
Long-awaited interview with the 25th team (vgasu, voronezh). All Voronezh KVN. Team review and best jokes 25 i kvn best

The result of the final of the KVN Premier League, which was shown on Channel One last Sunday, evoked emotions in Voronezh KVN fans, similar to those of the fans during the game of our players at Euro 2008.

Yes, we just fell short, but we showed that we can wipe our nose to many. The Voronezh KVN team "25th" in the final of the Premier League lost only 0.2 points to the winners and took second place. They have not yet secured a place in the Premier League, and the fate of the 25th will be decided after the Sochi festival in January, when Alexander Maslyakov will dictate the coveted list of teams that have received a place in the tower. However, now the chances are greater than ever.

"Girls from the 25th"
The 25th team is remarkable not only for the fact that it reached the final of the Premier League from the very first season, barely having time to get there. Firstly, it is almost all female (only one representative of the stronger sex plays in the main team), and secondly, it is the smallest, consists of only five people!

The final. Screenings at MIIT. 25th

We were KVN fans from the very first year, - says the team captain Yulia Akhmedova. - Then we had the men's team of the University of Civil Engineering, and the guys condescendingly allowed us to come to the gatherings: draw a screen or drive with pencils. And since the University of KVN from time immemorial gathered in the classroom number 25, they called us - "girls from the 25th".

Then the audience number and migrated to the name of the team, but this did not happen right away.

Gradually we got used to it, started writing jokes, - Yulia recalls. - However, young people stubbornly refused to take us to the team. We rebelled and once tried to play on our own, with four girls, in the student league - well, very green participated there! But on the other hand, Nina Stepanovna Petrosyants was at the game, who noticed us, praised us and took patronage over us.

Nina Petrosyants is rightfully considered the mother of the Voronezh KVN. KVN people know her and far beyond Voronezh. Nina Stepanovna devoted her whole life to the cheerful and resourceful club, it was she who, at the end of the 60s, made one of the legendary teams of the country out of the VISI team. And I dreamed of seeing a repeat of success ...

She supported us in the decision to create our own team, - the girls recall. - So we became "25th", four girls (two later changed) and the boy Stasik Neretin, who even left the national team: "I want to play with you!" Nina Stepanovna constantly supported us, called us, worried why we were failing the sessions ... In general, she was like a second mother. Therefore, when in 2004 she was gone, we even thought of leaving KVN. But they put us to shame: they say, Nina Stepanovna put so much effort into you, and you! Now we dedicate every victory to her.

And the girls' victories went one after another: they confidently moved from the student league to the "Start" league, then to the First, then to the Premiere. It is interesting, by the way, that after their departure, the men's team of VGASU collapsed ...

We thought that after the very first game we would fly out of the Premier League, - the girls admit, - but we reached the final! By the way, women's teams in the KVN environment have a hard time. For KVNschikov, a women's team means a bad team. We have heard such comments more than once, but tried not to pay attention.

Do you want to perform - fork out
However, the girls and Stas had no time to worry about idle conversations: the teams that began to be shown on TV have a lot of headaches, especially in the financial part.

Now, to make a decent performance (plus travel and accommodation), you need at least 200 thousand, - says Yulia. - Well, my native university helps, the administration of the city, region. Although, if you show fiction, you can save money.

For example, we had to break young man on the head of the bottle. A bottle of sugar (to make it beat easily) costs 1,500 rubles. And you need to break it five times: once for yourself, the second - for the editor, the third - during the run in front of Alexander Vasilyevich, the fourth - at the dress rehearsal and the fifth - at the game. In general, we thought about it and decided to replace the bottle with a foam cake, which was covered with shaving foam instead of cream.

For personal life, as the girls say, there is no time left at all.

Well, what novels, when we are all entirely in KVN. they say. - Those girls who got married left the team. These are two incompatible things ... And so far we do not intend to leave KVN. If we become champions of the major league and win the summer cup (it is awarded to the winner of the game between this year's and the previous year's HSE champion), then let's think about it!

The final. 25th, Voronezh

Who is who?
The composition of the KVN "25th" team:
1. Yulia Akhmedova (captain)
2. Anna Borodina
3. Anna Smirnova
4. Natalia Chebotareva
5. Stas Neretin

Jokes of the team "25th"
At school:
- Children, a boy from the USA comes to us on exchange, we need to meet him and place him well. Who's parents don't watch the news?

In the hydrometeorological center, a girl was found who accurately predicts the weather, however, she does not yet guess the cities and numbers.

The female taxi was called?
- Yes.
- Neighing or will you go where?
- Neighing.
- Well then, get out, she's just parking now.

The program "Wait for Me" urgently needs people who can cry at the sight of strangers.

An interesting observation: the party of nudists always shows whether they like the adopted law or not.

Sergei Drobotenko's concert "Drobotenko against drugs" is the only time when the audience came to the concert to support drugs.

During the crash test of the new BelAZ model, eyewitnesses saw a concrete obstacle trying to crawl away.

There is hardly another humorous program that, like KVN, has remained popular for half a century. For 55 years of the existence of the "Club of the cheerful and resourceful" five teams from Voronezh managed to conquer the two most prestigious KVN leagues - the highest and the premier league.

Voronezh hosts KVN games of two leagues - the central league "Start" and the regional Voronezh league. On April 3, in the recreation center of the 50th anniversary of October at 17.00, the opening of the season of the central league "Start" will take place. Teams from Voronezh and the CIS countries will take part in the game. And on the eve of April Fool's Day, the correspondents of "MOYO!" asked the Voronezh KVN players, where did their KVN begin and how the former players help the current ones.

1. "VISI", the team of the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute

KVN experience: 1965 - 1972, 1986 - 1993

Achievements: semi-finalists of the major league of KVN in 1986 and 1991.

The first Voronezh team of KVN "VISI" was created by the teacher of the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute (now the Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy) Nina Petrosyants and students of the mechanical faculty. For several years the team successfully performed in the highest and at that time the only KVN league, in 1968 it became a finalist.

In 1971, the "Club of the Merry and Resourceful" was closed for ideological reasons - because of sharp jokes about Soviet reality. However, in Voronezh, KVN continued to live thanks to Nina Stepanovna, who, at the construction institute, created the VISILEY Theater of Miniatures.

At the beginning of perestroika, KVN was revived in the country, in 1986 the first game was held, where two teams were invited - VISI and MISI (Moscow Civil Engineering Institute). The residents of Voronezh won that game. One of the participants in the new VISI line-up was Arben Arzumanov, who is now the host and director of the central league of KVN “Start”.

Arben said that many KVN players from the CIS countries called Nina Stepanovna “the mother of KVN”. It was on her initiative that the first league of the Club was created, and in 1993 the third international KVN festival was held in Voronezh, which is still held annually in Sochi. After the first league, other leagues of the Club began to appear. Now there are about a hundred of them, of which four are television.

Nina Stepanovna has been engaged in KVN all her life, without her in Voronezh he would be completely different. Almost all current stars Comedy club passed through her hands, through the first league, - continues Arben Arzumanov. - Her last project is Yulia Akhmedova and the 25th team. I didn’t believe in their success, but Nina Stepanovna was sure that there would be a good deal. And Julia Akhmedova turned out to be so strong-willed man that she was able to pull the team out, and is now building her career. She does not have female brains, she is very demanding of herself and those around her.

Jokes from the VISI team

* We are ready to stand up for Russia in any queue.
* Here's how it was before: blurt out something - and for ten years you feel safe.
* Residents of Krasnoyarsk are interested in whether those who have never eaten pork can be considered Muslims?

2. "Seventh Heaven", the team of the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky and Gagarin

KVN experience: 2003 - 2005, from 2013 to the present.

Achievements: in 2004 she became the owner of "Small KiViN in the Light" at the festival "Voting KiViN"

The Seventh Heaven team of the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering School (as the Air Force Academy was called until 2012) performed in the Premier League in 2003, and in 2004 successfully performed at the Voting KiViN festival. Then the team continued to perform in the "premiere", but after a season it ceased to exist.

Premier League games are very expensive. We need money, sponsors, one of our universities did not pull it, - he later said "MY!" former captain of Seventh Heaven.

In 2013, the cadets of the Aviation Academy decided to revive the team. With the new roster, Seventh Heaven played two seasons in the Start league, reaching the final. Twice the team played in the final of the Cup of the Minister of Defense on KVN and this year on April 25 will again take part in the final stage.

The composition of the team is constantly being updated, now there are 15 people in it, - said the head of the team Sergey Korobov. - We hope that this year we will finally become champions of "Start", and we will also win the Cup of the Minister of Defense.

Jokes from the Seventh Heaven team

* Only a real officer can defend a country with a budget of 200 billion for four thousand rubles.
* Want to understand humor? Go to the army.
* In all barracks of the city of Moscow, the series "Non-statutory relationships in the big city" was held with great success.

3. "25th", the team of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

KVN experience: 2003 - 2011

Achievements: in 2008 and 2009 - the vice-champion of the Premier League, in 2010 - the finalist of the Major League.

The success of the 25th team was rapid. As soon as its participants got into the Premier League, in the very first season they immediately reached the final, and soon began to play in the Major League. True, at first, few believed in a team where mostly girls played.

At the construction university there was a men's KVN team, the guys treated us condescendingly, did not want to take us to their team, then we rebelled and four girls decided to play with their team in the student league, - said the team captain Yulia Akhmedova.

The performance of the girls was noticed by Nina Petrosyants and took over the "25th" patronage. When Nina Stepanovna passed away in 2004, the “25th” was thinking of leaving KVN, but the girls were shamed, they say, Nina Stepanovna put so much effort into them. Since then, the team has dedicated every victory to Petrosyants. By the way, over time, "25th" was replenished with a male composition, one of the most memorable participants was Dmitry Shpenkov.

After the 25th left KVN, Yulia Akhmedova performed several times with other teams as an invited guest. Now she is busy in several projects at once, writes jokes for Comedy Woman, together with Ruslan Bely she is a creative producer and comedian of the Stand Up show.

Jokes from the 25th team

- Yul, what is a hangover?
- Do you remember, we were walking, and Uncle Grisha was eating snow ...
- Brush your crucian carp.
- Why?
- And if I explain, will you comb your hair?
- Well, to you or to me?
- To me in Voronezh?
- And you know how to sew!
- I dyed myself, and you didn't even notice.
- I noticed.
- And I didn’t dye it!

4. "Order 390", the team of the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service

KVN experience: from 2010 to the present.

Achievements: in the 2016 season he plays in the KVN Major League.

After the success of the 25th team, the Voronezh KVN players could not make it to the top league for a long time. This year, the Order 390 team was lucky, which won the jury at the festival of KVN teams "KiViN-2016" in Sochi in January this year, and the guys were invited to the top league. Moreover, the first performance of "Order 390" in the "tower", which was shown on the First Channel on March 13, was noted by all members of the jury, and Semyon Slepakov called Voronezh residents the opening of the season. At the end of the game, the team took first place and advanced to the quarterfinals.

The Order 390 team, created by students of the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, has been playing in various KVN leagues since 2010. Now many of the participants have already graduated, but continue to play. Moreover, almost all team members are scattered across the cities of Russia - Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk, Saratov, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Volgograd.

As Dmitry said, the Order 390 team was helped a lot by Julia Akhmedova, who was the editor of the Start league and led the Voronezh team in 2014.

Julia is a great professional, she can criticize harshly. But her criticism was like manna from heaven for us, because if something is cut out from KVNschikov, then this is a step towards the fact that they will write even better, - the captain of Order 390 believes. - When we performed at the Sochi festival in 2014, she quit filming for the Stand Up show, flew in at four in the morning to help us stage the performance. After him we were taken to the first league of KVN.

The game of the major league quarterfinals, where Order 390 will take part, will be shown on Channel One on April 10. And the guys have one plan for the next year - to become champions of the major league.

Jokes from the Order 390 team

The Order 390 team has a set of jokes about people working in the penal system.

* It is in our cars that passengers always ride fastened.

* This is the largest number of hashtags in our work.

* It was we who went to the "Hateful Eight" not to the cinema, but to the camera.

5. "It makes sense to save", the team of the Voronezh Institute of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia

KVN experience: from 2005 to the present.

Achievements: in the 2016 season he plays in the KVN Premier League.

The “It makes sense to save” team was created in 2005, and since 2011 it has been headed by Sergey Babkin. The visiting card of the team is jokes about situations in the life of rescuers, and most of the numbers are based on the confrontation between the evil major (Sergei Babkin) and the cadets. In 2015, “It makes sense to save” won the regional league and, as the winners, took part in the international festival KiViN-2016 in Sochi, where they won the Champions Cup of regional leagues of the International Union of KVN-2015. After the festival, the Voronezh team was invited to the Premier League, led by Alexander Maslyakov Jr. In the first game, the “It makes sense to save” team won and advanced to the quarterfinals. Although the game was held on March 2, it will be possible to watch it on Channel One only in the summer, when the premier league shows.

Playing in the Premier League differs from any other level of training, we lived in Moscow for a week and rehearsed every day until night, the wording of some jokes was constantly changing, '' said Sergei Babkin. - We came up with ten versions of the musical number, but in the end the editors left the one where the show orchestra of the Ministry of Emergencies played a song from the cartoon about Chip and Dale. The hall exploded. Imagine, grown men singing: "Chip-Chip and Dale are in a hurry to us." We also saw how Alexander Maslyakov Sr. from the balcony laughed at our jokes. It was nice.

The joke of the command "It makes sense to save"

* Cadet-entertainer: Imagine a jealous wife came to her husband to work.
A fireman comes out with a girl in his arms, his wife meets him.
Wife: So, I do not understand, who is this?
Firefighter: (lowers the girl to the floor): Go into the fire, it will be safer there. Darling, I'll explain everything to you now ...

On April Fool's Day, the MOE! Online portal celebrates its birthday. This year he turned 9 years old. Especially for the readers of our portal, the “It makes sense to save” team wrote down a congratulation.

Leonid Yarmolnik liked the wit and artistry of our fellow countrymen so much that he suggested: “Voronezh should be taken to the“ tower ”. And thanks to the support of Guzman, Maslyakov agreed.

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The team of the Voronezh University of Architecture and Civil Engineering got into the top league of KVN! She was promised a place there at the end of 2008, but then it did not work out. On the other hand, at the last Premier League final, the “25th” showed itself brightly again, although it lost the first place to the MGIMO team “Parapaparam” (only by 0.4 points!). Garik Martirosyan, Dmitry Nagiyev, Leonid Yarmolnik, Mikhail Efremov and Yuliy Gusman "juried" the game. Martirosyan praised the residents of Voronezh for the promotional video made for the competition “ homework". And Leonid Yarmolnik liked the wit and artistry of our fellow countrymen so much that he suggested: “Voronezh must be taken to the“ tower ”! And thanks to the support of Julius Gusman, Alexander Maslyakov agreed. So now, at last, the "25th" will represent Voronezh in the games of the Higher League - such high results not achieved by any of the teams in our region over the past 15 years!

All KVA players dream of getting into the big league, but we have fulfilled it, - say the happy guys. - And not only with us, but most importantly - with the founder of the team, Nina Stepanovna Petrosyants. She dreamed that Voronezh would play in the Major League again, as in the mid-80s. It's scary, of course, but we will try so that Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov does not regret it!

The yellow press helps to write jokes

The 25th has existed since 2003. Now there are five of them on the stage: four fragile girls and the only guy. Julia, Natasha, two Ani and Stas. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" met with the guys and found out what it is like for them to play in KVN.

- All of you have already graduated from the University of Civil Engineering. So you will continue to play, will this become your profession?

Natasha Chebotareva: - I am studying for a magistracy, I will work in my specialty - a bridge designer. Anya and Stas are already working as designers.

Julia Akhmedova: - I work as a methodologist at our university and study in graduate school. Anya Smirnova is a financial manager. So we will earn money, because we provide ourselves, we rent apartments. And, thank God, we have such wonderful jobs that we are regularly released for two weeks to get ready for the game. Because KVN is our life ...

Anya Smirnova: - No, it's a disease.

Julia: - ... this is communication, friends, creative realization.

- Have you not yet been invited to be creatively realized in humorous show projects? In the Comedy Club, almost everyone left KVN ...

Julia: - We were invited to the Major League! And the guys from "Comedy" after all finished with KVN. And we are not tired of it yet. We will leave KVN only to get married. By the way, that's why we play, because the KVE players are mostly guys - they are completely interesting and smart!

- Flattered that Yarmolnik asked for you?

Julia: - We were very pleased. It turned out touchingly. Real emotions. And unexpectedly. After the game, Artem Mikhalkov came up and said that they had performed well.

- How do you come up with jokes?

Anya S.: - There is a special person who tortures Yulia with a shocker when she falls asleep over inventing jokes.

Julia: - Seriously, we get together a month before the game and write for 24 hours, coming off just to have a snack. Because if you wait for the joke to come spontaneously, you can't wait. And the game will not be canceled. So we push ourselves. We choose topics and start joking based on some events.

- Where are you looking for topics? Some comedians, not bothering themselves too much, try to sniff jokes from the Kaveenschik ...

Anya S.: - Using other people's jokes in KVN is strictly prohibited. And we look for topics in different places, for example, in newspapers - we strive to be relevant.

Julia: - We buy a whole package of yellow magazines and read them from cover to cover. Because sometimes there are very funny things. We take them on a note. Well, life throws up cases. Some kind of situation amused, and we are trying to bring it to the point of absurdity - it turns out even funnier.

Who should I sell 12 pajamas to?

- In one of the rooms in the game, you used a huge bed. Viewers of the program asked on the forum: did the girls take her straight from Voronezh?

Anya Borodina: - Anya and Natasha - very strong girls and dragged the bed from the Ikea store.

Julia: - It often happens that the numbers prepared at home are thrown out of the program during the run. And the joke with the bed was approved for us two days before the game. So the girls got their bed on the day when it was already necessary to show the program to Alexander Vasilyevich. By the way, the girls not only brought it, but practically collected it. Stas and our sound engineer Roma said that everything would be ready in ten seconds. But after a while, the same designer was scattered on the floor. And the girls and I collected it ... So we brought these beds not from Voronezh, but to Voronezh. And now we are selling. One has already been sold for 1000 rubles. It's a shame when so much money is spent on props, and often in vain. Just recently, we had an extras in pajamas in our homework. We bought 12 pieces, and this number was cut out. And now what to do with them? Either sell too, or specially come up with another joke for these pajamas.

- Do you buy props with your own money?

Our university helps. In general, the support of the university is very important for us - both the trade union committee of students and fans. And they are so great - they somehow organize themselves, come to our games.

Stas: - At our first performance we were even surprised when the audience began to shout "Voronezh". We think: who is this, where is it from?

Julia: - It was last year. There, whole sectors came to cheer for some teams, and for the 25th ... six people. It turned out that these were guys from the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they went to Moscow and accidentally came to us. And, by the way, they then shouted down all six of them! We are friends with them now. Since then, fans have already come to us and have been traveling by whole buses from their native university. There were 200 people at the last game!

On stage, she brings her lips and legs together, and blouses unbutton

- Stas, is it hard to be alone among the girls? They don't hurt?

It's not hard for me: I have three sisters at home. And they don’t offend me in the team. On the contrary, they cherish and cherish. They are preparing me to eat.

Julia: - We give him things to vilify.

- I see that you are the same humorists in ordinary life. And at the game there is no laughing matter?

Julia: - Of course. For example, once my lip became numb due to nerves. I sing a song, the sound somehow goes, but I don't feel anything. As if a tooth had been frozen. I had to knead my lip right on stage. So at the next game I panicked that my mouth would be tight again. And when the lip began to grow numb again, I even had to drink from a prop bottle with the inscription "whiskey". From the outside it looked comical.

Anya S.: - Once on stage, my toes in my shoes tightened. They arched in the opposite direction. It is terribly painful to stand, but you still have to walk!

Julia: - I once drove a splinter in my leg. This was at the beginning of our journey to KVN. There was no money to buy all the same shoes, and we performed barefoot. It even became our thing. True, when we entered the first league and came to perform in Sochi, the director, seeing us, said: "Oh, Lord!" I had to buy some Czech women.

- Have you ever had any other curious cases?

Julia: - Once at the semifinals, my blouse unbuttoned at the most piquant place. Homework is going on - according to the plot, Anya and I are sitting on the sofa, we get up, and suddenly I see: Anya's eyes widen. It turns out that my blouse was parted almost to the belly. And to fasten it quickly is unrealistic - the buttons are small, the fingers are sweaty with excitement and do not obey. I buttoned up right in the course of the game, standing up somehow half-side. It was terribly uncomfortable.

Lucky rhinestones and number 25

- How did this form come about?

Julia: - In the beginning we performed in black turtlenecks. And then we were told that the final of the first league is a very serious thing, it obliges us a lot. And we began to think, what is the best way to look? And we remembered the command "Seventh Heaven" of our aviation school. They performed in military uniform, and their snow-white shirts looked so beautiful and bright. We called Ruslan Bely (the winner of Laughter Without Rules in 2007 and a regular participant in the Slaughter League left this team - ed.) And asked what the shirts were made of. He said that from the cheapest fabric. We bought linen for the sheets and a regular black fabric. And they came up with a logo on the shoulder to embroider.

- What is this symbol?

Julia: - It was necessary to decorate the screen with which we performed. We drew a girl. And we liked it so much that we made it our logo. By the way, before playing in the final of the Premier League, we decided to look more spectacular. Suddenly we will go to the highest - we must be on top! And we decided to decorate the logo with rhinestones. The performance is on the nose, it is necessary to rehearse, and we are sitting, glueing rhinestones.

- The rhinestones turned out to be happy - they helped me to get into the "tower". Do you have any signs?

Julia: - The worse we perform in the general run, the more better game... And there is also a sign about the number 25. If before the game we see these numbers somewhere, everything will be fine. One day before a performance, I was sitting on the street and worried. Suddenly I saw: a crane was standing nearby, a load was hanging on it, and the load was written 25. I immediately calmed down. And everything went well.

- Are you recognized in the city, do they ask for autographs?

Yes. Once we sit in a pizzeria, writing jokes. Suddenly the girl comes up: “Hello, can I get an autograph? Are you from RUDN University? " We say, “Well, yes. Almost".


From the game "25th" at the final of the Premier League of KVN

Conversation between two ideal wives.

And then I think, shouldn't I go to theater courses? And then something I'm in bed is somehow unconvincing.

*** Night in an ordinary pioneer camp. The counselor puts the girls to bed. The physical education teacher enters.

Yulia Viktorovna, where did you put the racket?

Into the freezer.

Well, look, I took shuttlecocks from the dining room ...

Children are smarter than us. Not a single child sold dollars in October ... Dear friends, take your time to grow up!

KVN 25th team - organizing a concert - ordering artists on the agency's official website. To organize performances, tours, invitations to corporate events - call + 7-499-343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the concert agent of the 25th KVN team. This team was formed in the Voronezh region and is one of the most outstanding female KVN teams. The national team appeared in 2003 at the insistence of the head of the Voronezh KVN League. Its unusual name the team received audience number 25 of the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, where talented girls conducted rehearsals. The secret of the team's success, the participants themselves, call efficiency, discipline and a great sense of humor.

Creative achievements

At first it was a women's team. They started in the Voronezh League in 2003 and won. There is more distance - vice-champions of the Black Earth Region League, vice-champions of the Start League. Talented girls write the texts of jokes themselves, drawing material from life. In the First League, the 25th team showed excellent results.

In 2010, it was decided to show themselves at the KiViN festival, and the girls did not miss their chance and got a ticket to the Higher League of KVN. At that time, a man appeared in the team - Dmitry Bushuev, who already had experience playing in the Higher League. Dima was the captain. Thanks to Dima's participation, the “25th” began to play those jokes that they could not in the female squad, and the experience of the famous kvn player helped them stand out among the participants in the Premier League. Entering the Higher League of KVN provided the team not only with the official status of the Voronezh Region team, but also with more powerful financial support.


The girls from the 25th team became very popular. They are invited to perform at concerts and private events. More detailed information read about the members of the KVN "25th" team on the official website!

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