
What you need and can be used during fasting. What dishes can be prepared and is in the post - a lean menu during the post when you can eat

I decided to write an article about what can be in the post, which dishes can be prepared on a lean table.

After all, I want to eat delicious, diverse, useful and not boring was that every day is not the same thing, however?

I want to suggest some delicious ideasHow to feed yourself and your family during the post.

From this article you will learn:

What you can eat in the post - menu for launch food

So, many know that the post is strict and not strict.

Moreover, during the same post there are certain differences in daily nutrition.

Accordingly, dishes that are used are different.

Strict post and not strict - what are their differences?

All posts differ in their degree of rigor.

  • Strict post:

during strict post, only vegetable food (vegetables, fruits, cereals) are allowed, and all animal products are completely excluded. Food can be thermally processed or raw (these are days of drying).

  • Less strict post:

when vegetable oil in vegetable food dishes are allowed.

  • Not strict post:

these days are permitted fish and vegetable oil. Otherwise - all food vegetable, meat, milk and eggs are not used at all.

The Great Post is considered the most stringent. The rest are less strict.

What can be prepared in the post?

Many believe that the post is exclusively carrot cutlets, sauerkraut and "empty" rice ... But, in fact, everything is not so scary, friends!

How do you lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, various pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, pies and pies? It is not necessary to cook from white wheat flour if we do not want to recover! Can be prepared from buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, pea, etc.

And how do you like various delicious sandbrokes with satisfying patestones, vegetable and mushroom caviar, jelly, fuel from mushrooms, sweet porridges, dumplings with different fillings and "lazy" dumplings (nicocks, galyushki, klochki), julienne, a variety of salads with so satisfying composition, What do they fit to call the main dish and dumplings?

Borsch, soup, soups, mushrooms and nuts, and even "scrambled eggs" without eggs!

And how many sweets can be prepared, it's at all the mind is incomprehensible!

Both candy, and kozinaki, and cakes, and cookies, and even cakes with cream!

Including - Cakes without flour, without eggs and without sugar, it is already a "aerobatics", but it can also be learned!

And this is not full list Those dishes called landing ...

And if the fish is allowed, so in general - a holiday: it's ear, cutlets, meatballs with rice, fish pastes (pies), a pair of fish, roasted, grilled and in the oven.

With vegetables, stuffed, stewed with mushrooms and onions, various filling with fish for pies and pancakes ... just do not list!

What products can be used in the preparation of lean dishes?

  • Croes:

two, wheat, pearl, barley, rice of all varieties ,. More Grech, Bulgur, Couscous, Prote, Corn Crupes. As well as oatmeal, and flakes of several types of grain.

  • We prepare from them:

porridge, add to vegetable dishes, make cutlets, zrazy, filling for pies and pies, prepare cereal soups and various casseroles.

From buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley, corn flour, rye flour, sheply flour cooking their baking and bread.

  • Vegetables - everything is absolutely

We prepare from them:

soups, vegetable stew, vegetable puree, puree soups, different fillings, vegetable sauces and cutlets.

We add them to the pate, we make salads from raw and boiled vegetables, casserole, carcake, baked, cook, fry, prepare them for a couple.

We add cereals to them, mushrooms, water them all sorts of delicious sauces and eat just like that, cutting into pieces.

Berries, fruits and dried fruits - everything is absolutely

We prepare from them:

fruit puree, floppy, compotes, fruits, kisins, jams and confiture for tea. Throw and fresh juices, add to the baking, prepare the fillings for pancakes and pies, add to porridge. We eat just like that, entirely, or cutting on beautiful pieces.

  • Greens - any

From her we are preparing:

"Green" salads, add to smoothies, cut into salads from boiled and raw vegetables, sprinkle our finished dishes generously, make the "green" fillings for their pancakes and pies.

  • Bean:

peas, beans of all kinds, beans, chick, mash, lentils.

  • Cooking from legumes:

soups, puree soups, add to salads, boil and make mashed potatoes, add to vegetable stew, prepare pates from legumes, filling, etc.

  • Nuts - all you love

Cooking out of nuts: Walnut sauces (sweet and salty), nut muffins, nuts from nuts, make kozinaki and halva, prepare delicious walnut milk, add to pies and fillings, sprinkled with chopped nuts their cereals and add to any other dishes, baking.

We make cheese of nuts. Preparing walnut pasta and nut bumps. We are just like that

  • Seeds:

sunflower, sesame, flax, poppy, chia seeds, hemp seeds.

We prepare from them:

we add to the pastries, make kozinaki, sauces to dishes (sweet and salty), sprinkle our cereals with crushed seeds and add to other dishes.

We are preparing vegetable milk (sweet and disavocaving), bumps from seeds, cheese from seeds, Takhin (Thin, Tahini) from sesame seeds and pasta mix for sandwiches from various seeds.

  • Mushrooms - absolutely all

We are fry, we bake, cook on the grill, boil a couple.

We prepare them with various fillings, we make pies from them, cook Julien, add to vegetable dishes, into soups, prepare mushroom soup, mushroom fillings, add to porridge, in salads.

  • Vegetable oil - anyone you want

For salads, cold dishes and snacks and in the already ready-made dishes it is best to use vegetable oils of the first cold spin. They have taste, and aroma - just divine!

Choose those that will like you: olive, linen, red, and cannabis, grape seed oil and walnut oil, sesame.

As well as mustard oil, coconut, rice, from sunflower seeds and from pumpkin seeds.

100% oil and refined, they can be preparing 100% and refined, and they can be prepared on them, as well as coconut oil.

Where to take a squirrel in a lean nutrition?

Mushrooms are our "meat" for the period of quantities. This is also included bean, nuts, greens and seeds.

All these products are very nutritious, contain a large amount of protein, useful fats (nuts and seeds), as well as vitamins and minerals.

During the post, all these products are mandatory in a daily diet. In this case, no "protein starvation" will not have.

What cereals are preparing in the post?

Our Russian porridge is not just a meal, this is a whole "philosophy"! Of course, it is not about fast, instant porridge, which "flooded and immediately ate".

Although, this is also an option: simple oatmeal or a mixture of cereal, poured boiling water or vegetable milk, but with the addition of berries, nuts, fruits and seeds - what is not satisfying, delicious breakfast?

And porridge with vegetables, mushrooms - what is not a beautiful and satisfying dish to dinner?

The main thought here is this: porridge is not tasty. Porridge you just need to cook correctly.

Here is an example: Perlovka. Do not love? You just do not know how to cook it! ...

Here you need to know the secret of a delicious breakfast. Try you to do this: Rinse it, fill it with a large quantity of boiling water, eat a blanket in a warm blanket and give it to infuse all night, hours 8-10. If the water does not absorb everything, then they drain it, fill it with a small amount of water and cook it for 10 minutes.

Fry separately onion, sliced \u200b\u200bwith beautiful rings and firing potatoes, add spices and mix with the finished barley.

If you want, you can add mushrooms.

Nobody will refuse such a cereal!

Similar history and with buckwheat porridge. Love with milk? Please: grind seeds in a blend or water nuts, strain, and it will be the most useful milk in the world! With vegetable milk, any porridge is good, and buckwheat - especially. Make a sweet porridge or salty, as you want.

The excellent version of buckwheat porridge is buckwheat with onions, carrots and other fried vegetables.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and onions - who will refuse it from her, right?

Of the buckwheat flour, very tasty buns are prepared, pancakes and fried "Greckers".

In stores look for spaghetti or any other pasta from buckwheat flour. It is very tasty and unusual!

From rice, prepare a sweet pilaf: in boiled rice. Add a breakdached raisin, nuts, seeds, any fresh berries or fruits, like a sweet walnut sauce or honey. This is a sodium!

And rice with mushrooms and vegetables? What is not pilaf? Very tasty and satisfying dish, no meat and not notice ...

You can apply sauce to any caress. Simply simple - prepare sauce from the same seeds or nuts. You can make a sauce of vegetables, tomato sauce, sweet fruit-berry sauce.

In any porridge, add spices. This will enrich the taste of your porridge, give them an incredible fragrance and make them more useful and easily-friendly.

Dried fruits in post

Of course, dried fruits eat in the post.

The number of vitamins in them, of course, falls, but the amount of sugar is increasing.

But despite this, the benefits of dried fruits still all doubt, because all trace elements are preserved there in the necessary and sufficient quantity.

They are available on sale, they are not so roads for the price, especially since they do not eat them. Of course, it is better to buy those that were not processed, which were dried and stored, without exposed to "chemical influence".

They are not as beautiful and glossy, as those that were filled first with sugar syrup and dried at high temperature, and then also treated with sulfur dioxide, etc., but you know 100%, which does not bring damage to yourself, using them.

You can eat dried fruits and just so, say, with tea. To do this, it is better to pre-tweet in water. They will acquire a juiciness and softness, and become similar to fresh.

From any dried fruits you can cook a delicious dessert delicacy.

Especially good in this dessert will be: fig, cherry, large prunes.

Need juice from red berries. If not the season, then boldly take your blanks from the shelves and proceed! Add to juice These are such spices: vanilla, cinnamon, carnation, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper and sugar. Add chopped dried fruits, mix and boil all this on a very small heat: first without a lid of 50-60 minutes, then under the lid for another 40 minutes. See, maybe you need less time. The main thing is that the syrup becomes dense.

Such a dessert can be with tea, and to sue, and just a spoon crackle ...

The use of dried fruits is not limited to this.

With dried fruits make a lot of amazing things: for example, they are added to the stuffing for stuffing tomato, sweet bell peppers and eggplant. They are extinguished with red beans and fried onions.

It turns out unusual, original and piquant.

How to prepare mushrooms in the post?

If we do not take into account the "new-fashioned" soybean, then mushrooms are just that "meat", which we will have on the table during the whole post.

Mushroom soup, potatoes with mushrooms and onions, vegetable stew with mushrooms, Mushroom Julien, Caviar from mushrooms, Potato Cutlets, Startled by mushrooms, with mushroom gravy (zrazy), Mushroom risotto and dumplings with mushrooms ...

All of this, of course, can be perfectly quietly prepare from dried mushrooms and frozen. Not only faded champignons and oysteries will be suitable. Wood, chanterelles, boosts, white mushrooms - everything is suitable!

Recently, you can meet Japanese Mushrooms Shiitake. He is "world champions" to combat cancer. In addition, they are incredibly tasty, the Japanese know a lot!

And huge, just gigantic mushrooms Portobello? It is to taste - clean chicken! And they are often sold in ordinary supermarkets, ask!

Mushrooms are just a fantastic diversity, and this is a wonderful reason for daily "mushroom experiments" in order to prepare from mushrooms often, cook a lot and delicious.

Here you have some options:

  1. From forest mushrooms you can make sandwiches with Tapenad: grind capers with olive oil, add lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. It turns out such a paste, which is perfectly combined on roasted slices of bread, and between two slices - fried to crisp slices of mushrooms.
  2. And from the old-kind oyster, the salad is "arises": fried up to beautiful mushrooms, apples, celery sweets, lettuce leaves and large berries of dark grapes. All politically refueling from lemon juice with crawled cedar nuts, salt, pepper and a bit of cinnamon. Mmm ...
  3. And champignons roasted with soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and green bows? Sad hot, that hour, they are incredible!

How to use nuts and seeds in the post?

Nuts in our very diet play a rather important role.

They not only sprinkle the cakes and add to salad from beet and garlic ...

During the post, when almost every protein in the account, nuts are just an indispensable thing!

If the nuts are fresh - then it is, consider that "almost panacea" in the autumn-winter period, when all sorts of colds and ORVI are repulsed.

Nuts and just so nice to gnaw, and cook nut pastes from them. It does not have to be peanuts, very tasty pastes are obtained from absolutely any nuts! It is even better to do from nuts, and from raw. Still, peanut paste - an ambiguous product ...

Although, if you really want, it is possible, just not much. It is very easy to cook at home: fry peeled peanuts in the oven, twist it in the meat grinder twice, add salt and water to the desired consistency.

Or immediately you twist in the blender - peanuts + salt + water.

In the same principle, make a paste from raw nuts:

  • Want sweet? No problem: add honey and cinnamon.
  • Want an unusual something? Please add pepper, quite a bit honey and spices. Very original taste turns out in nut paste!
  • Do you want something more satisfying? Then join the blend in the blender slightly roasted nuts (walnuts are perfect for this snack, but it is possible from any, orient to your taste), roasted onions, salt, pepper and water. Very, very tasty, hearty and fragrant snack! It smells so much that you immediately need to smear yourself on the loaf and eat, while the homemade does not "raise", but it will not get, believe me!
  • If you want to do something "more random" for a snack, then you can add boiled beans to this recipe and a little bit of garlic. Again: everything is scrolling in a blender with the addition of water to the desired pasty consistency.
  • Similarly, you can act with seeds - prepare the paste, and every morning smear a thin layer on a piece of bread, crisp toast, cookies (you can sweet or salty) or wholegrain loaf. Syly, tasty, it is useful, what else is needed, right?

Make sweet pastes, make salty, what you wish!

Who said Tahini should be salty?

Do not be afraid of experiments? Then cook Sweet Thin: sesame seeds (you can raw, and you can get roasted on a dry pan, with fried seeds it turns out many times more fragrant) + honey + cinnamon + salt.

This is such an awesome thing, friends! Say that delicious is nothing to say! Therefore, immediately, how to cook, grab yourself a spoon on the loaf, and only then call your home, although they will not have to call, I am sure: the aroma of roasted seed seeds is such a thing on which they themselves will resort, believe me!

Here is still very, very original idea For snacks: Raw almond nuts, lemon juice, a little honey, fresh leaflets of basilica, salt, a bit of garlic and ginger (proportions - arbitrary, to your taste) scroll through a meat grinder or in a blender, adding so much water to make a paste you need consistency.

Then take apples, carrots, celery sweets, cucumbers and everything else that come up with, cut into pieces and eat them, foaming in the cooked sauce.

Very tasty, unusual, nutritionally and mega-useful snack! Be sure to prepare, you will definitely like it!

I love to prepare various pasta and pies from seeds and nuts, it helps it so much when there is no time, but you need to eat something quickly, preferably useful!

And do not be afraid of you calories, you, even if you want, you can not eat a lot, it's very satisfying!

Such pastes can not only be smeared on bread, they can be used, and as a filling, and add their own in porridge, and in spaghetti instead of sauce.

Store nut or seed paste needed in the refrigerator.

Lean first dishes

Friends, try to do so, and buckwheat soup will be your "favorite" for a very period, honestly!

And how do you like the idea of \u200b\u200bSup-Kharcho, Gaspaccio, pickle? You can continue the list. All this can be prepared and without meat, and all this is quite tasty and nutritionally!

Here, friends, this is what I wanted to tell you today. I hope very much that some ideas you take for ourselves and will apply.

If you liked the ideas from this article, then share with your friends in Soc. networks, girlfriends and employees at work.

Write in the comments that you can eat in the post, your ideas for launch food. What are you cooking? I will be very interested, I am always looking for something new and cool.

And other readers will also be interested to find out, write!

See you, my good!

With you was Alain Yasnev, all health and tasty post!

photo @ Aedrozda.

With a voluntarily refusing to food and without taking part in the entertainment, a person will fasten. Usually such a decision takes Christians, knowing that you can eat in the post and sticking to right ration, You can even save the vigor and strength to work and full-fledged life without imminent food.

Some beginners of Orthodox sometimes make a mistake, thinking that to fast - means a complete refusal of food. Not at all. To begin with, all kinds of events should be avoided, where a person is simply having fun, doing nothing:

  • no festive festivities;
  • do not watch entertainment programs;
  • avoid all sorts of negative actions and misconduct;
  • do not make love;
  • do not swear
  • do not discuss anyone and not gossip.

Only after that it is necessary to eat the specified food in the post, refusing rapidly.

What is eaten during the post - list of basic products

Everyone who wanted to postpone does not prevent familiar with the list of the most popular products allowed to use.

You can eat the following:

  • Almost all varieties of cereal products: starting from the mankey and ending the pearl cereal.
  • All possible vegetables.
  • Fruit and berries dishes in any form (raw, fried, baked, boiled, canned food).
  • Nuts that are in stock.
  • Any mushrooms.
  • Spices from plants and vegetables (ground and solid pepper, herbs, cardamom, carnation, cinnamon, etc.).
  • Honey and other bee products.

There is necessarily during the post, because no one causes a tight survival test. This is just a certain test for the believer. In order for the body to work correctly and these days, it will need protein. What sources may be if the food of animal origin is prohibition?

Everything is simple. The chopstick becomes vegetable protein. The diet includes peas, beans and other affordable legumes. They will help you fast. It's not difficult to welcome a pleasant soup from vegetables, some kind of cereals, chickpeas and fill it with your favorite spices. However, even such a dish need to eat in moderation, using it only for the thickening of hunger.

When is the fish allowed during the post?

This product is in some cases forbidden. This applies to days in a strict post. To avoid mistakes, you need to know how to use it correctly.

The inclusion of fish products in a lean diet is not rebeling if the post with a large church holiday occurs. Usually this

  • Annunciation
  • Lazareva Saturday
  • Sunday before Easter
  • Transfiguration

On the days of the Christmas night, the fish is allowed at the dining table on Saturday and Sunday. On the same day, it can be eating it in Petrov, plus on Thursday and Tuesday.

If the health is too weak, it is better to eat fish all the days, after discussing it with a priest.

Nutrition on different days of the week

There are some rules that dictate meals in different days in different ways. In some cases, they do not eat at all. Sometimes it is possible to relax.

The most strict post falls for three odd days:

  1. monday
  2. wednesday
  3. friday

If there are strength, it is better to refuse or eat raw food without adding any vegetable oil.

The main thing is from what will be eating food:

  • bread, better than rye;
  • kissels or compotes, without sweet additives;
  • fruits vegetables.

Days allowing boiled or fried food without vegetable oils - Thursday and Tuesday.

In weekends, it is allowed to pamper with a suicon prepared using sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Fish is not reborn.

Some rules for meals in the great post

For. To comply with the most strict post, first of all it is necessary to calculate your strength. The health of the one who is going to withstand it plays a big role. Sometimes moms who feed babies are allowed a small amount of meat products. The same applies to serious illnesses.

What are you refused during the Great Post?

  • seafood;
  • meat;
  • fish any;
  • milks and all that is produced from it
  • egg;
  • any baking having additives from the above;
  • sauces, mayonnaise of any kinds, if you contain milk or eggs, egg powder;
  • alcohol.

An important rule: not eating on Fridays and on the first day. The first and final week is the most difficult. Drink only water, eat fruits and vegetables. At another time, honey is allowed, in some cases, fish dishes with lean oil.

Is it possible?

Sometimes there is a question, but is it allowed to drink a seagull with candy or chocolate? Yes. If bitter, without milk and in small quantities. It is not forbidden to eat kozinaki, dried berries, marmalade.

More stringent Orthodox, especially monastic, against honey use. However, church believers do not prohibit. According to their advice, to have a good source of vitamins, it is better to eat lime honey or buckwheat.

Approximate one-day menu

Those who decided to withstand the post can be recommended a proven meals scheme:

  • In the morning, breakfast porridge (250 g) from any cereals, boiled on water and a piece of bread, preferably black.
  • You can dine with a light salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce leaf, saved and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • Afternoon fruit, berry compotes.
  • To dine is recommended stew from a combination of potatoes, carrots and cabbage.

Absing to bodily and spiritually, a person becomes closer to the Creator.

On Monday, February 19, the Great Post began with the Orthodox. Exactly 48 days believers should refuse animal food. But the main thing during the Great Post is not abstaining from food. Meaning in the other. What can, but what can not be done to those who decided to fast, read in our heading "Question-answer".

What is the post different from diet and vegetarianism?

Some people decide to fast "for the company" or "from curiosity" and 48 days refuse meat, dairy products and alcohol. That's just a post - this is primarily not abstaining from food, but spiritual cleansing. The person gets rid of sins and passions, learns to sacrifice himself, exhibits humility. The Great Post is the time when Orthodox care about the soul, and not about the body.

At this time, a person must truly work on changing his soul. So at the time of the post, it is necessary not just to abandon animal food, but also from entertainment events, social networks, televisions, and so on. Go to church, read the Bible, spend more time with your relatives.

In the diet, the main thing is to abandon any food, reduce the number of calories and lose weight. Vegetarianism is also not related to the post. Here the main idea that the murder of a living being is an imprint on karma. Especially since vegetarianism is a year-round concept.

Is it possible to baptize children to the great post?

You can baptize children and adults at any time, including during the Great Post.

Is it possible to go to the post?

The question is ambiguous. By itself, sports for the time of the Great Post is not prohibited. However, some representatives of the Russian orthodox church It is believed that at this time it is better to do the soul, and the physical activity can be postponed. If you are a professional athlete and it is first of all work for you, then training can be left.

If you come to fitness centers for communication, beautiful photos And entertainment, here is an unique opinion: until the end of the post is better forget about it.

But when it comes to health, for example, rehabilitation after surgery or injury, then physical exercise Not prohibited.

Is it possible to smoke during the Great Post?

No, smoking is a dependence, indulging in its weaknesses. If you are an avid smoker, then the beginning of the Great Post is the time and forever refuse tobacco.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery during the Great Post?

As for the desire to visit the departed in the cemetery during the post, there are no strict prohibitions. The church assigned special days to remember the departed, they are called "Parent Saturdays". They are also needed for the living forget about the dead.

Materials on the topic

Why in the post refuse meat, eggs and dairy products?

Our ancestors did not serve meat every day. This dish was prepared on holidays. Therefore, the rejection of animal products was equal to the abandonment of their weaknesses.

Who can not fast?

It is forbidden to withstand the post for children, old people, people who refusing certain products can harm health or aggravate the disease. Contraindications for compliance with the post include diseases gastrointestinal tract, Gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enteritis and many other diseases.

Materials on the topic

And travelers have any crossings?

Yes, travelers can retreat from rules, they are allowed to eat animal origin. However, historically, the passage was given to the wanderers due to the fact that it was difficult to find food on the road. Today, finding a lean meal on travel is not so difficult.

Is it possible to have sex in the post?

Intimate relationships during the post - the question is very thin and personal. The post involves abstinence from married life. But here both partners must agree to abstinence. If the pair does not know how to do, it should seek help to a spiritual mentor.

The great post began. Someone decided to care for the first time, and for someone this is an annual rite. But, people who ask the question are still: "What is it important? Is it really necessary? "," What can I do not have? ".

Great post what is it?

Post is an important component of Christians. The majesty and meaning of the Great Post lies not only in abstaining from food. The post teaches abstaining in general. Inability to refuse yourself leads to a catastrophe. First of all, the post is a spiritual exercise, the desire for God, not a diet.

Losts a post of 40 days or seven weeks.

Ment a popular error about post.
1. The post is not a diet, not hunger, and clearly does not provide for the goals to lose weight. Many, even completely unbelievers, refuse meat, and other products, but this does not mean that they are in the post. The post is possible in the presence of prayer, communicating with God.
2. The main thing is not to lose God during the post, and not strive to fulfill the external obligations of the post. Testing the flour of conscience, catching a piece of meat, but not to experience when you grow up on your own children, screaming on my spouse, etc. The main thing is not to eat each other, especially during the post.
3. Avoid excellence. During the post, a person's look should be concentrated on himself, and not on others.
4. Fall secret. Some Christians, starting to fast, are infinitely told that they are in the post. Everyone must understand how they go every day. Their facial expressions, and manners emphasize the performed feat. But you need to perceive the post before God, and not before people.

How to fast

In order to fast on all the rules, you need to know the following:
-In the days of the post a man refuses food containing animal fats.
- The reception of hot food will have to be partially refused.
- My attention is also paid to drying (however, it should be remembered, a very difficult type of fasting, so before proceeding to dry, you should consult with your confessor).
- Despite the fact that bread and is prepared in a hot furnace, it is still possible.
- It is necessary to drink enough water to maintain a water balance
- There are small portions and more often, 6-7 times a day
- To include in the diet products rich in protein, to fill the prohibited meat
"It should be forgotten that the post is a voluntary abstinence from food, which shows how Christians are able to refrain from unclean passions.

The Great post symbolizes the wandering of Jesus Christ in the desert for 40 days when he resisted the temptation of the devil and did not use food. His refusal to food Jesus began to save all mankind. The Great Post is an important holiday for Christians. In the days of the Great Post, Christians are mainly powered by drying. Longs the great post seven weeks. In the first I. last week Post is especially strict. Saturdays and Sundays are allowed to use vegetable oil and grape wine. Fish is allowed only on holidays Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Do not forget that despite the fact that the traditions of disabled food for many years, even the monks completely do not adhere to them. The severity of such a post is not mandatory for the laity.

Who can not fast?

Unwanted post, and in some cases, even contraindicated for the following laity
-Belen women
-Relands recently undergoing operations
-Text to 12 years
- Jerle of Heart Ischemia
- Jazve stomach and gastritis
-Relands suffering from hypo- and hypertension
- Just diseases of the joints, osteoporosis
- blood diseases, especially with anemia
-Relands engaged in a difficult hard work that is in military service, etc.

What can and can not eat during the Great Post

In this section of our article, we will not only give you a list of products allowed and prohibited to use in the post, but also tell me how to eat in post by day, which recipes can be used.

Calendar nutrition in the great post

To begin with, we will give you a calendar table that will help you to orient you by day of food.

What can be there during the Great Post?

Vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, bell pepper, greens)
Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
Bean (beans, beans, peas, lentils)
Fish (only twice for the whole post)
Sweets (for example, Halva, dried fruits, nuts, bitter chocolate, honey, sugar, lollipops, cranberries in Sahara)
Drinks (juice, tea, coffee, Uzvars, Morse, Kissel. Vine wine on weekends)

What can not be a great post?

Meat and semi-finished products from it
-milk products
-Hleb and baking, if they are made with the addition of eggs, butter, milk
-Selvements containing milk

Recipes for lean dishes during the Great Post

Vegetable Oil Bean Soup

To begin with, you need a good bean, onion heads, several tomatoes, kitchen salt, greens and a couple of fresh celery leaves. Before starting all this, it is necessary to prepare a workplace. After that, you must cut onions with small pieces and pour 4 tbsp. Spoons of cold water after which cook on medium fire. At night, you have to soak the beans, after the bow welded add beans, 1 tbsp. The spoons are enough, however, if you wish to make soup more saturated, you can add 2 tbsp. Spoons. Do not forget about tomatoes, they should be chopped and also throw in boiling water. We are waiting for about 20 minutes, add a salt mix, and you can shoot the soup from the fire, before pressing the soup on the table, you should add a parsley and a couple of celery leaves, they will add our soup and taste. It should be noted that such a soup will suit people suffering excess weight Not only during the post, but also on any other day.

A rather popular dish during the post is a herring under a fur coat.
What you need to know during the preparation of this dish. First of all, you need to buy a herring, 2 should be enough if the table involves a larger number of people can be more. In addition to fish, boiled potatoes, carrots and onions are also needed. All this needs to be crushed, for this we need a grater. To give a dish, a beautiful look is needed a flat saucer on which we will place layers with potatoes, fish and onions. After all this is cooked, the layers are decomposed, you should smear by mayonnaise. When you finished cooking. Give the dish to brew, then his taste will be more saturated and enjoyable.

In order to prepare this caviar, you will need dried mushrooms, you can also sleep these mushrooms or use their mixture. Mushrooms are better for this to assemble in the forest or buy on the market. Before you cook, you need to carefully wash them thoroughly, after which you cook them until readiness, and after cooling and small pieces to shap them. If you make caviar from salted mushrooms, they should also be rinsed in cold water. Cut into small rings onions onion and fry on the oil along with mushrooms, then stew them about 15 minutes. A few minutes before extinguishing, add some spices and crushed garlic, pepper to increase sharpness, the salt is taste and picked by vinegar. Caviar is ready, now Icra is better to leave to stand for 20-30 minutes so that it is blown and absorbed all the components. Bon Appetit!

Oatmeal pancakes

To prepare such a labeled breakfast you will need oatmeal, water, yeast, flour, salt and of course vegetable oil. Pour oatmeal into the iron bowl of oatmeal, mix, pour 2 cups of warm water (not boiling water), pour sugar, salt and a bag with yeast, all this thoroughly and add flour. Somewhere after half an hour, mix again and you can begin to the Oladiam. To do this, it is worthwheeling the frying pan and pour vegetable oil there. It is now only to fry pancakes. Fritters are useful with honey and jam so it is better to serve them together. This breakfast is not only a lean, but useful enough.

Before cooking, put boil water, it is worth chopping into fourth women, pouring canned red beans in a saucepan, mix, also need to chop carrots onion, and a little greenery to give a pleasant souction of soup. All these ingredients boil in a saucepan under the lid for 20 minutes. Salt to taste, throw a crushed garlic, red pepper, tomato juice and tomato paste. Boil somewhere 10 minutes and throw a little greens there.

To prepare this dish, it is necessary to boil in salted boiled water finely chopped carrots and beets. In another saucepan, it is desirable to boil finely chopped potatoes (cubes). These decoctions should be connected and saved. These vegetables should be thrown on the colander, and mix them with sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers. Get a bank S. canned peas and pour content in a bowl. In another bowl, pouring vegetable oil 1 cup and a glass of red wine, squeezed lemon juice and salt. Bring this marinade to boil. Salad should be pouring marinade and mix. Leave the salad for 30 minutes so that it is blown away. This winegare is rather calorie and useful, it should be used not only during the post.

In the next article, we will tell you how to make a lean menu, which dishes are better to include, and which are not, we will give an exemplary menu for a week. Watch out for our releases, subscribe to updates.

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Limitations in nutrition during the Great Post Clean the soul and body. But approach to this follows with the mind. If there are health problems - you should not extend the body with hunger strikes and diets. Today, the church makes exceptions to those who cannot limit themselves as a state of health. Therefore, it is impossible, and what you can eat in the post concerns only people who are ready for this not only morally, but also physically.

The holding of the post varies on rigor. Higher San People and the monasteries in the monasteries eat a little differently than those who keep abstaining from female houses at home. But at the same time, any believer can "sit down" on strict restrictions on his own wishes.

The post is divided into several degrees:

The post lasts 40 days, and at this time all sorts of entertainment events and quarrels are prohibited. For those who comply with the most stringent rules, there are several additional responsibilities:

  1. The first and last week is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables and bread. You can drink only water.
  2. Over the other days it is recommended to eat with honey, vegetable food.
  3. On the first day and the next Fridays of the post you can only eat raw vegetable products And drink water.

To keep such a post follows only to the prepared people who have no health problems, and whose body will be able to transfer abstinence from abundance of food without disastrous consequences.

It is necessary to prepare for restrictions in advance. It is impossible to notice before the start of the post, and then hungry. It may worsen well-being. Exclude forbidden products from the diet must be gradually, a few days before the great event. It is impossible to abuse alcohol and tobacco products.

In the first days, hunger can be very strong, since the permitted vegetable food does not contain a sufficient amount of protein in its composition to saturate the body. We'll have to snack and not forget about breakfast.

There is a myth that during the post is allowed there is only porridges, raw vegetables and fruit. Many are not solved on such serious restrictions in food, believing that such a meager diet is too harsh. In fact, the menu these days can be diverse. The main thing is to be able to prepare the right and delicious dishes. Desserts, casseroles, sandwiches, dumplings, salads, cereals, soups - all these delicacies are available.

Before starting to fast, it is recommended to pass the sacrament of communion. It is necessary to turn to the priest in advance, and he will tell you that you can eat in front of the communion and that - after.

It is worth observing all the prescribed rules to clean up completely. The restrictions before the communion last 3 days and it is not difficult for the Orthodox. But if for some reason it was not observed - it is necessary to repent a father during confession, and the priest will release this sin.

The most important thing in this short limitation is not to overeat. It is necessary to eat only when there really is a feeling of hunger.

Products that can be used:

  • fish and seafood (boiled or baked);
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts and candied;
  • vegetables (in the raw form);
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • porridge on water;
  • break-free bread;
  • tomato paste;
  • pasta (not from wheat flour);
  • black bitter chocolate;
  • natural marmalade and grasses;
  • seeds;
  • compote;
  • kvass;
  • kisel;

Posts countless many, the main one is the great one. There are also one-day posts with strict menus. There is a special calendar in which you can see what you can eat during the post.

Proper food by day

Who wants to fast correctly, for those there is an installed menu of the day, where it is said that you can eat in the post:

It will be better for the entire period of restrictions to abandon white bread and go to the black. Recommended vegetables recommended lemon juice.

Special posts post

Several canons of the church special days During the year, when you also need to fast:

  • the first Monday of the post is hunger;
  • Palm Sunday - you can fish, wine and caviar;
  • Good Friday - hunger;
  • wednesday on the fourth week - Wine is allowed;
  • christmas Eve - Hunger;
  • day of martyrs - can be oil and wine.

The menu recommended by the Church is actually quite varied. Many hostesses come up with more and more recipes with each period of restrictions. Food in the post should be moderate, but does not exclude delicious and delicious dishes:

It is not only possible to fast, but also need delicious. Food and in the post can be diverse, the main thing is not to retreat from the formulation and not use animal fats.

Tomatov soup

To prepare this delicious soup, you will need:

For Bruschett, take yesterday restless bread, a couple of garlic cloves, olive oil and salt.


When the soup will be ready, you can break through it with a blender or eat so. The taste will not change, but the consistency will become more pleasant.

Since in the post can not be meat, but even fish, and the cereals comes to the rescue. From oatmeal you can cook feed delicious cutlets that do not distinguish from meat.

It will take:

  • glass of oatmeal;
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • spices to taste.


  • pour boiling water oatmeal and leave swell;
  • clean and grasp the vegetables;
  • connect the croup with vegetables, add spices and mix;
  • shape cutlets and fry from two sides in a frying pan, smeared with oil.

Optionally, you can add mushrooms to cutlets.

Sweets from seeds

There is a recipe for an insanely delicious delicious seeds. He definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

It will take:

  • 200 g sesame seeds or sunflower;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • chopping cinnamon;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking here is pretty simple. It is necessary to just fry the seeds on a dry pan and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Serve sweetness on the loaf or instead of jam to tea.

It should be understood that the refusal of familiar food for such a long time sets the body to change. Therefore, it is not on the very first day after the costs to overeat. Light Easter, of course, a sacred holiday when taking a rich table. But the satisfying meal after the abstinence can affect well-being. It is necessary to add the usual food in the diet gradually, without moving immediately on fried meat. It is better to give preference to less fatty products.

To make a decision, fast or not, we must, taking into account all its physiological abilities. And most importantly - remember that it is important not only worthy to start and hold the post, but also worthy of it and finish it.

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