
Pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. Why does the lower abdomen pull before menstruation Pulling pains in the lower abdomen as before menstruation

There are symptoms, hints and clues that may indicate a woman is likely to be pregnant. They can appear individually or as a combination of several signs. And if you suspect or do not exclude that conception could occur, then you will certainly recognize some of the signals given by your body. However, they should not be taken as a "diagnosis" because many are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women.

Of course, if the next menstruation is delayed, and you observe several early signs of pregnancy at once, then the probability of its onset is very high. However, we often begin to make assumptions even before the delay of menstruation. And if you have a reason to expect pregnancy, then most likely you will feel the earliest sign of pregnancy: pulling the lower abdomen.

This can indeed be observed from a very early date.

Why pulls the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy?

Let's imagine that the egg meets the desired sperm and together they form a zygote. Now the zygote will move through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus and gain a foothold on its wall for further growth and development. The way to the future home takes on average 6-12 days (these terms may differ for different women). Most often, fertilization occurs during the period of ovulation, which falls approximately on the 10-12th day of the cycle (options are also possible here). Thus, it turns out that the fertilized egg reaches the uterus at the end of the cycle, when there are several days left until the next expected period. And in most cases, a woman feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen - either due to impending menstruation, or due to the “housewarming” of the egg. This is an abbreviated approximate ideal scenario of the events taking place.

In order to “take root” in the uterine cavity, the egg prepares a place for itself: it sort of scrapes out the cells of the epithelium, making a nest in it for planting. This process is called implantation and may be accompanied by some signs that even now, even before the onset of menstruation, they will tell the woman about the conception that has taken place. It is mainly about pulling pains in the lower abdomen: your uterus is experiencing the invasion of a “foreign body” and a violation of the integrity of the epithelium. It is likely that in the process of attaching the egg to the wall of the uterus, small spotting spotting may occur, which a woman often mistakenly perceives as a premature onset of menstruation.

So, a few days before the start of the next cycle, with a conception that has already taken place, a woman may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which is often accompanied by slight spotting (creamy, pink, reddish or brown). If she does not suspect that she has become pregnant, then she will most likely perceive such a phenomenon as premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, many other signs of pregnancy in the very early stages are also similar to the sensations before menstruation: soreness and increased sensitivity of the nipples, irritability, nausea, rejection of certain odors, changes in appetite and mood swings.

That is why it is very difficult to recognize pregnancy before a delay. Moreover, a pulling pain in the abdomen in a woman can have many other causes: stress, taking hormonal drugs, infection, inflammation, trauma, the consequences of sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, and others.

However, pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign not only of pregnancy, but also of the threat of its termination. A fertilized egg is a foreign body in the female body, from which the uterus tries to get rid of, starting to contract. Nature has created a natural mechanism for maintaining pregnancy in the early stages - the immune functions of the female body are somewhat reduced, giving the future fetus a chance to gain a foothold and survive. But victory does not always remain with the egg, which can be prevented by a number of unfavorable factors. If she is expelled at the earliest possible date, then the woman may not even know that a miscarriage has occurred - she just starts her next menstruation.

If the pregnancy is already several weeks old, and you know about its existence or the probability of this is very high, and the pulling pains in the lower abdomen have a pronounced cramping character, they are given to the lumbar region or, then you need to urgently go to the hospital to save the pregnancy.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

How the lower abdomen is pulled before menstruation, absolutely any woman knows. Naturally, sometimes this sign is not there, but in most cases it is still present, which is very convenient, because the girl probably knows that the menstrual cycle is about to begin the other day, for which it is necessary to prepare.

Almost every girl and woman feels the arrival of menstruation, not paying attention to the expected date. In order to predict the onset of critical days, the fair sex only needs to listen to their stomach, which swells a little before menstruation, and in some individual cases it hurts very much.

Natural causes of discomfort

Many experts say that pulling or hurting in the lower abdomen can only be done if the lady has certain problems associated with the female reproductive organs. The second half of the medical staff is convinced that this is a natural process that haunts almost every girl or woman throughout her life.

Painful lower abdomen does not always indicate problems. A woman should not worry every time she sips her stomach before her period. But this kind of pain is acceptable only when it does not interfere with normal daily activities. When discomfort makes a woman inactive, she cannot get out of bed and easily go about her daily activities, this indicates a pathology or a certain disease that she does not yet know about.

Normal pain before menstruation can be very different: aching, pulling, reminiscent of contractions at the birth of a baby, but its intensity is so small that it is practically not noticed. One of the main reasons for the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen is a decrease in the body of endorphins, the so-called hormones of happiness. It is known that this hormone is produced by progesterone and the female hormone estrogen. About a week before the onset of menstruation, progesterone levels reach their maximum levels. But after a few days, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare changing and the level of both hormones that contribute to the emergence of endorphins drops. Accordingly, there are few hormones of happiness. Such jumps in the hormonal background are immediately noticeable by a woman: pain occurs, the woman becomes more sensitive and nervous. Sometimes experts recorded even short-term changes in the mental abilities of women.

The second natural cause of abdominal pain is the so-called PMS (premenstrual syndrome). It is familiar to almost all female representatives. If you notice that you are pulling the lower abdomen before menstruation, and this is all accompanied by depression, an inexplicable desire to cry, aggression, depression and other nervous disorders, know that critical days will come soon. This syndrome tires women, making them lethargic and helpless. Some girls have an increased appetite during this period, and some suffer from swelling of the legs and chest. All this can be called the causes of pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation.


Pathological signals

Not always, when the stomach pulls like before menstruation, it means that everything is fine with women's health. Excessive pain can occur due to serious diseases that cannot be ignored. The main pathological causes are:

  • congenital problem associated with displacement of the uterus;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of a cyst or fibroid in any reproductive organ of a woman;
  • fibroids.

If you notice that premenstrual pains are excessive, they interfere with your daily activities, you should immediately seek help from a professional gynecologist who will find the main cause of your pain and help eliminate them.

As for other causes of pain, the so-called luteal phase can be distinguished. This is the time interval between the release of the egg and the immediate onset of critical days. This period can last from 10 to 14 days. If you calculate, then pain in this case haunts a woman for half of her entire life, and this is not normal. Therefore, if you notice that unpleasant intense pain has been bothering you for about 6 months in a row, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Often, pain appears due to the destruction of the walls of an already mature follicle. The fact is that this follicle constantly accumulates special yellowish chemicals. At this point, there is an increased secretion of estradiol, progesterone and other hormones. At such moments, the uterus is ready to be fertilized, and if conception does not occur, the corpus luteum stops producing hormones. It is at such moments that heaviness appears in the lower abdomen.

After a decrease in progesterone and estrogen in the female body, endometrial detachment may occur. This process provokes the appearance of spasms and contractions in the lower abdomen, which are very reminiscent of the pains that haunt us during childbirth. This process is called endometriosis of the uterus and is a serious enough disease that needs treatment. Without the advice of specialists, a woman can deprive herself of the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child, and this is a very terrible price for irresponsibility.

As you can see, cramps in the lower abdomen do not always indicate the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

What to do if the stomach pulls, but menstruation never occurs?

Quite often, we can experience the usual pain before menstruation, expect the arrival of critical days, but they may never appear. This could be due to several reasons:

  • early stage of pregnancy;
  • ovulation;
  • incomplete removal of the fetal egg if the woman has recently had an abortion;
  • neoplasm in the uterus and other genital organs of a woman.

Quite often, a pregnant girl does not even suspect that an embryo has formed in her tummy, from which a child will develop in the future, so she experiences the same sensations as before her period. But if with all this the lady is accompanied by a delay, you should definitely do a pregnancy test. It does not take much time and money, but you will be sure that the reason for the delay is not pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be uterine or ectopic. If the test showed a positive result, then you should immediately sign up for a consultation with a gynecologist to determine the location of the fetal egg. It is better to hurry with a visit to a specialist, since internal bleeding often opens during an ectopic pregnancy.


If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then you should not worry about pulling pain. This is a normal process that will accompany you until the birth of the child.

As you can see, the lower abdomen can hurt not only before menstruation, and this process is not always normal. In order to make sure of your women's health, you need to consult with a specialist at least once every six months. Only in this way it is possible to eliminate all ailments and live a normal healthy life without unpleasant problems and possible consequences.

Quite often, the representatives of the weaker sex learn about the approach of critical days without looking at the calendar, and accurately determine this date.

But if the lower abdomen hurts, as with menstruation, but they are not there, this is the first signal that you should not postpone going to the doctor.

Not always the nature of such pain is pathological.

If the lower abdomen gives out a slightly aching pain and it is short-lived, then the weaker sex has absolutely no reason to fear.

But, when pains become more frequent and turn into cramping, sometimes unbearable, this indicates signs of other pathologies.

Pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, has various sources of origin. They are both organic and functional.

Organic causes of pain include:

  • Inflammation in the ovary;
  • Benign tumors in the uterus;
  • Neoplasms: cysts;
  • Long-term presence of the spiral in the uterus;
  • Pathologies of a surgical nature;
  • Violation of the urinary system;
  • Diseases occurring in the gallbladder;
  • Pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy;
  • Low placenta previa;
  • Premature placental abruption occurs;
  • Abortion and the state after it.

Pain of functional origin occurs when:

The pains are different: from aching to cramping.

Often the cause of their appearance is a violation of the hormonal cycle. Pain that occurs after menstruation indicates the presence of endometriosis. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain radiates to the lower abdomen.

In exceptional cases, pain begins as a response of the female body.

Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation

Menstruation in a woman or girl is characterized by certain signs:

The duration of these pains is from 3 to 7 days.

Why does pain occur? Pain syndrome is present in functional conditions during menstruation. But it is also pathological.

It's important to know! These pains, as during menstruation, in the lower abdomen are characteristic of inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs.

In gynecology, there is a name that characterizes the pain felt during menstruation. This physiological condition is called dysmenorrhea.

Dysmenorrhea happens:

  • primary;
  • Secondary.

In primary dysmenorrhea, pain appears before menstruation. They last up to 4 days. This type of pathology is typical for girls from adolescence to 25 years.

These pains are accompanied by various dyspeptic disorders. Over time, the pain subsides after the birth of the baby.

During secondary dysmenorrhea, pain occurs only as a result of pathological changes in the pelvic organs. This is observed in the middle age categories (after 30 years).

The following factors are related to such pathologies:

  • the use of an intrauterine device;
  • inflammation occurring in the pelvis;
  • endometriosis.

Sometimes severe pain in the lower abdomen in women is a harbinger of oncology.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women

The lower abdomen hurts, as with menstruation on the left side, not always with gynecological pathologies, sometimes it also happens with other diseases localized in this area.

In such situations, we are talking about radiating pain:

  • Department of the small intestine;
  • Ureter and left kidney;
  • Spleen;

Also, such pains are due to:

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen of a woman

Pain in the right side of the abdomen indicates various diseases. Often they are present in the diagnosis of appendicitis.

Appendicitis is swelling of the appendix of the large intestine. Its main symptom is pain around the navel. It increases gradually, with nausea and an increase in temperature. Sometimes there may be flatulence.

Intestinal disorders contribute to the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • fast food;
  • bad digestion.

It begins with a slight and infrequent tingling in the abdomen, often accompanied by flatulence and pain in the liver.

The second cause is gastric ulcer and duodenal disease. It begins with a burning sensation in the stomach and turns into pain, as during menstruation, which women feel in the lower abdomen.

Also, such a signal can report kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder. They are infectious in nature, but may also be due to hypothermia. The pain radiates to the right side of the lower abdomen.

ICD or kidney pyelonephritis on the right side - such a disease gives pain to the right side of the back and down the abdomen.

Often, with diseases of the uterus, there is pain felt in the abdomen.

With cystic neoplasms, girls experience pain, as with menstruation on the right side of the lower abdomen.

Pain occurs with benign tumors of the ovary.

Often, girls make an appointment with a gynecologist when they feel pain in the lower abdomen and in the middle. They are felt in moments, but their character is constant.

To correctly diagnose, the doctor needs to examine the patient.

The survey includes:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Taking a smear;
  • Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics.

At the end of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment:

The main causes and symptoms of pain that occur in the lower abdomen:

  • Various inflammations that occur in the intestines are characterized by constipation or loose stools. Occur due to malnutrition and various intestinal inflammations;
  • During pregnancy, when the egg is fertilized, but not in all cases;
  • Pain during menstruation is not uncommon. This is due to various physiological individual characteristics.

Women usually suffer from pain with:

  • low pain threshold;
  • fertilization of the egg;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus inside.

The lower abdomen hurts in women in the middle, as during menstruation. The reasons

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, as during menstruation in the middle, occurs due to a hormonal imbalance. This leads to the development of endometriosis.

The pain appears during menstruation and subsides only by the middle of menstruation. Treatment is both medical and surgical.

Often, pain in the lower abdomen in the middle appears with cystitis. First, a burning sensation begins, which is accompanied by itching, and then pains in the lower abdomen sharply worsen and urinary retention occurs.

The nature of this disease is infectious, and therefore, it is required to pass tests and take antimicrobial agents.

Pain can talk about inflammation in the organs that are in the pelvis. They are characteristic of untreated infectious diseases obtained sexually.

When the form is running, there is pain that occurs during intercourse, as well as discharge in the form of mucus that has an unpleasant odor. Medical treatment is indicated.

These pains have two causes:

  • organic failures;
  • Functional disorders.

The first reason is:

Sharp and sharp pain in the lower abdomen in women

Various causes affect acute pain that appears in the abdomen. It is necessary to react to pain without delay and contact the doctor as soon as possible. Self-medication is not recommended.

The main causes of acute pain in the lower abdomen:

  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • cystitis;
  • renal colic;
  • appendicitis;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

For these reasons, there are:

Such pains occur both against the background of functional and in the presence of pathology. A lot depends on the symptoms.

These pathologies include:

  • diseases of organs located in the small pelvis, the use of an intrauterine device;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute inflammation of the urinary system;
  • disorders during pregnancy;
  • having abortions.

Functional reasons include:

  • disruptions in the menstrual process of ovulation;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • stasis of menstrual blood.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in women. The reasons

With inflammation in the small pelvis, the temperature rises, aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen, and when adnexitis joins, it is localized in the side.

With endometritis, pain is located closer to the middle of the abdomen and is permanent. In case of disease of the ovaries or appendages, a sharp pain will occur during palpation.

With endometritis, the pain can be aching and prolonged, the uterus is raised.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to fight inflammation. Cholecystitis is often accompanied by persistent mild pain.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in the form of contractions indicates serious illness. Young girls often experience pain during menstruation. They feel discomfort and pain at the first menstruation.

This condition is considered functional, and it is associated with increased sensitivity of the nerve endings of the uterus.

Sometimes such a pain syndrome can manifest itself due to various congenital pathologies. Then the pains are cramping. They are characteristic in the complete absence of the menstrual cycle.

Basically, the pains are spasmolytic and very strong, have a long character. In this condition, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Cramping pain often occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. It begins with a deterioration in the general condition and is recognized already at a late stage. If you ignore this condition, then a fatal outcome will occur.

With a rupture of the fallopian tube, there are also cramping pains, later accompanied by profuse bleeding. This condition is also life-threatening.

Cramping pains are due to acute inflammatory diseases of many organs of the small pelvis.

It is required to pay attention to the course of menstruation. If they become painful, cramping in nature, then you should go to the gynecologist.

Among the secondary diseases, various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract can be noted, especially the acute condition of the intestine. For example, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, when urgent surgery is needed.

The disease is characterized by high fever and bouts of severe pain. If help is not provided in time, the person will die. These pains often come at night.

Pain in early pregnancy - the test is positive: when it is not dangerous

If a pregnant woman experiences pain at the beginning of the term - the test is positive, it is not dangerous when they pass quickly, but it turns out that the woman's body is preparing in advance for the development of the child in the womb.

Women feel pain

  • in the chest;
  • lower abdomen;
  • in the ovaries.

Sometimes a pregnant girl at the beginning of conception has pulling pains that occur in the lower abdomen. Often, they can be tolerated, as they are mild and often permanent.

Such pains are associated with pregnancy, when the uterus begins to grow, and pregnancy hormones appear. These hormones are designed to soften the muscles and ligaments that are located in the pelvis.

Aching pains occur because the corpus luteum grows in the body of a pregnant woman. When the egg gets rid of the follicle, a cyst immediately appears there, producing a hormone called progesterone.

This hormone is needed for a normal pregnancy. The cyst increases every day, and when it reaches a large size, it stretches the ovarian capsule, and therefore pain occurs.

In the initial period of pregnancy, these pains will not harm the child.

The threat of miscarriage - how to determine and what to do

This terrible diagnosis made by doctors does not mean that the pregnant woman will end up with a spontaneous miscarriage.

Doctors go to great lengths to keep a pregnancy going after a woman is diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage.

This diagnosis in a pregnant girl is accompanied by some symptoms: vaginal discharge- from pale pink to dark brown.

These secretions are both scarce and abundant. At first they are insignificant, and then more frequent. Allocations are insignificant, but they go on for a long time. There are severe spasmodic pains in the lower abdomen.

When there is a threat of miscarriage, the pain is similar to that which happens during menstruation. It happens that spotting occurs without pain.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, although they are not expected, it is worth checking with a doctor. Perhaps this is a serious disease.

If a pregnant woman notices that she has similar symptoms that indicate that she has a threat of miscarriage, she needs to lie down, after picking up the phone, in order to immediately make a doctor's house call. It is necessary to lie down so that the legs are slightly raised.

After receiving advice from a specialist, a pregnant woman with the help of friends or relatives should immediately go to the hospital for emergency medical care.

When she has heavy bleeding, it is required to call an ambulance at home to provide initial assistance, and then take the pregnant woman to the gynecology.

Doctors pay attention to the fact that the woman is not nervous while waiting for the doctor, for this she needs to drink a small dose of drops of motherwort or valerian tincture.

If the threat of miscarriage is real, then the woman is placed in a stationary gynecological department, where she is treated.

What does it mean if there is white discharge

If there is a white discharge, this means that the fairer sex may be healthy or sick. It all depends on their color, smell and quantity.

Doctors consider the following to be quite healthy discharge from the female vagina:

  • White color, almost transparent;
  • Without smell;
  • watery consistency;
  • With an amount per day from 2 to 5 mg.

Don't worry if they have a yellowish tint. He indicates that the girl has some deviations from the existing norm.

The weaker sex has significant white discharge, this indicates that they will soon begin menstruation.

White discharge, indicating a woman's disease, has the following distinctive properties:

  • curdled;
  • With an unpleasant odor;
  • Foamy;
  • Accompanied by burning and itching.

These secretions indicate a disorder present in the body, as they are considered the body's response to infection.

Pain in lower abdomen after intercourse

The lower abdomen hurts, as with menstruation after sexual intercourse in such cases as:

What if the ovary hurts before menstruation

Experts advise women to make an appointment with a specialist at the slightest discomfort, especially if the lower abdomen hurts, as with menstruation. Only he has the right to diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Often, pain in the ovaries appears in the female before menstruation. Doctors call this pain ovulatory syndrome.

The occurrence of such a syndrome is not dangerous, but doctors recommend that if it is present, see a specialist in order to exclude any diseases.

The lower abdomen in a female can hurt for many reasons, but they are not all dangerous for a woman. You can't help but react to them.

For any pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, it is best to consult a doctor and prevent the disease in time.

This video will tell you why the lower abdomen sometimes hurts, as with menstruation, the symptoms of which diseases this symptom is:

From this video you will learn how to deal with pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation:

Why does the lower abdomen pull before menstruation? In addition, it often not only hurts, but also swells. This question arises in many women. If the girl decided to lose weight, then such feelings become just a tragedy. It seems to some that since the stomach swells, it is dangerous, and you need to go to the doctor. Therefore, in order to fully determine why this happens, thereby getting rid of stress, anxiety, you need to determine why the stomach swells and hurts. And it usually happens before menstruation. Let us also establish accompanying phenomena.

Why does the stomach swell and increase

Everything that happens in the female genital area is associated with hormones. After all, the entire cycle of menstruation is tied to this. Since a woman's hormonal level is constantly in motion, it can be called dynamic. It cannot be clearly established and not fluctuate. Therefore, the fact that the abdomen increases is associated with specific hormonal indications. And this is reflected in women's well-being.

What hormones do you mean? Firstly, progesterone rises strongly. Moreover, the second half of the cycle is associated with a constant increase in this hormone. But during menstruation, it drops sharply. It is because of this jump that some women experience premenstrual syndrome. You can observe a breakdown, depression, aggression, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, they notice nausea, bloating, heaviness before menstruation. Appetite often increases.

Why does the stomach swell?

1. This is due to the retention of a large amount of liquid. It is she who affects its volume, and the weight also changes. Therefore, this may seem scary to women of fashion, as weight increases before menstruation. But this does not mean that you need to stop eating right away. Since weighing a couple of kilograms more is quite normal.
2. Another reason is the expectation of conception. Since before menstruation, the uterus is enlarged, swollen, intended for the fetus with all the necessary nutrients. Before menstruation, therefore, I want to eat.
3. Also, the body lacks serotonin. Due to the lack of this hormone, a woman has an urgent need to restore it. Therefore, she eats more sweet and starchy foods. Where and the appearance of the tummy.

Why does my stomach hurt

Pain before menstruation worries many. Only they experience them differently. Some are more intense than others. In one case, they experience unbearable pain, in the other, only slight discomfort. It's good that it hurts. It's not scary. Half of the woman suffers from this. It's all about hormones.

Elements such as prostaglandins often cause pain. Fifty percent of women have it. Ten percent of them will experience unbearable pain. The whole reason is that the uterus is intensively reduced. If you sin with bad habits, including smoking and alcoholism, then the pain intensifies. There are such severe pains that a woman can even lose consciousness, her pressure can drop. In this case, there is a pathological algomenorrhea. Contact your doctor.

Why does the stomach pull before menstruation

We will also dwell on why the stomach pulls before menstruation. In this case, the conversation will be about the pleasant. Since pregnancy is possible. How to find out for sure, so that without tests? Watch for many signs.

1. There is a delay.
2. But even before her, the woman knows that she is pregnant. One of the reasons, the stomach pulls down, but there is no menstruation.

Such phenomena occur in women in the earliest stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that nutrients are stored in the body that will be used by the future embryo. Since they accumulate, it pulls the stomach before menstruation. Time passes, but no periods. If they never started, and then time and delay passed, then you are pregnant. Such sensations clearly indicate pregnancy before a delay.

So, we found out a number of reasons why the stomach is inflated. The whole reason is swelling and pain. Therefore, know that this is not dangerous, and does not mean at all that you have recovered. Such a phenomenon does not spoil the figure at all, but only decorates the female body.

Pulls the stomach, but no menstruation

You can list many reasons why the stomach pulls, but there is no menstruation. For example, it could be about:

 Approaching menstruation.
 If they are still far away, then the reason is pregnancy. This is what some women are very afraid of and eagerly waiting for other women. This is usually associated with the first days of pregnancy, when the egg, which was fertilized by the sperm, tries to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. In addition to a pulling belly, a woman experiences nausea, irritability, her breasts swell. All this manifests itself in the first week of pregnancy. In addition, some brown discharge is possible. This may not be the onset of menstruation, but pregnancy. The muscles are stretched, the uterus is stretched, there is pain, but insignificant. This phenomenon has been observed for more than a week.
 If the pain is very weak, then this is an ectopic pregnancy. This is especially possible in the case of narrowed pipe lumen.
 The threat of miscarriage. This is possible especially in the early stages of pregnancy. If you didn't even know you were pregnant, you might not even notice what happened. Imagine that you are having regular periods. Therefore, you decide that it was just a herald of the approach of menstruation. If you know that you are pregnant, but feel unusual pain, then consult a doctor, then it will be possible to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. Since it is usually the tone of the uterus that leads to such sensations.
 Inflammation. If the stomach pulls, but there is no menstruation, then think about the fact that you may have an inflammatory process. Often the pains are pulling and aching, which are given to the lower back. It turns out that the inflammation is at an early stage. If the pain intensifies, then there is a danger of increased inflammation.
 Infections. In this case, the stomach will also pull, while menstruation does not occur. Since the urinary tract is infected, this indicates a high activity of pathogens that cause diseases. This infection is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse.
 Hormonal disorders. With their correct level of pain does not occur before menstruation at all. Only the presence of a large number of prostaglandins indicates pain. Since the muscles of the uterus are strongly reduced.

Despite the fact that any pain and discomfort in the abdomen in pregnant women should be of concern, in most cases such phenomena in the early stages are the absolute norm. Nevertheless, in women, depending on whether they already know about their pregnancy or not, a variety of questions arise in connection with the appearance of such sensations: if the stomach aches before the delay, can this be a sign of pregnancy; can the stomach pull, as during menstruation, at the beginning of pregnancy?

Sign of pregnancy before delay: pulls the lower abdomen

Far from everyone, but for many of us, on the eve of menstruation, sips in the lower abdomen. In addition or at the same time, other sensations may appear, collectively called premenstrual syndrome. This is soreness of the chest and increased sensitivity of the nipples, nausea, increased appetite, drowsiness, irritability and others.

Any of these symptoms can equally indicate both the approach of menstruation and the conception that has occurred in this cycle. And therefore, if you have every reason to suspect the latter, then you should not think that the very first signs of pregnancy - when the stomach pulls, as before menstruation, or the chest fills up and hurts - indicate a threat or danger. Aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages have a physiological explanation.

After the fusion of the egg with the sperm, the resulting zygote begins its journey to the uterus to land "at a permanent place of residence." She spends approximately 6-12 days on the road. Given that ovulation (and hence conception) occurs approximately 14 days before the onset of menstruation, it is easy to calculate that the fetal egg reaches the uterus 2-4 days before the expected period. At this time, it begins to prepare a place for itself to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. To do this, the zygote scrapes out cells in the uterine epithelium, building something like a nest. A woman, of course, is able to feel such an “invasion” into the uterus physically: as a result, she pulls the lower abdomen in the early stages, as before menstruation. Moreover, due to damage to the endometrium, microtrauma of the vessels occurs, and blood impurities may be observed in the vaginal discharge during this period. In obstetrics, this phenomenon is called implantation bleeding.

In a word, such signs are the absolute norm. But it is important to take into account that if they are caused by the implantation of the fetal egg, then:

  • occur in the last days before the expected menstruation (which still does not begin);
  • pains in the lower abdomen are not strong, have aching or pulling (but not pronounced paroxysmal) character;
  • "bleeding" looks like a daub, interspersed with drops or streaks of blood in normal whites or a slight change in their color (pinkish, brownish or cream).

If the pain in the lower abdomen occurs later or is accompanied by additional "suspicious" symptoms, then we can even talk about pathology.

During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen in the early stages, as before menstruation

Different localization and different nature of non-dangerous abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur during the entire period of gestation. For example, in the first trimester they are often associated with intensive growth and raising of the uterus, the formation of a corpus luteum cyst, increased activity of the hormone progesterone. In the later stages - with the child's active weight gain and stretching of the skin, expansion and compression of the internal organs, disruption of their work. But if the stomach hurts, as with menstruation, in the early stages, then we can talk about the threat of miscarriage or the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

In this case, it pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, the pain can radiate to the coccyx or anus, to the perineum, be strong, intense. Sometimes the body temperature rises, vomiting appears, loss of consciousness occurs. In this case, quite often, vaginal discharge becomes bloody - brown or red.

Such situations should be an occasion for urgent medical attention. Do not be afraid to disturb the gynecologist for no reason: it's better to sound a "false alarm" than to put yourself and your baby in danger.

Finally, I would like to emphasize once again that in most cases, sipping in the lower abdomen does not threaten anything. In a non-pregnant state, such sensations can occur in response to taking hormonal drugs, gynecological examination, active sexual intercourse, stress, and so on. But if the discomfort does not disappear, then it will also not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist, because this may indicate an infectious-inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

In the case when you are expecting the conception of a baby and are ready to catch any hints of pregnancy, you should not take the pulling pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation as a sign of its onset. Determining pregnancy at such an early date is actually not easy: even ultrasound is still unable to see the fetal egg in the uterus. And so be patient - and do a testif menstruation never comes.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

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