
Place associated with the legend about Lady Godiv. Genuine story of Lady Godiva. Memory of Lady from Coventry

August 8, 2011, 18:03

John Color. Lady Godiva 1898. Lady Hodiva, oddly enough - really existing personality. This is the Anglo-Saxon Countess, the wife of Leofrik, Earla (Graph) of the Mercian, who, according to the legend, passed naked through the streets of Coventry in the UK to ensure that the graph, her husband, reduce exorbitant taxes for their subjects. According to legend, it was a wonderful wife of Count Leofrica. The citizens of the graph suffered from exorbitant taxes, and the one was seated of her husband to reduce the tax jet. Once at the next feast, being strongly drunk, Leofrik promised to reduce taxes if his wife would drive naked on the horse through the streets of Coventry. He was confident that this condition would be completely unacceptable for her. However, one year after all went to this step. Residents of the city, very loving and respecting her for kindness, closed the shutters and doors of their homes on the appointed day, nobody went out. So unnoticed, she drove through the whole city. The graph was amazed by the dedication of the woman and, restraining his word, reduced taxes. According to some versions of the legend, only one resident of the city, "peeping tom", decided to look out of the window and the same Mig Oplex. E. Landseier. Lady Godiva Prayer 1865 Most likely, this legend is little related to real events. The life of Leofrica and the homes are described in detail in the chronicles preserved in England. It is known that Leofrik in 1043 built a Benedictine monastery, who overnight turned Coventry from a small settlement in the fourth largest medieval English city. Leofrica put the monastery of the land and gave to hold the abode of twenty-four villages, and Lady God gave such a number of gold, silver and precious stones, that no monastery of England could compare with him for wealth. God was very devout and after the death of her husband, being on her deathbed, passed all his possessions of the church. Count Leofrik and Lady Hodiva were buried in this monastery. However, the events described in the legend, the chronicles are silent. The story of a naked horseman first mentions the envious of the fame and wealth of Coventry - the monk of the monastery of St. Alban Roger Vendrover in 1188, and according to her, the events took place on July 10, 1040. In the future, People's Solve only complemented this legend. Later in the XIII century, King Eduard I wished to find out the truth about this legend. Investigation of the chronicles confirmed that in Coventry since 1057 the tax was not really charged, but the term of 17 years is clearly not spoken in favor of the reality of the events described in the legend. "Lady Godiva" Jules Joseph Lefevre. 1898 The detail about the "peeping volume", according to some reports, appeared in 1586, when the Council of Coventry ordered Adam Van North to portray the legend about Lady Godiv. After the order was performed, the picture was exhibited on the main square of Coventry. And the population was mistakenly accepted by the film of Leofrik, looking out the window, for the disappointing citizen. However, while Lady Hodiva became one of the legendary women of the Middle Ages. Not far from the former Cathedral of Coventry, a monument is established - Lady Hodiva with lean hair riding a horse. The image of the monument is also placed on the press of Coventry City Council. In 1678, residents of the city established the annual festival in honor of Lady Godiva, preserved to this day. This holiday is a carnival, where many music, songs, and in the evening fireworks. Participants of the carnival dressed in costumes of the XI century, and participants - in the costumes of Eve. The procession begins on the ruins of the first cathedral and then goes along the route laid once brave lady. The final part of the festival takes place in the city park at the monument of Lady Godiva. It sounds the music of the time and participants of the holiday compete in various contests, the most popular of which is the competition for the best Lady Godiva. In this competition, women, dressed in the toilets of the ladies of the eleventh century, and the indispensable condition of the competition are long golden hair. Miss "Lady Godiva" 1929 Miss "Lady Godiva" 2006 The Lady Lady image is quite popular in art. She is devoted to poems and novels. The image is recreated in marble, on the tapestry, on the baits of painters, in the cinema, on TV and even on the wrapper of the chocolate of the company "Hodiva". Archaeologists found stained glass with the image of Lady Godiva, who are now in the preserved church of the first monastery, founded by Leofrica and Hodoya. In honor of the lady, the asteroid 3018 was named. Whatever it sounds enough, but sometimes in honor of Lady Godiva receive their name stores clothing. Lady Godiva "With a Framed Red Magio" mentions Osip Mandelstam in a poem with the world that I was only guys connected ... Lady Godiva mentions Sasha black in the poem "City Fairy Tale" ("... Stan, like Lady Godiva") Lady Godiva mentions Joseph Brodsky in "Lithuanian nocturne" ("At midnight, any speech / acquires a piece of blind; so that even the" depreciation "to the touch - like Lady Godiva") Lady Godiva mentions Boris Grebenshchikov in the song "Why doesn't the sky fall" ("Well, if anyone else And already / and the soul as that lady riding negligee "Freddie Mercury mentions Lady Hodo in the song Don't Stop Me Now:" I'm a racing car passing by Like Lady Godiva ". The British group Placebo mentions in his song" Peeping Tom "People's peeping volume, which is watching the distance behind an unknown girl. The group Velvet Underground, mentions the name of Lady Godiva in his song" Lady Godiva's Operation ". The Boney M Group recorded the song" Lady Godiva ". For the first time she was published in the same year On the album "MORE GO LD. " The Mother Love Bone group published the song "Lady Godiva Blues" on the album "Mother Love Bone" of 1992 and to reprint Apple album. 2 series ("Magic Nu") 7 seasons of the series Enchanted about Lady Godiva.

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Lady Godiva
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Birth name:

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Date of Birth:

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Date of death:

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Place of death:

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Awards and Prizes:

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In 1955, American director Arthur Lyubin took off the legend of the Full-length feature film "Lady Godiva from Coventry". The main role in the painting was performed by the Irish actress Maureen O'Hara in the 1950s.

see also

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  • DONOGHUE D. . - John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - 176 p. - ISBN 978-04-7077-701-5.


  • (eng.). History.. BBC. Verified July 10, 2014.

Fragment characterizing lady godiva

Soon the forest seemed, and we, turning the path of our already familiar to us, disappeared from sight ... And here I gave the will of my own, yelling from joy, emotions! .. I squeak like an unraded to the puppy, a thousand times kissed Purga in a silky nose (the amount of which she could not understand ...), sang some unfortunate songs loudly, in general - it was shoved as soon as I was allowed my happy children's soul ...
- Well, please, my good, show them that you are happy again ... Well, please! And we will again go a lot to ride a lot! How much do you want, I promise you! .. Only let them see that you are in order ... - I stared by the Purga.
I felt wonderfully with her, and I was very hoping that she would also feel at least a part of what I felt. The weather was completely amazing. The air literally "crackled" was so clean and cold. White forest cover shone and sparkled by millions of small stars, as if someone big hand Generously scattered on it fabulous diamonds. The Purga ripped in a path with a wipe-out trail, and seemed completely satisfied, to my great joy, starting very quickly to revive. I literally "flew" in the soul of happiness, already anticipating that joyful moment when I was told that she was finally so mine ...
Through some half an hour, we turned back so as not to make worrying all my family, which without it, worried about me constantly. The neighbor was still on the courtyard, apparently wanting to make sure that everything is in order with us with both of us. Immediately, of course, the grandmother and mom ran the yard, and the father had already appeared, carrying some thick color lace in his hands, which immediately handed the neighbor. I easily jumped up and ran up to dad, with a heart-wounded with a heart, burst into the chest, wanting and afraid to hear such important words for me ...
- Well, honey, she loves you! "Heat smiling, a neighbor said, and, tied the same color lace by Purge on the neck, solemnly led her to me. - Here, with the same "leash" we led her home for the first time. Take her - she is yours. And happiness to you both ...
In the eyes of good neighbor, glistening tears, apparently even good memories have yet been very strongly wounded her graceful on a lost husband, the heart ...
- I promise you, I will love her very much and look good behind her! - Panting from excitement, I swallowed. - She will be happy ...
All those surrounding quite smiled, and I suddenly reminded me of a similar episode somewhere, only there a man was handed a medal ... I had fun laughed and hugging my amazing "gift" tightly, I tried in my soul, never parting with him .
Suddenly dawned on me:
- Oh, wait, and where will she live ?! .. We do not have such a wonderful place, how do you have? - Upaying, I asked the neighbor.
"Don't worry, honey, she can live with me, and you will come to clean it, feed, look after her and ride it - she is yours." Imagine that you "shoot" me for her house. He will no longer be needed, I will not start more horses. So use on health. And I will be pleased that the Purga will continue to live.
I gratefully hugged my good neighbor and holding for a colored lace, led (now my !!!) Purga home. My children's heart fits - it was the finest gift in the world! And his truth was worth the wait ...
Already somewhere from noon, having learned a little after such a stunning gift, I started my "spyware" ribs into the kitchen and in the dining room. Rather, I tried ... But even with the most insistent attempts, to penetrate there, unfortunately, I could not have succeeded. This year, the grandmother, apparently, decided not to show my "works" to me until the time of this "Celebration" will not come ... And I really wanted to see if the edge of the eye to see what she was so diligently. Without accepting a draw and not let anyone even for the threshold.
But, finally, the long-awaited hour came - about five in the evening my first guests began to appear ... And I, in the end, got the right to admire my holiday table ... When the door opened the door, I thought that I got into the living room Some kind of fabulous, paradise garden! .. The grandmother has fun smiled, and I rushed to her neck, almost sobbing my feelings of gratitude and delight ...
The whole room was decorated with winter flowers ... Huge cups of bright yellow chrysanthemums created the impression of many sunshine, from which the room was light and joyful. And the festive table was a real work of grandmother's art! .. He foolished with completely stunning smells and shook the dishes by the variety ... It was covered with a golden crust with a golden crust, with my beloved pear gravy, in which "tunted" whole halves of tomllimes in cream, pear-smelling cinnamon ... and teasing the with a gentle smell of the mushroom sauce, the chicken-pulling chicken, a filling with nuts with nuts, and literally melting in the mouth ... in the middle of the table "impressed" his size scary pike, baked entirely with juicy slices of sweet Red pepper in lemon-line sauce ... And from the smell of plump, bursting from the magnifying heat, juicy inductal legs under the crust of cranberry Musa, my poor stomach jumped up to the ceiling itself! .. Girlands sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin pieces of all sorts of smoked sausages strung on the finest. rods like a kebab, and embedded with pickled tomatoes and salty homemade cucumbers, "killed" Hami famous Lithuanian "smoke", not at all inferior to the loud-smelling smoked salmon, around which merry piles have risen, polished sour cream, juicy salty, waters ... Goldenly roasted round cakes boiled hot steam, and around them in the air was completely unique "cabbage" aroma ... All this abundance of the most beautiful grandmother "works" completely shocked my "hungry" imagination, not to mention the sweets whose vertex was my favorite, whipped with cherries, hiding in the mouth of a curd cake! .. I watched my grandmother, from All the souls thanks to her for this fabulous, really royal table! .. And she only smiled in response, satisfied with the effect, and immediately began with the greatest zeal to treat my, who were overwhelmed from such an abundance, guests.

Annual festival in honor of Lady Godiva, the heroine of one of the most popular English legends, which is barefacing naked on horseback on the streets ancient City Coventry, was established by grateful citizens back in 1678.

In the 21st century, the number of outrageous shares and performances, whose participants are exposed in public places, has long been beyond the scope of reasonable. At the same time, those who decide to undress in public for the sake of art or as part of a political protest, little risks. Most of them are not at all responsible, those who are lucky less, have to pay a fine or spend a few days in prison. And in the former epochs, the brave risked much more. The morals were gross, the punishment is tasty, and the Holy Inquisition in such behavior could also see the devil's tricks, after which the case was easily turned around in the fire. The more early, which, probably, the most successful public action in the style of NU in the history of mankind took place in the XI century.

According to the legend of Lady Godiva, the young beauty-wife of the local Lord Leofrik, Count Mersia, famous for his piety and good temper, was amazed by the surrounding poverty and, compassioning the local population, praying constantly her husband, who was excessive with regard to his subjects, sometimes resorting to extreme extent in relation to defaulters - to death penalty - Cancel merciless taxes, which he literally stifled people of their counties, or at least reduce their size to alleviate and without that difficult life of commoners. However, all her prayers remained unrequited. Once Count Leofrik, being a suitable, in order to put an end to the infinite intercession of his wife for "noise" population of his county, promised to soften the tax oppression, and even cancel taxes at all, if the one was taken by one condition: Countess at the light of the day should have drove on horseback Through all the streets and town squares are completely naked. "I agree," said Count, "But you, Lady, should know that the ancient Greeks and Romans revealed the main perfection of the nature of the human body. Demonstrating it, they sought to change life for the better. So, if you pass at noon naked riding on the horse through the Coventry market square, thereby glorifying the person as the creation of God, I will cancel all city taxes. " The tricky graph was confident that her gradious woman would never go for it. But he was mistaken - to the Great Him Him, the one was not retreated.

On the appointed day, she ordered the residents of the city to shut down at home, closing all the shutters. However, according to another version, knowing about the upcoming, residents of Coventry on the appointed day themselves closed all the doors and shutters of their homes from love and respect for their mistress, so that at least somehow save her honor, so she gracefully drove it accompanied by two dressed Horsemen on the streets of the city, covered only with his long shiny hair (according to one of the versions, long lush hair rose from Lady Godiva, as soon as she decided to expose to cover her nudity), almost without witnesses.

Only one boyfriend is "brave" tailor (according to other data - butcher) Tom ("peeping tom)) - grown from curiosity, decided to look out of the window. The sky shook the height, and he is blinded before he saw the Lady Hodel in Eva. True, there is a version that claims that the townspeople themselves took the case into their hands and blinded the breath. There is such a version: when Lady Hodiva made his famous horseback riding, the market square was full of people. However, nobody noticed her nudity, because from the eye of the citizens, the wonderful cover was hidden, the Niro Maria was hidden. However, most likely, did not have time to hide the townspeople lowered the head down or closed their eyes.

After the test, the woman returned to her husband who kept the word and lowered taxes, and according to some data, in general, they canceled them, leaving only one tax - for the maintenance of horses. It is seen a graph, along with other advantages, possessed the good sharing of good (English) sense of humor. Since then, descendants and glorify Lady Godroom, setting her a monument and establishing a holiday. In Coventry, the legendary godive trip was also staged - the Role of Countess was performed by a boy.

Under the Red Popon
My horse as if captured by fire,
The streets are sleepy
With a rude goal day.

A little deception -
To the condition of the graph.
After all, I'm not confused,
I have shutters closed in honor.

I hope taxes
He will be submitted later.
You humble, gods,
And the arrogant is the only volume!

Under the Red Popon
My horse as if it fell fire.
Fog without cardboard
And I am notable in it.

Lady is godive
To the belt hair - plaid,
Fluffy Divo
And the heart of the kindest mark.

Interestingly, in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, compiled up to 1066, nothing is said about the legendary act of a naked horseman. It is also not mentioned in a detailed source of information about England of the XI century - in the "Book of the Scary Court" Wilhelm of the Conqueror. The first mention of the naked Lady Godiv appeared 200 years after her death in 1236 (according to other data - 1188) in the records, more precisely in the book "Flores HistoriaRum", Roger Vendrover - Norman Chronicle, Monk Monastery of St. Alban, based on the money of the ruler Back in the VIII century. According to this information, the events took place on July 10, 1040. Perhaps the author used some kind of lost source. On the other hand, he is considered the envious of the glory and wealth of Coventry. So, perhaps, it was a conspiracy. In the future, the People's Molver strongly complemented this legend.

The story of good decree has its adherents and skeptics. Not everyone believe in her reality, despite the historical basis. The main contradictions in Legend:

  1. the wife of the Count was very obedient to her husband, but at the same time he opposed him in the matter of taxes;
  2. citizens worshiped the lady as a modest, chaste lady, and she passed Nagishol through the whole city;
  3. lady Godiva came from the aristocratic family, and its immense sympathy to ordinary people did not match that time.
Many tried to figure out the legend. For example, in the XIII century, King Eduard I wished to find out the truth about this legend. Investigation of the chronicles confirmed that in Coventry in 1057 and later the tax, indeed, was not charged (in the same year (August 31 or September 30), Count Leofrik died). But is this fact a reliable proof of the reality of the events described in the legend?

The tax system of England of that period was complex and ruinous, often unbearable for small landowners. But even such a large household, who owned spouses Leofrik and Homgifu, was not easy to exist under the ever-increasing turn of taxes. Domide tax, the so-called "Danish money" (Danegeld), directed to the financing of the defense of England, military service (at the expense of the landowner), a judicial service (the Royal Court, like other state bureaucratic procedures, was paid), other taxes - the land owner must Not only these taxes due to the state, but also taxes that should live and contain their large farm to be collected from its subjects. The certificates preceding the Norman conquest of Wilhelm 1066 demonstrate the ingenuity of Erlov and other nobility in the ways to tax various groups of the population. Taxes were gathered in nature: pets, food, labor and military-milestone, secure, essay, and so on, and so on. The situation was complicated in 1040, when the legitimate son of Knude the Great, Grandfather Harald Synezuboy, Hardeknud, who was both the King of Denmark came to power. He had to take power to the power - at the illegal son of the same Knude, for which he needed the help of Vikings. To pay for the services of these Vikings-Huskarlov had to sharply increase the tax, and the "military money" (Neregeld, Hergeld) was added to the "Danish money" - the highest tax at that time, which revealed many. The amount of tax shows the fact that during archaeological excavations on the territory of Denmark, more Anglo-Saxon coins are found at the time as in the most England, which could not not cause dissatisfaction of the inhabitants of the country. When the Huskarls who came to collect taxes were killed by the crowd of the residents of the celestial, Leofrick showed loyalty to the new king: on his order ruined a reversible wool - we see that the people of Coventry did not have to hope for Leofrica. Hergelda tax itself will be canceled during the lifetime of Godgifa and her spouse - but not by their decision: he will cancel the next king, Eduard confessor, in 1051. In 1057, after the death of Leofrik, Homgifa itself will still reduce taxes, and before its death, everything that has been inherited from the spouse will give the church.

In our time, English historians, agreeing with the fact that Lady Godiva is a real historical character, they still doubt the reliability of the legend of her peculiar intercession for their countrymen.

According to documents, the heroine of the legend was a woman in all respects wonderful - kind and generous - and patronized art. Lady Hodiva (Godiva - Latinized shape of the old-English name Godgyfu, Godgifu, which means "a gift of God"; there are 17 (and according to some data - from 50 to 100) various writing of her name) really lived in England in Coventry in the middle XI century (980-1067). Historians say that in about 1028 (according to one of the versions - at 1030), being at this point the rich widow, she seriously got sick and, believing that her death feather time was close to the monastery state in the town or (testament Stored in Coventry archives). But with the disease I managed to cope, and after a while, God was married to the Anglo-Saxon Aristocrat, Earla (Graph) of Mercian and Lord Coventry, Leofrik III, one of the most influential people in England, who was entering the court of the Anglo-Saxon King Eduard confessional and was Commissioned to collect taxes from subjects. Mighty graph of Mercie however, was not alien and high matters. Soon, in 1043, the Count and Countess founded the Monastery of the Benedictine Order in Coventry - one of the cities that were in the possessions of the graph. Leofrik endowed the monastery of the land and spent 24 villages in possession. The monastery overnight turned Coventry from a small settlement in the fourth largest medieval English city. The rich family belonged not only the medieval town of Coventry, as well as extensive lands in Nottinghamshire, Gloucestershire and Warwickshire. It is known that the Count and his wife took an active part in the construction and repair of temples and chapels in their possessions. By the way, it is quite possible that the Ambitions of Leofrik, growing every day, which went into the construction of all new and new public structures, led to a significant increase in taxes. On October 4, the monastery church was consecrated by the names of St. Peter, St. Osburg, all the saints and the Virgin Mary, in which he could believed endless. Later, thanks to her gifts - gold, silver and precious stones - the church of the monastery became one of the richest in England. The Countess survived the graph for 10 years and was a powerful and pious government. After the death of her husband, Lady Godiva continued to patronize the Church, providing support for at least half a good monasteries. She was very diveged and sacrificed the church of the Earth and money. After death and Count Leofrik, and the Lady Godiva was buried in the monastery built by them.

By the way, archaeologists found stained glass windows with the image of Lady Godiva, who are now in the preserved church of the first monastery, founded by Leofrica and Hodoya.

By the way, pay attention to the chronology: when the lady godiva, born in 980, made his famous ride in the style of Nu, on the streets of Coventry, she was 60 years old! For the Middle Ages, it was an age of deep old age, given the average life expectancy at this time - 35-40 years (and this for men, and for women and less). Imagine a shallow old woman in a naked way traveling around the horse around the narrow streets of the medieval city!? Maybe his inhabitants closed shutters, simply because they did not want to see this perversion?

By the way, according to the boots, it was a noble lady, but could not be a lady - this title had no existed, while Earla's wife wore the title "Gebedda" (GeBedda). Let's try to understand the meaning of this title. In the History Kannavanian, the military leader and at the same time the head of the community was called "Konung", but the spouse of such a conjant in some sources was called "Heals-GeBedda", where "Heals" - neck, as in ancientangalian. Over time in english language This word will be forgotten and "Neck" will appear instead, but in German, it is converted to "Hals" and will give us the word "HALS-STUCK" (tie, literally: things on the neck). In the word "GeBedda", the simplest part is "-bed-" - you know this word: "bed", the end of "-DA" turns it into an adjective, and the prefix "GE-", which in the same sense is applied in Esperanto, means uniforms of both sexes. If you collect the whole word "gebedda", it will turn out "the one that shares the bed with him." Remembering "Heals", we get a "cohabitant on the neck." You understand, the result of the analysis is filed in a somewhat humorous plan, but, most importantly, we learned that the "Earla's Sugar" Lady (title known in the form of "Hlæfdige" recorded in the 1200s, approximately: "Mistress, Panching Bread", pretty fast will turn into "LaFdi", "Lavede" or "Ladi" - that we are today and call "Lord's wife"), that is, a manifesta, wife of Lord (the first mention of this title refers to the XIII century in the form of "Laverd" or "LoveRD") could not.
But all these details of the biography of noble aristocrats today are known except that the medievalist historians. And the descendants with the reverence of the famous legend.

It is believed that the legend of Lady Godiv arose on the basis of the pagan rituals of fertility, which were still preserved in Europe and sometimes mixed with Christian traditions. Professor of English literature Daniel Donahu said that the legend is based on ancient legends and even pagan rites. And, as you know, the residents of Coventry have long worshiped the naked pagan goddess on the horse. To the north of the city of Coventry, before the invasion of Normanov, the tribe of the Angles - Mer. Saksov lived, and in the south there was a tribe of Saxons - Khwikke. With the last title, the appearance of the word "Victory", which means the "pagan sorcerer". By the way, in the official title of Count Leofrik, he was also mentioned as the "Lord of the Khvikkov". The Hwicks tribe worshiped the goddess of fertility, which was called the code, or year. This ancient name is found in many geographic names in the southwest of Coventry. In the village of Veginton, south of Coventry archaeologists spent excavations and found the temple of the goddess years. In the north there is a whole settlement called code. It is assumed that the entire region of Kotswold is named after an ancient goddess. The city of Coventry himself, isolated among forests, far from large cities and main roads, was an ideal place to preserve pagan culture over several centuries after the adoption of the country of Christianity. Also, it is generally accepted that the name of the city itself comes from the sacred tree Cofu, who worshiped local pagans, and near which they spent their rituals. Every year in the middle of the summer, Mysteries were arranged dedicated to the goddess year. On them, the naked horses of the priestess went around the city riding a horse, representing the goddess. After a solemn procession, the priestess drove to the sacred tree, where he took all sorts of honors. The obligatory rules of the rite was also the sacrifice of young men and horses. This pagan cult existed for quite a long time. Even after the construction of the monastery of St. Osurburg in the Republic of 2014 and the Benedictine Abbey in 1043, annual rites and sacrifices were still held. The church authorities trying to eradicate the power of pagan beliefs in the country in every way, understood that they would not be able to eliminate them immediately and forever. So I could not completely ban the ancient holiday, the monks were very wisely replaced the pagan goddess of the year with a pious real woman with a consonant name. And tied to her history with taxes. In fact, the monks changed the meaning of the holiday - instead of the pagan cult, the worship of a believer Christian began, almost a holy woman. The fracture in the minds of the residents of Coventry occurred in about the XII century. The pagan year was forgotten, Lady Godiva was revered, the processions continued, but they had no relation to paganism. In the legend, the tailor was mentioned, having lost sight. In paganism, he personified the sacrifice, brought by the ancient deity. Monks and here worked in their favor, making an odious figure of a sinner from a curious tailor, which suffered punishment for healing. Without instructive, frightening stories are not going anywhere!

Adam Van Noort.
As for the "peeping volume", then, according to some information, this item appeared in 1586, when the Council of the city of Coventry ordered Adam Van North to portray the legend about Lady Godiv. After the order was performed, the picture was exhibited on the main square of Coventry. And the population was mistakenly accepted by the film of Leofrik, looking out the window, for the disappointing citizen. By the way, the name is not an Anglo-Saxon.

There is an opinion that in the original picture could not be a silhouette in the window. The mention of a curious case first appeared in 1634, three soldiers from Norwich (Norwich) arrived in Coventry and one of them recorded a legend in the diary. This entry contains some mention of a possible viewer, but it was so vague that they found it only in the back. It consists of only two lines, probably from lost ballads:

The Wantons Glancing Eye.
On her sparkling long hair
looked criminally politic

It is possible that something similar and was in the ballad based on the old record of the Roger's monk from the Albanian Abbey and its unknown source, but in the initial text of the Chronicles before changing her Richard Grafton (Richard Grafton) said that the year was driving through a silent crowd in the market , Covered with loose hair. Anyway, but in 1659, a wooden statue of a man looking out of the window appeared in the city, and travelers were told that a unusual person who looked out of the window to admire his beautiful beauty, immediately fell dead. Later, the supernatural punishment was reduced to blinding.

By the way, in writing for the first time the word "peep" (prying) and was consumed in relation to this very volume in the middle of the XV century. Perhaps "PEEP" occurred from the Old Banking "Piken" (a quick glance). "Peeping Tom" in Slane of that time meant "an annoying curious person", but in the history of Lady, he was finally in the modern form, he got only at the beginning of the XIX century.

Today, the name "Peeping Tom" in the English-language world has become nominal and, usually, means voyeurist.

Germany 1938 Brown Band Horse Race Lady Godiva Mi671y Stamp Set MNH

It is difficult to say, these events took place in reality or not. But it does not matter. The image of Lady Godiva is very popular worldwide. The peak of popularity comes to the Victorian era, when artists in need rushed to this plot, allowing and uncomfortable to draw a nude female figure and extremely popular among the public, thanks to the combination of three "fetish" - a naked woman, loosely beautiful hair and beautiful horse. She is devoted to poems, novels, songs, movies.

This is how the famous English poet Alfred Tennison in 1830 describes this event.

I waited for a train in Coventry, pushing
In the crowd of the people on the bridge, looked
On three tall towers - and in the poem
Etrays one of the ancient locals.

We are not alone - the fruit of new days, the last
Sowing times, in his impatience
Stretching in the distance is gossiping, -
We are not alone, from whose idleness does not come off
Good and evil, we have the right to
What are we're committed to the people: HOW
Spouse Count Coventry that rules
Back to that almost thousands
Loved his people and underwent
No less than us. When tax is heavy
Count posted his city and before the castle
With children crowded mothers and loud
They sounded screams: "Submit us threatens
Hungry death! "- In the county chambers,
Where is the graph, with his Arshina beard
And half-manted griva
Chagal among the dogs, went in a year
And, told about the screams, repeated
Molub of the people: "Podachi threaten
Hungry death! "Count from amazement
Revealed his eyes. "But you for this bastard
Mizinza do not hide! "He said.
"I dare agree!" - objected
He is homework. Count crushed,
Peter and Paul loud sneak
Then by diamond earrings
Hodium clicked: "Rosskazni!" - "But what
To prove? "- answered Hodieva.
And rigid like garbage izawa, heart
Did not flutter. "Cut, - Milns, -
By city Nagaya - and taxes
I will cancel, "she nodded mockingly
And she walked among the dogs from the hall.

Such an answer struck Godroom. Thoughts
Like vortices, spoke in it and long
Led the struggle until won
Their compassion. In Coventry Gerold
Then she sent the city
I learned when the pipe sounds about the shame,
Assigned Godiv: Only this
I could easily make it easier
His walk. Godiva love, let him
Up to half a day none leg
Does not stop on the threshold and none
Will not look at the street: let everything
Put the doors, let down in the windows of the shutters
And at the hour of her travels will be at home.

Then she hurriedly rose
Upstairs, unbuttoned
Orls on Belt Belt - Gift
Harsh spouse - and on the moment
Slowed down, pale, as a summer month,
Half-closed cloud ... but immediately
Shook his head and threw
Almost before the wave of hair heavy,
Clothes quickly dropped, scratched
Down the oak stairs - and came out
Sliding like a beam among the columns, to the goal,
Where I stood her favorite horse,
All in Purple, with worn coat of arms.

On it she got into the way - like Eve
As a genius chastity. And measurement
Barely breathe from fear, even air
In those streets where she rode.
Razing the mouth, sly, after her
Job mowed. Tanking docking
She threw her in paint. Sound of horseshoe
Scared like a thunder thunder. Each Stove
There was a full hole. Fancy Tolpay
The spiers of the houses stole. But yearva,
Fixing, farther went on while
In the gothic arches of fortifications
Did not filmed a white white
Bushes thick blooming elderberry.

Then back went homework -
As a genius chastity. There was someone
Whose lowness on this day gave the beginning
Proverb: He did in shutter
And I wanted, all trembling, getting to her,
How his eyes got dressed in darkness
And leaked, - yes triumphs forever
Good over evil. Hydish reached
In the ignition of the castle - and only
Entered his chambers as hit
And thawed from all the inconspicuous towers
Crashing noon. In the mantle, in the crown
She met her spouse, took off
From the people the severity of the filings - and became
Since then, the immortal in the memory of the people.

Translation of I.Bunina

Lady Godiva Statue in Old Town Hall. Coventry
  • In the XIX century, two European playwright included the history of Lady Godiva in their plays. In the play "Montna Bath" Maurice Meterlink, the owner of the Nobel Prize in literature for 1911, turned Lady to go to the Italian noble lady. For the sake of salvation of the native pisa from hunger, it is inferior to the requirements of a considerable enemy general and appears in his camp, covering the naked body. Austrian playwright Arthur Schnitser created a similar way to generated image in the play "Freylene Elsa". After receiving the order to appear naked in front of a person, from whom the life of her father depended, the heroine was unable to resolve the conflict between modesty and love for his father. Elsa chose to commit suicide.
  • Miss "Lady Godiva" 1929
  • Lady godiva "with a crushed red mane" mentions Osip Mandelstam:

    With the world, I was only guys connected
    Oysters was afraid of the guards watched improber -
    And I don't owe him a bit of soul,
    As I tormented myself in someone else's likely.

    With the importance of stupid, bypassing, in the beaver miter
    I did not stand under the Egyptian portist of the bank,
    And over the lemon Neva under the crunch of storublu
    I ever never danced Gypsy.

    Caution coming execution, from the rebellious rebel
    I ran away to Neretam on the Black Sea,
    And from the beauties of the then - from those European dear -
    How much I accepted embarrassed, Nadssad and Grief!

    So why so far this city will contact
    My thoughts and feelings are in ancient right?
    It is also frost from fires.
    Proud, damned, empty, you can ago!

    Not because I saw in a children's picture
    Lady godov with a flushed red mane,
    I repeat more about myself under the Surdine:
    - Lady God, farewell ... I do not remember, it is desired ...

    January 1931.

  • Lady Godiva mentions Sasha black in the poem "City Fairy Tale" ("... Stan, like Lady Godiva")
  • Lady Godiva refers to Joseph Brodsky in the "Lithuanian nocturne" ("At midnight, any speech / acquires a piece of blind; so even the" depreciation "to the touch - as a lady godiva")
  • In the story of Sergey Lukyanenko "Temptation" is mentioned Lady Cadiv, who also drove naked through the streets of the city so that her husband cancel taxes. And she passed more than once.
  • Mandy Godiva Book Dean Yeagle
  • Peter Gabriel mentions the name of Lady Godiva in his song Modern Love: "For Lady Godiva I Came Incognito / But Her Driver Had Stolen Her Red Hot Magneto".
  • Freddie Mercury mentions Lady Godiva in the song Don't Stop Me Now: "I'm a racing car passing by Like Lady Godiva".
  • The British group Placebo mentions in his song "Peeping Tom" of a peeping volume, which is watching the distance behind an unknown girl.
  • Lady Godiva mentions Boris Grebenshchikov in the song "Steel" ("Well, if someone is not yet already / and the soul like that Lady riding in negligee").
  • The Velvet Underground group mentions the name of Lady Godiva in his song "Lady Godiva's Operation".
  • The German metal group Heaven SHALL BURN has a Godiva song, as well as a fragment of the picture of John Color "Lady Godiva" is depicted on the cover of Veto album.
  • The Boney M group in 1993 recorded the song "Lady Godiva" (1993). She was first published in the same year on the MORE GOLD album.
  • The Mother Love Bone Group has published the song "Lady Godiva Blues" on the album Mother Love Bone 1992 and at reprinting Apple album.
  • English Video Clear and Singer Alex Day recorded the song "Lady Godiva", in which the legend of the Countess is told.
  • Probably the first film was in the United States in 1911. Director James Stewart Blackton, as Lady Godiva - Julia Suein Gordon. The poem of the famous Alfred Tennison was the literary basis of the scenario.
  • In the first episode of the series "Black Mirror", the story of Lady Godiva is played.
  • 2 series ("Magic NU") 7 seasons of the series "Enchanted" about Lady Godiva.
  • One of the plots of the Russian comedy series "DBM" (2000-2003) is called "Lady Godiva". The plot is dedicated to the naked hide.

Lady Hodiva again in the saddle - the British film of 1951. Director - Frank Londder.

In 1955, American director Arthur Lyubin took off the legend of the Full-length feature film "Lady Godiva of Coventry". The main role in the painting was performed by the Irish actress Maureen O'Hara in the 1950s.

Gina Lolubbishda in the American comedy Melvin Frank "Strange Spouses" (Strange Bedfelows, 1965).

Also, you can also forget the erotic "Lady Godiva Rides" (Lady Lady trips) of 1966 from the director Stephen C. Apostolof with Marsha Jordan in the lead role. The name of the film has nothing to do with the classical English legend, except the same name of the main character and also having a scene of her ride on a nude. Otherwise, this is a frank erotic comedy, with a parody of Western.
"Legend of Lady Godiva" - the Belarusian short cartoon, released in 2004 by the Belarusfilm film studio.


Already in the XXI century, Heath Jones took off the Lady Godiva movie: Back In The Saddle (2007). The film Founded the plot, which is blackwidded by the leader's local mafia, Ray Carlton, the mayor of the city with a slightly modified name Downtown Coventry Derek Osbourne allows the construction of a luxurious casino on the site of the park, where the famous medieval lady's famous trip occurred. His ex-wife, American Catherine Osbourne (in her role Caroline Harker) decides to prevent the death of the urban shrine. Together with the group of associates, it organizes ... Something like a feet of a lady!

And again the classic version of the legend. XI century. England. God-groaving wife of the Saxon Nobleman Leofrica - Lord Coventry. Noticing that with her people brutally appeal and taxed by life tax, she boldly opposes her husband and decides to drive a naked through the streets of Coventry as a sign of disobedience. She proclaimed that no one would look at her nudity (with the exception of "overly curious people") and triumph won - her husband and King Edward agreed and canceled taxes.

Actress and Cascader Emily Coke (Emily Cox) during the filming of the historic recreation of the legend of Lady Godiva on St. Anne's Square (St. Ann's Square) in Manchester. January 18, 2008.

Moscow, September 5, 2014. Naked girl riding on a white horse drove on Friday afternoon through the central streets of the capital. The photo of modern lady godiva has already appeared in many social networks. Famous Russian TV presenter Tina Kandelaki photographed on a mobile phone naked hide and posted a photo on her page in Instagram. "Just .. in the city center. Now is so fashionable? Naked queen?", - commented on the TV presenter with a naked girl. The event occurred on the Tverskaya Street of Moscow, reports LifeNews. Girl sitting on a white horse, undressed, after which she moved ahead along the road. Later it turned out that the "Naked Queen" is an actress, and this perforant is the shooting of the film. At the same time, the team decided not to brake traffic during episode filming. Many eyewitnesses did not even understand what was on the set. Note that social network users with humor reacted to a naked hide. Some dubbed her queen Margo, others made a girlfriend a compliment on her appearance. "Ah! How old she is (...) And it looks nice," wrote Dshleymo and Denisbuzmakov users in Instagram. There were also assumptions among people that the rider participates in the filming of a pornographic film.

The image of the gods, like the "genius chastity," ray of light, "arises from Alexander Green, who almost in every work tried to solve the universal, moral and philosophical problems of good and evil, nobility and meanness, love and hatred. At the beginning of the third chapter of the novel "Jesse and Morgiana" Green writes: " Jessie went around all the lower rooms; I even went to the Cabinet of Trengan, who stood intact after his death, and drew attention to the picture "Lady Hodiva". According to a deserted street, she drove on horseback, step, exhausted, naked woman, - beautiful, with tears in the eyes, trying to hide the nudity with a cloak of long hair. The servant who led her horse around the ultieu, walked, lowering his head. Although the windows shutters were closed, there was one person who saw Lady Godiva, - the viewer of the painting itself; And it seemed to Jesse deceit. "How so," she said, "from compassion and delicacy, the inhabitants of the city locked the shutters and did not go outside, until the unfortunate punished lady suffered from the cold and shame; And the inhabitants of those, right, there were no more than two or three thousand, - and how many spectators have seen at the canvas now?! And I also. Oh, the inhabitants were delicate of us! If you can portray the case with a oneva, then it is necessary to be true to his spirit: draw the inside of the house with closed shutters, where in trembling and indignation - because hears the slow knock of the hoofs - the tenants have picked up; they are silent, popping up; One of them is handing hand: "Not a word about it. TS-S! " But in the slot of shutters penetrated the pale light of light. This is homework».

Edward Henry Corbould.
Edward Henry Corbaldo
Marshal Claskton
Alfred Joseph Wolter

In the picture of Alfred Joseph Woolmer, perhaps the only case when someone from the audience mocks or refers without respect for the year.
William Howard
Ancient engraving jones
based on jones engravings. Florence Weston.

Solemnly knocking horseshoes about a cobblestone.
And stopped Coventry in anxious waiting,
And from the hair is a simple robe
Shelled the body, and no one came out,
So that the inappropriate to lay down a sinful look
The one that, despusting laws and decency,
Having only hair in stock,
He told about himself: "Terp and Believe, so necessary ..."
Jules Joseph Lefevev
E.Letsier. Lady Godiva prayer, 1865
Edith Arkwright, 1882
Vint 1936 Irene Patten

Balthus (Balthasar Kłossowski de Rola 1908-2001)
"Girl On a White Horse" 1941
Fred D. Jones, 1950

Remedios Varo, 1959
Salvador Dali, 1971

Marco Bronzini.
Mirek deja.

Josephin Wall.
Anastasia Rowersova
Gregor Yakubovsky

Alexandra Nedzvetskaya. Lady Godiva
Felicia Cano.

Kirsi Salonen.

Chris Rolins

Nestor Martinez.

Karla Gudeon.
Ladies Godiva by Rudi Hurzlmeier

Laura InkSetter.

by Patricio Betteo, Via Flickr
sarah Jane Szikora
Lorelay Bove.
Jonna Brasch
Kate Smith


Monica Delgado.
Valérie Melançon.
Ruth Powers.
TherovingHedgehog on Etsy
Hans Arnold.
by MagellansBellystudio.

Mariano Vargas.

by Muse1908.

Lady godiva by blackbanshee80.de. ON @Deviantart.

Deborah Van Auten.
George Frederick Watts.
Dora LEIGH. So myself gives the future

Steampunk Lady Godiva, Winonacookie

by Jeff Macnelly

"Dali, the great master of surrealism, allocated the image of Lady Godiva as one of his favorites. This sculpture according to the plan was given to glorify femininity and sensuality. The arrangement of the arrival of the year, butterflies do not just flute around her and her noble horse - they become a precious decoration of her body. . Lady Godiva embodies earthly beauty. Butterflies symbolize the world of unearthly beauty. "

John Thomas. Maidston Museum, Kent, England. XIX century

Lady Godiva - Watch in Coventry
Horse and Lody Godiva were made of wood students in 1950

by Isaac Kahn.
Ale Yalonetski

bronze statuette, L. Mignon, Belgium, OK.1890
by Tania Babb.

Godiva (2013) by Joao Ruas
Acrylic, fabriano and wood

Wedgwood Lady Godiva Plate
The topic is of great popularity in our days. What is at least the work of Salvador gave on this plot, and the picturesque and sculptural. Yes, and now new works with a lady appear very often. Another thing is that now in many ways lost the dramatic moment of self-sacrifice, most often it is either an image of a naked beauty riding in the style of some forest goddess of beauty or just an erotic image, recreated in marble, clay, bronze, on the tapestry, on the baits of painters ...

And even on the wrap of chocolate, worthy of kings, the quality and sophistication of which were always valued by the royal families:
  • The Queen of England has a habit of personally attending Harrods shop to choose the favorite grade of Godiva chocolate.
  • At the secular receptions of the Queen of the Netherlands, Godiva praline is served.
  • Belgium's king buys Godiva Easter eggs. Chocolate "Godiva" official supplier of the Belgian Royal Court.
  • Also served on the official ceremonies of the Cannes Film Festival.

Almost 80 years ago, ambitious, but then no one else is a well-known Brussels Condeter Joseph Drops (Joseph Draps) caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new generation of a premium brand of chocolate candies - with a smooth surface, an original stuffing from selected cocoa varieties and certainly in the exquisite handmade packaging. When the chocolate came up with the name of his new creation, he involuntarily remembered the beautiful story about the magnificent Anglo Saxon Countess, and since then on every box of adorable gourmets of sweets glitters the golden monogram 'Godiva'! It is the image of a godiva that combined the passion and purity, became a symbol of Drops products and, of course, only a very lucky businessman can open the angel-keeper - 450 boutiques worldwide! Over the past years, many Hollywood and European celebrities have managed to visit the Food Brand, and Anna Nicole Smith Anna Nicole Smith (Anna Nicole Smith). But none of them could have been able to compete with the legendary way Lady Godiva - sweet tooths are still looking for candy and gingerbread printing with the image of a slim naked rider, and if they do not find it, they regard the bought as a fake!

Autumn godiva 2010.
One of the preliminary options for the design of the "autumn" tin for Candy Godiva artist-illustrator from New York Zelda Devon.

Probably, this drink should like the lovers of early Igor Northerners, with his phiol and dreamers:

Rocking Grezerki(1911) [L. D. Zhardina]

How to dream good to you
In hammock Kamyshovom
Over a mystical eye - over a festine pond!
How Dreams - Surprisers
Over the rocking chair of the greek
Estimated to be silent: that is - the faithful, then - the stitch!

What a miracle and day!
Then you are lady godiva,
After a moment - Iolanta, through the moment you are Safo! ..
It's worth turning you -
And the heart lights up:
Everything in the world is possible, everything is nothing for you!

You will drive left -
Queen Queen,
Lord of the Blue Antelope Planet,
Where from the spherical sighs
Such such
What rubbs the porphy the ordinary coaster!

You will drive right -
Smile to you glory
And get your name as flowers of paradise clubs;

Will thunder your name
And in oversized smoke
You will go to the ground, - Mirozdania Columbus!

And you are swinging for
Where is the flashing beads,
You will comprehend the secret: eternal life process.
And dream surprisers
Over the rocking chair of the greek
Imprint in the capricious, but immortal excess!

Unfortunately, truth is simple and is that it is a banal alcohol version of the famous chocolate candy company of the same name. There is in two versions: one - from white chocolate, the second one of the dark. Liquor likes chocolate addicts and nimblets. Released since 1992. Usually it is used as an additive in coffee with cream to produce a dark chocolate-mochemical hybrid or fed to black coffee as a dessert.

Shocolatini cocktail: Fragrant combination based on vodka and godiva liqueur.
"Shocolatini" is a dream cocktail. Sweet chocolate greetings from childhood, cooked in an adult. To enjoy the real "Chocolatini", you will need creamy beylis, corporate chocolate liquor Godiva, as well as high-quality vodka and some black chocolate.
Irish Creamy Baylis Liquor - 40 ml, Vodka - 30 ml, Chocolate Liquor Godiva - 10 ml, Chocolate chips (for decoration), ice - 3-4 pcs.
Cocktail "Shocolatini" is prepared according to the Shake & Strain method. Put the large cocktail shaker on the bottom of the big cocktail shaker. Add vodka, creamy and chocolate liqueurs. Shake hard so that the cocktail liquid becomes homogeneous and sufficiently cooled. Strain in a frozen wineglass for Martini. Before feeding "Chocolatini" is recommended to decorate with black chocolate chip.
Lady Godiva. Czech Perfume Bottle.

Gladiolus "Lady Godiva"

Pumpkin gleoty lady godiva

Interesting interpretation of legends in the online game "Legend: Legacy of Dragons."

Lady Godiva rose in the family of noble venomazby, not keeping grief and alarms. Having reached the majority, the girl was given to his wife famous Warrior. The union of two loving hearts promised to be long and cloudless. But fate ordered a young woman in a different life path ...
Hallets of Military residents of Haira burst into the next city and staged a bloody massacre there. Save the Unfortunate Departed the detachment of brave warriors led by Lady Godiva's husband. But on trouble, numerous troops of Magmarov turned out to be stronger. Fearless heroes were broken and captured.
When the terrible message came to Lady Godiva, she immediately decided, by all means to rescue the beloved, even if even the price of his own life. Forgetting about fear, she went to the enemies in a deposited city. Surprised by such courage, Magmara listened to the wonderful staff. Her words caused unrestrained and wild laughter of the leader. Looking down to the head of the girl, he put forward the demand: if she passes naked through the whole city, then her husband will remain alive. Magmara realized that Lady Godiva was too modest, defissible and chastity to go through such humiliation. For the person of her rank and education, it was a cruel test.
On the sunrise, a young woman came out of the gate of the mansion. Her long loose hair flowed with luxurious gold curls, covering the nakedness of the flawless body. The inhabitants were filled and admired by the courage of the girl, the residents closed the shutters of the houses, no one dared to look at her. Gondo raising his head, Lady Godiva passed through the whole city and entered the enemy camp. She fulfilled its part of the contract, now they came to keep their word. But the thirsty of the blood of Magmara in front of the unfortunate treacherously and mercilessly killed her husband ...
In a few months, the World FEO was shocked by the appearance of a new brave warrior. It is difficult to believe how deftly this ramp girl reflected heavy blows to the sword, as gracefully held himself in the saddle, as confidently and guide behaved with an opponent. So began the victorious path of the greatest FEO warriors in the world - Lady Godiva. She admires his steady will to victory and persistence, because she does not just takeast on the death of her beloved, she struggles for her native land. Natural softness and attentiveness are incredibly combined in it with purposefulness and endurance. She plunges into the thrill of the strongest enemies, masterfully owning the sword and fearlessly invading the very thick of bloody battle. The legendary Mercenaries clan with pride accepted a brave warrior in his ranks. As it turned out to be destined to over, the true presenlation of Lady Godiva is to be a warrior, the great warrior ...

Lady Godiva Symbol of Hounds Godiva from Coventry (GGK) - an athletics club founded in 1879. The club currently has many international athletes.

Lady Godiva is the same and experimental pulse nuclear reactor built in the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The reactor name was obtained due to the fact that his active zone was completely naked - no biological protection, neutron reflectors, or even the housing was not provided (parts of the uranium kernel were fixed on a metal frame). Despite the fact that most of the actions with the device were remotely performed, due to the lack of biological protection, the device remained extremely dangerous. So, Otto Frish's experimentator once died almost died, approaching the godov's assembled kernel. The human body reflects neutrons well, and approaching a person to the core brought it into criticality. On February 12, 1957, an emergency output of the device for criticality occurred. None of people suffered, but the energy of the nuclear reaction seriously damaged the device, and it was recognized as not suitable for repairs. Later, several more devices similar to the principle of operation were built, but much more perfect: they were controlled completely remotely (in contrast to the first device, in which some actions had to be performed manually), the core was cooled, which made it possible to increase the power of the pulses.

Cook Islands 2013 AG $ 20
In honor of Lady Godiva, Astronomer by Edward Bowell, and asteroid 3018 is named. However, oddly sounds, but sometimes in honor of Lady, the clothing stores get their name.

Coventry coins (semillion) with the image of Lady Godiva. 1792, 1793, 1794
Not far from the former Cathedral of Coventry, a large monument is installed - a lady of God with a lean hair riding a horse. The image of the monument is also placed on the press of Coventry City Council. The statues of the most different sizes of the famous rider and "peeping volume" in many decorate this English city.

In 1966, the name of Lady Godiva suddenly fell on the first strips of newspapers due to completely incredible circumstances. In published in the same year, the book of Peres Debrett, a detailed directory telling about who among the English aristocracy, a new point of view was expressed on the pedigree Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen, among the ancestors of which, as long as he was known, was Wilhelm the conqueror, according to the compilers of the reference book, was also - in the 31st Knee - the descendant of Harold, the monarch, shifted by Wilhelm. After the defeat and death of the Father in the battle near Hastings on October 14, 1066, Harolded's daughter fled to the continent, where he married Vladimir Monomakh, the Grand Duke Kiev. Their descendants can be traced in several European royal dynasties. One of them returned to England during the reign of Eduard II of Plantagenet, the king, cruelly killed in prison in 1327. The meticulous readers of the "books of Debret" traced the pedigree wives of Vladimir Monomakh: she was not someone else like Leofrik, allegedly sent a pious wife on horseback riding along the streets of Coventry. Thus, Queen Elizabeth may argue that he leads its pedigree, among other great, and from Lady Godiva.

Procession in honor of Lady Godiva in Coventry.
David Gee (1839-1911) Mid XIX century.
"Lady Godiva" on the parade in England. 1935

"Lady Godiva" on the parade in England. 1962
The presentation was repeated periodically until 1907, while the robe or rather, the absence of an authority of the role of the role of God was not subject to public reassigns. And in 1907, this reprehensible action was discontinued.

The holiday was renewed in 1998 (in some sources indicated 1988). Old English city is literally flooded with postcards, souvenirs and statues with this plot. Three-day festivals in Coventry attract about 60 thousand people annually. These days are street performances, the show, the fair is working, Pop and Rock Group are opposed to all of England. Today it is a carnival, where many music and songs, whose members are dressed in costumes of the XI century and participate in various contests. The most popular is the competition for the best Lady Godiva. In this competition, women dressed in the toilets of the XI century ladies are participating, and the continued condition of the competition is long golden (or, simple, light) hair. The festive procession begins on the ruins of the first cathedral, which was built in his time the husband of Lady Godiva, then goes along the route laid once brave lady. However, there is nothing in the extreme in this competition - to undress and ride the riding the streets do not need. After all, it is better to do it than Lady Hodilah itself, anyway will not work. In addition, the holiday in Coventry is family and does not imply naked nature.
London (UK) 2001 - Nan Goldin

Amy Vitale as Lady Godiva. Photo: Michael Resnik
However, more than once, the estimated border of Coventry, it was conducted in other cities of the world, which themselves decide whether their festival will decorate the expound symbol of a woman, ready to sacrifice the decency for their people. The most desperate from the contenders, despite the color of their hair, following the example of the legendary Countess, sit on horses and commit, in imitation of heroin, rides are naked.

"Lady Godiva" on the knight's parade

True, the real Lady Hodiva could not sit on such a saddle, like girls from Hyde Park, and both on the picture of John Color too. Men's saddles in those days have already resembled modern, although they are usually made from the tree. The female saddles on the description resembled a chairs, often with the back, on which the pillow was lying. The lady sat sideways on this chair, not just a shine of her legs on one side of the horse, as in the picture of Adam Van Horta, but put them on a suspended table support.

By the way, in 2003, one fine day to the residence of the British Prime Minister for Downing Street, there was a modern Lady Lady in exactly the same attire, or rather without him. She was accompanied by several women demanding from the government tax benefits For working parents who have to hire nanny. Whether the government went to concessions, it is unknown, but the fact itself indicates that the British did not forget about the beautiful Lady.

A. Semaakova. "Bathing Red Sobchak"
Remember her and some scattered. But, as usual, they have it plagatives, it is very similar not to the fact that the plagiarism of Petrova-C-Water, who, the Glasskin Vodkina Glass, overshadowed almost one in one, giving another shady on the century, but also on the original - "Lady Hod "John Color.


1. The modern one has a modern apartment -
Two chocolates and shower.
Would rule the world but the damned pear
Own a strict husband.

The modern one is not those dotted,
The map is posted clearly.
Tomny night shot like in a dash,
Glory to eyes and gait.
At modern one, the recognition of diva -
What are you, gods, gods,
What is there horse, her perspectives
More than someone's taxes.

Clear fit, angry glance and, snack,
Exhalation on everything that is controversial.
This is a good goal, as otherwise.
To the goal, forward - nude.

2. In the eternally young year old, three jeans rule the world,
If only the whole city is a gallop.
Controversial vices, and all the same gods
Open her way hitchhiking
To the stars. And beer in young year
Fun in hand, her legs
Someone kisses who will become idol
Maybe at night, but on time.

This is romance, phrases and thoughts.
Smoke on the lips is joined.
And if in this tremble over unthinkable,
You can drag naked.

3. Gradual gods in the hands of the essence of the world,
It is necessary to clarify the lighter and turn off the light.
And skin feel - smooth flow rushes
Strange gown along the walls closely, a silhouette.

Sake of someone
on the scaffold
as naked succubus.
Or fallen oak.
Lie as on the table in the morgue corpse,
If only someone
I also stayed, as I wanted to be

Well, as a result, everything is empty. The world is sin and stingy.

that's all...

Lady Hodiva in painting, legends, verses and cinema. (H / f Lady Godiva from Coventry (1955)

Recovered post from 09-10-2013 ... All crafts disappeared in it.

William Howard Sullivan Lady Godiva. (auction)

Lady Godiva (Godiva) (980-1067) - Anglo-Saxon Countess, Wife of Leofrik, Earla (Graph) of Mercia, who passed on the legend, naked through the streets of Coventry in the UK to ensure that the graph, her husband, reduce exorbitant taxes for their own subjects.

E. Bleir Leighton Lady Godiva 1892

J. Le Fabre Lady Hodiva

According to legend, it was a wonderful wife of Count Leofrica. The subjects of the graph suffered from exorbitant taxes, and the one was desisted of her husband to reduce the tax oppression. Leofrik promised to reduce taxes if his wife would drive naked on the horse through the streets of Coventry. He was confident that this condition would be completely unacceptable for her. However, one year after all went to this step, although he also schitri - she asked the inhabitants of the city on the appointed day to close the shutters and not look out into the street. So unnoticed, she drove through the whole city.
The graph was amazed by the dedication of the woman and, restraining his word, reduced taxes.
According to some versions of the legend, only one resident of the city of "Peeping Tom) decided to look out of the window, and the same Mig Oplex. By the way, in those edges since then an expression "Curious Tom" has appeared.

John Color Lady Godiva 1898

Most likely, this legend is little related to real events. The life of Leofrica and the homes are described in detail in the chronicles preserved in England.
It is known that Leofrik in 1043 built a Benedictine monastery, who overnight turned Coventry from a small settlement in the fourth largest medieval English city. Leofrica put the monastery of the land and gave to hold the abode of twenty-four villages, and Lady God gave such a number of gold, silver and precious stones, that no monastery of England could compare with him for wealth. God was very devout and after the death of her husband, being on her deathbed, passed all his possessions of the church. Count Leofrik and Lady Hodiva were buried in this monastery.

E.Letsier Prayer Lady Godiva 1865

Jules Joseph Lefevre - Lady Godiva

Lady Hodiva (antique engraving)

However, the events described in the legend, the chronicles are silent.
The story of a naked horseman for the first time mentions the monk of the monastery of St. Alban Roger Vendrover in 1188, and according to her, the events took place on July 10, 1040.
In the future, People's Solve only complemented this legend.
Later in the XIII century, King Eduard I wished to find out the truth about this legend. Investigation of the chronicles confirmed that in Coventry in 1057 and further tax, indeed, was not charged that, however, is not proof of the reality of the events described in the legend.
The detail about the "peeping volume", according to some reports, appeared in 1586, when the Council of the city of Coventry ordered Adam Van North to portray the legend of Lady Godiva in the picture. After the order was performed, the picture was exhibited on the main square of Coventry. And the population was mistakenly accepted by the film of Leofrik, looking out the window, for the disappointing citizen.

Salvador Dali Lady Hodiva

Lady Godiva

Not far from the former Cathedral of Coventry, a monument is established - Lady Hodiva with lean hair riding a horse. The image of the monument is also placed on the press of Coventry City Council.
In 1678, residents of the city established the annual festival in honor of Lady Godiva, preserved to this day. This holiday is a carnival, where many music, songs, and in the evening fireworks. Participants of the carnival dressed in the costumes of the XI century. The procession begins on the ruins of the first cathedral and then goes along the route laid once brave lady. The final part of the festival takes place in the city park at the monument of Lady Godiva. It sounds the music of the time and participants of the holiday compete in various contests, the most popular of which is the competition for the best Lady Godiva. In this competition, women, dressed in the toilets of the ladies of the eleventh century, and the indispensable condition of the competition are long golden hair.

Monument to Lady Godiv in the center of Coventry

The Lady Lady image is quite popular in art. She is devoted to poems and novels. The image is recreated in marble, on the tapestry, on the baits of painters, in the cinema, on TV and even on the wrapper of the chocolate of the company "Hodiva". Archaeologists found stained glass with the image of Lady Godiva, who are now in the preserved church of the first monastery, founded by Leofrica and Hodoya.
In honor of Lady Godiva, an asteroid 3018 Godiva was named.
Whatever it sounds enough, but sometimes in honor of Lady Godiva receive their name stores clothing.
Lady Godiva "with a flushed red mane" mentions Osip Mandelstam in the poem "with the world that I was only guadingly connected ..."

Alexandra Nedzvetskaya Lady Hodiva

William Kholman Hunt Illustration for "Hodel" Tennison

Alfred Tennison's poem in Ivan Bunin.


I waited for a train in Coventry, pushing
In the crowd of the people on the bridge, looked
On three tall towers - and in the poem
Etrays one of the ancient locals.

Edward Henry Corbould (1815-1905) "Lady Godiva"


We are not alone - the fruit of new days, the last
Sowing times, in his impatience
Stretching in the distance is gossiping, -
We are not alone, from whose idleness does not come off
Good and evil, we have the right to
What are we're committed to the people: HOW
Spouse Count Coventry that rules
Back to that almost thousands
Loved his people and underwent
No less than us. When tax is heavy
Count posted his city and before the castle
With children crowded mothers and loud
They sounded screams: "Submit us threatens
Hungry death! "- In the county chambers,
Where is the graph, with his Arshina beard
And half-manted griva
Chagal among the dogs, went in a year
And, told about the screams, repeated
Molub of the people: "Podachi threaten
Hungry death! "Count from amazement
Revealed his eyes. "But you for this bastard
Mizinza do not hide! "He said.
"I dare agree!" - objected
He is homework. Count crushed,
Peter and Paul loud sneak
Then by diamond earrings
Hodium clicked: "Rosskazni!" - "But what
To prove? "- answered Hodieva.
And rigid like garbage izawa, heart
Did not flutter. "Cut, - Milns, -
By city Nagaya - and taxes
I will cancel, "she nodded mockingly
And she walked among the dogs from the hall.

Such an answer struck Godroom. Thoughts
Like vortices, spoke in it and long
Led the struggle until won
Their compassion. In Coventry Gerold
Then she sent the city
I learned when the pipe sounds about the shame,
Assigned Godiv: Only this
I could easily make it easier
His walk. Godiva love, let him
Up to half a day none leg
Does not stop on the threshold and none
Will not look at the street: let everything
Put the doors, let down in the windows of the shutters
And at the hour of her travels will be at home.


Felicia Cano Lady Godiva.

Then she hurriedly rose
Upstairs, unbuttoned
Orls on Belt Belt - Gift
Harsh spouse - and on the moment
Slowed down, pale, as a summer month,
Half-closed cloud ... but immediately
Shook his head and threw
Almost before the wave of hair heavy,
Clothes quickly dropped, scratched
Down the oak stairs - and came out
Sliding like a beam among the columns, to the goal,
Where I stood her favorite horse,
All in Purple, with worn coat of arms.

On it she got into the way - like Eve
As a genius chastity. And measurement
Barely breathe from fear, even air
In those streets where she rode.
Razing the mouth, sly, after her
Job mowed. Tanking docking
She threw her in paint. Sound of horseshoe
Scared like a thunder thunder. Each Stove
There was a full hole. Fancy Tolpay
The spiers of the houses stole. But yearva,
Fixing, farther went on while
In the gothic arches of fortifications
Did not filmed a white white
Bushes thick blooming elderberry.

Then back went homework -
As a genius chastity. There was someone
Whose lowness on this day gave the beginning
Proverb: He did in shutter
And I wanted, all trembling, getting to her,
How his eyes got dressed in darkness
And leaked, - yes triumphs forever
Good over evil. Hydish reached
In the ignition of the castle - and only
Entered his chambers as hit
And thawed from all the inconspicuous towers
Crashing noon. In the mantle, in the crown
She met her spouse, took off
From the people the severity of the filings - and became
Since then, the immortal in the memory of the people.

(Alfred Tennison
Translation of Ivan Bunin.

Josephine Wall Lady Godiva.

Lady Hodieva West Midlands West Midlands, Coventry, England. Horse and Lody Godiva were made of wood students in 1950.

Deborah Van Auten Lady Godiva.

Clock in a ornately carved Wooden Casing. Intricately Carved Clock Case Decorated With Floral Motifs with a Statuette of Lady Godiva on the top. This Piece Was Thought to Have Originated in Charters Towers.

Edith Arkwright Lady Godiva. 1882

In 2003, one day to the residence of the British Prime Minister at Downing Street, there was a modern Lady Godiva on a horse. She was accompanied by a number of women who demanded from the government of tax benefits for working parents who have to hire a nanny. Whether the government went to concessions, I didn't know this, but this case myself indicates that the British did not forget about the beautiful lady.

Lady Godiva from Coventry (1955) Lady Godiva of Coventry Legend of Lady Godiv

In 1955, the American director Arthur Lyubin took off the legend of the Full-length feature film Lady Godiva of Coventry. The main role in the film was performed in the 1950s Irish actress Maureen about Hara.

Surely, each at least once heard about lady Godiva. Brave woman decided to drive along the streets of the city on horseback nude to free from taxes of his inhabitants. In Britain, this character is so popular that all residents are confident in the reality of the legend, the actions of which relate to the beginning of the 11th century. In fact, Lady Hodiva took off his whole clothes for the sake of a common good - we will try to figure it out in this review.

The legend says that Lady Hodiva was the beautiful wife of Count Leofrica (968-1057). Her spouse did not refuse himself the pleasure of attribute to the unbearable taxes of residents of Coventry. From compassion for people of Lady God, several times begged the graph to reduce taxes. Tired of her perseverance, Leofric in the hearts said: If the wife agrees to ride a horse along the streets of the city nude, he will cancel taxes. Lady Hodiva decided on this step and, hiding behind only hair, drove into the city. At this time, all residents sat at home with closed shutters, and only the tailor Tom tried to high into the keyhole. The Lord punished him, and the guy is immediately blind. And the column had to keep the promise.

For the first time, the event in his chronicle mentions the monk Roger Vendrover in 1188, after 100 years after the death of Lady Godiva. He even indicates the exact date of the event - July 10, 1040. Each subsequent century, the legend has finished all the new "details" of the ladies of Lady Godiva.

The legend of Lady Godiv was so popular that in the 13th century, English King Edward I decided to find out the whole truth about such an extraordinary event. According to the authoritative chronicles in 1057 (17 years later, the date declared by Roger) in Coventry was indeed canceled taxes. But neither in one of the official chronicles is not mentioned about the naked lady.

According to real life-writings of Lady Godiva and Leofrik, in 1043 the graph built a Benedictine monastery in Coventry, to whom he spent 24 villages. Lady Godiva, being very devout, made generous donations of the church, and before her death and gave all her lands to the monastery. Count and his spouse buried in that very monastery.

Some researchers find the randering of the naked rider in the pagan folklore. Until the invasion of the Britain of Normanov, the territory of Coventry occupied the tribe of the angles - the Mer.S. who worshiped the goddess year. Every year in the middle of the summer, the goddess honored honors and the marches were arranged, who headed the nude priestess on the horse, personifying the year.

In turn, Catholic priests who could not eradicate pagan beliefs, as a rule, adjusted them to the canons of the Church. Therefore, the image of the pagan deity was tied up with a pious and compassionate lady by a godiva who had achieved tax cancellation. Human Solver is only "polished" legend.
Starting from 1678 and still, residents of Coventry arrange a costume festival in honor of Lady Godiva.
The United Kingdom is a country with an incredibly rich history and traditions. On its territory has been preserved

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