
Quotes. Composition on the topic: Aksinya and Grigory in the novel Quiet Don, Sholokhov Aksinya's daughter

In a recent series of publications under the heading “What Was Not,” Olga Viktorovna quoted from Sholokhov about Aksinya:

It all started with the fact that Aksinya was raped by his father. This event started a chain of violence. Aksinya develops an image of a rapist and an image of a victim.

After the wedding, Aksinya was terribly beaten by her husband. “On the same day, in the barn, Stepan deliberately and terribly beat his young wife. He beat me in the stomach, in the chest, in the back; beat in such a way that it was not visible to people.

There is a hidden charge in the second event - the first was indirectly the cause of the new violence. In Stepan's violence, a perverted "meaning" or "reason" appears. Aksinya could internalize the image of herself as unclean and guilty before her husband for what happened to her earlier. Moreover, there is no real fault of her, but an event that is not explained by anything is even more traumatic. Husband's violence is a situation from which Aksinya has no way out and over which she has no control. There is no one to protect her, she is entirely in the power of her husband. We can say that a third image is being formed - a failed defender "failed protector".

Aksinya's love with Grigory arises. Stepan finds out about this and terribly beats his wife. There was one episode when beatings happened on the street. Gregory and his brother saw and stood up for her. After that, Grigory, knowing what is happening at Aksinya's house, accepts the situation and does nothing. Aksinya suffers daily and terrible beatings from Stepan. Stepan's anger at Grigory is hidden until better times, and Aksinya gets it for both - she is a less dangerous object.

Here again, no one is protecting her. Aksinya has no control over the situation - she suffers torment. Gregory knows about it and does nothing.

Knowing what she is doing and what she is risking, Aksinya seeks contact with Grigory and tells him that she wants to run away with him. After a while, he decides to run away. They live together on the Listnitsky estate, far from that hostile environment for both of them, into which they do not fit in any way. A daughter is born.

Gregory leaves for the war.

Aksinya's daughter falls ill and dies. Returning on vacation from the front, fashion master Yevgeny Listnitsky takes advantage of the situation and, under the guise of sympathy, seduces Aksinya. He becomes her lover for a while. Gregory returns from the front. He learns about what happened, beats Listnitsky, beats Aksinya with a whip in the face. She is again to blame (for what Listnitsky did), she again suffers violence, no one stands up for her.

This is a cycle.

Aksinya's courage and the fact that despite repeated injuries, she fights and takes active steps is amazing.

The influence of the environment on the situation is enormous; it is difficult to attribute what is happening exclusively to its internal processes, it would be simply wrong. At the same time, the question arises - does Aksinya participate in what is happening to her unconsciously? The image of the rapist changes, physical violence is replaced by sexual and verbal, but the situation repeats itself again and again.

One possible psychodynamic explanation is the defense of sexualization. In the world in which Aksinya lives, a woman has no other power over a man. Getting into the same situation again and again (or unwittingly provoking it) she may try to change the course of events, to gain at least some control, to rewrite what happened in her memory.

Another example of sexualization defense from the same book is Mokhov's daughter.

In the book, men accuse women of being sexual, call them different words, and punish them. "Zhalmerka" - and the end of the conversation. There are simply no other explanations. To what extent the violence of a man is involved in such behavior of a woman, men do not think. Zhalmerka is both a desirable and dangerous object.

This is not the only explanation, there are many trauma therapy sources describing cycles of abuse. Whether or not there is protection from sexualization is a moot point. Sexualization as a primary defense may be present, in histrionic character style (McWilliams). It can be said in principle about Daria, the wife of Pyotr Melekhov, that her behavior is similar to a histrionic character. In my opinion, in the case of Aksinya, the manifestation of protection by sexualization is caused by violence.

Work with the internal objects of the Victim, the Rapist and the Failed Defender are used in psychodynamic therapy. Of course, only after the preliminary phase and the establishment of basic security. All three objects are present. The third - failed protector - is usually the most difficult to break through. The question of "meaning" affects the therapeutic process and prognosis in a key way. Where the victim of abuse has no explanation for what happened, the therapeutic process is more difficult.

This topic is complex for a number of reasons. I'm interested in your opinion about possible causes recurrence of trauma in case of sexual violence.

Source - seminar “PTSD. Cross-cultural applicability, Diagnosis and Treatment. Joseph Gorin, Psy.D. and Rajeev Warrier, Psy.D."


The theme of love in the novel Quiet Don» Sholokhov, first of all, is revealed on the example of Grigory Melekhov's relationship with Natalya and Aksinya. We can say that a classic love triangle arises in the work, none of the participants of which finds personal happiness.

Grigory Melekhov and Natalia

Grigory wooed Natalya, then still Korshunova, not on his own initiative, but at the insistence of his father. Pantelei Prokofievich, having learned about the connection between his son and his neighbor's wife, will decide to save his family from shame and universal condemnation. At the same time, observing the interests of the same family, he chooses the daughter of one of the most prosperous Cossacks of the farm for his son as a bride.

The scene of courtship of Gregory and Natalia is noteworthy. When Natalya enters the room, Grigory examines her "like a horse dealer inspects a mare before buying." He likes the bride's "bold gray eyes", the "shallow rosy fossa" trembling on her cheek, "large hands crushed by work", "small stone girlish breasts" under the green blouse. At that moment, Gregory firmly decides for himself that he "has taken a walk."

And Natalya, who fell in love with Grigory at first sight, hopes that she will be happy in the Melekhovs' house.

But, family life does not last long. A beautiful, clean, hardworking wife is unable to evoke any feelings in Gregory, except affection. He again converges with Aksinya, his true passion. Insulted, Natalya leaves the Melekhovs' house and returns to her parents. In a fit of anger, she even wishes Gregory dead. "Lord, punish him damned!" she exclaims. Unable to withstand the mental anguish, Natalya, however, unsuccessfully, tries to commit suicide. Only thanks to the care and attention from her mother-in-law and father-in-law, Natalya finds the strength to return to the Melekhovs' house and continue to hope for her husband's return to the family.

Stepping over pride, she even decides to go to Yagodnoye to beg Aksinya to return Grigory to her. And, it would seem, fate rewards a woman for suffering. Upon learning of Aksinya's betrayal, Grigory returns to his abandoned wife, and they have two children. Natalia is happy. Having become a mother, the heroine flourishes, her life is filled with new meaning. But even the birth of children cannot make Gregory fall in love with his wife. Patient, faithful Natalya is not able to replace the passionate Aksinya for him. The hero again begins to meet with his mistress secretly from his wife.

I must say that love in the "Quiet Don" for the main characters turns into a tragedy. Having learned about her husband's infidelity, the pregnant Natalya decides to get rid of the child, not wanting to give birth anymore from a person who constantly betrays her. This decision turns out to be disastrous for the heroine. She dies of blood loss, forgiving Gregory before her death. The death of Natalia was a real blow for Gregory. In his own way, the hero loved his wife and takes her death hard, realizing that it was he who was to blame for what happened.

Grigory and Aksinya Astakhova

Love in the novel "Quiet Don" is experienced by the author and another heroine, Aksinya Astakhova. This is a woman who was initially unlucky in her life. First, she was subjected to violence by her own father, and later she was forced to endure beatings and humiliation from her husband. But, Aksinya takes her position for granted, until the moment when a young neighbor, Grigory Melekhov, pays attention to her.

At first, Aksinya is afraid of a new feeling that has arisen in her soul, “she saw with horror that she was drawn to a black affectionate guy ... not wanting this with her mind, she resisted with all her might, noticed behind herself that on holidays and on weekdays she began to dress up more carefully.” In the end, Gregory, who "stubbornly, with bullish perseverance, courted her," achieves reciprocity. Aksinya, who has never known love, gives herself entirely to her, no longer paying attention to her neighbors and not thinking about what fate awaits her, an unfaithful wife, when Stepan returns from the camps. It is interesting to note that Grigory, who, it would seem, passionately loves Aksinya, turns out to be not ready to leave the house for the sake of his beloved and go with her to the mines. In addition, he is not particularly worried about what her husband will do with Aksinya. Grigory does not dare to contradict his father, who forces him to marry Natalya Korshunova.

They say that real feelings are tested only in separation. So it happens with the heroes of Sholokhov. Aksinya, who is trying to forget Gregory and even makes a lapel for this with the help of a local healer, only outwardly comes to terms with the loss of her loved one. Not long able to live without Aksinya and Gregory. They leave their families and go to Yagodnoye.

Fate separates the heroes again. After the death of her daughter, Aksinya, left alone, accepts the courtship of Listnsky and Grigory, who has learned about this, returns to the family. But, apparently, Aksinya was destined to be with Grigory until his death. She is patiently waiting. After the death of Natalia, the woman approaches Ilyinichnaya, tries to replace the mother with her lover's children. Grigory also understands that he can only be truly happy with Aksinya, who, despite all the ups and downs, carried her love for him through her whole life. After the tragic death of the heroine, Gregory realizes that his soul died with her.


So, the theme of love in "Quiet Don" is one of the leading ones. It is revealed throughout the work, forcing the reader to empathize with Aksinya, Natalya and Grigory. They all have big hearts and are worthy of happiness. The more tragic is their personal drama.

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Relations between Don Cossack Grigory Melekhov and his lover, the Cossack woman Aksinya Astakhova, form one of the main plot lines of Mikhail Sholokhov's epic novel The Quiet Flows the Don. The very nature of this love was initially already very difficult, but the situation was further complicated by the fact that the heroes had a difficult fate - to live in a terrible time for our country, during the First World War and the Civil War.

The novel of heroes begins to develop rapidly even when relative peace and tranquility reign on the Tatarsky farm. The ardent and persistent Grigory with a "bestial" look and similar habits begins to actively court the married woman Aksinya, tempting her with his "persistent and waiting" love. A young Cossack woman realizes with horror that “she is drawn to a black affectionate guy”, she resists her feeling for a long time, but living with her husband Stepan and silently enduring all the beatings and other bullying on his part is unbearable for her, so she decides to open up to her love.

From this moment on, the life of the heroes changes dramatically: the seductive forbidden relationship makes young people very happy and incredibly unhappy at the same time. The relationship between Grigory and Aksinya is destined to endure many trials: parting and separation, hatred and jealousy of the legal spouses of each of the heroes, war, the death of a common child and treason. But, despite this, the love of young people is only growing stronger every day, and both of them realize that they “have no urine” to live without each other.

At the same time, the connection between Grigory and Aksinya breaks the fate of other people. First of all, the fate of Natalya Korshunova. Aksinya cannot come to terms with the fact that Grigory is married to this “happy, neither grief nor joy of love who has not seen” girl and therefore decides “to a new dishonor, to the former shame” and takes her Grishka away from Natalya. But Gregory himself is not averse to being in such a position, so he constantly rushes between his two women, until, finally, Natalya dies, trying to get rid of their child together with Gregory.

Aksinya also becomes a victim of her own love: a woman is killed by the Red Army while she, along with Grigory, is trying to leave for the Kuban. The true tragedy of this situation lies in the fact that Aksinya dies precisely when, finally, after all the suffering that has befallen her, the heroine reunites with her lover again, and the unknown beckons her with “illusory happiness”.

We see how a "quiet smile" does not leave Aksinya's lips all the time, how joyfully her eyes "swollen from tears" shine. The woman is sure that at last she and Grigory will find "their share", but cruel fate deprives them of this chance. She takes away the beloved from the man, forcing the hero to "dead" from horror, holding the dying Aksinya in her arms.

Now Grigory's life is becoming black, "like the steppe scorched by fires," because all the dearest things that he had are leaving it, and only children remain. It is to them, or rather, to the only surviving son, Mishatka, that Gregory eventually returns, since only this can now betray at least some sense of his “broken” life and make the hero “cling to the ground”.

Speaking about the image of this woman, one cannot fail to note her catchy qualities that Sholokhov endowed his heroine with - captivating beauty, natural charm and passionate nature. Aksinya's appearance aroused the envy of other Cossack women: a swarthy chiseled neck, bottomless black eyes, plump lips, curly hair, a strong and strong camp. The girl knew about her alluring beauty and was always proud of her. Internally, Aksinya is no less beautiful. She is brave, patient, economic and capable of a high sincere feeling of love.

Since childhood, Aksinya has been unhappy. At a very young age, she was tied up and raped by her own father. A couple of years later, her mother married the unloved and rude Stepan Astakhov. Aksinya's married life did not work out. Immediately after the wedding, the newly-made spouse discovered that he got the girl “spoiled” and hated her for it. Stepan brutally beat Aksinya, not knowing pity almost every day. In marriage, the Astakhovs had a child, but he died before he even reached a year.

Aksinya and Grigory

What real love Aksinya found out between a man and a woman when she let Grigory Melekhov, a young neighbor who had been seeking her favor for a long time, come to her. For the sake of her lover, the young woman, straightened up from warmth and affection, was ready to endure the notoriety in the village and the rage of her jealous husband. The heroine plunged headlong into her love, trying to “fall out of love” with all the unfortunate fate in her relationship with Grigory. Aksinya experienced terrible pain when the elder Melekhov forced Grigory to marry Natalya. She did not intend to give away her beloved Cossack. Soon the lovers fled from their families to start a life together on the estate of the master Listnitsky. There, Aksinya had a daughter who died of scarlet fever. Mother was very upset by grief, Gregory at that time was at the front. Aksinya found solace in the arms of the master's son. Upon learning of the betrayal, Melekhov left Aksinya and returned to his father's house to his legal wife.

Aksinya herself reunited with Stepan for some time. But the lovers could not forget each other and soon began to secretly meet. After the death of Natalia, Aksinya and Grigory live together. Aksinya becomes an affectionate mother for Natalia's children. During the retreat, Aksinya and Grigory try to escape to the Kuban, leaving the children in the care of Dunyasha Melekhova. In pursuit, Aksinya is mortally wounded. So without waiting for a calm female happiness, she dies in the arms of Gregory and the last thing she thinks about is children and love.

Quotes Aksinya

For the rest of my life I will love you bitterly!.. And kill the hell out of there! My Grishka! My!.."

What are you, father-in-law? BUT? Father-in-law?.. Are you teaching me! Go, the otkel has come! And if I want your Grishka, I’ll eat it with the bones and I won’t keep an answer! .. Here it is! Bite it!..

I won’t feel sorry for you anyway,” she said sharply. - It’s like this with you: I suffer - you feel good, you suffer - I feel good ... Do we share one? Well, I'll tell you the truth: so that you know ahead of time. All this is true, they lie for good reason. I took possession of Grigory again, and at once I will try not to let him out of my hands...

Days passed, and after each a tart bitterness settled in Aksinya's soul. Anxiety for the life of a loved one drilled into the brain, did not leave her for days, visited at night, and then what accumulated in the soul, bridled for a time by will, tore the dams: all night, all to the ground, Aksinya fought in a silent scream, biting her hands in tears, so as not to wake the child, to calm the scream and kill the moral pain of the physical ...

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