
And if you fall? How to survive after falling asteroid - tips. All meteorites falling on Earth were generated by five "mega-asteroids" traces of an ancient asteroid

Every year, scientists frighten the world with another assumption of a natural disaster. So today, astronomers report that the major asteroid flies to the ground. It is already known that the cosmic body will take place on dangerous close range from our planet, and many specialists even predict a collision.

It should be clarified that while scientists do not beat the alarm, and all the data are presented in the form of exemplary calculations, but still cosmic bodies are not subject to person, and you can expect anything.

So let's still grow out what can happen if the asteroid falls to the ground in 2017, what destruction and cataclysms are waiting for all of humanity. Are there any predictions of famous clairvoyants about the fall of the meteorite in the near future. Also recall past cases of falling celestial bodies on the ground.

The end of the world is predicted

Recall that one of the most famous provisidians Matrona Moscow before death clearly saw the end of the world. She said that 2017 - a dangerous year, it was in this period that the priest saw that thousands of people would die without wars, which the heavenly body arrives from the cosmos, which will erase almost all of humanity from the face.

In his last words, the Matrona bequeathed to people with prayer, she insisted that the people prayed, since the end of the world is completely close, and you can only save the soul with a prayer. Saint saw how many grief to be transferred to humanity. According to her visions, in February of the earthly life will come to an end: a lot of people will die, the dead will lie on the ground, and in the morning everything will go under the ground. What did the Great Justice meant in mind is still unknown, perhaps she saw that a meteorite should fall on the planet.

However, what do scientists say about the intended catastrophe, confirm or refute the version of clairvoyant?

Calculations of specialists

According to experts, January and February 2017 will be rich in various astronomical phenomena. In particular, scientists suggest that in February of this year, the Komet Enke will show its "tail" throughout its glory.

Last time, astronomy lovers managed to watch a large tail of this celestial body in 2013.

"Wasy" whether ENKET is unknown on this time, but scientists argue that it is flown to the close distance from the sun, the comet will warm up, as a result of which it becomes more and brighter. Experts hope that the 2017 comet will surprise everyone with its beauty and approach the Earth so that it can be seen with the naked eye.

However, most of all the specialists are worried about February 10, 2017, it is on this day that there will be a dangerous rapprochement of our planet with a large asteroid phaeton. Scientists have long been watching how this huge cosmic body is approaching land, Phaeton himself was discovered back in 1983. During the study of the asteroid, scientists were able to get out of its size. As it turned out, its diameter is about 5.1 km, and its rotation period is 3.6 hours. The flying object attracted scientists with its atypical orbita asteroids, the fact is that phaetons belong to the group of apolones, but it can approach the sun on a record close distance - about 21 million kilometers.

Experts believe that such a trajectory of motion is more characteristic of comets, and perhaps an asteroid is nothing more than a comet's core, which has lost its tail.

Phaeton crosses the orbits of the 4th planets of the solar system, and it is February 10, 2017, it will suit the sweeping distance as much as possible. Some scientists believe that nothing threatens our planet, but some skeptics think that the asteroid can fall on the blue planet.

Let's hope that no catastrophe happens, and astronomy lovers simply will be happy to observe the next space object. After all, in case of its fall, the scale of the tragedy is incommensurable. After all, you should not forget how much destruction has done a tiny Chelyabinsk meteorite, which, before combustion in the layers of the atmosphere, had a size of only 17 meters.

At the same time, many residents of the Earth are experiencing that if experts have already viewed the fall of a meteorite in Chelyabinsk, they may not see and even larger object from space, which can cause tremendous destruction.

Space guests

It should be noted that in the entire history of mankind, there were not few cases of falling celestial bodies, remember the most famous of them.

Goba.. This is one of the oldest and largest meteorites that fell on Earth before our era into the territory of modern Namibia. The Millennium Giant Balb was buried under the thickness of the Earth, so they found the Space body only in 1920. According to scientists calculations, at the time of the fall, the object weighed about 90 tons, but during the stay on our planet its weight decreased to 60 tons. In addition, each of the tourists is trying to take care of him although a small part of this giant, so Goba begins to gradually "melt".

Tunguska meteorite. In June 1908, residents observed a huge blazing ball, at an altitude of 10 km from the ground, the ball exploded, the power of the explosion was so powerful that it was recorded devices around the world. The power of the explosion was comparable to the rupture of the hydrogen bomb, and humanity was just lucky that the meteorite was destined to fly by the unoccupied part of the River Basin of the Yenisei. Before entering the atmosphere of the planet, the weight of the space object could reach 1 million tons. With a drop of meteorites, it was several kilometers of territory, in a radius of 2 thousand kilometers, all trees were shed, and at hundreds of kilometers the house had absolutely all the windows. Within a radius of 40 kilometers an incredibly powerful explosive wave, animals and people were destroyed. And a few days after the treasury of the space body, the sky and the clouds glowing unusual color. However, the main mystery is that such a giant left a large crater from himself, as it happens when there is a fall of such a huge object from space.

Sikhote-Alin Meteorite, Far East. In 1947 to the territory Far East as meteoric rain A huge heavenly object fell, which, as a result of entry into the earth's atmosphere, split into many pieces. The scatter area of \u200b\u200bthe meteorite exceeded 10 square kilometers, and the objects were left on Earth more than 30 craters with a diameter of 7 to 30 meters. Then the scientists managed to collect about 27 tons of debris of the heavenly body.

Meteorite Sterlitamak. A giant object weighing 315 kg fell in the vicinity of Sterlitamak in 1990, as a result of the fall, a funnel formed with a diameter of more than 10 meters.

Chelyabinsk meteorite. Perhaps this is the most popular space object at this time, which fell to Earth on February 15, 2013, its flight was recorded by several cameras. A powerful explosive wave in three hundred houses was knocked out all the glass, more than one and a half thousand people were injured. The weight of the largest wreckage found by scientists was more than 500 kg, this object became one of the largest cosmic bodies that fell on our planet.

Ural meteorite for some time the distracted of scientists from another space object is an asteroid, which in these minutes is approaching the ground. According to calculations, at the minimum distance to our planet, it will suit at 23 in 20 minutes Moscow time. The site of NASA will go live broadcast of this unique event. Arsteroids will be able to see Asia and Australia, as well as, perhaps, some areas of Eastern Europe.

A little more than after 2 hours the Object DA14 will be passed by the Earth at a distance of 28 thousand kilometers - it's closer than some satellites fly. If this asteroid weighing 130 tons and a diameter of 45 meters was collided with our planet, the explosion was equal to one thousand Hirosim. It even an assumption appeared that a meteorite fallen in the Urals could be part of this space monster and that other, larger ones followed. However, most of the scientists with the asteroid DA14 and the Ural meteorite do not see.

"With regard to whether Armageddon faces or not. Now it is now known. All asteroids, larger than one kilometer in diameter, who carry the earth such a catastrophe of a large scale, are all known and have well-known orbits, they are all undertaken and are observed. . There are no dangers from them, "Ramna Lidia Rykhlova assured the head of the Space Astrometry Department of the Space Astrometry Department.

While watched a major asteroid, a meteorite that fell in the Urals, wrapped. However, it was almost impossible to see it before entering the atmosphere - this cannot be done by civil observatory, nor the radars of missile defense - too small size and the highest speed. The military says that even if such a meteorite is discovered to destroy such objects with modern air defense systems yet. In addition, scientists have brought the data of the celestial body, which has already fallen in the Urals - mass of several tons, speed of 15 kilometers per second, the angle of falling is 45 degrees, the power of the shock wave is a few kilotonne. At an altitude of 50 kilometers, the object collapsed into 3 parts and almost completely burned in the atmosphere.

"Not more than 10 meters in diameter, it flew with supersonic speed and therefore he gave rise to a shock wave. This shock wave produced these all destruction, people were wounded not by fragments of the meteorite, but the shock wave. Now if the supersonic aircraft would have passed on the same Alight, for example, do not give God over Moscow, then the destruction would be the same, "the deputy director of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberga Sergey Lamzin.

Any space object that flew to the atmosphere of the Earth and left the trace in it, scientists call meteorite. As a rule, they are small and, moving in the air at a speed of several kilometers per second, completely burned. Nevertheless, about 5 tons of space substance in the form of dust and small grain of dust falls on Earth daily. Almost all space guests arrive to us from the so-called asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

"A certain fear of the solar system, where the entire debris material is concentrated. There are collisions in this belt between asteroids. As a result, some fragments are formed, which can acquire an orbit, which crosses the orbit of the Earth," said Mikhail Nazarov.

However, some scientists believe that there is no meteorite at all under Chelyabinsk. They are confident that no wreckage never finds how the debris of the Tungusian meteorite did not find. The speech is most likely about the cooled comet, which consists of frozen gases.

"If the first-generation comet core invades the ground, then it almost completely burns in the atmosphere of the Earth, and it is impossible to find any balances on the surface. This is analogous to the Tungusian phenomenon, when no body residues were found, but there was a big out of the forest in a large area. And the trees were all very charred, "said the Researcher of the Space Astrometry Department of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Leonov.

Nevertheless, the search for the remnants of the meteorite under Chelyabinsk continues. At the same time, not only rescuers and scientists are looking for, now dozens of hunters for meteorites have already rushed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged fall. The price of some of them in the black market can reach several thousand rubles per gram.

NASA detection systems could not fix the asteroid approximation 2019 OK to the ground. It became known about him when the distance between him and the land was no more than 65 thousand kilometers. The asteroid noticed the staff of the Observatory in Britain. The diameter of the 2019 OK asteroid is comparable to the size of a soccer field. After this incident, the NASA tracking system was criticized by experts.

Earlier an asteroid, superior to the sizes of the Hoeop Pyramid, approached the Earth, reported by RIA Novosti with reference to NASA data. The diameter of the asteroid 2019 OU1 is 160 meters, it is 20 meters more than the famous Egyptian pyramid. On August 28, 2019, he approached Earth 40 times closer than Venus and burned out with our planet at a distance of about a million kilometers.

But what, if a dangerous space object fell to the ground? Its dimensions are able to provoke a series of large tsunami or the complete destruction of one of the countries of Europe. Smaller, but also a potentially dangerous celestial body, fluttered at a distance of 7.3 million kilometers on July 25, according to the ISON system.

What meteorites and asteroids have already fallen to Earth?

Russia has already become a place to fall of meteorites and asteroids. The first case was recorded on June 17, 1908 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not far from the river River Tunguska. The explosion power in the fall of the Tungusian meteorite was 40-50 megaton, the shock wave poured 2000 square kilometers of forest. Glasses ripped out 200 kilometers from the epicenter, and seismic oscillations were recorded at the stations of cities such as Irkutsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi and Yen (Germany). The most interesting thing is that the fragments of the meteorite did not find it.


The most "heavy" case occurred on February 12, 1947 near the village of Bezich in Primorsky Krai. The weight of the fragments found was 60-100 tons, and the body itself had an iron composition. Sikhote-Alin meteorite, as he was called due to falling in the mountains of the same name, he splits in the atmosphere and crumbled on the ground in the form of a meteorite rain. Now his fragments can be seen in the Kaluga planetarium.

The recent fall of the fragments of the asteroid, the age of which amounted to about 4.5 billion years, occurred on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region on February 15, 2013. The drop in the fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, was accompanied by strong shock waves, which according to NASA estimates, amounted to 300-500 thousand kilotons. The largest fragment of a 654 kilogram weighing, was raised from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul.

Fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. TASS / Artem Korotaev

As a result of the fall of fragments of the meteorite on Earth, 1615 people were injured - most of them from the fragments of windows and other structures provoked by the explosive wave from Chelyabinsk. The buildings were damaged by 490 million rubles, and the total damage was almost one billion. This celestial body was not discovered before it entered the atmosphere of the Earth.

Now imagine how much damage was brought by some small meteorites. What can happen if the asteroid 2019 OU1 will change the trajectory and still falls to the ground?.

How to escape during the fall of the asteroid to the ground?

According to scientists, for all its existence, the Earth has made at least six major asteroids. This is evidenced by huge craters that exist on our planet. The biggest is in the territory of South Africa, its diameter is 300 kilometers! This is 6% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe African country. It is logical that the collision of the asteroid with the Earth can occur in the 21st century. How to behave if the catastrophe of a planetary scale is imminent?

  • Find a refuge. The All-Russian Public Opinion Center (WTCIOM) conducted a survey on the topic of the Nuclear War and found out that 71% of Russians do not know about the existence of concrete bomb shelter in their city. Only 15% are known where to hide, but most of them are older than 35 years old. This means that people will simply do not understand where to run if a catastrophe occurs. You should see where a bomb shelter is in your city or settlement. Greater cities where the subway is easier. You can always go down to the subway, but the capacity of the metro stations is small, especially with one output and without transfers.
  • Take with you the necessary things. It can be warm clothing, medicines (antiseptics, bows, painkillers, anti-inflammatory), water, non-perishable food (cereals, canned food, oil, sugar, salt, powdered milk), hygiene products, threads, flashlight, Individual protection means, important documentation.
  • Do not come to the windows and other glass designs.If you saw that the Space body flies in the sky or a danger warning came, go from the windows! The fall or rupture of the meteorite / asteroid in the sky will provoke a shock wave, which will definitely destroy all glass partitions. You can suffer from scattered fragments and even get serious injuries.
Asteroid DA14 After a date with the earth will go to another "family"Asteroid 2012 DA14 was opened in February 2012 by astronomers of the Spanish Observatory La Sagra. Calculations have shown that February 15, 2013 at 19.25 in Greenwich (23.25 Moscow time), it will fly at a minimum distance from the Earth - at a distance of about 27.7 thousand kilometers from the surface.

"It seems that differences in meteorites are associated with the fact that their progenitors arising in the solar system about four billion years ago consisted of extremely heterogeneous layers of rocks. I would not be surprised if all the body from the main belt of asteroids arose as a result of the decay of the extremely small. The number of larger objects, "says Stanley Dermott (Stanley Dermott) from Florida University in Gainesville (USA).

Guests from Sky

In the past few decades, scientists in all over the world are actively followed by near-earth asteroids and conduct a kind of cosmic "census" among them, trying to understand how dangerous they are dangerous for humanity. Asteroids in the near-earth space, there are so many that astronomers had to create special scales to assess how probably their fall to earth.

Despite all this and the giant number of asteroids opened for last years With the help of terrestrial telescopes and infrared orbital Observatory Wise, many large asteroids and countless less large objects with a Chelyabinsk meteorite, falling on Earth in February 2013, remain and not open by humanity.

As NASA reported in 2011, at the first presentation of the NEOWISE catalog, today we only know about five thousand asteroids in size in about a hundred meters, while their total number is estimated at several tens of thousands. The number of less large objects within the main belt of asteroids can be even more and reaching a million.

Dermott and his colleagues opened an unusual fact that unites almost all of these celestial bodies and can simplify their search and cataloging in the near future, studying the five largest "families" asteroids.

With this word, astronomers denote asteroid groups rotating on a similar orbit and having similar composition and other properties, presumably indicating their overall origin. As a rule, they are called by name or the largest, or first open "member" of the family.

The largest "teams" asteroids, for example, families of flora, Vesti, Pulans, Evlalia and Nisa include tens of thousands of small and large objects, whose diameter can reach several tens of kilometers.

The consequences of the space "billiard"

The authors of the article conducted a new "census" among these five families of asteroids, "blindly" analyzing the nature of the movement in orbit, brightness and all others physical properties All asteroids living in the inside of the main belt.

Similarly, as an astronomer notes, his team tried to "catch" those representatives of the five main families of asteroids, which for some reason were forced to change their orbit in the past somewhat.

In these searches, scientists relied on a simple pattern, well-known astronomers for many decades - if an asteroid belongs to any family, then the angle of his orbit and its stretching is hard depend on its brightness.

These calculations have an unexpected way showed that approximately half of the asteroids, which were previously considered "inconsolable", in fact belong to one of the five of these families. In total, according to Plantetog, approximately 85% of the inhabitants of the neighboring part of the belt of asteroids are among the five of these groups, and the nature of the remaining 15% remains unknown.

If so, then why new members of these families have such a variegated mineral and chemical composition? As Dermott explains, metal meteorites are most likely fragments of the nuclei of these "mega-asteroids", and various stony objects are fragments of mantle, bark and other layers of their subsoil.

Chelyabinsk meteorite turned out to be a peer of the solar system"This means that the" material of creation "came to our hands," said Academician Mikhail Mars. He clarified that the age of a meteorite that fell under Chelyabinsk in mid-February was obtained by analyzing the isotopic composition of the substance.

The discovery of the general nature of most near-earth asteroids, according to the astronomer, is extremely important in the context of the protection of the Earth from possible asteroid "attacks". Now scientists will easier to predict the chances of a similar outcome of events and evaluate their consequences, knowing that they have similar origins and composition.

In addition, their study, as the dermott concludes, will allow us to understand, under what conditions "embryos" of land and other planets were formed, some of which were the progenitors of asteroids. This, in turn, will help scientists better and faster looking for potential twins of our planet in other star systems.

According to scientists, the first to see the fall of the space object called WF9 residents of Great Britain. The asteroid was discovered back in November 2016, but the reports of the threat appeared only now.


The object with a diameter of 500 meters to a kilometer should reach the Earth on February 25, Daily Mail reports. The giant was from us at a distance of 51 million kilometers.

Astronomer Damir Demin argues that in the event of a fall of an asteroid on Earth, coastal cities will cover gigantic tsunami. In that he will fall on our planet, the expert is confident, reports the network edition M24. According to him, WF9 flew out of the Nibir system. According to the theories of the day, Nibir will destroy life on Earth.

However, not all astronomers share the pessimistic moods of colleagues. The Director General of the Non-Profit Partnership "Planetary Protection Center" Anatoly Zaitsev claims that if the object is significant, scientists immediately calculate its trajectory.

"And if he, though, threatened, it would be known for him not only in NASA. Therefore, while the information is very dubious to do some conclusions," the Nation News specialist quotes. There are a number of his colleagues who are confident that the asteroid will simply burn in the atmosphere of our planet and will not harm anyone.

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