that notification of changes to the salary must be sent to the employee no later than two months before the amendments come into force. Especially when it comes to reducing your earnings. If the employee agrees with the adjustments, an additional agreement to the employment contract is also drawn up.

Corrections to the staffing table during indexation and salary increases are carried out according to a similar procedure. To put the adjustments into force, after agreement with the employees, a corresponding order is issued. It indicates the document number, as well as those provisions that need to be changed.

Order to change the staffing table - introduction of new positions

Changes in staffing due to introduction of a new position also accompanied by documentary support. Depending on the scale of the changes made, this may be either a separate order attached to the main document or a new edition. The second option is relevant in a situation where a large-scale reorganization of the company is being carried out.

An important point that you need to pay attention to when drawing up an order is the justification for the adjustments made. This role may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • expansion of the company, attracting more employees and increasing the volume of activities;
  • restructuring of a separate division, service or editing of positions;
  • measures to redistribute functional responsibilities between vacancies.

Often such adjustments affect not only the correction of the structure, but also the registration of a new salary level.

Making changes to the staffing table - adding a staff unit

Many employers wonder whether it is worth drawing up a separate act if only the number of employees employed in the specified position needs to be corrected. There are two options for solving this problem:

  • if there is a decrease in the number of employees, then such actions are a reduction in staff and are formalized accordingly;
  • if new units are added, then this procedure is drawn up in accordance with the procedure for adding a new position.

The second option involves issuing a separate order with appropriate amendments. It is drawn up according to the same model as a similar document.

Change in staffing due to renaming of position

Order to rename a position in the staffing table is drawn up if the employee working in this vacancy has been notified and agrees with the amendments. The notification, as in the case of salaries, is sent two months before the new edition comes into force.

An important point is the need to complete all documentation. prescribes that the name of the position held must be indicated in the employment contract. Accordingly, a change of name must be accompanied by the drawing up of an additional agreement to it. Internal regulations must also be put in order - personal cards of employees, instructions, regulations.

Transfer to another position due to changes in staffing

An order to change a position in the staffing table may lead to personnel changes. For example, the creation of a new department requires the transfer of some employees to new vacancies. In this situation, the registration procedure will be similar to renaming.

The employee is notified, and if he agrees, all necessary documents are prepared. The main one is the additional agreement to the employment contract. It is also necessary to enter information about the transfer into the employee’s personal card, as well as his work book.

Order to change the staffing table due to staff reduction

Reduction of staff and entry of relevant information into the staffing table is carried out through a separate order. If the vacancy being reduced includes employees, then Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation they must be notified of such actions two months in advance.

An order to reduce staff must contain the following information:

  • the basis for which there was a need to cut jobs must be indicated;
  • indication of vacancies, number of places and structural departments that are being abolished;
  • the dates on which the document comes into force are indicated;
  • it is prescribed to bring internal documentation into compliance with the new provisions.

Such a document must be signed by all persons affected by it. A separate application may contain a list of employees who are being laid off, indicating their familiarization and agreement with the measures being taken.

Is it possible to leave vacant positions in the staffing table?

- Yes, you can.

How often do staffing changes need to be made?

- Any time there is a need for it.

Is it possible to indicate positions in a foreign language in the staffing table?

- No you can not.

The staffing table is a convenient tool for the employer. In accordance with this document, hiring and transfers are carried out, salaries and positions are changed, and staff is reduced. When should staffing be adjusted? How to do this correctly? Do employees need to be made aware of changes to this document?

We draw up a staffing schedule

The staffing table lists departments, job titles, the number of staff positions for them, the size of official salaries and possible allowances. You may not indicate the period of validity of the staffing table and apply it throughout the entire activity of the company until changes and additions are made to it.

When developing a staffing table, you can use the unified form No. T-3, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1, or you can approve another form in the organization that will contain all the necessary information for maintaining personnel records (Article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ). A special procedure is provided for public sector organizations - for them, the forms of primary accounting documentation are established in accordance with budget legislation.

The staffing table is an impersonal document. It does not indicate specific employees, but the number of positions in the organization and salaries for them. To record which employees occupy which positions, as well as to mark vacancies, periods of long absence from work and temporary replacement, a staffing table is drawn up. To do this, it is convenient to use the staffing form No. T-3, including the columns “Last name and initials”, “Information about the employee”.

How to indicate positions in the staffing table

The staffing table reflects all available positions in the organization, including vacant ones.

If the work is not associated with harmful or difficult working conditions, the employer can independently formulate the title of the position (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the law does not prohibit the use of generally accepted abbreviations “PC Operator”, “Head of Web Development Department”. However, it is better to indicate full job titles to avoid the risk of discrepancies in their interpretation, since there is no established list of abbreviated titles. Do not set different salaries for the same positions in the staffing table. Introduce differences in titles and job responsibilities for them.


Branches are not employers, therefore it is impossible to draw up a separate staffing table for them (Clause 3 of Article 55 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

The specifics of the work of many organizations are related to the seasonal recruitment of workers. If fixed-term employment contracts are concluded with additional employees, this can be reflected in the staffing table. To do this, issue an order by which you increase the number of units for the relevant positions, noting the period for which they are introduced (Articles 15, 16, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To take into account the period, the staffing table can be supplemented with the column “Period of work” or this information can be reflected in the column “Note”.

Personnel changes that must be reflected in the staffing table

How to make changes to the staffing table

By decision of the employer, the structure of the organization, the composition and number of employees, salaries by position, etc. can be changed. These events affect the staffing schedule of the organization. Changes are made in one of the following ways:
– an order to amend the current staffing table. In this case, the planned changes are listed in the text of the order itself;
– an order approving the new staffing table.

Employers choose the option to update the document themselves. If the adjustments are small, and personnel records are kept in an automated system, it is more convenient to make changes by order, but when large-scale personnel changes are planned in the organization, a new schedule should be approved.

The order to make changes is drawn up in any form. It indicates the reasons for the adjustments and their essence, the date of entry into force, which may not coincide with the date of issue of the order.


General Director of Aristotle LLC Maria V., in connection with the increase in the number of services provided and optimization of the staffing table, made the decision:
– introduce the position of “forwarding driver” into the staffing table;
– rename the “department for compliance with labor safety standards” into the “department for labor protection”, and the position of “head of the department for compliance with labor safety standards” into “head of the department for labor protection”. After which, on April 24, 2013, an order was issued to amend the staffing table from May 6, 2013.

Fixing the error

How to do it right

The employer has established several positions in the staffing table in a foreign language: web developer, IT specialist, PR manager.

Personnel records management must be conducted in Russian (Part 1, Article 3 of Federal Law No. 53-FZ of June 1, 2005, Clause 6 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 225).

What happens if…

If an employer, based on the staffing table, enters job titles in a foreign language into employees’ work books, he may be held administratively liable for violating labor law norms in the form of a fine of up to 50,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Remember the main thing

Note the experts who took part in the preparation of the material

Galina Dugina - lawyer, candidate of pedagogical sciences, expert of the magazine “Personnel Affairs”

The employer himself decides for what period to draw up the staffing schedule. As a rule, it is issued for one year, and then a new one is approved. The staffing table can also be indefinite - valid throughout the entire activity of the company.

Ekaterina Arakcheeva - Director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Moscow City Legal Center "Zashchita" (Moscow)

Due to the need to rename structural units or positions, change salaries, reduce the number or staff of employees, changes are made to the current staffing table or a new one is adopted in a form convenient for the employer. The changes made and the new staffing table are approved by order of the manager.

Nadezhda Senatorova - Head of the Legal and HR Support Department of KIA Systems CJSC (Moscow)

The dates of approval and implementation of the new staffing table may not coincide. For example, during major personnel changes. In this situation, the HR department may be given a time period to complete all the necessary paperwork for personnel rotation. Documents must be prepared by the effective date of the new staffing table.

Editorial staff of the magazine "Personnel Affairs"

  • HR records management

An order to introduce a new position into the staffing table, a sample of which is presented in the materials of the article, is the basis for making changes to the staffing table. Therefore, it is important to correctly compose the order and use the correct wording

Read our article:

How to introduce a new position into the staffing table in 2018


If the working conditions for a given position are classified as harmful or dangerous, its name both in the staffing table and in the employment contract must correspond to the names appearing in the Unified Qualification Directories, the Directory of New and Promising Professions in Demand on the Labor Market, or professional standards.

Before introducing a new position into the staffing table, it must be drawn up. Drawing up a staffing table is a fairly long process that requires a thoughtful approach. It consists of several stages:

  1. Calculation of the required number of staff units, taking into account the availability of requirements for the number, for which in some cases standards have been established;
  2. Formation of structural divisions;
  3. Determination of the name and number of positions;
  4. Determination of the wage fund and wage information for each position;
  5. Approval of staffing;
  6. Issuing an order to put the staffing table into effect.

It is clear that when compiling this document, a thorough and comprehensive analysis is carried out, the optimal option is searched for to achieve the strategic objectives facing the organization with a minimum of costs. Therefore, when introducing a new position into the staffing table in 2018, it is necessary not only to prove the need to adjust this document, but also to follow the procedure for making amendments.

Justification for introducing a new position into the staffing table

The staffing table, in fact, is a local regulatory act and the employer has the right to make changes to it at specified intervals or as necessary. The introduction of a new position is carried out at the initiative of the employer and does not require agreement with the employees, since responsibility for the production activities of the enterprise rests with the employer.

Read also:

Justification for the introduction of a new position in the staffing table in 2018 is necessary to convincingly argue the need for the inevitable costs of creating a new job and paying a new employee. Such a justification can only be made by an employee who is thoroughly familiar with the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and the immediate prospects for its development.

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As a rule, the initiative to introduce a new position into the staffing table belongs to the heads of departments. They can independently analyze the current standards and norms, compare them with the tasks that the department needs to solve and the planned scope of work.

To justify the introduction of a position, it is necessary to attach a comprehensive calculation, in the preparation of which all organizational and technical conditions of technological and organizational processes characteristic of the unit were taken into account to the maximum extent possible. Such justification can be issued in the form of a memo about the introduction of an additional staffing position.

Service memo on the introduction of an additional staffing position

Such a note, justifying the introduction of a new position in the staffing table, can be drawn up by the head of one of the organization’s divisions, including the head of the financial, economic or legal service.

When a new position is introduced, appropriate adjustments are made to the staffing table. Most often this is due to production needs (reorganization, expansion of the scope of activity).

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New positions are also being introduced to relieve workers: one employee often performs several functions that are the responsibility of various specialists. For example, an accountant additionally performs the work of a personnel inspector or secretary.

Normative base

The staffing table is a regulatory document of the organization that describes the structure, staff and number of employees indicating the salary for each position (letter of Rostrud dated March 22, 2012 No. 428-6-1).

The Labor Code does not have a precise definition of the document; moreover, it does not require its maintenance at all.

The main regulatory legal act that you need to focus on when filling out the staffing table is Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1 on the approval of forms of primary documents in personnel records management.


Adjustments to the staffing table are made based on the order of the manager. HR specialists also take part in the preparation of the project.

The director gives an oral order to individual employees, in accordance with which an order for the introduction of positions is drawn up, after which the document is confirmed by his personal signature.

The need to change the job composition may be caused by an increase in the volume of work at the enterprise, the introduction of a new line of activity, measures to improve the efficiency of a structural unit or the entire organization, etc.

How to introduce a new position into the staffing table in 2019?

The procedure for introducing a new position consists of several stages that combine organizational activities and documentation.

Procedure, steps and rules

Determining the need to add a staff unit

This is the most crucial and difficult moment in the entire procedure.

There must be strong arguments for increasing the staff, so you need to analyze the standard of performance of individual duties with the scope of work of the future position.

First you need to collect statistical information regarding the position being entered (types of work, employee functions, time costs, etc.). The calculation is carried out on the basis of production standards provided for a specific job.

If the organization does not have its own labor standards system, you can use the standards of the Ministry of Labor.


Due to the expansion of production activities, the company needed a secretary-clerk. There is no such vacancy on staff, and the functions of the secretary are performed by several employees.

According to estimates, in a month the organization processes approximately:

  • 150 units of incoming documents;
  • 160 units of official correspondence;
  • 50 management orders;
  • 60 requests from counterparties;
  • additionally: 100 phone calls.

To determine the labor costs for maintaining documents and processing calls, you can refer to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 23.

In accordance with this document, the time standards for working with documents are:

Function performed Number of units processed per month Hours standards Total spent
Incoming documents 150 0,065 9,8
Official documents 160 0,065 10,4
Management orders 50 0,08 4
Contacts from counterparties 60 0,083 5
Calls 100 0,2 20
Total 520 49,2

Thus, when performing only the functions listed above, an employee will spend about 50 hours per month.

HR staff are wondering if it is possible to introduce a 0.25 rate for such employees?

This is not prohibited by law: depending on the amount of work expected, a rate of 0.5, 0.75 or 0.25 can be set. Similarly, you need to calculate labor costs by category of work for the entered vacancy.

If the employee’s current workload exceeds the number of working hours per month, the introduction of the position is quite justified.

Drawing up a new job description

Based on the calculation of labor costs, standards for the functions that the new employee will perform are determined and adjusted.

After this, a draft job description is prepared.

Drawing up a memo addressed to the manager

A new position is introduced into a specific structural unit, therefore, a note addressed to the director is written by the head of this department.

The document must describe in detail the rationale for introducing a new vacancy. Attached to the note is a draft job description.

Issuance of an order

The document indicates the department for which the position is being entered, as well as information about the salary amount.

The date the vacancy was introduced may not coincide with the date of the order, so changes may be introduced later.

Adjustment of staffing

Employees are not required to familiarize themselves with the innovations upon signature.

For one position

The procedure for adjusting the staffing table is not regulated by the Labor Code. If you are entering only one vacancy, you can use the instructions presented above.

Thus, the employer’s actions come down to issuing an order, drawing up a new job description, changing the staffing table and hiring an employee.

For department

If the changes are widespread, it is easier to draw up a new staffing table. The document is developed by the personnel department and approved by management.

How to choose titles?

In accordance with the Labor Code, the name of the new vacancy must correspond to the current qualification directory approved in the manner prescribed by law (RF Government Decree No. 787).

If the position being introduced is not associated with special restrictions and guarantees, the manager can independently determine the name of the specialty, regardless of whether such a name is in the directory or not.

The obligation of exact compliance of the job title with the reference book and professional standards is stated in two articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Art. 57 (providing subsidies and benefits to specific positions, the presence of restrictions);
  • Art. 195.3 (application of professional standards).


The procedure for introducing a position must be formalized in accordance with the procedure established by law.

To do this, an order is issued to change the staffing table, a job description is developed, and then the additions themselves are made.

The staffing table is drawn up according to the T-3 form (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1). If necessary, the employer can develop its own form (Rostrud Letter No. 1487-6-1-PG dated February 14, 2013).


The order to introduce a position does not have a regulated form, however, when drawing it up, you must be guided by the requirements of Gosstandart R 6.30-2003.

  • the title of the document must indicate that adjustments to the schedule are being made due to the introduction of a new position;
  • The full name of the organization, number and date of the order are written at the top;
  • the last paragraph of the main text must contain the full name of the person controlling the execution of the order;
  • The director or an authorized official signs at the bottom; the chief accountant or the head of the personnel service can sign the approval.

All orders related to staffing are general throughout the company.

The document can be given a special index (for example, “ШР”) to limit access to personal information of employees and stored in a separate folder.

  1. Sales Director (salary – 100,000 rubles) – 1 full-time position;
  2. Sales trainer (salary – 50,000 rubles) – 1 full-time position.”

Example document:

Change of staffing

The staffing table is a document consisting of ten columns and is an annex to the order on the basis of which it was approved. If the changes are minor (for example, the introduction of one or two positions), there is no need to redo the entire order.

In case of significant adjustments (opening a new department or division), it is better to rework the entire form at once, that is, create a new schedule. This document comes into force on a specific date, based on the order approving the schedule.

According to the form regulated by the State Statistics Committee, the document must indicate:

  • names of departments;
  • names of all positions;
  • staff size;
  • size , surcharge.

Job Descriptions

A job description is drawn up and approved for each position, i.e. for an indefinite number of employees without indicating their full name.

The procedure for writing instructions is not established by regulatory legal acts; therefore, management independently decides how to draw up and correct them.

The main task when drawing up a document is to develop instructions that fully cover the entire list of job responsibilities and powers of employees with the most clear and precise wording.

The development of job descriptions is carried out on the basis of:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Classification directory of positions.

The document is drawn up on the company's general letterhead.

The main details include:

  • company name;
  • Title of the document;
  • date with number;
  • place where it was compiled;
  • title;
  • text content;
  • director's painting;
  • approval stamp.

Job description structure:

  • general provisions;
  • employee functions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • employee rights;
  • responsibility;
  • relationships within the company.

When a new position is introduced, a new job description for the specialist is also formed.

Employment contracts

A decrease or increase in salary, renaming a position and other adjustments to the staffing table lead to.

After issuing an order to change the staffing table, a contract is concluded with the employee.

When hiring an employee for a new position, an agreement with him is concluded according to the general rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a position is renamed, the employer makes the appropriate entries in.

Current employees are given at least two months' notice of upcoming changes.

Is it necessary to notify the employment center?

After introducing a new position, two options are possible:

  • searching and hiring a new employee for this position;
  • transfer of an already employed employee to it under an additional agreement (in this case, the old vacancy is excluded).

If you strictly follow one of the specified algorithms, you do not need to notify the employment service.


The decision to create a new structural unit or introduce positions is made by the authorized body of the legal entity.

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