
Space theory. Cosmic theory of human origin: alien intervention. Theory of water origin

The theory of evolution, taught in schools, according to which humans descended from other mammals, is far from the only explanation for the appearance of humanity on Earth. Among the many alternative concepts, the cosmic theory of human origin stands out , suggesting that life on Earth originated from space. But exactly how – there are different versions.

Life from another planet

Today, the scientific world recognizes only one theory of the origin of humanity - like other species, man appeared as a result of evolution. This theory can at least partially be proven and tested, so the vast majority of scientists consider it true.

There are, however, weaknesses in the theory of evolution that cannot yet be proven due to the lack of necessary information. There is reason to believe that more discoveries await humanity that will force them to change their view of the theory of evolution. This has happened more than once. For example, at first it was assumed that man descended directly from the monkey, and then many remains of different types of primitive people were found. Over time, the idea of ​​descent from apes was replaced by the theory of a common ancestor, who became, on the one hand, the ancestor of monkeys, and on the other, the ancestor of humans. Thus, apes became not ancestors, but rather cousins ​​of humans.

Other aspects of evolutionary theory have not been well proven to this day. And this allows scientists to build various hypotheses that explain the appearance of life on Earth not only by the processes that took place on the planet, but also by certain influences from space. There are many such cosmic theories, and almost all of them have some points of contact with the evolutionary theory, but thanks to bold assumptions they also explain what the theory of evolution is not yet able to explain. At the same time, the common problem of all space theories is the lack of evidence with an abundance of assumptions. It is because of this that official science today recognizes the origin of man on Earth only as a result of evolution, without taking other theories seriously.

Bacteria from space

According to one of the cosmic theories of the origin of life on Earth, the first bacteria, with which the history of all life on the planet began, came to Earth from space. It is known that some types of bacteria are able to live and reproduce even in the most extreme, from a human point of view, conditions - including in space. And it is likely that such bacteria could fall to Earth, for example, during a meteorite fall. And then, considering the living conditions on the planet ideal, they began to reproduce here, and later evolve.

Scientists cannot answer the question of where bacteria could have originated in space - that is, the same question about the origin of life, but on a global scale. It is likely that this happened as a result of the collision of planets that already had life, the origin of which is unclear. One way or another, on Earth, alien bacteria felt good enough to multiply here.

Hypothetically, all this is quite possible. Bacteria capable of surviving in extreme conditions do exist, and the possibility of such bacteria getting from space to Earth does exist. But it is still impossible to prove a hypothesis that does not contradict the theory of evolution, but only complements it.

Alien creators

Much better known is the theory of human origins involving aliens. Life on other planets, contacts with alien intelligence - these questions have always intrigued people no less than questions of their own origin. The particular attractiveness of the version about the participation of inhabitants of other planets in the emergence of humanity is that with the help of “big brothers” it is possible to explain even what official science cannot explain.

In almost all world religions, gods lived in the sky and only occasionally descended from there to people. This gives reason to assume that the role of such gods could well be aliens who literally descended to Earth from heaven - from space. That is, the inhabitants of other planets flew to Earth, created people for some purpose, and then periodically visited them. They gave people religion, or people gave such an explanation for what was happening, it’s difficult to say today. But the theory explains a lot.

For example, some ancient images that depict aircraft or other objects “from the future” become clear. Today, scientists can only make assumptions that modern people interpret the drawings incorrectly, but such assumptions sound unconvincing. At the same time, the concept of “big brothers”, who not only created people using, for example, genetic engineering, but also gave their creatures some tools, clarifies a lot.

Slave owners, experimenters, saviors?

According to the religious views of the ancient Sumerians, the gods created people because they needed slaves. According to modern ufologists, it is possible that people were created in order, for example, to extract some valuable resources on Earth that were needed by aliens. Over time, the supply of resources dried up, and aliens stopped visiting Earth. Over time, all that remained of them were legends, retold and reworked many times in accordance with the worldviews of the storytellers.

It is possible that the human race was created as an experiment. This version is supported by the diversity of ethnic groups on earth and the living conditions in which the ancients lived and modern people live. There is also a version that aliens they just had fun in this way - the Earth was something like a zoo for them. It is noteworthy that for the most part the deities were not distinguished by their love of humanity, were very unpredictable and treated people as consumables. However, it cannot be ruled out that aliens contributed to the emergence of life on earth for reasons of humanism, although such an idea seems somewhat idealistic.

Maria Bykova

Not all of these crazy theories are born equally. Most of them really sound crazy. But it also happens that due to their complexity (usually confusion) and richness in detail, such theories can sound very plausible. It is about such crazy theories, which were given life by only a few people who believed in their truth, and then spread them to the masses, read in this post.

Venus was a comet

Imagine that our solar system is a billiard table, and the planets are billiard balls. They constantly collide and crash against each other, creating new space objects on their way. Scientist and psychiatrist Immanuel Velikovsky wrote about the same thing in his 1950 bestseller “Worlds in Collision.”

On the pages of his book, the author reports that approximately 3500 years ago, a huge cosmic body hit Jupiter. As a result of this collision, a piece broke off from the planet, which began to wander around the solar system like a comet and at some point even caused many biblical disasters, until it eventually formed into the planet Venus.

Physicists and astronomers almost unanimously rejected Velikovsky's theories. Largely because it violates every conceivable and inconceivable law of physics. For example, this idea was a direct contradiction to Newton's law of motion, which describes concepts such as speed and acceleration. Another contradiction to this theory was that the composition of the atmosphere of Venus is completely different from the composition of the atmosphere of Jupiter. In the end, to this day there is no geological evidence that could even indirectly speak in favor of this theory.

And yet Velikovsky’s book gained very great popularity. Most likely, people were attracted by the form and content in which the author presents the reader with various biblical stories and ancient mythology.

Ecpyrotic scenario

Surely many of you have heard about the theory of the Big Bang, during which the Universe arose from one tiny particle, which is still expanding, stretching and at the same time cooling, moving further beyond its original point of formation. But what if the Big Bang is the result of a Big Impact?

Take two Universes, collide them with each other, and you will see the beginning of the so-called ekpyrotic scenario for the origin of existence, the idea of ​​which was invented in 2001 by several physicists. In this theory, the Universe has a cylindrical shape, and the events occurring in it are periodically repeated. The essence of the theory is that two or more multidimensional Universes collided and gave birth to our Universe, but without inflation and continued expansion after the Big Bang.

Like many other models of the origin of the Universe, the ekpyrotic scenario relies to a large extent only on assumptions about the mechanisms that allow this Universe to exist. Although many modern scientists find this theory very interesting, in their opinion it is too complex and at the same time relies heavily on only a set of general assumptions.

White holes

Nature often shows us its mirror symmetry. If there are black holes out there somewhere, why not assume that there are white holes too?

Black holes are the most mysterious objects in the Universe, possessing such a powerful gravitational pull that nothing, not even the smallest particle of light, can escape its fate of being absorbed into this object after crossing the point of no return - the so-called event horizon.

If we assume the existence of white holes, then in theory their event horizon will work in the completely opposite direction and instead of drawing in everything living and inanimate, it will, on the contrary, push everything away from itself.

Any matter near the white hole will cause its destruction. Since black holes do exist and are formed as a result of the destruction of stars, that is, where matter exists, the possibility of the existence of white holes is most likely impossible.

In other words, black holes do not necessarily have their own antipode. They can in fact only be points in space with no “other” side.

The universe is a hologram

With all the popularity of virtual reality technology today, it is not at all surprising that there are people who believe that our Universe itself is one giant illusion. It's possible that our bodies aren't actually truly three-dimensional objects, but instead we all live inside a two-dimensional hologram. A group of scientists from Fermilab (Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) in Illinois (USA) decided to conduct an experiment to find the answer to this question.

The essence of the experiment was the use of powerful laser beams combined into an L-shaped device, called a holometer. If the sensors installed in the device detect variations in the brightness of laser beams, then this will most likely occur as a result of space-time noise along the path of the beam or interference. Ultimately, this could mean that the Universe in which we live has limitations that allow it to store only a certain amount of information.

The idea that the Universe is a hologram is based on the assumption that space and time in the Universe are not continuous. Instead, they are discrete and pixelated, so you can't zoom in on the universe indefinitely, getting deeper and deeper into the essence of things. Upon reaching a certain value of the magnification scale, the Universe takes the form of an image with very low quality and therefore little information. Ultimately, the theory suggests that the universe actually exists in only two dimensions, and that the third dimension is an illusion, or hologram, created by the interference of space and time.

Nevertheless, the theory does not seem completely crazy. The main difficulty in proving or disproving this theory is that nothing in this world can move faster than the speed of light. As a result, it is not possible to determine what the world around us is - reality or a hologram.

Observing dark energy makes it unstable

You've probably heard the saying, “time moves very slowly when you wait.” So, according to some theorists, if you look at the Universe, or part of it, for a long time, then this process will destroy it. And some people believe that observing dark energy will destabilize our reality.

Scientists currently believe that matter—objects such as rocks, glass, water, and so on—occupies only about 4 percent of the space in the Universe. More than 26 percent is allocated to dark matter. But you cannot touch this matter. And you won't see it with binoculars either. This is because dark matter is a type of mass that we cannot see. All we know about it is that it exists. This is evidenced by the gravitational effects it produces on other objects in space.

The remaining 70 percent of space is occupied by dark energy. Scientists are not yet entirely sure what it is, but it is this invisible force, in their opinion, that is the accelerating factor in the expansion of the Universe.

In a highly publicized paper, Professor Lawrence Krauss theorizes that observing dark energy "could shorten the lifetime of the entire universe." This happens as a consequence of the quantum Zeno effect - a quantum paradox according to which observation of an object can directly affect this object. In other words, if we observe dark energy, we can disrupt its internal quantum clock, which in turn can cause matter to return to an earlier form of its existence. As a result, we will all sink into oblivion.

In fact, Krauss' article (especially its ending) was greatly embellished by the media and other media sources. The scientist immediately released an edited version of his article, in which, nevertheless, he did not abandon the general idea previously proposed. So the quantum Zeno effect is quite real. If you happen to see dark energy, for the sake of all life, for the sake of the entire Universe, do not look too closely at it. Suddenly it really “bangs.”

Information paradox of black holes

Nothing, not even the smallest particle of light, can escape the fate of being swallowed up inside a black hole if it gets close. Unfortunately, scientists do not yet know what happens to an object that falls inside a black hole. Could it be that on the other side of this mystical cosmic body the object ends up in an evil version of Disneyland? Or maybe the object simply ceases to exist, completely collapsing, as if it did not exist at all?

Previously, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking suggested that black holes can indeed completely destroy the entire essence of an object, leaving behind only a tiny quantum trace (electric charge or spin). But there is one inconsistency in this theory. The fact is that, according to all known laws of the Universe, information cannot be completely lost. It must be stored somewhere, otherwise there is simply no meaning in the existence of everything. Quantum mechanics, along with many accepted principles of physics, will fade into oblivion, leaving scientists with only the most basic knowledge of the properties of reality.

In the late 1990s, Hawking rejected the idea that black holes completely destroy information. Instead, the scientist suggested that the information may indeed still exist, but in a completely different form.

In other words, if you have the chance to fall into a black hole, we advise you to relax and accept the fact that information about you will not be completely lost. It is quite possible that you will be restored somewhere again, but in a different form.

The moon doesn't rotate

There is one question that torments the minds of novice astronomers from time to time. When you look at the Moon, it always looks the same. Doesn't the moon rotate?

In fact, the Moon rotates. This process only takes almost one earthly month. We should also not forget that in addition to rotating around its own axis, the Moon also revolves around the Earth, so the natural satellite of our planet is always turned to us with only one side. This effect is called synchronous rotation.

The truth is, we don't see a static image of the Moon all the time. During certain periods of its orbit, the Moon is tilted towards us in such a way that we can see more of its surface. At most, only 59 percent of this celestial body can be seen from Earth. We will never see the remaining 41 percent if we are on Earth. In turn, those who will be behind the Moon will never see the Earth.

Pulsars - alien beacons

For decades, scientists have been observing various signals from space in order to one day find evidence that this or that signal was sent in our direction by extraterrestrial life. Who knows, maybe in the far outskirts of the Universe there really are other forms of life, just like us, desperately dreaming of establishing contact with our cosmic brothers by sending rays consisting of electromagnetic radiation.

There are people on Earth who believe with complete confidence that pulsars are actually giant beacons of aliens. These space objects are sources of electromagnetic radiation, which they release every few seconds (or fractions of seconds) as they rotate. The released beams of this energy pass through the entire Universe.

Some people are beginning to accept the regular and repeated emission of pulsars as a means of communication. However, it also happens that the frequency of pulsations (radiation) changes. This happens as a result of small changes in the rotation period of the pulsar. Until now, none of the signals received from these space objects have been so complex or structured as to suggest that this impulse is some kind of special form of communication or a transmitted message.

Perhaps one day another space civilization will actually send us a postcard for the New Year or Christmas. And if this really happens, I would like to believe that humanity will be sufficiently prepared technologically to correctly interpret the conveyed “congratulations.”

Planet X will destroy our world

Somewhere in the darkness of space there is a planet that has no orbit and is not attached to any star system. The planet is moving towards our Earth. A collision is inevitable. Nothing on Earth can survive this catastrophe. Our world will completely disappear. Thank you for being with us all these years, our dear readers. See you in another world.

This is roughly what we would write on the pages of our website about Planet X if there was a high probability of its collision with our Earth. Fortunately, there is no Planet X.

The story of Planet X first appeared in 1995. It was invented by Nancy Leader, a resident of Wisconsin (USA), during an online discussion among ufology lovers. On the forum, a woman told a story that she was allegedly abducted by aliens who sewed a tiny transmitting device into her head in order to transmit information about the threat of a collision with Planet X to the woman and the whole world.

According to her, Planet X will pass next to the Earth so close that it will disrupt all the natural processes occurring on our planet and, of course, destroy all life on it. True to the rules of rumors, this story quickly spread throughout the Internet and eventually reached the governments of many countries.

Seeing the growing panic, scientists from the NASA aerospace agency issued a statement that if Planet X really existed, then the most powerful telescopes on Earth would be able to detect it and humanity would have at least several decades to prepare for this large-scale disaster. Release more doomsday themed T-shirts and related merchandise.

Doctrine of Eternal Ice

Crazy theories that are very logical at first glance can really interest you and make you think. Others only make you think that their authors have had too much alcohol. And most likely, when the so-called doctrine of eternal ice (German Welteislehre, also known as the Wel doctrine) was invented, the latter scenario seems more likely than the first.

The Austrian engineer Hans Hörbiger wrote a publication in 1913, which in 1918, thanks to Philipp Fauth, grew into a whole book, where the authors put forward a very crazy theory of the creation of our solar system. According to this theory, everything in the Universe owes its existence to ice. The book itself is full of mythological stories mixed with pseudoscience.

The story goes something like this: a long time ago, one very ancient cosmic body containing a huge amount of frozen water collided with a giant supersun (a sphere of fire). As a result of this catastrophe, the icy object exploded, releasing an incredible amount of water vapor, which subsequently crystallized and turned into many blocks of ice scattered throughout the Universe. As you might have guessed, Hörbiger believed that the planets of our solar system were originally formed from just these blocks of ice. At the same time, the author believed that initially the solar system consisted of up to 30 planets. Then the story gets even more interesting. According to Hörbiger, hail falling on the Earth is a consequence of meteors hitting the Earth's atmosphere.

Hörbiger died in 1931, but it is unlikely that he would not have been happy with the fact that his theory began to have a historiosophical character for the Third Reich. And the interesting fact is that Soviet Russia was interpreted as the concentration of the forces of eternal ice, as opposed to the swastika solar Third Reich.

How did man appear on Earth? It is not known when people first thought about this, but today physicists, chemists, historians, mystics, and ufologists are busy searching for an answer to this question. Each group of specialists presents its own theory of the origin of intelligent beings. Which one is correct? Probably, the final answer will be obtained only when indisputable evidence of one or another assumption is found. In the meantime, all that remains is to consider the theories of the origin of man on Earth and choose for yourself the statement you like best.

How did man appear on Earth? Classical theory

The theory developed by Darwin is considered classic. According to his teachings, man is nothing more than the result of evolution. The life that emerged from the ocean constantly evolved, and its final (today) intelligent product was man, whose ancestors were monkeys.

How did man appear on Earth? Religious theory

Almost everyone is also familiar with it. Most of the world's religions claim that man is a divine creation. According to the book of Genesis, God created man from the dust of the ground or from clay. According to the ideas of the Germans, first the giant Ymir arose from the sparks of fire and melt water, and from his sweat - the first people (man and woman). The Persians are sure that the first couple on Earth looked like a rhubarb bush, born from the sperm of the deceased Gayomart, who emitted light. The Dogon are sure that the ancestor of man was Amma - the ball god, the egg god, who rested on the void. When spiral thoughts emerged from it, the Earth was born, and people were transported to it by spaceships from Sirius.

How did man appear on Earth? Space theories

The Dogon theory is not the only theory of the cosmic origin of humanity. More and more scientists are coming to the conclusion that life was brought to earth from space. Today, more and more evidence is being found that corresponds to just such theories. Thus, it was believed that humanity was no more than two hundred thousand years old. However, the latest finds by archaeologists are amazing: iron nails and gold chains are found in coal layers formed more than 300 million years ago. Ancient temples have been discovered in Mexico, India, Bolivia and other countries. Radiocarbon dating shows that they were built when, according to evolutionary theory, there were not even monkeys on Earth. Who built these cities and temples? Who came up with the idea to paint the Nazca Desert and the bottom of the Aral Sea with mysterious drawings? Who built a pillar from pure iron, which cannot be produced even today?

When did man appear on Earth?

Recent studies indicate that intelligent humanity is not thousands, but millions of years old. There is further evidence that evolutionary ideas are wrong. Today, dozens of skeletons of giant men and giant animals have already been found. Thus, in the Borjomi Gorge a skeleton was found (several thousand years old), whose height is more than three meters. In Pennsylvania, Transylvania, Germany and other countries, archaeologists have more than once found skeletons over two meters tall. The analysis showed that these people lived long before, according to generally accepted teaching, life began on Earth. It turns out that man arose millions, and perhaps billions of years ago, developed and... degraded. And we are not quite developed descendants of a civilization about which we know nothing...

“The Emergence of Life on Earth” - The emergence of the genetic code. Unlimited uv. The place of the biological form of matter movement among other forms. Ability for evolutionary development. Properties of coacervate: Nutrition Growth Excretion Struggle for existence. Definition of life according to F. Engels. The probiont model is a COACERVATE DROP. Lesson plan. The primary substance in the Universe is hydrogen.

“Development of the Earth” - 1. History of the development of Life on Earth. 2. Natural zones of the Earth. Find errors in the proposed text. Occasional bottle trees gave us rest in the shade of their spreading crowns. The camels could not stand it and fell. HALL No. 1 Practical work: 1. Study the proposed exhibits. 2. Determine: a) Which samples are fossil remains of organisms (fossils) b) Which samples are reconstructible. 3. Formulate a conclusion: Why is it necessary to study fossil remains of organisms? 4. From the given letters, form the name of the science that studies ancient fossils.

“A.I. Oparin’s hypothesis” - Life arose on Earth abiogenically. The primary atmosphere of the Earth was of a reducing nature. Biological evolution was preceded by a long chemical evolution. General conclusions on the theory of A.I. Oparin. Three differences between the primitive atmosphere of the Earth and the modern one: Abiogenic synthesis of the simplest organic compounds from inorganic ones.

“Development of the organic world” - The climate became dry and hot. Haploid organisms (bacteria and blue-greens) have one set of chromosomes. Vegetable world. In Australia, cut off from the outside world, monotremes and marsupials continued to develop. Devonian. In the tropics, archaeocyaths built huge reef structures. Nautiloids, brachiopods, trilobites and echinoderms thrive in the seas.

“The emergence and development of life” - Fales. Open system diagram. Aristotle. The world consists of five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and ether. Assembly of coacervates. The basis of everything is fire... A The substance enters the drop. D e m o c r i t e B Product of the reaction. Water is everything... The origin of all things is “apeiron”. S External environment.

“Development of life on Earth” - Student category: 9th grade. G. Lyubim, bank of the Ucha River, 1953. Project stages. Subject: biology. The project is scheduled for two weeks. Project type: informational. Project leader: Anisimova O.B., biology teacher. Project goals. Problematic question: What can stones “tell” about?

There are 20 presentations in total

No scientific theory irritates people more than the theory of evolution. Walk up to a random passerby on the street and talk to him about string theory - he will simply ignore you. Do the same thing, only with the word evolution, and you will certainly get a right hook.

According to a recent Gallup Research Center poll, only 15% of Americans believe we evolved by chance. For everyone else, there are 10 non-Darwinian theories to choose from.
Intelligent Design

If your grandfather finds an iPad in his room, he will probably guess that this object is made by human hands, although he may not understand why it is needed. Now imagine that your grandfather is scientists, and the iPad is all of humanity. What we get is a simplified model of one of the directions of creationism, called Intelligent Design. And if we assume that we are not just bags of bones and meat, then we must start looking for the heavenly Steve Jobs, who for some reason created us. It sounds religious, but even among scientists there are supporters of the theory according to which some phenomena of the Universe simply could not have arisen as a result of natural processes - someone had to direct them.
Morphogenetic field theory

British biochemist Rupert Sheldrake is a real star of theories of the origin of life. While scientists around the world were arguing about evolution in biology, Sheldrake did the opposite and applied the theory of the origin of species to the entire universe. He defines all the laws of nature with the help of morphic resonance - a kind of general memory through repeated repetition. In fact, the scientist tried not so much to understand the mystery of the origin of life, but to bring it under his esoteric research - he hoped to prove that in nature there is the possibility of transmitting information both physically and extrasensory. To do this, Sheldrake explored the “wonderful capabilities” of dogs and the telepathic abilities of parrots. Well, in parallel, he “generated” the theory of the morphogenetic field.
Christian Science

This religious doctrine was founded by Mary Baker Eddy, who allegedly was completely cured of a terrible illness after reading in the Bible a description of how Christ healed the sick. Her followers believe: everything that surrounds us is an illusion. Yes, yes, even your computer, from the screen of which you are reading this text. The universe, Mary claims, is by its nature a spiritual, not a material phenomenon, and therefore, with the proper level of immersion in a prayer trance, you can even recover from seemingly fatal diseases.
Cosmic origin

The big bang theory or the creation of the world by God - no matter what you believe, you still think that it all had a beginning, a certain starting point. Proponents of the theory of the cosmic origin of life deny this. They believe that the Universe, like life in it, has always existed. Complex life forms—like you and me—were formed from microbes that came to Earth from another planet. Because those microbes carried the genetic memory of that life, we evolved to imitate it. This cycle of life in the Universe - microbes migrating from planet to planet, which ultimately reproduce the same forms of life - is eternal and inevitable. In a slightly simplified form, this theory is called panspermia - a hypothesis about the origin of all life on Earth from “embryos of life” that are carried by meteorites or artificial space objects.
Ancient astronauts from another planet

This is a synthesis of the theory of cosmic origin and intelligent design. Life on Earth appeared not thanks to microbes riding on a meteorite, but to aliens who arrived in their spaceship. For some mysterious purpose, they brought living organisms to Earth, creating conditions for their development. As evidence, supporters of this theory use the pyramids or the Mayan calendar, which have been preserved as supposed evidence that aliens directed the course of human evolution.
Progressive creationism

We all know from the Bible that God created the Earth and all living things for six days, and on the seventh he rested. And we all know that these “days” actually lasted millions of years, during which stages of evolution passed. The theory of progressive creationism does not deny either one or the other, but states that God “conjured” the Earth for millions of years, allowing living organisms to get used to to each other. This is a way to “bring together” two seemingly contradictory ideas - the Christian concept of the creation of the world and the results of geologists’ research, according to which the Earth was formed over millions of years.
Punctuated equilibrium theory

Of all the theories on this list, this is perhaps the most promising. Largely because it does not challenge the theory of evolution, but slightly complements it, shedding light on the dark places of the classical concept. Scientists have always been surprised by the fact that among the fossilized organisms known to us there are too many “missing” from the evolutionary chain. Either we haven’t found them yet, or, as the theory of punctuated equilibrium explains, evolution occurs in jumps. Certain properties accumulate in the genome and then bam!.. the fish comes to land. And she lived in this form for another million years before her genome accumulated enough properties for a qualitative change.
Theistic evolutionism
Proponents of this theory did not want to argue with either the Bible or Darwin, and therefore called evolution an instrument of God, serving to create all life on Earth. Thanks to this concept, believers can now safely send their children to physics lessons at school, where they will be taught about the Big Bang and the smallest atoms that make up everything in the world. God created all this, Mom will say, smiling, and will not waste time arguing with scientists.

It sounds like the plot of a cheap fantasy movie, but tens of thousands of people around the world believe it to be true. According to Scientologists, man is an immortal spiritual being who is locked on Earth in a shell of meat and bones, and before that lived on other planets in extraterrestrial civilizations. Scientologists say that 75 million years ago, aliens flew to Earth and brought with them billions of frozen of people. Here they were piled up, blown up with hydrogen bombs, and the released souls were forced to wander the Earth until they ended up in the current human body. Animal memories partially suppressed the experience that these souls brought with them, so we suffer from envy or, for example, indecision .

Proponents of this concept believe that life appeared as it is written in the Book of Genesis. Literally and without any reservations. God created the Earth in six days, each of which had 24 hours, not millions of years, we all descended from Noah, and giants lived on the Earth for some time. Our planet, as you understand, in this case is only six thousand years old, although any geologist can easily prove the opposite, and all sorts of fossils are quirks of God, created to please our eyes. Believe it or not, this theory is by no means a relic of the past . 46% of Americans, for example, consider it the only true one. Moreover, creationists declared a real war on Darwinian teaching and even demanded to stop teaching it in schools. Maybe they will still win, what do you think?

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