
Strong prayer angel keeper for every day. The shortest prayer to the Mother of God

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Prayer pre-icon Christmas Christ

Your christmas, Christ, God, is, the remuneration of the world of mind: In it, you are the stars who serve as a star student, you put the sun to put the sun, and you are kept from the height of the East: Lord, thank you.

Major, exorbitant Christ, of us for the sake of now the flesh of the rose from the demonstrative and prechistrics of the Virgin Mary.

In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother, the Reverend and the Godhead Father of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen. Glory to you, God, glory to you. The king of heaven, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere else and the whole perform, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and noted in us, and the cleaning from everyone is bad, and save, so much, our souls. Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times). Glory to his father and son, and now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer for adoption Proglades and Holy Water

My God, May, will be the gift of your holy and holy water to leaving my sins, in the enlightenment of my mind, to strengthen my spiritual and bodily forces, in the health of my soul and my body, in the conquest of my passions and weakness, on the infinite mercy, yours, The prayers of the Mother Mother and all saints. Amen.

Birthday prayer

Lord God, the Lord of the whole world is visible and invisible. All days and summer of my life depend on your holy will depend on your holy will. Thank you, a premium comes that you have dialing to live for another year, I know that I am in my sins, I am not enough for this mercy, but you give me it in an unfamiliable person in your opinion. Provided and still mercy to me, sinner, will continue my life in virtue, peace of mind, in healthy, in the world with all the middle and in consent with all the closest. Feed me an abundance of earth fruit and everything that needs to be satisfied with the needs. The very cleanse of conscience to my, strengthened me on the path of salvation so that I follow it on him, after a long time in the world, after going to the life of eternal, awarded to be the heir of the kingdom of your heaven. Himself, Lord, bless it started for a year and all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer for children To the Most Holy Mother of God

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the detachments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to salvation. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Prayer for children To the keeper angel

Holy angel keeper of my child (name), cover it with your cover from the demon arrows from the eye of the seducer and keep his heart in angelic purity. Amen.

Prayers for children

Lord Jesus Christ, Budi your mercy on my children (names), save them under your hands, seating from all the Lukavago wrapping, discharge from them anything and the sacrup, holes and the eyes of hearty, give a donency and humility of their hearts.

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and surviving my spiritual father (name), my parents (names), affinkers, mentors and benefactors, and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer Angel Guardian.

The Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the unfortunate, given, diligently pray to you: you will be enlightened to enlighten yourself and save from any evil, to the good deed to nasty and send the way to save. Amen.

(Ask to heal you from diseases of the feet)

"The Mother of God's Desecrack Mother of Christ of Our God, the intercession of all the genus Christian! The miraculous icon of your reverent is the forthcoming, Molima, hear us who are praying for you: Thanksgiving our unworthy of all the unhappy benefits to us, in the place of Sez and in many years and hails of the earth Russian revealed and being; You are boring patients with healing, mournful consolation, lost correction and permissions. Buddes to all of us cover and consolation, the refuge of all sorts of angry, troubles and the circumference, from the glad, the coward, the flood, fire, the sword, the invasion of the event, the deadly ulcers and from the evil man of biting. Get out of all sorts of attack and save with the faith and awe of your awe of your miraculous icon and praying to you with Love Zea and at any place. Ascension of our prayers, Iko Ikozdilo incense, to the throne of the Most Hedgehogo, donuto to us health, grave and in the works of pious hasty, and your bombardment, and the cover of your Osnesiami, to glorify the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and your Materier about us a concession, always, now And confessed and forever. Amen".

Ephraim Syrina consists of ten lastings - it is customary to read not only on the day of the memory of the Rev., but also during the Great Post.

"Lord and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and lubva give you to Darui Mi, to your slave. She, Lord King, giving Darui, my primes and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed Esi forever, Amen. "

to the icon of the Mother of God Zherovitsky, Helping with incurable illnesses (May 20)

"On a premiest mistress, the girl of the Virgin! Kima Usna tap to the shrine of your shrine, or the kiimi of the words of your teaching of yours, people being: Niktegro Bo, teach to you, moves out and not heard. From my youth, the repays of the help and intercession of yours, and Nicolith deprived of your mercy. Seers, Mrs., soul mourning hearts and ulcers. And now, the crankshansenly comes before the prettier way, my prayer is called. Do not lish my omnipotent intake of yours in the day of grief, and on the day of sorrow, sophisticated me. The current of my tears will not turn away, Vladychitsa, and the joy of my heart will be. The refuge and the victancy of Budi to me, freezing, and the light of your charge is my wise mind. And I'm not talking about myself with a prayer, but also about people who run to your intercession. The Church of Your Son is the good of the observance and the fence of the enemy's milquaine rests on Nude. Autumn country Our blessing is blessing and getting rid of the disasters of spontaneous, invasions of the innovations and internecine tricks, yes WSI, the living in it, in LUVE and the world, the staying, quiet and serene live lives, and the benefits of the eternal prayers of your unasedive, will be hooked up with you to praise God in the sky forever. Amen".

the icon of the Mother of God Vladimir, healing from all diseases.

"Oh bonded by Mrs. The Mother of God, Heavenly Queen, a mestless intercession, Nashe Hope! Buddens to us an intercession and a mentistance in front of the breath of the Most High, an ideal of the preston. To whom we resort to, not to you, Vladychitsa? To whom brought tears and rehabits, it's not for you, the Heavenly Queen. Under your cover, we treat the prayers of your peace, health, the earth fruit, the air, to save us from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and diseases, from sudden death and from all the branches of enemies visible and invisible. Weekly and teach us, about the suspected intercession, the path of earthly life is sinlessly plenty. We ask you, the preching laddy and inquisitive before the sacrament of your icon pray: we are soaring at us and nimes, in the terrible day of the court, the clergy of our god of our god, and worship him With its original father and the most hidden and good and unique spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

about the healing of the patient.

Oh, premieceful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, In an inseparable Trinity, worshiped and famous, the proud of fragile on your slave (name), the disease is obsessed, let him leave him all the sinners, give him healing from the disease, return him grant and graceful life, Peaceful and premium benefits so that he, together with us, brought grateful nobles to you with our God and the creator of mine.

in all dangerous cases.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Rev. Amvrosiy Optina (in the world Alexander Grenkov) Since 1839, in the Optina Desert, he took part in the revival of the older - the image of the monastic life, in which an experienced monk, an elder, leads the spiritual life of the Inok.

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint.

For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me.

Whatever I received news during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours.

In all the words and the affairs of my leaders and feelings, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you.

Teach me directly and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and no one is upgrown.

Lord, give me the power to transfer the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it.

I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayer for Christmas Christo: how to pray and what words (texts)

Photo gallery: Prayer for Christmas Christ: how to pray and what words (texts)

Prayer is a special hidden conversation of a man with God, in which the reverent state and the feeling of touching the eternal truths is gaining. Prayer for Christmas History helps to gain peace of mind and peace. This frank appeal to God can express a request, repentance or gratitude. The conversation with God is always individual, and it is necessary to be alone with the Savior, clean my thoughts and soul.

Prayer action

Everyone from time to time experiences difficult periods in life, when the only support that gives hope is sincere conversation with the Most High. Many people know the situation when everyday life And in particularly dangerous moments, we, without thinking, immediately remember the silent "Father our" or known to each sacred words: "Lord, Pomemui." As soon as we begin to pray, then we immediately feel the invisible presence and care of the higher forces, touching something unknown and eternal.

Prayer is capable of removing a heavy cargo that carries a person in his soul. She cleans, pacifies, facilitates and soothes. But sacred words have an action if a person believes in Divine Forces and opens the soul and heart when reading them. Not all people know the texts for memory, but in the event of the need to appeal to God it is openness, and then even simple words coming from the soul will definitely be heard. Prayers are:

  1. Private - converted alone to the Lord asking or gratitude.
  2. Public - texts that lie at the base of worship services, moving to us from generation to generation. They are divided into several types:
  • revenge
  • petition;
  • thank you.

You can communicate with God both out loud and mentally. A mental appeal to the Lord allows you to start a personal monologue with him at any time.

Features of prayer for christmas Christ

Christmas night is special, it is filled with magic magic, as if all the highest strength descends to the ground, happily glorifying God. It is believed that it is on the night of Christmas, a heavenly communication channel with the Most High opens. Therefore, prayers that pronounce a priest in the temple carry a special meaning and tremendous force. Festive holy days, as well as adherence to all church canons strengthen the appeal to God. Sincerely coming from the heart, the sincere prayer for Christmas will certainly be heard and will help relive the difficult period in life or alleviate suffering.

For those who do not have the opportunity to visit the church, it is possible to pray in the home environment for the holy dinner. The main prayer, which must certainly be read, is well known from the ancient times "Our Father". You can also read the appeal to the Mother of God or Jesus Christ - a prayer for Christmas. To attract love and happiness in your life, you can use a special prayer, which is read in the morning on the day of christmas.

How to pray

The answer to the appeal can receive every person, regardless of where he says sacred words. The prayer appeal should remind a conversation with the closest person, meeting with a friend. The main thing at the same time is to start and finish the ritual, which will help several important recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to prepare in advance to prayer, then it will have greater power. To do this, make order to thoughts and create calm in the soul. No extraneous thoughts should disturb the mind, it is important to focus as much as possible on the pronounced words.
  2. It is necessary to pray in front of the icons and desirable with the way to whom the praying.
  3. It is important to read the texts from the pure heart, thinking in the pronounced words.
  4. It is impossible to let any images in consciousness. Also, do not represent the image of the saint to which you appeal.
  5. It is important to forgive everyone who you previously considered the enemies, save the soul from hatred, malice, resentment.
  6. To obtain the maximum effect, you need to light the candle. Fire is an explorer of energy and in this case strengthens the action of the request.
  7. If you read the appeal to attract love for Christmas, you should light three candles at the same time. Before pronouncing the sacred words, it is necessary to mentally imagine the image of a loved one who would move towards you.
  8. Before starting the prayer, it is important to stand up with a cross-conveyance that helps to attract the grace of God and protects against negative energy.
  9. It is best to start praying the best with reading "our own", by falling herself with the procession before and after reading each prayer.
  10. After graduating from prayer, you need to kiss the icon, expressing faith and respect to the saint.

Remember that prayer is not always fulfilled immediately, for some request, it is sometimes necessary to put together many circumstances, the main thing is not to lose faith!

Texts of prayers for christmas Christ

"Lord Jesus Christ God, the wonderful salvation of our for the sake of the land in the flesh, and from the demonstrative and the prechistant of the Virgin Mary is inerably assumed! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of yours and immeasurable condescension to our weakness, comforting us now does not sharpen a breathless food with spiritual, but also a festive trape. "

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Prayer in front of the icon Christmas of Christ


Prayer and thinking before the icon helps to realize the greatness of the victim, which brought the world of the Virgin, who gave birth to the Lamb of God - the infant of Jesus, whose fate was already defined. What we would be prayed for, and what we would not ask for in a sincere and heart prayer, understanding the greatness of this saving sacrifice, which his crucifixion was brought only from love for us if we pray with tears of love and gratitude, then in the Lord's great The mercy, the tireless care of Our Lady will turn out and resolve.

But in Bethlehem, overcrowded by the same hallways, there were no place for them on the bodies. Nobody took it into the house, it was since since Christians, especially Western, preserved a custom - put a candle in the window - so that the Mother of God see that in this house she and her baby will be a refuge, unlike times when he must It was born. But then he was born in a cave (in Greek - Veritol), which was designed for livestock stall. On the oachas of the hay and straw for his feed and was born the Savior, who was then put into coarse nursery, from which the cattle was fed. And the bright star of Bethlehemskaya, who was a bright star, which came to the world, who was waiting for the world, and who from now on changed the fate of mankind, giving it another, alleviated and the deep meaning of the Brotherhood with Him (MF. 1, 18-25; MF. 2, 1; Lux. 2, 1-20). In the cave with the holy family were the Wiel, who led the Holy Joseph, as tribute for census and donkey - on the downturn, waiting for the first Frenchman Maria, according to the prophecy of Isaiah (Isa. 1, 3).

Prayer for the blessing of the thorough in Christmas.

Lord Jesus Christ, God, the dedicated salvation of our sake for the land in the flesh, appear and from the demonstrative and the prechistan's Virgin Mary inenerly porous! We thank you, Yako really encouraged us, the feat of the post of one who was honored, to achieve a great holiday of your Christmas and in the joy of spiritual with the angels to chant the lathe, with the shepherds of Slavostoviti, worship with Walking. We thank you, Yako in great mercy of yours and immeasurable condescension to the weanness of our comforters now we are now not a sharpening food with spiritual, but also a festive trape. Molim Molim, who rejuvenates your generous hand, fulfuting all living things, let's get the appropriate time and the rules of church, bless you are festive enough, faithful people who are prepared, the Napauchi, from Napa, the chalk of the church, in the mimehead, the days of the post refrained Yes, they will have them with Thanksgiving in health, in reinforcement of bodily strength, in merry and joy. Yes, VSI, we will be every contention to be abundant and in the affairs of the good, and from completeness thanks to the heart of the Slavita, the fuel and comfortableness of us, the purchase and irreparal of your father and the Blessed spirit. Amen.

Your christmas, Christ, God, / Mostrov's wave light, / in it, Bow Stars of Service / Star Student / You Close, True's Sun, / And you are kept from the height of the East. // Lord, thank you!

Virgo's visit is long waded, / and the land of the vertpet is an impregnable brings, / Angeli with shepherds weakly, / Volzvi and the star with the star, / we are born in the sake of ourselves.

Magnifier, my soul, // the honest and sorry of the mountain arms, the virgin, the virgin, the Virgin. Love the tassel to us is Yako Silent Fear / Constant Silence, / Love, Devo, / Weat songs, are incredibly folded, it is inconvenient, // But Mati, strength, Elico there is a magnitude, gaze.

Choosing from all kinds of the preching Angel of the Virgin, and from her born in the flesh of Christ, our God; Thank you bring the robia of yours. You also have the mercy inequate, from all of us the troubles of freedom, calling: Jesus, the Son of God, the incarnate for the sake of God, thank you.

Angel Multiple Collected in Bethlehem, Vocaine Nobility Christmas; And seeing his Creator, in Yako, the baby is lying, surprised! And the fear of awe is awe, the risk and the birth of Bogolyaknee, rapidly so: Glory to you, the Son of God, the first century from the father born. Glory to you, with the Father and Spirit, everything is coordinating. Glory to you, save the deceased. Glory to you, even to the slave of the Zrack below. Thank you, to recover lost. Thank you, the Savior of the dead. Glory to you, the mediastrine enmity is destroyed. Glory to you, paradise, murmuring the gate, Pakov is open. Glory to you, the human race is inenernately loved. Glory to you, on the land of the head of the sky. Glory to you, the girl's rising, the throne of Cheruvimsky seek. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Viyaschev's larger Angeli of her lord, from the chiston of the Virgin flesh acceptance, terrible! And to each other, the solutions: the Preslav Siens, it is incomprehensible to us to be ... Obakhavy to the inequaliated condescension, with the fear of Pewyu: Allilouia.

Razeful all the creature horrible and thanks to sings your christmas Vladyko saming! The forces of heavenly rejoice on the high: glory in the highest god, and the earth with men is having fun, we are incessantly yelling: Glory to you, in the High Slavima God. Glory to you, the world on the earth created. Glory to you, we reconcile. Glory to you, to the earth to see us. Glory to you, from the Virgin in an unbelievable. Thank you, the star is crazy. Glory to you, Tyu Magni to worship you confessing. Glory to you, gifts from them with a graciously reacted. Glory to you, all the creature to you who have learned. Glory to you, and you Petit you entered. Thank you, to myself who connected. Glory to you, I saved us. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Strong in the fortress, the god of the world, and the father of generotes, put on the ground, save the world of perishing: now in Bethlehem, Yako, the baby is affected by the Virgin: the souther of the Mother and the motion of the show salvation, all of the fact that the famous and singing: Allilouia.

Imusche, you are crumbling, we are constantly praying for us: We have the sacrament of your internal extent that rejoicing the sacrament! And the Christmas from the Virgin is lighter than the Slavorovynaya shine: glory to you, the Son of God, glory to you, the Son of the Virgin, from the Virgin is unranquainable. Glory to you, people's mind the abyss of us to see. Glory to you, inhaling us to love. Glory to you, lost sheep with a recovered. Glory to you, about the acquisition of Toya, prying the angel River. Glory to you, on Ramo this perceive. Glory to your father to the Father. Glory to you, people with angels in a single herd coincided. Glory to you, the world from charms to the delight. Glory to you, the great and ingrown grace to us to see. Glory to you, we are afraid of all creatures to love. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

The storm inside the thoughts of the comprehensive chasing chaste Joseph is now inside the Vertipa Divine. More than bo and yako a man seeing from the Virgin Ba Behemago, but there is a sensitive from the things of the God of life of the TRUNGA: the fact and Bogolyaknenka bowed, happily measy: allylujia.

Hearing a shepherd of an angel, heaving them the spree of the Savior to the world, in Grada Davidov: And soon the text, they see this, Yako lamb is not clear, in the waters of the girl in Yasnah, and the boring reverently, and Joseph with fear of coming; I am told about the verbanny to them, and bowed to the talked, solve: Glory to you, Agnic God's Savior of the world. Glory to you, the Son of God, the ineverance of the miracle is shown to us. Glory to you, angelic singing of the hearers of our life is the appearance. Glory to you, with them and we are a teachable Slavorovati. Glory to you, Angels and Petita Petita Exercise. Glory to you, on the earth and in the sky, the joy is created. Glory to you, Jaco about you, the Heavenly Earth fans. Glory to you, Yako to you, the earthly celestial is copulated. Glory to you, the fortress of diatling weekly showed. Glory to you, from that tormenting us to the delivery. Glory to you, in the believers, inevitable joy. Glory to you who loves the thoroughly sweet sweet. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Bodgety Star, Christ of Christmas, which is presented, Uzresht Star Oblust Lee Wolsevi; And to the driving, incomprehensibo reacted and invisible video: referring to that blatant: allyluie.

The presence of the presence of the Persianist, in the hand of Devich, the king of the cherished, Yako on the throne of the cherubsch, and the lord of that intelligible, the slaves will bring Zrak, sweating the gifts to him to bring: Zlatto, IKO King everyone; Lebanon Yako God; Smyrna, Yako without-seeing, and bowing to Poyo: Glory to you, the light of all is await. Glory to you, we are a star to worship you called. Glory to you, anger of Lutich Herod to the observing. Glory to you, vanity to understand. Glory to you, we are from the delight of the delightful. Glory to you, you, the sun of the truth, give up a learning. Glory to you, the whole light of the mind to be transformed. Thank you, Your Merry Christmas a majority charm to abolish. Glory to you, the enemy dominion to the end of the lowest. Glory to you, with the Father and Spirit you worship us taking advancing. Glory to you, we are prestived Zmia chapter to crush. Thank you, from the everlasting death of us to the delivery. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

The preacher of the gavroposny broadcasting is iantly from you by fulfilling, I revealed to the earth to myself, Savior, in the remuneration of the Vertepe's Vertepe from the Chista of the Virgin: And I was rich for the sake of the sake of the disagreement, and the people of the enrichries, faithful to you.

Essays from the Virgin, and insec. Tedy Mother, Jesus, Yako Sun enlightened and running lying to darkness: Demonie Bo, Savior, impractier fortress, VSI Festureas, and hell, seeing a miracle, slaughter: we are thannce to you, man Savior. Glory to you, demons to the consumer. Glory to you, charms the chief of your Christmas frightened. Glory to you, Idolian charm to abolish. Glory to you, the light of God's whole thanks to you. Glory to you, the darkness of ignorance by infant. Thank you, Kamenia, the water of salvation to everyone is inventive. Glory to you, thirst for Adamov and Davida quenched. Glory to you, Yako Sun, your Merry Christmas to be transformed. Glory to you, the rays of grace of the universe of the pursuit. Glory to you, the state of promise to us to see. Glory to you, from the vivid oath of us to the delivery. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Although from a century, a secret secret to us, Javiti, from all the creatures, the ministers of the sacrament showed Esi, Savior. From the Angel of Gabriel, from the man's man, from Heaven Star, from the Earth Vertol, in the unlikely, asked Blagologovolyel: Tormy, the victims of your inadequate wisdom, call: Aliluia.

The newly showed by the creature showed the flesh of all the ridiculiar to the wilderness of the womb, and retaining Yako, the same, and the security of salvation showed the eating: Glory to you, the Son of God, the greeted mother of mercy showed. Glory to you, Tyu and Merry Christmas is preserved. Glory to you, save Adam to the coming. Glory to you, the tears of tears thicker. Glory to you, all save the reached. Glory to you, the resurrection image of the france. Glory to you, the sins of our own handwriting. Glory to you, with humility, the image of us showed. Glory to you, for the sake of the impoverishment. Glory to you, your poverty enriches us. Glory to you, the relatives of the salvation of us. Glory to you, your love for us to delight. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

The strange and copper christmas is Vidovo, in the Vertepe committed, eliminate the fuss of the world, the mind on the divine land is a humble man, and he will erect the skies: alleluia.

All are a desire, all the sweetness of love, Christ, God, and your divine condescendant to the famous: from the Virgin Bo Syatiya Helding on the Earth, we are built on the skies, singing: Glory to you, the Son of God, on the land is born. Glory to you, from the Virgin inequately embodied. Thank you, I will see us. Glory to you, we are from you from the distance. Glory to you, to us inevitable joy. Glory to you, the hearts of our sweets. Glory to you, in Christmas, your rescue light is crazy. Glory to you, tears in our salvation stirred. Glory to you, the flame of the passions of our fear. Glory to you, us from the sinful sinful washing. Glory to you, crime destroyed. Glory to you, from the drain of us to the delivery. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Any understanding and all to the mind of the angel and human does not comprehend your incomprehensible Christmas, Vladyko, the sacraments of intelligence; Obachek, Vladyko, good, our love and faith of admission; And save us, you sing: Alliluia.

Vitia multicolored, Yako Fishes of a shablastic, see about your incarnation of Vladyko, Boy Glagolati's missing, how God is perfect, the person is perfect to appear, and from the Virgin insiciently referring to somehow; We are secretly unfortunately, with faith, we are glavised, blatant: thank you, the Hipostasic of God's wisdom. Glory to you, who is unhappy with all glades. Glory to you, Lubovudra Non-empty. Glory to you, about you testers assimous. Glory to you, all the well-made weaving is tough. Glory to you, the light of the a year of the awards to everyone. Glory to you, wisdom in your shedding. Glory to you, by many Minds by translucent. Glory to you, the path of salvation to us to see. Thank you, an invaluable abyss of mercy. Glory to you, puchino generous and humans. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Save the EXTERNAL WORLD MUR DISTRICT, OTHER ALL THE SECRETER, FROM THE VIABLE, YAKO Baby is evident in Yasnah Pellets, solving multipelastic Pieces of Learning: And the Son of God, the Nirous Son is! And the whole wise arranged and will save that sowing: Aliluia.

Wall and pillars of the Bogopnaya and the genus Prebateskonnye showing, the life of everyone willing to kill the Borer's careman, and the infant babies, Yako Clasta's immature swords shit: the same and we are all sorts of hearts from our hearts, we will save us will be able to glorify: Glory to you, Irodovo showed. Glory to you, from being beaten by babies with an angels of sinic. Glory to you, anger to consumer. Glory to you, humility mentor and mortal fan. Glory to you, horn pride slightly. Glory to you, the light of the truth everyone is delimiting. Glory to you, meekness and humility of everyone with a teaching. Thank you, all your knowledge will give you. Glory to you, Rodviya Wastrobe, so consecrated. Glory to you, from the shepherds of the miracle and from the mohaws of the gift. Glory to you, and intenseless you are a teaching service. Thank you, the whole creature is consecrated. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Singing anyone won, your hedgehog for the embodiment, worthy of bringing the thoughts: and the tense is silence. Especially and even the sand of Maskago Songs bring, the king of the Holy, but we do nothing worthy: we sing with fear: Aliluia.

Light it is incoming, landing in the darkness and deceases of mortals, our deasses, disrespecting from the Virgin, enlighten: enlightened by the fire of your deity; And you wisdom and the meaning of the subwinder, scene, scene: glory to you, the Son of God, the light is incomprehensible. Glory to you, the sun truth, your Christmas is all translucent. Glory to you, multiserful education by the possession. Glory to you, Multi-meh grace the river for the eventual. Glory to you, thirsting to the water of salvation richly pending. Glory to you, who loves you, the benefit and the burden you easily showed. Glory to you, from the Bremen of the sinful of us with a faithful. Glory to you, we are getting ridden from work. Glory to you, yours on the earth is all the exalted. Glory to you, we are comforting for a cleaner. Glory to you, we are desires for our edge. Glory to you, our enemies to the Father reconcilate. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Grace all terms and debts of people permit the redeemed, our deasses, your incarnation: the fact and our debts of the solutions and sins handwriting of the divine: Your unranny Christmas famous and incessantly singing: Allilouia.

Surprisingly, blessing, bless it, and our spas; And believe, Yako, Lord and God, esi, savage everyone on want and your hedgehogs from the Virgin, the inadequate Christmas of the Slavonic and singing such: glory to you, the Son of God, in High and the Father and Spirit Clear. Glory to you, from all the knees of heaven and earthly famous. Glory to you, the sacredness of the sacrament. Glory to you, your inevitable love is. Glory to you, all creature decorated. Glory to you, we are equipped with the Savior. Glory to you, piously reigning Skiper's scepters affirmed. Glory to you, the saints of reverend and the hubs of the wisdom and wept decoi. Thank you, the church is the basis and approval. Glory to you, all the faithful salvation and decoration. Glory to you, the physicians of our doctor and healing. Glory to you, the shower of our decorated and the Savior. Jesus, the Son of God, embodied us for the sake of glory to you.

Oh, mining and all-free Jesus, the Savior of our, Creator and Vladyko! Nowadays a small year of prayer thanksgiving and the glorious closure of our, Yakozs are the beneficia of the worship and gifts; And save us, your slaves, from all sorts of attack: and sins forgiveness Darui; And the eternal flour to get rid of your famous famous, from the chiston of the Virgin, Christmas and the blatants: Allilouia.

(This Kondak is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)

Christmas of Christ - a bright holiday that brought hope for all people. Every year on January 7, the whole Christian world celebrates this celebration - the birth of the Savior, the Son of God of Jesus Christ. On this day, the glorifying songs and Christmas prayers are singing, the Christmas post ends, and a batch festive week begins.

On January 7, a special prayer for the Christmas of Christ "Christmas Your Christ is God". This festive trail - the anthem sing several times during the Christmas Divine Liturgy and all week after, until January 13 inclusive. The text of this path is very ancient, for the first time in church services, it is found in the 4th century.

Your christmas is yours, our God, the remuneration of the world of mind, in it bing stars serving star studies. You put it, the sun is truth, and you are kept from the height of the East. Lord, thank you!

Russian translation:

Your christmas, Christ, God, illuminated the world with the light of knowledge, because through him the stars servants of the star were teaching you to worship, the sun is truth, and know you, from the height ascending shining. Lord, thank you!

Christmas prayer for marriage

In every person, the Lord laid an individual mission. A woman should be realized in the main thing - to become a good wife and a caring mother. Of course, Orthodox Christians to find their half, to create a pious family ascend the prayer for the Christmas of Christ, for a successful marriage.

Oh, the Most Holy Maiden Mary, I will accept Prayer from me, unworthy of your servant, and worship her to the throne of God's son, and he will be gracious of our own. I am resorting to you as an intercession of our: hear us, you have a cover of us with the cover of yours, and we succeed at God's son of yours all the best: the spouses of love and consent, the children of obedience, offended patience, grieving complacency, all of the spirit of mind and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Save me from pride and pride, give me a hunt for hardworking and bless my works. As the law of the Lord God of our command commands people in an honest marriage to live, then bring me, Mother of God to him, not to help my desire, but to fulfill the purpose of the father of our saint, for he himself said: it's a bad person to be alone and creating him a wife in the assistant , blessed them to grow, cooled and populate the Earth.

The Most Holy Mother of God, hear a humble prayer from the depths of the Great Maternity: Give me a spouse honest and pious, in order to love you in love and in harmony glorified you and the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Woman should be realized in the main thing - to become a good wife

Prayer has nothing to do with conspiracies, it is not worth praying for texts whose origin is doubtful. Prayer carries in itself, above all, saving requests for the soul. Therefore, in order to safely ask for help from God in the device of personal life, it is impossible to participate in rites, fortune telling and other events of contradictory commandments of God.

Such actions are sin and if once for ignorance, youngest have such moments, they must be taken to the sacrament of confession. Perhaps this is the reason for failures in personal life.

Prayer in Christmas for happiness and well-being

On a festive day, a prayer petition is pronounced with a special joy and hearty warmth. Man wants to be happy, have well-being, wealth. Christians know that at the Christmas of Christ's prayer for good luck, this is a request for God's patronage, his defense, his help in all areas of life. It is very important for an Orthodox Christian to arrange correctly priorities so that the Lord clearly showed his participation in the life of the believer.

Oh, the Lord Almighty! Vladyka Heaven! Protect us from evil, troubles and misfortunes. Fill my life with luck, happiness and faith in your own strength. Let success never leave me and my family. May the world will be worldwide, the Great Lord. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Our Great Lord! I will pray for your prayer, so you hear me and do not leave your slave without attention. We put me the support of your own, become my patron saint, do not let me fall in spirit! Protect your faith, to mention true and give me happiness and well-being in this world. I am tireless I will praise and glory to you, never cease to read your name. Now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Man want to be happy

Brief prayer for the Christmas of Christ, for good luck

Most High knows about all our needs and needs. Sometimes we ask about ephemeral things, that is, those, the need for which it is not always possible to explain. Good luck does not have a specific definition, because, the fact that for one it seems beautiful, the other will simply not be noticed.

"The Angel of God, that you want to dream about my back! You see any act you see, I heard the word every one, you read all the Duma. To you, my sinful soul refers to help asks. Pray to me to the Lord for my sins, past yes coming. Move me to the right path, to our father leading. Fates in the affairs of the righteous, protection from the lich is thin. Let the prosperity in my life in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Good luck does not have a specific definition

Therefore, it is possible to pray with a brief prayer, where the right to choose that it is necessary for happiness is given to God. Only our creator and the Savior knows everything about us. Many videos in the Internet space offers "miraculous" dubious options for trying good luck. But the strength of prayer is imprisoned in the sincerity and purity of our intentions, so the Lord fulfills such requests, and non-calculating schemes of good luck.

Brief prayer:

"Glory to the Welcome to God and on Earth the world, among people than goodbye!"

Features of prayer for Christmas of Christ January 7

At home, on the evening of January 7, the prayer for Christmas can be done special. With the help of figures, create a small christmas vertel. This lesson will like the children very much, it is the best way to tell them about the value of the Nativity of Christ. To acquaint with the events of this day and with them to light the candle, get up on a warm christmas prayer. Such an attitude to the holiday will give solemnity, the significance of prayer, the atmosphere will be not only cozy, but also gracious.

With the help of figures, create a small christmas vertel

Prayer action

The prayer for the Christmas of Christ is January 7 has a cleansing, pacifying the impact on the human soul. When the prayer is not mechanically pronounced, but consciously, with a deep understanding and penetration into the meaning of words, then they are real and become "lively" water.

Prayer is a unique, universal means for human soul

Prayer is a unique, universal means for a human soul. She treats, soothes, humbles, warms, pleases, helps and saves. So that these qualities of prayer acquire, you need to know how to pray.

How to pray

Prayer January 7 at Christmas will have a special grace if the praying person will put the bright qualities of his soul. It will be prepared for the meeting of the holiday. The result of Christian holidays, every divine liturgy is to combine Christ in the sacrament of communion. This means that you can go to it, you can only after confessing sins.

Eliminating the soul and clearing the thoughts, the words of prayer become easy and festive. If so approach the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, a person will definitely feel the fertile presence of God not only around him, but also inside, in his heart. This touch can not be confused with anyone. The Lord says: the kingdom of God within us. Only on us depends in what condition it is in each soul of man.

In the sky midnight angel flew
And he sang a quiet song,
And month and stars and clouds crowd
The song holy
He sang about blissful spirits
Under the gloys of the paradise gardens
About God he sang and praise
His uncovered was ...
He soul Mlata in the arms carried
For peace, sadness and tears,
And the sound of his song in the shower
Stayed, without words, but alive ...
And for a long time she languished she languished,
Wishes wonderful full
And the sounds of heaven could not replace
She is boring songs of the earth ...

Lovely lines Mikhail Lermontov immerses us in the topic of non-gun wonders.

Angels live in your house? Of course, live! Each of us has their own guardian angel.

And in your library live angels? On the Christmas tree or in writing, at the Department of Issuing or on the window?

Let's talk about the angels today. And not only let's talk.Let's make a good deed - along with our readers or children, make it yourself angels and give to loved people.

To start N.eminal reference information:

Angelin translation With ancient Greek "Herald, Mescaria", SpiritGod and possessing supernatural possibilities.

The Bible calls angels servicespirits (Heb.1: 14). Angels are often depicted in the form of anthropomorphic creatures with wings behind the back (Symbol of Freedom of Spirit) in white linen clothes with gold belts. The habitat of angels - heavens, which are created before the dense sky (Gen..1.1, Gen..1.8).

The power of angels is given by God. It defines for any angel those abilities that an angel will have. Some abilities were shown in many Christian legends:Be invisible to physical perception;The ability to fly in spiritual;Ability to manifest in material;The ability to appear in the physical human body, ability to effect on the physical world;Vision through time, vision of both the face of the human soul and thoughtsman in the shower and in the view, deep thoughts of the heart of a man;The ability to destroy whole cities.

Decorate your trees angels!

Decorate your souls with good deeds!

Prayer Guardian Angel

Teach me to pray
Good angel, teaching:
The mouth of your priewhnem
Feelings are worn softening!
Yes deep souls penetrate
Sun eternal rays,
Yes in my chest
Holy tears keys!
Give my prayer wings,
Give me a height
Give me faith unconditional
Height and warmth!
Non-clear, unrequited
Let babies purity
And high, holy
Spirit is simple!
Give, shook the earthly bonds,
With ashes of strange legs,
Give me a shit in me
Battles everyday and alarms.
Yes will open to you
I am a prayer drawn,
Yes in one duma
Death, immortality and God!
Peter Vyazemsky

Complete collection and description: the angel prayer is brief for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Angelic greeting of the Mother of God. Puigous song of the Virgin. The most brief prayer for the Mother of God. Prayer life-giving cross. Prayer Angel Custodian. Prayer holy. Prayer for alive. Prayer for the dead. Prayer fore

Angelic Greeting of the Mother of God

The Virgin Devo, rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you, blessed you are in the wives, and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Rejoice, Virgin Mary Virgin Mary, who received grace, Lord with you! Blessed you between my wives and blessed to you, because you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

- the Mother of God (gave birth to God); Gracious - filled with grace of the Holy Spirit; blessed - glorified or deserve to glorify; in wives - between wives; the fruit of woven yours - Jesus Christ born of you; yako - because, because; Savior- Savior.

This prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos, which we call gracious, that is, the fulfillment of the grace of the Holy Spirit, and blessing of all women, because he wondered from her, or wished, the Savior's Savior was born, the Son of God.

This prayer is also called an angelic greeting, since it has an angel's words (Archangel Gabriel): rejoice, gracious Maria, Lord with you: Blessed you are in my wife, Which he told Virgin Mary, when he appeared to her in the city of Nazareth to build her a great joy that the Savior of the world would be born. Also - blessed you in the wives and blessed fruit fruit, said the Virgin Mary, when meeting with her, and the righteous Elizaveta, the mother of St. John the Baptist.

Virgo Maria is called because Jesus Christ born from her is our true God.

it is called because she was the Virgin and in Christmas and after Christmas, and after Christmas, it remained like that, because he gave a vow (promise) to God, and there was a virus forever, gave birth to his son from the Holy Spirit wonderful way.

Questions: To whom we pray, when we say prayer: Virgin Devo Rejoice? What do we call Mary in this prayer? What do these words mean: you are gracious and blessed in the wives? How to explain the words: Yako Sava gave birth to our souls? Why is this prayer called an angelic greeting? What do the words mean: Virgin, Delo?

Puigous song of the Virgin

It is worthy to eat Cako truly Bunity to the Virgin, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

Truly adequately glorify you, the Virgin Mary, always blissful and completely immaculate and the mother of our God. You deserve honoring more cherubs and in terms of the glory of its incomparably higher seraphim, you gave birth to God's words without illness, and as a true Virgin, we glorify you.

- worthy, fairly; ico truly - Truly, in all truth; bunnye - To be cleaned, glorify you; calculated - always having the highest joy (happy), worthy of constant glorification; pRESENTAL - quite immaculate, clean, holy; cherubis and Serafima - the highest and close to God angels; without existence - sinless and without disease; God's words - Jesus Christ, the Son of God, (so he is named in the Holy Gospel); essential- true, true.

In this prayer, we praise the Mother of God, as the mother of our God, always blissful and quite immaculate, and greatly, saying that she is his honor (more coherent) and Glavovy (norny) surpasses the highest angels: Cherubimov and Serafimov, that is, the Mother of God Its perfections are above all - not only people, but also holy angels. She without illness, miraculously from the Spirit of the Holy Birthday, Jesus Christ, who, who, who, who became a man, is at the same time the Son of God, who came down from heaven, and therefore it is a true Virgin.

Questions: Whom we praise in this prayer? How do you glorify it? What do the words mean: the subscript, the presets, the mother of our God? What do the words mean: a honest cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim? Without the evolution of God, the word has palpable? Essential to the Virgin?

The shortest prayer to the Mother of God

Most Holy Virgin, save us!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

In this prayer we ask God's Mother to save us sinful with our holy prayers before our son and our God.

Prayer life-giving cross

Save, Lord, your people and bless your doctrine; The victories of the Orthodox Christian on the resistance granting, and your persistence of your residence.

Save, Lord, your people and bless everything belongs to you. Give victory to the enemies to Orthodox Christians, and save the power of the cross of yours, among which you are.

- Capture, mercy went; your property - possession of yours; on resistent - over contraders, enemies; Your residence - Your dwelling, that is, the society is truly believers, among whom God is invisible; keeping your cross- Saving the power of your cross.

In this prayer, we ask God to save us, His people, and blessed the Orthodox country - the Fatherland of Our, great Milosts; Gave the victory to Orthodox Christians over the enemies and, in general, retaining us with the power of the cross of his own.

Questions: How is the prayer read by the Holy Cross and she for the Fatherland? What do the words mean: save, Lord, is your people? And bless your doctrine? Victory to Orthodox Christians on the resistance granting? And your persuasion is your residence?

Prayer Guardian Angel

The Angela of God, the keeper my saints and, on keeping me from God with heaven, given, diligently pray to you: you are going to enlighten you, and from any evil save, to the good act to Nastavi and on the path of salvation! Amen.

The Angel of God, the keeper of my holy, given me from the heavens from God to save, I mock you hard: You now enlighten me, and from any evil, I will save to a kind thing and on the way to save. Amen.

Every Christian God gives the Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person from any evil. Therefore, we must ask for an angel every day to save and pardon us.

Saint prayer

The moths of God about me holy [Holy] (name), Yako Az diligently to you, resorted, quick assistant and prayer (ambulance and prayer] about my soul.

The moths of God about me, Holy [Holy] (Name), because I diligently resort to you quickly assistant and prayer [Ampressive assistant and prayer] about my soul.

- I; residence- I appeal to the prayer.

In addition to the prayer to the Guardian angel, we must also pray to the saint, the name of which we are called, because it also prays about us about us.

Each Christian as soon as he is born to the light of God, with St. baptism is given saintin assistants and patrons of St. Church. He takes care of a newborn as the most loving mother, and retains it from all the troubles and misfortunes who are found to man on earth.

Need to know day of Remembrancein the year of his saint (the day of their name), know the life (description of life) of this saint. On the day of the name, we must glorify his prayer in the temple and accept St. Communion, and if for any reason, can not be in the temple on this day, it should be diligently pray at home.

Prayer for living

We must think not only about yourself, but also about other people, to love them and pray for them to God, because we are all the children of one Father of Heaven. Such prayers are useful not only to those whom we pray, but also for us yourself as we show this loveto them. And the Lord told us that no one could be children of God without love.

We must pray for our fatherland-Russia, for the country in which we live, for the father of spiritual, parents, affinations, benefactors, Orthodox Christians and all people as for living, so I. for dead, because god has all alive (Onion. 20 , 38).

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spiritual

(his name), my parents (names of them), slods, mentors and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spiritual (his name), my parents (their names), the affinities, mentors and benefactors and all Orthodox Christians.

- the priest who is confessing; mentors - teachers; benefactor- Making good, help us.

Prayer for the dead

God, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of your (names) and all the departed affinities and benefactors of my, and forgive their all sinners, free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

God, the Lord, the soul of the deceased slaves of your (names) and all the degrades and benefactors of my, and forgive their all sins made by their own will and besides their will, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

- Place in a quiet place, that is, with the saints in an eternal blissful dwelling; usophest"We are asleep so we call the dead, because people after death are not destroyed, and their souls are separated from the body and move from this life to another, heavenly. There they stay until the time of the Universal Resurrection, which will be at the second coming of the Son of God, when according to his word, the souls of the dead will be connected again with the body - people will come to be resurrected. And then everything will be achieved by merit: the righteous - the kingdom of heaven, blissful, eternal life, and sinners are eternal punishment.

Prayer for the dead in the cemetery

- sins made by their own will; unwanted - In addition to the will of coercion; give them - Give them; the Kingdom of heaven- Eternal blissful life with God.

Prayer before the teaching

The premaxing of Lord was sent to us the grace of the spirit of your saint, the darischny meaning and strengtheningly spiritually, our forces, so that wearing the teachings taught to us, we have increased to you, our creator, glory, the parent for consolation, the church and the Fatherland benefit.

Premium Lord! We went to grace the spirit of your saint, giving a clearness and strengthening spiritual our strength to, so that listening to the teaching taught to us, we grew up to you, our creator, glory, our parents for consolation, church and fatherland benefit.

- premium, request; nisposli - went down (from the sky to earth); grace of Holy Spirit - the invisible power of the Holy Spirit; darischiko - giving; meaning - understanding; success our forces - sincere abilities (mind, heart, will); in order - to; hiding taught us - Understanding the study that we teach: early - grown; Church - society of all Orthodox Christians; fatherland- The state, the country where our ancestors lived: Pradady, grandfathers and fathers, that is, Russia.

This prayer to God Father, whom we call the creator, i.e., the Creator. In it, we ask him to send the Holy Spirit so that he will gradually strengthen our mental strength (mind, heart and will), and that we, listening to the teachings taught to us, grew up with the devotees of the Church and the faithful servants of their fatherland and the consolation of their parents .

Questions: What is this prayer? Who applies to? What do we ask in this prayer? What is called the Church and Fatherland?

Prayer after the exercise

Thank you, the Creator, Yako, it was worthy of the grace of your grace, in this very much teaching. Bless our chiefs, parents and teachers leading us to the knowledge of the good, and suppuse us strength and fortress to continue the teachings of this.

Thank you, the creator that you honored with your grace to understand the study. Bless our chiefs, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of goodness, and give us strength and fortress to continue the teachings of this.

- Creator, Creator; yako fought ESI - What you honored; thanks twee - invisible help of your in this very much - To listen and understand with attention; blessing - mercy went; to the knowledge of the good - to the knowledge of all the best; fortress- Health, Hunting, Cheerfulness.

This prayer is to God Father. In it, we first thank God that he sent help to understand the doctrine taught us. Then we ask him to send the grace my own chiefs, parents and teachers who give us the opportunity to find out everything good and useful; And, in conclusion, we ask us to give health and hunting so that we successfully continue to study.

Questions: To whom this prayer? At the beginning of the prayer for what we thank God? What do we ask in this prayer?

Prayer before consecution of food

The eyes of all on the way, the Lord, and you are going, and you are sending them in the Blagovatonism: you are rejected your generous hand and execute any animal of favor.

The eyes of everyone, Lord, look at you with hope, because you in your time you have food, you turn your generous hand to get all the lives to the Milosts.

- the eyes of everyone; on the draw - at you; true - Watching, facing hope; in parlegation - timely when you need; overtores - open to give; any animal - any living being, that is, not only people, but also all the creatures; fale- mercy.

In this prayer, we express confidence that God will send us food at one time, as it is not only people, but all living creatures gives everything necessary for life.

Instead of this prayer before consecuting food, you can read the prayer of the Lord: our father.

Questions: Who is the prayer read before contesting food? What do we express in it? How does God relate to living beings?

Prayer after biting food

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the celestial to your kingdom.

Thank you, Christ's God, that you drink us with our good benefits (food); Do not lish us and eternal bliss.

- you; saturated - Drink; earth of your good - the earthly benefits, i.e., what we drank and ate at the table; heavenly Your Kingdom- Eternal bliss, whom the righteous people are honored by death.

In this prayer, we thank God that he wrote us to food, and ask him to not deprive us on the death of our and eternal bliss, which we should always remember, getting earthly benefits.

Questions: What is the prayer read after biting food? Why do we thank God in this prayer? What is meant under the Earth Blags? What is called the kingdom of heaven?

Morning prayer

Manifoldloving people; satisfy - I hurry, try to do; in every thing - in any case; moorish evil thing - worldly evil (not good); divorceseen - Diavolsky (evil spirit) temptation, temptation for evil; Co-original - Creator; Businessman - Sprivercher, Trustee; hope mine- My hope.

Evening prayer

My God God, hedgehogped in the days of the Sea, the Word, Affairs and Thoroughness, Jaco, and a Physician, forgiveness; Miren Dream and Demonstrate Darui Mi; Angel of your keeper Ambassading and observing me from all slander; Yako, you are the keeper with souls and the body of our own, and you are ashamed of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Lord God God! Everything, in what I was sinful to the word and thought and thought. You, like a merciful and human-loving, forgive me. Feed me peaceful and calm dream. I went to your guardian angel who would cover and protect me from any evil. For you are the keeper of our shower and the bodies of our bodies, and we reward the fame to you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

- what, in which; thoughness - thoughts; good - merciful; crancession - calm; darui - give; ambassador - went; covering and observing- Who would cover and faith.

Learn to read and pray for church-Slavyansky

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Prayer Guardian Angel

Here are all the prayers of the guardian angel for different topics: to protect, for help, for any good and the strongest prayers.

  • Strong prayers
    • For all occasions
    • On every day
    • Birthday
    • About kids
    • Thanks
    • Picky
    • In sickness
    • About marriage
    • Morning
    • Evening
  • About help
    • In love
    • In work
    • In affairs
    • Learning
    • In money
    • About health
  • About harmonious relations
    • With others
    • With bosses
    • With kids
    • With relatives
    • With wife
  • For all benefit
    • About prosperity
    • About luck
    • About gaining a true path
    • About a happy life
    • About strengthening faith
    • About prosperity in affairs
    • About abundance on the table
    • About material well-being
    • About success in affairs and personal life
  • On protection against all sorts
    • Protective
    • From unclean power
    • From Schalza
    • From trouble
    • From sudden death
    • From poverty
    • From legal prosecution and injustice
    • From human misunderstanding and hate
    • From dangers on the road
    • From anger of bosses
    • From failure
    • From injury
    • From thieves and robbers
  • Protection against sins and temptations
    • For children from troubles
    • For relatives from troubles
    • From wrongdoing
    • For keeping from evil
    • From sinful thoughts and temptations

Prayer Angel Custodian for all occasions

The angel of Christ is holy, falling to you praying, the keeper my holy, devoted to me to keep the soul and body to my sinner from Holy Baptism, Az the same laziness and your evil progress your prepressive lordship and outlines from ourselves with all students:

lyzhai, slander, envy, condemnation, condemunication, disorder, cruise, bondenenavidation and endurance, sober, adultery, yarriasis, buoyancy, cheating without a satiety and resistance, multicoloration,

evil thoughts and loopholes, proud and prodigal bobble, damage to any carnal desire, about the evil militia, do not create his own and livestock!

But praying Tyu falling, the keeper is my holy, soaring on My sinner and the unworthy servant of yours (name), Budi Assistant and the intercessor on the zlago of my sophistication, the saints of your prayers, and the kingdom of God, and now, and now, And confessed, and in the eyelids.

Prayer Angel Keeper for every day

With a heart crushed and soul painfully prestitute, praying:

do not obey the lawlessness of my and untrue, image of the Az, the parched, the nape of all the days and the clock, and it's a merry one who has been doing a creator of our Lord;

i have mercy to me and do not leave me, sketching, even before the death of Moya;

each from Sleshornago's sleep and make the prayers of your other time of my belly, without a vice, and create fruits worthy of repentance,

miscellaneous followed by the deaths of sinful falls of sinful falls, and not perished in despair, and yes the enemy will not be deceived.

most of the throne of the Lord, praying for me, inadvertently and the sinner of all the sinner, but not getting the soul of my soul on the day of teaching my and on the day of the creation of the Evil.

Do not press the recruitment of the Lord's premium and my god, and my God will let go of my sinners, my whales, the word, and all of my feelings, and imagine the fate,

yes, I will save me, let me punish my priest in the unfriendly mercy of my, but yes it does not seem to be symboling on an uniceceptible justice to his own;

yes, it will help me with repentance to bring, with repentance, the divine communion is worthy of reaching, he pushing and talked about this fever and a talked gift.

In the terrible hour of death, Buddly, Budi Mi, the Bladian Keeper, who runs down the gloomy demons, afraid of frightening my preparing soul;

defencing me from those lifting, including imam crossing sealand, yes, you keep to you, I will reach paradise, the Mi is desired,

the first to praise the fits of the Saints and Highlights in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Slav and Slandness of God, and the History and History and Worship.

Prayer Angel Keeper on Birthday

Oh holy angel, keeper and the patron of my good!

With a crushed heart and painful soul prestitute, praying:

i hear, the sinners of your slave (the name of the rivers), with the screams strong and crying bitter blade;

do not rummage my lawlessness and not true, they are Az Okayany, napanese on all the days and hours, and it is a merciless for himself before the creator of our Lord;

i have mercy to me and do not deprive me sterling even before the death of Moya;

out of my prayers from Sleeping Sleep and give your prayers, my prayers of my belly, without a vice, and create the fruits are worthy of repentance, and the death drops of sinful followed, and you will not die in despair and will not be pleasing the enemy of death.

Weirwilder and Usti confession, IKOKO Nictecs are such a friend and a concern, a focus and advocate, you can, holy angel:

most of God the throne of the Lord, praying for me is indebted and the sinner of all the sinner, but not comes

The soul of my soul is on the day of teaching my and the day of the creation of an Evil.

Do not press the recreation of the Lord's premium and my God and God, and my sinners will be released, with my whales, the word, the word and all of my feelings, and I will save the fate, and save me;

yes, I will punish my zea for my unfair grace, but yes it does not seem and does not syndize me on his unilent justice;

yes, it will help me with repentance to bring, with repentance of the same divine communion with a worthy of happening, he prayed about sesome, and a talked gift I wish it all.

In the terrible hour of death, it is unleasiated by the mi, my good keeper, drowning the gloomy demons, the immushion to frighten the defeated soul my:

protect me from those deraim ,, Ever Imam Beneficia, I Cobloa, I will rended to Waja Waja, the first to praise the worst and magnificent name in the Trinity of Slavimago God, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Worship forever.

Prayer Angel Guardian about Children

Angel keeper of the slave of God / Slaves of God (call the name of the child), I beg you and ask for protection.

Do not leave my child in the way and do not lower your wings for His and my sorts.

Sawn my child from bad people and damn dangers.

Bloach the path of the evil invasion and left the heavens of durable defense against the ailments.

Guardian Angel, bring my child to Orthodox faith in Christ.

Thanks Prayer Angel Keeper

It is more likely thanks and rambling the gentlemen of his own, the united god of Orthodox Jesus Christ for the beneficialness of him, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ, the warrior of the Divine.

I call with a grateful prayer, thank you for your mercy to me and for my petition for me before the face of the Lord.

Slary be in the Lord, Angela!

Praying Prayer Angel Keeper

Holy Angela of Christ, benefactor my and the defender, I appeal to you, about you my thoughts, Jac through you and about the Lord God.

I sincerely remember my sins, forgive me, the Okayannoye, for I didn't commit them for an evil intent, but at his imminent of my own.

If the word of the Lord is likely and sinning against the faith, against the Lord.

I pray you, the bright angel, Molubi my melts, forgive my soul!

Not my fault, but of my weak understanding.

It is also a bit of me, unworthy, lingering for the salvation of my soul before the father of our heavenly.

I call you with the Sim, and through you to the Lord God about forgiveness and mercy.

Az is ready to carry the atonement of the sin of his own, in order to avoid the sideways.

Moths for me, angel holy.

Prayer angel keeper in illness

Holy Angela, Warrior of Christ, I call you about help, for in the hard at least my body is mine.

Crawled from me the disease, fill my teles, my hands, my feet, clarify my head.

Az I pray you, benefactors and the defender of your own, for weakly weakly became weak.

And there are big suffering from your illness.

And I know that from my little stern from my sins of my grave contains me a disease in the punishment by the Lord by our.

And there is a test for me.

HAVE, God's angel, reversing me protecting my body my, so I put a test and would not make my nimal faith.

And the forest, the holy guardian of my, moths for my soul to our teacher, so that the Most High saw the repentance of my and took off the disease with me.

Prayer for marriage Angel Keeper

Angela God, the keeper my holy!

To comply with me from God from the heaven, this diligent praying you, you are going to enlighten from any evil to the good dequeble, and on the way to save the angel, my kind keeper!

Help me do not smash not to flatter and not to judge anyone from the closest truth of God and the truth is to create in order to receive salvation.

The Angela of God, the keeper is my most, my stomach is observed in the risk of Christ of God, my mind will approve in the pool of the path and the love of Horny vulnery my soul and you send, I will receive a great mercy from Christ God.

The Angela of Christ is holy, falling for you praying, the keeper is my holy, devoted to me to respect the soul and the body of my sinner from Holy Baptism,

az the same lanomy and his evil progress, your prepressive lordship and outcays from ourselves with all the students:

lyzhai, slander, envy, condemnation, conversion, disorder, cruel, and stomping, sober, adultery, fierce, buoyancy, cheating without a satiety and resistance,

multicolating, evil thoughts and loopholes, proud and prodigal bubbling, damage to any carnal lust, about the evil militia, do not curb it and livestock!

Yes, how can you get up to me, or start to me, Aki to a cushion?

Who is Cleeme, the Angel of Christ, revive on me, heading evil in vile affairs?

Why is it already an absenteeism of letting ascend the bitter and evil and crap deeds, in a nibency I fall on all the days and more than a hour?

But praying with the fallen, the keeper my holy, soaring on my sinning and unworthy slave of your (name),

budi Assistant and the intercessor on the zlago of my sophistication, the saints of your prayers, and the kingdom of God's particant, and now, and are constantly confident, and forever.

Holy angel, the oppression of the appearance of my soul and passionate to my life, do not leave me a sinner, below the retreat from me for the incoming mine.

Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television;

inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation.

She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron of the Okayanna Muya soul and body, all I'm sorry, Elikima Insults on all the days of my abdomen, and it is somehow that I was sinful in the preceded me

and save me from all sophistication opposity, yes, in any way I hurt God, and pray for me to the Lord, may I approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good.

Morning Prayer Angel Keeper

Oh, Holy Angel (name), petitioned in front of the Lord our soul, my body and my sinful life!

Do not leave me, sinful, and not back from me for all my sins.

I ask you! Do not let the deception to take hold of my soul and my body.

I will strengthen my weak and pliable soul and direct it on the right path.

I ask you, God's angel and the keeper of my soul!

Forgive me all the sins that I insulted you for all my unrighteous life.

Forgive all my pregriction that I have passed the past, and protect me in a new day.

Save my soul from different temptations so that I do not warm our gentlemen.

I apologize to you, in front of the Lord, our mercy and peace of mind coming to me.

Evening prayer angel keeper

Angela of Christ, Holy My Guardian and the patron soul and my body!

Forgive me everything, I have sinned today, and get rid of me from any insidious idea against me the enemy, so that I cannot nourish my God.

But pray for me, sinful and unworthy slave to present me with decent goodness and mercy of the Holy Trinity and Mother of God of My Jesus Christ and all saints.

Η Make me, about the keeper's angel ...

Η Make me, about the Guardian's Angel, do not make the misfortunes of the Ministry of Junior and the Former Sin of Mother.

We have hope for you. You're a strong mind, confidently.

Sawn me to the network of a sinner and the sorry of the evil spirit.

You are a porrower given to me with baptism.

Ρassays the enemy, which are, progressive, mind, wandering around in Mraka, οbchi to me the holy person of you, and I have privileged tears and a consensus before.

Prostitutes with voice to me, about the holy angel MOT, - I have gods to you; Powered - and I will perform a dealer; Specify me the way - and I am a false for you.

Μ people carelessly cleared up without a number, Nο melted to me, holy keeper of life MEY, in order to me live a sense of love of your love and imagine the tears of the Square Mother:

It does not descend the tears of the victim and for the Miliation of the Summary of Communion.

Angela of God, the keeper my holy ...

Prayer Angel Custodian on Help in Love

God of God, the keeper is my holy, my stomach is observed in the risk of Christ of God, my mind will approve in the pool of the path, and my soul is vulnerable to love, but you send you, I will receive God's grace from Christ.

Prayer Angel Custodian for help in work

Holy angel of Christ, benefactor, my and patron, I pray, sinful.

Help Orthodox, living in God's commandments.

I ask you about a little, I ask you to make me in my way in my life, I ask to support a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck;

Prayer Angel Custodian on Affairs Aid

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the heavens given!

I diligently pray the things: you are going to enlighten, and from all the evil salary, to any act to nasty, and on the path of salvation will move.

Prayer the Guardian Angel on Help Help

Holy Angela of Christ, the faithful servant of God, the warrior of his master of heaven, I appeal to you in prayer, autumn himself with a cross of saints.

The heavenly grace for the strength of my soul and give me the meaning and understanding, so that I didn't care about the expectation that the teacher conveys us, and the mind increased extremely to the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church to favor.

Oh Sez, I ask you, Angela of Christ.

Prayer about money Angel Keeper

Prayer for health angel keeper

Molubi your ward (name), holy angel of Christ.

Jaco also paid me to me, petitioned for me before God, worked out and protected me in the MiG of the danger, kept the will of the Lord from bad people,

from misfortunes, from the loud animals, yes from the evil, so help me once again, the health of the televishas of my, my hands, my legs, my head.

Let forever in the eyelids, as long as I live, I will be strong for my body, so that there is a test from God to transfer and serve in the glory of the Almighty, as long as he will call me.

I pray you, I, the dropsy, o seats.

If he guessed, I have sins for me and not enough to ask, then I pray for forgiveness, because I sees God, I did not think anything wrong and did not do anything.

Elico guessed, it is not for evil intent, but by unbrid.

About forgiveness praying and mercy, health I ask for life.

I hope for you, Angela of Christ.

Prayer Angel Keeper about good relations with others

I ask you, holy, save me from discord and disagree with my relatives,

Alone of sinful against them and gentlemen, then I repent and ask for forgiveness, because it is not mine in that wine, but the miscarios of the evil.

Protect me from the evil and not allowing you to offend my neighbors.

That wants God, so be.

Prayer for good relations with the authorities of the Guardian Angel

Holy angel of Christ, calls your ward, the slave of God (name) with a prayer.

I ask you, holy, save me from discord and disagree with my superiors.

For I have nothing to know in front of them, I am clean in front of them, as before the Lord.

Protect me from the evil and not allowing you to offend my supervisors.

By the will of the Lord, they are supplied by me, let them be so.

Let them hurt the Word of God and will burn me.

Oh Sej I ask you, Angela of Christ, Warrior of God, in his prayer.

Prayer for Understanding with Children Angel Guardian

After having argued the blessing of the Lord to multiply his own, I now appeal to you, Holy Angela, the keeper, my and caring guardian.

I pray you to protect my family from the discord, please for your children.

Let every child my (name) will love and obey me, their parent, in the Lord, as stated in the Holy Scripture.

Let my words be missed by my word, because they know the Word of God through the word my word.

Az the same Wheel of God and grow their children in love and respect for the Lord to our God.

Prayer for good relations with native keeper angel

Holy Angela of Christ, calls your ward, the slave of God (name), with a prayer.

I ask you, holy, save me from discord and disagree with my relatives.

For I have nothing to know in front of them, I am clean in front of them, as before the Lord.

The Lord quickened against them and the gentlemen, I repent and pray for forgiveness, because it's not mine in that wine, but the miscarios of the evil.

Protect me from evil and not allowing me to offend my relatives.

Let them hurt the Word of God and will burn me.

Oh Sej I ask you, Angela of Christ, Warrior of God, in his prayer.

Prayer the guardian angel about mutual understanding with his wife

The Holy Angela of Christ, the Slave of God (name) calls you, making himself a glory to the Holy Design.

I pray you for help, do not forget me, but reversing and save my sin soul.

I pray you about my marriage, for I want to live with my wife, as the Lord taught.

Let us have a way with her, let it be true to me and submissive, refers to reverence.

Az will hean his spouse, as a Scripture teaches, and I will treat her with respect, I will be faithful.

Oz, by the Will of God, the Union is my own wife and my wife, so the will of him, the Angel of Holy, and the Supreme Out of Mother.

Prayer Angel Keeper about prosperity

Having granted the Lord to God, Jesus Christ, for the disassembly on the table, in which the sign of His Higher Love His Sign, now I appeal to you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ.

The will of God was to be for the small righteousness of his, I, the appearances, I drink myself and my family, my wife and Chad unthable.

The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent.

She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him.

Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregrocheses, which is, and please give a binding table in moderation to not die with hunger.

Prayer angel-keeper about good luck

Holy Angel of Christ, benefactor my and the patron, I pray for you, sinful, help the Orthodox, living in the commandments of God.

I ask you about a little;

i do not ask the Zlata, I do not ask excess, I do not ask than satisfying, but I ask you to make me in my way in life, I ask to support a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck;

and everything else will arrive in itself, if it is for the will of the Creator.

Therefore, I do not even think about it, except for good luck in the life path and in all sorts.

Sorry, if you are sinful before you and God, the father of heaven for me, and your welfare has given me.

Prayer for the acquisition of the true way to the Guardian Angel

Heavenly Angel, Save my sinner's soul, Pray for me the Creator, but low on me.

Javi me the sign of God, Ivi to me the will of God.

I am ready to listen to the will of God, because it repented in the affairs of his earthly.

Forgive my pregressions, moths for me Lord God of our Jesus Christ!

Move me to the right way.

Again bring me the word Creator.

Let our heavenly father tell me his will through you.

As a student hesitates in school, the knowledge of the knowledge of the beige, and I am ready to listen to the word of God from the mouth of his messenger, the Angel of Saint.

Oh semi praying you, holy angel.

Prayer the guardian angel about a happy life

Benefactor, holy angel, my keeper in the eyelids eternal, as long as I will be!

You have a ward that you will hear me and lower me, as you have treated me many times, so once again hide.

I am clean before God, I have not guessed anything before.

So let the will of the Creator come true, and you, holy, fulfill her.

I ask you about a happy life for yourself and your home, and you will be the highest award from the Creator.

Hear me, Heavenly Angel, and help me, will fulfill the will of God.

Prayer for strengthening faith angel keeper

My patron, my petition before the face of the God of a single Christian!

Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer to save your soul.

From the Lord, I was tested by faith, the Okayannoye, for loved the hell of my God.

Help, holy, transfer the test from the Lord, for the weakness Az Esm and I am afraid not to endure your sufferings.

The angel is light, low to me, left my great wisdom to hean a very sensible Word of God.

Protect faith My, angel, so that there was no temptation before me and the test of our Az would have passed.

As a blind man goes on the mud, without knowing that Az will go with you the medium of vices and the abominations of the earth, without raising the eyes on them, but in vain only to the Lord.

Prayer Angel Keeper about prosperity in cases

The autumn man of the Holy Cross sign, I am the servant of God, I will give praise to the Lord and pray for His angel about help.

Help, holy, in my affairs.

For I am sickless before God and people, but the stink of the sinners, then not by good will, but by unbrid and the surrounding of the evolution.

Then, then for me before God and help me to strengthen my work.

I was set by the Lord the commanding over many and a lot of money from him for the benefit of the people were Dadnaya, it became, the will of the Lord for the fact that I was sinful, atecious sins of my own, worked for the benefit of people, the Fatherland and Church, and in the glory of the Lord.

Help me, weak and weak, to fulfill the will of the Lord and strengthen my business, so that I did not deceive any hope with my ruin.

Prayer Angel Custodian about abundance on the table

By granted our God, Jesus Christ, for the disassembly on the table, in Koim, the sign of His Higher Love His, now I appeal to the prayer for you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ.

The will of God was on the fact that there is a small righteousness of his I, the dropsy, drink myself and his family, wife / husband and Chad unthisted.

I pray you, holy, wanted me from an empty table, will fulfill the will of the Lord and give me for the acts of my modest dinner, so that I could quench my famine myself and getting my children, who are sinless in the face of the Most High.

The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent.

She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him.

Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregressions, which is, and please give a table, abundant in moderation, so as not to perish with hunger.

Prayer for material well-being Angel Keeper

To you, Angela Christ, I appeal.

She defended me and defended me, and kept, because I did not sink before and I will not sin in the future against faith.

So come out now, there are no lower than me and help me.

I worked much very, and now you see honest hands mine, which I worked.

So let them be, as teaches the Scripture, which will be reputed by works.

Reward me according to the works of my, holy, so that the hand was filled with a laptop, and I could live without it, God to serve.

I will fulfill the will of the Most High and pay me by the earthly generous for the works of my.

Prayer Angel Custodian about success in affairs and personal life

Holy angel of Christ, benefactor, my and patron, I pray I'm sinful.

Help me Orthodox, living in God's commandments.

I ask for me in my way in my life, I ask to support a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck;

and everything else will arrive in itself, if there is a will of the Lord.

Therefore, I do not even think about it, except for good luck in the life path and in all sorts.

Forgive, if you are sinful before you and God, the father of heaven is in the heaven for me and your benefactorism has given me.

Protective Prayer Angel Keeper

Prayer from the unclean power Angel Keeper

In my prayer, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ, welcome me.

If you have a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, Koiy reigns over all alive and undead everyone too.

And therefore, by the will of the Most High, to save me, weak and weak, from the misfortunes of different in the image of the beast of an unclean and other undead.

And neither the house, nor the leached, nor the Putchyevik, nor even if they will not destroy my soul and my body will not be touched.

I pray you, holy angel, about protecting from the unclean strength and all the servants of it.

Save and save by the will of the Lord God.

Prayer from the Schalza Guardian Angel

Holy Angela of Christ, I rely on your miraculous power, and from God of the Most High, she.

I repent of my sins, stinking the perishes than the opposite of God.

I repent and pray for protection.

My intercession, in front of God, my support in tests, holy angel of Christ, save me, sinful, from the evil eye, damage and statement. I do not allow bad people to destroy my soul and cause my body harm.

Az just forgiven unthable, forgive and Lord.

You will be removed from the view and words, which I pray you, bright angel.

Prayer Angel Keeper from trouble

The Angela of Christ, Holy Guardian of the Body of My Broast and My Soul, who goes missing me, unworthy.

I pray you about helping and saving the body of my weak and weak, whether about the salvation of the soul of my Christian.

Protect me, holy, from the troubles of numerous, koi wait for me around.

Do not let me be sure of me, do not give the brand to deprive the belly of me.

Do not let the elements destroy me, do not give Lychim people to hurt me what evil.

Languate than you and the gentlemen of ours, to the Most High judge, but not the servants of unclean.

Save my body my and my soul, holy guardian angel.

Prayer from sudden death Angel Keeper

Guardian Angel, Bulletin of Christ, Will's Will on Earth, in the water, in the air, too, call for you, pray for your help.

Do not allow my death before the Creator conceived.

Do not assume that my soul is stolen unclean.

Let it be for all the will of God, humbly betrayed his soul his soul when she calls.

Being me from premature death, because it is not a body of death, but the souls.

Guard, holy, my soul, take care of my life.

As the Creator will take my soul to my death hour, so you, an angel, accepting it to the care now, until the Creator calls.

Prayer angel keeper from poverty

I appeal to you with Moloto, benefactor and my patron saint, Mobataya my in front of the Lord God, Holy Angela of Christ.

I appeal to you, for my Hitched ones got together, are my empty chleva.

Do not make your eyes more than my crust, and the mosna is empty.

I know, then test me, sinful.

Therefore, I pray to you, holy, for honest in front of people and God, and my money was always honest.

And I did not take sin on the soul, but always went on divine fisheries.

Do not ruin me hunger, do not understand poverty.

I won't let the humble slave of God die despised by all the poor, because I worked for the Lord's glory.

Protect me, holy angel - my patron saint, from life in poverty, because I am unhappy.

The castle is warned, then you will be on all the will of God.

Prayer from legal prosecution and injustice Angel keeper

The will of the Lord sent me to me, the guardian angel, the defender and the guardian of mine.

Holy angel, charming from oppression and offense from those who undressed for me.

Remove from their injustice, for I suffer to this reason without any reason.

Prayer Guardian Angel from human misunderstanding and hatred

My patron, heavenly angel, my bright keeper.

I call you about help, because I got into trouble seriously.

And the misfortune is coming from human misunderstanding.

You can not see my good thoughts, people chase me from ourselves.

And my extremely vigilant is my heart, because I am clean in front of people, and my conscience is clean.

Not ideas anything wrong, nasty God, therefore I pray you, the holy angel of the Lord, to protect me from the misunderstanding of a person, let the Christian good acts of Christian.

Let them understand that I wish you good.

Help me, holy, charms!

Prayer for protection on the road Angel Keeper

Guardian angel, the minister of Christ, the winged and disembodied, you do not know tired in our paths tracks.

I pray you to be satellite mine on my path-track.

Before me, the road is long, the difficult path was a slave of God.

And I fear strongly dangers that honest travelers are waiting on the road.

Alerts me, holy angel, born in dangers.

Let neither the robbers nor the bad weather nor the beasts, nothing else, only there, does not prevent me in the way.

Humbly praying you about Sez and I hope to help yours.

Prayer from anger of the authorities Angel Keeper

The will of the Lord sent me to me, the guardian angel, the defender and the guardian of mine.

And therefore I appeal to you in a difficult moment in my prayer, so that you wrap me from a big trouble.

He oppose me clothed with earthly authorities and I have no other protection, except for the power of Heaven, Cyuy over all of us and the world is managed by our world.

Holy angel, charming from harassment and offense from those who raised to me, remove from their injustice, because I suffer to this reason without any reason.

I forgive God as God taught, the sins of them before me, for the Lord elevated the raised muddy me and experiencing me.

On all the will of God, from the same thing, that over the will of God, save me, my guardian angel.

Oh, I ask you in my prayer.

Prayer angel keeper from failure

Autumn himself with a holy sign, I appeal to the prayer for a diligent to you, the Angela of Christ, the Keeper of the Soul and Body.

It is likely you know my affairs, send me, send me a happy case, so don't leave my failures.

Forgive my pregnursions, stinking the accumulating vera.

Protect, holy, from bad luck.

Let the failures and passions, the victims bypass the ward of yours, let the will of the Lord, and I am a good, and I will never suffer from bad luck in all matters.

Oh semi praying you, benefactor.

Prayer for protection against injuries Angel Keeper

Holy Angela of Christ, the defender from all fishing of the deer, patron and benefactor!

As you care about every in need of your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, sinful.

Do not leave me, hung my prayer and protect me from the wound, from ulcers, from any accident.

Imagine your life your own, as I entrust the soul.

And how do you pray for the soul of my Lord of our god, the souls about my life, wanings of the body mine from damage to any.

Prayer from thieves and robbers Angel Keeper

The Angela of God, Holy My, Save me, sinner, from an unkind view, from unkind intert.

Removing me, weak and weak, from Tatya in the night and other dashing people.

Do not leave me, holy angel, in a difficult moment.

I do not allow the soul of Christian forgotten God.

Forgive all my pregressions, if any, hindle me, appeal and unworthy, and save from the faithful killed in the hands of evil people.

To you, Angela of Christ, I appeal with such a prayer, unworthy.

How you expel demons from a person, so bengone the danger from my way.

Prayer for children from the Korel Angel

So theirs are of the incontenniac and sinless children of my, who loved you, like Jesus ordered, charring from everything that I was protected from.

And Buda on all the will of God.

Prayer angel keeper for native from trouble

I pray you, the guardian angel is my kind one who has paid me out, his light painted me with his light, defended from attacking all sorts of.

And neither the beast of Luty, nor the name of me does not believe.

And neither the element, nor a dash man will destroy.

And nothing thanks to your efforts will not hurt me.

Under the saints of your patronage, under your protection, I stay, the love of our Lord I get.

So the overlap of my relatives, I loved, as Jesus ordered, remove from everything that I was protected from.

Let neither the beast, nor the game, nor the element, no dashing person hurts them.

Oh semi praying you, Angela Holy, Warrior of Christ.

And Buda on all the will of God.

Prayer Angel Custodian from misdeed

It is also in deep chagrin, but not for the sake of surplus not for the sake of shameful satiety I appeal to you, Holy Angel of Christ.

Help me, Slava God (name), I can help everyone by the will of the Lord God.

Removes from misconduct, in order not to harm anyone causing and the God's commandments did not violate.

Save, holy, keeping the other not to deliver suffering to your hope and weakness.

We save, save my soul and pray for me in front of the Lord.

On you, my guardian angel, hoped your hopes.

Prayer the guardian angel for deduction from evil

Being in deep chagrin, but not for the sake of surplus and not for the sake of satiety I appeal to you, Holy Angel of Christ.

Help me, the servant of God (name), I can help everyone by the will of the Creator.

Remove me from grave troubles, for my soul got into temptation.

Removes from misconduct, in order not to harm anyone causing and the God's commandments did not violate.

Save, holy, keeping the other not to deliver suffering to their imminent and weakness.

We save, save my soul and pray for me in front of the Creator.

All about religion and faith - "prayer angel of the keeper of our hearts" with detailed description and photographs.

Each of us is a special angel, in our entire life since our baptism; He guards our soul from sins, and the body is from earthly misfortunes, and helps us to live holy, so he is called the patron soul and body in prayer. We ask the Guardian angel so that he forgive our sins, delivered us from the tricks of the devil and prayed for us to the Lord.

Prayer to the Holy Angel Guardian.

Oh holy angel, keeper and the patron of my good! With a crushed heart and painful soul prestitute, praying: hear me, the sinner of his slave (the name of the rivers), with the screaming and crying bitter blade; Do not rummage my lawlessness and not true, they are Az Okayany, napanese on all the days and hours, and it is a merciless for himself before the creator of our Lord; I have mercy to me and do not deprive me sterling even before the death of Moya; Out of my prayers from Sleeping Sleep and give your prayers, my prayers of my belly, without a vice, and create the fruits are worthy of repentance, and the death drops of sinful followed, and you will not die in despair and will not be pleasing the enemy of death. We have a student and Usti confessing, Yako Nicteranged a friend and the concept, a focus, and a champion, is you, holy angela: it's time for the throne of the Lord, praying for me to the indecent and more sinner, yes that does not get the soul of my soul on my day Creation Evil. Do not press the recreation of the Lord's premium and my God and God, and my sinners will be released, with my whales, the word, the word and all of my feelings, and I will save the fate, and save me; Yes, I will punish my zea for my unfair grace, but yes it does not seem and does not syndize me on his unilent justice; Yes, it will help me with repentance to bring, with repentance of the same divine communion with a worthy of happening, he prayed about sesome, and a talked gift I wish it all. In the terrible hour of death, it is unlocked by my mi, my good keeper, running the gloomy demons, aftershaya frightening my soul: Protect me from those dextering, IMAM proceed to air solaria, yes, you keep to you, I will rended to Paradise Waiting Forces incessantly praise the all-way and magnificent name in the Trinity of Slavimago God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the honor of honor and the worship of the centuries. Amen.

Holy Angela, falling to you praying, the keeper my holy, giving me to keep the soul and body of my sinner from the saint baptism, Az the same lanosty and his evil progress, your extinct Lightness and the outlines from themselves, slander Having hung, condemnation, conversion, disorder, bontstenavide, and the emotion, sober, adultery, yarriasis, bursting, cheating without a satiety and resistance, multi-blooded, evil thoughts and loopholes, proud and prodigal ascembly, damage to any carnation lust. Oh, evil millet, the Eagle and livestock is not creating! Why are you the possibility of visiting me, or let's start to me, Aki Psu is a foul language? Who is the cleansing, the angel of Christ, revive on me, heading evil in vile cadet? Why is it already an absenteeism of the intake to seek bitter and evil my and a custody act, in a nibency I fall on all the days and reaches and at any time? But praying Tyu falling, the keeper my holy, soaring on My sinner and the unworthy of your slave (name), Budi Assistant and the Intercession on the zlago of my sophistication, the saints of your prayers, and the kingdom of God's partake, and now and now and Connected and forever. Amen.

The Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the unfortunate, given, diligently pray to you: you will be enlightened to enlighten yourself and save from any evil, to the good deed to nasty and send the way to save. Amen.

Angela of Christ, the keeper my holy and the patron soul and my body, all sorry, I sorry, sorry in the last day, and from all sorts of anticipation of the enemy's enemy, yes, I do not fuck my God in Coch; But moths are for me sinning and unworthyNago Slave, Iko yes deserves me showing the goodness and grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of My Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Other prayers for angel keeper

Holy Angela, the keeper of my child (name), cover his cover from your demone arrows, from the eye of the seducer and keep his heart clean. Amen.

Prayer Guardian Angel (general)

This prayer is read in the morning

Oh, Holy Angel (name), petitioned in front of the Lord our soul, my body and my sinful life! Do not leave me, sinful, and not back from me for all my sins. I ask you! Do not let the deception to take hold of my soul and my body. I will strengthen my weak and pliable soul and direct it on the right path. I ask you, God's angel and the keeper of my soul! Forgive me all the sins that I insulted you for all my unrighteous life. Forgive all my pregriction that I have passed the past, and protect me in a new day. Save my soul from different temptations so that I do not warm our gentlemen. I apologize to you, in front of the Lord, our mercy and peace of mind coming to me. Amen

Prayer angel keeper to severe sins before God

This prayer is read in the evening, before bedtime

Holy Angela of Christ, benefactor my and the defender, I appeal to you, about you my thoughts, Jac through you and about the Lord God. I sincerely remember my sins, forgive me, the Okayannoye, for I didn't commit them for an evil intent, but at his imminent of my own. If the word of the Lord is likely and sinning against the faith, against the Lord. I pray you, the bright angel, Molubi my melts, forgive my soul! Not my fault, but of my weak understanding. It is also a bit of me, unworthy, lingering for the salvation of my soul before the father of our heavenly. I call you with the Sim, and through you to the Lord God about forgiveness and mercy. Az is ready to carry the atonement of the sin of his own, in order to avoid the sideways. Moths for me, angel holy. Amen

Prayer Angel Keeper to protect against injury as a result of an accident.

This prayer is read before getting out of the house.

It is desirable to print or rewrite and wear with you.

Holy Angela of Christ, the defender from all fishing of the deer, patron and benefactor! As you care about every in need of your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, sinful. Do not leave me, hung my prayer and protect me from the wound, from ulcers, from any accident. Imagine your life your own, as I entrust the soul. And how do you pray for the soul of my Lord of our god, the souls about my life, wanings of the body mine from damage to any. Amen.

Prayer Angel Custodian to protect against misconduct

It is also in deep chagrin, but I'm not glad to surprise and not for the sake of shameful satisfying you, holy angel of Christ. Help me, Slava God (name), I can help everyone by the will of the Lord God. Remove me from grave troubles, for my soul got into temptation. Removes from misconduct, in order not to harm anyone causing and the God's commandments did not violate. Save, holy, keeping the other not to deliver suffering to your hope and weakness. We save, save my soul and pray for me in front of the Lord. On you, my guardian angel, hoped your hopes. Amen.

Prayer Angel Custodian to protect against failure

Autumn himself with a holy sign, I appeal to the prayer for a diligent to you, the Angela of Christ, the Keeper of the Soul and Body. It is likely you know my affairs, send me, send me a happy case, so don't leave my failures. Forgive my pregnursions, stinking the accumulating vera. Protect, holy, from bad luck. Let the failures and passions, the victims bypass the ward of yours, let the will of the Lord, and I am a good, and I will never suffer from bad luck in all matters. Oh semi praying you, benefactor. Amen.

Thanks Prayer Angel Keeper

Prayer is read when praised the Lord

It is more likely thanks and rambling the gentlemen of his own, the united god of Orthodox Jesus Christ for the beneficialness of him, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ, the warrior of the Divine. I call with a grateful prayer, thank you for your mercy to me and for my petition for me before the face of the Lord. Slary be in the Lord, Angela!

Tropar angel keeper

The Angel of God, the Keeper my holy, / my stomach is observed in the risk of Christ of God, / My mind will approve in the truth path, / And to the love of Horny vulneur my soul / yes to you guide / get from Christ God, Grace.

I have a mercy, / holy angel of the Lord, the keeper of my, / and do not destroy Mena Square, / But enlightened by the light of the unreasted / and coordinate with the reign of the kingdom of heaven.

Akathist Angel Guardian Icon Angel Keeper

Popular prayers:

Prayers Tsarevich Dimitry Uglichsky and Moscow

Prayer to St. Nikita, Bishop Novgorod

Prayer Kiru and John Holy Wonderworkers and Bescarrennikov, Martyrs

Holy Catherine Prayer: Maximilian, Iamvlich, Martinian, John, Dionia, Exakustodian, Antonina

Prayers of the Holy Martyr Vonipatia

Prayers to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky Wonderworker

Prayers of the Holy Martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviv

Prayer Saint Rev. John Bush

Prayer to Saint Martyrs Flor and Lavra

Prayer Martyrs Domnin, Virinier and Spustard

Prayers for the Most Holy Virgin Most Spearness

Optina prayer. Prayer of optical older

Prayer Rev. Maruph, Bishop Mesopotamsky

Psalms 34, 90. Prayer is an honest cross: God will resurrect. Psalm Davinda

Orthodox informers for sites and blogs All prayers.

Thanksgiving prayers to the Lord and Holy

Thank you prayer - These are words emanating from the very depths of our heart addressed to the Lord and the Holy in gratitude for the right to a happy and quiet life.

Most often, when everything in our life is intended successfully and troubles bypass us, we accept it as due. But with the arrival of trouble, sadness covers us with your head. At such moments, we strive to turn to the prayers to all holy and to God to save us from suffering, at all forgotten about the words of gratitude for permanent help and support of heaven.

Features of thanksgiving prayer

Each believer should understand that happiness, joy and luck is a gift of the Lord for our pious and good deeds, and misfortunes, troubles and adversity - punishment for our sins. To avoid paying for sinful misconduct, it is necessary not only to ask for help, but also pray for the forgiveness and omission of sins.

It should be remembered that no matter how hard it may be in life, in no case should you forget about the gratitude to the Lord and all the saints for your good health, for a happy friendly family, for kindness in the heart and peace in the shower. After all, a happy life is a complete dedication. The expression of gratitude to God and the Holy Prayers should be a useful habit, which will later change your destiny. What you are closer to the Lord, the farther from you all worldly misfortunes.

For gratitude to God and all of the Holy, it is necessary to read special prayers who are in charge of a thanks. The day started with the words of appreciation automatically becomes time of happiness, opportunities and good luck. After all, a simple thank you, addressed to the Lord and its ascetic, cleans the soul, gives force, charges with light and configures on a positive way.

Thank you prayer to Lord.

Words of appreciation should be read as in the morning and in the evening. The most important thing - Read them with love, sincerity and faith in the heart. Gratitude to the Lord sounds like this:

"The Lord is our God, bowwards in words of gratitude! You are our father, the creator of all living things, and we are your slaves! Thank you thank you for all the gifts generous, what you bring in our life! You are our power, you - our support, you - the will and spirit unshakable in us! Thank you for food that you give us every day, thank you for protecting your enemies and misfortunes! Thank you, Lord, that gave us life and what you stay with us, helping in the difficult days of our life! Forgive us for our sins, our heart cleanse from hate, keep the cleanliness of our souls and do not let you lose their strength in order to go along the path of the spiritual until the end of our worlds! Only you alone, the Lord, is able to hide us from all the troubles and give best life In eternity! We thank you, God, for the family that on Earth support serves, for friends of faithful and for all the benefits that we are given to us on this earth! Straight you will be forever! You are our heart, you are our love! Accepting words of gratitude genuine and forever do not leave us, our father! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Gratitude prayer for guardian angel

The guardian angel, the mentor and the defender, close to us above, also need sincere prayers and words of gratitude, because he protects our life, personal happiness and well-being, flamingly from evil influence. Prayer Angel Keeper sounds like this:

"Oh, the Creator is our great! Thanks for you for giving together the Guardian Angel! Let me read the prayer angel in your gratitude for his intercession! Thank you, my Holy Angel Protection! You, I bring the words of gratitude from my heart! Thank you, my intercessor, for the help that you give me every day! For the fact that you are behind my back, protect me. You are my support and my support! Thanks for the light, which is illicit my way to righteousness! Thank you, my reliable defense, for the presence of yours in my life, for mercy and kindness! I am grateful (a) that you will save me from the deeds of sinful. Do not leave me until the last minutes of my life on Earth! Become my guide to the kingdom of God, when I complete the path of the earth. My love to you and gratitude grows in the soul and my heart is my day after day! Amen".

Prayer to the holy waters of God with gratitude

With different life circumstances We pray different saints, but thanks for their help can be expressed by one prayer, illuminating our souls. There is no believer who in difficult minutes did not help the holy rates of God, so you need to thank them for heavenly patronage, reading the prayer:

"Oh, the great Holy Ratishes of God! I appeal to your prayer, but I do not help you, we have to provide me in the grave moments of life. With gratitude to you prayer. You are my intercessors, you are the support of all the people of the earth. I pray for the forgiveness of our sins, the malice of our and weaknesses. Thank you, pious, for life in peace and harmony, for the happiness and well-being of family, for quiet life without needs and sadness. Do not stop praising your names and send you words of gratitude. From now on, and forever. Amen".

Thank you prayer to the Mother of God

The Most Holy Mother of God - the intercession of each praying soul, the ambulance or patronage of the disadvantaged. In prayers to the Mother of God, no one thousand people are addressed daily, asking her about the most intimate. Like any mother, Virgin Mary wants to hear that with her children, everything is in order that Her assistance has come by the way. Be sure to read the words of gratitude addressed to it:

"Oh, the Most Holy Virgo Maria! Queen of the Earth and Heaven! Mother of our Savior! You are Nadezhda, our support is our and support! In you consolation of our! Thank you, about the Major Virgin, for the acts are bright, for the healing of the ailments of the soul and body, for the compassion to us yours, for the deliverance of our souls from the malice, sorrow and thoughts are bad! In you - immortality, power and love all! Please, accept from me the words of gratitude to you! Thank you, the Holy Virgin that you pray before the Lord for the soul of everyone! Thank you for calm and light in my soul, for a healthy body and clear, good thoughts! May your power will come with me until the end of my way! I will never get tired of glorifying your holy name, and in words of gratitude you prayer sounds. Amen".

It is not necessary to read the ready-made thankful prayers. Say words of gratitude can be from ourselves. The main thing is to reveal your heart and soul at the time of reading such a prayer, repeating for all sinful actions. Tell me thanks to the Most High and the Saints for everything that is in your life, for everything you are grateful to them.

The best time to read the Thanksgiving prayer is the morning. Take care that no one distract you during prayer. It is important to correctly convey the words of gratitude to the Lord and all the Holy Prayers that your sincere prayers are heard. Most importantly - prayer thanks should be read not only after a request for help, but then when everything is fine in your life. Remember: In the words of thanks, your true happiness and forgiveness are. be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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