
Duck stewed with apples. Duck stewed in pieces - recipe, duck stewed with apple pieces

Do you want to pamper your family and friends with an unusual, hearty and tasty lunch? Choose duck with apples and you won't go wrong. Whatever recipe you choose, the meat will always be juicy and tender, and the fruit will add an unsurpassed aroma to the dish. In addition, apples are a complete side dish, which in itself is not entirely usual.

If you're wary of braising duck because the meat is tough, opt for farm-raised poultry. The skin of such a carcass has a lighter shade, it does not contain as much fat as in a rustic carcass, and it is lighter in weight. Having chosen the ingredients, select a suitable size roasting pan or cauldron. It is best if it is a cast iron cookware - then the stewed duck will cook faster.

Duck with apples, stewed in wine

The duck recipe described below has such a deliciously delicate creamy taste that you can garnish the meat with even mildly sweet canned fruits - peach, pear and others.


  • duck weighing 2 kilograms
  • 300 grams of carrots
  • 2 apples
  • orange for zest
  • onion
  • celery tuber
  • leek stalk
  • 30-40 grams of butter
  • 1/2 cup cream 20-25% fat
  • glass of dry red wine
  • tablespoon dry savory
  • ground black pepper and salt
Cooking method:

To prepare this dish, we will first begin by cutting the carcass. Clean it of feather residues, if necessary, wash and dry the skin with a paper towel. Cut the carcass into 4 parts and rub with a mixture of pepper and salt. Leave it to soak for a while, and in the meantime take care of the vegetables. Wash them, peel them and cut them into cubes of the same size. By the way, take about 125 grams of celery.

Prepare a duck pot or cast iron cauldron. Heat a bowl over high heat and melt a couple of tablespoons of butter in it. Fry the poultry quarters in oil, placing them skin side down. If the subcutaneous layer of fat is quite thick, pierce the skin in several places with a fork so that excess fat can be rendered out during frying. When the duck acquires a golden color, add the prepared vegetables and, stirring, simmer them in the duck pot for 15 minutes along with the meat. At the end of cooking, pour in a glass of dry red wine.

Next step: turn on the oven and set the temperature to 160 degrees for cast iron cookware and 170 degrees for other metals. When the oven is warm enough, sprinkle the roasted duck with vegetables with dry savory and bake for an hour without a lid. During this time, gradually add 100 milliliters of cream. After the allotted time, carefully remove the dishes and sprinkle the meat with a tablespoon of orange zest. Cover the duck with slices of fresh apples and place in the oven to simmer for the next 10-15 minutes, covered. That's all, the aromatic and tender dish is ready - serve it with noodles, canned peas or fruit. Bon appetit!

Duck stewed with apples and carrots

Another traditional poultry recipe on the holiday table is stewed duck with apples. Use your imagination and add aromatic seasonings to your taste - this will make your dish special and truly unforgettable.


  • duck carcass weighing 2 kilograms
  • 1 kilogram of aromatic sour apples
  • lemon
  • ginger root
  • salt and black ground pepper
Cooking method:

As usual, we suggest starting the preparation with cutting the carcass. Wash it thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Next, proceed to the actual cutting of the bird. Cut off its wings and legs, cut out the tail so that the scent gland does not spoil the dish with a specific smell. Using a sharp knife, make an incision along the breastbone and cut off the fillet using short, frequent movements. Do not remove the bones from the hams. You should have 2 breasts, 2 legs and 2 wings. Mix a grated piece of ginger root (about 3cm long) with salt and pepper and rub generously over the duck pieces. Let the meat brew for 30-40 minutes.

The recipe moves from preparation to simmering. Heat a cast-iron cauldron over medium heat, place pieces of duck in it, skin side down. Fry the meat until a crust appears, then pour in a glass of cold water and leave to simmer, covered, for 40-50 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater and place in a cauldron. It's time to add a touch of flavor and tenderness to the recipe. Juicy and sour apples will help us with this. Remove the seeds from the fruits and cut into large slices. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and pour it over the apples. This way the fruit will not darken and will retain its flavor during cooking. Add apple slices to the cauldron and simmer for 15 minutes. Serve the dish hot and enjoy the wonderful taste - bon appetit!

Duck stewed in apple sauce

Perhaps below we will give the simplest recipe for cooking duck. Stewed with apples over low heat, it turns out unusually tender and aromatic. We are sure that you will get a lot of pleasure from the taste of the dish, while spending a minimum of effort on its preparation.


  • duck weighing 1.8-2 kilograms
  • large apples - 4 pieces
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • sprig of rosemary
  • carnation
Cooking method:

Divide the washed duck into portions and place in a saucepan. Peel and core two apples and cut into large pieces. Divide the fruit between the duck pieces and top with a sprig of rosemary. If you don't have fresh spice, use dried rosemary needles. Cover the saucepan with a lid and place it over medium heat. As soon as the duck gives juice, pour in a glass or two of hot water. The dish needs to simmer for at least an hour and a half until the apples are boiled into a sauce. Periodically check the meat for doneness; if you get a bird that is a little old, extend the cooking time and do not forget to add water.

Wash the remaining apples and core them. Cut into 4 pieces and place in the sauce between the duck pieces. Salt the dish and add freshly ground pepper. The ideal combination of flavors would be a mixture of white, pink and black pepper, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any on hand. After you put fresh apples in the cauldron, simmer the dish for another 15 minutes, then you can call your household members to the table - the dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Duck with apples and prunes in the sleeve

Not every housewife has a duck pot or a cast iron cauldron. No problem! A tasty and healthy dinner can be prepared using a baking sleeve and a regular baking sheet. We have already found a suitable poultry recipe for you.


  • large duck carcass
  • 70 grams of pitted prunes
  • 2 green apples
  • tablespoon soy sauce
  • tablespoon lemon juice
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • pepper and salt to taste
Cooking method:

While you haven't cut the duck yet, cut a piece of roasting sleeve the length of one and a half carcasses. Then start cutting up the bird: cut off the tail, excess fat and chop into portions. In a separate bowl, mix liquid honey, soy sauce and lemon juice. Pour this marinade over the duck and rub it well with your hands. Let it sit for an hour in the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, start cutting fruit. Cut the peeled and cored apples into cubes. Soak the prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes. Choose smoked dried fruit - this will give the dish a special piquancy. So, you’ve finished with the fruit, it’s time to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While it's heating, place salted and peppered poultry and sliced ​​fruit into a roasting rack. Loosely pinch the ends of the sleeve with clips and place in the oven for one and a half to two hours.

When the meat is separated from the bone, remove the baking sheet and carefully transfer the contents of the sleeve into a deep bowl. Drain the liquid and place the stewed duck, apples and prunes on a wide platter. Grind some of the fruit with a blender and pour in a little of the liquid formed during the baking process. Add a pinch of pepper to the resulting sauce and pour into a gravy boat. The dish will be an incredible success if you boil rice as a side dish. Place a mound of rice on a plate, pour the sauce over it and add pieces of poultry and fruit. Bon appetit!

As you can see, cooking delicious food with us is not difficult. Even with a modest amount of ingredients you can make a dish that tastes luxurious. Among other things, while we are stewing the dish, it becomes possible to do our own thing. Cook easily and simply - create culinary masterpieces with inspiration!

Duck- a bird that has traditionally begun to head the festive table. Recently, the taste of duck with apples has been undeservedly forgotten, replacing it with exotic dishes from this delicate bird: Peking duck, duck in soy sauce, duck with oranges.... But still, the taste of childhood - baked apples with sweetish meat a tender duck is incomparable to any exotic. There are, if not thousands, then hundreds of ways to prepare this dish. A wide variety of spices are used to add flavor: thyme, rosemary, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and many others. You can rub the duck using the classic version - salt mixed with black pepper, or you can use honey or marinate with lemon juice. In any case, the dish that proudly adorned the table of noble Russians will be joyfully welcomed on your table.


1) Wash the duck carcass thoroughly. If the duck is poorly plucked, then the carcass should be scorched over a fire, and then, to remove the remaining feathers, sprinkle with flour and wipe well with a towel. Cut into pieces, removing the tail and rump.

2) Prepare a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, ground black pepper and salt. Rub the resulting mixture onto the duck pieces, let stand for half an hour and place in a duck pot or cast iron cauldron. Simmer over low heat for at least 40 minutes.

4) Prepare the apples. Wash the fruits of sweet and sour varieties, cut into pieces, remove seeds, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the apples and mix thoroughly. Lemon juice adds a piquant aroma and prevents the apples from darkening when cooked. Add apples to the cauldron and simmer for 10-15 minutes.


duck carcass - 2 kg, apples - 1 kg, carrots 1 kg, lemon - 1/2 pcs., ginger, cinnamon, ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

Housewives do not really like to cook duck or duck meat due to the high fat content. The fat is rendered during frying, and then simply remains in the roasting pan or on a baking sheet. Of course, you can remove the skin and prepare a dietary dish from duck breast fillet, but you can do it differently. A large amount of onion will help you cook duck in pieces in a frying pan very tasty.


Recipe for duck in a frying pan in pieces with onions

Dish: Main course

Preparation time: 30 min.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes.


  • 1 kg duck meat
  • 500-600 g onions
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • black pepper
  • salt

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to fry duck in pieces in a frying pan

1. Wash the duck meat and cut into pieces. You can take a whole duck or its individual parts.

2. Heat the frying pan well, but do not overheat, add oil and fry the duck pieces over high heat until golden brown.

3. Peel the onions, cut them into slices or half rings.

4. Add onion to duck meat.

5. Cover the frying pan with a lid. If you have a large metal bowl the size of a frying pan, you can cover the duck with onions with it. This will create additional convection of hot air. Reduce heat to medium and fry duck for 5-6 minutes.

6. Open the lid, mix the duck pieces with onions and continue cooking for another half hour, stirring the contents periodically.

7. After this, add salt to the dish, add pepper to taste and continue cooking in an open frying pan over moderate heat until the onions are caramelized. Usually a quarter of an hour is enough.

Ready fried duck with onions can be served as a separate hot dish or with a side dish of rice and mashed potatoes.

Duck meat ranks second in popularity after chicken. The second line goes to duck due to its high fat content, which must be rendered properly so as not to dry out the meat. And while roasting poultry may require some culinary experience on your part, stewing can be done even by beginners. We will share several simple and interesting recipes for stewed duck pieces below.

Duck and apples are a classic combination that will serve you well if you don’t want to take risks and surprise your guests with unusual flavor combinations. In this recipe, we will complement the dish with coriander and a couple of cinnamon sticks so that the bird has a pronounced spicy aroma.

  • duck legs - 2 pcs.;

  • apples - 210 g;

  • apple juice - 245 ml;

  • onions - 95 g;

  • cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.;

  • coriander - 1/2 teaspoon;

  • water - 115 ml.

As we noted above, duck is very rich in subcutaneous fat, and therefore, before starting to stew, the bird must be fried so that excess fat is rendered. Trim any fat hanging from the edges of the skin and place the duck pieces in the hot pan. Fry until the skin is nicely browned. Transfer the legs to a roasting pan, pour in a spoonful of the rendered fat and add the apple and onion pieces. Add spices. The remaining fat can be poured into a jar and stored for use in other recipes.

Fill the contents of the frying pan with a mixture of water and juice, place the dishes in the oven and leave everything to simmer for 1 hour 10 minutes. While stewing, look under the lid of the roasting pan a couple of times, making sure that all the liquid has not evaporated from the pan. Duck braised in pieces in the oven is served immediately after cooking, just remember to get rid of the cinnamon sticks.

This simple poultry stew with potatoes recipe is ideal for cooking during the cold season. Firstly, the dish can warm and satisfy you in winter, and secondly, it is prepared from a simple minimum of available products.

Before preparing the stewed duck pieces, cut the bird carcass into pieces and brown them in a dry frying pan until they have a distinct ruddy color. Drain off excess fat, add a little butter and flour the meat. After stirring, fill the contents of the frying pan with water and let the liquid boil. After peeling the vegetables, cut them into pieces of arbitrary size and place them with the duck. Leave the dish to simmer over low heat for an hour.

Before cooking, soak the beans overnight. After browning the bacon and sausage, drain off excess fat and mix the pieces with the beans. Add garlic, carrot pieces and onions and leave the vegetables to brown slightly. Add the thyme and bay leaves, then add the wine, water and tomatoes. While the liquid comes to a boil, brown the duck pieces and drain off any excess fat. Place the bird in the roasting pan with the beans and leave everything to simmer in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 1 hour 40 minutes. Serve the hot stew sprinkled with a handful of parsley.

If you want to impress your guests with a spectacular presentation, definitely bake the duck. But if you just want to feed everyone and enjoy the impeccable flavor of tender duck meat, definitely choose stew. The process of baking this bird is very long, labor-intensive and requires almost constant attention. But it’s difficult to guarantee a tasty result, unfortunately. It's much faster and easier to prepare stewed duck in pieces. The first recipe involves the use of apples, the second - prunes. Both variations are quite successful and reliable, take your pick!

Juicy stewed duck meat with tender apples and piquant spices

A simplified variation of your favorite holiday dish. Baking a whole carcass with apples is a big risk for inexperienced cooks. And stewing the pieces is a pleasure. Simple and delicious!

List of required ingredients:

* Any spices that go well with duck and that you like are suitable.

How to deliciously stew pieces of young duck with apple slices (step-by-step recipe):

Cut the duck carcass along the tendons into small pieces. If desired, remove meat from bones and skin. This will make it more convenient to eat, but with bones the dish will be more juicy. Pluck out any remaining feathers. Rinse. Be sure to remove moisture from the surface of the bird with paper towels - water will interfere with the absorption of the marinade. Place the prepared pieces in a deep bowl.

Prepare a flavorful marinating mixture. Crush the peeled garlic cloves into a paste using a press. Pour in sunflower or olive oil. Add salt. Add seasoning. I had a 5 spice mixture and it goes very well with both duck and apples. I prepared it myself: I mixed ground cinnamon, fennel seeds, star anise, cloves and Szechuan pepper in equal proportions. It turned out very aromatic, spicy, moderately spicy. If you are not used to eating these components, replace them with the more familiar Provençal seasoning. Please note that their composition may vary. You can also assemble a “bouquet” for pickling yourself. Duck suits: lemon, cumin, basil, coriander, thyme, rosemary, ginger, etc.

Stir so that the oil “makes friends” with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the marinade over the duck. Distribute the mixture among the pieces with your hands, massaging movements. Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes. If you plan to marinate longer, cover the bowl and place in the refrigerator.

Fry the marinated poultry in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown. Cook over moderate heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. There is no need to use additional oil, because... there is quite enough of it in the marinade, and the duck has a lot of subcutaneous fat, which will be rendered out during the frying process.

Place pieces of fried poultry in a roasting pan, cauldron, duck pot or slow cooker. You can also simmer directly in a frying pan if its volume allows. Remove the core from the apples. Trim the peel as desired. It will become soft during simmering, but will help the apple slices retain their shape. It is advisable to use apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties. Cut the fruit pulp into cubes or slices - as you like. Transfer to the duck. Stir. Add salt. Pour in approximately 200 ml of clean water or meat broth. Simmer the duck over low heat for 60-80 minutes (depending on the quality of the meat and the breed of duck) until soft.

Serve the dish hot. Be sure to add an apple garnish to your plate with the tender duck. It turns out very tasty!

Braised duck with prunes and onions

Sourish prunes and your favorite seasonings are the perfect complement to hearty poultry meat. A great dish for any side dish.


Recipe for duck stewed with prunes:

If you have a whole carcass in front of you, cut it into pieces. I already had a prepared set for extinguishing. Wash and dry the bird. Make sure there are no feather stumps left.

Heat sunflower oil in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. Put in the cream. When it has melted and the mixture is well heated, add the first portion of duck to fry. To achieve a crispy crust that will retain all the juices when stewing inside, fry 2-3 pieces at a time. There is no need to bring the meat to readiness, so frying will be quick - 3 minutes on each side over medium heat. Place the finished duck in a stewing vessel.

Chop the onion into halves or quarters of rings. Sauté it in the fat remaining after frying the bird. When it becomes transparent, transfer it to the duck.

Rinse the prunes thoroughly in warm water to remove any small debris.

Place prunes and peeled but whole cloves of garlic into the container with the duck. Stir. Add 1-1.5 glasses of drinking water. If you want the gravy to be thick, fry 1 tbsp in a dry frying pan. l. wheat flour until light golden brown. Also send to the duck. Stew poultry for 1-1.2 hours. If the duck is young and not domesticated, then cooking will take about 40 minutes. 10-15 minutes before expected readiness, add the remaining spices and salt. Stir.

Serve with your favorite side dish - potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat, etc.

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