
What to do if after removing the abscess. Puncture of superficially located hematomas and soft tissue abscesses. Is it possible to cure an abscess without autopsy

This is a filling cavity, which is located in the muscles or subcutaneous fatty tissue. Cause such pathological state pathogenic viruses or bacteria. As a result of the accumulation of a large number of pus, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion begins to increase, and the risk of abscess breakthrough with the output of the pus to the next to a healthy fiber is arising. This leads to the development of extensive inflammation, called phlegmon.

In addition, the launched abscess provokes neurith, which contributes to the emergence of osteomyelitis. Is this pathology treats conservative way, how is the removal of an abscess? Consider this in more detail.

Causes of abscess

The purulent disease arises as a result of entering a loose or damaged organ of pathogenic infection, which begins to multiply quickly. At this time, the body is actively struggling with inflammation and limits the inflamed place. As a result, a purulent capsule arises.

The infection penetrates into soft tissues as a result of the skin impairment, which happens due to injuries, cuts, wounds, frostbiz, burns, open fractures. The following pathogens contribute to the occurrence of abscess:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • klostridia;
  • intestinal wand.

Abscess may arise due to the fact that under the skin together with the drug, infected contents were introduced or the drug infection occurred, which are intended only for intramuscular injections. This leads to the development of fiber and purulent inflammation of soft tissues.

Sometimes abscess may arise as a result of preceding diseases: pharyngitis, angina, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, ingrown nail.

Possible outcomes of the development of abscess

What can happen after this purulent cavity arose? The outcome of this disease is as follows:

  • breakthrough outside or inside (in the abdominal or articular cavity);
  • breakthrough to organs (intestine, stomach, bladder or bronchi).

As soon as the abscess breaks, the size of the purulent capsule occurs, after which the ulcer begins to scar. But if the pus came out not completely, then inflammation often occurs repeated or can become chronic. Therefore, abscess must be opened to remove the accumulated pus.

Technique for holding

Opening abscess must be carried out as quickly as possible if it has already matured for more than four days and the capsule head. This process is carried out as follows: First, the inflammation region is treated with antiseptic solution and pain reliever by lidocaine. With the help of a scalpel, the doctor produces a separation of the tissue (no more than 2 cm) in the section of the purulent head or in the place of the greatest inflammation.

With the help of the Hartman Syringe, the cut is expanded to 4-5 cm and at the same time carry out a break of the binding linakes of the abscess. Begin to remove the electric suction, after which the cavity examines the finger to remove the remains of the tissues and jumpers. The cavity is washed with an antiseptic and drainage, entering it a rubber tube, which ensures the outflow of purulent exudate.

Treatment of postoperative wound

Treatment after opening abscess is carried out using antibiotics. Basically, the doctor prescribes the preparations of penicillin row ("amoxicillin", "cephalexin"), which should be taken 4 times a day with 200 or 500 mg. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. If the patient is allergic, then macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) are prescribed.

Antibiotics for outdoor use are Maphyns, "Levomekol", "Levosin" and others whose advantage is that their action applies only to the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat, and they are not absorbed into the blood.

In addition, the wound after opening the abscess requires processing. So that its edges do not stick together until the granulation of the cavity from the depth has occurred, the tampon with the ointment of Vishnevsky or Vaseline oil occurred in the operated tissues. It should be changed every 2-3 days when dressing. As the granulation is developed, the tampon is removed from the depth. Maintain excess granulation surplus, while trying not to touch the epithelium growing along the edges of the wound. With a slow graduation, the wound is shown the seam imposition.

Consider how the removal of the abscess and the pharynx area occurs.

The process of opening the abscess of bartholine gland

This iron is considered the largest of those that are located on the eve of the vagina. It is inflamed quite rarely, and if the formation of a purulent capsule occurred, then it must be opened. How is this procedure?

The opening of the abscess of the bartoline gland begins with the fact that the doctor makes neat cuts, opening the purulent cavity, and releases the accumulated liquid. It is then washing the gland with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). A special tube (drainage) is inserted into the cavity, which is necessary to remove pus residues. Remove it after 5 or 6 days. Treatment is carried out using antibiotics and appliques with ointments.

The process of opening an abscess in the field of pharynx

An autopsy is considered the main method of treating purulent diseases in the pharynx area. Such an operation is considered simple and rarely causes complications. It is carried out under local anesthesia (cocaine solution 5% and dicain 2%). The incision is performed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest pumping wall of the pharynx and its depth should not be more than 1.5 cm, otherwise you can damage the beams of nerves and vessels located. Recommending the pus, the doctor is a blunt tool penetrates the cavity to destroy partition inside it.

After the paratonic abscess is operated, the cavity is filled with disinfecting solution. After her embedding, we usually do not take any measures to stop bleeding. Postoperative treatment implies the reception of antibiotics.


Thus, the autopsy of the abscess is a mandatory procedure, since, if not to treat it, it can lead to different complications. It is categorically prohibited to open it yourself, otherwise it can contribute to the spread of infection on organs and tissues located nearby.

The abscess is an infectious-inflammatory process manifested by the formation in the cavity tissues filled with pus. From all other local surgical infections, it is distinguished by the presence of a capsule, lining the cavity of the gland from the inside. This shell, or membrane, is a protective reaction of the body, isolating the inflammatory process and does not allow it to spread to the surrounding tissues.

Abscesses can be formed almost anywhere where pathogenic microorganisms are capable of penetrating: in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, as well as liver, lungs, brain and other organs. However, the most often inflammatory process develops in soft tissues.

In what cases is the formation of an abscess?

The main mechanisms leading to the development of abscess are the following:

  • abrasions, injections and other damage, resulting in disruption of the integrity of the skin;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fiber (furuncle, carbuncoon, hydragenite, etc.);
  • the effects on the fabric of aggressive chemical compounds (concentrated solutions of acids and alkalis, turpentine), causing the death of its sections;
  • therapeutic injection in violation of the rules of asepsis;
  • metastatic processes under which the pathogen is entered by a blood flow from the primary purulent focus.

The presence of abscess implies surgical intervention - the opening of the purulent focus with the evacuation of the contents and the subsequent drainage of the cavity. The intervention carried out by various techniques is designed to provide effective fuma of the purulent discharge, which contributes to the purification of the wound.

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What does an abscess manifest?

There are sharp uluses, manifested by a rapid inflammatory response, and chronic, flowing with an erased clinical picture.

For sharp abscess Characteristic is the presence of local and general symptoms. Above the area of \u200b\u200bpurulent focus, with the exception of deep processes, swelling and redness of the skin are observed, as well as pain, increasing when pressed in the field of lesion.

For surfacean important feature of the formed washing is the presence of a symptom of fluctuations (a sensation of oscillations at pressing), indicating the presence of fluid in the cavity of the focus of inflammation.

General symptoms - Fever, headache, weakness - are the result of intoxication, and can be expressed in varying degrees. The degree of severity of clinical manifestations is determined by the localization of the uterine, its dimensions, the stage of the process, the state of immune protection and other factors.

Abscess internal organs They are painful in the place of education, a change in the general condition, violation of the functions of the affected organ. The causes of such purulent foci can be local infectious processes in these organs or driving pathogens from the overall blood flow.

For the prevention of abscesses, timely removal of skin formations is necessary. For example, you can successfully spend in our clinic.

Treatment and diagnostics of abscess

The diagnosis of surface ulotnik is based on the presence of typical symptoms and does not represent special difficulties. Confirm the diagnosis of deep lesion helps ultrasound and cavity puncture with a thick needle. High qualifications of specialists of our clinic and the presence of modern equipment allow you to identify the nailed of any localization.

How to open abscess

When conducting surgical treatment, short-term anesthesia are used. This allows you to fully examine the purulent cavity, to carry out an adequate evacuation of the contents and eliminate the presence of purulent sufferings. After opening the abscess, a purulent wound is treated under general principles. In addition to dressings, antibacterial treatment is prescribed, painkillers, and constructing drugs.

Day hospital service

Complications of abscess

They do not differ from those with other purulent-inflammatory diseases. They are divided into local and common. Local complications of soft tissues include the development of phlegmon, lymphangitis, purulent lymphadenitis.

Despite the fact that the abscess cavity is delivered from the surrounding tissues by a capsule that prevents the spread of purulent inflammation, in the absence of treatment and progression of the inflammatory process, the amount of exudate in the cavity of the gland is gradually increasing. This leads to the destruction of the protective membrane and the penetration of infection into the surrounding tissues. In this case, develops phlegmon- acute spilled purulent inflammation of soft tissues. The spread of the pathogen from the focus of lesion on lymphatic paths leads to the emergence lymphangitamanifested painting and skin swelling in the course of lymphatic vessels. Infections in regional lymph nodes threatens the development of purulent lymphadenitis(Limph nodes abscesses).

Common complications include progressive (veins inflammation with blood clots in them), sepsis and metastatic inflammation internal organs. These complications are extremely rare, but may result in serious consequences, up to death.

Internal organ abscesses are dangerous tarve of the penette capsule With subsequent purulent melting of the organ or infection of neighboring formations (Empiama pleura, purulent peritonitis, etc.). Preventive measures should be directed to the processing of skin damage, timely treatment of skin infections, maintaining immune protection at the proper level.

Popular questions about the autopsy of an abscess

Is it possible to cure a superficial abscess without surgery? Can he distribute himself?

Answer: Sometimes against the background of the use of antibiotics, it is possible to achieve an element of inflammatory phenomena and the reverse development of the process. Without the use of antibiotics, the risk of complications are significantly higher than the probability of spontaneous recovery.

Do I need to be in the hospital for the opening of an ulcer? If so, how much?

Answer: All individually. Small surface foci are treated outpatient. For the opening of deep and complicated froths, it is necessary to find in the hospital. Treatment time, again, depend on many reasons: localization, size, general condition, the presence of concomitant pathology.

Is it true that in the presence of diabetes mellitus with a disease with such a disease, hospitalization is necessary?

Answer: Yes. This is due to the fact that in patients with diabetes mellitus, purulent necrotic processes tend to quickly spread with the development of complications. In addition, they contribute to even greater aggravation of carbohydrate disorders. When stabilizing the condition and correction of glucose levels in the blood, such patients may continue the treatment of outpatient.

Are there modern techniques for the treatment of abscesses that do not leave the scars on the skin?

Answer: The main goal that is pursued during the operation is the removal of purulent content. The treatment of abscesses is possible from gentle cuts that leaving small skin defects with a constant active removal of the contents of the purulent cavity. But this technique is not applicable in all cases.

The cost of autopsy and drainage of abscess

Abspection and drainage of abscess

During the formation of abscess, local treatment is used. When the fluctuation was outlined, the abscess can be opened.

Pre-cooking. Hair in the abscess area shaft. The surgeon prepares hands and puts on rubber sterilized or antiseptic solutions of gloves so as not to infect the hands of the pus. For local anesthesia, chlorine ethyl (freezing) or local anesthesia is 0.25-0.5% anesthetic solution, in some cases there may be anesthesia at deep abscesses. After surgery, the abscess area is lubricated with iodine.

Technique cut. The incision must be wide enough and go parallel to the folds of the skin, muscles, vessels and nerves. To open the abscess, the scalpel and scissors use.

Surface abscesses. Make the layer of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, etc. and gradually reach abscesses. If the wall of the abscess is thin, they pierce it with the end of the scalpel almost perpendicularly, then the hole increases (better with scissors) so as not to leave unbroken pockets. It is necessary to protect against the injury of the deep wall of the abscess and not to infect healthy fabrics. A drainage or graduate is introduced into the abscess cavity. After opening the abscess, the temperature usually drops, the overall condition of the patient is improving. The bandage due to its blobs is changed first daily, and then - as needed (in a day - two). When the amount of separated becomes insignificant, drainage or tampon is removed. An increase in temperature during the healing period may indicate a delay in pus. Slispatic or very resulting granulations are lubricated with iodine or Lapis.

Complications . When opening abscesses, vessels may be injured. Bleeding is stopped by a gulling bandage, and when the larger vessels are wicked with a vessel dressing. Of great importance is not the wound of small branches of nerves. Venous bleeding at the opening of abscesses also does not have the values \u200b\u200band stops when the bandage is applied.

Deep abscesses. The opening of deep abscesses produce a layer in order to avoid injuries to the lives of organs, vessels and nerves.

An opening is done like this: cut the skin, lifting the fabric probe; They reach the abscess and open it with the probe or lay the cloth with a scalpel, pushing the nerves and vessels, and then reveal abscesses. Then come in the same way as with surface abscesses. The autopsy of the abscess faces the danger in the following areas: 1) Neck behind the back of the back; 2) the bottom of the orbit; 3) the root of the language; 4) submandibular region; 5) side pieces of neck; 6) the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland and trachea; 7) an inspection pocket; 8) Deep axillary region; 9) elbow fold; 10) palm; 11) Occobushinic spaces; 12) iliac pits and a pelvic cavity; 13) the front of the thigh; 14) Podlond Wpadina; 15) sole.

In abscess in the axillary region, it is necessary to keep in mind the vascular-nervous beam, why the incision is done, pulling the hand of the patient, along the outer edge of the big thoracic muscle.

The abscesses in the groin area are opened by making a section parallel to the tippack or perpendicular to it and parallel to the vessels (femoral artery and vein). Opening of deep abscesses makes a doctor.

Abscess (dusting, an affectionant) is purulent inflammation, accompanied by melting the tissues and the formation of a filling cavity. It can be formed in muscles, subcutaneous tissue, bones, in internal organs or in their surrounding fiber.

The formation of abscess

Causes of abscesses and risk factors

The cause of the abscess is the glotter microflora, which penetrates the patient's body through damage to the mucous membranes or skin cover, or is applied with a blood current from another primary focus of inflammation (hematogen path).

The causative agent in most cases becomes a mixed microbial flora, in which staphylococci and streptococci predominate in combination with various types of sticks, such as intestinal wand. In recent years, the role of anaerobov (clostridium and bacteroids) has significantly increased, as well as the Association of Anaerobic and Aerobic Microorganisms in the development of abscesses.

Sometimes there are situations where the purged abscess of abscesses during the crop of the traditional nutrient media does not give microflora growth. This suggests that in these cases the disease is caused by non-characteristic pathogens, it is impossible to detect with conventional diagnostic methods. To a certain extent, this explains the cases of abscesses with atypical flow.

Abscesses may occur as an independent disease, but more often are a complication of any other pathology. For example, pneumonia can be complicated by an abscess of the lung, and purulent angina-paratronzillic abscess.

In the development of purulent inflammation, the body's protective system seeks to localize it, which leads to the formation of a limiting capsule.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the location of:

  • subiaphragmal abscess;
  • paratonic;
  • occonditional;
  • soft tissues;
  • lung;
  • brain;
  • prostatic gland;
  • perodontal;
  • intestines;
  • pancreas;
  • scrotics;
  • douglas Space;
  • appendicular;
  • liver and backing; and etc.
The abscesses of subcutaneous fiber usually end with complete recovery.

According to the characteristics of the clinical course, the following forms of abscess are distinguished:

  1. Hot, or sharp. Accompanied by a pronounced local inflammatory response, as well as a common violation.
  2. Cold. It differs from the usual abscess lack of general and local signs of the inflammatory process (increase in body temperature, leather redness, pain). This form of the disease is characteristic of certain stages of actinomycosis and bone-art tuberculosis.
  3. Foundation. The formation of a portion of the accumulation of pus does not lead to the development of an acute inflammatory response. The formation of an abscess occurs for a long time (up to several months). Develops against the background of the bone-articular shape of tuberculosis.

Symptoms of abscess

The clinical picture of the disease is determined by many factors and, above all, the location of the purulent process, the cause of abscess, its size, the formation stage.

The symptoms of an abscess localized in surface soft tissues are:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • sharp soreness;
  • raising local, and in some cases and total temperature;
  • violation of the function;
  • fluctuation.

Abdominal abscesses are manifested by the following signs:

  • intermittent (intermitting) fever with hectic type temperature curve, i.e., subject to significant fluctuations during the day;
  • strong octs;
  • headache, muscular and articular pains;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sharp weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • delay of gases and stool;
  • the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

In the localization of the abscess in the subadiaphragmal region, patients may be disturbed by shortness of breath, cough, pain in the upper half of the abdomen, increasing at the moment of inhalation and irradiating in the blade and shoulder.

With pelvic abscesses, reflex irritation of the rectum and the bladder occurs, which is accompanied by the appearance of tenesses (false urges for defecation), diarrhea, rapid urination.

The retroperitoneal abscesses are accompanied by pain in the lower spins, the intensity of which is enhanced by flexing the legs in the hip joints.

The symptoms of the brain abscesses are similar to the symptoms of any other volumetric education (cysts, tumors,) and can vary in a very wide limit, ranging from a slight headache and ending with severe general-selling symptoms.

For lung abscess, a significant increase in body temperature is characterized, accompanied by severe chills. Patients complain of pain in the field of chest, increasing when trying to deep inhale, shortness of breath and dry cough. After opening the abscess in the armor there is a strong cough with an abundant sweep of sputum, after which the patient's condition begins to improve quickly.

The abscesses in the field of oralogloty (cap, paratronzillar, octopical) in most cases develop as a complication of purulent angina. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain that gives his teeth or ear;
  • feeling of the foreign body in the throat;
  • muscle spasm preventing mouth opening;
  • soreness and swelling of regional lymph nodes;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • voic voices;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant peeling odor.

Diagnosis of abscess

Surface abscesses of soft tissues of difficulties in diagnosis do not cause. With a deeper arrangement, it may be necessary to perform an ultrasound and / or diagnostic puncture. The material obtained during the puncture is sent to bacteriological research, which allows to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Rotoglot abscesses are detected during the holding of a otolaryngological inspection.

Abscesses may occur as an independent disease, but more often are a complication of any other pathology. For example, pneumonia can be complicated by an abscess of the lung, and purulent angina-paratronzillic abscess.

It is much more complicated to the diagnosis of brain abscesses, abdominal cavity, lungs. In this case, an instrumental examination is carried out, which may include:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and small pelvis;
  • magnetorezonance or computed tomography;

Treatment of abscess

In the initial stage of the development of the abscess of surface soft tissues, anti-inflammatory therapy is assigned. After the ripening of an ulcer, its autopsy is made, usually in the outpatient conditions. Hospitalization is shown only with the serious general condition of the patient, an anaerobic nature of the infectious process.

As an auxiliary agent in the treatment, as well as for the prevention of complications of abscesses of subcutaneous fatty tissue, it is recommended to use Ilon's ointment. Ointment should be applied to the affected area for a sterile gauze bandage or a plaster. Depending on the degree of suppuration, it is necessary to change the dressing one or twice a day. The term of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, but, on average, an ointment of at least five days should be applied to obtain a satisfactory result. Ointment Ilon is sold in pharmacies.

Treatment of lung abscess begins with the appointment of a wide spectrum antibiotics. After obtaining the antibioticogram, antibiotic therapy is corrected, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. In the presence of testimony to improve the outflow of purhny content, the bronchoalveolar lavage is performed. The ineffectiveness of the conservative treatment of abscess is an indication for surgical intervention - resection (removal) of the affected lung plot.

Treatment of brain abscesses in most cases surgical, as they can lead to brain dislocation and cause fatal outcome. The contraindication to the removal of abscesses is their localization in deep and vital structures (subcortical nuclei, brain barrel, visual borgor). In this case, they are resorted to puncture of the abscess cavity, removing the purulent content by aspiration, followed by washing the cavity of the antiseptic solution. If multiple washing is required, the catheter, through which it is carried out, leave in the cavity for a while.


The prevention of the development of abscesses is aimed at preventing pathogenic microflora to the patient's body and includes the following activities:

  • careful observance of aseptics and antiseptics during medical interventions accompanied by damage to the skin;
  • timely conduct of primary surgical treatment of wounds;
  • active sanitation of chronic infection foci;
  • increase the protective forces of the body.

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One of the most dangerous complications of various diseases is abscess. What an abscess knows many people does not appear - this is the cavity filled with healthy tissues, filled with purulent exudate. Often is the complication of infectious lesions or the result of non-compliance with asepsis and antiseptics during medical procedures.

Abscess - what it is

An purulent limited pathological process with the formation of an cavity filled with exudate (separated by a liquid from the interstitial space with Magnoy). The key point in the development of purulent focus is preconditionally pathogenic or pathogenic microorganisms. The abscess is the form of a protective reaction of the body, its formation prevents microbial agents from entering or their toxins into the blood and the development of general infection of the organism - sepsis. Pump, which filled the cavity is a cluster of leukocytes, phagocytes, interstitial fluid and lymphs.

The distinguishing part of the affectionant is the presence of a pyrogen shell or membrane - the walls of the inner cavity, exciting the fitting from healthy tissues, thereby preventing ingestion in healthy fabrics. The pyrogen membrane consists of a connecting granulation tissue, resembling very thin cartilage capable of producing an exudate.


The clinical picture consists of common and local symptoms. The degree of severity of symptoms allows to judge the stage of development of the disease, the availability of complications, the effectiveness of the treatment. Local or local manifestations of the disease are concentrated at the venue of the purulent focus, they include:

  • pain;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • disruption of the function of the fabric or organ.

General symptoms characterize the condition of the body as a whole, its response to the mechanisms of the pathological process. The most frequent manifestations of the abscess are:

  • increasing body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, loss of disability;
  • pallor skin.

The reasons

The main reason for the development of ulotnik is bacteria, viruses penetrating tissue, organism organs. The most common pathogens of purulent lesions are streptococci, staphylococci. Pathways of the spread of bacteria are diverse:

  1. Penetration of microorganisms through damage to the skin. For the development of abscess, a small scratch or wounds. In this case, a simple subcutaneous uterine is developing.
  2. The development of purulent inflammation as complications of another pathology. A furuncoon or a small shell on the skin under certain circumstances (for example, a large microbial load) can be gradually transformed into a focus with geek or phlegmon.
  3. Chronic infections and violation of natural microflora. Angro or tonsillitis represent the risk of developing such a disease as purulent loss.
  4. Often, purulent injection appears after a different kind of medical manipulation. This may be due to poor quality sterilization of tools or medicines, disruption of the integrity of aseptic dressings, the presence of personnel infections.

Types of abscess

In the processes of purulent inflammation, many species can be distinguished depending on the duration of the pathology of the pathology, its localization, the type of pathogen. Depending on these characteristics, a specific treatment tactic is selected: conservative or surgical. The accurate localization of abscess should be aware in order to prevent the development of complications.

By the duration of the flow

By the time of the flow of purulent focus, they allocate: chronic, sharp. Some specialists allocate another type of pathology - the rapid formation of ulotnik, the development and breakthrough of which takes no more than a day. Chronic current is often noted in the lungs, sometimes in the liver, can develop several years. The course of acute abscessive occupies no more than a week, while it is more symptomatically expressed than chronic.


By location, purulent foci is divided into outer (otherwise, subcutaneous abscess), which are visible to the naked eye, are available for medical manipulations, on the inner suppuration of the abdominal organs (the penette of the liver) or the chest cavity (lung abscess). The bodies that have a parenchymal structure are more predisposed to the development of uluses, while the foci with the pusons in hollow organs, such as the stomach, are extremely rare. Purulent lesions of deep tissues are distinguished: phantom and occasional (paratronzillary) spaces, leg muscles.


The pathological process of development includes two stages: stage of development and a breakthrough stage. If the flow of purulent inflammation is chronic, then the breakthrough stage is not replaced by the stage of arbitrary change in the structure of the tissue, its restructuring. The duration of the first stage can vary from several hours to several weeks, accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

Breakthrough is an independent depth of pus from the cavity. After the breakthrough, there is a significant improvement in the state of the patient: the temperature decreases, the cavity of the purulent inflammation is quickly filled with a scar cloth. Physiologically, this stage lasts a few days. If the breakthrough stage does not occur independently, the cavity is revealed using surgical intervention in the form of an opening of the capsule, its drainage (emptying).


To confirm the presence of a purulent focus in a patient, the methods of visual inspection, palpation (if the surface is superficial) is used. The detection of internal abscess of organs, deep tissues, it is necessary to carry out tool diagnosis using a X-ray or ultrasound research. In both cases, on the screen or in the picture there will be a dark stain with very clear edges - the main sign of the presence of a cavity with the pus. When carrying out instrumental diagnostics, accuracy should be accurate, so as not to provoke the gap of the abscess, the output of the pus.


Abscess therapy includes surgical and conservative treatment. How to treat abscess correctly can only say the doctor after the diagnostic events conducted. Before applying folk remedies, you should consult with the attending physician. The treatment of uncomplicated abscess takes a few days, complete recovery after the disease may take about a month.

Folk remedies

Avoid surgical intervention will help plants and herbs with antiseptic and antibacterial effect. For example, aloe and bow juice have the same antibiotic properties, and the burdock effectively fights inflammation. Universal recipe for self-made ointment, preventing the development of purulent focus:

  1. Take the dry root of the burdock, grind and pour it in warm aloe juice.
  2. The resulting Cashitz put in Marle to the place of inflammation, change every two or three hours.

You can prepare a cold infusion for additional influence on the place of inflammation: the dry pharmacy root of the burdock pour the glass of boiling water, let it stand in a cold dark place. After that, strain, pour into clean capacity and wipe the place of inflammation several times a day or attach as a cold compress for several hours. The introduction of this infusion inside the cavity is strictly prohibited.

Removal abscess

If the purulent focus is not broken for a long time, resort to removal of abscess surgically. Chronic abscess is surgically removed. The drainage is subject to only such purulent foci, which are available for manipulations. If necessary, the disappearance is revealed in outpatient conditions, processed by antibacterial ointments, try to apply a sterile bandage and complemented by conservative treatment, prescribe antibiotic drugs are prescribed.


With proper treatment, complications after abscess does not happen, the outcome of the disease is favorable. However, with untimely appealing for medical help or improper diagnosis, purulent abscess can lead to the following consequences:

  • necrotic damage to surrounding tissues or gangrene;
  • infectious toxic shock;
  • development of sepsis (differently, blood abscess);
  • complete or partial loss of functional tissues of the organ and, as a result, chronic failure.

The severity of complications and the risk of their occurrence depends on the set of factors:

  • localization of the focus;
  • the pathogen of purulent defeat;
  • general condition of the body;
  • immune system's consistency;
  • quality of treatment.

Prevention abscess

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to closely monitor the compliance of the rules of antiseptics during medical procedures and after them, to seek the medical institution in a timely manner in suspected the development of purulent inflammation. In the presence of chronic infections, it should be carefully implemented by the treatment plan to the attending physician. What is abscess and what an abscess looks like should know each in order to suspect it in a timely manner and cause a doctor.

Photo abscess


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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