
How to make kvass from oat grains. Kvass from oats - step-by-step recipes, benefits and harms. Useful properties of oat kvass

How can kvass help?

It is worth noting that the traditional version of making kvass does not involve the inclusion of oats. Basically, it was prepared using bread. Not long ago, the recipe for this ancient drink was supplemented with another preparation option. Kvass made from oats is not inferior to the common rye drink in its beneficial properties and taste. Supporters of alternative medicine believe that the influence that kvass can have on people is simply invaluable. Traditional healers recommend drinking oat kvass to people who have:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
mental and nervous disorders;
disturbances in the body's metabolic processes;
brittle, unhealthy nails, hair loss.

Oat kvass is often offered to people who want to lose weight. The drink helps rid the body of toxins and other accumulated waste products. Old Russian kvass made from oats is also capable of restoring the protective functions of the immune system. At home (benefits and harms, videos, tips on preparation - all this can be useful to anyone who believes in the healing properties of kvass), anyone can make such a drink, but more on this later.

The way the world works is that it is almost impossible to find ideal healthy people who do not have any of the above-mentioned symptoms. Therefore, an oat intoxicated drink is suitable for almost everyone. Our ancestors have long known how useful it is, because it was constantly present in their diet.

How to make kvass from oats yourself?

The basis for preparing such kvass, of course, is oats. All the beneficial properties that the grain possesses are transferred almost unchanged to the drink. And while many people have heard about oatmeal kvass, not everyone knows how to prepare it. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the cooking process and technique, so even a person who does not know how to cook can easily cope with the task.

In addition, every housewife has the products necessary to prepare this drink in her kitchen, so the cost of ready-made kvass is low, which means everyone can afford to make it.

A simple recipe for traditional oat kvass includes the following ingredients:

3 liters of boiled cold water;
300 grams of whole oat grains;
a little more than half a glass of sugar.

Often you can find raisins among the ingredients for a more pronounced taste. For such a quantity of products, one zhmen will be enough. It is this that allows you to experience the tart, pleasant taste of this amazing intoxicating drink. By the way, they say that prepared oat kvass at home (the benefits and harms of this drink for the blood have no evidence) can rid blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

The entire process of cooking and fermenting kvass can be divided into several stages. First you need to prepare the main product - oats. It should be sorted out, eliminating all unnecessary things. Meanwhile, today it is quite easy to purchase ready-made oat grains in any store or supermarket, pre-processed and prepared for use in decoctions and kvass.

To rid ordinary grains of small debris, spoiled kernels and husks, you need to thoroughly rinse them with a stream of running water. It is advisable to place the prepared and washed oats in warm water and leave for a couple of hours.

At the very bottom of the container in which the fermentation process will take place, you need to put oats and sugar. It is extremely important to fill the prepared bottle so that at least 10 centimeters remain to the very top. Cover the jar with future kvass with gauze or a nylon lid. Then the bottle is put away in a warm place for 3-4 days. Direct rays of sunlight will be the main hindrance during infusion. However, at low room temperatures, the fermentation process may take longer and require additional time.

If you heat kvass made from oats during fermentation, all actions performed before will be in vain, because the drink will simply turn sour. After 3 days, you need to try the potion: if its intoxicating aroma suits the owner, then the drink is ready and can be poured. If it seems that the sharpness is not enough, the oatmeal kvass can be left for some more time to continue the fermentation processes.

It is worth noting that the too strong taste of the first infusion indicates that there is a need to drain it and refill the existing sediment with water. As a rule, kvass obtained a second time is ready for use. Before trying the drink, you need to know everything about oat kvass at home: its benefits and harms. How to take a drink without health consequences is probably clear to everyone. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation.

When the kvass is completely ready, it must be drained. It is advisable not to damage the sediment. To ensure that excess contents do not end up in the drinking container, it is better to strain the kvass through cheesecloth. Glass bottles are the most optimal container for storing such a drink. Next, the kvass is placed in the refrigerator. Do not forget that you cannot leave it at room temperature, otherwise it can quickly turn sour and spoil. An interesting detail about making kvass is that the sediment can be used at least one more time. Many people prepare a drink using used grain for another 1-2 months. Each owner must determine whether it is time to change grains independently, based on their own taste preferences.

Who should not drink oat kvass?

Any medal has two sides. Oat kvass is no exception. Naturally, its beneficial properties and excellent taste will not leave anyone indifferent. At the same time, oat kvass is not useful for everyone. There are more than just isolated cases of harm (there are plenty of reviews from people who have experienced the harmful effects of the drink). Among the categories of patients for whom it is advisable to stop drinking such drinks:

Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enteritis, chronic gastric ulcers, intolerance to foods containing gluten;
failure of liver function and accompanying diseases;

Indeed, there are not so many contraindications for drinking the drink. But if there is at least one of the above reasons, it is advisable to refrain from drinking and limit yourself as much as possible from such products. The benefits and harms of oat kvass may manifest differently for each person. Everything is strictly individual: for some, a drink is a real lifeline in the unbearable summer heat, and for others, it’s a ticket to a medical facility. In unacceptable quantities, even the safest product can turn into poison.

We can definitely say that most people’s assumptions about the low calorie content of kvass are myths. This drink is a high-calorie product. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, its consumption is of no use. Of course, anyone can afford to drink one glass a day, but when drawing up a diet menu, it is important to take into account that 300 kcal is contained in this amount of oat kvass at home.

The benefits and harms for losing weight when drinking this drink are obvious. For those who want to gain weight and stabilize metabolic processes in the body, an oat drink is one of the best solutions. Among the advantages of oat kvass is its naturalness, among the disadvantages is the presence of alcohol, albeit a small percentage.

Kvass strength, as a rule, does not affect the reaction of the driver behind the wheel or workers of complex mechanical installations. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a specialist before consuming oat kvass.

In the old days, every family had a recipe for oatmeal kvass. They drank it almost every day and did not hear about the diseases that are common in our time.
This drink tastes very good. It is tonic, slightly tart and pleasantly refreshing.

Since grains cannot be cooked, all beneficial substances pass into water, and their properties are greatly enhanced by the work of other components.

Recipe for oat kvass from whole oats

Kitchen tools: 3 liter jar, gauze.


Step-by-step preparation

A leaf of mint or lemon balm will help add pleasant freshness to the drink. It is perfectly refreshing in the heat, drink it chilled!

Video recipe

Be sure to see how to make oat kvass.

Kvass from oats and dried fruits

Cooking time: 7 minutes.
Number of servings: 6.
Calorie content per 100 g: 13 kcal.
Kitchen tools: jars, tablespoon, lid with holes.


How to make kvass from oats and dried fruits

Video recipe

From the video you will learn how to prepare oat kvass according to this recipe, as well as its benefits and harms for the human body.

Oatmeal kvass with thyme

Cooking time: 7 minutes.
Number of servings: 6.
Calorie content per 100 g: 17 kcal.
Kitchen tools: 3 liter jar, sieve, tablespoon, towel or gauze.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Rinse 420 g of oats with clean water to remove excess starch.

  2. Place the washed oats in a jar and add 50 g of raisins.

  3. Pour 2.8 liters of water, add 120 g of sugar and mix.

  4. Cover the jar with a clean towel or gauze and leave for 3 or 4 days in a dark, warm place.

  5. After 3 days, drain the first kvass.

  6. Rinse the oat mixture under running water. Then put it back into the jar, add 120 g of sugar and pour 2.8 liters of water.

  7. Add 2 sprigs of thyme, cover with a towel and leave for 4-5 days.

It is better to store the finished kvass in the refrigerator and drink it cold.

Video recipe

Don't miss the detailed video recipe for this aromatic kvass.

Benefits and contraindications of oat kvass

Kvass from oats has the following beneficial effects:

  • Helps boost immunity;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Reduces the amount of sugar in diabetics;
  • Removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Good for hair and skin;
  • Improves metabolism, etc.

But this drink is not suitable for all people. If you have gastritis, high stomach acidity or a diseased liver, kvass should be consumed moderately and in small portions. And for those who have aggravated stomach ulcers, it is better to completely abandon such a drink. It should also not be used if you are gluten intolerant.

If you and your family prefer homemade kvass to carbonated drinks, I recommend looking at the recipe or a simple one. Also see how homemade kvass without yeast is prepared and very tasty beet kvass.

Be sure to write your favorite homemade kvass recipes in the comments. Tell us how you prepare it and share your secrets.

Kvass is considered to be an original Russian folk drink, which is famous primarily for its ability to perfectly quench thirst. Traditionally it is prepared on the basis of rye bread or flour. Recently, the list of recipes for this drink has been actively expanded. However, oat kvass is not inferior to the classic one in its taste. What are the benefits of this type of drink?

Who should use this infusion?

Traditional medicine specialists note the positive effect of kvass on people who have the following health problems:

  • disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  • nervous disorders;
  • increased sugar levels;
  • failure of metabolic processes;
  • brittle nails, poor hair condition;
  • demineralization of bone tissue;
  • excess weight;
  • slagging of the body;
  • decreased immunity and protective functions of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • malaise.

Many people have at least one of the above symptoms, so oat kvass is suitable for almost everyone. Our ancestors knew the benefits of this easy-to-prepare drink, so they actively included it in their diet. The base of the infusion is oats. It is also famous for its beneficial components, which it transfers almost unchanged into the drink. Nature provides everything a person needs for health in the form of simple products. All that remains is to skillfully apply them.

How to cook?

From oats, few people know. However, anyone who has made this drink in the traditional way at least once in their life will cope without difficulty. The ingredients are easy to find in any housewife's kitchen. Just a few ingredients and you will have cool oat kvass. simple enough. For cooking you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 cups of unrefined oats;
  • water.

Sometimes raisins are added for taste. A small handful is enough for this amount of food. It gives kvass a more dessert-like, even spicy, flavor.

Cooking process

The first stage is preparatory. The oats must first be sorted, removing all foreign particles. A special type of grain intended for making decoctions and kvass is now sold on store shelves. These oats are already pre-processed and ready to use. The regular one should be rinsed with a running stream to get rid of damaged grains, small debris and husks. Then the grains need to be filled with warm water and left for a while. Then place on a sieve and rinse under cold running water.

Second phase. Continuing to prepare kvass from oats, the recipe for which we are now describing, you cannot do without a bottle. We will need a 3-liter one. Washed oatmeal, raisins (if desired) and sugar, which does not need to be specially dissolved, are poured into it. You will need about 2 liters of water. It should be filled so that about 10 cm remains to the top. The neck of the jar should be covered with gauze, folded several times, or with a nylon lid.

The bottle is usually placed in a warm place for 3 days. If the room is cool, it may take an extra day to ferment. The main condition for infusion is protection from direct sunlight. You should not overheat the infusion during fermentation; it may simply turn sour.

After the time has passed, a sample must be taken from the drink. If the taste is satisfactory, you can pour the kvass. If not, you need to put it back in its original place and let it ferment for some more time. It happens that the first infusion has too strong a taste. Then it is drained and the sediment is refilled. Drink the second infusion.

Third stage. If the test is successful, the oats are carefully drained so as not to stir up the sediment. After this, you need to take a sieve, put several layers of gauze in it, and strain the drink. For storage, it is poured into bottles, preferably glass, and then placed in the refrigerator. This is the simple way to prepare kvass from oats. There are benefits and harms, as in any other product, in this drink.

What to do with the sediment?

The sediment after draining the liquid can be reused. The oats are refilled with warm water to the previous level. This time a little less sugar is added - about 3 tablespoons. For a richer taste and darker color, add raisins. Thus, oats can be re-infused for 2 months. In the summer, it is usually changed after a month. Everyone determines in practice how often the grains should be renewed, as this affects the taste of the drink.


We have already understood what oat kvass is. Benefit and harm are combined in equal proportions. We have already talked about the positive properties. Now let's look at who should refuse such drinking.

Contraindications for use may include:

  • colitis of various etiologies;
  • enteritis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • intolerance to gluten-containing products;
  • gout;
  • disorders and related diseases;
  • presence of ulcers.

Relatively little, but there are reasons to limit or not drink kvass made from oats at all. The benefits and harms of the drink manifest themselves differently in people. For some, cool kvass serves as salvation in the summer heat, and you can happily afford several glasses a day. And for some, the drink can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Knowing about your diagnoses, you should listen to the recommendations for use. Or consult with your doctor, who will not only tell you whether you can drink kvass or not, but also, if allowed, determine the useful amount.

Calorie content

Kvass made from oats is considered quite high in calories. For those who intend calories to be of no use. Moreover, oatmeal kvass contains 300 kcal/gram. This value should be taken into account when drawing up a dietary menu. And for those who want to gain weight and normalize metabolism, this drink is perfect. In any case, the absolute naturalness of the ingredients is guaranteed only when prepared at home.

Oat kvass contains about 1.3% ethyl alcohol. Such strength does not affect attentiveness while driving or when working with mechanized installations, but caution in this matter will not hurt.


Now you know what oat kvass is, the benefits and harms of which are described above. But in any case, pregnant and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before use.

The original Russian drink, kvass, has many variations in its preparation. One of the most popular types of kvass is made from oat grains. Oats contain a lot of useful substances that are preserved during the natural fermentation process. This drink is extremely refreshing and has a healing effect on almost the entire body. Eliminate coffee and sweet drinks from your diet, replacing them with oatmeal kvass to maintain health and longevity for a long time.

Benefits and harms

‒ this is an incredibly healthy and balanced cereal. It harmoniously combines proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and contains valuable vitamins and organic acids. Oat-based kvass will keep the body in good shape, energize it, restore the functioning of the nervous system, and help in the fight against many serious diseases.

Beneficial features:

  • starch and amino acids found in oats provide energy;
  • the high fiber content cleanses the body, cleans blood vessels, and normalizes sugar levels;
  • it eliminates toxins and lowers;
  • oat kvass contains minerals, vitamins and trace elements that perfectly strengthen the immune system, support the functioning of the nervous system, and, in addition, will relieve you of insomnia;
  • the mild laxative effect of kvass will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • organic acids and vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin;
  • oat kvass strengthens the skeletal system, normalizes weight and fights viral and bacterial infections.

Despite all its wonderful properties, oat kvass can be harmful if consumed during an exacerbation of gastritis or. In addition, people suffering from flatulence or any disease caused by a fungal infection should avoid it.

How to make kvass from oats

To make kvass yourself, you need to purchase whole grain oats. You can easily buy it at any health food store.

Oat kvass recipe


  • oats – 500 g;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • purified water.


  1. Wash the oats thoroughly in warm water, then transfer to a sieve and rinse additionally in cold water.
  2. Wash and pat dry the raisins with a towel.
  3. Pour all the ingredients into a three-liter jar: oats, sugar and raisins.
  4. Pour water into a jar and leave to ferment.

Kvass should be kept in a fairly warm room, then it will take about 3 days to prepare it. If the room is cool or the jar of kvass is on the window, an additional day of fermentation may be required.

After three days, take a sample from the drink, and if you like the taste, strain it into a bottle. This is done carefully so that the sediment does not agitate. It is best to strain kvass using gauze folded in several layers, but you can also use a regular strainer. The bottle with the finished drink is closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

You are probably wondering what to do with the oatmeal left in the jar. In fact, it is simply reused. To do this, add sugar and raisins to the jar again, but in half the amount as the first time. This procedure can be repeated for 1–2 months.

Kvass for hepatitis C

Effectively used to cleanse the liver and bile ducts. Drinks prepared on its basis significantly improve the condition of the patient with cirrhosis and hepatitis. Oat kvass, in combination with drug treatment and diet, can help in the treatment of such a serious liver disease as hepatitis C.

To achieve maximum success in the treatment of hepatitis C, kvass should be consumed daily for at least 20 days. After this period, you will feel like your liver is literally starting a new life. The course must be repeated at least 2-3 times a year.

Note! Hepatitis C is a fairly serious disease, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Kvass for diabetes

Today we know that treating diabetes requires medical therapy and diet. There are foods that help control blood sugar levels. One of them is oats. It contains slowly digestible carbohydrates, which prevent a sharp jump in sugar, while saturating the body with energy, vitamins and nutrients. In order for oats to exert their healing properties, the most gentle methods should be used during its processing. It is ideal to use unshelled oats and do not heat-treat them.

Oat kvass is an ideal product for treatment. It's not at all difficult to prepare it at home. You can use the classic recipe, but you should know that it contains sugar, which is prohibited for diabetics. You can replace sugar with honey.

Recipe for kvass from oats with honey


  • Unpeeled oats – 400 g;
  • yeast – 30 g;
  • honey – 80 g;
  • purified water.

Wash in several waters and lightly dry. Then grind it in a meat grinder or blender. Combine oats and water in a saucepan and place in the oven for two hours. The oats are steamed in the oven and can be poured into a three-liter jar. Leave the mixture to cool to a temperature no higher than 30 degrees, after which yeast and honey are added to it. Kvass should ferment for up to 3 days, after which it is carefully filtered and put in the refrigerator. Drink this drink throughout the day, especially 20-30 minutes before meals. You should be careful and initially do not abuse kvass, drinking no more than 500 ml per day.

Attention! Never use store-bought kvass if you have diabetes!

A refreshing drink in the summer heat, pleasant to the taste and invigorating - you probably guessed that we are talking about. Thirst-quenching, with a rich color and unique sweetness, it is popular almost all year round. The most popular kvass on store shelves is bread kvass, but connoisseurs of special taste will like oat kvass, the benefits and harms of which concern many nutritionists. This drink can be prepared at home, without sourdough and yeast on oatmeal. We will tell you in our article how to properly make kvass from oats at home and how this original product is useful.

Composition and nutritional value of oat kvass

Oatmeal kvass is a folk, truly Russian drink that has been prepared according to simple recipes for centuries. It is not only capable of quenching your thirst once or twice. Kvass based on oat grains has an endless number of beneficial properties. It was not for nothing that in Rus' it was believed that oat kvass was able to restore a person who had fallen in health and spirit to his feet. It is no secret that oat kvass is welcomed by many adherents of healthy nutrition because of its healing and natural composition.

The main component of oat kvass is oats. This cereal is widely used in agriculture and grows well on Russian black soil. 100 g of the edible part of oat grains contains a large amount of:

Nutrients (proteins - 10.1 g, fiber - 10.7 g, carbohydrates - 57.8 g);

Minerals (potassium - 355 mg, sodium - 8 mg, iron - 5.8 mg, calcium - 80 mg, magnesium - 130 mg, phosphorus - 340 mg, etc.);

Vitamins (B3 - 2400 mcg, B6 - 960 mcg, B5 - 710 mcg, folic acid - 35 mcg, B1 - 675 mcg, vitamin E - 840 mcg, etc.);

Amino acids (leucine - 1020 mg, methionine - 230 mg, tryptophan - 190 mg, - 850 mg, phenylalanine - 700 mg, etc.).

You can make kvass from oats without any additives, but this drink has a very unique taste that not everyone will like. Therefore, in addition to oats and water, various additional ingredients are added to kvass: sugar, dried fruits, or spices. Natural additives to oat kvass, the benefits and harms of which are undeniable, improve the taste of the drink and make it more pleasant to drink.

The healing properties of oat kvass

Regular consumption of kvass helps improve digestion, because the oat drink is well absorbed by the body and normalizes all kinds of metabolic processes in the body. All the beneficial substances from oats can easily replace taking synthetic vitamin complexes. Biologically active substances in natural drinks enhance the oxidation of fats, as a result of which kvass promotes gentle, gradual weight loss.

What are the benefits of oat kvass?:

  • due to the high calcium content in the cereal, it strengthens the skeletal system, especially in children;
  • improves the condition of hair, teeth, nail plates and, with long-term use, prolongs and maintains their health;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol, which causes harm to the body;
  • useful for diabetics, because reduces blood sugar;
  • restores and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • the cardiovascular system is actively strengthened; as you know, a drink made from oats is recommended for hypertensive patients as a regular drink;
  • removes all kinds of deposits of waste and toxins that have accumulated on the intestinal walls;
  • the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas are also not left out, the natural drink regulates their work, such kvass is especially useful after a course of antibiotics;
  • corrects the figure and promotes weight loss.

Making oat kvass at home

Everyone who has made this homemade drink at least once in their life knows how to make kvass from oats. You can’t buy it in a store because the shelf life of such kvass does not exceed 2-5 days in the refrigerator. Natural kvass has no preservatives, it has a healthy composition and its preparation is economical for any wallet.

We offer you several options, using which you will get excellent oat kvass; choose the recipe according to your taste. Oatmeal kvass is prepared and matures quite quickly, and the raw materials can be used repeatedly.

Recipe 1. Classic kvass without additives

Required: 400 g oats, 1 liter of water (boiled), 5 tbsp. Sahara.


1. Rinse the oat grains thoroughly to remove dirt, in 2-3 passes, so that the water is no longer cloudy. Remove spoiled grains from the common part. Pour the washed and cleaned grain into a 3 liter jar.

2. Pour sugar into a jar on top of the oatmeal.

3. Fill the contents of the jar with cool boiled water. Cover the jar with a cloth (gauze) and secure it with an elastic band. Leave to ferment in a bright and warm place for at least three days.

4. Strain the finished drink through a sieve and pour into a bottle. The first prepared kvass turns out bitter, so you can drain it and prepare a second batch of kvass according to the same instructions with the already used grain. It will turn out much richer and tastier.

On a note! The most delicious is classic kvass made from 4-day aged oats.

Recipe 2. Flavored kvass with raisins

Required: 300 g oatmeal, 100 g, 2.5 liters of boiled water and 4-5 tbsp. Sahara.


1. Wash the oats until clean water forms. Sort through the grains and remove any blackened ones. Pour the prepared oats into a 3-liter jar.

2. Scald the raisins with boiling water. Pour the entire volume of raisins into the jar with the oats.

3. Add sugar on top of the remaining ingredients. Cover the neck of the jar with cloth, gauze or a special lid with holes.

4. Let the kvass brew in a warm, sunny place for at least three days. Pour the infused kvass into a container convenient for drinking, and use the remaining grounds a second time, adding only a new portion of sugar and raisins.

Note! The finished kvass should be an aromatic liquid with a pleasant golden-brown hue. After preparation, be sure to place the bottle of kvass in the cold and drink chilled.

Recipe 3. Kvass based on oatmeal

Required: 0.4 kg, 100 g sugar, 4 liters of boiled water, a bag of dry yeast (15 g).


1. Pour prepared boiled water over the flakes. Place the mixture over low heat and cook for about 40-50 minutes, stirring slightly. After boiling, cover with a lid and place in a warm place to infuse for 5 hours.

2. Strain the cooled and infused broth. Pour into a three-liter container, add sugar and yeast (according to the recipe).

3. Cover the jar with all the ingredients with a lid with holes or secure gauze to the neck. Leave in a warm place, not devoid of sunlight. The drink will be ready after 24 hours.

Advice! Kvass made from oatmeal has a short shelf life, so it should be consumed within the first 12-24 hours after it is ready.

Who should not drink oat kvass: contraindications

Such a healthy drink has several contraindications that people with certain diseases should heed. So, it is not recommended to drink kvass:

  • with high acidity in the stomach;
  • having gastritis (acute and chronic);
  • for stomach ulcers;
  • in the presence of kidney stones (kvass removes small stones and sand, but if the stones are large, they can lead to blockage of the duct);
  • persons suffering from phenylketonuria (kvass contains phenylalanine);
  • with an allergic reaction to oats, which oats are rich in;
  • for chronic liver diseases - with caution.

Kvass made from oats is a drink that is not capable of causing harm when drinking 1-2 glasses, even with existing diseases (during remission). But before introducing oat kvass into your regular diet, you should consult with your doctor.

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