
Uncertain verb shape squeal. Infinitive. Spelling not with verbs

The uncertain or initial form of the verb (and strictly language of science is called infinitive) Linguists referred to its form, denoting the actually strictly action regardless of such grammatical categories as a person and a number, and answering the question "What to do?". The word "do" itself is one of the examples of the infinitive, or an indefinite form of verb.

In contact with

This gives an answer to the question, which is the feature of an indefinite form of verb.

In the Russian school, the topic of the infinitive is usually affected in the middle classes.

Formal signs of infinitive

In Russian, the signs of Infinitive are the suffixes "T" or "TI": to go, run, stand, crawl, find, identify, etc. After vowels, it is used to "h", after the consonants - "Ty": Run, but to go.

It also matters that infinitive always answers one question - what to do?

The group of verbs is particularly distinguished, which ends at "Whive": lie down, oven, protect, burn, etc. Initially, in ancient Russian language, they also had at the end of the "Ty" suffix after "g": legacy, bake, restore, Zhgti. Such an archaic form has been preserved to this day in the closest Russians of other Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Ukrainian and Belarusian. In the Russian "GTI" gradually transformed into "whose".

In the English indicator of an indefinite form, it serves to: to go, to love, to run, etc. used in front of the verb of the infinitive in each language, but it is not possible to consider them all within one publication, and not It makes sense. Everyone who studied English has been known about this, and it does not matter, in the first grade or in older his teaching began.

In Russian, the verb in an indefinite form is characterized by its permanent signs such as transitual, repayment, lifting type. All this is also studied in middle classes, which can be easily remembered.

For an indefinite form, the lifting of those verbs is usually determined, the end of which in the remaining forms is unboundless. We all have repeatedly heard about it in the school class in Russian lessons.

Features of the syntactic role of the infinitive

If various options for the hidden verb forms in the proposal are most of all to the role of the tag, and the remaining cases of their use is rather an exception to the rules, then the infinitive can be used as any member of the sentence: to be subject to, definitions.

The sentence is usually used with the fault, the role of which is used by the noun, the adverb, an indefinite form of another verb or a complete adjective in the articulated case with the verbal bundle.

Look The world is positive - an important skill.

Believe Deceiver is stupid (option: no sense).

Save - It means earn money.

Go In this area in the evenings, it became unsafe.

Do not mistake - It means nothing to do.


There are two cases of consumption of an indefinite form of verb in the role of the failed:

  1. As part of a composite baked twusting offer.
  2. In a single impersonal offer.

Examples of double-part offers:

  • I have to do it.
  • I really want you help.
  • Worker finished cash detail.
  • He dreams go abroad.
  • He continued intensively work above the project.
  • The new employee was soon adapted in the team and stopped set extra questions.

Examples of impersonal single-part offers:

  • Well, as not be in love this city!
  • Impossible pass the!
  • Like us meet.


As an inconsistent definition of the verb in an indefinable is used when explains the noun.

Often we are typical of the desire (what?) argue immense.

Usually in such cases, an indefinite form of verb is combined with abstract noun, expressing, desire, intention, habit, tendency, ability, readiness, etc.


Typically, in this role, an indefinite form acts at the verb of motion or other action and explains why this action was taken. Between the legend and the situation, the target can be put in "so".

For example:

  • I went to drink water.
  • Major came out to check posts.
  • They arrived in Sochi to relax by the sea.


In the role of add-ons, the infinitive advocates, when it refers to the subject, which is directed to the action expressed by the legend. So, in the sentence "I want to help you", it is part of an composite verbal fag. But if we say "I asked a colleague to help me," "help" already acts as add-ons. This nuance must be taken into account in order to determine the role of an infinitive in such proposals.

Here are some more examples in which an indefinite form acts as add-ons:

  • We asked a friend meet We are at the station.
  • The bosses persuaded it take Vacation later.
  • The chef asked me go To him, as soon as I appear at work.

Stylistic nuances of consumption of an indefinite form of verb

The verbs in an indefinite form are often used in office instructions, orders, written and oral orders. They are especially saturated with them by speeches facing officers to soldiers.

Through the infinitive, an indication of the rigidity of a particular order or requirement, strictness of its compliance be transmitted. For example: "Ensure the result no later than July 20." It sounds more stricter than the form insecurity - "Provide." Although the imperative itself, especially if not accompanied by the word "please," carries a considerable similar burden.

It is not surprising why their use is so popular in the army, where discipline, execution and subordination are of great importance, and in civilian structures with a rigid management vertical, for example, authorities.

And various prohibitions decorated in the form of a combination of infinitive and particles "not" carry the same function: do not smoke, do not sift, etc.

After all this, you are unlikely to have doubts about the subject that such an indefinite form of verb.


Identify infinitives on the question. Find the verb and ask him a question. If it is a verb in an indefinite form, then he will answer the question "What?", "What to do?". For example, grow, oven, flood, dilute, lie down.
At the end of such verbs, there is always a soft sign.

It is difficult to distinguish an infinitive from personal shape if the word is recorded in transcription. The record of the final data of the forms coincide: [uch "ICA] (studying) - [uch" ITSA] (learn). In this case, pay attention to, vowels before [-th] or the context where you can ask a question. If this work is impossible, both forms are appropriate here.

The indefinite shape of the verb is part of the nominal leakage. In this case, there are two inhomogeneous verbs in the proposal. To determine which one is infinitive, you need to designate grammar base. The legend will consist of two verbs. The one in which the lexical meaning is - infinitive, it is necessary to have a soft sign. So, in the proposal, "students will be able to work out additionally" the lean "will be able to work out." And an indefinite form - "work out".

The uncertain form of verb can act as secondary sentences. It is possible to determine it in such cases by following the logic of reasoning. Ask the question of an indirect case from the responding to the infinitive. If possible, in this case it is an add-on. For example, in the proposal "coach ordered us to take up a warm-up" the word "do" will be a supplement (told what?). In this case, talk like this: the action indicated in the verb "ordered" performs the coach, and others will perform it. So this is not a sure, because the offer is simple.

Circumstances expressed by an uncertain form of verb are most often answered questions "For what purpose?", "For what reason?". In the proposal, "I came to the sports hall to train" to infinitive, ask the question "came for what purpose?".
Definition, ask a question from the noun. In the sentence "I am perfectly owned by the ability to play the guitar" Infinitives - Definition: Skill (How?) Play.

When it comes to the shape of the verb, we say: "Verb building in the form of 2 persons multiple number Of the future time. " Based on this, it can be said that the form of the verb is a person + number + time. Building your answer for this formula, you never miss anything. And now we turn to the definition of all three terms.

Face and number to determine the shape of the verb

The person is the one who makes action. To determine it, ask a verb question who? or what?If the answer is:

  • i / we are then this is a verb of 1 person, he refers directly to the speaker or group of the persons in which it consists. For example: i will cook, we build;
  • you / you - then this is a verb of 2 persons, he refers to the fact that we are talking to. For example: you lie, you go,
  • he / she / it / they are the verb of 3 persons, he belongs to someone else (not to the speaker and not to the interlocutor). For example: he runs, she drinks, they are friends.

Time to determine the shape of the verb

Determine the time is very simple: this is done almost intuitive:

  • in the verbs of the present time, the action is happening now, this minute. Even if the time is not specified in the sentence, it can be understood independently. For example: Leper (when?)now build (when?) Today,
  • in the verbs of the past time, the action takes place in the past: yesterday, a week ago, etc. For example: Discoval (when?)yesterday,
  • in the verbs of the future time, the action will only happen in an hour, tomorrow, etc. For example: learn (when?) tomorrow.


The verbs in an indefinite form have no genus, faces and numbers, but they have a view. Such verbs ends on -t, -th.or -Their species is determined by the question:

  • what to do?, then he is an imperfect look. For example: (what to do?)to read ;
  • if a question is asked to the verb what to do?, then he is a perfect species. For example: (what to do?) Read.

Other verbs have appearance, but this is not specified when determining their form. It is worth noting that the verbs of the perfect species do not have the present time, because It is understood that the action is either completed in the past, or will be completed in the future.

It is easy to determine the shape of the verb, since everything is done almost intuitive, the main thing is to remember the algorithm: face + number + time.

The ability to form an indefinite form, recognize it in the text, distinguish from other forms of the verb is necessary not only when studying the verb, but also in the formation of its forms. Different tasks, exercise, work with tables will help work out this skill.

In school practice, to identify an uncertain form, the teacher most often uses only questions (what to do?) (What to do?), Paying little attention to a detailed acquaintance with this form. For example, it is very frequent errors when determining the verbs of the type of carry, take care. However, these errors can be warned if already acquainted with an uncertain form to offer students such a table.

This table will help to recognize an indefinite form and on external formal features (finite-believe, - or -th). The number of verbs in an indefinite form on -i and is small. Pupils should be introduced to the most commonly used of them:

Verbs wa about:

go, go, bresh, carry, lead, row, revenge, carry, find grasts, weave, crawl, grow, scrub, shake, blossom.

The verbs can be included in the exercise.

1. From various forms of verbs on -food to form an indefinite form: Metset - revenge, carried - to carry, etc.

2. Put the verbs in the form of a 1st face of the singular: row - row, find - find, etc.

3. From these verbs with the help of various consoles to form new: weave - rubbing, binding, weaving, etc.

4. Using the verbs to carry, shit, revenge, go, come, carry, draw up a hosted text on the topic "On the Saturday".

Similar work is carried out with the verbs to be.

Verbs to say:

take care, achieve, burn, lie down, clothe, persecute, renounce, oven, help, neglect, strut, sut, cross, flow, move, passibly, bargain

Very often, children form non-veteral forms from the verbs to say: "Zhigets", "Tech", etc. To avoid this, you need to bring them to the conclusion that only in the 1st face of the only number and in the 3rd face of the multiple The numbers of these verbs remain the sounds of G and K (ZhGU - Harh, the bake - bake), and in the rest of the forms there is an alternation of r - w and k - h (ЖГУ же жже, burn, eat, burn; the flow - flow, flows, tech , flow).

Accordingly, students make it difficult to both the reverse operation, i.e., the formation of an uncertain form from personal forms of verbs, for example: shore, will achieve, fall, flow, passibly, cut, renewed, dereg.

Experiencing student difficulties also in the formation of an uncertain form from impersonal verbs (By the way, the comparison of the 3rd face and an uncertain form is especially important from the point of view of spelling), so it is useful to practice such tasks how to find an indefinite form from impersonal verbs: it is mortal (tortime).

I want to sleep, it becomes cool, the spring approach is felt, it seems completely adult.

How well, students have learned to find an indefinite form from which the verb is formed, will show the results of this task.

From each sentence, wrote verbs and pick up an indefinite form for them.

1) The boy walked barefoot, and the shoes carried in a bag.

2) I cleaned the kettle, scored water and went to the fire.

3) The old man smiles, winks, sits down.

4) Summer short night left, in the east already alaska dawn, the stars slowly Gasley.

5) The yard is melt, but we do not want to return.

6) Stepka spread his hands and lies on his back, his hat is lying on the sand.

7) Evening shadows fall on the ground, merge, fill the streets in darkness.

Work on spelling when studying an uncertain form may be accompanied by work 'on the development of speech,

1. Pick to this verbs synonyms (also verbs in an indefinite form).

Relieve (fear), argument (prove), submore (obey), motivate (justify), send (send), restore (restore), export (export), import (import), to discuss (argue), stimulate (encourage), Beach (reproach, root), to hope (hope), stitching (learn), grooming (undead, cherish), zealous (try), oppose (object)

2. Pick to this verbs of Antonyms (also verbs in an indefinite form).

Punish (forgive), hurry (honey), chat (silence), praise (scold), redeem (freeze), clutch (warm), cry (laugh), start (cum), agree (object), appear (disappear), To spoil (fix), love (hate), climb (descending), lean (freeze), relax (work), dawn (tortimes), cool (heated), despair (hope), build (destroy), work (idle).

3. These phrases replace verbs close by value.

Languishing from idleness (bored), catch fish (fish), win (win), experience fear (fear), send a telegram (telegraph), go back (return), to improve in something (qualified), to examine ), understand something (orient), come into consciousness (to wake up), move to another country (emigrate), confess in errors (repent), to release from the charge (rehabilitate).

4. Explain the value of phraseological revolutions using synonymous verbs. With phraseological circulation to make proposals.

Beat a friend (ask for), beat the bumps (idle), bring to clean water (expose), borrow on the nose (remember), rebuild your nose (eat), peck the nose (sleep), inflate the lips (offended), hang your head (nourish) , come to yourself (come home).

Exercises for various replacements should be carried out throughout the study of the verb (2-3 minutes at the end of the lesson). Some attention should be paid to the paronims, i.e., according to the words, various meanings, but similar to pronunciation, such as: Sying - to shine, import - export, put on - to wear, reject - to refute, submit - to provide, etc. These words can be pronounced in the class, write out in student dictionary, include proposals in dictates, invent with them; It is useful to search for their meanings in the sensible dictionary.

When repetition of morphology in high school students, students should remember that the verbs in an indefinite form can be various members of the sentence: to be subject to (to study - always use), the definition (our task is to learn), the definition (I got the opportunity to learn), add-on (we agreed to study Only on good and fine), the circumstance (the guys came to the city to study).

Data below will help this information to secure.

1) I went out to refresh yourself (L.).

2) Riding this horse was to pleasure for Rostov (L. T.).

3) I am faced with a relaxing bed a little (T.).

4) I saw the need to change the conversation (P.).

5) I have a congenital passion to contradict (L.).

6) The sun was just beginning to rise (L. T.).

148. Read the phrase. Spish.

  1. I read a fairy tale, played chess, we repeat the rule, listened to the radio.
  2. Read a fairy tale, play chess, repeat the rule, listen to the radio.
  • Compare verbs in the phrases of the first and second group. What verbs can you determine the time? Specify their time.
  • Name and emphasize the verbs that you could not determine the time. Ask a question for each of these verbs.

149. Read. Explain the meaning of proverbs.

1. Life live - not the field go. 2. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. 3. Easy to find friends, it's hard to save.

  • Spish. Stress the verbs. Is it possible to define their time and number? Ask a question for each verb.
  • Remember what is called the form of the verb that answers the question what to do? what to do?

lost e.

150. Read the poem 3. Alexandrova.

      Hit the thunder ...
      And froze in st..r .. not.
      The nature of the deployment .. in order
      S..Vent in spring.
      Order - h..rumuh .. color..stay,
      Nettle .. be not angry,
      Rain d..Rozhka Podm ..st
      Srebryina m..tla.
      ... and s .. and go out because of clouds
      And in .. you warmly warm!

  • Spinit, inserting missed letters. Stress the verbs in an indefinite form. Highlight suffixes in them. -t, -th..

151. Read. Explain what part of the speech are the selected words.

Distance B. two hundred k..l..meters go in b..bl ... flow news From g..zet, news on hand flattery Harmful, email..trich .. oven, oven. p..rogov, p..moch Comrade, Boyarskaya know ru ... cue tongue.

  • Spinit, inserting missed letters. Specify above each highlighted word part of speech.

Note! Verbs in an indefinite form can end on - in: take care, suture; - - This is not a suffix, but part of the root.

After the letter c. The verbs in an indefinite form writes a soft sign ( b): burn, cut, achieve. Remember the writing of such verbs: burn, lie, cut.

r butcST aboutjan. ande.

152. Read.

1. Each person should Love your homeland. 2. In life always we need Commier conscience. 3. We. obliged Love and respect relatives and people close to us. four. It is impossible disrespectful to talk about their comrades. 5. During the presentation in the theater need to Store silence to viewers could Monitor the progress of the performance.

  • Put the question from the highlighted words to the verbs in an indefinite form.
  • Write out of each sentence a verb in an indefinite form along with a highlighted word.

Sample. Must love, ....

153. Make several traffic rules. Uses in the sentences of the verbs in an indefinite form in order to show that the actions expressed them belong to each person.

  • Write down 1-2 rules.

154. Read.

  1. You can dispel, sang - ..., sow - ..., teach - ..., draw - ....
  2. Slash - to light up, decide - ..., throw - ..., offend - ..., solve - ...
  • Choose to each verb of the first group of a single verb that answers the question what to do? Write down a couple of words.
  • Choose to each verb of the second group of a single verb that answers the question what to do? Write down a couple of words.

155. Read the prefixes and verbs.

na-, as-, under-, according to
dO-, V-, -U, you-, re-, pro-

talk, think, lead, walk, write, read

  • Forming each verb, single-tempered verbs with consoles.
  • What (or what) from these verbs can be used with each of these consoles?
  • Write down any of the verbs with those consoles with which it can be used.
  • Oralize the offer with any verb you formed.

Note! Before the suffix-in the verbs in an indefinite form can stand the verb suffixes - ,- ,- ,-, -, - ,- ,- ,-, -OV-, -Ev-,:

156. Read. What part of speech is every word?

Put .. Essenti - to travel, St.Dir, P..Bed, h..n, already .. n, r..sun..k, s .. Лут, Ж .. one, b. . trades, r..obot, b ..

  • Choose and write down next to each word of a single verb in an indefinite form. Insert the missing letters. Highlight suffixes in the verbs.

Note! To find the basis of the verb that stands in an indefinite form, you need to discard the suffix -t. or -ti.

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