
Congratulations to the school administration with the last call. Texts of speeches

05/09/2017 Speech at a rally dedicated to the 72nd Victory Victory Patriotic War.

Dear veterans and workers of the rear!

Dear residents and guests of our village!

On behalf of the administration of the MO "Cokshai rural settlement" and on my own personally, I sincerely congratulate you on your brightest, the most expensive holiday of our country to Victory Day!

May 9 - Saint for each of us day. This is the day of the memory of the great feathers of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the mortal fight with the German-fascist invaders.

We bow the heads before the bright memory of the dead, who did not return from the war, forever remaining on the battlefields. We are proud that our countrymen were in the ranks of troops who dropped German occupiers from the walls of Moscow and reached Berlin.

We express our sincere appreciation and deep gratitude to the toilers of the rear, which are still in the ranks. In the direction of the front, you courageously held our defense line, giving victory all the strength, health, youth, provided a strong and reliable rear of the country.

You stay for us by the generation of winners, because to withstand those tests that fell to your share, contemplated only by people with a bold and strong spirit, brave, courageous, loving their homeland, their people.

The victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people won thanks to the friendship of peoples, unity and inflexible will of the Spirit, and this feat forever will remain in the hearts of generations!

Low bow to you, expensive veterans, workers of the rear, widows and children of war!

Happy Victory Day! Peace to you, good and happiness!

01.09.2015 Speech by the head of the administration of the MO "Kokshai rural settlement" on September 1 at the celebration of the Day of Knowledge.

Dear students, teachers.

Dear parents and guests of today's holiday!

Allow me on behalf of the administration of the Kokshai rural settlement and from itself to personally congratulate all of you with the beginning of the school year. I wish you all the main thing - never to lose a person inherent desire for knowledge.

The first of September came again. We celebrate the Day of Knowledge. After all, the first of September was always and remains a nationwide holiday.

On this day, it is especially acute that life is going on with her! Here again came the new generation of schoolchildren. And in our power with you to make their life better.

Education literally turns into one of the most important resources of the economy. His successful development is the basis of the decent life of every Russian, socio-economic The progress of the settlement and Russia as a whole.

The school gives the first life experience, forms character and gives a strong friendship. It is not by chance that the school years is called bright time: from a timid first grader, an individual grows with his views and worldview.

We are especially grateful to teachers. An important role in the process of upbringing and learning is preserved for parents.

I wish for children and adults, everyone who learns and teaches happiness, health, well-being and high personal achievements in education

20.08.2015 Speech by the head of the administration of the MO "Kokshai rural settlement" to the opening of Shimshurgin Fapa.

Good afternoon Dear residents of D.Shvashurg, guests and invited.

Allow me on behalf of the administration of the Kokshaysky rural settlement to congratulate all of us with the opening of the new building of the Feldscher-Actsheet.

Similar events, huge joy for rural depths. The construction of a building with the use of modern building materials and technologies cost the republican budget of more than 11milions rubles.

Supplement to this, an asphalt road was laid on 3 and a half million rubles.

I will repeat that now the residents of the nearby settlements of Shimshurg, Shuyk, Yalpay appeared the opportunity to receive qualified medical care in comfortable and relevant sanitary standards.

The inclusion in the Republican Investment Program of the New Building of the Feldshera Point in D.Shvashurg is a personal merit of the Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El Leonid Igorevich Markelova.

And I want to thank Leonid Igorevich on behalf of the administration, residents, and from himself personally for such a gift to our population.

I also want to thank the Minister of Health of the Republic of Shishkin Vladimir Viktorovich, the head of the administration of the MO Zvenigovsky Municipal District, Herronyeva Vladimir Evgenievich, Chief Doctor of the Zvenigovskaya CRH, Bukatina Svetlana Viktorovna, director of Shimshurgino School Smirnov L.V., Director of the Club Yakushkin A.V., and so All villagers who participated in the landscaping of the territory.

Health is the most important thing in the life of every person. I wish all those present good health, and this institution that would be visited with the aim of prevention.

And according to the old good traditions go to visit with gifts. Allow me from the administration of the Kokshaysky rural settlement and administration of the Cheboksarskaya Factory LLC, director of Grigoriev Alexander Anatolevich to make a little but I think the very necessary gift bike.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I want to remind you and invite September 13 to the main election of the Republic of Mari El-Vebor the head of the republic to give his voice for a worthy candidate.

01.10.2014 Speech by the head of the administration of Nikolaev P.N. At the bottom of the elderly in S. Kokshaisk

Dear friends!

On October 1, the day of the elderly is celebrated around the world.
On the eve of this date we give tribute to people of the older generation, which invested their strength, knowledge, skills and talents in the well-being of the native land. It was your generation that the national wealth was created, cities were built, the industry developed, the health and education system was improved, scientific discoveries were made. And today, despite age, many of you continue to take part in socio-political life. Some words of gratitude deserves your enormous contribution to the education of young people, which on your example is studying patriotism and active civil position, adopt labor traditions and family spiritual values. But the main legacy that you generously share with us are wisdom and invaluable life experience.
It is wonderful if the person has a reliable, native shoulder, which he can always rely. But, unfortunately, this is not always happening. Therefore, the direct duty of the authorities of all levels to make so that the elderly people manage to feel love and care to understand that life lives is not in vain.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the Kokshai settlement about 30% of the population - the elderly. Therefore, no professional holiday will be able to compare along the scale of the day of the elderly! Let me express deep respect and respect for your creative work, humanity and ability to maintain optimism. I once again congratulate everyone who is on a well-deserved rest or continues to work, despite age, and I wish to meet this day in good health, a good mood, in a family and old friends!

26.07.2014 Speech at the event dedicated to the 440th anniversary of Education S. Kokshaisk

Where does the homeland begins?
With smiles and tears of mothers
With paths, guys passed,
From home to school doors.
With birchings standing centuries
On in bortieu in the father's edge,
With worship touch hands
My beloved land.

Cochaysk, Pearl of the Republic of Mari El, the village that attracts the population of our and neighboring republics for recreation not only in the summer, but in winter, when you can sit with a fishing rod on the bays of the Volga River, go on skis and just take a break from the city bustle.

Many water flowed into the Volga River from the time that Vasily Vasily and Athanasius Esipov began to build the city fortress in 1574. Today it is modern with the developed infrastructure of the village, in which there are no industrial enterprises, and the development of tourism and recreation areas. Only the figure that in the summer period the population of Coksaysk at the expense of vacationers increases in 15 times, says much.

The population growth occurs, both at the expense of residents of having cottages and at the expense of visitors preferring to relax at rest bases.

Hotel complexes today, after the destruction of the 90 years of the last century, are again ready with the joy to accept and provide the entire range of services in the field of active vacation.

Today, Cochaysk is intensively built up. If before 2013 was built mainly by dackets, then with the arrival in the village of Gaza, the local population also took an active position in this direction. After all, modern technologies today allow you to have all the benefits of modern life in rural areas.

And the further development of S. Kokshaisk is determined by its location. And today, no one has doubts that this is the direction of tourism.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate all the inhabitants of the village and guests with the anniversary of S. Kokshaisk, wish good health of the world and well-being.

Finishing the words A.S. Pushkin:
"Petersburg Hallway, Moscow Maiden, the village is our office. A decent person, if necessary, passes through the front and rarely looks at the maiden, and sits in his office "So we will not exchange our Cochaysk on any Moscow.

25.05.2014 Speech by chapter at the event "Last Call in Schools"

Dear graduates!

On behalf of the Kokshai settlement administration, I congratulate you on the holiday of the last call!

The end of the school year, the end of the school is a big event in your life. You become adults, go out into an independent life. Now you have the responsible, intense it is time to hand over graduation exams, show what you have learned what knowledge got.

All that could have done for you over these years teachers - taught, took care of you, transferred moral and life experience. We hope that each of you will choose a decent further path. We believe in whatever sphere you work, you will not bring the teams of our schools, and we will also be proud of your success. You can always count on support former teachers and educators, senior comrades and friends.

I would like to turn to the parents of graduates today. Together with their adult children, you are worried about the busy. All this time, you gave them your attention to your care, was accomplished to school, lived among interests, and now help determine the further fate who they become, how to live and work.

Dear Guys! We are not indifferent to your fate. We will do all efforts all that each of you can find applying your knowledge and abilities.

Take sincere wishes of success and good luck! Let your life be clean and honest, full of creativity and fire!

Head of the Administration Nikolaev P.N

09.05.2014 Speech at a rally dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Dear veterans, workers of the rear, residents of S. Kokshaisk, guests!

I am glad to welcome all of you in this room. Today, on the day of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we again gathered together to celebrate the most important holiday of our country. We will always remember how the price paid for this greatest day in our story, and no change in our life will be able to erase the heroic feat of Soviet soldiers at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Millions of our compatriots died on the battlefields, died from wounds, diseases and hunger. The war destroyed the city and sat down, left grave scars in human souls, because there is no such family that the war did not touch.
On the day of the Great Holiday, we bow the heads before the memory of the dead warriors and those who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in peaceful years. Therefore, by tradition, on May 9, we lay flowers to monuments and obelisters established in the district. Eternal memory Heroes!
I suggest honoring the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War and veterans who have left lives in peacetime, a minute of silence.
Thank you, dear veterans, for victory and saved schisma. Low bow for the fact that we have the opportunity to see the sun today, the sky and spring! We are grateful to you for wisdom and work, who helped the country to survive in a difficult hour, for the fact that you have proven to the whole world that love for Fatherland is not an empty sound. Your example helps us to create, overcome difficulties and do the world better. We will always be with you, we will support the word and case.
Good to you and well-being, health and cheerfulness of the Spirit. Happy holiday - Happy Victory Day!

16.09.2012 Dear forestry workers!

Accept our congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Forest Workers!

This holiday is a tribute to the appreciation and respect for the labor of those who care about the green plantings. After all, the forest is not only wood, but also a source of health, generous gifts, a resting place. He needs help people. It is you stand on his defense: save age-old and plant new forests, protect them from fires and pests.

On this day, I want to sincerely wish you and your loved ones good health, success in all good endeavors, well-being, happiness and longevity.

Happy forester!

Head of the Administration Nikolaev P.N.

01.09.2012 Good afternoon, dear students.

Today I am no longer guys, today already students. Dear teachers, parents! September 1, just recently, a year ago, we stood with you here and accomplished another eleventh grade in last year study at school.

They met other first-graders guys who are already the second class today, and now new kids stand here on this square. And you know, the greatest desire for it never ended. To always be first-graders, there was always a graduation class.

So, the Earth will live, it means that the Earth will flourish. I especially want to greet the new grade 11. Guys, a year is very important, determining how you will go further in life than you will do what to glorify our Cochais Earth.

Dear first graders, dear parents of first-graders! You also have a holiday today, you start a new curriculum. Therefore, patience on this path, knowledge.

Well, of course, you, dear teachers, - obedient, grateful students, so that they always love, remembered and knew you. All happy holiday!

Head of the Administration Nikolaev P.N.

09.05.2012 Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic, the workers of the rear, the inhabitants and guests of the village!

Take sincere congratulations on the holiday - Victory Day!

We, the current generation, never forget, which expensive price paid our people for the great victory.

Nothing on Earth passes without a trace - neither brilliantly won large-scale battles, nor modest human feats, of which, from small bricks, and developed on the century the majestic building of our victory. Victory Day is no coincidence called the holiday with tears in the eyes. All these years, we are honored by the memory of the heroes who did not return from that terrible war, we kneel the knees to veterans who were defined by the world, the right to work and happy life.

The heroic and tragic history of the Great Patriotic War wrote, writes and will be written until its participants who have gone victory over the enemy at the front and in the rear.

Dear veterans! Hurry to tell grandchildren and great-grandchildren to all the truth about that war, about the terrible, but unforgettable events. Speak about your youth, love and life wonderful plans, crossed by war.

We, living today, in non-payment of debt before those who have not come from the battlefields, who died from wounds and disease after the war. Eternal memory and glory!

67 years have passed since the end of the war. Life goes on. Dear our winners! You defended the world, country, life. Thank you all for what you are, for your business, for your modesty, simplicity, the generosity of your soul. Thank you - for the victory! Above the head, our dear veterans! Let the harder there is your step and solemn chime to the orders and medals.

Good health and long life in the name of the Motherland. Happiness to you that you deserve!

The rally dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory is declared open.

01.09.2011 Dear teachers, schoolchildren, parents!

Take sincere congratulations on the Day of Knowledge. September 1 - a special, no matter what is a compaable holiday. This is not only the beginning of the school year, but also
Journey to the beautiful world of knowledge, wise books, good people and
noble deeds.

At you - young, talented, energetic - hoped high hopes.
You have to contribute to the economic, intellectual and
Cultural wealth of our country. And, as always, help you in this
Not easy, but interesting business will be teachers and mentors, opening the doors for you to a new life, creating your future daily, painstaking and so noble labor.

Schoolchildren - conquering vertices of knowledge, to implement the most bold plans. Behind you the future. It is for you to work for the benefit of the further prosperity of the native land.

On this festive day, we sincerely wish you good health,
Good mood, new achievements and creative success. "

Head of the Administration Nikolaev P.N

09.05.2011 Dear veterans - participants of the Great Patriotic War, today's defenders of the Fatherland, dear members of the rally!

There are many different holidays in our country. We are aware of their importance and importance, respect and honor. But, the Victory Day, who gathered us today, we allocate from everyone because there was no more fateful and tragic event in the history of mankind than the Second World War. And you can say without any exaggeration that its outcome was decided precisely in those four years, which we call the Great Patriotic War.

Already 66 years have passed from an unforgettable victorious May, when the weapons of the guns are risen, and this brutal war ended. But everyone who survived the Military Liphethery forever remembered what she cost us what sacrifices, grief and suffering brought to each our family. Only endless devotion of their country could raise this immeasurable feat of people, the Great Spirit, living in every Russian man, the Spirit, who, in the Cupits, in the age of the century, absorbed our ancestors. And no one can take the greatness of this feat of our heroes! On such a feat, only truly the great people could be capable of such a self-sacrifice.

Unfortunately, the time is mercilessly. It remains less and less among us those whom we proudly call the "Veteran of the Great Patriotic War". Our generation was lucky that we knew many of them personally, admire their optimism, lots and great modesty.

Dear veterans! For us, for future generations, you and your life is an example of valor, high patriotism and spiritual greatness. We are proud of you and take you. Low bow and limitless thanks to you for peace, calm, for a free country! Good health, well-being, long and happy years of life!

On this day we give tribute to everyonetar workers, widows of the soldier of the Great Patriotic. They brought victory as they could, not reaching, not sleeping, not believing with fatigue, the difficulties of military likholety.

In this solemn day, we bow the heads to the fallen in battles. Light our memory and about those whose hearts stopped in peacetime.

Dear veterans! Thanks for the victory! Health for many years! May the celebration of the Great Victory give you strength, optimism and joy! Low bow to you for stealing and peaceful work, vital wisdom and active civil position. Good health And longevity, respect and love of your loved ones! ".

Dear comrades! I sincerely congratulate you on 66 - the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War! I wish you all health, success in work, well-being in families, peaceful sky above your head.

Happy holiday, dear countrymen! Happy Victory Day!

Head of the Administration Nikolaev P.N

Dear Teachers, Students, Parents, Guests!

On behalf of the administration of the Yadrinsky district and by itself I personally congratulate you on the successful completion of the academic year. For each autumn, first-graders come to school, and each spring school escorts its graduates - students of the 11th and 9th grade. This spring is marked by important events in the life of all citizens - the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 90th anniversary of the formation of Chuvashia, the 420th orgestion of the city of Yadrin.

May 25 in 19 schools district - holiday "last call ". It the most exciting and joyful holiday for all schoolchildren. The last call will sound for 435 nine-graders and 267 eleventh graders.

This year for each of you, dear graduates, has become special. You have passed one of the most important stages of your life - graduated from school. You have become smarter, better, more independent. But ahead of the fateful moment is state exams, the choice of profession and the definition of their life path. For graduates today, all conditions have been created so that everyone can achieve the goals set in front of them, fully disclose its potential. And success depends only on personal initiative, confidence in their forces, desire to go ahead. Senior classes are always the joy of victories and a minute of disappointment. But the victories were more. District, Republican, All-Russian philizes, conferences, reviews, the competition did not pass without the participation of graduates of the district. They became winners and prize-winners of many contests and competitions. This is the eleven-graders Trephon Olga (third prizes in the Republican Olympiads in the Chuvash and German languages) and Arnautova Tatiana (the winner of the annual Republican Olympiad in the Russian language) from the Gymnasium No. 1 of the Grayhouse, Tetherina Tatyana from Sosh No. 3, Sadozhnikova Maria and Semenova Nadezhda from SOSH №2 G. Surin (2nd place at the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Exceptor"), Grigorieva Victoria and Korchev Anna from Baldaevskoye, Kochakova Sylvia and Kudryashov Angelica from Bli-Churashevskaya School, Philippov Alexander from -Achak school.

School graduates are our pride and sports achievements. This is Tarasov Sergey from the gymnasium, Maksimov Alexey and Pleykina Anna from Sosh No. 3 of Yadrin, Rodionov Vladimir from Sosh №2G. Soshina, Lavrentiev Svyatoslav from Yuvanovskaya Sosh, Muravyov Dmitry from V-Achak School, Shumers Boris from Baldaevskoe School and many others . Three graduates of Olga and Dmitriev Igor from Gymnasia, Malinova Elena from Yuvanovskoye composed of fellow president of Chuvashia for special creative aspiration.

After the school exams will be released in the adult life of you - the most talented graduates of schools of the Yadrinsky district. We are confident that the knowledge gained over the years of study will serve as a fertile soil for self-development and self-realization in life. Among you are future builders, workers, engineers, mathematics, doctors, teachers.Wherever you are, let the brightest memory for you will forever the native school, teachers and faithful school friends will remain forever. I want you to justify the expectations of your parents, friends, loved ones, so that you were proud of yeah. Your successes today are the stability and prosperity of the area and the city tomorrow. You are the future, hope of the Yadrinsky district, Chuvashia. Happiness to you, good luck and successful delivery of all exams! From the bottom of my heart, I wish all the fungone of happy fate. It is that you have to build a new society to establish the economic and social development of the state. Let your lifestyle choice be correct. Let all your hopes and dreams come true.

In a good way, graduates of 2010!

What to wish you, our adult children?
What to wish you who have grown children?
It seems that I want a little,
Stand up with your centenary,
Let the sun clear always shine to you,
Let all the matter be on the shoulder.
Over one well,
Grow fruit row apple trees,
Suppose from the well thirsty

Let the apple tree have a row from the apples,
Let them thank you for everything ...

Today, the school bell is back for you for the last time. On Monday, someone will have the first exam. And from July you will be waiting for absolutely new life, new way. I want to tell you something important on the track. I hope that something will be heard.

I think many of you have heard of the legendary speech of Sir Winston Churchill for graduates of Harrow School in 1941. Once he himself was a graduate of this school. At the age of 67 - when a long life path of the military, journalist, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, a writer, the Nobel Prize Prize laureate, the great speaker came to his school to tell the following generations of boys to say the Great Speaker.
He said:
"Never Give In - Never, Never, Never, Never, In Nothing Great Or Small, Large or Petty, Never Give In Except to Convictions of Honour and Good Sense.
Never give up - never, never, never, never in a big nor in small, never give up, if it does not contradict the honor and common sense. "

Yes, these words were told during the war years, but they are relevant now, because life is very often a fight. Fight with himself, with his laziness, with the surrounding reality, with conventions, with false, pain, adversity, diseases, obstacles. And in general, we all understand this, but many of those who read this phrase and then, and in our time they wondered: Why did Winston Churchill pronounced the word 6 times? What did he want to convey to the listeners?

Let me suggest my understanding of these words:

The first is never.
Never say never - you should not be categorical in your judgments and estimates, because they may be erroneous precisely by virtue of their categorical.

Second never.
Never despair. There is always a way out. From any situation. Sometimes a retreat is the same way out, giving time on meditation, a breather and revision of the situation. (The same Churchill in 1899 in the Anglo-Borsk War was captured that for many nations means "surrendered." Over the second time I was able to escape). And, as the old joke says: Even if you were ate - you still have two exits ...- :)

Third never.
Never stop moving. And physically, and soulful. Movement and love is the essence of life.

Fourth never.
Never stop believing yourself - external circumstances are not so important as the inner rod.

Fifth never:
Never LGI itself - because it is a betrayal of himself.
Just then there will be quite some kind of believe- :)

And the sixth never, which will finally become clear about ten years:
Never neglect good deeds.
The passion will pass, wealth will be used, even the power will be bored as the old toy - there is nothing eternal in the material world.
And the immortal soul demands from a person to surround himself with eternal things - and he must look for them in the world of eternity.
In his youth, it is difficult to understand, because the time seems to be ahead long, and the feelings of bright and new, but another time will come soon and the person will choose between the eternal search in our world of pleasures that they will return the feelings of novelty, and real pleasures - from the fact that He can do for the world.
The joy of good deed, once tested, will remain forever, and no one can take it from you, even the worst of Tiranans - time.

Therefore, - never and under what circumstances do not give up .... or the words are no longer a great Englishman, but our compatriot, recently left to another world, Mayi Mikhailovna Plisetskaya: "Do not argue, do not argue to the very edge. Even then - fight, shoot, in the pipes of the pipe, Bate's drums ... Turn to the last blink ... Victory only on that and hold. Character is fate. "

Fight - for your life, your ideals, your dreams, your knowledge, your intentions, our knowledge, for ensuring that your life is how you want to fold it.

St. Petersburg
Gymnasium 155 St. Petersburg

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