
Products useful for pulmonary tuberculosis. Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis. What to give up

The essence of the diet for pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease characterized by coughing up phlegm (sometimes streaks of blood), increased sweating, weakness, and severe weight loss. And in order to prevent the development of anorexia, the patient is prescribed a special plan of enhanced nutrition.

The diet for tuberculosis is aimed at providing a person with everything he needs throughout the day so that his body can continue to fight the disease.

Basic diet rules

With the development of pulmonary tuberculosis, diet number 11 is prescribed (Pevzdner's diet). It is based on foods with a high fat and carbohydrate content. This avoids severe weight loss.

The daily norm of carbohydrates for patients with tuberculosis is 400 - 500 g. This is a lot for an ordinary person, but it is quite acceptable for a patient with such a disease. However, these carbohydrates should be obtained not only by eating cereals (bread, porridge, flour products) and sugar with honey. The patient's diet should contain other equally important foods, which also contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.

The daily rate of fat for a person suffering from tuberculosis is 100 - 120 g. Moreover, most of these fats should be of animal origin.

And the daily protein intake is 100 g, while vegetable protein should not exceed 50 g per day. That is, the diet for pulmonary tuberculosis involves the use of cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish and milk.

In addition, the diet of a sick person should be rich in vitamins and minerals. So, about 5 mg of vitamin A, 4 mg of vitamin B1, and up to 180 mg of vitamin C should be present in the daily diet.

Principles of catering for tuberculosis

The organization of proper nutrition in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis is the key to successful treatment of the disease. The purpose of the "anti-tuberculosis diet" is to provide the body with adequate nutrition, achieve a normal weight for patients, increase the body's resistance to infection, and reduce the intoxication associated with tuberculosis.

The nutrition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis, first of all, should be high-calorie, but this does not mean at all that it is necessary to strive to overfeed the patient. The opinion about the need for super-enhanced nutrition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis is a relic: only when the patient is exhausted, a diet is prescribed that exceeds the daily calorie intake by 20-25%. In other cases, it is enough to give preference to a nutritious diet rich in vitamins C, B and A, as well as minerals.

Overfeeding only leads to obesity and overload of the digestive system. Despite the wide variety of factors characterizing the course of tuberculosis in each case (the nature of the disease, complications, age, degree of exhaustion, occupation, concomitant diseases), there are general principles for organizing dietary nutrition for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

On the role of tasty and healthy food in daily nutrition in pulmonary tuberculosis

Most tuberculosis patients have no appetite at all, and the correct diet for tuberculosis requires eating at least 4-5 times a day. The conclusion suggests itself: food should be as tasty as possible and have an appetizing appearance and smell. Of course, it is recommended to use exclusively fresh products for its preparation.

Nutrition for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis also involves serving food on the table immediately after its preparation. Moreover, stale and heated food, in principle, is generally nonsense for dietary nutrition.

A separate secret of healing nutrition in pulmonary tuberculosis can be considered the satisfaction of "food whims", i.e. adherence to the rule: "It is better for the person who needs to eat, if he wants to eat a dish that is not quite ideal from the point of view of dietology, than stubbornly refuses the food prescribed by doctors (and impeccably prepared!)".

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: proteins

Due to the fact that in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the breakdown of proteins occurs faster than in a healthy person, and they are absorbed worse, an increased amount of protein foods must be included in the diet for tuberculosis. And since the proteins obtained with food should be digested as easily as possible, the nutrition of patients with tuberculosis is characterized as "a diet with an increase in the amount of proteins due to easily digestible proteins contained in dairy products."

In other words, when organizing nutrition for tuberculosis patients, milk, yogurt, acidophilus milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cheese are recommended as optimal sources of protein. Eggs, fish, seafood, poultry, veal, rabbit meat, soups on low-fat meat broths are no less necessary. And remember that it is advisable to serve meat, fish and poultry boiled, baked, stewed, and also in the form of jellied dishes.

Less desirable sources of proteins are fatty meats and poultry, meat products (sausages, sausages, ham) and some fish products (herring, smoked, canned food).

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: fats

Fat in the diet of a patient with tuberculosis should be slightly more than the norm. It should be remembered that an excess of fats leads to indigestion, liver diseases, gives quick satiety, and the patient no longer wants to eat food rich in essential proteins, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, “more” does not mean “a lot”.

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: carbohydrates

When organizing food for tuberculosis, carbohydrates are given within the age norms of a healthy person, and in any form: cereals (including those cooked in milk), flour products, bread, sugar.

As for contraindications, in fact there are practically none of them against carbohydrates. The only exceptions are cakes with a high content of butter or custard. But this is due exclusively to reasonable restrictions on excesses: after all, the nutrition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is considered dietary!

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: vegetables, fruits and berries

Of course, nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis involves eating raw fruits, vegetables and berries, but there is no objection to their culinary processing. What kind of vegetables and fruits to include in the patient's diet can be decided on an individual basis, depending on taste preferences and the amount of vitamins contained in certain products.

Remember: vitamin C with proper nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis, a patient should receive two more than a healthy person. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is found in large quantities in lemons, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, black currants. From vegetables - in cabbage, onions, bell peppers, etc.

So, in the diet of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (and with all other forms of tuberculosis) it is possible and necessary to include fruit drinks, mousses, jellies, juices, decoctions of wild rose and other fruit and berry "drying". Do not forget about casseroles containing vegetables, fruits and berries, stews, mashed potatoes, as well as vegetable soups and various salads (including those made from leafy greens), vinaigrette. And vegetables in general! Pickled, boiled, stewed and steamed vegetables.

Healthy foods

  • High protein foods... In the patient's body, proteins break down faster than in a healthy person, so it is necessary to include a high protein content in the diet. These are: dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry, veal.
  • Fatty foods... The fat content in the patient's diet should be slightly more than the norm, but do not forget that the excess fat in the diet can lead to indigestion and liver disease. A sufficient amount of fat is found in olive oil, fish oil, butter. It is not recommended to eat pork, beef and lamb fat.
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates... Carbohydrates are found in cereals, various flour products, sugar. It is recommended to include in the diet buckwheat, rice, semolina, wheat bread, honey, jam.
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries... During illness, the patient's body needs vitamin C in large quantities. Vitamin C is found in lemons, kiwi, oranges, and strawberries. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C: cabbage, onions, bell peppers, etc. Vegetables can be eaten both fresh and in the form of stews, mashed potatoes, soups, etc. Vegetables do not have any contraindications.

Products that are prohibited

The diet of tuberculosis patients practically does not limit anything. The list of products that are banned is not too long and includes the following:

  • fatty fish;
  • duck, goose;
  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • alcohol.

The rest of the nutrition of tuberculosis patients is not limited in anything. They can eat whenever they want and what they want. The main thing is that their diet complied with the aforementioned norms for the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Compliance with the diet gives people with tuberculosis a chance to extend their lives and hopes for a successful outcome. Indeed, today this disease has already been sufficiently studied and is being treated. The main thing is to believe in yourself and modern medicine.

Therapeutic diet number 11 is shown

  • at the stage of a mild exacerbation of tuberculosis of the lungs, lymph nodes, bones and joints;
  • at the stage of attenuation of tuberculosis of the lungs, lymph nodes, bones and joints;
  • with exhaustion after infectious diseases, injuries and operations, accompanied by low body weight.

Therapeutic diet number 11 is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • improving the nutrition of the body;
  • increasing his defenses;
  • enhancement of recovery processes in the affected organ.

The therapeutic diet for tuberculosis is characterized by an increased calorie content. With it, the content in the diet of animal proteins, especially dairy, vitamins, microelements, increases, and the amount of fats and carbohydrates increases moderately. Standard cooking and normal temperature of food consumed are allowed. Recommended 5 meals a day.

The chemical composition of the therapeutic diet for tuberculosis

  • 100-110 g of proteins, 60% of which are animals;
  • 100-110 g of fat, 20-25% of which are vegetable;
  • 400-450 g of carbohydrates;
  • 12-15 g of salt;
  • 1.5 liters of liquid.

Therapeutic diet number 11 has an energy value equal to 2900-3100 calories.

Bread, flour products

The use of wheat, rye bread, various flour products (pies, cookies, biscuits, muffins, etc.) is allowed.

All kinds of soups are allowed.

Meat, poultry, fish

Various types of meat, poultry and fish are allowed, with the exception of very fatty ones. Any culinary processing is allowed. You can eat liver, sausage, ham, sausages, fish products such as herring, balyk, caviar, sprats, canned sardines, etc., non-fish seafood.


The consumption of a full range of dairy products is allowed with the mandatory inclusion of cottage cheese and cheese in the diet.

Eggs can be eaten in any preparation.


Vegetables, fruits, berries can be eaten in any culinary treatment. However, some of them must necessarily be represented by raw fruits.


Various snacks are allowed. Leafy and vegetable salads are especially preferred.

Sweet food, sweets

You can eat a variety of sweet dishes, jam, honey, etc.

Sauces, spices

Allowed the consumption of meat red, milk bechamel, sour cream, egg-milk and other sauces, spices in moderation.

Any drinks are allowed. Consumption of vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip broth and wheat bran is mandatory.


Butter, vegetable oils can be eaten in their natural form, ghee can be used in cooking.

The consumption of very fatty meats and poultry, lamb, beef and culinary fats, spicy and fatty sauces, cakes and pastries with a large amount of cream is prohibited.

An example of a menu of a therapeutic diet number 11

For lunch you can afford cheese and tea.

Dinner consists of borscht in meat broth with sour cream, fried chicken with boiled rice, compote.

Afternoon snack includes a rosehip decoction.

For dinner, meat zrazy stuffed with eggs and onions, carrot puree, buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese, tea are allowed.

The composition and calorie content of the diet

Nutrition for tuberculosis patients with a sluggish course of the disease

Patients have decreased body reactivity, general hypotension, low-grade fever. The diet is limited to easily digestible carbohydrates. Caloric content 2700-3000 kcal: proteins - 140 g; fats - 100 g; carbohydrates - 400 g; ascorbic acid up to 350 mg; vitamin B 1 to 5 g. Cooking food is usual. Fractional meals (5 times a day).

Nutrition of patients with tuberculosis with increased nervous excitability

Patients have a low body weight, an increased temperature, without signs of increased tissue decay, during the period of attenuation of the process in tuberculosis of the lungs, bones and joints. The calorie content of the diet is 3000-3500 kcal: proteins - 110-120 g; fats - 120 g; carbohydrates 500-550 g; the content of ascorbic acid is up to 300 mg. Cooking is normal. Calcium-rich foods are recommended. Fractional meals (5 times a day).

Nutrition for patients with tuberculosis during an exacerbation

In patients, there is a pronounced breakdown of tissues, significant inflammation, accompanied by high fever, depletion, and high breakdown of protein. The calorie content of the diet is 3000-3500 kcal: proteins - 120-140 g; fats - 100 g; carbohydrates - 400-500 g. Consumption of an excess amount of ascorbic acid is mandatory. It is advisable to consume a large number of various drinks, raw juices, vegetables, fruits, rich in mineral salts and vitamins. During the period of exacerbation of tuberculosis, appetite often decreases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract occur. All food is prepared pureed. Diet - after 2-3 hours.

In addition to the list of necessary products, there are some components that can do harm. It is important to avoid sugary, fatty and heavy foods as they only take away energy from the body. In addition, salt is limited to 5 g per day so that calcium is not washed out too actively.

At the same time, do not forget that nutrition for tuberculosis should be balanced; you should not focus only on proteins or carbohydrates. There should be more carbohydrates than protein, but this is achieved due to its complex variants, which are found in whole grains, cereals (brown rice, buckwheat, oats, etc.).

The therapeutic food for tuberculosis must certainly include an abundant drink, but it must be taken no earlier than an hour after eating. This is not only about water, but about all drinks in general.

The composition and calorie content of the diet

Due to the peculiarities of the disease associated with weight loss, the diet is characterized by an increased calorie content compared to the usual diet and is about 3000-3500 kcal per day. Basically, this amount of calories is achieved by increasing the protein food of animal origin. The amount of fats and carbohydrates increases slightly. Also, additional minerals and vitamins are introduced into the diet, in particular, the daily calcium intake increases.

There are no special requirements for the heat treatment of food. The consumption of free liquid, as with proper nutrition, is 1.5 liters. You need to take food at least 5 times a day.

Proper nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis helps not only to normalize the patient's weight, but also to reduce the intoxication of the body, and, of course, increase the resistance to infection. Thus, proper nutrition for tuberculosis can be called an important component of comprehensive anti-tuberculosis therapy.

Principles of catering for tuberculosis

The organization of proper nutrition in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis is the key to successful treatment of the disease. The purpose of the "anti-tuberculosis diet" is to provide the body with adequate nutrition, achieve a normal weight for patients, increase the body's resistance to infection, and reduce the intoxication associated with tuberculosis.

The nutrition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis, first of all, should be high-calorie, but this does not mean at all that it is necessary to strive to overfeed the patient. The opinion about the need for super-enhanced nutrition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis is a relic: only when the patient is exhausted, a diet is prescribed that exceeds the daily calorie intake by 20-25%. In other cases, it is enough to give preference to a nutritious diet rich in vitamins C, B and A as well as minerals.

Overfeeding only leads to obesity and overload of the digestive system. Despite the wide variety of factors characterizing the course of tuberculosis in each case (the nature of the disease, complications, age, degree of exhaustion, occupation, concomitant diseases), there are general principles for organizing dietary nutrition for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

On the role of tasty and healthy food in daily nutrition in pulmonary tuberculosis

Most tuberculosis patients have no appetite at all, and the correct diet for tuberculosis requires eating at least 4-5 times a day. The conclusion suggests itself: food should be as tasty as possible and have an appetizing appearance and smell. Of course, it is recommended to use exclusively fresh products for its preparation.

Nutrition for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis also involves serving food on the table immediately after its preparation. Moreover, stale and heated food, in principle, is generally nonsense for dietary nutrition.

A separate secret of healing nutrition in pulmonary tuberculosis can be considered the satisfaction of "food whims", i.e. adherence to the rule: "It is better for the person who needs to eat, if he wants to eat a dish that is not quite ideal from the point of view of dietology, than stubbornly refuses the food prescribed by doctors (and impeccably prepared!)".

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: proteins

Due to the fact that in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, the breakdown of proteins occurs faster than in a healthy person, and they are absorbed worse, an increased amount of protein foods must be included in the diet for tuberculosis. And since the proteins obtained with food should be digested as easily as possible, the nutrition of patients with tuberculosis is characterized as "a diet with an increase in the amount of proteins due to easily digestible proteins contained in dairy products."

In other words, when organizing nutrition for tuberculosis patients, milk, yogurt, acidophilus milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cheese are recommended as optimal sources of protein. Eggs, fish, seafood, poultry, veal, rabbit meat, soups on low-fat meat broths are no less necessary. And remember that it is advisable to serve meat, fish and poultry boiled, baked, stewed, and also in the form of jellied dishes.

Less desirable sources of proteins are fatty meats and poultry, meat products (sausages, sausages, ham) and some fish products (herring, smoked, canned food).

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: fats

Fat in the diet of a patient with tuberculosis should be slightly more than the norm. It should be remembered that an excess of fats leads to indigestion, liver diseases, gives quick satiety, and the patient no longer wants to eat food rich in essential proteins, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, “more” does not mean “a lot”.

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: carbohydrates

When organizing food for tuberculosis, carbohydrates are given within the age norms of a healthy person, and in any form: cereals (including those cooked in milk), flour products, bread, sugar.

As for contraindications, in fact there are practically none of them against carbohydrates. The only exceptions are cakes with a high content of butter or custard. But this is due exclusively to reasonable restrictions on excesses: after all, the nutrition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is considered dietary!

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis: vegetables, fruits and berries

Of course, nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis involves eating raw fruits, vegetables and berries, but there is no objection to their culinary processing. What kind of vegetables and fruits to include in the patient's diet can be decided on an individual basis, depending on taste preferences and the amount of vitamins contained in certain products.

Remember: vitamin C with proper nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis, a patient should receive two more than a healthy person. found in large quantities in lemons, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, black currants. From vegetables - in cabbage, onions, bell peppers, etc.

So, in the diet of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (and with all other forms of tuberculosis) it is possible and necessary to include fruit drinks, mousses, jellies, juices, decoctions of wild rose and other fruit and berry "drying". Do not forget about casseroles containing vegetables, fruits and berries, stews, mashed potatoes, as well as vegetable soups and various salads (including those made from leafy greens), vinaigrette. And vegetables in general! Pickled, boiled, stewed and steamed vegetables.

Moreover, there are no contraindications in this section of nutrition.

The correct diet promotes faster recovery.

The effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment is directly related to the ability of the sick organism's immunity to resist the aggressive effects of infection. In order to increase its resistance to phthisiology, a special diet is provided for pulmonary tuberculosis, which, together with the intake, is an obligatory part of the entire therapeutic course.

The use of such a diet significantly speeds up the healing process and promotes adequate rehabilitation after intensive chemotherapy.

Briefly about pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (popularly referred to as "consumption") occurs due to the high activity of a specific mycobacterium known as Koch's bacillus. The path of spread of the bacillus is airborne, which is why the pathology is classified as a group of infectious diseases. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Koch's wand under the microscope.

Basic dietary postulates for tuberculosis

  1. Compliance with a high percentage of nutritional value of the patient's diet.
  2. The correct calculation of the protein norm is 1.2-2 g of protein x 1 kg of body weight, or an average of about 130 g per day.
  3. Fractional and gentle nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis during treatment. The frequency of meals should consist of 4–6 meals, evenly timed.
  4. Compliance in the diet with the optimal (according to M.I.Pevzner) ratio B: W: Y in grams - 120: 100: 450. Where B are proteins, F are fats, Y are carbohydrates.
  5. All food must undergo heat treatment and be stewed, baked, boiled or steamed.
  6. Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis should not be limited only to food, but also include additional drugs - multivitamins, nutritional supplements, minerals. They stimulate well the patient's weak appetite, especially at the beginning of treatment.
  7. If necessary, stabilize the weight - lose weight or, conversely, gain the missing pounds.

Approximate weekly menu for pulmonary tuberculosis



Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
Mon Wheat porridge

The vinaigrette

Assorted nuts Borsch Berry yogurt Mashed potatoes

Fresh vegetable salad

Boiled egg

A glass of kefir
W Oatmeal

Dried fruits

Rye bread

Fresh fruits Vegetable soup

Fish cutlets

A glass of tea

Homemade apple pie

Curd A glass of whey
Wed Omelette

Dutch cheese

Whole grain toast

Green yogurt shake Pea mash

Stewed pickles

Fruit broth

Cottage cheese casserole

Buckwheat grain


Linseed oil

NS Wheat porridge

Vegetable gravy

Fruit juice Rassolnik

Beetroot and carrot salad

Fresh Juice

Oat and pumpkin cookies

Pancakes Homemade yogurt
Fri Pasta

Chicken goulash

Kissel from fruits and berries Cabbage rolls

Fresh vegetables

Glass of carrot juice

Whole grain crisps

Vegetable stew

Boiled fish

A glass of whey
Sat Porridge

Steamed chicken cutlets

Vegetable sauce

Natural dried fruits

Raw nuts

Bean soup

Dumplings with meat

Fresh greens

Fresh berries Cheese Ryazhenka
Sun Fruit and berry pudding

Rye flour bread toast


Compote Bean soup

Cabbage and beet salad

Milkshake with banana Fish with vegetables Yogurt

The therapeutic diet for tuberculosis is so versatile that even after recovery, the patient can freely use it as his main diet.


Nutrition is an important part of the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. During illness, a person loses weight, his immunity is weakened. The diet provides the patient with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Compliance with the rules of nutrition will help you recover faster and cope with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The importance of diet for tuberculosis

Therapeutic nutrition for tuberculosis is aimed at increasing the body's immune forces, restoring the functionality of organs, accelerating regenerative processes and reducing the load on the liver. For this, the patient's diet should contain vitamins A, C, K, B1, B12, which have immunogenic potential. In tuberculosis, protein breaks down faster, so the diet is aimed at the constant presence of the required amount of protein in the patient's daily menu.

Fats, especially linoleic acid, accelerate the regeneration process of tissues affected by tuberculosis. For this reason, pork should be consumed. Simple and complex carbohydrates in pulmonary tuberculosis help to keep the pancreas normal. Diet number 11 enhances diuresis, which promotes resorption of fluid accumulated in the lungs. As a result, the inflammatory processes gradually fade away.

Nutrition rules

  1. The protein content in the diet of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis is at least 130 g, fats - 100 g, carbohydrates - 450 g. If the patient has anemia, proteins increase to 140 g, fats decrease to 80 g, because they interfere with the absorption of iron.
  2. The calorie content of food is 3600 kcal. During an exacerbation and with bed rest - 2700 kcal.
  3. Daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, juices, fermented milk products is necessary to restore the vitamin and mineral balance (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium).
  4. The amount of salt in the daily diet is 15 g. In case of exudative form and the patient's serious condition, salt is minimized.
  5. Taking or adding fish oil to food, which speeds up recovery.
  6. Fractional meals 5 times a day, every 3-4 hours at the same time.
  7. Water consumption per day - up to 2 liters. If you have kidney problems - 1 liter.
  8. Food should not be cold or hot, so as not to irritate the digestive tract.
  9. Food preparation methods - stewing, steaming, baking, frying with a little oil.

Diet for pulmonary tuberculosis

The goal of a pulmonary tuberculosis diet is to help the patient recuperate with a balanced, high-protein menu. To do this, it is necessary to use healthy foods throughout the course of treatment and after it, because high likelihood of relapse.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you should adhere to a diet for no more than 2 weeks

Prohibited foods

People suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis should not overeat and exceed the daily calorie intake. What to exclude:

  • hot sauces, seasonings, spices;
  • fatty fish, meat;
  • semi-finished products, canned food, refined products, smoked meats;
  • bread, pastries with cream;
  • sugar;
  • animal fats;
  • rich broths, fried foods;
  • alcohol, strong coffee, tea.


Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis should be abundant, easy to digest. For this, the following are recommended:

  • greens, vegetables, mushrooms;
  • berries, fruits;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, millet, corn grits;
  • fermented milk products;
  • honey, chocolate, jam, jelly, marshmallow, jam, marshmallow;
  • eggs, cottage cheese, caviar;
  • bread, flour products;
  • meat (pork, beef, rabbit) and fish (hake, pollock, salmon);
  • fats (margarine) and oils (olive, vegetable, corn);
  • mineral water, weak tea, fruit drink, juices.

Sample menu for a week

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis during and after treatment has a high energy value. Complete diet options for the week:


Breakfast, g / ml

Snack, g / ml

Lunch, g / ml

Afternoon snack, g / ml

Dinner, g / ml

At night, 250 ml

Wheat porridge - 200, cheese - 70, egg - 1 pc., Coffee with milk - 150

Orange - 1 pc., Biscuits - 100

Borscht - 150, boiled fish - 120, mashed potatoes - 80, beets - 60, compote - 150

Cheesecakes - 150, honey - 15, milk - 150

Meat casserole - 200, vegetable salad - 120, bread - 30, juice - 150

Cottage cheese - 150, honey - 10, sour cream - 20, sandwich - 1 pc., Fruit drink - 150

Dried fruits - 100, cake - 1 pc.

Vegetable soup - 150, chicken meatballs - 100, buckwheat - 80, spinach - 20, jelly - 150

Carrot and apple puree - 150

Pollock in milk sauce - 150, pasta - 100, baked pumpkin - 100, compote - 150

Omelet - 200, vegetable salad - 100, compote - 200

Nuts - 100, honey - 200

Solyanka - 180, fish meatballs - 120, lettuce - 2 pcs., Rosehip decoction - 200

Fruit salad - 200

Potato casserole with minced meat and mushrooms - 200, stewed vegetables - 150, fruit drink - 150

Buckwheat with butter - 180, vinaigrette - 120, cookies - 2 pcs., Tea - 150

Berry yogurt - 180

Pea soup - 150, vegetable stew - 100, steak - 120, compote - 150

Cake - 1 pc., Fruit drink - 200

Fish in batter - 180, mashed potatoes - 100, fresh salad - 100, jelly - 150


Oatmeal - 200, toast - 2 pcs., Jam - 30, tea - 200

Grapefruit - 250, gingerbread - 2 pcs.

Okroshka - 150, beef stroganoff - 120, noodles - 80, vegetable caviar - 60, jelly - 150

Pancakes - 200, sour cream - 20, honey - 10

Cottage cheese with berries and jam - 200, bread - 30, butter - 15, tea - 150

Charlotte - 150, omelet - 150, cheese - 30, tea - 200

Toast with jam - 2 pcs.

Ukha - 150, millet porridge - 100, beef meatballs - 120, compote - 150

Pastila - 150, fruit drink - 200

Vegetable cabbage rolls - 200, mushrooms with cream cheese - 100, chamomile broth - 200

Fruit salad - 200, croutons with cheese - 2 pcs., Coffee with cream - 120

Banana - 1 pc., Raspberry - 150

Pickle - 150, dumplings - 180, vinaigrette - 80, compote - 150

Lazy dumplings - 200, jelly - 200

Jellied fish - 200, vegetables - 150, bread - 20, tea - 150

Cottage cheese with dried fruits - 200, orange juice - 200, croissant - 1 pc.

Baked pumpkin with nuts - 200

Vermicelli soup - 150, stewed cabbage with meat - 200, chamomile broth - 200

Lemon pie - 200, compote - 150

Puree - 80, liver stewed in sour cream - 120, salad - 150, mineral water - 150


Millet porridge - 200, vinaigrette - 150, juice - 200

Cottage cheese with dried apricots and honey - 200

Vegetable sauce - 180, buckwheat with rabbit - 180, rosehip decoction - 200

Cheesecake - 200, cocoa - 200

Dumplings - 200, butter - 20, bread - 300, cheese - 30, tea - 150

Water with honey

Wheat porridge - 100, goulash - 150, bread - 30, fruit drink - 150

Pancakes with jam - 2 pcs.

Mushroom soup - 150, fried chicken - 120, rice - 80, chamomile broth - 200

Bread - 4 pcs., Carrot juice - 200

Meat zrazy - 180, carrot puree - 80, buckwheat casserole - 100, bran broth - 150

Omelet - 150, fruit puree - 120, bun - 1 pc., Juice - 200

Cookies - 3 pcs., Jelly - 150

Noodle soup - 150, fish cutlet - 100, mashed potatoes - 80, bread - 20, juice - 200

Berries with cream - 200

French meat - 150, stewed vegetables - 150, cracker - 3 pcs., Cocoa - 150

Buckwheat with vegetable gravy - 120, chicken cutlets - 130, jelly - 200

Nuts - 100, yogurt - 150

Rassolnik - 150, meat goulash - 120, millet porridge - 80, kvass - 150

Sponge cake - 150, milk - 200

Steamed omelet - 120, kohlrabi cutlets - 150, mashed potatoes - 80, chicory drink - 150

Milk wheat porridge - 200, cabbage salad - 100, sour cream - 20, fruit drink - 150

Dried fruits - 100, apple - 1 pc.

Lentil soup - 150, potato meatballs with fish - 200, jelly - 200

Pumpkin-apple casserole - 200 rub.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - 250, sour cream - 20, juice - 150


Omelet with tomatoes - 250, bread - 30, butter - 20, cheese - 30, tea - 150

Banana milkshake - 250 rub.

Bean puree soup - 150, sandwich with black caviar - 1 pc., Ham - 80, fruit drink - 200

Semolina cutlets with fruit sauce - 200 rub.

Fish soufflé - 200, beet-apple puree - 100, bread - 2 pcs., Compote - 150



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In recent years, the number of people infected with tuberculosis has increased significantly. Mycobacteria have acquired resistance to standard antibiotic therapy, so the development of new, more effective treatment regimens is required. The key to success is an integrated approach, which, in addition to drug therapy, provides for a healthy lifestyle. Diet is an important component, so you need to know what you can eat with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus. It is a microorganism resistant to environmental conditions. It has a thick cell membrane that is not destroyed by acids, alkalis, peroxide compounds, alcohol, acetone. Mycobacteria remain viable in dry dust for up to 3-4 years, when exposed to ultraviolet radiation - more than a year, when boiled - up to 10 minutes.

Under unfavorable conditions, they transform into L-forms (shellless form, has a reduced metabolic activity and virulence). Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Bacteria penetrate through the upper respiratory tract into the lung tissue, where they multiply, an inflammatory reaction develops.

In the presence of immunity, the body fights infection and fully recovers. In the case of a weakened immune response, the progression of the disease and hematogenous spread with damage to the kidneys, intestines, and nervous system are possible.

It is not easy to suspect the development of tuberculosis, since the initial manifestations are similar to those of the common cold and acute respiratory diseases. From the moment of infection until the first complaints appear, it takes from 2-3 months to 1 year. The main symptoms of tuberculosis are:

  • violation of health (fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, irritability);
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • an unreasonable increase in temperature to a subfebrile level;
  • the appearance of a cough with sputum discharge;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

To diagnose the disease to persons under 14 years of age, use the Mantoux test - subcutaneous injection of tuberculin. As a screening for adults, chest x-rays and fluorography are used. CT, MRI, PCR, microscopic and bacteriological examination of sputum can be used as additional studies. As the main treatment aimed at eradication of the pathogen, chemoprophylaxis and antibiotic therapy are used.

With tuberculosis, the processes of catabolism are activated in the human body, energy costs increase. With the development of intoxication, all types of metabolism are disrupted: carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral. To increase the body's resistance to infections, accelerate the repair processes, normalize digestion, one should adhere to proper nutrition.

It should be noted that some antibiotics destroy the cell membrane of the microorganism, thereby provoking the release into the blood of toxins that are contained within the cell. This intensifies the manifestations of intoxication and significantly worsens the state of health. Also, drug therapy has a large number of side effects. Proper nutrition helps to reduce their intensity and duration.

Features of the diet during treatment

Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis during treatment should provide the body with all the necessary elements. The need to consume high-calorie foods is explained by the increased energy consumption for catabolic processes. In tuberculosis, an increased breakdown of proteins occurs, carbohydrate and fat metabolism is disrupted.

Allowed Products

With tuberculosis, the diet should be based on foods with a high protein content. They promote the healing of the affected areas, are used in the synthesis of immunoglobulins, and take part in the absorption of B vitamins. Protein is most easily absorbed from the following foods:

Some plant proteins have a complete amino acid composition. Among them are soybeans, lentils, peas, beans, buckwheat. Allowed products also include:

  • milk;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • walnuts;
  • peanut;
  • garlic.

Nutrition for tuberculosis should satisfy the body's need for carbohydrates, since they are the main source of energy. It is recommended to eat rye bread, raw vegetables and fruits, cereals. Patients with tuberculosis are advised to eat fruits - apricots, oranges, lemons, pears, apples, plums, bananas. From confectionery products, preference should be given to marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade.

It is worth adding honey to the diet. It has immunostimulating properties, promotes sputum dilution. The amount of salt is usually not limited, but its excessive use makes it difficult for sputum to pass and retains fluid in the body.

What should you give up?

The use of waterfowl poultry (ducks, geese) should be limited. Fatty pork and beef are not recommended from meat products. It is also necessary to reduce the use of confectionery products containing a large amount of cream (pastries, cakes).

When treating tuberculosis, it is prohibited to use irritating products - pepper, mustard, horseradish, radish. It is also worth completely abandoning:

  • kvass;
  • sugary carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned meat and fish;
  • fermented and pickled products.

Essential vitamins and minerals

In the body of a person suffering from tuberculosis, in one way or another, there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, since these substances help to strengthen the immune system, normalize the repair processes of damaged tissues, and also reduce intoxication. With an exacerbation of infection from the body, the excretion of micro and macroelements increases, the acid-base balance is disturbed.

The following substances are of particular importance in tuberculosis:

In the chronic course of pulmonary tuberculosis, the amount of vitamins B12 (cyanocobalamin) and B15 (calcium pangamate) decreases. This can cause the development of anemia and hypoxia.

Important! Lack of vitamin K leads to coagulopathic disorders and increased hemoptysis.

Vitamin D (calciferol) promotes the activation of lymphocytes, strengthening the vascular walls of the microvasculature. With a deficiency, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disturbed, bone density decreases.

Fish oil is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. Omega-3s can help prevent many of the complications of TB. They have a protective effect on nerve fibers, reduce thrombus formation, promote the formation of muscle fibers, and have immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties.

With tuberculosis, the excretion of salts from the body increases, therefore, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron into the body. With a pronounced deficiency, when it is impossible to replenish vitamins and minerals with food, it is rational to use vitamin and mineral complexes.

Diet for the day: the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

To prevent weight loss and eliminate protein-energy malnutrition, when compiling a diet for a patient with tuberculosis, some rules should be followed. When calculating the daily caloric intake, one must take into account the energy consumption to fight the infectious agent and increase the metabolism in case of fever. On average, 2900-3500 kcal / day is required.

The main source of energy is simple carbohydrates and animal fats. In a chronic course, the daily requirement for carbohydrates is 8 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight, with an acute one - 5-6 g. The amount of fats should not exceed 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, since their excess contributes to the development of acidosis, reduces appetite, causes digestive disorders.

People with tuberculosis need a lot of protein. This is due to increased catabolism and an increased need for amino acids for the synthesis of antibodies and the repair of damaged tissues. The daily requirement is 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

  1. Breakfast: steam omelet with a slice of boiled chicken, vegetable salad, sweet tea with lingering cookies.
  2. Second breakfast: fresh fruits or berries.
  3. Lunch: borscht with sour cream, buckwheat porridge with beans, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: cheese cakes with jam, tea.
  5. Dinner: steamed cutlet, stewed vegetables, sweet tea.

Characteristics of the table number 11 for adults and children

If it is necessary to restore the body in case of infectious diseases, table No. 11 according to Pevzner is prescribed. A feature of this diet for tuberculosis is an increase in calories due to increased consumption of protein and fast carbohydrates.

The following products are allowed:

  1. Lean meat.
  2. Soups.
  3. Bakery products.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Dairy.
  6. Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fatty meats (lamb, domestic ducks and geese), margarine, smoked sausage, canned fish and meat, carbonated drinks, and kvass are prohibited.

When drawing up a children's menu, you should pay attention to the heat treatment of products. It is better for children to use stewed and boiled vegetables, baked meat. The diet should be rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

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