
What entity can tickle the astral plane. Interesting additions to subdivisions. Astral entities: types

Essences of subtle planes

Classification of energy entities

Astral Entities

Knowledge about astral entities came to us from ancient times, when people were closer to nature, and did not think that they were the “masters of nature.” These were the times of paganism and Vedicism.
And although many people think that in past centuries, people were “close-minded”, not as educated as you and me, they had a lot of knowledge, and in some ways, one can even “envy”. Much of the knowledge and skills of the people of those times have been lost to us. We know something. For example, about astral entities.
You might think that no one has heard of astral entities these days? Some of us not only “heard” about astral entities, but also saw them “with our own eyes,” and even communicated with them. And some are so “lucky” that they do not part with astral entities either day or night. One might say, “we became close” with astral entities.
When talking about astral entities, “negative” is often meant. Inhabited by astral entities, possessed by astral entities, penetrated by astral entities, eaten by astral entities, and so on. But there are also rare cases when people “see angels” or when an angel helps. Many of us have not forgotten how to believe in good things.

Unfortunately, I am not strong in Vedicism, but I am a little involved in the occult, therefore, I know first-hand about astral entities………
The entire astral dimension is filled with astral entities. You can say, “the entire astral plane is teeming with astral entities.” Naturally, extremely diverse. Astral entities can be “intelligent” and “primitive”, like everything in this world.

Regardless of whether the astral entities are “intelligent” or “primitive”, it would be better for people to stay away from astral entities. Even those who see them, and who can communicate with them, and even those who can “order” them. No matter how much witches and sorcerers “order” astral entities, they still have to pay for their “orders.”

You can believe it, you can not believe it, and yet many sorcerers and witches unleash astral entities on people. Thus, they show “their power” over people and assert themselves. For black sorcerers, releasing astral entities is generally vital, because if they do not do this, the astral entities will devour them. Witches are capable of unleashing astral entities of a higher rank on people than sorcerers.

Many people “catch” astral entities from their parents. Unfortunately, this is very common.

Astral entities very often provoke drunkenness in people. Especially when astral entities penetrate not only the astral vehicle, but also the subtle body of a person.

With infiltrated astral entities, people often behave “over-emotionally”, rudely, weak-willed, and often lie.

If earlier the church fought both with science (they were burned at the stake for it) and with demonism. Now science is fighting both the church and “demonicism.” Not a single psychiatrist in public recognizes the existence of astral entities (in other words, probably, like God too, psychiatrists are “special people”). But the church now recognizes science, but also does not forget about demonism in people and astral entities. How things change over time. Only astral entities can pay attention to all this, and especially to science and psychiatrists.

When talking about astral entities, many people think that astral entities live only in the astral dimension, but this is not so. At a minimum, even the most primitive astral entities have a “subtle body” originating from the egregor. Otherwise, this astral entity would not have existed for long. Each egregor has its own purpose, past and present, as well as development. Therefore, fighting astral entities is not easy, and sometimes useless.

Most astral entities have etheric and mental conductors, despite the fact that many people think, “astral entities, logically, should only be in the astral dimension.” And because many astral entities have: a subtle body, an etheric body, an astral body, a mental body, people have a lot of troubles. Because, in the case of penetration of astral entities into a person, all “personal” conductors of a person are affected. In other words, if astral entities penetrate a person, the person’s personality is affected and deformed. In this case, we are considering only negative astral entities, since light astral entities have no need to penetrate inside a person at all. And light astral entities, unlike dark astral entities, do not feed on human energy.

Schizophrenia is sometimes caused by astral entities.

Some psychiatrists, secretly from others, know very well about astral entities, but will never say it, otherwise they risk not only being left without work, but they themselves may end up being taken advantage of by their colleagues. Who, without hesitation, will prescribe haloperidol and cyclodol. The main means of combating astral entities today among psychiatrists is pharmaceuticals, which allow them to block all kinds of visions, voices, increased uncontrolled excitability, and so on. Hypnosis with a diagnosis of schizophrenia is strictly prohibited. And it should be noted that schizophrenia is quite often provoked by astral entities. Schizophrenia with an unknown etiology is called inorganic. Or, schizophrenia is a mental illness of unknown etiology, prone to a chronic course, manifested by typical changes in the patient’s personality and other mental disorders of varying severity, leading to persistent disturbances in social adaptation and......, and so on.
And it should be noted, and therefore, too, schizophrenia is, in general, not treated by psychiatrists. Have you ever seen an astral entity that would die from haloperidol and cyclodol or would run away from a psychiatrist “like the devil from incense”?

Astral entities are very often inherited

It has long been known that schizophrenia can be inherited, but no doctor knows exactly how it is inherited. But it can be assumed that priests, Sufis and occultists can know this very well. Since, diseases of the “soul and mind” are known more to people who are spiritually enlightened or people for whom the “otherworldly” is their “home.” The fact that astral entities can be inherited has long been known. In the same way as “ancestral karma” is transmitted - children pay for the sins of their ancestors. And the transfer of astral entities is one of the types of retribution “both for yourself and for that guy.” You can, of course, not believe in all sorts of astral entities and other “devilish things.” But if you ask a person who has encountered this part of “nature,” could he ever imagine that he would become a victim of astral entities? Most likely, the person will say “no.” And some encounter astral entities and may even carry them within themselves, but do not understand or guess about it. Few people know that astral entities are very “attached”, even to our “little sins”. For astral entities, a small “loophole” is enough to stick to us for a long time. As a result, a small weakness can turn into a phobia, addiction, addiction, fanaticism, obsession and schizophrenia. For many, it is no longer a secret that all of the above can be provoked by astral entities. Just look around and you can see a lot of “strange people”.

Why do astral entities cling to people?

Negative astral entities live in the “dark” layers of dimensions, where there is no positive energy suitable for life. The only way to “live” for dark astral entities is vampirism. We see another sign of the attachment of astral entities to a person when a person carrying astral entities behaves like a “vampire”. He provokes people, “drives them crazy,” and deliberately “does it out of spite.” People who carry astral entities within themselves, as well as the astral entities themselves, have a deficiency of energy. And this explains vampirism. This is not news, anyone who has not encountered something similar. This is especially pronounced in “infected” children and elderly people, when the mental body is not yet developed or has already degraded.

You can become infected with astral entities.

We are all “not without sin,” and therefore someone already carries astral entities within themselves or is a potential victim. One of the most striking examples of the transfer of astral entities from person to person is psychiatric hospitals. There are many complaints about the disgrace in psychiatric hospitals, and this is quite natural, since many doctors and orderlies themselves become infected with astral entities. And it’s not easy to maintain order, even if you’re not obviously sick, while other people aren’t obviously sick. If you don’t believe me, open your own business and you will understand everything. What can we say about psychiatric hospitals? According to some psychologists and psychiatrists, who worked for some time with even the most mentally ill people, they felt the influence of “mentally unhealthy” energy. It is enough to visit for five minutes, where there is a large concentration of people with astral beings living in them, and this is enough to feel de-energized and crazy.

The reasons why it became possible for astral entities to settle in.

By and large, there are not many reasons for the possible addition of astral entities. But the main reason is a soul that is not capable of love. Astral entities penetrate through this. People whose soul is not able to feel love and happiness are not able to protect a person not only from wrong actions, but also from attacks and penetrations of astral entities. If a person has an astral essence, then this is allowed by the person’s karma. This is what complicates it, the expulsion of astral entities from a person. Probably any priest will say that a person who has astral entities is sinful. And it’s hard to disagree with this. Few people try to fight their weaknesses (sins), because vices such as pride, anger, and all kinds of debauchery surprise few people. Each “personality” wants to be more important and cooler than another “personality,” completely (sometimes) forgetting about the soul, love and God. And is it any wonder that a huge number of people are carriers of astral entities.

Astral Essences in Animals.

Astral essences in animals or subsumed essences in animals also tend to exist, just like in people. And they settle in only with the help of people. So, the main carrier of the “infection” - “astral settlers” (astral entities) are people.

Non-Human Astral Entities

Elementals. Elementals differ in the type of matter they inhabit. In total, there are 7 types of physical matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and 4 types of ethereal. 80-90 substances of ethereal matter are called “elementals”. In general, the basis of everything is only one element, and other forms of matter are its modifications. The composition of an organic body includes all 7 states of matter in varying degrees. Each of these categories of matter is the basis for the manifestation of a large class of evolving monadic essence - the elemental. Progress for elemental evolution is not an ascent, but, on the contrary, a descent into matter. In a state of rest, these entities are formless. But they quickly and constantly change images when any thought appears. Typically, elementals take on an unpleasant and scary appearance. They are hostile towards humans due to the predominance of negativity in people’s thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to control your thoughts and realize your full responsibility to the entities of the Astral World. Magicians openly manipulate elementals in a forced form. Each class of elementals has “favorite” forms that they take when disturbed. They should not be confused with monadic entities that manifest through the mineral kingdom.

The next group of non-human Astral entities includes the astral bodies of animals. They are on the Astral Plane for a relatively short time, since they do not have individuality. After death, the monadic essence of animals returns to the same section from which it came.

Next group - Natural Spirits. They are varied and numerous: 7 classes inhabit 7 states of matter, which in turn are imbued with 7 varieties of elemental essence. Spirits of earth, air, water and fire (ether) are intelligent Astral beings. Each nation has its own name: gnomes, sylphs, undines, salamanders... Spirits have the appearance of little people who become visible to our eyes at will. They have their own divisions, differing in intelligence and character. These spirits only engage in misleading people. A person cannot control spirits through volitional efforts. Nature spirits are the whole Astral Kingdom. These entities do not have permanent individuality. The entire existence of spirits comes down to “childish” games. However, a person can “appease” them with flattery and veneration. In this case, the spirits show favor towards human desires.

Next group - Devas(angels). This is the highest evolutionary system, directly connected with the earth, the Kingdom standing above the human. We can say that our chain of 7 worlds is one for the Devas. They have their own path of development, the lowest is the Astral Body (as for us - the physical). The Kamadevas are the lowest division. Above them are the Rupadevas. For them, the ordinary body is mental. They live on the 4 lowest levels of their Astral Plane. For Arupadevas, the causal body is common. Devas are extremely rare on our Astral Plane.
Amazing and important creatures are the Devarajas. There are 4 groups of them, and they control the 4 elements (earth, air, fire, water) with the help of spirits and elemental essences of these elements. It is the Devarajas who control the elements that make up the human etheric body. They monitor the fulfillment of human karma. Devarajas can take on human form at will. Since the component of the world is the number 7, then there must be 7 devas. However, we know only about four, the lowest in development. We can only guess about 3 more groups, they are such highly individual entities. In Eastern literature, the word “devas” refers to all non-human beings. However, among them there are also former people who have chosen this path of development for themselves.

Artificial Astral Entities.

All Artificial Astral beings are connected with humans by karmic ties. They are a product of people and act on us directly and constantly. They are a huge raw semi-intelligent mass. These creatures are as different as human thoughts. They can be divided into 3 large groups.

Elementals created unconsciously. Human thought “captures” such an entity and turns it into a “living” being of a certain form. After creation, this entity begins to “live” independently and does not obey its creator. Thus, a person's thoughts that concern himself can create an Astral Companion. It can even last for several years, fueled by new thoughts. Having thought about other people, the “creator” brings into form elementals that can act either positively or negatively. The latter do not become attached to a person if he does not have the inclination for the necessary feeding of the “evil” thought form. In this case, the elemental can return to its “creator” with greater negative power. If the thought form could not stay either near the person or near the creator, then it becomes wandering and can pester a completely stranger passerby.

Elementals created consciously.This practice is found in white and black magic. In this case, the elementals are used consumeristly and often maliciously towards people.

Artificial people. On the Astral Plane, by the force of external will, they awaken the deceased and make him, for example, the leader of a spiritualist circle. Over time, all that remains of them is the Shadow, the essence of which is harmful. Such experiments usually end disastrously for living people.

Our thoughts are visible and real. They turn into thought forms and live their own lives, which also affects us.


People who manifest themselves on the astral plane during their physical life can be counted in four categories.

Adepts and their students

Members of this department use in their research mainly not the astral body, but the mental body (body of thought), consisting of matter borrowed from the four lower divisions or rupa (form) of the immediately higher plane.

This instrument has the advantage of enabling them to pass instantaneously from the astral to the mental plane and back again, and to make use at all times of the greatest opportunity and subtlest discrimination inherent in the mental plane.

The mental body is not completely visible to astral vision. Thus, the researcher operating in this environment learns to clothe himself in a temporary shell of astral matter when, during work, he wants to appear to the inhabitants of the lower plane for more effective help.

This temporary shell is usually constructed by a “supervisor,” who then explains to the student how to make it himself, both easily and conveniently. Such a body, accurately reproducing the appearance of a person, does not contain at all the matter of its own astral body; it is the same as materialization is for the physical body. There are less developed students who reside in the astral body proper, but a person introduced to this plane by a knowledgeable leader always acts on all subplanes with full consciousness and the greatest ease, whatever his environment may be.

He is indeed the same as his friends here on earth know him, but without three or four, as the case may be, of the lower principles, with the addition of the power and abilities of his new state. This helps him to continue with greater ease and success during sleep the theosophical work that occupies him while awake.

Thanks to his ability to move consciousness, without the slightest interruption from one state to another, he can remember, more or less accurately, on the physical plane everything that he has learned or done on another plane.

The investigator may sometimes meet on the astral plane occultists from all parts of the globe (belonging to various lodges and guided by teachers known to the Theosophists), devoted to the investigation of truth with complete self-forgetfulness.

It should be noted that all these lodges know, at least, about the existence of the “Himalayan Brotherhood” and recognize that all the highest adepts of our time belong to it.

Highly developed mentally people from non-adherents

Such individuals may or may not be mentally developed, because this is not dependent on one another.

The psychic power received at birth is a consequence of previous incarnations. They can be of a sublime, altruistic direction or of an evil direction. This psyche usually has full consciousness outside its physical body, but due to incorrect perception, such people incorrectly judge what they see. Most of them are capable, on a par with the initiate's disciple, of crossing all divisions of the astral plane, but some are attracted exclusively to one and can hardly move away from it. Regarding the retention of memories, they will differ according to the degree of development, accuracy of memory, complete delusion or oblivion. They will always appear in the astral body due to the inability to act in the mental body.

Common sleepers

During deep sleep, the higher parts of the human being, in connection with the astral body, are gradually separated, in an unchanging order, from the physical body and remain in close proximity to it. But in individuals who are not fully developed, they are generally in almost the same sleepy state as the physical body. In some cases, however, this astral body is less lethargic and, in a semi-conscious state, sets out, at the will of the astral current, meeting on its way acquaintances who are in a similar state, and undergoing pleasant and unpleasant adventures. Waking up in the morning, they retain a vague memory of everything they saw and say: “What extraordinary things I saw in my dreams!”

Cultured people of a higher race have, in general, fairly developed astral abilities and could notice the reality surrounding them in a dream and learn a lot if they were sufficiently attentive. But the majority do not have such a diligent attitude. They spend part of their sleep interested in things that occupy them while awake. They have astral abilities, but they do not use them: their senses on this plane, although they exist, are undeveloped, and they are aware of very little of what surrounds them there.

If such a person becomes a disciple of a sage, he is immediately awakened from his slumber, begins to become aware of the reality of the astral situation surrounding him, and the opportunity to work in its environment: thus, the hours of sleep, which until then were not useful, are now spent in useful pursuits, without harming the rest of the physical body.
In lower races or individuals, the separated astral body has very vague forms. But the features and forms of the central part always remain recognizable, although worn out and little different, while their aural egg is not worthy of such a name, not having a definite appearance with changing and irregular outlines.

In a developed person, on the contrary, the central form is much more distinct and clear and reproduces exactly the physical person. Moreover, the aura has an egg-shaped shape, clearly depicted and unchanging in the turbulent current that constantly agitates the astral world.

The psychic abilities of humanity in a transitional state, and all degrees of its development, are represented by personalities, from which it follows that these two classes merge together in imperceptible divisions.

Sorcerers and their students

This class is similar to the first, with the difference that its development was directed towards evil, and not towards good, and that the power it acquired was used for a selfish and not a humane purpose.

The lowest ranks include Negro sorcerers who practice Obeah or Voodoo rituals, and healers of savage peoples.

More developed and deserving of all the more condemnation are the sorcerers of Tibet, often called by Europeans "Dug-pa" or Red Caps, although this name belongs, in fact, to the explanation of the senior surgeon Waddell in his work "The Buddhism of Tibet" (Waddell "Le Bouddhisme du Thibet" ), the large sect "Kargyu", part of the Buddhist church, half reformed by Tibet. The "Dug-pas" no doubt practice the magic of the "Tantrika", but the real, unreformed sect of the Red Caps is the "Ninma-pas".

Even much lower than this is the Bon-pa sect, faithful to the native gods and never taking a Buddhist form.

However, one should not assume that except for the “Geluk-pa”, that is, the Yellow Caps, all Tibetan sects deserve condemnation. It is truer to say that in other sects, less strictly reformed, looser rules of life and customs must produce a greater number of selfish natures.


First of all, we must agree that the name “dead” is inappropriate here, since all the creatures to which this refers are alive just like us and even more so. Thus, this term must be understood in the sense that they are deprived only of a physical body.

We will look at nine main divisions here.


We mention this department for the sake of completeness of the list, because it very rarely happens that such perfect beings manifest themselves on the lower plane. If for any reason, in continuation of his highest purpose, the Nirmanakaya found it necessary to manifest, it is very likely. that he would form for himself a temporary astral body, as we have shown for an adept clothed with a mental body, and this because his shell would be too thin to be visible with ordinary astral vision. In order to act simultaneously on all planes, he retains within himself several atoms of each of them - a center around which he can quickly assemble a substance of the desired property.

Disciples of adepts awaiting incarnation

It is often mentioned in Theosophical literature that a student who has achieved a certain development, with the help of his guide, can escape the general law according to which every human being passes after death into the heavenly world for a certain time, in order to enjoy there the consequences of his efforts in the highest spiritual aspiration manifested during physical life. Since, according to this hypothesis, the disciple must be a man of holy life and very noble convictions, it is very likely that such spiritual consequences would have great fluctuations and that if "he entered Devakan" (paradise), he would have to remain there , according to established opinion, for quite a long time. But if, on the contrary, he chooses the path of hardship (beginning to follow, according to his strength, in the footsteps of the great mentor Buddha), he can give another direction to his spiritual abilities, for the benefit of humanity, and, no matter how insignificant his sacrifice, will take part in the great work of Nirmanakaya. With this choice, he, of course, sacrifices centuries of uninterrupted bliss, but receives a significant advantage in that he continues to exist, full of self-forgetfulness and prosperity.

When a student who has chosen such a path dies, he, having left the body, as before, awaits on the astral plane a more favorable reincarnation, which his mentor carefully brings to him, and higher permission is required, since this is an exception to the general rule. And, notwithstanding this permission, the student must be very careful when passing from the astral plane, since even with a momentary touch on the mental plane he may be carried away by the irresistible current of normal evolution.

In very rare cases, they help him avoid the suffering of a new incarnation by placing him directly in the body of an adult who left him as unnecessary. But a suitable body is very rarely ready; most often it has to wait on the astral plane for favorable circumstances for its birth. The time spent in this way will not be lost for him, because he remains the same and can continue further development in a more effective and rapid way than if he were bound by a physical body. He enjoys complete self-awareness and can move freely across all subplanes.

Such a disciple awaiting reincarnation is not an ordinary phenomenon on the astral plane, but may nevertheless be encountered by chance, and establishes a new rank, which becomes more and more numerous as more people reach the stage of holiness.

Ordinary dead bodies, not yet separated

Needless to say, this category is much more numerous than the previous ones and represents a huge variety of types and positions.

The duration of stay in the astral plane of these creatures is extremely different, so that some leave the plane after a few hours, while others remain for years and centuries.

A man who has lived a moderate life, whose feelings have been directed toward the common good, and whose aspirations have been spiritual, has nothing in common with this plan. Left to his own devices, he will find almost nothing that would attract him or stimulate his activity there during his stay, even if it is very short-lived. Since it must be remembered that a true person, dying physically, enters into himself and, just as he left the material body, he soon leaves his double-etheric body (etheric double), and then must throw off his astral body as soon as possible, or body of desires, and move into the heavenly world, in which only his spiritual aspirations can bear the fruits of development.

A person with a pure, noble soul can achieve this result because he curbed his passions during his earthly life. He directed his will towards everything sublime. He had very few base desires drawn from the astral plane. His stay will be very short-lived, and his consciousness will be rather vague until the moment when he falls into deep sleep, during which his higher principles will be finally freed from the astral shell to enter the heavenly world.

This is an ideal and desirable state, not available to everyone or even to the majority. It takes a lot for a person to free himself from all his desires during his life, and he must spend quite a long time in a state of more or less consciousness in various divisions of the astral plane in order to finally free himself from carnal desires and thus achieve the liberation of his higher self.

Everyone must pass through the seven sub-planes of the astral world before passing into the heavenly world, but it does not follow from this that he will be conscious of all these divisions. Just as the physical body is composed of physical matter, in all states (solid, liquid, gaseous and etheric), so the astral medium must contain the matter of each subplane. Only its proportions change, judging by the subject.

Then, we should not forget that simultaneously with the matter of the astral body, a person attracts into it a corresponding original essence, which throughout his entire life remains separated from the general mass of the body and at the same time becomes, so to speak, an artificial elemental. This latter receives an independent existence, during which it strives for personal development in the spirit of descent into matter, without disturbing either the peace (and even without knowledge) or the benefits of the “I” to which it is attached.

This is the reason for the struggle between body and spirit, which is often mentioned in the writings of the church fathers. But be that as it may, “the law of the flesh is at odds with the law of the spirit,” and even though the evolution of man was greatly delayed from this, if he fails to prevail over his passions, this should not be considered evil - since this is only the law , only the influence of the Divine Will, proceeding in the usual order, but descending to matter, instead of moving away, ascending, as we do.

When a man, dying, leaves the physical plane, certain disjunctive forces of nature begin to act on the astral body, and our elemental sees that he is threatened with the loss of independent existence, in view of which he strives to preserve the integrity of the astral body for the longest possible time. The means that he chooses is to modify the order of arrangement of matter into concentric layers, where the outer ones belong to the lower subplanes and predominantly to the most dense, rough and resistant to destruction. But man cannot leave the seventh subplane except after the greatest possible liberation of his real self from the matter of this subplane. Finally, his consciousness stops at the next layer, consisting of matter of the sixth subplane or, in other words, he moves to a higher subplane.

On the other hand, when the astral body has exhausted all the attractiveness which any subplane inspires in it, almost all the matter of that subdivision is separated from it and it appears in relation to life to be somewhat more sublime.

Its inherent heaviness, so to speak, continually decreases, and it gradually rises from the densest to the rarest layers, stopping only where it is in perfect balance. This is what the dead obviously want to say when they come to spiritualistic séances when they explain that they are moving into a higher sphere, from where it will be impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to attract them with the help of a medium. And it is a positive fact that, having risen to a higher subplane, it becomes almost impossible for the deceased to influence an ordinary medium.

We see, however, that man lingers on each subdivision of the astral plane according to the amount of matter of that subplane contained in his astral body, which in turn depends entirely on the life which the man has led and the pleasures in which he has indulged, because he attracted and retained matter of one composition or another in his astral body.

However, it is possible, with an immaculate life and sublime thoughts, to bring to the smallest size the amount of matter belonging to the lower subplanes, and to collect each of them so that the first effort to separate it is sufficient to bring it to its original position and liberate man, for the transition to direct higher plane.

Thus, a person with a highly developed spiritual side can instantly and unconsciously go through the entire astral plane in order to be aware of everything around him only on a higher plane - the celestial plane.

It should not be forgotten that the subplanes do not occupy a special place in space, but that they mutually penetrate one another in such a way that moving from one division to another does not mean that one would need to move in space for this, but only to transfer the center of consciousness from one place to another, accepting these places sequentially, as instruments of feeling and consciousness.

Only people with rude and bestial aspirations: drunkards, debauchees, etc. recognize themselves after death on the lower subplane of the astral world. They remain there according to the degree and strength of their passions, often cruelly tormented by the inability to satisfy them; except for those exceptions when they rise, taking possession, through obsession, of the living, who have the same tastes as they do.

A person of mediocre morality will probably have no reason to remain on this seventh subplane, but if purely earthly interests were his only thought and concern, he will find himself on the sixth subplane, visiting places and persons close to him on earth.

The fifth and fourth subplanes have the same properties, except that the souls passing through them attach less and less importance to the things of this base world and that they all the more strive to change the environment according to the most stable of their thoughts.

Arriving at the third subplane, we notice a tendency to completely modify the actual appearance of the plane, since its inhabitants live in dreams that do not represent exclusively the creativity of their own thoughts, as in the celestial plane, but the legacy of their predecessors, to which they continually add their beliefs.

This is where these churches and schools are located - “dwellings of the land of summer”, so often described in spiritualistic séances. A living observer, less prejudiced, will not find them as real and wonderful as they appear to their enchanted creators.

The second subplane is likened mainly to the abodes of saints, limited and selfish - they completely enjoy the desires of their hearts and the worship of a special deity of a completely material nature.

The highest division is intended for those who spent their lives in mental work, but directed these activities to achieve material benefits, not trying to benefit their contemporaries, but only to satisfy their pride or simply as mental exercises.

Such people may remain in this state for many years, satisfied in the pursuit of their intellectual goals, not useless to everyone, and making no progress in achieving the heavenly plan.

We must remember that no idea finds implementation in this subplane. A deceased person operating on one of them can easily be transported from here to Australia, or to any other place he wishes. But he cannot transfer his consciousness to the next subplane before the liberation process gives him this opportunity. To this rule, as far as we know, there is no exception, even if conscious actions were performed on a very important subplane, to the possible point of shortening or extending the stay in it.

The very degree of consciousness on the designated subplane depends on a rather complex rule.

Astral entities - human diseases

Readers are already familiar with Valentin Funtov from publications in the Raduga newspaper. We continue to convey to the reader the information received by the author from above.

"Blocker" of human bioenergy (full characteristics)

Among the many types of human bioenergetic diseases are the evil eye, damage, aura lesions (dents in the aura), cracks, breaks, the presence of foreign objects in the astral body (boards, celibacy wreaths, bridles). Currently, new types of bioenergy diseases are increasingly appearing, such as partial and complete blocking, and in some cases, complete blocking turns into a recharge of all human bioenergy from a positive potential to a negative one.

Many people today live with negative potential throughout their entire body. This is a separate issue for careful study. In this technique, we will consider the case of partial and complete blocking of a person.

IN PARTIAL BLOCKING The 5th energy center - Vishuddha - is isolated from the entire biocircuit, then there is a blockage of the 4th energy center - Anahata, then the 3rd - Manipura and the 2nd - Svadhisthana. There are cases when two or three energy centers are blocked at the same time, but most often one is blocked.

What does it mean “the energy center is blocked”? This is a special type of damage when the energy center - the chakra - is under the control of dark forces. A blocked energy center is completely blocked by negative energy. The petals of the chakra are pinched, the chakra is “curled up”, it does not receive or release bioenergy to the internal organs. Moreover, the chakra itself is “under oppression”, the patient feels this place as something unpleasant, a depressing state, and in some cases pain is felt.

Most often, the 5th energy center - the Vishuddha chakra - is blocked. This energy center in turn nourishes the lungs, larynx, speech apparatus and thyroid gland. On the physical plane, a person first gets sick with bronchitis, coughs, etc. Such a person is more susceptible to acute respiratory diseases. The 5th energy center is the center of the causal body. This is a subtle energy body, it is well developed in people of mental and creative work: writers, poets, artists, musicians, performers, architects, builders, etc.

When the 5th energy center is blocked, such people have a decrease in the potential of their abilities, the very desire to create and simply work. The 5th energy center is blocked with a breakdown of the aura in this place: a through hole is formed and a constant leak of bioenergy into space occurs. When the disease is advanced, a new astral disease arises - “thinness”. The essence moves into the broken aura, and the person loses strength and weight, and continues to be thin even with good nutrition.

When the 4th energy center - the Anahata chakra - is blocked, various heart diseases occur because the heart's energy network does not receive enough power from the 4th center. The Anahata chakra, the main source of nutrition for the heart, is completely “coagulated” and does not receive or release bioenergy. In this case, the patient’s heart is powered only by energy obtained from food and inhaled air, which as a percentage is 60-70% of the total required bioenergy requirement. Therefore, people with a blocked 4th center breathe frequently, because... The law of self-preservation of the body is triggered: to replenish the missing bi-energy by increasing breathing. They have pain in the heart area, get tired quickly at work, and are inactive.

"Energy plugs" - energy slag, astral "bugs", "snakes", "kittens" and "cats" may appear on the heart, and an astral disease - "heartbreaker" - may develop in its various forms. The 4th energy center is the center of the human mental body. This is the body of subtle energy; it determines all the spiritual qualities of a person.

When the 3rd energy center - the Manipura chakra - is blocked, the stomach and all its auxiliary organs suffer: the duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. The stomach does not receive enough bioenergy necessary to digest food. First, a disease occurs when food is not completely digested and the person experiences hunger. Later, all other known stomach diseases appear: high or low acidity, gastritis, ulcers, etc.

The 3rd energy center is the center of the astral body, it is the center of all human bioenergy. It is also the center of the “solar” nerve plexus, where fluids from the nervous system enter. This is the place where the mixing (combination) of the internal bioenergy of nervous fluids (energy from food, breathing, etc.) with the cosmic energy of light Divine forces occurs.

In the area of ​​the Manipura chakra, a general bioenergy is formed, which fills all chakras, as well as all energy meridians, active biological points, reserve “batteries” in the liver, spleen and other organs.

The area of ​​the 3rd energy center is called the “Road of Life”. When it is blocked, the “Road of Life” “collapses” and is blocked: energy does not come from the Cosmos or comes in small quantities. A person lives only due to his biochemical energy received from food and air, but this amount of energy is not enough for the life of all internal organs powered by the 3rd energy center. A sick person with a blocked 3rd energy center is very weak and may be susceptible to many diseases of the internal organs.

When the 2nd energy center - the Svadhisthana chakra - the center of the etheric body is blocked, the functioning of the entire genitourinary system is disrupted: diseases of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder occur. Slag, sand and stones appear in them, and an astral disease develops - “stone builder”, the purpose of which is to infect a person. Men experience impotence, and they lose their “knightly armor,” which they greatly regret, and some of them panic and start drinking bitters.

In older men, an adenoma appears as a result of this blockage. Due to the lack of bioenergy, the muscle of the drain channel from prolonged overstrain (in a weak state it holds back the “faucet”) swells and involuntarily clamps the drain channel (“faucet”). Difficulties arise in excreting urine, and in some cases the patient cannot “pass” at all, in these cases an ambulance is called.

Or, on the contrary, the drain “faucet” does not hold urine. A disease occurs - urinary incontinence - in children and the elderly. In women, due to the blockage of the 2nd energy center, various female diseases arise, since all organs do not receive enough bioenergy, they “go out” of normal operation and get sick: inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, and other diseases. When the 2nd energy center is blocked, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hypotension, cerebrovascular accidents, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy can develop.

1st energy center - Muladhara chakra - the center of the physical body is rarely blocked. But it significantly loses its energy potential when other energy centers are blocked. In this case, the person becomes weaker and gets tired when walking.

With partial blocking of the energy centers - the 6th - Ajna chakra (the center of the intuitive or intellectual body) and the 7th - Sahasrara chakra (the center of the spiritual body and the body of the absolute), people sometimes suffer from bioenergetic diseases. But they can remain healthy while blocking other energy centers.


Complete blocking of human bioenergy is a special type of corruption, its highest degree, when the negative energy of dark forces completely blocks all seven main energy centers and their subtle energy bodies.

In this case, all meridians, energy channels of the biocircuits of internal organs and all their brain energy centers located on the surface of the head are also blocked. This is a case when a person is completely “under the hood”; he is at the mercy of dark forces.

The patient himself is not able to get out of this “quagmire”. The external state of a person with complete blockage of bioenergy: very weak, barely moving. Cannot walk independently. His whole body hurts, his arms and legs. When diagnosing such a patient, you feel a chill throughout your entire body. The chakras are all closed, there is no information from the patient’s internal organs, everything is closed, as if in a cold fog. All the brain centers on the head are “fallen down” like grass after heavy rain.


This astral essence enters the patient after the evil eye, damage, complete blocking of bioenergy and closing of all chakras, after the transfer of all bioenergy from positive potential to negative, when the sick person is “under the hood,” i.e. at the mercy of dark forces.

"Woodlouse" is located on the legs and arms. The feet and hands are constantly wet, like a wet rag, and water flows or oozes from the arms and legs.


It moves into the human chest during the evil eye and damage and affects the carotid arteries, nervous system and all subtle energy bodies. The sick person seems to be paralyzed and does not understand his condition. He has lost peace and sleep and is in constant tension. And if there is a dream, it is short and disturbing. Rather, it is not a dream, but simply temporary oblivion. A sick person experiences a constant feeling of incomprehensible fear.

Example. Patient S. Panina, 65 years old, suffered from “insomnia” for 20 years. Over the years, she had never slept well. She was in constant anxiety, physically weakened, and lost her voice. After the bioenergetic influence of the healer for 3 sessions, the patient was freed from the astral essence of “insomnia” and found a healthy state, anxiety and tension disappeared, and sleep normalized. She gained strength in her body, confidence, joy of life, and the wrinkles on her face smoothed out.


This astral disease differs in its qualities and effects on humans from the ordinary disease “scabies”. Scabies on the physical plane is caused by the scabies mite, which multiplies in the skin of the patient. Astral disease - the essence "Scabies" ("Scratch") - has an energy body. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage and the transfer of all bioenergy to negative potential, when all chakras are closed.

The patient has a complete blockage of bioenergy: the person is weakened physically and energetically, his aura has lost its protective properties and is very weak. “Scabies” lives throughout the patient’s body, but most of all it is on the surface of the arms, legs, sides, groin, back and chest and causes scratching in the affected areas, i.e. these places itch, and there may be numbness in certain parts of the body, arms, legs. The goal of the disease is to reduce a person’s active life and constantly have a negative impact on its victim. One of the types of "Ches" in medicine is called "psoriasis".


This astral disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage, when there is a hole in his aura for passage. The essence is located in the head and affects the consciousness of the patient, and can wander throughout the body. She has the appearance of an astral snake, cat, dog and crocodile.

The size of the entity depends on the time spent in the patient's body. She is constantly, like all entities, growing and strengthening her influence. A person affected by this disease has a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with his financial situation, a feeling of constant need and care. He is dissatisfied with what he has, but is constantly looking for ways to acquire and enrich himself.

Such people, as a rule, are all stingy and greedy. They are always at work. For them there is no end or limit to their work. They are bad neighbors because... They will never help their neighbor in any way, although in words they seem to be kind people. A striking example of the “Carer” was Plyushkin from N.V. Gogol’s novel “Dead Souls”, who in his worries reached the highest degree of greed: he constantly picked up on the roads everything that came to hand - horseshoes, buckets and all sorts of pieces of iron and objects, which the peasants will either lose or throw away as unnecessary. For this, his serfs never called him master behind his back, but called him “the patched one,” since out of greed he walked around covered in patches and did not have good clothes.

Another bright “Carer” in the same novel is the main character of the novel - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, whose meaning of life was only enrichment: by fraudulently buying up “dead souls”, he wanted to pass them off as alive and become a large Kherson landowner. There are many “Carers” today, when for the sake of profit they commit various crimes and violations of laws. You can only be healed from the “Carer” by traditional healers.


This astral disease enters a person after he has been under the evil eye and spoiled, when his aura has weakened or has a hole. The essence is located in the head and affects the consciousness of the patient. It can have different astral forms depending on the degree and time of damage to the patient. A person affected by this disease is in a state of melancholy or sadness. This state is “overtaken” by the essence.

Such people are silent, gloomy and uncommunicative. They cannot explain their condition; they constantly experience some seeming troubles. In some of them, the psyche is disturbed from prolonged experiences, and they develop mental illnesses on the physical plane. The astral essence “Toskun-Kruchin” “led” the patient into this state. This disease can only be gotten rid of through the bioenergetic influence of the healer on the patient. Treatment in mental hospitals is useless, since this disease is on the astral level and it is necessary to treat the astral body of the patient.


This astral essence enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the head and body. It affects the patient’s consciousness and causes him to become apathetic towards everything. Such people are not interested in anything: neither work, nor home, nor family, nor cinema, nor theater, nor entertainment events. They indulge in a feeling of laziness that has gripped their soul and body. They spend most of their time lying on the couch or sitting at home all day.

This disease is similar to the "Dream Book", but the "Dream Book" takes its victim to sleep, and the "Sloth-Sloth" takes its victim from active life to idleness. In the veins of such people there is constant chaos: the beds are not made, the dishes are not washed in a timely manner, there is a mess all around, unsanitary conditions. They don’t even go to the bathhouse regularly. You can get rid of “Laziness” only through the bioenergetic influence of the healer on the patient.

This astral essence enters a person after the evil eye and damage and is located throughout the body. It affects all the muscles of its victim, causing fatigue. My arms and legs hurt, and my whole body aches and hurts. Some people, especially older people, affected by this disease, get tired even at home, sitting and doing nothing. In such cases, they look for a place where it is easier for them.


This astral disease is very insidious in its effects on humans. Muscle cells affected by the energy of the disease lose their usual, normal properties: the cell nuclei dry out and become weak. The patient's muscles weaken, dry out, and completely atrophy. In medicine, this disease on the physical plane is called “amitrophy”. The disease lives in two worlds: physical and astral. Some people are affected by this disease from childhood (karmic disease) and are confined to a wheelchair.

This entity can enter its victim after the evil eye and damage at any age. In case of illness since childhood, the cause should be sought from the parents and relatives of the patient. First you need to eliminate the source of the disease from parents or relatives, and then heal the patient. In the case when the source of the disease is the patient himself, when he suffered from this disease in previous lives and the disease passed into this life, it is necessary to carry out healing by the method of reincarnation. The patient must first go to church and undergo repentance and communion, pray earnestly and ask for forgiveness for sins in previous lives and in this one. A “muscle dryer” can accompany the patient throughout his life.


This astral essence enters a person after the evil eye and damage and affects the muscles of the arms and legs, back and chest, as well as the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. “Chondrosis” affects the muscles and adjacent tissues of the body and vertebrae in such a way that the sick person feels severe pain in the affected areas. On the physical plane, the disease is called “osteochondrosis,” which is not completely cured in hospitals and clinics.

This astral disease has the form of a three-headed Serpent-Gorynych, a dog, a crocodile, a cat or a dragon. The essence enters a person after his evil eye and damage to the brain centers of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas, as well as to the organs themselves and to the food tract up to the rectum and anus. "Jor" constantly requires the affected person to eat food in large quantities. And indeed, the affected person constantly eats, he really wants food.

The disease entity is akin to the “Green Serpent,” which demands wine, vodka and beer from its victim. People used to say about such people that he was a glutton, i.e. does not know when to eat. In medicine, this disease is called “bulimia” - a pathological increase in appetite.

"Zhor" feeds on the energy generated by the digestive tract from the food taken. The patient is constantly sucking chemical and biological energy from food by the essence, and the person experiences constant hunger. This disease in its full development is very insidious and can completely affect a person. Treatment in clinics does not provide final recovery.


This astral disease, opposite to “Zhor” in its effect on a person, is infused after the evil eye and damage, just like “Zhor”, into the brain centers of the food block, as well as into the organs themselves and throughout the entire food tract. “Mor-Zamorysh” has an astral energy body in the form of the Serpent-Gorynych, a crocodile, a dragon, a dog and a cat. This is an insidious entity, its task is to incapacitate a person by influencing a person, causing him to lose his appetite.

A sick person loses the desire to eat food. He always eats reluctantly and loses weight, melting and drying out before our eyes. With prolonged exposure to "Pestilence the Zamorysh" a person becomes ill with another type of astral disease - "Thin One" with a breakdown of the 5th energy center and a leakage of bioenergy.


This astral essence has the form of a dragon, octopus, crocodile, dog, etc. It inhabits a person after the evil eye and damage, can wander throughout the body, negatively affects the skin of the neck, chest, sides, the skin of the arms and legs and in the groin. The degree of skin damage depends on the time the “Lichen” remains in the human body. The more time the patient contains this essence-disease, the larger the area of ​​​​damage to his skin.

The form of the “Lichen” disease can be different: with the release of sputum, with suppuration of the skin, with the formation of entire nodes and lesions on the skin, in all forms of the disease, these damaged areas itch very much and there is no limit to their soothing. The patient experiences real agony, as from eczema. On the physical plane, lichens have different types, but they have the same basis - on the astral level. This is why it is very difficult to cure shingles in hospitals. “Lichen” can only be gotten rid of using unconventional methods of treatment. It is necessary to remove the energetic essence of the disease with prayers and spells from the patient according to the method of treating astral diseases.


This astral entity takes the form of an octopus, a dragon, a crocodile, a snake, a dog and a cat. It inhabits a person after he has been cursed and damaged and is located throughout the body - in the area of ​​​​the arms and legs. The entity twists and cramps its legs and partly its arms, giving them no rest. It is especially effective when a person goes to bed. But he has no rest, his legs are twisting and cramping, his arms are also twisting. The person changes the positions of his legs and arms, but the effects continue.

The essence in its effects on a person is similar to the “Sverzhnik”, but there are no obvious painful spots, but there are unpleasant effects on the legs. The purpose of the entity is to negatively influence its victim and remove it from its normal image and state of health.

This astral entity has the form of a snake, a beetle, and other small-sized forms. It invades the salivary glands of a person after the evil eye and damage and causes a benign tumor of these glands. In medicine, this disease is called "adenolymphoma", when drooling often occurs involuntarily or, conversely, there is not enough saliva, which leads to stomach disease. The patient needs to be healed only on the astral level through the bioenergetic influence of the healer on the patient’s astral body. In hospitals, this disease is only muffled.

This astral entity takes the form of an octopus, crocodile, dog, cat and snake. It takes possession of a person after the evil eye and damage, spreading throughout the body and head. It affects a person, his consciousness negatively. The patient develops a reluctance to do anything, as well as apathy, the person is inactive and generally sits or lies on the sofa for the most part. The disease is similar to Sloth, but in addition to decreased activity, it also causes pain in the arms and legs. In medicine, a disease with these indications is called “adynamia” - cessation of physical activity.


This astral disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage. It has the form of the Snake-Gorynych, an octopus, a dog and causes an increase in the size of the head (horse head) in the affected person due to the growth of the jaws, nose, lips, and individual bones of the head. Hands and feet increase in size. Patients sew their own shoes to order, because such large sizes are not available for sale. People affected by this disease are constantly growing in width. In medicine, this disease is called "acromegaly". In clinics and hospitals, acromegaly is muffled a little, growth stops for a while, but all internal organs suffer from the pills.


This astral entity-disease, the opposite of the “Breaker,” compresses the head, as a result of which the patient’s head becomes short and decreases in size. The “squeeze” inhabits a person after an evil eye, damage or curse. It lives mainly in the head of its victim and affects all the bones and muscles of the head, reducing them in size. “Szhimchik” has the shape of Zmey-Gorynych, a dog and a cat, a snake. In medicine, this disease is called “short-headedness” or “brachycephaly”.

This disease enters into a person after he has been exposed to the evil eye and damage. It has the shape of a net and a snake and lives mainly in the patient’s head and affects the scalp. It affects the hair follicles in such a way that the hair weakens and falls out individually or in whole clumps. When the disease is advanced, baldness occurs; it is possible that some of the hair remains above the ears, and the top of the head is completely bald. The astral essence “Lysun” goes through 3 stages in its development:

Stage 1, when the hair weakens and partial hair loss occurs over the entire area of ​​the head.

Stage 2, when there is a lot of hair loss, the hair loss can be uniform or uneven. Stage 3, when complete hair loss or complete baldness occurs.

Depending on the patient's general health, all stages of baldness may be reduced. In medicine, this disease is called ALOPECIA or pathological hair loss.

This astral disease entity has the form of a dog, cat, snake and other forms. It moves into a person, into his head after the evil eye and damage, when there is a hole in the aura. Dwarfism affects the pituitary gland (its left and right sides, above the ears), as a result of which the growth of the child or adolescent slows down. Compared to their same-age peers, a child or teenager affected by this disease looks much shorter and all of their internal organs are also reduced in size. In medicine, this disease is called HYPOSTATURE or retardation of height and body weight in children. Medicine does not know the real cause of the disease and the disease cannot be cured.

The reason for the growth retardation is that the patient’s pituitary gland is completely blocked by the dirty energy of the Dwarf disease entity and, in turn, the pituitary gland does not direct the work of all the glands of the endocrine system and the endocrine glands, as a result of which there is no normal communication between the internal organs and in this case affects the reduction height and weight of the patient. The dwarf is similar to the "Raznesun", but here the indications are the opposite. The Razor or Horse Head increases height and weight, while the Dwarf decreases it. Both entities affect the same human organs.

This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the head and body. The entity has the form of a dog, cat and snake and other forms. Dwarf-2 affects the pituitary gland and internal organs of the patient. As a result, the internal organs do not perform their functions well and weaken, the person loses weight and loses weight. Sick children grow poorly. This entity is a type of Dwarf, but only its negative actions come through the internal organs. In medicine, this disease is called “Weakening of organ activity.” Mostly children and teenagers suffer from this disease, but middle-aged and elderly people can also get sick. The disease is based on damage to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is blocked by the astral entity Dwarf-2.

This astral disease is a species from the Zaikun family. Unlike Zaikun, whose speech has barriers and difficulties, Zaikun-2 has speech without barriers and difficulties, but the patient with this disease distorts individual words: he shortens or eats up the endings of words. Or, on the contrary, the patient draws out individual words and pauses in his speech, making sounds: E...E...E...A...A...A...A...Y.. .Y...Y... and other sounds.

There are many real-life examples of such distortions; we hear them almost every day on radio and television. By the way, there are announcers who suffer from these diseases both on radio and television. The essence of Zaikun-2 inhabits a person after the evil eye and damage and has a negative effect on the brain centers of the speech apparatus (left and right), on the speech apparatus itself and on the channels of the speech apparatus. In medicine, this disease is called DYSARTHRIA - or disorder of articulate speech. This disease can affect people of different ages.

With this disease, the patient pronounces words with different sound levels. Some of his words or half-words are underestimated in terms of sound strength. In medicine, this disease is called DYSPHONIA - or voice disorder. People with Zaikun-2 and Zaikun-3 do not seem to stutter in appearance, but they very significantly distort their speech.


The disease has octopus, dog and snake forms. The essence enters a person after the evil eye or damage to the head and negatively affects all bones, tissues and all organs of the head. It rarely affects the body and internal organs, but can severely affect any organ, so it must be looked for throughout the patient’s body. It mainly affects children and middle-aged people, but it can also affect older people, when a person’s growth seems to have stopped, but the head can grow upward. In medicine, this disease is called DOLICHOCEPHALY or long-headedness.

This disease has the form of the Snake-Gorynych, octopus, dog and crocodile. The essence enters a person after the evil eye and damage to the head and body of the patient. It affects the central nervous system and consciousness of a person, causing him to twitch his shoulders and arms and legs. The affected person involuntarily begins to twitch his shoulders from time to time: lift one shoulder, then the other, or twist his shoulders, and at the same time twist his head to the left or right, turning his head up and down and making sudden movements of his head to the side. When the patient’s consciousness is influenced, he begins to utter some words with a grin, understandable only to him alone.

The patient seems to remember some stories, feels completely right and grins, jokes with a cheerful image on his face. There may be loud laughter on his part, twitching of his shoulders and even tilting his whole body forward or to the side. I personally often met “Derguns” in my life among my colleagues, but then I did not know that they were patients with an astral disease. I also meet “Dergunov” on public transport nowadays. If the patient is sitting on a chair, then at times he begins to knock his feet on the floor or tap his fingers on a table or other object.

In medicine, this disease is called HYPERKINESIS or excessive involuntary movements. As you can see, from the medical definition of the disease, patients seem to be physically healthy, they have a physically healthy body and it seems that from excess energy they begin to twitch and turn their heads and joke, laugh and make ridicule. But it only seems that they are healthy. In fact, they are sick on the astral level, and they can only be healed with unconventional methods of treatment. This disease can affect people of different ages.


This disease has the form of the Serpent-Gorynych, octopus, crocodile and dragon. The entity is strong and cunning. Its goal is to completely amaze a person. It inhabits a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the head - in the brain energy centers of the gallbladder and in the organ itself - the gallbladder, as well as throughout the body. The entity causes gallbladder disease with bile spilling throughout the body. In medicine, this disease is called JAUNDICE. She literally eats a person.

The disease affects a person so deeply that every tissue cell turns yellow and becomes saturated with bile. Even the eyes turn yellow, and the patient’s skin is super yellow. The affected person is completely constrained in movement, weakened, and losing weight by the hour. Just as rust eats metal, so does the Jaundice eat a person. Jaundice first affects all bioenergy and transfers it to a negative potential, as a result of which all chakras are blocked and the patient’s bioenergy is at zero. The patient’s biofield is practically not felt, it is not there. With an advanced disease, a person loses so much weight, loses weight like a skeleton, it’s scary to look at. You can recover from Jaundice only at the early and middle stages of the disease.


This disease comes in the form of a dog, an octopus, a cat and a snake. The scraper lives in the head and throughout the patient’s body. Aches and pains affect the entire body and cause aches and drowsiness. But more often it literally breaks a person, with a feeling of pain and an unpleasant feeling. This feeling of aching cannot be expressed in words, you just need to feel it. The purpose of the entity is to reduce the active life of a person. When present in the human body for a long time, the essence causes various other diseases and can affect the patient’s arms and legs, eyes and ears.

This disease invades the human visual organs - the eyes and the brain centers of the eyes. It affects any organ of the eye and its brain energy center: the tunica albuginea, cornea, iris, pupil, lens, vitreous body, retina, visual receptors or optic nerve. By influencing any of these organs of the eye with its negative energy, it disrupts the work of this organ and, in general, the work of the entire eye of one or both eyes.

As a consequence of this negative impact, the patient may experience various diseases known in medicine as eye diseases. For example, when Slepun affects the lens of the eye, clouding of the lens occurs and an eye disease - cataract - develops. The blind man works very successfully: patients lose the power of vision, see poorly, and a disease develops - myopia or farsightedness - all this is only due to the negative effect on the lens of the eye alone.

All eye diseases can be healed if the astral essence of the Slepun is removed from the eyes. Those eye diseases that arose due to mechanical damage to the eyes (various injuries, bruises, clogging with metal shavings, dust, damage, etc.) cannot be healed. Such eye diseases need to be treated in clinics by ophthalmologists. And you can get rid of Slepun only with unconventional methods of treatment. And, as a rule, having freed the patient from the essence - the Blind One, all eye diseases that were caused by him disappear on the physical plane.


This astral disease is a type of “Squeeze”, but unlike it, it affects one half of the body - left or right, and the affected part of the body decreases in size. The arm and leg become smaller, and the tissues of the body on the side also become narrower. The body becomes distorted. One side of the body is normal, and the other is reduced in size. In medicine, this disease is called hemiatrophy or “reduction of one half of the body.” The essence also enters a person after the evil eye, damage and after a curse.


This astral disease enters a person after an evil eye, damage or curse and lives in the head. It has the shape of the Serpent-Gorynych, a dog, a cat, a crocodile and others. The essence affects a person’s memory, its qualities are similar to the “Brake”, but only affects a person’s memory. It blocks the part of the brain responsible for human memory, from which no information enters consciousness.

The affected person is unconscious: he has completely forgotten about the entire past and is confused in the present. A person severely affected by this disease may lose some or all of his or her sanity. The goal of the disease-entity is to take its victim away from active life. In medicine, this disease is called amnesia or “memory loss.”

This is an astral entity-disease. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage and is located on the arms and legs, throughout the patient’s body. Trembling causes the patient to tremble in his arms and legs, mostly his feet, and tremble in certain places throughout the body. This essence is from a series of 12 ailments: thorn, fireweed, fireweed, etc. They all have a common Astral essence, but each affects differently. In medicine, the disease of the Astral Entity Trembling is called TREMOR or involuntary trembling.

This disease affects people mainly of middle and old age, when the aura is weakened and there is a free entrance for the essence to penetrate the energy body. Young people are very rarely affected by this disease. Treatment in hospitals and clinics is completely ineffective, because... Doctors only dull the essence of the disease for a while. Therefore, those affected continue to suffer from this disease.


This is an astral entity-disease, a type of Lysun. It enters a person’s head after the evil eye and damage to the head and causes weakening of the hair. If Lysun causes rapid hair loss and rapid baldness, then Volosnik also affects the hair of the head, the hair follicles and creates fungi in them on the physical plane, which causes the hair to become weak in the places where it is attached to the skin, and falls out faster than in a healthy person . There is constant hair loss. In medicine, this disease is called TRICHOPHYTIA or fungal hair disease.


This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and is located in the blood throughout the body, then it chooses a place for permanent “residence”, mostly in the lower extremities (legs), where the blood flow weakens and “does not disturb its tranquility” . This entity is from the “builders” family. She builds “houses” for herself to live in the blood of her victim from the material of blood on the physical plane. We already know these “builders”. A stone builder builds stones - “houses” in the internal organs of people. Constipation builds barriers in the intestinal walls and causes various diseases of the intestine, etc. Thrombosis causes not one, but several blood diseases on the physical plane. In medicine, this disease is called differently, i.e. The disease has several varieties:

1.TROMBARTERITIS or inflammation of the arteries with the formation of thrombi - blood clots;

2.THROMBOVASCULITIS or inflammation in the wall of a small blood vessel;

3. THROMBOSIS or blockage of the lumen of a vessel;

4. Thrombophlebitis or the formation of blood clots in a vein during its inflammation. This is the highest stage of development of Trombnik - an astral entity.

As can be seen from the Trombnik's characteristics, its goal is to strike its victim, take him out of his normal lifestyle and bedridden him. In medicine, this disease can be cured only at its early stage of development (point 1). In the later stages of development (points 2-4), the disease is practically not cured, but the activity of Trombnik is temporarily muted.


This is an astral entity-disease, a type of consumptive. Lungwort does not dry out the lungs or cause pulmonary edema, but it does cause tumor formations in the lungs. In medicine, this disease is called TUBERCULOMA or a tumor-like formation of tuberculous origin. Thus, on the physical plane, the basis of the disease is the Koch tuberculosis bacillus, the source of which, in turn, is the astral essence Lung. The Lungworm enters a person after the evil eye and damage, then the development of Koch's bacilli occurs, resulting in a disease on the physical plane - pulmonary tuberculosis. In medicine, doctors do not know the astral level and the Pulmonary is not removed, i.e. the basis of the disease is left behind and therefore tuberculosis is practically uncurable.

It is possible to recover from Pulmonary Disease (Tuberculosis) only with unconventional methods of treatment. Some doctors make another mistake - they mistake initial tumor formations for cancerous tumors and make an incorrect diagnosis - lung cancer. In my practice there have been such cases. I removed the Lungworm, and the tumors disappeared, and the patient immediately recovered. Even at the first stage, this insidious disease causes an increase in body temperature, severe weakness and, accordingly, the patient develops fear due to an incorrect diagnosis. And when a.s. eliminated, the patient immediately revives in spirit and quickly recovers.

This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and is located throughout the body. Later, Yazvik chooses a weaker organ to defeat and negatively affects it. Ulcer usually affects the stomach, duodenum, intestines and pancreas. It can also affect other internal organs. The ulcer causes an ulcer on the physical plane. In medicine, this disease is called ULCUS or simply ulcer. As can be seen from the characteristics, this disease also belongs to the category of insidious, and its goal is to infect a person and take him out of a normal lifestyle.

With any ulcer, a person becomes very unwell. The absorption of food is impaired, the patient is forced to follow a diet, etc. With conventional medical treatment, ulcers do not heal for a long time, because the basis of the Ulcer disease is not removed by doctors. They temporarily subdue Yazvik with medications. Some patients heal themselves by drinking pure alcohol, etc. In some cases, they thereby “drive away” Yazvik, without knowing it. Apparently, in addition to prayers, pure alcohol also affects them; they simply cannot stand the smell of it and run away.


This disease. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the brain center of the productive organ at the back of the head and in the most productive organ and causes inflammation of the urethra, which leads the patient to difficulty in excreting urine and causes pain. In medicine, this disease is called URETHRITIS or inflammation of the urethra, the walls of the urinary canal at the outlet. According to its energy data, Zapornik-2 is similar to Zapornik.

If Zapornik affects the walls of the intestines and causes congestion and constipation in the intestines, then Zapornik-2 affects the walls of the urinary canal and causes delays and difficulties in excreting urine. Both of these entities are insidious in their goals and the methods of healing from them are similar.


This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the urinary pipelines: in the ureter and urinary canal, in the bladder. If the Stone Builder lives in the organs: the gall bladder, liver, kidneys and bladder, where he builds stone houses for himself in which he lives, then the Stone Builder 2 lives in all the pipelines connecting these organs. He also builds himself stone houses, which clog the pipelines like plugs. It lives in the stones, grows and, accordingly, the stones grow in the pipelines and completely block the passage of urine.

In medicine, this disease is called UROLITHIAZ or the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Typically, Stonebuilder 2 resides and builds stones at the entrance and exit of the organ. At the inlet and outlet of the gallbladder, at the inlet and outlet of the liver and at the inlet and outlet of the bladder. But it can also live in the bladder, causing inflammation of the bladder, which is also accompanied by pain and cutting in the bladder. In medicine, this disease is called CYSTITIS or inflammation of the bladder. Thus, we see that Stone Builder-2 is from the Stone Builder family, but has its own characteristics based on its place of residence. This astral disease entity is also very insidious, and its goal is to infect its victim and incapacitate him. In medicine, these diseases are treated with medications and surgery, which is very painful for patients. You can only get rid of Stonebuilder-2 using unconventional methods of treatment. Removal of Stonebuilder-2 is carried out only with prayers and incantations, magical formulas, when the vibrations of prayers, incantations and formulas completely paralyze the astral essence of Stonebuilder-2 and his biofield weakens, and “HE” detaches from the stones and fabrics of pipelines and freely comes out when extracted. This principle of healing applies to all astral disease entities. At the second stage of healing, we simply destroy the house stone and turn it into sand. Next, at the third stage, we remove sand through the ducts into the urine all the way into the bladder and out.


This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the head and throughout the body. Like all disease-entities, the basis of the essence is in the patient's head, but is located throughout the patient's body. The entity causes severe illness on the physical plane. In medicine, this disease is called FEBRIS or fever. An illness with fever, weakening of a person’s physical strength and severe trembling. Some patients cannot stand this disease due to loss of strength.


This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and lives in the head and can wander throughout the patient’s body. The entity causes a person to feel constant fear. It has the form of the Serpent Gorynych, a dog, and a cat, and has a strong biofield. This disease is similar in strength to Possession. In medicine, this disease is called PHOBIA or obsessive fear.

This is an astral entity-disease from the Zaikun family:

Zaikun - speech with barriers and difficulties;

Zaikun-2 - shortens words, distorts speech, eats up the endings of words.

Zaikun-3 - the sound strength of individual words is impaired and is not clear to the interlocutor.

Zaikun-4 - distorts individual words.

Like Zaikun, the patient pronounces certain words with difficulties and barriers. Zaikun-4 mainly affects the human nervous system, the brain and spinal cord. The entity resides in the head, in the brain center of the spinal cord and in the spine, in the region of the spinal cord. And also the roots of the essence are located in the brain center of the speech apparatus.

As you can see, this disease is more insidious than its previous ones in terms of the number of affected areas. Its roots may still be in the speech apparatus itself, in the larynx. Zaikun-4 has the form of the Serpent-Gorynych, an octopus, an astral dog, a crocodile and other animals. In medicine, this disease is called FONASTHENIA or voice disorder due to neurosis.

This disease has the form of the Serpent Gorynych, octopus, crocodile, etc. and affects the patient’s brain, creating noise, hum, individual sounds and voices in the head. This entity is similar to Possession and belongs to the category of insidious disease entities. In medicine, this disease is called FREMITUS or noise, hum, sounds and voices in the head.

This disease is big and strong. It mainly affects middle-aged and elderly people. In my practice in 1999, there were many patients with this disease. It affects most women. Men most often use swear words in conversation, and without knowing it, they drive away this Demon of Evil. That is why individual drunkards and homeless people are not charged anything. The old man lives, grows and reproduces. In addition to individual organs, it affects every cell of the patient’s body. The cells of the patient's body undergo the aging process with the release of the fetid odor of old age. In general, the patient’s body weakens and ages quickly. The Starun's goal is to completely defeat his victim.


This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage and is located in the head or in the head and at the same time in the spinal cord. The essence is very insidious in its effects. When exposed to the brain, the essence causes a disease, which in medicine is called ENCEPHALITIS or inflammation of the brain. When exposed to the brain and spinal cord, the essence causes a disease, which in medicine is called ENCEPHALOMYELITIS or inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. The purpose of the entity is to completely afflict a person with its harmful effects. The brain and spinal cord swell, and this is accompanied by severe pain in these places. In my practice there was one patient with a head tumor. She complained that her head felt like a very heavy basket of stones, causing severe pain.

This disease enters a person after the evil eye and damage, when the person’s energy (aura) has weakened. "Zobnik" is located in the tissues of the thyroid gland and negatively affects its functioning. The thyroid gland swells, increases in size and does not fulfill its physiological functions of regulating normal human growth, ensuring the normal functioning of all endocrine glands. "Zobnik" in its effects on the thyroid gland is of two types: 1st type of "Zobnik" causes the patient has a decrease in the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. As a result, metabolism is disrupted. Oxidation in tissues is sharply reduced. Heart contractions become sluggish and the pulse rhythm slows down, the patient’s body temperature becomes below normal, morbid obesity and excitability of the nervous system develop. Children with this disease do not grow well. In medicine, this disease of the thyroid gland is called MYXEDEMA - or insufficiency of the thyroid gland. On the recommendation of doctors, patients use a preparation of hormones produced from the thyroid glands of animals. When using hormone medications, the functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized. The patient is recovering. But such treatment is very long-term. The patient must take these drugs constantly for almost his entire life. When you stop using thyroid hormone medications, the disease returns with renewed vigor.

The 2nd type of “Goiter” causes excessive activity of the thyroid gland, as a result, an excessive amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland enters the patient’s blood. Signs of the disease: the patient’s heart rate increases sharply, the pulse becomes higher than normal. Oxidative processes in the tissues of the patient’s body occur too quickly, and body temperature increases. Patients lose a lot of weight. The patient’s nervous system is always in increased excitability: patients are irritable, often cry, even for no reason. Their eyes are unnaturally bulging. In medicine, this disease is called Graves' disease. Treatment in hospitals: here, mainly, they follow the path of reducing the activity of the thyroid gland, i.e. remove it. But this is not a solution: since the role of the Thyroid Gland as a whole is reduced - in ensuring the functioning of all glands of the internal secretion organs, and the relationship between internal organs is reduced, which also affects the deterioration of a person’s overall health.


This astral essence - a disease - enters a person after the evil eye and damage, and is located in the tissues of the pituitary gland. The essence may be located in other organs of the patient; it needs to be looked for. It negatively affects the pituitary gland and disrupts its functioning. The pituitary gland does not produce hormones that enter the blood and regulate the functioning of internal organs in the required quantities.

From method No. 16, we already know that with the negative effect of “Chereinik” on the pituitary gland, malfunctions form in the patient’s body, and some of the secretions go not into urine, but into the skin. Non-healing wounds with phlegm and boils form on the skin. But this was a case of a side effect of Chireinik on the pituitary gland. Basically, Chireinik is located in the skin of the patient and “produces” boils and wounds. The “pituitary gland” directly, directly affects the pituitary gland. There are two types of “pituitary gland”, in one of which the pituitary gland produces few hormones, as a result of which children’s growth slows down, and in adulthood they become dwarfs. In another case, the patient produces an excessive amount of growth hormones. Children with this disease grow quickly. In adulthood, in a person affected by this disease, when his growth has generally stopped, a painful growth of individual parts of the body begins: thickening of the arms, legs, enlargement of the nose, tongue and even the entire head. When exposed to one of the species, children eventually reach a height of more than two meters and become giants in adulthood. Those affected in middle and old age become simply unpleasant in appearance, with distorted shapes of the body and head, face (if severely affected, they look like monsters); in medicine, this disease is called acromegaly or pathological enlargement of the jaws, nose, and limbs.


This astral essence is a disease that inhabits only women, after the evil eye and damage. Located in the breasts and the brain center of the breasts. It can also be located in the buttocks and in the female organ itself. It negatively affects the mammary glands and causes breast disease, which in medicine is called MASTOPATHY or hyperplastic process of the mammary gland. “Turtle” also causes other types of diseases of women’s breasts, known in medicine. The purpose of the entity is to disable a woman as a mother and not give her the opportunity to feed her infant.

This astral entity is a disease from a series of female pests that inhabits nursing women after their evil eye and damage. In some cases, it may also occur in non-lactating women. As a result of the negative impact of the essence, women's nipples become inflamed and very painful, especially when feeding a baby. The purpose of the entity is to incapacitate a woman as a mother, to prevent her from feeding her child. In medicine, this disease is called TELIT or inflammation of the nipple of the mammary gland. You can only heal from Soskun using unconventional methods of treatment.


This astral entity is a disease from a series of female pests, which inhabits a woman after her evil eye and damage, and is located in the female genital organ. The essence causes inflammation of the vagina with pain. In medicine, this disease is called tenosynovitis or inflammation of the tendon sheath. The purpose of the entity is to incapacitate a woman and prevent her from reproducing.


This astral entity is a disease, very insidious in its effects. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage and has a negative effect on all the muscles of the body. The entity contracts the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdomen and neck so that the patient cannot even sit. He just lies in bed like a pillar, unable to bend. In medicine, this disease is called TETANUS or TETANUS. Illness brings a person into an immobile state on the physical plane. The goal of the disease is obvious - to completely paralyze a person.

This is an astral entity-disease. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage, spreads throughout the patient’s body and affects all the muscles and cells of the body. Unlike "Stolbnik", "Vyalun" also has a negative effect, but more mildly. “Vyalun” does not fetter a person, turning him into a pillar, but only makes all the patient’s muscles flaccid and weak. The musculoskeletal system works with a delay, all movements of the patient are slow. In medicine, this disease is called TORPIDUS, or TORPID, sluggish slow.


This astral essence is a disease, which, after the evil eye and damage, enters the body tissues on the stomach, groins, sides and forms cavities in the body tissues, which are filled with liquid. As it grows, the “Kistnyak” grows, increasing the cavities in the tissues. In medicine, this disease is called a CYST, or a pathological cavity in the tissue. The goal of the “Kistnyak” is to form one or more cysts in the patient, and to infect its victim with harmful effects on body tissue.


This astral essence-disease inhabits a person after his evil eye and damage and is located on the face and body of the patient. In all places where it lives, it causes swelling, these places are filled with edematous fluid. In medicine, this disease is called TRANSSUDATE or edematous fluid. "Fatherland" is similar in its effects to "Kistnyak". Perhaps both of them are varieties of the same astral entity. The goal of the "Fatherema" is to cause the patient to form cavities in the tissues of the face and body and fill the cavities with liquid, thereby having a harmful effect on the body of its victim. This disease affects middle-aged and older people.


This is an astral entity-disease. It penetrates into a person after his evil eye and damage. It must be said that all Astral entities move into a person after the evil eye and damage, when the patient’s aura has weakened and there is a free entrance into the energy body. “Gorlovik” invades the tissue of the throat and negatively affects it. This essence is a type of “Cold”, which on the physical plane causes colds or acute respiratory infections. "Garlovik" only causes inflammation of the throat. The throat swells a little, turns red, and the body temperature may rise. In medicine, this disease is called TRACHEITIS or inflammation of the windpipe. "Gorlovik" affects people of all ages. The goal of the "Gorlovik" is to incapacitate his victim and tie him to bed, make him incapacitated, i.e. harm a person.

This astral entity-disease, which has various forms: crocodile, foot-and-mouth disease, Snake-Gorynych, bully, etc., inhabits the brain centers of the teeth (the strip of the upper part of the forehead) and the teeth themselves, the jaws, and the tissues around the teeth. It enters a person after the evil eye and damage and negatively affects the teeth, gums and jaws. It also affects the jaw muscles and causes involuntary chattering of the teeth, and affects the teeth themselves, causing toothache. She can even clench her jaw to the point of severe pain. As can be seen from the characteristics, the goal of “Zubun” is to destroy the teeth of its victim, to remove him from a normal lifestyle. There are often cases when completely healthy and strong teeth are removed due to toothache caused by “Zubun”. There are many such cases. In medicine, these dental diseases are called:

ODONTALGIA or tooth pain;

ODONTOMA or tumor of dental tissues;

GINGIVIT or inflammation of the gums, etc.

All these diseases are caused to a large extent by the essence of "Zubun". Of course, teeth can also hurt due to natural aging; here it is necessary to correctly diagnose and individually approach each patient. Here it can serve as a rule that if a person is young, strong and his teeth look healthy, then this is clearly a sign that dental disease is caused by exposure to “Zubun”. If the person is elderly and weak, then this may be pain from natural aging. The main thing in these dental diseases in young and middle-aged people is to prevent the removal of healthy teeth, which very often happens, since these pains are provoked by “Zubun”. You can only be cured of all these diseases with unconventional methods of treatment.

Valentin Funtov, Samara


Such astral entities can become part of the human body, constantly feeding on its energy. Practice shows that such creatures do not “connect” to people just like that. As a rule, this happens due to bad deeds and energy undermined by negative thoughts and emotions. If an entity has consciousness, it can influence a person - direct thoughts in the direction it needs or even influence health.

Astral entities: classification

Such entities are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Populated
  2. Own

The first come into the world of people from the outside. These include brownies, demons, ghosts of people who have left this world, and the like. This type of creature prefers to live next to people who often splash out negative emotions. Their energy is weakened, which means it is easier to get in touch with them. Such people will constantly give food to astral entities, accumulating negativity in themselves and giving it to the world.

The first type - own essences appear thanks to the thoughts and actions of people. They appear from anger, cruelty, pain on the energy body of people and further provoke it into the constant appearance of negative emotions. However, getting rid of them is quite simple and on your own. In addition, astral entities can become a “hello” from a past life for a person. In this case, they will appear in order for the person to completely get rid of them.

Separately, it is worth considering cases when astral entities appear in the life of a person who does not splash out negativity. This can happen in particularly stressful moments (shock, trance, anesthesia).

Humanity learned about astral entities a long time ago, even in those times when people did not put themselves at the head of the world, took into account nature and were close to it, that is, during the times of paganism.

According to many, several centuries ago people were uneducated and tried to explain the incomprehensible in simpler language and images, hence the doubts about the existence of “astral entities”. At the same time, official science is extremely skeptical about the topic.

As an example, we can consider the attitude of psychiatrists to such a disease as schizophrenia. It is known that it can be transmitted from parents to children, but why and how - no specialist can say for sure. A number of psychiatrists are ready to consider the idea of ​​astral entities, but will not discuss the topic with colleagues for the reason that they may lose their jobs and respect among doctors. That is why they adhere to the idea that “medicine will help with any deviation.”

Psychiatrists try to fight astral entities by prescribing pills that block “voices in the head,” increased excitability and other consequences of meeting with astral entities. At the same time, it seems strange that it is strictly forbidden to conduct a hypnosis session with schizophrenic people.

If the etiology (cause of occurrence) of schizophrenia cannot be determined, it is called inorganic. In this case, psychiatrists cannot help the patient in any way, only by putting him on tranquilizers.

Essences of the astral world

Trying to figure out whether “astral entities” actually exist or are just fiction, a group of scientists tried to prove the existence of varieties of such entities - pendulums (otherwise known as egregors). After the evidence was found and presented, almost all research materials were classified.

The team of scientists included specialists seriously involved in the study of the human aura and paranormal phenomena. The “Kirlian Couple Method” was taken as a basis. They proposed to “photograph” the human biofield using special devices. Having improved the existing device, Cape Town scientists were able to create and patent a device that records the dynamics and composition of the human aura. It was he who made it possible to “catch” the moment of penetration of the astral essence into the human aura.

Several thousand people took part in the experiments, which is why the American government classified the test results. Scientists were able to confirm the guess about the existence of two types of entities - “black” and “pure”. They behaved differently. The first ones penetrated the aura of people with weak energy. At the same time, the person began to get angry and irritated for no reason, and his behavior changed radically. The changes were caused by terrible manipulations with the aura. “Pure” essences literally gave a person enlightenment, inspiration, and made him better.

In the photographs that have appeared on the Internet, you can see the moment of penetration of a black entity, which is trying to enter the same biorhythm with the human field and carefully become part of it.

The most revealing part of the experiments was the study of famous entrepreneurs, prisoners and people in power. In order not to influence the behavior of the subjects, the scientists disguised themselves as film crews and journalists, thus hiding all the equipment. Moreover, the questions asked by the “journalists” were specially prepared by psychologists.

Looking through the records, experts stated a fact: black entities had penetrated the aura of all politicians. The second most “popular” victims were businessmen, but astral entities preferred not to settle in the auras of criminals. It was because of these shocking facts, which could negatively affect the future of government officials, that the experiment was ordered to be curtailed and its results classified.

Currently, many scientists do not face the question of the reality of astral entities; only another, more complex one arises - how to properly protect yourself from them?

Now let's talk about specific methods of protection against direct astral attacks in a dream. Almost all methods of dealing with nightmares that a person has as a result of his great fatigue or because of the polluted thin atmosphere of his bedroom are suitable for these methods. However, in the case of direct night strikes, there are specifics. First of all, it concerns the prevention of these attacks. A home environment, as opposed to a hotel environment or just someone else’s, allows you to take many useful measures in advance. One of the most effective protective measures is spraying special aromatic substances into the air, purifying the atmosphere and expelling lower astral entities from it for a while. Religions of the world have used various essences, oils and aromatic substances, which, when heated over a fire, give a powerful cleansing effect. Incense sticks from India and Tibet, fragrant oriental incense, and church incense change the aura of the room and automatically reduce the number of attacks: astral evil spirits cannot tolerate the purified subtle atmosphere and leave it. Eucalyptus and mint work very well. Living Ethics advises placing a vessel with water at the head of your sleeping bed, into which you can add a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint. This alone makes it impossible for night demons to be in your bedroom.

Periodically lighting a candle or lamp in the bedroom has a great effect. Living fire perfectly disinfects thin space. It is not for nothing that in almost all religions and spiritual traditions, in one form or another, candles are lit during the liturgy. It is believed that if this external fire, divided into hundreds and thousands of candles decorating the temple, unites with the internal fire in the souls of believers, then no dark and evil force will penetrate the temple during the collective contact with God. Try lighting a candle in your bedroom for at least a little while before going to bed. If you do this regularly for prevention purposes, the number of night attacks on you will be significantly reduced.

Icons and sacred images have significant protective power. When an icon hangs in the bedroom, or even more so there is a red corner, and a person at least sometimes sincerely prays in front of these images, then the possibilities for the penetration of dark forces and energies are significantly reduced. And, on the contrary, if the walls are “decorated” with various kinds of dark images, portraits of dubious personalities and especially satanic images hang, then they not only make the path to the human world easier for astral demons, but - I have been convinced of this more than once - have a harmful effect on the fate of the owners of the apartment .

Many years ago I visited the apartment of a very famous astrologer today, who often appears on TV. I was struck by the contrast between the high esoteric matters that sounded in the astrologer’s speeches and the low occult paraphernalia that “decorated” the room, where a certain skull and a portrait of Grigory Rasputin especially stood out. In response to my perplexed question, the astrologer, in the confident tone of a master, said that these were ordinary magical objects, and Rasputin was a “magnetic personality.” I didn’t discuss it, but I thought to myself that such occult pampering would not work out so easily. The further fate of this astrologer confirmed my thoughts at that time. An educated and, of course, gifted man, he chose the path of external fame and cheap hype around his name, exchanging his desire for knowledge of the truth, inherent in his youth, for frivolous sensations and occult commerce, expressed in the trade of esoteric knowledge in the name of self-affirmation. He lost a gifted and spiritually more subtle wife than he, who eventually left him and went her own way, succeeding in astrology more than he did. I am far from the idea that the reason for such a banal betrayal of the astrologer to himself and the high truth for the sake of money and fame (unfortunately, today this path would be repeated by millions of smaller and envious losers) was the influence of magical attributes on him. Rather, he was already influenced by the bacillus of vanity and greed that was already sitting in him, under the influence of which he exhibited these cheap objects, but nevertheless it cannot be denied that some kind of dark occult influence took place.

Any object containing the image of black magic, especially satanic symbols, no matter how humor it is covered, builds a bridge between the lower astral and the room where the object is located. The same can be said about portraits of dubious historical figures and occultists. In my practice, there were several cases when serious psychological problems and even diseases were eliminated by simply cleaning the apartment, including repairs, rearranging furniture and, of course, throwing away all photographs, paintings, drawings, figurines containing dark occult symbols, the meaning of which the owners of the apartment, as As a rule, they didn’t even guess.

It will be very useful for favorable sleep to limit access to the bedroom to all strangers. The teachings of Agni Yoga simply insist on this condition of natural protection of the aura of the room. The fact is that anyone, even a good person, carries behind him a trail of subtle energy, which will not necessarily be harmonized with your energy. In addition, this trail may contain particles of unclean energy, which is carried by everyone who lives in large cities and comes into contact with the aura of hundreds and thousands of people every day. All this, like flu germs, will be brought into your apartment and bedroom, which will then facilitate the penetration of the lower astral to attack you and your loved ones. Think about it, do you need all this to be so promiscuous?

It is also very important not to quarrel in the bedroom with loved ones - with your spouse and children. If you have developed such a habit over the years of married and family life, it means that the subtle atmosphere of the place where you sleep, that is, spend a third of your life, is filled with negative energy, facilitating the penetration of the lower astral. Scandals and quarrels “eat away” the natural protective shell of both an individual person and his home, which, in principle, can be considered as a type of living being.

Of course, all these psychological and psychoenergetic tips will not work fully if the physical side of life in the apartment is neglected - its cleanliness, order, harmonious arrangement of furniture and things. A dirty, untidy apartment with unpleasant odors, if it induces sleep, is only for a drunk or mortally tired person who no longer cares where to sleep, and the main thing is to crawl to bed. Perhaps the most sinister role in terms of facilitating the penetration of the lower astral into the bedroom, oddly enough, is played by dust. This is indicated by Agni Yoga, which recommends that every person, especially those who consider themselves striving for spiritual improvement, take care of the problem of eliminating dust in their apartment. Wipe all surfaces where dust may settle in the bedroom diligently and thoroughly.

And finally, for safety in sleep, it is very important that the person entering sleep loves this natural process of falling asleep - entering the subtle world, which is a person’s home, his heavenly homeland, when he needs to move there completely, and now you You make daily business trips there for 7-8 hours. The warmer and emotionally positively charged these business trips are, the less likely it is that you will be attacked at night. Usually they attack those who cannot and do not like to sleep, and, alas, there are not so few of them.

Following all the tips and methods listed above will help minimize the danger of all possible astral attacks in your sleep.

But if, despite taking all possible preventive measures, a night attack still occurs, there is no need to get into a panic mood and think that you will die in a few seconds. Such prospects do not threaten you: they do not die from nightmares; in the worst case, they become neurotic. The main thing is to meet aggression in the most awake state. In principle, you have a choice - either to fight with astral demons in a dream and defeat them in the plot episode, or to wake up and thereby break away from obsessive contact with them, which is not so easy, because they do their best to prevent awakening.

Astral fights and collisions usually pursue several goals: stealing someone else's energy, weakening will, lowering aspirations, clouding consciousness, changing the trajectory of the soul and astral body, destroying or weakening the astral shell, causing fear or a shock effect. A duel in a dream differs from an astral clash in that in a duel you are attacked, and in an astral clash you could even invade someone else’s territory against your will and offend some forces or entities. In this case, you will provoke aggression and may get a blow back.

So, what should you do if you receive a blow in a dream that you are more or less aware of, regardless of whether you continue to sleep or have begun to awaken?

First of all, accept it calmly and without fear. Believe that you have enough strength to calmly accept the shaking negative-painful vibration of the blow, beat it off and continue your stay in the astral plane. Also try to remember what you were doing at the moment of the impact in your dream - moving, walking, moving, flying, being stationary. As a rule, the state of flight, especially if it is directed towards a specific goal, reduces the strength of any possible attack.

In Agni Yoga, this pattern is expressed by the following formula: “Remember, the aspiring body cannot be pricked or broken.” Directed flight to the Highest, to the Spiritual Teacher and to God protects against blows to the greatest extent. Such aspiration causes a response impulse or ray from the Higher Spheres, which thus modifies the subtle space directly around a person, making it impossible for lower astral entities to stay in it.

In addition to the speed and direction of flight in a dream, a large role in self-defense from attacks is played by the degree of a person’s internal fieryness, which manifests itself as the strength of the subtle body. Many representatives of the lower astral do not dare to approach the powerful aura, which also glows in the subtle world. The concept of the luminous power of the aura also includes the degree of awareness of the dream experience. A person who does not know how to remain conscious during sleep does not have a powerful luminous aura and sufficient energy to repel a blow and effectively control the movements of the subtle body. Esoteric teachings say that energy and consciousness are two sides of the coin. The growth of one component leads to the growth of another.

Pray before going to bed, trying to direct your subtle body to the Highest Spheres. Set yourself the task of maintaining a clear waking consciousness while falling asleep, observing the entire process of your subtle body entering the astral world. Sleep in no way means a fading of consciousness and immersion in some kind of unconscious state with a lack of memory. Even if the vast majority of humanity knows only this type of sleep, a spiritually advanced person constantly learns to fall asleep consciously and control his subtle body during sleep. Many teachings affirm the need to cultivate the ability to enter sleep without losing wakefulness. Particular importance is attached to the state between sleep and wakefulness. In Orthodoxy it is called “subtle sleep”, and in Agni Yoga “diamond moment”. It is believed that in this state a person is especially susceptible to contact with the Invisible World, on the one hand receiving messages (visions, images, instructions, energies) from the Higher Source, and on the other, becoming vulnerable to blows from the lower astral. The art of correctly entering sleep involves maintaining complete self-control in a drowsy state, both in the evening at the moment of falling asleep, and in the morning at the moment of awakening. This requires constant self-observation, clear self-awareness and tracking of all impressions. If you feel the approach of dark forces, then in a waking state it will be easier to call on the Higher Powers for help and say an instant prayer that will attract saving energies. A person who falls asleep without trying to control himself and enter the dream world consciously is likely to miss a blow or attack.

Not long ago, one of my clients, who has long been interested in the topic of esoteric teachings, told me that as soon as he “crawls to the pillow” (he has to work three jobs) and switches off, he feels energetic intrusions into his aura, as if he is “on chest jumping kitten." I advised him to read a prayer at that moment, he tried, but nothing worked for him, since, due to excessive fatigue, he was completely unable to remember the Supreme and ask for help in a drowsy state. Only after he began to train in consciously entering the world of dreams did his security increase and the number of attacks decreased sharply.

There are a lot of methods to help increase your awareness in the subtle world during sleep. With the light hand of Carlos Castaneda, who promulgated the Indian practice associated with the ability to bring your hands to your face during sleep, a lot of so-called dream literature has appeared. As always, it is dominated by the frivolous approach of broad promises in two weeks to learn to remember yourself while sleeping. However, several books useful for developing this very valuable skill can still be found. If you don't trust them, go back to Don Juan's idea and try bringing your hands to your face in your sleep. I would also recommend placing special emphasis on Buddhist literature that describes the practice of perfect mindfulness. A trained Buddhist master, and even more so an enlightened person, is able to make his stay in the astral plane continuously conscious. At the same time, Buddhism has consistently taken an uncompromising position in relation to the realm of illusions associated with night attacks. Once I had to attend the retreat of the famous Buddhist master Chugdung Trungpa Rinpoche, who, when asked about the prophetic essence of dreams, calmly and with slight skepticism stated that all these were illusions that had no relation to true reality. He spoke similarly about nightmares. Many people, including scientists, perceive the very idea of ​​the existence of astral demons with great humor. “They simply do not exist. They exist only in your darkened consciousness. Heal it from ghosts, and then the night attacks will stop,” one neuropathologist I knew taught me and added the famous phrase of Francis Goya that “the sleep of the mind gives rise to monsters.” However, I personally adhere to the point of view that asserts the authenticity of these unpleasant characters from the astral plane. Very well, in my opinion, the theme of the reality of night astral attacks is revealed in a poem by my father, poet Yuri Klyuchnikov:

“In the July sky there is a many-eyed, shining grace, And in the country house the deep night rummages around in the corners like a thief. It will sigh in the underground, the shutters will creak, The corners will tremble, ring and suddenly it will fall and crush my Larynx and my mouth will freeze. There is no strength to throw off the voiceless darkness. stifling pit of sleep! It was not in vain that it was once said that death is red in the world. The candle relieved the sleepy anxiety. The thief calmed down in the hallway. Was the hand unable to cope with the bolts? Did the ax flash in the room? Alas, do not become a scientific topic of the Night's misfortune , but it came from the age of brownies and demons Into our most civilized, Into our air completely measured For oxygen, for hydrogen, Where someone, ridiculed many times, Still lives invisibly.”

It is interesting that the poem clearly marks the localization of astral blows, which are often delivered precisely to the throat center. However, there are also blows to the heart center.

One woman admitted that after several nightmare nights she got up with the feeling of a knife in her heart, after which for a long time she could not read Yesenin’s poem “Letter to Mother,” which also evokes the image of a Finnish knife, which someone “stabbed” the poet right under the heart.

Quite often in a dream they attack from the back, either pressing on the back of the head and neck, or striking between the shoulder blades.

From my point of view, the teaching of Agni Yoga looks at the problem of astral attacks and nightmares most correctly. It does not deny the reality of the existence of those dark forces that participate in night attacks, as if suggesting at the beginning to accept their existence, but then, as a defensive technique, reject them as an illusion, called “Maya” in India, with the formula “Maya, retreat!”

One of the characteristic signs of night attacks, which manifests itself primarily in plot dreams, is the inability to escape from persecution and danger. You may experience horror, an enemy with superior strength is chasing you and threatening your life, you are trying as hard as you can to run away, your legs become weak, and you move them in one place, and your body stops moving. Are you not familiar with such experiences, which, by the way, are a kind of analogue of the posthumous existence in the subtle world of an unrepentant criminal who is pursued by his earthly victim, who, according to the law of justice, returns to him the state of horror experienced during the crime? There is reason to think: have you committed some kind of micro-crime for which you are being punished already in this life? If you want to break out of the vicious circle and break the stuffy fabric of a nightmare, but prayers and attempts to stay awake in a dream do not help, then your only option is to wake up. Remember that in such cases, the forces of the lower astral will counteract your decision as much as possible and, as it were, keep you in a state of sleepy half-suffocation. A good way to break out of their tenacious embrace would be to make some kind of earthly movement with your body, preferably with your hands, by analogy with the subtle movement of raising your astral hands to your face and looking at your astral hands in a dream, proposed in Don Juan’s system. In this case, such a movement could be an attempt to make the sign of the cross and bring your right hand to the bridge of your nose, and then, making other movements, wake up. Personally, using this method, I came out from under severe astral pressure several times. Sometimes it felt like several two-pound weights were hanging on my right hand, and the movement itself was performed with incredible effort. But if the heaviness was overcome and the hand touched the center between the eyebrows, then further movements of the sign of the cross were much easier to perform, and I always woke up calmly without traces of a difficult nightmare.

To reduce the number of attacks on you in the subtle world, it is useful to consciously master the experience of your own dreams. The spiritual path involves the mandatory study of the symbolism of personal dreams, recording all significant dreams in a diary with their subsequent comparison with real events, astrological and cosmic factors.

Record all the attacks in your dreams, and then compare them with all the earthly conflicts, and you will see a very instructive picture. Often, cloudless relationships with some people on the external, physical plane of existence sharply contrast with the conflicts and wars that we wage with them in our dreams. For me, a collision, quarrel, fight, or even psychological stress recorded in a dream with any person with whom I have not yet quarreled in the earthly sense is a sure indicator of those problems and conflicts with him that may occur in the near future. I keep a list of such dreams - harbingers of quarrels, warning of an imminent change in relationships, and almost always these warnings, alas, were confirmed in practice. The more carefully you study the dream experience with its positive and negative sides (primarily associated with night attacks), the more powerful your security will become.

The astral plane is a mysterious world of the otherworldly and subconscious. Find out what the astral world looks like and who lives there - consider the classification of astral entities.

In the article:

Astral entities - classification of living and nonliving beings

Visitors to the other world are divided into two large groups. Astral entities - classification:


  1. Active adepts and magicians. Most often they travel in pairs - a teacher and a student. It is difficult for a beginner to move around the Astral: the help of a knowledgeable person is very helpful. Seekers of truth, curious. with the help of mysterious forces that were harnessed during long training.
  2. Gifted people. Individuals who, from birth, are endowed with the power to travel freely along the astral plane. Often abilities are not realized; the appearance of people is explained by titanic labors from a past incarnation. Whether they are good or evil - no one but them knows.
  3. Common people. An ordinary person has the opportunity to get to one of the astral planes. People visit the astral plane in dreams and do not understand the reality of what is happening. These are ships drifting wherever the wind blows. They don’t learn anything, don’t discover anything - they go with the flow. Endowed with abilities, but do not use them.
  4. Adepts of black magic. Similar to the first category: the abilities are similar, but their point of application is evil. They are overwhelmed by rage, passion and attraction to the dark. Black magicians try to use secrets from the Astral for harm.


The title reflects only part of the truth. Most of the creatures that are in the group are alive, simply not attached to the physical body:

  1. Nirmanakayas. A name from Indian culture, denoting those who have achieved complete enlightenment and nirvana, and then abandoned it for the benefit of humanity. They are rare. Few entities achieve such great spiritual power to achieve nirvana, and even fewer entities renounce it. Nirmanakayas rarely descend to the lower planes of the astral plane, where most travelers roam. They prefer to camouflage themselves by creating astral bodies.
  2. Disciples who have not yet undergone incarnation. Some reliable sources say that some students can go to the Astral after death and wait for their Teacher to find a body for reincarnation. The process is difficult and requires self-sacrifice. A person with a clear conscience will be transported to heaven after death, but if he decides to follow the path of renunciation, putting his life on the altar of the prosperity of humanity, after death he will end up in the Astral. This will deprive the righteous of centuries of bliss, but will give a lot in return: a life full of work and curiosity. You can meet them, but rarely. When you see them, try to ask them - their experience is priceless and spans centuries.
  3. Ordinary people who have stepped beyond the threshold of death. They end up in the Astral, but for a certain period of time. People who led a clean life do not stay long and almost never regain consciousness. The average person can spend years overwhelmed by desires. Low, subject to dark passions - for centuries.
  4. Shadows. What a person leaves behind when he moves to the mental plane after death. These are the remnants of decaying desires and passions. Shadows are part of a low mind that has separated from its owner. Shadows are called creatures only nominally, because there is no personality. They look human and even have some memory, but the basis is already in heaven. Shadows simply wander around the Astral, harmless and either completely immersed in themselves, muttering snippets of phrases under their breath, or trying to talk to oncoming travelers. Most often this is incoherent nonsense, consisting of words that a person spoke during his lifetime.
  5. Shells. What remains of the shadow when the strength is almost exhausted. Passive, no personality or consciousness, do not make contact. They just float around the astral plane. All that remains for them is to wait until the last of their strength is exhausted in order to dissolve in the Astral and disappear forever.
  6. Suicides and those who died unexpectedly. If a person dies of old age or illness, he manages to reconcile: he lets go of earthly desires and endures death painlessly, often arriving in complete ignorance. People who die in the prime of life find themselves in completely different conditions. Life's anxieties are strong, desires take over the mind. If a person led a clean life, after wandering a little, he will end up on the mental plane. If the suicide was a low person, different laws apply. The astral body can be dangerous, trying to prolong its existence by available means. Entities hunt travelers, trying to suck out part of their life: absorb fears, desires, a piece of their soul. They live near places of vice. Sometimes dark entities gather there in whole groups and can cause irreparable harm to the unwary. Avoid them, try to get around them, don’t come close.
  7. Vampires, werewolves. Some of the most dangerous entities on the astral plane. These creatures are a reflection of the human world. If a person led a disgusting life, not only not resisting base desires, but also indulging them, allowing the mind to merge with the astral body, ending up in the other world, it will be bad. The only good thing is that individuals are very rare. Even the most notorious villain has glimmers of goodness in his soul. To become a dark entity, a person suppresses any manifestations of conscience and altruism, devoting his soul to evil. There are few of them, just like those who achieve nirvana. These are two sides of the same coin, two extremes: either boundless love for humanity or eternal hatred.

Once on the Astral Plane, a dead creature is doomed to the unenviable fate of experiencing the experience that he brought to other people. If the entity got there as a result of violence, knowing something about magic, the body is capable of rebirth. To a terrible, disgusting rebirth: a person becomes a vampire in order to maintain his own life at the expense of someone else.

They exist simultaneously in both the astral and material planes, being in a trance. To continue a disgusting existence, you need blood - the essence of life. The material body wanders around the world in search of sacrifice and nourishment for the astral essence.

Werewolves are creatures of a slightly different breed. When a low person dies, his astral body can be captured by other entities, transforming him into an animal, most often a predator: a wolf, a fox, a lynx. Werewolves will scour the earth in search of human flesh, driven forward by hellish hunger - not only their own, but also those of the demons who have settled in the body. It is very difficult to meet entities.

Astral - description of the other world

The astral plane is not as terrible as the entities inhabiting it. It is better to study their names and types right away, because knowledge will help in difficult times. What does the astral world look like?

Let's start from the beginning - with definitions of the astral. This is the other world of the subconscious, where the emotions that a person experiences go. Fears, nightmares, imprints of the souls of the living, the dead, the unborn - everything ends up in the Astral, which acts as a reflection of the real world. This is understandable even in a dream: you can see individual objects, feel the distance - there is space there. Events happen for a reason - there is cause and effect. There is time in the astral plane.

The answer to the question whether the astral world exists is positive. That world is described by many esoteric authors who enjoy authority among modern practitioners: Robert Monroe, O. Phillips, Stephen Laberge and others. Their books tell us what the astral plane is - fact or fiction.

Entering the Astral - what after

Appearance takes many forms, because the astral is collection of human fears, thoughts. Since feelings vary from person to person, so does the astral plane. There is a huge potential for change from the start.

If you fall into a surreal nightmare, the dream seems real. Do not neglect the danger: entities can harm the astral body.

The appearance of the astral plane is like everything and nothing at the same time. There is definitely space and laws, but everyone who visits the Astral sees it with their own eyes. U Each person has an interpretation of the mystical world.

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