
Meteorites and comets in February. All meteorites falling on Earth were generated by five "mega-asteroids". Than dangerous drop in a big meteorite on earth

NASA detection systems could not fix the asteroid approximation 2019 OK to the ground. It became known about him when the distance between him and the land was no more than 65 thousand kilometers. The asteroid noticed the staff of the Observatory in Britain. The diameter of the 2019 OK asteroid is comparable to the size of a soccer field. After this incident, the NASA tracking system was criticized by experts.

Earlier an asteroid, superior to the sizes of the Hoeop Pyramid, approached the Earth, reported by RIA Novosti with reference to NASA data. The diameter of the asteroid 2019 OU1 is 160 meters, it is 20 meters more than the famous Egyptian pyramid. On August 28, 2019, he approached Earth 40 times closer than Venus and burned out with our planet at a distance of about a million kilometers.

But what, if a dangerous space object fell to the ground? Its dimensions are able to provoke a series of large tsunami or the complete destruction of one of the countries of Europe. Smaller, but also a potentially dangerous celestial body, fluttered at a distance of 7.3 million kilometers on July 25, according to the ISON system.

What meteorites and asteroids have already fallen to Earth?

Russia has already become a place to fall of meteorites and asteroids. The first case was recorded on June 17, 1908 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not far from the river River Tunguska. The explosion power in the fall of the Tungusian meteorite was 40-50 megaton, the shock wave poured 2000 square kilometers of forest. Glasses ripped out 200 kilometers from the epicenter, and seismic oscillations were recorded at the stations of cities such as Irkutsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi and Yen (Germany). The most interesting thing is that the fragments of the meteorite did not find it.


The most "heavy" case occurred on February 12, 1947 near the village of Bezich in Primorsky Krai. The weight of the fragments found was 60-100 tons, and the body itself had an iron composition. Sikhote-Alin meteorite, as he was called due to falling in the mountains of the same name, he splits in the atmosphere and crumbled on the ground in the form meteoric rain. Now his fragments can be seen in the Kaluga planetarium.

The recent fall of the fragments of the asteroid, the age of which amounted to about 4.5 billion years, occurred on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region on February 15, 2013. The drop in the fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, was accompanied by strong shock waves, which according to NASA estimates, amounted to 300-500 thousand kilotons. The largest fragment of a 654 kilogram weighing, was raised from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul.

Fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. TASS / Artem Korotaev

As a result of the fall of fragments of the meteorite on Earth, 1615 people were injured - most of them from the fragments of windows and other structures provoked by the explosive wave from Chelyabinsk. The buildings were damaged by 490 million rubles, and the total damage was almost one billion. This celestial body was not discovered before it entered the atmosphere of the Earth.

Now imagine how much damage was brought by some small meteorites. What can happen if the asteroid 2019 OU1 will change the trajectory and still falls to the ground?.

How to escape during the fall of the asteroid to the ground?

According to scientists, for all its existence, the Earth has made at least six major asteroids. This is evidenced by huge craters that exist on our planet. The biggest is in the territory of South Africa, its diameter is 300 kilometers! This is 6% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe African country. It is logical that the collision of the asteroid with the Earth can occur in the 21st century. How to behave if the catastrophe of a planetary scale is imminent?

  • Find a refuge. The All-Russian Public Opinion Center (WTCIOM) conducted a survey on the topic of the Nuclear War and found out that 71% of Russians do not know about the existence of concrete bomb shelter in their city. Only 15% are known where to hide, but most of them are older than 35 years old. This means that people will simply do not understand where to run if a catastrophe occurs. You should see where a bomb shelter is in your city or settlement. Greater cities where the subway is easier. You can always go down to the subway, but the capacity of the metro stations is small, especially with one output and without transfers.
  • Take with you the necessary things. It can be warm clothing, medicines (antiseptics, bows, painkillers, anti-inflammatory), water, non-perishable food (cereals, canned food, oil, sugar, salt, powdered milk), hygiene products, threads, flashlight, Individual protection means, important documentation.
  • Do not come to the windows and other glass designs.If you saw that the Space body flies in the sky or a danger warning came, go from the windows! The fall or rupture of the meteorite / asteroid in the sky will provoke a shock wave, which will definitely destroy all glass partitions. You can suffer from scattered fragments and even get serious injuries.

Ural meteorite for some time the distracted of scientists from another space object is an asteroid, which in these minutes is approaching the ground. According to calculations, at the minimum distance to our planet, it will suit at 23 in 20 minutes Moscow time. The site of NASA will go live broadcast of this unique event. Arsteroids will be able to see Asia and Australia, as well as, perhaps, some areas of Eastern Europe.

A little more than after 2 hours the Object DA14 will be passed by the Earth at a distance of 28 thousand kilometers - it's closer than some satellites fly. If this asteroid weighing 130 tons and a diameter of 45 meters was collided with our planet, the explosion was equal to one thousand Hirosim. It even an assumption appeared that a meteorite fallen in the Urals could be part of this space monster and that other, larger ones followed. However, most of the scientists with the asteroid DA14 and the Ural meteorite do not see.

"With regard to whether Armageddon faces or not. Now it is now known. All asteroids, larger than one kilometer in diameter, who carry the earth such a catastrophe of a large scale, are all known and have well-known orbits, they are all undertaken and are observed. . There are no dangers from them, "Ramna Lidia Rykhlova assured the head of the Space Astrometry Department of the Space Astrometry Department.

While watched a major asteroid, a meteorite that fell in the Urals, wrapped. However, it was almost impossible to see it before entering the atmosphere - this cannot be done by civil observatory, nor the radars of missile defense - too small size and the highest speed. The military says that even if such a meteorite is discovered to destroy such objects with modern air defense systems yet. In addition, scientists have brought the data of the celestial body, which has already fallen in the Urals - mass of several tons, speed of 15 kilometers per second, the angle of falling is 45 degrees, the power of the shock wave is a few kilotonne. At an altitude of 50 kilometers, the object collapsed into 3 parts and almost completely burned in the atmosphere.

"Not more than 10 meters in diameter, it flew with supersonic speed and therefore he gave rise to a shock wave. This shock wave produced these all destruction, people were wounded not by fragments of the meteorite, but the shock wave. Now if the supersonic aircraft would have passed on the same Alight, for example, do not give God over Moscow, then the destruction would be the same, "the deputy director of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberga Sergey Lamzin.

Any space object that flew to the atmosphere of the Earth and left the trace in it, scientists call meteorite. As a rule, they are small and, moving in the air at a speed of several kilometers per second, completely burned. Nevertheless, about 5 tons of space substance in the form of dust and small grain of dust falls on Earth daily. Almost all space guests arrive to us from the so-called asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

"A certain fear of the solar system, where the entire debris material is concentrated. There are collisions in this belt between asteroids. As a result, some fragments are formed, which can acquire an orbit, which crosses the orbit of the Earth," said Mikhail Nazarov.

However, some scientists believe that there is no meteorite at all under Chelyabinsk. They are confident that no wreckage never finds how the debris of the Tungusian meteorite did not find. The speech is most likely about the cooled comet, which consists of frozen gases.

"If the first-generation comet core invades the ground, then it almost completely burns in the atmosphere of the Earth, and it is impossible to find any balances on the surface. This is analogous to the Tungusian phenomenon, when no body residues were found, but there was a big out of the forest in a large area. And the trees were all very charred, "said the Researcher of the Space Astrometry Department of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Leonov.

Nevertheless, the search for the remnants of the meteorite under Chelyabinsk continues. At the same time, not only rescuers and scientists are looking for, now dozens of hunters for meteorites have already rushed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged fall. The price of some of them in the black market can reach several thousand rubles per gram.

Sikhote-Aligna meteorite fell on February 12, 1947 at 10.38 near the village of Bezuch in the Ussuri Taiga, in the mountains of Sikhote-Alin on Far East. Stripping in the atmosphere, he fell by iron rain on an area of \u200b\u200b35 square meters. km. The meteorite left behind more than a hundred crater with a diameter of up to 28 m and a depth of 6 m and a lot of debris. The total weight of the supposed substance, according to astronomers estimates, was about 70 tons, it was possible to collect 27 tons - more than 3,500 fragments.

The largest of them weighs 1745 kg.

Sikhote-Alignan meteorite entered the top ten largest meteorites in the world. Now samples of the Sikhote-Aligna meteorite are presented in all more or less large museums of the world.

Soviet astronomer Nikolay Divari described the fall as follows: "At the very beginning, the car was seen in the form of a relatively small rocky body, which quickly moving across the sky at some angle to the horizon. The dimensions and brightness of this starf increased until the critical moment occurred in its movement: the asterisk broke out a dazzling bright light, scattered into pieces and, leaving behind a fiery tail, continued to rapidly approach the earth's surface. In this stage, the fall of the car was an exciting picture that it is extremely rare to observe a person. Describing a large arc across the sky, a fireball flew, scattering gold-walled sparks on the sides and turning in the air all the time. " With sounds similar to the artillery shootout, the fragments of the meteorite fell on the ground, causing a small earthquake.

The windows rattled in the apartments, the glass fell out, the plaster was poured, snow flew from the roofs of the houses.

The trail remaining from the flying meteorite in the sky finally dissipated only in the evening.

The meteorite managed to thoroughly explore thanks to a large number of material. The analysis showed that it consisted of 94% of iron, by 5.5% of nickel, by 0.38% of cobalt. The remaining components are carbon, chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur. As the Soviet astronomer Vasily Fesenkov noted, the meteorite did not constitute a monolith, and consisted of many arbitrary oriented crystals, "poorly interconnected". It probably also served his decay in many parts.

The meteorite was attributed to the chemical group II B An, which includes 2.7% of iron meteorites.

According to Fesenkov's calculations, the heavenly body came from the central part of the asteroid belt and at the entrance to the atmosphere we were weighed about 100 tons.

The rough structure indicates that it has been formed when the liquid melt of iron, nickel and cobalt with the complete absence of oxygen is calculated. Considering the size of the meteorite, this process was supposed to take about a million years.

The search for a place of falling meteorite has already taken the next day. Two aircraft had a taiga, but could not detect anything. Later, a group of schoolchildren from the neighboring village went under the guidance of the teacher, but, passing several tens of kilometers in the woods on skis, they also did not find anything.

The first place of the meteorite fall discovered the pilots of the Far Eastern geological control.

On February 15, they, returning to their airfield, noticed a large dark plot against the background of the snow-covered forest.

In April, an expedition from ten people under the leadership of Fesenkov arrived at the fall in the fall. The task of the expedition was to explore the fall location and collect all parts of the meteorite. Shards covered with a layer of clay, outwardly little differed from the wreckage of rocks, so I had to use the minion detector.

One of the major fragments was generally lying right on the road, and on it daily went, not noticing.

Some fragments are stuck in trees barrels, others were able to pierce the trunks with a diameter of half the meter. Spiral samples of the spiral form allowed the Fesenkov to conclude that at the time of the fall, the temperature of the meteorite mass was about 300 ° C.

Over the next years, another 15 expeditions were held to the place of fall of the meteorite, each was about 30 people. There was an outlined circuit of the scattering of the meteorite debris, their distribution in the area was established, crater were described in detail. In 1983 and 1987, groups of specialists led by Astronomer were sent there. By that time, Bitsukhe village was already renamed meteoric, two streams in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall became a large and small meteorite. The district itself was declared a monument of nature.

In 1957, postage stamps depicting meteorite came out.

They were created on the basis of the artist's picture, which at the time of the appearance of the meteorite wrote a local landscape and captured the heavenly body fluttering on it.

The diameter of the celestial body is about 40 meters

Western astronomers discovered a space object by twice the most famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, a meeting with which can take place in 2017. The scale of possible destruction can be significantly more than in the latter case.

According to the preliminary calculations of the American woman-astronomer Judith Rice from the University's McDonald Observatory, the diameter of the new asteroid is about 40 meters, which will collide with the surface of our planet, will cause destructive damage, several times higher than the consequences of the wreck of smaller meteorite in the Chelyabinsk region, in February 2013, according to Astronomical Astrowatch.net.

Dangerous celestial body was found in October 2012 by the Observatory in Hawaii. In the same month, he passed on dangerously close range from Earth 95,000 kilometers, which equals distance to the moon. It is expected that in the most dangerous intimacy of the Earth asteroid 2012 TC4 will be held on October 12, 2017.

Now experts are trying to establish an accurate orbit of the asteroid and calculate its chances of a collision, which, so far, apparently rather than 0.00055%, but, nevertheless, they still have.

According to the expert of the European Space Agency of Krestfi, \u200b\u200bthe chances of a collision of a meteorite with Earth are minimal - "one per million". The same point of view adheres to Makoto Yoshikawa from the Japanese Aerospace Research Agency.

Recall that two years ago on February 15, 2013, a fall was held - the largest of the famous celestial bodies that have fallen on Earth after the Tungus meteorite in 1908.

The outbreak of light was visible in neighboring regions, as well as in neighboring Kazakhstan. The shock wave knocked the glass in more than 7 thousand buildings. PE managed without human victims, but more than 1.6 thousand people were injured, 52 people were hospitalized.

Scientists estimated a mass of the object before entering the atmosphere of 13 thousand tons, and its size is 19.8 meters.

A few minutes after the explosion (according to eyewitnesses from 77 seconds to three minutes and more, depending on the distance), a shock wave came to Earth. The strip of exposure to the shock wave on the surface was about 130 kilometers in length and 50 kilometers wide.

The damage area of \u200b\u200bthe shock wave was 6.5 thousand square kilometers.

Before the Earth, only 4-6 tons of meteorite substance were flown, which is 0.03-0.05% of the initial mass, while 76% evaporated, and the rest turned into dust.

The study of the meteorite substance showed that the Chelyabinsk asteroid was referred to the number of ordinary chondrite type LL5, its age is about 4.45 billion years, at about the moment of birth, he experienced a powerful collision with another facility. Chemical analysis has shown that in the meteorite traces of organic compounds containing sulfur and oxygen remained.

A witnesses of the events surveyed by scientists said that they had hurt to look at the car. About 25 people out of 1.1 thousand respondents reported that they received burns, 315 felt the heat, and 415 - heat from the radiation of the car.

The meteorite, called Chelyabinsk, turned out to be the largest of the famous celestial bodies who have fallen on Earth after the Tungus meteorite in 1908. Such an event on average occurs once every 100 years.

The Chelyabinsk Event has become significant for politics: it forced the authorities of the United States, Russia and the European Union again to return to the problem of asteroid-cometa danger.

Asteroids that in the future can approach the Earth at a distance equal to 7.5 million km, are considered potentially dangerous for the Earth. Our planet no longer came across these cosmic bodies. Today we will talk about how dangerous the fall of an asteroid to earth and is there a large-scale catastrophe in the foreseeable future? And for a start, a small historical reference.

Asteroid (with Greek. "A similar star", "Star") is also called a small planet. He is a celestial body whose size exceeds 30 km. Some of them have their own satellites. Many asteroids travel through our solar system. 3.5 million years ago, a huge number of asteroids fell to Earth, which led to global changes.

Traces of ancient asteroid

In the spring of 2016, in Australia, geologists discovered traces of the asteroid drop, the diameter of which was about 30-40 km. That is, it is commensurate with a small satellite. The fall was the cause of the 11-point earthquake, tsunami and large-scale destruction. It was probably one of the asteroids, as a result of the fall of which on Earth was formed not only the root of life, but also formed all the diversity of the biosphere.

There is also the opinion that the mysterious disappearance of dinosaurs occurred due to the fall on the ground of a large asteroid. Although it is just one of the many versions ...

It is interesting! Ancient drums formed as a result of a meeting with a meteorite. Its depth once reached 20 km. The meteorite fall caused tsunami and climate change, similar to nuclear winter. In addition, for a period of up to 16 years, the temperature of 26 degrees could fall on Earth.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

The fall of an asteroid on Earth in February 2013 has become one of the most discussed incidents not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Asteroid, whose mass reached 16 tons, partially burned down in the atmosphere of the Earth, and its relatively small part fell near Chelyabinsk, fortunately, flying over it.

That year he flew over the Ural city, which served as the basis for his name. The body itself turned out to be quite ordinary and consisted of chondrites, but caused interest and place of its fall. None of the asteroids fell on Earth did not cause such damage, as it did not fall at such proximity to the densely populated point. The mass of the meteorite was 6 tons. Falling into the lake was the cause of embedded glasses in 7,000 buildings. 112 people hospitalized with burns, a few more people turned to doctors for help. In total, the shock wave covered 6.5 thousand sq.m.

A huge damage caused by asteroid could be much more weighty if the heavenly stone fell not into the water, but on the land. Fortunately, the drop in the asteroid on the ground did not turn a large-scale disaster.

What is dangerous to fall a big meteorite on Earth?

According to scientists, the fall of the asteroid to the Earth can lead to huge damage if a body of about 1 km falls to the land of the Earth. First of all, a funnel is formed with a diameter of about 15 km, it will be the cause of dust into the atmosphere. And this, in turn, can lead to large-scale fires. Dust, heating from the Sun, will reduce the ozone level, accelerate chemical reactions in the stratosphere, reduce the amount of sunlight, reaching the surface of the planet.

Thus, the effects of falling an asteroid on Earth are very serious. Global temperature Earth will fall On 8 0 s, bringing the ice age. But in order to entail the extinction of humanity, the asteroid should be 10 times more.

Giant danger

Recently, scientists found out that in the list of potential threats for our planet, it is necessary to include centaurs - these are giant asteroids, the diameter of which ranges from 50 to 100 km. The gravitational field of other planets every 40-100 thousand years throws them towards our Earth. Their number is currently sharply increased. Is it possible to fall a giant asteroid to the ground in the near future, constantly calculate scientists, although the calculation of the trajectory of the income of centavrov is a very difficult task.

In addition, the list of potential threats to the Earth includes:

  • supervocanic eruption;
  • global pandemic;
  • asteroid drop (at 0.00013%);
  • nuclear war;
  • ecological catastrophy.

Will the asteroid fall on Earth in October 2017?

The main question that currently worries scientists is the danger emanating from the asteroid, the dimensions of which are 2 times superior to the Chelyabinsk meteorite. There is a chance that an event will happen in October 2017, which will cause a much larger disaster scope than the blow in 2013. Astronomer Judith Pic claims that the asteroid diameter reaches 40 km. It was painted by the WF9 object.

Dangerous heavenly body was discovered by scientists in Hawaii back in 2012. In that year, he passed at a very close distance from the Earth, and on October 12, 2017 approach the most dangerous distance for our planet. Scientists believe that if the drop in the asteroid to earth really will take place, then the British will see it first.

At the moment, scientists are actively exploring the possibility of a collision. True, the likelihood of the fall of the asteroid on Earth is quite small and is, according to researchers, 1 to a million. However, it still is.

Constant danger

It should be noted that those or other asteroids of different sizes are constantly flying past the Earth. They are potentially dangerous, but very rarely really falling to the ground. So, at the end of 2016, the body flew past the Earth at a distance of 2/3 distances to a small truck.

And January 2017 was marked by the span of a celestial body reaching the size of a 10-storey building. He flew within 180 thousand km from us.

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