
Muslim dream book and 10430 more. Interpretation of dreams according to the Islamic dream book. Three illustrative examples of deciphering images from dreams according to the Koran

How often do you look into a dream book to decipher an exciting dream? In today's Internet world, this is quite simple: any search engine will give you more than 50 different online collections of dream interpretation in a minute. Among them, undoubtedly, you will find a book with a title that speaks for itself: “Islamic dream book - interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran.”

Muslims have long attached great importance to their dreams and looked into their dream books. Dream interpretation is a Muslim daily ritual. How does a Muslim khobnom differ from the rest? What are the features of the interpretation of dream visions in the Islamic world? Let's talk about everything in order.

History of appearance

Where did the interpretation of dreams come from in our lives? First of all, this is the many years of work of our ancestors, who passed down signs and omens associated with dreams from generation to generation. Slavic dream books and horoscopes are most often based on associations, while Muslims use the most important book in their life - the Holy Quran - for interpretation.

At the same time, it does not matter at all how a person saw this or that image in his vision, what is important is how the Prophet interpreted this image. Therefore, in order to decipher his dream, a Muslim will first open the Holy Scripture. After all, a correctly interpreted vision will help you choose the right path in life, protect you from sin, and tell you how to act in a given situation.

Thus, the most popular book among Muslims for deciphering dreams is a dream book on the Koran and Sunnah. It is based not only on the Holy Scriptures, but also on the collected works of Persian sages and the Muslim encyclopedia “Body of Knowledge”. Later, the Islamic dream book included the works of Rahmetullah and Abdul-Kerim. These are dream books in Persian from the Bombay edition, created in 1891. Muslims also often use the hobnom of the famous Islamic scholar Imam Muhammad to interpret dream visions.

Features of the Islamic dream book on the Koran

The Muslim dream book is strikingly different from other books on this topic. Its main principles are as follows:

  • dreams are a prophecy, their interpretation always contains religious overtones;
  • the images are deciphered as stated in the Holy Scriptures;
  • the sections are arranged not alphabetically, but according to their significance in religion - first about man, then about animals;
  • daytime dreams are more truthful and come true faster than night dreams;
  • the interpretation of visions is very simple and logical. For example, a predator is danger, a stranger is a meeting and surprise;
  • the dream vision will come true the way you interpret it.

Types of dreams

The Islamic dream book distinguishes three main types of dreams. Let's list them:

  • auspicious or righteous;
  • unpleasant or bad;
  • dreams that are associated with a person’s actions in real life.

Favorable dream- this is good news from Allah himself. If a Muslim wants to see only favorable dreams, then he will have to pray diligently every day before going to bed. According to the Holy Scriptures, the first favorable dream seen by a person is Adam’s dream, in which he saw Eve.

Bad dreams- these are the tricks of Shaitan. Often these are nightmares, meaningless and stupid. The Islamic Devil sends such visions to a person to mock him.

Like a tempting serpent, he tries to persuade a Muslim to sin and indecent acts. What should a person who has a dream from Satan do?

When you wake up, ask Allah for protection in prayer, and then perform the ritual of Namaz. There is no need to try to interpret the images; it is better not to even tell anyone about them. To prevent nightmares from recurring in the future, you should not go to bed unclean, on a full stomach and with obscene thoughts.

The third type of dreams directly related to human activities in real life. For example, a fruit seller will see himself at the market with a tray of oranges, and a young mother surrounded by children.

Interpretation using a Muslim dream book

To correctly interpret a dream, you must follow certain rules. Follow these steps:

  • determine the category of vision (good, bad, etc.);
  • highlight the main line, the main event, remove unnecessary details. This is perhaps the most difficult stage in interpretation. After all, what you see in a dream can be an omen or a warning. It is important to organize the facts and choose the really significant ones.
  • compare images and facts from what you saw at night with the provisions of the dream book.

A Muslim believer examines all his dreams through the prism of the revelations of the Prophet. If he happened to see a sign from Allah, then he would definitely will praise the Almighty for the dream and will tell about what he saw to all those who love and appreciate him.

As you can see, interpretation of dreams using an Islamic dream book significantly different from the Slavic and Christian ones we are used to. But no matter what dream book you use to decipher dreams, always remember the main thing: your visions come true exactly as they are interpreted.

Attention, TODAY only!

Words starting with the letter D

DAVUD(DAVID) AS - whoever sees him in a dream will reach the heights of power and authority.

DAJAL (ANTICHRIST), DECEIVER -his vision in a dream indicates witchcraft, lies, deception and domination and domination of enemies.

DOORS-opening doors are sources of income. And if someone has a dream that he came out of narrow doors into a spacious place, then this is his way out of poverty to prosperity and relief, and from sorrow and fear to safety and tranquility.

Doors (the threshold of a house) indicate the wife, the upper part of the doorway means the man, and the lower part the wife.

Whoever sees in a dream that his house has burned down will be touched by misfortune and sadness from the ruler or from the plague. And whoever sees that the doors of his house have been removed and replaced with others, he will sell his house or perhaps his wife, after his divorce someone else may marry her. They also say that seeing doors open in front of you in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing an imminent pleasant and joyful event, and closing the door in front of you is a sign of unfavorable events. Whoever enters a door or gate in a dream will achieve success in life and become a winner. The Koran says: “Enter... through the gate. If you do this, you will win." (Surah Al-Maida, verse 23).

If in a dream you see a small door in your house, beware of actions that discredit you, such a dream indicates female infidelity in the house.

DVO REC, CASTLE - for a vicious person it is need and a decrease in wealth and dignity, and for a pious person it is an increase in strength and influence and the payment of debt. The palace is also a good deed of religious leaders and ordinary believers. And whoever enters the castle will get married. In general, it is believed that seeing a palace in a dream foretells joyful events. They also say that entering or being in a palace indicates a person’s piety and religiosity.

TEENAGE GIRL - an unfamiliar girl means a year. And if someone sees that she is beautiful, gives him something, or if he sees that he hugs her or has intimate relations with her, without signs of excretion, he will acquire the benefits of this year depending on her beauty. If he sees that his daughter has been born, he will gain joy. If he sees that he has a son, he will experience worry and care.

YOUNG WOMAN-seeing a cheerful and joyful girl in a dream means love, joy and success. Seeing a frowning and angry girl means hearing some bad and disturbing news.

Whoever sees a modest, decently dressed girl in a dream will receive joyful news from where he did not expect to receive it.

To see a careless, indecently dressed girl in a dream means to hear good news, which can cause indecent acts.

A thin and emaciated girl means anxiety and possibly poverty.

If a man sees a naked girl, he will face failure in trading matters, but if he is sure that she is a virgin, then he will be more successful than ever in all trading matters. If in a dream a girl turns into an old woman, then this means an improvement in her standard of living.

GRANDFATHER-whoever becomes a grandfather in a dream will live long and the degree of his dignity will become high.

And his grandfather in the dream is to the extent of his father.

And if the grandfather dies, then his desire and efforts will decrease.

TREE-trees indicate women. Also, seeing trees in a dream is a sign of a quarrel and dispute. And unfamiliar trees are a sign of anxiety and trouble, especially if you see them at night. A good tree, like a palm tree, for example, is a good and pleasant word, but a disgusting tree, like a coloquint, for example, is a bad word. Sometimes, a tree is interpreted as a person whose character is similar to this tree, as for example: if someone sees in a dream that he has received a lot of fruits from some tree, then he will receive many gifts and riches from a person whose character is similar to this tree . Seeing a flowering tree in a dream is a sign of success, good luck and joy; bare trees - to sadness and disease; trees with hanging fruits - to prosperity and well-being.

A felled tree is a harbinger of great loss and misfortune.

CHILDREN, FAMILY-they are a sign of destiny and livelihood for those who see them.

JANAZA (BODY OF A DECEASED) -Whoever in a dream sees himself performing Janaza-Namaz (prayer for the repose of the soul) over the body of a deceased person will fraternize with certain people for the sake of Allah Almighty.

And whoever sees the men carrying him on a funeral bier will achieve greatness and power, conquer people and dominate them. And if they mourn the deceased, then the end of his life will be prosperous, and if not, then unfavorable. And whoever sees that he is burying the body of a deceased person, this indicates the one who is setting off on a journey and bidding farewell to him. Sometimes seeing yourself on a funeral stretcher carried by people foreshadows meeting a person who will help financially, and if no one carries the stretcher, it means prison.

Carrying a funeral bier to the market means profit through hypocrisy, but carrying them to the cemetery means acting honestly, correctly and fairly in life.

Carrying a funeral bier with a deceased person in a dream portends wealth and an increase in one’s authority among acquaintances.

GINS, SPIRITS, DEMONS - these are those who resort to cunning in worldly affairs.

The meaning of the dream about genies is that genies are the embodiment of the cunning of this world and its expansion.

And if anyone sees that he is teaching the jinn the Koran or they are listening to the Koran, he will acquire supremacy and power, according to the words of the Almighty: “Say: “It is revealed to me that a host of jinn have heard...”

Seeing a genie near your house in a dream means; either a broken vow, or loss, or humiliation.

Seeing genies inside your home foretells that thieves or enemies may enter this house, causing significant harm and damage.

To turn into a genie in a dream means in reality to be surrounded by intrigues, machinations and deception that intensifies over time.

Seeing a genie practicing witchcraft means being close to evil spirits.

JIHAD (FIGHT AGAINST EVIL AND UNBELIEF I)-whoever sees himself going to Jihad will achieve dignity, advantage and a high degree in the afterlife.

It is also said that whoever sees himself in a dream fighting unbelief in the path of Allah Almighty and fighting with infidels, he diligently solves the pressing problems of his family.

And whoever sees himself killed in the path of Allah will gain joy, bliss, a pleasant life and good income.

JUBBA(WINTER OUTERWEAR) -it is wealth for the one who wears it, because it protects against cold, and cold is poverty. And wearing it in the summer indicates a sad event.

DLINA, GROWTH -whoever sees in a dream that he has become very tall, his knowledge and wealth will increase. Increased height is also a sign of longevity. And short stature indicates a short life. If a long person becomes short, then this is not good, because it indicates a decrease in dignity or the proximity of death.

DAYTIME - this is getting rid of worries and sorrows, which also indicates the emergence of an argument and argument. In general, a day can have many interpretations, depending on what kind of day it is: clear, sunny, gloomy or full of surprises; the day can mean meeting a Muslim, divorce, hypocrisy, fluctuations in the prices of goods, salvation, prolongation of life, and can also mean existence.

GOOD DEED-If a person does a good deed in a dream, like removing something from the road that can harm people, or like promoting virtue and preventing vice, then this is a sign of profit in trade, payment of debt and security.

RAIN-if it is harmless, then this is a sign of prosperity, destiny, mercy and life of man and the earth. But if in a dream rain causes harm everywhere, or stones fall from the sky or blood drips, then this indicates sins and disobedience to the commandments of Allah. Abundant and continuous rain means an increase in harvest and a decrease in food prices, as well as the Right Path and knowledge: It is said in the Koran: “We pour blessed rain from the sky, and with it we grow all the grains and gardens.” (Sura, Kaf, 9).

And sometimes rain in a dream means a warning from Allah. Trembling in a dream means experiencing difficulties from the ruler and his decrees.

DUTY-receiving a debt from someone in a dream means dissatisfaction with affairs and troubles at work.

Giving someone a debt leads to successful business at work.

BEFOREM, HOUSING - this is a wife who gives her husband shelter near her. And whoever sees that he is leaving a small house will get rid of worries and worries. If he sees that his house has become wider, then this is an increase in his goods and harvest. Seeing houses in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If someone dreams of an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his house in the afterlife, and the condition of this house will be the same as in the dream: good or bad. And if in a dream you see a house that is familiar to you, then this is a house in worldly life. If someone sees himself in a house familiar to him, then his worldly goods will increase as much as this house was wide and large. If you see your house in ruins in a dream, then this means the destruction of its material condition due to wrong actions. If you see an enlarged size of a familiar house or yard, or a new extension, then this also means an increase in worldly good. To see yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar house, to receive good news soon and to be cured if you are sick.

Entering the house, closing the door tightly behind you, means abstaining from sins. Building a house in a dream is good.

Breaking a house means facing evil and injustice.

Whoever enters the house of a familiar person in a dream will have his secrets revealed. Sometimes your own home symbolizes family and loved ones.

ROAD-one road points to the canons of Islam (Shariah). And different roads are innovations in Islam (bid'ah). Walking along a crooked, winding and dirty road in a dream means living wrongly and sinning. Walking along a straight, level and wide road means following the path of truth, goodness and happiness.

THE DRAGON-in a dream, a dragon is a hidden and dangerous enemy, the existence of which you still did not know; Moreover, its strength and power depend on the number of its heads. Transforming into a dragon in a dream means prolonging life.

For a person suffering from a serious illness, a dragon in a dream is a harbinger of death.

WOOD-in a dream, wood (as a material) means hypocrisy.

NAP- this means peace and security. Sometimes, it can indicate wealth after poverty.

WOOD(FUEL)- this is slander, gossip. And anyone who lights firewood will go with someone to the ruler.

Sometimes firewood is a sign of stupidity and stinginess in one’s property.

FRIEND-seeing a friend in a dream means a pleasant conversation.

PIPE, PIPE, CLARINET - for a patient to see himself playing a pipe in a dream means death.

Whoever sees strangers playing the flute in a dream will renege on his words, and if loved ones do this, then this means an increase in his own power and influence.

DUA(PLAY)-whoever sees himself in a dream calling out to Allah Almighty or that other people are making dua for him, will achieve goodness and happiness. The dua also indicates payment of debt. And if he sees that he is calling on Allah in the dark, he will get rid of anxiety and acute problems.

PERFUME- the one who sees perfume in a dream will be disappointed in a loved one.

SMOKE- this is fear, torment, punishment, anxiety and misfortune. Whoever sees smoke coming out of his house in a dream will experience peace and harmony in his house after scandals and turmoil.

MELON-success in future affairs awaits those who see a melon in a dream.

WOODPECKER-whoever sees a woodpecker in a dream will meet a woman, very rich and very beautiful.

APRICOT – If a person sees in a dream that he is eating apricots, then he will either get sick or lose something important in life.

AGONY – Seeing the agony of a dying person in a dream means a happy and joyful life.

ADAM a.s. – whoever sees Adam, a.s., in a dream in his real form, and in all his greatness, will acquire great power, being worthy of it, for the Almighty said: “I will install a governor on earth.” (Sura Bakra, 30). If anyone -he will see in a dream that he is talking to Adam, and he will become a scientist, an expert. The Almighty said: “And He taught Adam all names.” They also say that someone who meets Adam, a.s., in a dream may be deceived by the words of some of his enemies, but after some time he will see the light and be freed from deception. The appearance of Adam, a.s., in a dream in a changing appearance means moving from one place to another, and finally returning to the original place.

AZAN (call to prayer) indicates Hajj. It can also indicate dua (supplication to Allah), piety, serving the Almighty and doing good, or calmness and deliverance from the wiles of Shaitan (Satan).

ABC - whoever sees the alphabet in a dream will show undoubted success in mastering knowledge.

AIST – Seeing a stork in a dream foretells the gathering of a large number of people in a certain place. Seeing a flying stork in a dream promises you a favorable marriage and a successful trip. If storks gather together in a dream, then you will have to communicate with criminals and thieves and be at enmity with them.
AYUB (Job, a.s.) – seeing him in a dream indicates trials, troubles and a favorable outcome. If the one who sees him is sick, then he will be healed of his illness, and perhaps will receive an answer to those desires and requests for which he prayed to Allah.
ACROBAT, GYMNAST – to see an acrobat in a dream means the insecurity of the place a person occupies in life.
ACTOR – Seeing an actor in a dream means that among your friends there are deceivers and hypocrites.
SHARK - Seeing a shark in a dream means an imminent meeting with a secret or open enemy.
MIDWIFE, MIDWIFE perhaps her vision indicates the release of a prisoner from prison and deliverance from the worries and hardships of life.
ALLAH (HOLY AND GREAT IS HE) If someone dreams that Allah is satisfied, pleased with him and turns His Face towards him, then he will have the same meeting with Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment. This also indicates the acceptance by the Almighty Lord of the good deeds he has performed in this world, as well as the reward for them by the Almighty Allah with Paradise, as a reward for his godly deeds, if the Almighty Creator dreams of him and he is able to look at Him. If he sees that the Creator has given him any of the blessings of worldly life, then some kind of misfortune or illness will befall him, due to which he will be awarded Paradise in the next world.

If a person sees Allah in a dream in some famous area on earth, it means that justice reigns there and that goodness, joy and help will come there. Whoever sees that the Lord speaks to someone, reproaching or warning against something, is a sinner who needs to immediately repent.

If he sees that Allah Almighty has condescended to him in a dream and thanked him, then he will be endowed with the ability to perform miracles (karamat) and will receive the mercy of Allah. Only a select few can see such a dream. But if you see Allah, Great and Glorious, in the form of one of His creations or with some shortcomings, then this is a deceitful person who deliberately tells lies against the Lord, and also follows innovations in religion, and let the one who sees such a dream quickly repent .
DIAMOND, DIAMOND – a harbinger of family joys.
BARN – in a dream means wealth and income, and if it is used, then it is a wonderful praise for it. If the barn is empty in a dream, then ruin awaits you. A full barn means wealth.
A PINEAPPLE - A pineapple seen in a dream is a harbinger that success awaits you in the work you have begun.
ANGELS 1 – If someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory.

If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of a Shahid (martyr for the faith) will befall him.

If he sees that angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa).

If they descended onto the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and it is also a command to maintain accuracy in measurements and scales.

If you see angels on graves, this is interpreted as the spread of the disease cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, abandoned the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were informed that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty protect him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet, s.a.w., in a dream . He said that next to the Prophet, s.a.w., was sitting a group of poor ascetics. “Suddenly,” he continued, “the heavens opened up, and the Archangel Gabriel, a.s., appeared, accompanied by angels. The angels held basins and jugs of water in their hands. They began to pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet. “When it was my turn,” he continued, “I stretched out my hands and heard some angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them." Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.w., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, peace be upon him, answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water spilled on my hands so that I could wash them. The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bearing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If in a dream Jibril, a.s., gives the sleeping person some food, then this means that this person, insha Allah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment. A meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices.

If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is a sign of prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die.

If he believes that the sound of the trumpet of Israfil, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then a quick inevitable death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith. Seeing the angel of death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance.

If someone sees a dream as if he was fighting with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die.

If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the angel of death in a dream will have a long life. It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the angel of death in a dream and asked, turning to him: “O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?” He replied: “Yes!” And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan.” Indeed, Hamza al-Zayyat died in Helwan. To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, from the words of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” as well as : “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”
ANGELS 2 – if you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, it will mean that the one seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith. Seeing one of the angels entering someone’s house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means that this person will lose strength and prosperity, and it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If someone sees angels in any place in a dream that cause him fear, then turmoil and war may occur in that area. The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness.

And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in a natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (who are making aspirations and efforts to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical). Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The following words belong to the Almighty on this occasion: “Did your Lord only provide you with sons, and take women for himself from the angels? Truly you speak a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.”

If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that a companion will die there, or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone’s house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft. The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty,” portends great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.” The appearance of angels in any place on a horse in a dream marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there. The flight of birds unknown by name in a dream means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retribution against the oppressors and helping the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person, recording all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life. This is provided that the dreamer is one of the righteous and virtuous citizens.

If he is not such, then you should be afraid for him, for the Almighty said: “The noble Scribes know what you are doing!” Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells about the past, in the image of a young man he speaks about the present, and in the image of a youth he points to the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he seems to appear in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if he was in trouble before, or liberation if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power. For the patient, this dream means the approach of death.

If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give this person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome. They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, dreamed of angels blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, s.a.s., from the words of the Almighty: “It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you from darkness to light.” !”. This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him along the True Path. The reason he accepted Islam was that he hid a poor debtor from his creditor.
ORANGE, MANDARIAN an orange or tangerine seen by a person in a dream promises him good health.
PHARMACY - if a sick person sees a pharmacy in a dream, then he will soon recover, but if a healthy person sees it, he may become ill.
ARAFAT – whoever sees in a dream that he is on Mount Arafat on the day of Arafat and one of his relatives is absent (or missing), then he will return to him joyful, and if he quarreled with someone, he will make peace with him . Arafat may also indicate Hajj.
WATERMELON - watermelon portends pregnancy for a woman and early marriage for a girl. If a person stretches out his hand to the sky and eats a watermelon in a dream, then he will soon receive what he longs to acquire. A yellow watermelon is a disease, and a green watermelon is an earthly destiny. If a person throws watermelons into his house, then every abandoned watermelon means the death of one of his relatives.
ARREST – Seeing an arrested person in a dream is an omen that troubles may await you.
ASCETISM, DEVOTION in a dream is a manifestation of love and respect from people.
ASTRONOMER – this is a liar.
VERSES OF THE QURAN – if these are verses that speak of mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the mercy of Allah. But if these are verses containing the direct or indirect meaning of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are verses of admonition, then they warn the one who saw them from committing a sin, and if they are verses announcing something, then they foretell goodness and blessings for him.

Islamic dream book. Interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah / Transl. from Arabic - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “DILYA”, 2010.

This article discusses in great detail the questions that are asked according to the Muslim dream book. If you want to learn more about the Islamic dream book, then you should pay attention to other articles of this project.

Muslim dream book interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah azan in a dream

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “When the time of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be true” (Bukhari, Muslim). According to the Holy Quran and Sunnah Azan, sleep is divided into three types:

Good dream; Such a dream is interpreted as God’s grace, which descended on a person and brought him a gift - a prophetic good dream. Such dreams are often good news for the dreamer, as God opens His arms to him.

The Almighty once asked Adam: “You have seen everything created by me, but have you not noticed from all that you have seen anyone similar to you?” And Adam replied: “No, O Lord, create for me a couple similar to me, so that she will live with me and recognize only You and worship only You, like me...” And Allah put Adam to sleep, and while he was sleeping, created Eve and sat her at his head. When Adam woke up, Allah asked him: “Who is this sitting near your head?” And Adam answered: “This is the vision that You showed me in a dream, O my Lord...” And this was the first dream seen by man.

Bad dream. Such a dream is considered to be the machinations of the shaitan, who every now and then wants to mock the dreamer’s soul and inflict fear, melancholy and pain on him through sleep. Bad dreams are experienced by a person who goes to bed with an unclean soul, without, in a word, praying and without thanking God for the day he has lived.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Some dreams are from Allah, others are from Shaitan.”

A dream that illustrates the life of the sleeper; Such dreams can occur if in reality a person is very concerned about something and has ever passed through experiences through his soul. Also, such dreams can show what the dreamer is used to doing in reality.

Dreams that do not fit into any of the varieties given above are not considered reliable according to the Koran, or those that can be interpreted in any way by resorting to a dream book. Such dreams are considered nonsense.

The interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Azan relies on the following principles: The Prophet, s.a.w., said: “If any of you sees a favorable dream, then, verily, it comes from Allah, and let him give praise to Allah for him and will tell his friends about him. And if he sees an unfavorable dream, then it comes from the shaitan, and let him ask Allah for protection from the evil of this dream and not mention it to anyone, and then it will not bring him harm.” At-Tirmidhi and others translated a hadith from Abu Hurayrat, who reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “If any of you sees a good dream, then let him interpret it and tell about it. And if he sees a bad dream, then let him not seek its interpretation and not talk about it.”

In order for the interpretation to be correct, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, what is most important in the dream. And start from this “main thing”, remembering all the accompanying elements.

Muslim dream book to see money, pregnancy, fly in a dream

According to the Muslim dream book, seeing paper money in a dream means that you will soon receive important news. The higher the denomination, the more important the news. If you dreamed of money in your hands, then this is a good sign - in reality you will receive an extremely profitable offer. If the dreamed money is directly related to the person who is dreaming, then a huge amount will replenish his budget in real life.

Distributing money left and right, losing it, forgetting it, or giving it as a gift other than alms means a significant loss of income, possible remuneration, or deprivation of a bonus. Giving alms in a dream means the accomplishment of grandiose plans and the implementation of projects. If you dream of ordinary coins or small change, then this is a sign of minor troubles, frustrations and chagrins. However, if the coins are gold, this is a sign of great luck and happiness.

For a man to see his wife’s pregnancy in a dream means that good news will come to him. If a woman sees her pregnancy in me, then she will soon become rich. If a virgin or an unmarried girl dreams of pregnancy, this means that she will get married very soon. For old people, seeing this in a dream is a sign of illness and disease.

The Muslim dream book says that if a person flies in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows an interesting journey in real life. Anyone who watches his flight between heaven and earth will dream a lot in reality. The wishes of such a person will soon come true. Basically, such a dream predicts the acquisition of family well-being.

Muslim dream book in a dream: hedgehog, snake, horse, lion, fish, flowers, kissing

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means meeting an unmerciful, evil, ungrateful person.

According to the Muslim dream book, a snake means an enemy; accordingly, how it behaves in a dream is how one can predict the behavior of the enemy of the person who is dreaming in real life. An important element is whether the snake hisses in a dream. If you hear a hiss, then this is a good sign, because in reality the evil enemy will leave the “battlefield” and leave the person alone. However, until the enemy is defeated, he should be feared.

Seeing a horse in a dream is not a very good sign, which foreshadows shameless deception on the part of loved ones. However, if the horse neighs, then the meaning of the dream changes. The neighing of a horse means the noble speech of an authoritative person. Perhaps in reality the sleeping person will be given important advice, or he will receive enormous support from influential people. If in a dream a horse turns to him and the speech is understandable, then you should remember every word spoken and interpret them in the most literal sense.

A lion, in accordance with the Muslim dream book, means for the person who sees it to face unbridled strength and power. If a person who is sleeping overcomes a lion in a dream, then this promises a clear victory against his most sworn enemy in real life. If he runs away from the lion, then this is also a good sign, which foretells success in business and the speedy fulfillment of all desires.

Seeing a fish in a dream is a good sign. It symbolizes success if you dream of it in large quantities. Also, if a person eats fish, it means that he will soon sort out all his problems. The Muslim dream book pays great attention to people who sit at the same table and eat fish together with the person seeing the dream. You should keep an eye on such people in reality; perhaps they are committing bad deeds behind their backs and preparing some kind of treachery.

Flowers that a person sees in a dream mean a combination of feelings, relationships or events. Planting flowers in a dream means the emergence of a new relationship, plucking them means overcoming any difficult situations, giving them means sharing your feelings and positive emotions with your loved one.

Kissing in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, is a sign of bad news related to the relationship between two loving people. This seemingly innocent act of lovers symbolizes betrayal, conflict and separation in reality. Parting is predicted with the person whom the sleeping person kisses in a dream. Betrayal also applies to the kissed person.

Muslim dream book of seeing a deceased person, a deceased grandmother or other relative

According to the Muslim dream book, seeing a dead person in a dream means that he wants to convey something through sleep to the sleeping person. If deceased relatives appear alive, this is a good sign, since they take away from the person the difficulties and problems that surrounded him. Also, depending on what exactly the dead do in a dream, you can understand what message they want to convey to the sleeper, and sometimes prevent impending troubles.

Such dreams should not frighten the person who sees them. If a deceased relative touches a certain part of the body, then, therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor and get checked in order to protect yourself from possible illness in advance. If the deceased does something bad, you need to take a closer look at what actions will lead to danger. If, on the contrary, it is good, it will need to be repeated in real life.

If in a dream a sleeping person kisses and hugs a deceased relative, then in reality he is prolonging his life. And a love relationship with a deceased person (not a relative) will predict success in the most difficult matters and restore hope for a good result.

Muslim dream book and interpretation of dreams from A to Z if you dream of a white scarf what does it mean

Seeing a white scarf in a dream means that very intriguing and important news awaits a person, from which he will not be able to take his thoughts away. According to the Muslim dream book, a white scarf brings with it psychological experiences. In general, the scarf symbolizes shelter, that is, an object that serves as a talisman for thoughts and thoughts. If a person puts a white scarf on someone, it means that he sincerely cares about him and wants to protect him from bad influences.

If you dream that the scarf is on your shoulders, then in reality you will get the impression that the person seeing the dream does not have enough control over the circumstances and needs help, even though he can handle everything himself. After such a dream, you simply need to understand that exaggerating the problem should not affect its solution. As they say: “The wolf is not as terrible as they paint him.”

Muslim dream book: in a dream, eat white bread, see long hair or cut it

According to the Muslim dream book, eating white bread in a dream foretells love joys, good luck in planned affairs and an increase in material wealth. White bread is a symbol of prosperity, strong love, prosperity and success in everything, so consuming this sacred food means accepting all the best, positive and desirable.

Seeing long hair in a dream for young people, girls or those who are in the military means long-awaited wealth, full respect and long years of a carefree life. If an elderly person dreams of long hair, then such a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, mental anguish, anxiety and bitterness. If someone has a dream in which they cut their hair, then in real life they will take away from them what was given as loans or rent. If a person dreams that he is cutting his own hair, then this is a sign of exposing all his secrets to people who should not have known them.

Muslim dream book: eating strawberries, candy, driving a car

Eating strawberries in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means a sweet, unearthly pleasure in reality. A person who dreams of this is destined to feel extremely pleasant and unbridled emotions and sensations, and in reality this person will achieve all the goals he has set for himself. Tasting strawberries in a dream tells a person that the partner he has chosen, or will soon choose, suits him like no other.

If a person dreams that he is eating candy, then such a dream foreshadows only the best events. In reality, the person seeing such a dream will experience absolute peace of mind and satisfaction, the dangers that haunted him will pass by, and life will be completely renewed and improved.

Driving a car in a dream means with what perseverance and desire a person seeing such a dream wants to solve problems and mentally free himself from hardships and sorrows, if they are present. If a person drives a car quickly with a gust of wind, then this indicates that dreams and desires will soon come true, and plans will be realized faster than planned.

Depending on how the sleeper drives the car, what speed, what brand and whether there are passengers, the dream can be interpreted from completely different perspectives. In particular, a car in a dream is a personalization of the person who is sleeping, a symbol of his motivation, management of current situations, the manner of decision-making, and so on, in general, everything related to the life position of the sleeper. And only taking these factors into account can such a dream be interpreted.

Muslim dream book child girl, black dog, dog bite

If you dream of a little girl and she is familiar to the sleeping person, then such a dream predicts great fun, laughter and joy, but if the child is not known to the person who dreamed about it, then things are worse than in the first case. Such a dream speaks of imminent care and intense sadness, as well as the sudden appearance of an enemy, although not a strong one. If you have a dream in which a sleeping person appears in the form of a little girl, then for a beggar such a dream will result in the achievement of pleasure and outlet, for a rich person it will result in the blatant theft of his property.

Seeing a black dog in a dream means complete disappointment for the person seeing this dream in his closest friend, who will not only leave you alone with problems in difficult times, but will also betray you and openly humiliate you. Although in life a dog is a symbol of friendship and devotion, seeing a black dog in a dream is far from good. If a black dog also bites, then this is a sign that the enemy is preparing to attack and cause harm. Such a dream can also mean attracting dark forces against the person who dreams about it in real life. If the bite is repelled and the dog manages to be thrown away from you in such a dream, then the attempt to resist evil in reality will be successful.

Muslim dream book teeth, cheating wife, gold, gold chain, black cat

Seeing teeth in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means that the dream is directly related to the relatives of the person who is sleeping. Regarding the systematization of the naming of each tooth in the oral cavity, the left part refers to maternal relatives, the right part refers to paternal relatives. If the sleeper sees damage to a tooth, or blood coming from one or another tooth, it means woe to the person to whom this tooth is related.

If in a dream the dreamer takes out a tooth that is whole and undamaged and puts it on his hand, then this means that a new addition awaits him in the form of a brother or sister. Also, if all the teeth fall out at once without pain and blood, this means that the sleeper will live a long time and in good health. However, if you dream of golden teeth, this is a bad sign. A person who sees such a dream is threatened by illness and human gossip. And if the teeth are made of wood, glass or wax, then this means death.

If a man dreams of his wife’s betrayal, then this, according to the Muslim dream book, means the constant humiliation of such a woman in society. It is believed that if she cheats on her husband in a dream, it means that her soul is unclean and some kind of guilt lies with her, and therefore those around her do not accept this person and spread rot at every possible opportunity.

Seeing gold in a dream means bad events in reality. A person who dreams of gold is doomed to suffering and sorrow, and if he manages to scatter this gold, then misfortune will surround him and predict a quick death. If a person gives gold to someone in a dream, then such a dream speaks of deception on the part of the person to whom this valuable metal was given.

If a person sees a gold chain in a dream, then the meaning of such a dream is directly related to the other half of the sleeper. If the chain is gold and is worn around the neck, then the loved one of the dreamer will have a bad and rude disposition. In principle, dreams in which gold is seen are not positive, so you should be on guard after such dreams.

In accordance with the interpretation of the Muslim dream book, a black cat is dreamed of as a person’s secret desire to “go all out.” It symbolizes a refined nature, which, due to its subtle spiritual development, needs care, love and affection. For a man, this manifests itself in sympathy for a certain beautiful woman, whose silhouette personifies the image of a black cat. For a woman, this can be characterized as a strong attraction to a friend who is able to help with advice and deeds.

A dream, as part of a prophecy, is of great importance for a Muslim. The Muslim dream book according to the Koran and Sunnah will tell you whether a dream is good or bad, whether it will come true or not. It can be useful and interesting for representatives of other faiths.

From the point of view of science, dreams are nothing more than a reflection of everything that a person experiences in everyday life: his actions, thoughts, plans, dreams, feelings and emotions. Some believe that the images that appear in a person’s mind during his sleep are inspired by a certain higher power, in particular, God. They can transport not only to the past, but also to the future, as well as to other realities. Dream images cannot always be taken literally. They need correct interpretation. People who profess the Islamic religion can benefit from a Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah.

Dream in Islamic religion

Sleep and dreams are given great importance in the Islamic religion. What true Muslims see when they fall asleep they consider “observations of the soul.” The great Allah Himself sends down signs to them. Some of them are obvious; you don't need to make an effort to understand what they mean. Others consist of a collection of seemingly unrelated images. The meaning of such dreams is clear only to selected interpreters.

It is impossible to become an interpreter by learning from books. The ability to unravel “visions of the soul” is bestowed by Allah. To receive such a gift, you must be God-fearing and live according to the Koran, not sin and protect others from the sins. These people are either prophets or saints. And you can only turn to them for the interpretation of dreams.

Therefore, the Muslim dream book interpretation of the Koran and Sunnah is a guide rather for curious people. It is a generalization of knowledge about sleep and dreams in the Islamic religion, a kind of collection of the most reliable interpretations. Thanks to him, a person gets an idea not only of those visual, sound and tactile images that appeared to him after falling asleep, but also of Islamic culture and religion.

What does a dream mean according to the Muslim dream book?

According to the Muslim Holy Scripture, dreams can appear to a person from Allah (God), Shaitan (the devil) or be born from one’s own subconscious. Accordingly, they come in three types:

Both men and women can have prophetic dreams. This can happen both at night and during the day. But those who dreamed closer to the morning and morning prayer are most likely to come true.

What to do to make the dream come true?

So why do the Koran and Sunnah call for sharing all the good things you dreamed about and keeping all the bad things to yourself? The fact is that the Prophet Muhammad himself said that a prophecy that appears to a sleeping person will materialize only if it is made public.

The Islamic religion also warns its followers to pay special attention to dreams and try to interpret all the images that arise in dreams. You should also protect yourself from television and online commentators who, for the most part, tell lies.

The difference between the Muslim dream book and other existing ones

The science of dream interpretation, oniromancy, is more popular than ever. In bookstores and on the Internet you can find a huge number of dream books that offer interpretations of a huge number of images that a person can dream about. It is very difficult to verify their reliability in any other way than through personal experience.

The Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is fundamentally different from all others:

  1. Decoding dreams is based on what is said about the images that appear in them in the Koran and Sunnah themselves.
  2. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad himself interpreted dreams; the dream book indicates that it was he who saw in one or another image that appeared at night.
  3. The interpretation takes place close to the nature of man and the world around him; it is not ambiguous or confusing.
  4. Usually, phenomena seen at night are distributed alphabetically in dream books. The Muslim dream book has a special structure: the order of the images depends on their significance from the point of view of the Islamic religion.
  5. Images interpreted positively or negatively by other dream books can have diametrically opposite meanings in Muslim ones.
  6. The dream book allows you to form a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and worldview of a Muslim.

Three illustrative examples of deciphering images from dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah

God, saints, prophets

A person who sees Allah himself in a dream can be sure that his dream is true and good. After all, Satan will never be able to take his form. A meeting with the Almighty means that a Muslim lives according to the rules and performs righteous, godly deeds. Allah accepts these benefits and is ready to reward them. A Muslim can be sure that on the Day of Judgment he will have a place in heaven.

If a person dreamed of the Prophet Muhammad or one of the saints, it matters exactly what they looked like. If their faces expressed satisfaction, and they themselves were beautiful and elegant, the Muslim would be delivered from sorrows and adversity, victory over enemies, or some other good event. If the saints and prophets appeared darkened and pale, it means that one should prepare for something bad.


These creatures don't always turn out well. For example, fighting one of the angels means imminent death. If they gather together in any village or city, someone there will soon die. But if one of the angels dreamed of being in a good mood, cheerful and contented, the person will experience success in worldly affairs and insight in religious matters.


Seeing your own death in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means freeing yourself, returning home after long wanderings. Despite the fact that the Muslim dream book is intended primarily for those who profess Islam, it can be interesting and useful for representatives of other faiths.

Video: how is a dream correctly interpreted in Islam according to the Koran?

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