
Russian gay actresses list. Unconventional Soviet celebrities. The manly love of the poet Nikolai Klyuev

Today homosexuality is not considered a vice. In Hollywood, coming-outs of American actors are a common thing. Moreover, many gay couples around the world are popular among fans. Politicians in the Soviet Union did not treat the representatives of sexual minorities so favorably, so the stars of theater, cinema, sports and pop were forced to hide their personal preferences so as not to sit down in.

One way or another, fans of the stars of the USSR still suspected some of them of homosexuality. The most famous "suspects" are in the material.


The Soviet actress never declared that she was a sexual minority, but journalists and fans suspected her of this. Many people who knew Ranevskaya personally told that the actress sometimes allowed herself too much in communicating with girls. Because of this, according to Faina Ranevskaya's friend Elena Lipova, Ekaterina Geltser stopped communicating with her. Ranevskaya's unconventional orientation is also hinted at by her statements:

“Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are only two perversions: field hockey and ice ballet! ”.

Kino-Teatr.RU "

The young actor of the Soviet theater Gennady Bortnikov became famous thanks to the role of Raskolnikov in the Mossovet Theater. Bortnikov was the favorite of Faina Ranevskaya, who spoke positively about the creative abilities of the young man, as well as the director Yuri Zavadsky. It was thanks to Zavadsky that Bortnikov got high-profile roles.

Nevertheless, Bortnikov's personal life has always remained under a veil of secrecy, and this aroused suspicion, criticism and public condemnation. The actor's personality was fanned by legends, some even said that an unknown young student committed suicide because of love for Gennady Bortnikov, but the actor did not officially confirm these rumors.

Kino-Teatr.RU "

People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Yuryev was considered one of his favorite actors, despite the rumors that spread about him in Leningrad. According to some sources, Yuryev created a "salon" where romantic meetings of homosexuals and the urban elite took place.

Later, many participants in this "salon" were repressed, but the organizer was not touched. Yuriev continued to work as an actor, theater teacher, and reader and died at the age of 76 in St. Petersburg.

KinoPoisk "

The Soviet actor, who often played antiheroes in children's films, was a loner. Little is known about his personal life, and this has led to rumors of his homosexuality. Millyar did not officially confirm this, but some media outlets say that he was close to going to prison for sodomy.

To dispel all rumors, a friend of the actor proposed to conclude a fictitious marriage with his neighbor in a communal apartment. Millyar married at 65, and a little later he and his wife were given an apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. A positive shift also took place in the actor's career - they began to offer serious roles.

Ukrainian news "

A Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian theater director is suspected of homosexuality due to controversial performances. In Viktyuk's productions, as a rule, men play female roles and do not hesitate to act out passionate love scenes with each other. Photos and videos from these shows amaze fans of theatrical art. In Russia and the USSR there were rumors that the director's theater troupe was his “harem”.

Although Roman Viktyuk earned the fame of "the main star of the gay horizon of show business," the director did not officially confirm this information. One way or another, many of Viktyuk's works are recognized as "homoerotic", which prompted the public to think about his homosexuality.

The criminal article for "sodomy" in our country existed from 1934 to 1993. Until the end of the 80s, about a thousand men were sent to prisons through it every year, and even in post-Soviet Russia, such sentences were numbered in the hundreds. At the same time, not all cases known to the authorities were brought to court. This was especially true of the creative intelligentsia, on which a lot of compromising evidence was collected in terms of same-sex love. They used it, however, only in relation to those who did not enjoy the favor of the party and government.

Consider Soviet film, music and theater stars who were proven or alleged homosexuals and whose fates were different.

Georgy Millyar

The star of cult fairy tales directed by Alexander Rowe, despite his all-Union popularity, did not enjoy the special favor of the Soviet regime. For example, the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR was awarded to him only in 1988, when the actor was already strongly over 80

The reason for this, it is believed, is not only in social origin (George Millyar was the son of the French aristocrat Franz de Milleu and changed his surname so that it would not be striking), but also in homosexuality. The artist was even close to being thrown into prison for sodomy, and his friend Rowe insisted that he enter into a fictitious marriage to divert his eyes. So at 65, Millyar married his neighbor in a communal apartment, 59-year-old Marya Vasilievna. At first, she did not understand the sentence and said that she did not need men, to which the groom uttered the phrase widely circulated afterwards: “I’m not a man, I am Baba Yaga”.

It is not surprising that after the death of Alexander Rowe in 1973, the famous actor with a “bad” reputation did not receive more significant roles, and even an apartment for him and his wife after resettlement from a communal apartment was allocated on the outskirts of Moscow. It was in this obscurity that Millyar died in 1993, a little before he was 90 years old.

Vadim Kozin

The legendary singer and songwriter was especially popular in the Soviet Union during the 30s and during the Great Patriotic War: during this period, more than 50 of his records were released in the country, for which huge queues lined up. Received Vadim Kozin and official recognition. It is reported that Marshal Ivan Bagramyan personally presented him with the Order of the Red Star for his speeches on the front line, and in 1943 the artist performed at the famous Tehran conference

Kozin's career, however, instantly came to naught in 1944, when he was convicted of sodomy and child abuse for eight years and sent to the Kolyma. There are legends about the true reasons for such harshness in relation to the country's favorite, most of which mention a quarrel with the powerful head of the NKVD Lavrenty Beria. Be that as it may, in prison, Kozin continued to engage in creativity, using the favor of the camp administration, and was released in 1950.

His career took off again, and after a few years the singer returned to the stages of the European part of Russia. However, in 1959, the incredible happened: he was again convicted under the same article and again sent to the Kolyma camps. This time Kozin was imprisoned until 1968, and after his release he lived his whole life in Magadan in the status of a local legend. He died in 1994, when he was over 90, and remained the only Soviet celebrity sentenced twice for homosexuality.

Rudolf Nureyev

The first Soviet “defector” from among the artists decided to stay in the West largely because of his sexual orientation, which was difficult to live with in the USSR. As a young star of the Kirov Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater (now the Mariinsky Theater), Rudolf Nureyev could well have earned a prison sentence for his love affairs in the “northern capital”. So, the writer Gennady Trifonov told how in 1960 he found a genius dancer kissing a cadet of the Suvorov school right through the fence of this educational institution.

A year later, 23-year-old Nureyev decided to stay in Paris, where he was on tour of his theater. On the plane, he even threatened to commit suicide with scissors if they tried to detain him. Thus began his dizzying Western career, as well as his free sex life. From Nureyev's novels with colleagues, the famous Dane Eric Brun and the novice American Robert Tracy, a long and serious relationship arose

(A fragment from the memoirs of the famous Bulgarian ballerina Sonya Arova, Eric's close friend) If Brun was the only dancer Rudik recognized as his equal, he was also the only one he allowed to exercise power over him. “Teach me this,” he always said to Eric. "If Eric played a role brilliantly, Rudik did not calm down until he started playing the same role just as brilliantly," says Sonya. "For him, it was the greatest stimulus for a very long time."

The legendary artist died, like many famous people his sexual orientation at the time, from AIDS: having contracted in the early 80s, he lived until 1993 and was buried in the famous Parisian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

Yuri Bogatyryov

The actor, who starred in almost all the first films of Nikita Mikhalkov, the director, became famous throughout the country thanks to them. The first success came to Yuri Bogatyrev after the release of the picture "One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own", when he was only 27 years old. In parallel, he had a successful theatrical career. Many were jealous of the young celebrity, who seemed to have even more abundant laurels and high-profile achievements ahead. However, in reality, everything turned out to be much sadder.

The fact is that the actor from childhood was not like his peers, possessing an extremely feminine character. He did not like to play with boys, preferring the company of the opposite sex, doted on dolls that he made himself, and even wore maternal dresses and jewelry. As it turned out later, all this was a sign of his sexual orientation. But it turned out to be incredibly difficult for Bogatyrev to accept the truth about himself, and, according to the testimony of his friends, this internal struggle gradually destroyed him. The actor did not save the relationship with men, in which he nevertheless entered

Being at the zenith of fame and seemingly without the slightest reason, Bogatyryov began to drink, take antidepressants, put on weight and lost his shape. In 1988, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and already on January 9 of the following year, he was found in an apartment with a heart attack. Doctors injected the actor with clonidine, which was incompatible with the antidepressants he had taken the day before, and as a result, he died the very next day. At the time of his death, Bogatyrev was only 41 years old

The issue of sexual orientation today does not seem to concern only infants and sex shop sellers. At the same time, as a rule, it is not accepted to speak openly about their sexual preferences. However, many stars are not afraid to tell the whole world about who they want to see in their bed. We offer you a portion of celebrity first-hand revelations.

Cate Blanchett (46)

Recently, the Hollywood actress shared in an interview that she had affairs with women. When asked if she had to try on the role of a lesbian, Blanchett replied: “On the screen or in real life? Many times in life. " This is news!


Megan Fox loves to talk about her bisexuality. Once in an interview with Esquare magazine, she said that it is better to sleep with a woman who does not sleep with men. But apparently, this does not apply to Megan herself, she gives herself complete freedom.

Amber Heard (29)

The newly-made wife a (51), when asked about an affair with the artist Tasei Wang Ri (age), always answered: "If I date a girl, it does not mean that I am a lesbian." We readily believe, it's not in vain that Depp laid eyes on her ...

Brian Molko (42)

The lead singer of the Placebo group is extremely curious about his personal life: “I am not heterosexual or homosexual. I am sex myself. And if every time you enter a room you think: “Everyone here wants me,” then in fact everyone will want you. It all depends on our thoughts "


Angelina's stormy youth did not pass without sexual adventures with girls. In the 90s, Jolie dated model Jenny Shimizu. Once Shimitsu spoke about her relationship with the actress: “It was the peak of my career, I was cocky and self-confident. But I felt that Angelina is not one of those girls with whom you spend the night, but in the morning you banish from your life. We had a wonderful relationship. We became very close, experienced very violent emotions. Our meetings did not always end with sex. Sometimes we would go to Cambodia and climb the jungle. "

Michelle Rodriguez (36)

Michelle Rodriguez has always openly stated that girls are attracted to her more than men. The actress met with Zac Efron, and after she had a relationship with Cara Delevingne (22). Increasingly, she can be found in a female company.


But the model herself, after a relationship with Rodriguez, apparently decided to find out more about the girls. Kara has more than once posted pictures where she kisses women. It was rumored that Delevingne was dating singer Annie Clarke.

Tom Hardy (37)

But who really surprised us was Tom Hardy. “I’m done with the experiments, but I’ll say for sure: there are so many things in relationships with men! You know, I have a little femininity, and there are so many real men among gays. " Tom also admitted that he does not feel masculine at all: “Many people think that I look courageous, but I don’t think so. Inside I feel like a woman. I would like to be a kid, but I don’t feel that way. ”


Drew Barrymore also had a gay youth. “I understand when women fall in love with each other. In the deepest female friendship, there is always physical love. And if you ask me if I like women, I will answer yes. Do they excite me sexually? Yes, I personally put more than one of them to my bed. " It was also rumored at one time that Barrymore and Cameron Diaz were having an affair. She also had a very close relationship with Courtney Love (50).

Cameron Diaz (42)

In turn, Diaz fully supports Drew's opinion and believes that "it is completely normal for one girl to be attracted to another girl."


Draws attention to women and Lady Gaga: “I love sex, and it does not matter to me what gender my partner is, only my boyfriends do not understand this. They are afraid that I like women. Upon learning about this, they begin to feel out of place, whine that we are good together and the third in our relationship is not needed. But it seems that the last chosen one of Lady Gaga, actor Taylor Kinney, supports her in everything.

Marlon Brando (1924-2004)

As a young man, Marlon Brando admitted that he had sexual experiences with men. “Many people had it, just others don't talk about it, but I think there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Freddie Mercury (1946-1991)

Many considered Mercury to be gay, he did not deny this, but at the same time he was in love with Mary Austin, to whom he dedicated the song The love of my life.

Christina Aguilera (34)

But from Christina Aguilera even husband Jordan Braitman left, unable to withstand the singer's love for the fair sex.


Madonna is famous not only for her famous kisses with young people and Christina Aguilera. There were always a lot of rumors and gossip about her unconventional orientation. Madonna herself says that she adores the female body.


Miranda Kerr recently admitted in an interview with GQ that she has had relationships with both men and women. Still, appearances are deceiving!

Gillian Anderson (46)

“When I was in school, I had a long-term relationship with a girl. And it was a wonderful time, "- once admitted Gillian Anderson.


But Miley Cyrus, after breaking up with Liam Hemsworth, seemed to go all out. We really don't know if she really had relationships with girls, but she answers questions about this with chuckles and continues to kiss women. For instance, !

Mika (31)

English singer Mika says this about his sexual orientation: “I have never labeled myself. I would say that I have never limited myself in life ... never limited myself in who I sleep with ... If you need a term to define me, call me bisexual. "

Alan Cumming (50)

Popular actor Alan Cumming has been married to a man for six years. Before that, he had relationships with women.

Kesha (28)

In 2013, the shocking singer Kesha said in all interviews that she likes not only men, but sometimes women.


The scandalous Lindsay Lohan is always willing to experiment. “I feel equally good with a man and a woman. I'm not a lesbian. I love people, and I don't care what gender they are. If today I sleep with a woman, it does not mean that tomorrow I will not choose a man, ”said the actress.

Fergie (40)

Fergie is also absolutely calm about his addictions. “I will not hide, I had sexual relations with women, but I have never struck up long-term relationships with them. I admire the female body, but now I have a completely different story in my life, I am a faithful wife and belong to one and only beloved man. "


Apparently, the breakup with Ashton Kutcher hit hard on the psyche of the Hollywood actress. She not only began to communicate closely with him, but was also noticed in the company of girls.

David Bowie (68)

David Bowie told Playboy magazine back in 1967 that he was bisexual and he liked it terribly. “I do not consider my confession to be a mistake. But for America, it turned out to be a little reckless. I had no desire to hold posters or represent any group of people. I think this prevented me from realizing a lot of what I dreamed of, ”said the musician.

During the Soviet period, homosexuality was not only condemned by society, but also punished by law under the article "Sodomy". Therefore, the vast majority of people with non-traditional sexual orientation hid it in every possible way. Among them were the stars. Let's find out how their fate developed.

Real name - Fanna Gishevna Feldman. She was born in Taganrog in 1898 into a Jewish family. Since childhood, she loved theater and became an actress. For more than 20 years she worked at the Theater. Mossovet, where she won fame. Then she began acting in films. She was called the "Queen of the Second Plan", and today Ranevskaya is recognized abroad as the best Soviet actress of the twentieth century.

However, personal life was not as successful as acting. Contemporaries have repeatedly noted her indifference to men and passion for beautiful women. She was credited with an affair with actress Pavel Wolf, with whom they lived together for several years. Some argue that this was the only love in her life. In addition, Ranevskaya was not seen in romances with men, which once again confirms her unconventional orientation.

The actress herself did not make an official recognition on this matter, but once expressed the idea that lesbianism and homosexuality are not perversions.

Soviet pop singer, poet and composer. Was born in 1903 in St. Petersburg. He began his singing career with dubbing silent films, and later began performing on stage. In the 1930s. gained immense popularity throughout the USSR. There were queues for his concerts and even riots broke out for the right to buy a ticket. During the Great Patriotic War, he spoke in front of the Red Army to raise morale.

In 1944, at the end of the war, he disappeared from the stage, and his records were no longer sold in stores. The reason is the conflict with Beria over the evacuation of Kozin's relatives from besieged Leningrad, who died there. In May 1944 he was arrested, and already in February 1945 he was sentenced under three articles, including for sodomy. He was given 8 years in the camps. However, the singer was released early in 1950 for exemplary behavior.

In 1959 he was re-convicted under the article "Sodomy" and spent another 2 years in the camps. Released in 1961, the famous singer completely disappeared from the Soviet stage. He died in 1994.

Kozin himself never commented on sexual orientation, but his contemporaries did not doubt this. The singer did not have affairs with women, preferring the company of men. He tried in every possible way to hide homosexuality, but, as it turned out, he did not succeed.

Born in Riga in 1947, he gained fame after the debut film by director Nikita Mikhalkov "One among strangers, a stranger among friends." Then the actor was showered with offers for movie roles. However, fame did not bring joy in life, and Yuri developed depression. He began to suffer from alcoholism and cut himself off from society.

The reason for this behavior was non-traditional sexual orientation. The truth was revealed by his wife, actress Nadezhda Seraya, who admitted that the marriage was fictitious to hide Bogatyryov's homosexuality. The actor died in 1989 after a heart attack. Doctors tried to save him by injecting clonidine intravenously, but the antidepressants taken the day before caused anaphylactic shock and cardiac arrest.

Soviet ballet dancer. Was born in 1938 in Irkutsk. Gained popularity in the USSR with his performances on stage in ballet performances... He was also popular in the West. On one of the tours in Paris, the KGB officers who followed Nuriev wanted to forcibly return the artist to the USSR for violating the regime. Rudolf Khametovich refused, for which he was convicted in absentia for treason to the Motherland for a period of 7 years.

Nuriev did not return to the USSR and stayed to live in Paris, later he moved to Denmark, as France refused to grant the status of a political refugee. In Copenhagen, he met Danish dancer Eric Brun. They have been a couple for 25 years. Although there were rumors that Nuriev preferred to lead a disorderly sex lifedating several men at the same time.

He died in 1993 from complications caused by AIDS.

Soviet theater and film director. Was born in 1898 in Riga. Since childhood, he was fond of art, in particular music and theater. After the advent of cinema, he became interested in a new art form and became a director. Has directed such films as "Alexander Nevsky", "Battleship Potemkin", "Ivan the Terrible" and others.

He was married, but this did not prevent him from dating men. He is credited with an affair with the actor Grigory Alexandrov, which lasted several years. Eisenstein himself led a secretive life and did not advertise his gay orientation, so as not to be prosecuted.

The famous Soviet theater and film actor. Was born in 1903 in Moscow. He became famous for his roles of negative characters, including the role of Baba Yaga in "Vasilisa the Beautiful", the Executioner in "An Ordinary Miracle" and Miracle Yudo in the film "Barbarian Beauty, Long Braid".

He was not married until old age. Little is known about his personal life. He did not have affairs with women. Information about the actor's unconventional orientation came from Millyar's neighbors. He often threw loud parties only in the male company. He got married at the age of 65. As they say, in order not to be convicted of sodomy and get rid of the reputation of being homosexual.

In Soviet times, non-traditional sexual orientation was prosecuted by law. One could easily go to trial and go to convict camps. This made life difficult for celebrities with homosexual inclinations, as their personal lives were in full view.

Homosexuals have existed since the dawn of humanity. Even in the biblical laws of Moses it is mentioned: "Do not lie with a man, as with a woman - this is disgusting." Although the instruction did not stop anyone. Gays were found among the Romans, Jews and Greeks. The indigenous people of the black continent and undiscovered America found pleasure in true male love.

How does libido affect the fate of a person? Based on the facts of history, the conclusions suggest themselves. Many talented people were bi- or homosexual. Even Freud argued that in sexual fantasies there is a hidden, true "I-image", without the brakes of culture and education. What is the reason for the versatility or the desire to learn new things? Gays in the history of Russia are found at every step of the textbook.

Gays in the history of Russia, as well as in other countries, created masterpieces, ruled strange and danced until they fell apart, led armies. They made this story despite their sexual orientation and constant hostility from heterosexuals.

1. Ivan the Terrible... One of the first controversial homosexual images of Russian history is Ivan the Terrible. In his book The Other Side of the Luminary, Lev Klein mentions the homosexual inclinations of the strict king. The writer suggests interesting Facts from Litopis 13: 450. It says that Ivan (at that time still a prince) did not want to marry a girl from another state. He refers to the difference in morals, possible conflicts. Although I could talk about religious differences, politics. Soon the tsar will marry Anastasia. She gives birth to six children for him. Only two survived - the son Ivan and Fedor. They said about the king's wife that she was a patient, affectionate woman. She was only jealous of the king-husband of the priest Sylvester. Ivan the Terrible intimidated the queen, fearing spreading about his betrayals. The fragile woman began to get sick and died before she was thirty. The Tsarina's early death was blamed on the sovereign's assistant, Adashev, and the unfortunate priest Sylvester. Soon the boyars advised Ivan to marry again. Subsequently, the king married nine times. According to historical statistics, he could only experience sexual pleasure with his first wife, Anastasia. All others were only short-term substitutes. Three of Ivan's wives died early, he killed one himself, two imprisoned in the walls of the monastery. I wanted to send another wife, but she died earlier.

2. N.V. Gogol... Some facts indicate that N.V. Gogol had a passion for men. Conclusions suggest themselves after reading the autobiographical, little-known novel "Nights at the Villa". The work describes love feelings for Count Joseph Vielgorsky, who died in the arms of the writer. The second strong passion of Nikolai Vasilievich was the artist Ivanov Alexander Andreevich, known for painting the canvas "The Appearance of Christ to the People." Quite a few literary critics claim that Gogol was the first Russian metrosexual. He was gay, but it is not known whether he accepted himself that way? From early childhood, little Kolya was surrounded by a world of men. First, brother Vanya, with whom they were inseparable. Then Sasha Dinilevsky, Kolya Prokopovich, Vanya Pashchenko are friends at the Nizhyn gymnasium. And later, the actors who played female roles with him in the theater. Nikosha (that was the name of Gogol in his family and friends) was not much favored. The young man's appearance was strange - long straight hair, a nose, a deep, piercing look. Critics either loved Gogol or hated him terribly. They referred to a detailed description of the writer's personal life, his dissimilarity from others.

3. P.I. Tchaikovsky... Various homosexual games were very fond of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. The most beloved of them is the collective masturbation on a bun. According to the rules of the game, whoever finished last had to eat her. In the biography of the composer, it is recalled that he cohabited with many friends of childhood and school: Vladimir Meshchersky, Vladimir Adamov, Alexei Apukhtin.

4. Sergey Diaghilev became famous not only for his kinship with Tchaikovsky. He was the mission of ballet at the time. He was called the most European Russian man of the twentieth century. Diaghilev was a comprehensively developed person, a talent in the flesh, without any additions or conjectures. At the beginning of his career, he wrote music, created an opera, wrote books, played in performances. These activities did not become the core of life. He was looking for himself, both in creativity and love. At first he made a splash with the help of modernist artists, then he took up ticket productions. Already at the end of his journey, Diaghilev strove to create a family. In his understanding, it was a union of three - Boris Kakhno, Sergei Lifar and him - Sergei Diaghilev. But Lifar sharply protested against the love of the three, did not want to share his Seryozha with no one. At the end of his life, only Sergey Lifar remains with him, supports him, helps to collect a library of old books, together they fight nicotine addiction. Perhaps this was exactly the kind of family life that the guru of the twentieth century ballet, Sergei Diaghilev, dreamed of.

5.L. Bakst... The famous homosexuals of Russia also include the artist Leon Bakst. Perhaps this is due to the close collaboration on the art exhibition with Sergei Diaghilev and Alexander Benois. Then they collaborated for many years, communicated closely. Before his death, due to the growing conflict, Leon left the corpse of Diaghilev. The artist's biographers do not know the exact facts that would confirm or deny Bakst's sexual orientation.

6. Felix Yusupov was a very rich man. From the father got the capital, which brought 10 million rubles a year. At one time he wrote "Memoirs", in which he spoke about his sexual whims. Felix wrote that homosexuality began to manifest itself in his youth, during a duel, when the elder Yusupov, Nikolai, was shot. When the boy was left alone in the family, he enjoyed all the delights of permissiveness, sometimes reaching the moral extreme. Yusupov Jr.'s mother was expecting a daughter, so she had a whole chest of pink dowry. To allay the chagrin, until the age of five, Felix was dressed up as a girl. The boy liked to play with his mother's jewelry, try on dresses, and comb his hair. In "Memoirs" it is recalled that mama's whim left a significant imprint on the formation of Felix's personality. At the age of 13, Yusupov lost his virginity with an Argentine. In a kiddie cocktail, it completely shaped with a transvestite boyfriend. Reincarnation as a woman for Felix became a necessity, an addiction, and not just fun. Yusupov became famous for ridding Russia of Rasputin. The queen mother longed for the death of the brave man, but the king only sent him into exile. In 1919, he left Russia and went first to Malta, and then bought a house in the Bois de Boulogne. Shortly before his death, he adopted a boy, Victor Contreras, who would later become a popular sculptor.

7. Vaslav Nijinsky called the mad king of the dance. He had a difficult fate, a life divided into several stages. The first ten years are childhood. Then ten years of teaching and ten years of all-consuming glory. After - the abyss ... and thirty long years in the captivity of schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, darkness. In his diary "Feelings", which he wrote while being terminally ill, he paid much attention to early sexual feelings for men. Vaclav considered them a vice. Often he accused Diaghilev, as if he were a tempting serpent and forced the young dancer to have sex. In fact, Wenceslas was already quite rich and popular at the moment when fate pushed him against Sergei Diaghilev. Pavel Lvov fell in love with Nijinsky, he was ready for a lot for the sake of his god of dance. But the real Vaclav disappointed him in sex, because he was absolutely inexperienced in same-sex love. Lvov kept Vaclav for several months, until he cooled off to him. After the breakup, the young dancer went from hand to hand, but Pavel was the first man who made him suffer. The connection with Diaghilev, and soon a joint project in Paris, slammed the doors of the new golden cage. Vaclav was very worried about his homosexuality, passive position. He lied in his Feelings diary that Sergei allowed him to become an asset, but these were only attempts to justify himself. Nijinsky lived a closed life, outside of society and outside of reality, in a golden cage of dance and dependence on wealthy lovers.

8. Leonid Myasin... Another dancer from the corpse of Diaghilev had a real male eroticism. His name is Leonid Myasin. When a dancer appeared on the Parisian stage in only one loincloth and a skin, it caused a furor. The caustic French journalists even renamed the name of the ballet - "Legends of Joseph", into "Joseph's Thighs". Biographers and the dancer himself claim to be heterosexual. Although at the time of working with Diaghilev he had experience of homosexual relationships.

9.Sergey Eisenstein was a revolutionary director. His father was a talented architect. In Riga there are still Art Nouveau houses built according to his designs. The boy received a good education, read a lot, attended exhibitions and other cultural events. The search for himself brought Eisenstein from theater to cinema, where he truly revealed his talent to the world. Little is known about the director's personal life. Once during a rehearsal, he met an actor, his name was Grigory Alexandrov. Simple, Grisha. Soon they became not and comrades-in-arms, movie partners. Grisha was Sergei's assistant when "Strikes", "October", "Potemki" were filmed. Then Grisha plays a strange role in the role of Eisenstein. He becomes his confidant, hidden in relationships with women, in personal relationships. Sergei was greatly impressed by the return of his mother, who in every possible way tried to protect him from mistakes, to control his life.

10. Pavel Chelishchev was not only a popular and talented artist. The famous snake tempter, Sergei Diaghilev, was surrounded by the meter. They met in Berlin. After the artist went to work in Paris with Gertrude Stein, his serene patroness. Before World War II, Chelishchev's activities were attributed to the homosexual direction of the avant-garde. Critics saw in his paintings a psychoerotic desire, a homo energy conflict.

Let's continue our story.

11. Grand Duke Vasily III of Moscow added to the list - gays in the history of Russia. He sent his first wife to a monastery, because in 20 years of marriage they did not have a single child. Biographers say that it was her husband's fault. Then he married Elena Glinskaya, who bore him two children. One boy was mentally retarded, and the other was Ivan the Terrible. Vasily could perform conjugal duty with his wife only on the condition that there was a naked officer in the chambers. The prince's favorite was Fyodor Basmanov, who skillfully danced before the tsar in women's dresses... Many facts of homosexual biography are revealed in Tolstoy's historical novel "Prince Silver".

12. During the reign of Peter I, sexual pleasures between men and men were not uncommon. Many historians, despite the facts, are silent about this side of the life of the Great King. Some details of the biography are revealed in the book about homosexuals in the history of Russia "The Other Side of the Luminary", which was written by Lev Klein. Pyotr Alekseevich reigned when he was 17 years old, and there are a lot of assumptions and rumors that by this age, he was already familiar with non-traditional sexual relations. Contributed to this, allegedly, a native of Alpine Switzerland, Franz Yakovlevich Lefort. Say, only having become the tsar's lover, he was awarded the title of admiral, he also brought the young sovereign to a street vendor of pies named Sashka Menshikov. Until the very death of Lefort in 1699, this trinity was tightly bound by something, and this is something - not only state affairs.

13. Alexander I was the beloved grandson and successor of Catherine the Great. It was him that she wanted to see on the throne after her death. Alexander came to power only as a result of a palace coup. Sex games were quite popular at that time, both heterosexual and homosexual. The orientation of the king was not disclosed, but there is a fact that Alexander more than once played love with his husbands. According to other sources, the young prince loved and respected his wife, Elizabeth. Their marriage was both happy and sad at the same time. Two children of the young couple died immediately at birth. Grandmother, Catherine the Great, invested a lot of strength and energy in Alexander. She attracted the best teachers of Russia to the upbringing, she herself taught her grandson. The reign of her grandson did not disappoint her - he was a good king for his state, defeated Napoleon, took care of the peasants and nobles, and competently conducted foreign political affairs. Perhaps, in his practice, same-sex love affairs happened. But most likely this is the speculation of enemies.

14. Modest Mussorgsky, the creator of the popular opera Boris Godunov, loved men in his youth. The musician often fell into depression due to an unfulfilled career. His creations were not recognized in society. Modest was looking for himself both in personal and love terms, and in creative endeavors.

15. Another popular homosexual in the history of Russia is the Leninist People's Commissar Georgy Chicherin. He was a famous diplomat. Even Trotsky himself argued that Chicherin was a talented worker, he was able to quickly and efficiently organize a team, select personnel. In connection with the feigned righteous life of the communists, the homosexual inclinations of Gregory were fiercely hidden by the party and associates.

16. M.I. Many attributed Kutuzov to lovers of same-sex relationships. From school he is known to all of us as a famous Russian commander. All his life, Mikhail Illarionovich spent side by side with the same military as himself, and died at the moment when his own Russian soldier made him feel good. The commander's heart could not stand it, and he left the earthly world, leaving his penis in the mouth of the orderly.

17. Georgy Millyar was a famous Soviet actor, Baba Yaga from children's fairy tales and a homosexual. The actor put on the image for a reason. It was a child's play, obscene gestures from the point of view of the party, blue pants that saved the actor from a trip to the Kolyma. When, in his youth, he was found not quite in a dexterous position with one colleague. Then the young actor was kept in a common cell with thieves for several days, and then released, threatening not to do so again. And Georgy found a way out in order to preserve his internal priorities, not to hide, at the same time not to fall into exile. He became an actor in children's cinema! After the incident, the Soviet government did not punish the actor, but did not encourage him either. He was given a small apartment (when the actor was 80 years old), was not allowed to spend evenings, anniversaries, was not allowed to go abroad for prizes and awards. And Milyar received the People's Artist only at the age of 85. George lived an unhappy life, despite the great popularity and love of the audience. At the beginning of his career, he hid aristocratic roots, after homosexuality. He was a lonely man.

18. Rudolf Nureyev is a Russian genius, without whom the picture of post-war Russia does not emerge. He never hid his orientation, was rude, was infinitely brilliant and unbearable. They said he was a disgusting person. Whatever they called him - an upstart, a curmudgeon, a greedy accumulator, without a kind of tribe ... At the same time, a spark of God smoldered in him, which absorbed all the minuses of the dancer. He was a true gay who never hid his love and passion. Rudolf Nuriev died of AIDS. He was a big kid, amused by toys and spontaneity.

19. Nikolai Yezhov is known for his "Yezhovism". A person whose hands are covered in blood. He was the head of the NKVD during the years of the Red Terror - 1937-38. Subsequently, he was accused of many things, including sodomy (homosexuality). Yezhov said that in his youth he worked as an apprentice for a tailor. There, the guy was bullied, beaten, and then one tailor entered into a sexual relationship with him. To Nikolai's surprise, he liked it, even though Yezhov attributed pederasty to vices. Soon, his passion for men was renewed in the tsarist army. According to his autobiography, Nikolai resisted his food as best he could. I tried to fill my time with work. The chiefs of the people's commissar appreciated his work, even tried to heal. At one time, Yezhov was sent to Germany to exchange experience, in fact to psychiatrists, in order to save the head of the NKVD from pederasty. Nikolai Yezhov was shot in 1940, accused of treason and other blunders.
20. The famous director Vsevolod Meyerhold delighted connoisseurs of cinema and not only. Ivan Ignatiev dedicated poetry to him, confessed his sincere feelings. It is not known whether they had an open relationship or if it was just love with one goal.

Despite such an ancient and rich past of blue Russia, in our society, non-traditional sexual orientation is still referred to as condemned vices, mental disorders. Therefore, homosexuals still have to hide their nature and defend themselves against attacks from homophobes. Despite the ongoing struggle, gays are a calm people who know how to tenderly love and appreciate their feelings.

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