
Composition and argument logic. Logic bases of creating text-reasoning Compositional harness and connectedness. K9. Grammatical norms

Criterion №3 "Composition"
« Composition and logic of reasoning»
This criterion aims to check the skill.
The graduate argues the thoughts expressed

  • trying to withstand the relationship between the thesis and evidence.
« Starting"Put on condition if
  • rough logical disorders interfere with understanding the meaning of said
  • or there is no theses and evidence
(In all other cases, "Offset" is set.

Below are fragments of works, interesting for the comment from the point of view of their composition and the logic of the argument of reasoning on the proposed topic.

Fragment number 8.

Expert comment To the composition (Fragment number 8).

Bills made in writings do not interfere with see it
  • integrity, harness composition:introduction, the theses and evidence, conclusion are closely related to each other.
  • It should be notedimperative logic of reasoningrelated to the overall idea and relying on several artistic works.
  • The student's thought is consistently developingfrom text to text with increasing additional personal meanings.
  • The graduate not only logically built a reasoning on the proposed topic, but also showed the ability to specify it in accordance with his own intent (the situation of choice and the issue of friendship) and at the same timedo not deviate from the topic.
It is natural that a good level of graduate's training manifested not only in the advantages of work on the criterion "Composition and the logic of reasoning".
The writer's writer also demonstrated an excellent speech culture, reading, formation of such reader skills as the ability to reflect on independently read works and compare them in a given perspective.

Fragment number 8.

« What life questions can help you answer literature?».
What life questions can help you answer literature? Literature helps people respond to many life questions. Some are looking for answers to interpersonal relationship questions, others find a solution to complex situations in the literature. And some go to the world of fiction to find answers to, sometimes, even non-existent questions.

I will allocate two main things: the question of choice and the question of friendship.The problem of choice stands in front of a person all life. And the main thing in every situation make the right choice.

In the story of Vasily Bykov "Sotnikov" before the fisherman, at the very beginning, the choice arises: to save from the death of a weak, patient, wounded Sotnikova or, sacrificing them, to escape himself. And the fisherman, thinking, decides to save the comrade. Later, the problem of choice arises before Demmichy. Sootheska and fisherman at home, thereby exposing themselves to their children danger, or to drive them?

And again the fisherman gets up with the choice. Go to the service for the cocks and keep your life or die? And a failed fisherman comes to the service to the cocks, thinking that he could escape. But he is given a task: knock out a stool from under the feet of the Sotnikov sentenced to death. And making it, the fisherman becomes a pall for his friend, whom he saved so long ago from the same Politsaev. This product shows an example of "pseudodruzhba". What is real friendship?

Other people, other situation. In the story of Boris Vasilyeva "Tomorrow was war," after suicide, the wiki, brought to despair, the requirement to abandon his father - "enemy of peoples", a spark with friends bury her and talks about her, as a true Komsomol, a true and devotional comradist. Iskra did not leave her girlfriend, she was with her to the end ... But is the friendship always checked by death? Andrei Platonov in his story "In the Beautiful Furious World" tells about the true friendship and partnership. After a number of events, the driver of the Maltsev landed and the driver put his assistant. But the driver cannot live without his work and the assistant, risking his position and work, puts Maltsev to his place and allows him to manage the train. Only real friends are capable of such an act.

So, summarize. Literature can answer many living questions, but in order to get answers on them, sometimes you have to read between the lines.
Fragment number 9.

Expert comment To the composition (Fragment number 9).

  • The writing overall built logical and deserves estimates "Offset" under the criterion number 3.
The first paragraph expressed general abstracts. The second and third paragraphs are devoted to the analysis specific examples from the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The final paragraph contains a conclusion corresponding to the subject of the topic.
  • However, the examples given by the studentcan not be considered full arguments for its judgments, insofar as based on the turning interpretation The meaning of the images of Boris Drubetsky and Petit Rostov.
Student does not feel copyright, not thinking about it,replacing it Own privitant understanding. The student's judgments are very superficial, differ in pragmaticity and indicate the displacement of moral estimates.
Fragment number 9.
« Dream will lead away from life or leads life path
Dream will lead away from life or behaves in a life path? Dreamed everything. Children as soon as they start talking, thinking want to change something, represent their future, who they will work, what will be done. On the one hand, a dream helps a person to elect concrete life goals, on the other hand, forces to make actions that can destroy it. This is important that the thinnest face arising between the dream is fulfilled and impracticable. In the second case, she leads a person from real life.

... I will give an example from the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". It shows how a dream can lead a person in a life path or destroy the hero. For example, Boris Drubetskoy dreamed of wealth, influence. It was worth him only to start serving at the headquarters of Kutuzov, he acquired useful acquaintances and perceived differently secular society. So Boris achieved influence in certain circles. He was able to get rich, marrying the calculation on the Julie Karagina. Accordingly, its status in St. Petersburg has risen. Thus, indeed, with practical activities and the desire to achieve concrete goals, the dream leads a person in the life path.

Also in this work Lion Nikolayevich, there is an example of how the dream destroyed a person. Petya Rostov wanted to always be in the center of events. He dreamed of becoming a hero. The younger son of growth participated in the partisan war, did not listen to the commander of the squad, went there, where there was shooting, was killed. Very sorry the boy, who wanted to become a hero. It was his dream, she also ruined Petya.

Indeed, we all twist in the clouds, we present our future. Someone dreams lead to new heights like Boris Drubetsky, leaving someone from life as Ilya Oblomov, and someone is lying as Petya Rostov. Each person must be aware of a thin line between a dream guide that helps and destroy. It is necessary to strive for something real and act to carry out the conceived, but do not make stupid deeds that can destroy. Not in vain speak about some people that they have noticed.
Fragment number 10.

The composition is estimated at five criteria, for each of which the evaluation of the "standings" or "impetitive" is set. To get "standings" on the composition, it is necessary to get "standings" on the first and even at least two criteria. With three and more imperts or finance according to the first criterion ("compliance with the topic"), the essay as a whole is assessed by "non-followed" and is subject to relocation (in February and in May will be assigned).
1 Matching theme
This criterion is the most important: if it becomes "non-post", the essay is immediately evaluated the same.
Under compliance, the topic is understood as the following: a graduate should understand the formulation of the topic and write his arguments precisely on the problem that is proposed in the wording.
The most frequent mistakes are associated with inattention (not to mention the weak ownership of the Russian language, as a result of which the student could simply not understand written) or with meature.
In the first case, the graduate does not pay attention to the formulation of the topic, limiting the awareness only separate words. For example, the topic "Is the concept of honor outweigh?" It is perceived by the student as "something about honor" or "something about old words" and is disclosed accordingly, that is, not according to the topic.
In the second case, the graduate is enough for the topic that seems to him like the one that he disassembled in preparation begins to write with enthusiasm, and notes his mistake only when to correct something is already late, you have to pass what is: having rolled.
The choice of the topic is worth spending enough time to carefully consider them all and make a choice, relying on their own interests and their knowledge of suitable arguments from literature. By choosing the topic, it is necessary to think about all the words included in its wording: there is no extra words in the wording of the topic! We are confident that everyone understood correctly, - make a plan to make sure that you have enough material for 350 words - it is so much desirable to write.
2 Argumentation
The graduates are usually ready for this criterion. They understand that the arguments are needed, and use the blanks in their work.
However, it is not just estimated not just the presence of a mention of some kind of work - a reference to literary material should be an argument, that is, to prove something! For example, according to the above topic ("Is the concept of honor?") It can be used as an argument the story of V.Rasputina "Ivan's daughter, mother of Ivana" (the mother defended his daughter's honor, deigned to the revealing market traders - it means that in our days the concept of honor Actual), and " Captain's daughter"It is not suitable, because the action in the novel occurs in the 18th century, and not now!
3 Composition and argument logic
The composition is the construction of an essay (thesis, arguments, output or result), and the logic is a consistent course of thought. In order for this criterion to get a test, you just need to draw a plan. No need to invent beautiful names for items - just to mark for yourself, what will be said in each of the paragraphs. And look at the plan in the process of work to summarize the transition to the next microtheem.
If there is a problem with smooth transitions, prepare several phrases-ligaments. For example, "However, another aspect can also be discussed in this matter." Or something in this spirit.
Logic errors are also taken into account. For example, a graduate assures that the concept of honor in our days is also relevant, because many people help homeless animals - what is the honor of the honor? It is clear that this reasoning contains an error.
4 Quality Written Speech
Here the speech of the graduate (accurate, figurative - or, on the contrary, poor, underdeveloped. Speech errors are also taken into account.
In the first case, nothing can be done: if the books do not read, expressive speech to take nowhere. As for speech errors, they can be avoided if not to use words, in the sense and the peculiarities of the use of which is not sure.
Speech errors are the use of words in the wrong value or not with those pretexts, for example: "The trend towards indifference is quite close to the widespread phenomenon." Words are beautiful, but the phrase is generally meaningless.
This also includes unjustified repeats and unreasonable consumption of expressive vocabulary: "I love Pushkin's washes", "Filling of all the good deeds", "Pleiad of evil landarers" and the like.
However, the "challenge" on this criterion is quite difficult to obtain: it is necessary to write so tonazingly so that it is even not clear what is talking about!
5 literacy
Criterion evaluating spelling (in the letters: Rivaltsi, whispering war, etc.), punctuation (in punctuation) and grammatical (combined words: "In the most famous works", "Thanks to effort", etc.) errors.
To obtain "non-follower" on this criterion, more than 5 any errors per 100 words should be made. Many people successfully manage to exceed this amount. You can correct something if there is a time using a spelling dictionary (this is permitted on an essay), you can use simple syntax designs to avoid punctuation errors, and do not choose the words with which you are hard to cope in grammatical terms.
Some helps to see their mistakes a little strange reception: they advise read the essay by words from the end to the beginning.
And most importantly: no matter how lazy, the essay must be read by syllables before passing. At least stupid errors (Zhyzn) and the descriptions correct!

Requirement No. 1. "The volume of the final essay."

The maximum number of words in the composition is not established: in determining the volume of its essay, the participant must proceed from the fact that all the work is given 3 hours 55 minutes. If there is less than 250 words in an essay (all words are included in the counting, including service), then "non-posting" for failure to comply with the requirements of No. 1 and "non-function" for the work as a whole (such an essay is not checked in five evaluation criteria).

Requirement No. 2. "The independence of writing the final essay."

The final essay is performed independently. It is not allowed to write an essay (composition fragments) from any source (the operation of another participant, someone else, published in paper and (or) electronic form, etc.). Direct or indirect citation with a mandatory reference to the source is allowed (reference is given in free form). The quotation volume should not exceed the scope of the participant's own text. If the essay is recognized as an expert to be subassessing, then "non-fulfillment" for failure to fulfill requirement No. 2 and "non-function" for the work as a whole (such an essay is not checked in five evaluation criteria).

The final essay that meets the established requirements is estimated at five criteria:

1. "Compliance with the topic";

2. "Argument. Attraction of literary material ";

3. "Composition and the logic of reasoning";

4. "Written Speech Quality";

5. "Literacy".

Criteria number 1 and number 2 are the main. To obtain the "credit" for the final essay, it is necessary to obtain an "test" on criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (the exposure of "non-followers" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to the "uncontuits" for work as a whole), as well as the "test" on one of other criteria (No. 3-1 No. 5).

Criterion No. 1 "Compliance with theme"

This criterion aims to check the compound of writing. The participant must argue on the proposed topic by choosing the path of its disclosure (for example, answers the question in the subject, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement based on the theme of theses and the like.). "Notes" is placed only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or the specific purpose of the statement is not traced in it, i.e. Communicative design. In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

Criterion number 2 "Argumentation. Attracting literary material "

This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material (artwork, diaries, memoirs, journalism, oral works folk creativity (with the exception of small genres), other literary sources) to build arguments on the proposed topic and for the argument of their position. The participant must build a reasoning, attracting for the argument at least one works of domestic or world literature, choosing their way of using literary material; At the same time, it can show a different level of comprehension of artistic text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, subjects, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of the form and content and interpretation in the aspect of the chosen topic. "Snagging" is put on the condition that the composition is written without attracting literary material, or it is significantly distorted by the content of the work, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning. In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

Criterion № 3 "Composition and logic of reasoning"

This criterion aims to check the ability to logically build arguments on the proposed topic. The participant must argue the thoughts expressed by trying to withstand the relationship between the thesis and evidence. "Starting" is raised if the gross logical violations interfere with the understanding of the meaning of the said or there is no thesis-evict part. In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

On the sites of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Rosobrnadzor, the criteria for assessing the final essay for schools, which are approved by Rosobrnadzor after the approval of the Council on the issues of conducting a final composition in graduation classes are posted. Approved criteria will allow to evaluate an essay in five parameters:

  1. Compliance with the topic;
  2. Argument. Attraction of literary material;
  3. Composition and argument composition;
  4. The quality of written speech;
  5. Literacy.

The writing time is 3 hours 55 minutes.

The graduate is allowed to use the spelling dictionary.

According to the document for obtaining an assessment of the "Offset" for the final essay, it is necessary to obtain "test" on criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (the exhibition "Snaps" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to "uncontrolle" for the work as a whole), as well as "test" At least one of the criteria No. 3-No. 5. The recommended number of words is 350. If there are less than 250 words in an essay (all words are included in the calculation, including official), then for such work "will not appear". The maximum number of words in the composition is not installed. If the essay is written off from any source, including the Internet, then for such a work it is "notion".

The examination kit will include 5 essays from a closed list - on one topic for each common thematic direction.

The writing will allow you to check the breadth of the horizon, the ability to think and prove its position with a support for self-selected works of domestic and world literature.

Evaluation of criteria is as follows:

Criterion number 1. "Topic Compliance" aims to check the compound of writing.

The graduate talks on the proposed topic by choosing the path of her disclosure, for example, answers the question in the subject, or reflects on the proposed problem, or is building a statement based on the theme of theses and the like.

If the essay does not correspond to the topic or in it, the specific purpose of the statement is not traced, i.e. Communicative intention, then put "non-post".

Criterion №2 "Argumentation. Attracting literary material"Aims to check the ability to use literary material (artworks, diaries, memoirs, journalism) to build reasoning on the proposed topic and for the argument of their position.

A graduate is building a reasoning, attracting at least one work of domestic or world literature to argument, choosing its way of using literary material; At the same time, it can show a different level of comprehension of artistic text: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, subjects, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of the work in the unity of the form and content and interpretation in the aspect of the chosen topic.

If the essay is written without attracting a literary material or it is significantly distorted by the content of the work, or the literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning, it is "notion".

In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

Criterion № 3 "Composition and logic of reasoning"aims to check the ability to logically build arguments on the proposed topic.

The graduate argues the thoughts expressed by trying to withstand the relationship between the thesis and evidence.

If gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of the said or there is no thesis-evidential part, the graduate will receive "non-post."

In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

Criterion No. 4 "Written Speech Quality" aims to check the speech design of the text of the writing.

A graduate accurately expresses thoughts using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical structures, if necessary, it appropriates the terms, avoids speech stamps.

If the low quality of speech, including speech errors, significantly make it difficult to understand the meaning of the composition, is "notion".

In all other cases, the "Offset" is exhibited.

Criterion number 5 "Literacy"allows you to estimate the literacy of the graduate.

"Starting" is set if grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors made in the composition make it difficult to read and understand text (in the amount of more than 5 errors per 100 words).

Thus, the "non-function" for the writing as a whole can be obtained in any of the following cases:

  1. If the essay does not correspond to the topic or in it, the specific purpose of the statement is not traced, i.e. Communicative design.
  2. If the essay is written without attracting a literary material, or it is significantly distorted by the content of the work, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning.
  3. If a:
  • rough logical disorders interfere with the understanding of the meaning of the said or absent theses-evict part;
  • low quality speech, including speech errors, make it difficult to understand the meaning of the composition;
  • grammar, spelling and punctuation errors made in the composition make it difficult to read and understand the text (in the amount of more than 5 errors per 100 words.

4.If the volume of text of an essay of less than 250 words.

5.If the essay is written off from any source, including the Internet.

Recall that for graduates of 2015, writing the final essay (presentation) is the mandatory stage of completion of secondary education and is considered as a tolerance for state-state certification. Only graduates who received the "test" will be allowed to pass the exam and GEE.

The final statement instead of the essay is entitled to write only students with limited features Health or disabled children and disabled.

At the request of the final essay (presentation), graduates of past years (in 2015) can also be written in order to submit its results to universities.

The final essay (presentation) This year graduates will write on Wednesday on December 3, 2014 in their schools.

Instructive materials Rosobrnadzor for educational organizations:

  • Methodical recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the final composition (presentation) for educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education;
  • Methodological recommendations for preparation for the final composition (presentation) for participants of the final composition (presentation);
  • Methodical recommendations for experts involved in verifying the final composition (presentation);
  • Organizational and technical regulations for the final essay (presentation).

Below are fragments of works, interesting for the comment from the point of view of their composition and the logic of the argument of reasoning on the proposed topic.

Quote: Fragment number 8:

What life questions can help you answer literature?

Literature helps people respond to many life questions. Some are looking for answers to interpersonal relationship questions, others find a solution to complex situations in the literature. And some go to the world of fiction to find answers to, sometimes, even non-existent questions.

I will allocate two main things: the question of choice and the question of friendship. The problem of choice stands in front of a person all life. And the main thing in every situation make the right choice.

In the story of Vasily Bykov "Sotnikov" before the fisherman, at the very beginning, the choice arises: to save from the death of a weak, patient, wounded Sotnikova or, sacrificing them, to escape himself. And the fisherman, thinking, decides to save the comrade.

Later, the problem of choice arises before Demmichy. Sootheska and fisherman at home, thereby exposing themselves to their children danger, or to drive them?

And again the fisherman gets up with the choice. Go to the service for the cocks and keep your life or die? And a failed fisherman comes to the service to the cocks, thinking that he could escape. But he is given a task: knock out a stool from under the feet of the Sotnikov sentenced to death. And making it, the fisherman becomes a pall for his friend, whom he saved so long ago from the same Politsaev. This product shows an example of "pseudodruzhba". What is real friendship?

Other people, other situation. In the story of Boris Vasilyeva "Tomorrow was war," after suicide, the wiki, brought to despair, the requirement to abandon his father - "enemy of peoples", a spark with friends bury her and talks about her, as a true Komsomol, a true and devotional comradist. Iskra did not leave her girlfriend, she was with her to the end ...

But is the friendship is always checked by death? Andrei Platonov in his story "In the Beautiful Furious World" tells about the true friendship and partnership. After a number of events, the driver of the Maltsev landed and the driver put his assistant. But the driver cannot live without his work and the assistant, risking his position and work, puts Maltsev to his place and allows him to manage the train. Only real friends are capable of such an act.

So, summarize. Literature can answer many living questions, but in order to get answers on them, sometimes you have to read between the lines.

The bills made in the composition do not interfere with seeing its integrity, the harness of the composition: the entry, the theses-evict part, the conclusion is closely related to each other. It should be noted the impeccable logic of reasoning associated with the overall idea and relying on several artistic works. The student's thought is consistently developing from text to text with increasing additional personal meanings. The graduate not only logically built a reasoning on the proposed topic, but also showed the ability to specify it in accordance with his own intention (the situation of choice and the issue of friendship) and at the same time do not deviate from the topic. It is natural that a good level of graduate studies manifested not only in the virtues of the work on the criterion
"Composition and logic of reasoning." The writer's writer also demonstrated an excellent speech culture, reading, formation of such reader skills as the ability to reflect on independently read works and compare them in a given perspective.

Quote: Fragment number 9:

Dream will lead away from life or behaves in a life path?

Dreamed everything. Children as soon as they start talking, thinking want to change something, represent their future, who they will work, what will be done. On the one hand, a dream helps a person to elect concrete life goals, on the other hand, forces to make actions that can destroy it. This is important that the thinnest face arising between the dream is fulfilled and impracticable. In the second case, she leads a person from real life.

... I will give an example from the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". It shows how a dream can lead a person in a life path or destroy the hero. For example, Boris Drubetskoy dreamed of wealth, influence. It was worth him only to start serving in the headquarters of Kutuzov, he acquired useful acquaintances and was already perceived by secular society. So Boris achieved influence in certain circles. He was able to get rich, marrying the calculation on the Julie Karagina. Accordingly, its status in St. Petersburg has risen. Thus, indeed, with practical activities and the desire to achieve concrete goals, the dream leads a person in the life path.

Also in this work Lion Nikolayevich, there is an example of how the dream destroyed a person. Petya Rostov wanted to always be in the center of events. He dreamed of becoming a hero. The younger son of growth participated in the partisan war, did not listen to the commander of the squad, went there, where there was shooting, was killed. Very sorry the boy, who wanted to become a hero. It was his dream, she also ruined Petya.

Indeed, we all twist in the clouds, we present our future. Someone dreams lead to new heights like Boris Drubetsky, leaving someone from life as Ilya Oblomov, and someone is lying as Petya Rostov. Each person must be aware of a thin line between a dream guide that helps and destroy. It is necessary to strive for something real and act to carry out the conceived, but do not make stupid deeds that can destroy. Not in vain speak about some people that they have noticed.

The composition as a whole is built logically and deserves the estimates of the "Offset" according to the criterion No. 3. The first paragraph expressed general abstracts. The second and third paragraphs are devoted to the analysis of concrete examples from the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The final paragraph contains a conclusion corresponding to the subject of the topic. At the same time, the examples given by the student cannot be considered complete arguments for its judgments, since they are based on the witness interpretation of the meaning of the images of Boris Drubetsky and Petit Rostov. The student does not feel the copyright position, does not think about it, replacing it with its own primitive understanding. The student's judgments are very superficial, differ in pragmaticity and indicate the displacement of moral estimates.

Quote: Fragment number 10:

Why do people write poetry?

Many poems are written in the world, and they are all devoted to someone or something. Someone writes poems about love, someone in their work is enthusiastic home, and someone is the beauty of nature. But few people wondered: "Why do people write poetry?" Some people think that the poems are written for glory. Not. I believe that people write poetry to achieve a certain goal, but they are all different. Someone wants to make a pleasant beloved person, someone wants to change the world for the better and make him cleaner and kinder, and someone wants to call for people to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland.

In their lyrical works A.S. Pushkin affected many topics. One of the most favorite topics lifted by the writer is love. The author wrote about unhappy love in his works. Such as B.
poem: "***"

I loved you, love can still be
In me, it was not enough.

Also, a lot of poems Pushkin dedicated freedom. These are such works as, for example, "to the sea" and "eagle". In these lyrical works, the writer used many symbolic items. These are such items like: the raging sea, the mitable mountains, the wind, the eagle and much more.

We are free birds, it's time, brother, it's time.
There, where the cloudy Mountain
There, where the sea edges light
There, where only the wind is walking yes.

However, A.S. Pushkin wrote his poems not only for the people, but also for the authorities and for the emperor Alexander I. In his famous poem "Village" A.S. Pushkin showed the features of the brown, unbridled and cruel barge on the background of the beautiful, picturesque rustic nature.

It is impossible to forget the lyrics of the writer, which he dedicated friendship with Pushchin and Chaadaev.

Kind birthman
About Pushkin Dear.
Dried a wilderness to you
With open soul.
Love hope of silent glory
For a short time there was a deception.
Young fun disappeared
As a dream, like morning fog.

The disciple could not be held in the framework of the answer to the question of the topic. The first paragraph represents the reflection of a general nature and in general corresponds to the topic. However, as soon as there comes a queue of specific examples, the student does not cope with the literary material and replaces the answer to the question of the usual overview of those lyrics A.S. Pushkin, and quite primitive and eclectic. The first paragraph is logically not conjugate with the rest. There is no answer to the question of the topic and imprisonment. At the same time, all comments made to a greater extent refer to criteria No. 1, 2. According to the criterion No. 3, the work is estimated by the "testament", since the general canvas of the composition, although without a conclusion, the student is built.

The writing is not free of other errors, including actual.

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