
Itchies the heel in one place. Why do the heel on the left or right leg itch? Also it is Sulit

Each person knows how unbearable and nasty is the title feeling in the heels. But not much who realizes why this discomfort occurs and are there methods allowing you to get rid of it quickly.

Basic backgrounds of heels

Sometimes patients come to the dermatologists and ask why heels of feet scratched. Even the most experienced special person will not be able to give a clear answer to it, not after examining the patient.

Prior to this, the doctor will call only alleged prerequisites.

Among them may be subsequent factors:

  • Entering the skin of the infectious pathogen;
  • Severe skin injury on heels or feet;
  • Deterioration in the general condition of the body caused by the development of a certain disease.

Itching heels can talk about such violations as:

  1. Allergic response to contact with an irritant. It manifests itself in the form of small red rash. In shape they can be slightly convex. If the allergy develops for quite a long time, then the pimples are filled with serous fluid.

    Specifically, it increases itching.

  2. Infection. This zone may hit the endocarditis. Because it occurs itching, which is especially felt in the evening. The disease is recognized on the reddish stains on the heels.
  3. Problems in the work of systems and internal organs. The most often itching on different parts of the body, including heels, is one of the symptoms of sweet diabetes.

Why do heels scratch at night?

Not so occasionally people are worried about powerful itching at night.

Because of him, they lose ordinary dream, become irritable. It is not worth sharing such a symptom. It is necessary to come to the occurrence of its occurrence to start a fight against discomfort.

Foot and heels can start scratishened at night due to a number of factors at night.

  • The presence of a nervous disorder is either a disgusting mood, which is observed throughout the day. This should include a feeling of excitement, powerful excitement, as well as panic.
  • Stimulation of violations existing in the body, which are observed in the work of the internal organs.

    With such a symptom, they can be connected to changing the circulatory mode caused by the body position configuration.

  • Dermatological diseases that manifested themselves in the field of stop. During the daytime, a person can be so busy that it simply will not see itching until he goes to sleep.

In fact, the doctors do not even try to bind itching such in the same time with the time of day, since this factor does not have a special effect on it.

It's just most pronounced with the symptom at night, as a person does not concentrate his attention on any other, but only tries to sleep.

What medications to cure itch

If the heels or stop are consistently this, it is necessary to contact the dermatologist given with this incompleteness. He will tell you how to heal the opposite symptom. But first, the doctor will suggest a patient to pass a number of research procedures that will allow him to find the real cause of itching.

If its emergence provokes the disease of the internal organs, then the unhealthy will go to the reception to the appropriate special.

And he will also help a person fight from the root cause of discomfort.

The dermatologist can offer unhealthy processing problem areas of local acts. For heels and stop, creams are perfectly approaching, as well as ointments. They help to reduce the severity of uncomfortable feelings. In addition, these drugs are part of the complex healing of itching.

In case of infectious damage to the skin in the field of heels, pharmaceutical preparations will be required, which relate to groups of multivitamin complexes and drugs of a wide range of acts. They help increase the protective characteristics of a weakened organism and suppress the activity of the causative agent of infection.

Self-treatment when discomfort in the heel area, which is observed for a long time, is not the best option.

So a person can only harm for himself and further worsen the situation.

It will be solved by doing only comprehensive therapy, which is selected on the basis of existing violations and complaints. Only a qualified specialist is capable of choosing it.

Help to cope with unbearable itch, which is felt in the field of heels and stop, assist subsequent medicines:

Antifungal agent that comes on sale in the form of capsules. It is intended for receiving inside in a dose ml once a day. Traditionally, the course of healing takes not the most weeks. This period increases in the event of a decrease in the daily dose of the product. This medication should not be taken pregnant and lactating ladies, as well as customers who have a prefigure with a heart.

This is an ointment that fights it perfectly with itching.

Its active components come into combating fungal pathogens living on the skin of heels. In general purposes, the product is applied to the problem area with a small layer 1 time a day before going to sleep. This ointment is not suitable for people who are diagnosed renal or hepatic deficiency. Also, it will have to be dedicated to children under 12 years old.

These are pills that can be found in the bright pink color. Their composition is glyibenklamide, capable of lowering blood sugar levels.

The treatment facility must be taken on pills per day. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist.

Famous almost all means with a soothing effect. These brown pills contain vegetation extracts of peppermint, Melissa and Valerians for themselves. The pharmaceutical product is unresponsively struggling with signs of stressing, impaired sleep and irritation. Take pills several times a day before either eating reception. It is necessary to drink them with a huge amount of water.

Cosmetic tool that copes with lethargy in the legs. The cream spends the stimulation of blood circulation in the appropriate zone, and also makes the skin the most elastic and elasticity.

It is used as needed.

This is a vitamin complex that helps to fill in a shortage in the body of the necessary trace elements. He is advised to take apart and heat the small amount of water. To cope with vitaminosis, which can lead to itch, pretty drinking up to 1 tablet per day for a whole month.

The medicine is intended to restore the usual work of such an organ like pancreas.

With it, it turns out to get rid of pain in its location. Capsules should be taken approximately half an hour before meals for months. For children and pregnant women, give it better to choose the safest drug.

Prevention from burning in heels

Each person can prevent the appearance of itching in feet and heels. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of ordinary preventive measures, which may tell a dermatologist to his own patient at the reception.

Subsequent recommendations help with such a task:

  • Every day, before going to sleep, you should wash your legs, especially the feet, warm water using slightly soap.
  • For daily wearing it is recommended to choose shoes in which the legs are very cozy. If suddenly a person feels lethargy in the lower limbs, he must give them a little time to rest. By the ability, it is best to lie down, and the feet make a light massage.
  • It is advisable to avoid harsh conflicts that can cause nervous tension.

    It is necessary to give time not only work, but also rest. Do not hinder walks on the freshest air.

  • You need to take care of your nutrition. It should be made balanced, especially in the winter time. In the dietary base, vegetable food, fish and meat products are required, as well as fermented dairy products.
  • In the presence of acquired diseases, you often have a survey from the doctor and engage in the healing of their exacerbations.
  • Do not wear dirty socks. Wash them best in powder that does not cause allergies.
  • In no case needs to wear socks, tights, stockings or other man shoes.

    So simply you can grab the fungus.

Why does the heel on the left or right leg itch?

Due to bad hygiene, incorrect leg care, as well as when ignoring signs of certain diseases, various kinds of "troubles" may occur. One of the more frequent problems - itching stop.

Causes of itching

Embossed shoes for shoes, socks and tights

Who could think, but such a trifle, as incorrect insoles, cheap socks or tights can be a prerequisite that heels scratched. It's all about the bad, long contact with which is capable of causeing an allergic reaction and skin itch.

Do not buy on benign shoes from natural in, insoles and hosiery products.

If there is no ability to purchase leather shoes, it is necessary to replace the insoles for leather or fabric, and often wash and change them.

Fatigue foot

Problems with heels may seem due to long stay on the legs, for example, standing work, as well as embarrassing shoes or the constant wearing of large heels. The extra bad causes leading to the fadedness of the legs are excessive weight and flatfoot.

In all listed variants, itching may appear on the right foot and on both at once.

The solution of the task lies in the selection of comfortable shoes, the search for the ability of time to give holidays from time to time during the day and normalization of body weight.

When flatfooting should be recorded to the doctor and it is helping to choose corrective insoles that assume to restore the position of the stop in the shoes and reduce the super-free load from them.

Lack of vitamins

Avitaminosis is a sparkling satellite of the spring and winter season.

At this time of the year of the desired fruits and vegetables, it becomes less, and the body is also needed energy and useful trace elements. The shortcomings of vitamins in the everyday diet can lead to bad well-being, the development of acquired lethargy and even "itchy" sensations in the field of heels.

What to do in this case? Diversify your everyday menu with fruits and vegetables, including meat and dairy products in it in sufficient quantities, propagate the preventive vitamin complex. If nothing of the above does not help, it is worth contacting the dermatologist, it may be that the cause of the problem with the legs is a skin disease.

Insect bites

The reaction to insect bites can be a prerequisite at one moment that appeared and not passing the desire to scratch the heel, for example, on his left leg.

In this case, it is worth carefully inspecting the skin on the foot.

If swelling and small redness are found, the major possibility that the left heel is scratched specifically due to insect bites, and through a small lumen of time they will be held independently.

If itching increases, redness grow in size or other signs of allergies for insect bites should appeal to the doctor for consultation.


Allergic reaction to cream or washing powder is another obvious, but at the same time an all-procured cause of nasty feelings in the field of the feet. Extremely often itching with allergies is accompanied by redness and / or rash on the skin.

In the evening and night, nasty feelings are traditionally enhanced.

What to do? If not so long ago, fresh leg cream was purchased or a washbasin, to experience exclude from using it for some time. If no other feelings go through - most likely, it was an allergic reaction to some component.

If this measure was not assumed, itching strengthened and does not sleep at night or spread to the rest of the body of the body, fresh symptoms arose - it is necessary to immediately visit the doctor.


Most often, mycosis stops often occurs in the offseason - when changing the seasons of the year, when the human immune system will weaken.

Extra factor for the development of fungus becomes cracks on the skin of the feet.

One more, and perhaps the most popular background of Mikosa can be called super-free sweating. It can lead to it very warm non-season shoes mentioned above synthetic insoles, socks or tights, as well as hyperhydrosis. In all these options, the legs extremely sweat, which makes a good and graceful environment for the development and life of fungal infection.

And, in the end, hygiene. Its non-compliance, and specifically disregard for everyday hygiene can also lead to mycosis and skin itching in the heels area.

The feet fungus asks an urgent visit to the dermatologist.

In case of proof of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe antimicotic drugs for healing fungus healing ointment (if the micaosis is complicated by cracks on heels), as well as mandatory observance of everyday leg hygiene.

In hyperhydrosis, it can be additionally assigned tools from excess sweating of the feet.


Common in our time the disease in the midst of people of all ages. One of his symptoms is skin itching throughout the body, including in the field of stop and heels.

The reason for this manifestation becomes a decrease in immunity and endocrine disorders in the body that prevent the normal healing of microtrase and cracks on the surface of the skin.

No healing can lead to:

  • development of deepest cracks in the footsteps,
  • fungus
  • the appearance of boils and diabetic bubbles,
  • loss of sensitivity of the feet
  • as well as such harsh burdens, as a diabetic stop, the consequence of which the gangrene can become and the leg amputation.

Therefore, if the heels scratched and there is a suspicion of diabetes or the highest blood glucose level, you should visit the endocrinologist as soon as possible and pass all the necessary analyzes.

According to their results, a diet and treatment is appointed.

Another of the favorite circumstances of the ferrous in the heel region, both on his left foot and on the right - nervous disorders. With frequent stress, powerful nerve experiences of the manifestation of itching, it is started to visit systematically, with enviable constancy.

Help return an unbalanced, sluggish and upset psyche, help sports, rejection of alcohol and caffery-containing goods, compliance with the regime of the day, walks on the freshest air, the solution of all accumulated problems and unscheduled rest.

If the listed activities are not enough, it is worth visiting honey specials, which will eliminate the presence of related diseases or disorders, and, if necessary, prescribe a course of sedatives.

What to do if itching is not going through for a long time?

It is important to realize that itch is just a symptom and to get rid of it, you need to find the reason and eliminate it.

To find out what a violation, the disease or disorder led to the fact that the left, right heel or both came to scratch, you need to seek help to the therapist.

If necessary, he will already send the most narrow specialist: a dermatologist, an allergist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist. After a number of research and diagnosis is most likely to be assigned a comprehensive healing, which will need to be strictly adhered to.

Prevention of nasty feelings in the heel area

In addition to the visit to the doctor, it is worth making preventive measures without the help of others:

  • to conduct a revision of shoes and steleke, choosing for everyday use only comfortable high-quality, made of natural in pairs;
  • do not give anyone to try on and wear your shoes, socks and tights, and also do not wear strangers;
  • take a habit once a day to care for heels and skin stop;
  • daily change tights and socks and choose neutral detergents for their washing;
  • regularly apply mitigating and moisturizing feet cream to prevent dryness and cracks;
  • develop the day of the day and stick to it;
  • sufficient time to rest and be on the freshest air;
  • avoid stress and get rid of the habit of nervous in trifles;
  • adhere to balanced nutrition with a sufficient number of fruits and vegetables.

With hyperhydrosis behind the legs, it is necessary to take care of the most painstakingly than traditionally.

But, in this case, it is not fundamentally overwriting in principle, since excessive talca, alcohole-containing and other drying agents can lead to a decrease in local immunity of the skin of the STOP (resistance to fungal and other infections) and the occurrence of cracks on them.

How to find why heels scratched

Tomitative and unbearable feelings with itching in the heels from time to time have to feel almost everyone. Why do heels scratch? The circumstances of this manifestation are extremely much and the heel itching is completely unsafe.

Who is not familiar with the unbearable and nasty feeling of itching on the legs? Itching is powerful and not passing or weakly felt.

From time to time, making combing, impudations appear on the cover of the stop, either an ulcers. Why are the legs, in particular soles, heels and between fingers? What is the cause of these nasty and exhaust feelings.

Causes of itching

To realize why heels scratched, and get rid of those nasty feelings, first of all, you need to identify the reason for this manifestation.

It may be a simple feed overload, incorrect meals, various fungal diseases, a predisposition to allergies, insect bites, the presence of insignificant microcracks and abstracts, skin pathologies, as well as the disorder of the nervous system.

We analyze a number of circumstances in the most detailed:

Often, this state is manifested due to insect bite.

After examining the skin's skin and stop and finding redness and swelling, you will get away, what's the matter. For a short time, the manifestation of the itch pass, but if there are prerequisites for allergies on insect bites, you need to see the doctor for help.

One of the circumstances may be a change of annual season. A person is subjected to a decrease in immunity, and "catch" the fungus is neither the smallest labor. In this case, I need help with the specialties, which will establish a correct diagnosis and will determine the course of healing to increase immunity.

An important factor is shoes that we wear.

Wearing a wide or huge footwear in size, we force the healing part of the foot overnight, holding it. Upper and close, prevents the correct blood circulation. By buying shoes, you need to pay attention to its quality: cheap to give her hardness, impregnate harmful chemical reagents, from which heels are very scratched. Chem composition of glue, coarse seams, the highest and incorrect shape of heels amplify and exacerbate the position of the legs.

The insoles play a big role: they should be from natural raw materials.

If the insoles are made of artificial raw materials in the shoes, then during wearing, during the selection of sweat or warming the legs, the insoles will begin to allocate destructive and malicious substances that are in the pores enter the skin of the legs.

In this case, itching may seem not only in heels, but also throughout the foot. Therefore, insoles need to take those that are exceeded from natural and natural raw materials.

Overweight, the highest growth, the inconsistency of the size of the foot with weight and growth of a person, congenital distortions: flatfoot, when the stop is not relying on two points, and "closure" or the deformation of the foot with its incorrect production, also encourage the prerequisites for generating heels.

Having heels can and with a common and popular reason: fungal disease stop.

The course of this disease cannot be left without attention and hoped that everything will be used by itself. The consequences can be extremely deplorable: skin disease can go into nail fungus, which is extremely unsafe for the human body. The fungus produces poisonous substances that affect human health. Therefore, at the first feelings of itching, without tightening the disease, in the pharmacy you need to buy ointment against fungi, and go through the course of healing. If the disease was delayed, then it is necessary, before that, to contact the dermatologist, so that the doctor, in addition to ointment, was prescribed to be treated with antibiotics.

In particular, this refers to lovers of constant visits to places, where compliance with the rules of hygiene is waiting for the best: baths, saunas or gyms.

With a lack of vitamins and dehydration, the skin stop is tormented all year round. Taking considerable vitamins and using fruits and vegetables, rich in these vitamins, you can avoid flaking and cracking stops and heels.

One of the circumstances may be a negative response to a certain allergent. It is necessary to remember which food was taken on the eve, it could be used a huge amount of sweets or a stared product was eaten.

After analyzing the diet, you can avoid allergic reactions in the coming. Maybe the clothes are affected by allergies: socks or tights from synthetic. Some itching in heels begins with allergies to the grass, means walking with bare feet in such embodiments is harmful.

Also, there is a sudden diabetes in the heels of the heel, the somewhat occurring cause. Therefore, it should be supposed to pass the blood test on sugar

The effect of the nervous system at itch in the heels

A hot-tempered, derived, unbearable person, no matter how surprisingly, the nervous system, necessarily reacting from time to time this reaction is manifested in that way that it may cause itching in the heels area.

Unrest and excitement, bad mood, horror and feasts affect the body specifically such. In order to get rid of these problems, first of all, it will be necessary to analyze your emotions, realize what is the problem and as soon as possible to exclude and free yourself from anxiety and excitement. Extremely beneficially affects an unscheduled rest, during which the body turns into the former channel, all unnecessary and painful signs disappear.

The perception and feeling of the deepest and inner itching heel of the feet begins to form a cluster of long loads acquired throughout the day.

Whole occurring prerequisites for items in the field of heels: violation of sweat glands, thickening and flaxing of all layers of the skin of the foot, dry corn.

The feeling and perception of itch can have the most incomparable, disturbing and complex feelings in need of a systematic study. First of all, it is a substitution of carbohydrates that correct the pancreas.

The motive of the deepest heel ferry is also sweet diabetes.

In the absence of obvious prominent circumstances, it is inevitable to inspect and examination from the endocrinologist.

Why itchs the heel at night

In fact, the time of day has no significance and does not have actions on diseases of heels and foot.

Itchy the heel at night for the reason that the person is in a passive vacation in the undernimation of the body position, legs and stop: from the vertical on the horizontal, from the sitting on a lying. Pressing and focusing the entire body mass at the foot, including their heel area, completely and quite absent. Naturally, it is transformed and enhancing blood flow, and its saturation in stop vessels. That is, the feet and heels are in the resting position and freed from the physiological and heat loads: the lack of shoes, sock, pantyhose, and so on.

At the same time, a leisure and nervous system of man is given.

The feeling of itching in the field of heels during a night rest, medicine combines with subsequent indicators:

  1. Nervous disorder is either a bad mood during the day, anxiety and excitement, fears and panic, allergic reactions.
  2. Stimulation of internal organ disorders when changing the circulatory mode.
  3. Skin and dermatological diseases, which during work, occupied by non-public relations associated with proficiency, a person simply does not notice and does not direct attention.

    Then the opposite feelings come at night.

Prevention of illness

It is also not necessary to be the merit of preventive measures. Sometimes it is sufficient enough to get around the bitter and annoying burdens. Need:

  • fulfill personal hygiene rules;
  • use only your own things and shoes;
  • buy on the leg and good properties of shoes with a wide toe;
  • when highlighting the sweat, use specially intended means;
  • any skin damage to disinfect substances that kill microorganisms;
  • conscientiously and regularly watch and care for the skin of the feet;
  • follow the cleanliness and dryness between the fingers on the legs.

In at least once, if the heels are scratched considerably, and there are no obvious and noticeable circumstances, it is not necessary to deal with self-treatment, you should receive consultation from the doctor and go through honey examination, so that he managed to correctly diagnose and appoint the necessary treatment.

Why from time to time there arises discomfort in the legs and scratched the heels?

Fundamentally to know!

Knowing why heels scratched, you can get rid of the difficulties for us forever. It happens that the prerequisite for the appearance of the healing itch is not a completely safe occasion. At the same time, often a person depresss similar unbearable scabies in the field of heels on the legs. What to do in this case and how to find the real cause of itching?

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate how it often occurs, there is no time after certain intervals.

Scabies can be a powerful, unbearable, long ongoing. In certain embodiments, as a result of combing the skin of heels, mineral sections arise, abrasions or small ulcers. If no other symptom passes, it is necessary to seek help to special. After an inspection, he will be able to find, why itching appeared, and assign appropriate treatment.

1 prerequisites

In order to find out, in the end, it turns out itching heels, and eliminate the similar thing, should be understood in various grounds for such a manifestation.

The case can be in ordinary physical overload of the legs, inappropriate power mode, the flow of diseases of the fungal nature, etc.:

  1. The occurrence of itching in the end of the insect bite. Often the reason for the occurrence of scabies can be an allergic reaction to a similar phenomenon. In addition to itching, there is insignificant swelling and redness on the skin and redness. Seeing such manifestations, you can easily think, what's the matter. Symptoms in this case pass quickly, but if there are allergic prerequisites for insect bites, doctoral care can be useful.
  2. One of the reasons may be a change of seasons.

    During this period, a person is subjected to a decrease in the work of the immune system, therefore causing the fungus will not be a havinger effort. The development of a fungal disease asks a special approach in treatment, because the consequences often foreshadow the danger. Skin disease can provoke a nail fungus, which is particularly unsafe for at least some person. In such a situation, you need consultation of the doctor who will give a doctoral conclusion and will write healing therapy.

  3. An important point is considered to be shoes that a person wears in daily life. Using wide, or on the contrary, a small-scale shoes, there is an excessive stress of the heel area of \u200b\u200bthe foot or circulatory disruption.

    By purchasing at least what kind of shoes, it is necessary to assess its quality: inexpensive, so that it becomes the most solid, soim is impregnated with the reagents with the chemical composition causing reinforced itels. Chem components included in the glue, strong seams, overestimated heels exacerbate the position of the foot.

Huge importance is allocated and insoles. They should be made from natural, and not artificial. If the raw material is poorly qualified, the insoles are distinguished by the insoles, which fall through the skin into the heels.

2 Influence of the nervous system

In a person with a broken nervous system, the reaction to at least some irritation can manifest itself with the scabies of individual parts of the lower extremities.

Excessive experiences and anxiety, bad mood, fear of threats can affect health in a similar way. To prevent similar problems, first of all it is useful to analyze its psycho-emotional state, finding what is the reason, and get rid of the alarming state as soon as possible. A positive effect has rest, in which the body relaxes and loses all bad emotions.

The feeling of a powerful skin of the skin of the legs begins to know about for itself by proloning physical exertion at the end of the working day.

In most cases, the causes of scabies in the heel region are:

  • failure in sweat glands;
  • the strength and rudeness of the skin in the foot;
  • the appearance of dry corns.

The feeling of itching can manifest itself so acute and pronounced that it will force a patient to urgently contact the physician, without waiting for the results of the initial healing. In this situation, it is useful to pass honey research, pass the necessary analyzes.

According to the results, the doctor will be able to establish a course of medication therapy aimed at improving the work of the pancreas. The basis of the pronounced itching of the legs can be the development of sweet diabetes in the body. If, when examined, the patient did not define pronounced prerequisites of itching, the doctor will appoint a mandatory passage of inspection from the endocrinologist.

3 symptom when avitaminosis

It is not always possible to simply find the cause of the itch in the heel area, since the results of the surrenders may be normal.

Then it is worth thinking about avitaminosis. It represents the shortcomings of suitable nutrients. Often, avitaminosis arises as a result of incorrect nutrition, lack of necessary vitamin organism.

Without doctoral assistance, to establish what directly vitamin lacks the body is hard enough. Only a qualified doctor will be able to establish a real reason for the development of avitaminosis. With a shortage of suitable substances in the body, in addition to itching itels, the formation of deepest cracks on the skin layer, its rudeness and the strength, hair lone and nails can be observed.

You can only cure avitaminosis, taking pharmaceutical preparations and vitamins inward.

None of the existing ointments can fill out fully defects the necessary trace elements. The most efficient ways in the fight against the lack of vitamins it is customary to adjust the power mode and the use of special means. The daily menu is required to consist of new natural goods. Often itching heels causes the deficiency of such vitamins as A, B, C, D. With

4 ailment at night

Sometimes scabies of the feet may seem at night as a result of stressing voltage.

At the same time, the time of day does not play a special role. In a person, as a result, excessive nervous tension in at least what time symptomatics is manifested, pronounced scabies. Itching the skin in the heel region does not occur when the body perceives the passive state in the night, and the body is in a horizontal position. Nightly there is also no reinforced head on the feet and heels with the whole body weight. In this case, there is a strengthening of blood flow in the vessels of one and other foot.

In addition, the legs are one hundred percent exempted from physical overload, clothing, etc. Increasing, the nervous system of a person rests and is restored.

Why does the heel go on at night?

The feeling of itching in the heel zone in this time, medicine clarifies followedly:

  • the failure of the nervous system and the bad emotional well-being during the day;
  • violation of the internal organs as a result of incorrect blood circulation;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases associated with proficiency.

To prevent the occurrence of itching the legs in the day or night, you need to viable preventive measures. This will avoid unsafe and emergency consequences. Each person should take care of personal hygienic rules, consult only personal belongings and shoes. At the same time, shoes should be chosen with a wide sock and not cloth.

If it is damaged, it is necessary to painstakingly disinfect the disinfecting substances that destroy the microbes.

However, if the heels were brought together and itching does not pass, you should not deal with independent healing. It is useful to undergo honey examination to establish a faithful doctoral diagnosis and proceed to appropriate treatment.

Thus, when itching in the field of heels on the legs, it is necessary to inspect this area for visible signs. In the absence of these, it is useful to pass honey examination and pass certain analyzes if necessary. According to the results of the studies have passed, the doctor will be able to establish what was the prerequisite for this itch. But to prevent such a nasty phenomenon, the necessary preventive measures mentioned above should observe.

Thanks to this there is a chance to prevent scabies.

And slightly about secrets.

Have you ever had difficulties with itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - you have no experience. And naturally you do not have a herself that you are:

  • scratch irritation
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy bluster in a new place
  • permanent unbearable itch
  • hard restrictions in nutrition, diets
  • inflamed, buggy skin, stains.

And now answer the question: does it suit you? Is it possible to endure? And how many tools have you already been "merged" for ineffective treatment? True - it's time to end with them! Agree?

Why the heels scratched and how to fight with this honey

Human feet feet is the such part of his body, which is turned down, because they pay attention to the soles only when they come to something hot, ice or sharp.

But from time to time, the heels give them to know that the skin on them begins to be absolutely unbearable.

This is accompanied by redness of the skin, the occurrence of cracks, the peeling of dead particles of the epithelium.

Every day our heels are experiencing a load when walking or running, because shoes on the legs are obliged to be comfortable, its size should not be more or less than your foot. If it is worried about itching in the field of heels and a day, and at night, insignificant pain feelings appear during combing, do not self-medicate. At the first signs of discomfort, visit the dermatologist, which will determine the reason why heels scratched, prescribes treatment.

What leads to the heels: allocated causes

If itching in the heels has become simply unbearable, it shows that you have some kind of disease or on your foot there are external stimuli.

It is worth knowing what prerequisites most often lead to discomfort:

  • The feet fungus traditionally occurs when the seasons change when the immune system of man is weakened.

    This pathology is accompanied by irritation of the epithelium in the heel area. If not to conduct timely diagnosis, the disease will spread to the entire surface of the foot, and you will become a prerequisite for infection for others;

  • Shoe manufacturers often use the insoles from poor-quality in, which are impregnated with harmful substances causing itching. If you feel that the insole is loosely adjacent to the leg, it is better to replace it with the most successful standard from the natural, since this is a frequent cause of discomfort;
  • The sole is unbearably itching due to the fact that the patient's blood jumped sugar sharply. The doctor can offer him to hand over the necessary tests, in order to assign a qualified healing of the prerete detection of the prerete.

    After all, oversized sugar in the blood can talk about the extremely harsh diseases of the body;

  • Only the heel on the left leg can be scratispanned very often, this is the 1st sign of the nervous disorder. In this case, itching soles has a psychosomatic temper, the visits to the psychologist or psychiatrist and appropriate treatment will disappear;
  • The heels begin to scratch in the winter, due to the fact that there are fewer goods in the diet, which contain vitamins and nutrients. The patient himself is not able to find what element he is missing, therefore it is necessary to consult a specialist for the detection of the premise.

    Avitaminosis is simply diagnosed, so that in the process of leaking the disease, the skin is closed not only on the heels, as well as on the palms and face;

  • The occurrence of itching the feet as if from the inside, shows that the legs simply tired. This is promoted by embarrassing shoes, excess weight, flatfoot. Also, the legs are tired, if a person has been obliged to spend the long-term part of the day. Strengthening the symptoms of skin irritation at the ladies cause shoes on heels in which it spends a huge part of the day at work;
  • Pancreas controls in our body the balance of proteins and carbohydrates.

    If the failure occurs in its work, this is reflected not only on the internal organs, but also on the skin. As a result, the heel disorder begins to scratch, the skin on it becomes dry, cracks are formed.

If itching the soles does not pass for a long time, it is worth a hiking in the clinic, so this pathology may indicate a severe disease.

Review of pharmacy drugs that will get rid of the illness

To establish a correct diagnosis and eliminate pathology prerequisites, a dermatologist appoints a full examination to his own patient, which picks up the drugs that get rid of the illness accompanied by the itching feet:

  • The antifungal product produced in the form of capsules of itraconazole is prescribed to receive inside once a day in the amount of two hundredth milligrams.

    The healing course takes place within 7 days. If the dose of medicine is reduced twice, then the therapy lasts two weeks. Contraindicated customers with cardiac deficiency, pregnant and nursing ladies, people with overpriced sensitivity to drug components;

  • In the database, Mazi lamizil lies terbinafin hydrochloride, which struggles with fungal lesions of the epithelium on the heels. For the healing of Mikosa, you need to apply cream on the affected areas once a day before bedtime with the length of therapy seven days. It is impossible to use it to customers with renal or hepatic deficiency, children up to 12 years old;
  • Maninyl, pills pink, contains in for itself glibenklamide, promoting a reduction in blood sugar.

    The treatment facility appoints a specific Doctor depending on the degree of illness. Take the product once a day - one or two tablets;

  • Persents produced in the form of Karich Pill, in which there are plant ingredients: Valerian extracts, Melissa, peppermints. The product relieves irritation, restores sleep, reduces nervous excitability. Reception is carried out two or three times a day, regardless of food intake, drinking enough water. At one time you can take two or three pills. It is impossible to use during pregnancy, lactation, with allergic reactions to the constituent drugs;
  • The cosmetic cream, which includes extracts of such plants, like buckwheat and chestnut, currant leaves, the donon, as well as watery propolis, will help cope with the lethargy of the legs.

    The vegetable components of ointment "chestnut and propolis" will improve blood circulation in the field of the feet, make the skin elastic. The remedy is rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements when necessary;

  • Increase in the human body the number of vitamins will help the oligation, which is produced in capsules. It consists of potassium sulfates, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt. Take his appearance of food by drinking a small amount of water. To get rid of avitaminosis rather single pills per day with a course of healing four weeks. It is impossible to take a treatment tool with other vitamin complexes during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Restore the proper operation of the pancreas, eliminate pain syndrome will help the product omeprazole, which is produced in the form of capsules.

    The patient needs 20 milligram drugs per day. Reception occurs once 30 minutes before meals, the healing course continues from the 1st to 2nd months. Contraindicated children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The feet are much scratched as a result of different pathologies, because if you get rid of the very least, with him disappear and other symptoms will disappear.

Preventive measures If you are scratched with your heels

Only timely identification of the disease and his healing will help you to save your heels from itching.

Why itchs left or right heel - zead background

When a person's right heel is drawn, this phenomenon gives him a lot of discomfort. With such a problem, a huge number of people faces, but not everyone pays to her.

Eliminate nasty feelings can only be able to know the real cause of their occurrence. This article will tell about the causes of discomfort and methods for the prevention of its appearance.

Initially, attention should be paid to the itch in the heels, its intensity, the presence of either the absence of mineral sections on the heels. So, if the left heel is drawn enough long enough, it is better to apply for help of a special person who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Why is the head of the heel on a certain leg

Doctors allocate several major circumstances that the patient has a heel on his left foot or a heel on the right leg.

They are not connected with the campaign "left".

Napatological reasons:

  • Mushroom, sometimes occurring during weather drops, due to lowering immunity and in non-compliance with personal hygiene. If the heels are scratched not to change the weather, then this means that the organism settled the fungus.
  • The time change of the year can also be a prerequisite for a powerful itch in the Stop region.

Wearing awkward shoes: people, places, clothes, shoes - everything affects the body.

Insoles from the unnatural often provoke an increase in sweating and itching associated with the heel. If the left heel is cleaned, regardless of nature phenomena, it is worth it to change the insoles.

  • Overweight, the highest growth, congenital feet abnormalities - all this can serve as the main causes of why the right heel is biased.
  • Allergic reaction to products, medicines or at least some other allergent.

    Everyone may encounter such an opponent, therefore no one is insured.

  • Lack in the body of vitamins.
  • Insect bite, which can provoke redness and swelling on a problem site.

    Pathological reasons:

    • Increased blood sugar level. Chesia heels may indicate the development of sweet diabetes, and therefore a person should sign up for an endocrinologist to eliminate unsafe disease.
    • If the left heel was combed, it is the pathology of the nervous system.
    • Diseases of the pancreas constantly lead to the fact that a protein and carbohydrate balance in the human body is disturbed.

      Specifically, such phenomena can provoke the specified symptoms.

    • Scabies - a disease that is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the body. A person will be hunted to hunt heels to hunt.

    Infective endocarditis. If there is such a disease, there are reddish specks on the body, similar to the gloomy. Itching in the heels does not pass either a day nor at night.

    Treatment of itching depends on what factors it is provoked. It is impossible to take any medicines in home criteria, because it can only worsen the situation. It is better to seek the help of trained specialists.

    It is worth considering the fact that if the right heel is drawn on the legs of the girl, men either at the old man, then this is considered not only an objective phenomenon, but may also indicate any event that will happen in the rates.

    This means that a person will or rejoice, or be sad. The most often this is a good symbol that promises achieving your own goal in life.

    Supervice people have been extremely long spoken about the fact that heels are coming. Therefore, there is a huge amount will perceive, what the heel is cleaned.

    Cause itching fungus

    Often fungal defeat of the foot, can provoke itching in heels. The most obsolized prerequisite for such a disease is to reduce the immunity of the healing of antibiotics, transferred diseases or with incorrect nutrition.

    In the presence of fungus, heels are both at night and day.

    In addition to Chesia, a person notices rough skin on the heel. If it was strongly launched, then painful purulent wounds can form on the legs.

    Treatment of fungal lesions of the foot and feet must be carried out by using creams and ointments. Such drugs are allowed to achieve a positive result with a slight stage of fungus. If the problem is launched, you will have to drink antibiotics.

    Failures in the work of the nervous system

    Some customers who applied to the specialty with a non-fulfillment of itching in heels can use the help of a neurologist. The problem is that itching itels from time to time is manifested as a psychosomatic factor, because at the body there is poorly reflected at least what stress.

    Fear, overestimated anxiety, depression and stressful situations - all this leads to the inconstancy of the CNS.

    If no other symptoms appear at night and only on one leg, it should be a neurologist who confirms or refute psychosomatics.

    It should be borne in mind that people are most susceptible to occurrence under consideration. People are hot-tempered, nervous and outgoing. It is necessary to keep their emotions under control, both negative and positive.

    Lack of vitamins

    Often, doctors are hard to find out why the heel is scratched, for the patient analyzes are within the normal range, and itching becomes the most intense. In this case, the specialists may suspect the availability of avitaminosis - the lack of human nutrient human body.

    In the development of such pathology, in addition to itching, a person faces cracks on heels, hair loss and nail fragility.

    Due to the fact that the vitaminosis appears in poor nutrition, people are not able to cope with a problem in their homework, because it is necessary to find what the body is not enough. Extremely often such a problem is found at the baby, the kids, the baby who tries to scratch the heel strongly.

    The treatment of creams and ointments will not help, for the disease must be cured from the inside. A person must revise the diet and take special drug drugs.

    Itching when wearing bad shoes

    Heels can scratch and in the event that the person wears poor-quality shoes.

    Unfair offices that sew it, sometimes use no good and unhetric raw materials. Such acts clarify why heels scratched with insoles, the walls of the shoes or shoes.

    In this case, specific healing is not required.

    Patients should handle problem areas by disinfecting products, time to make baths and, naturally, get fresh insoles. If the pains of the heel zada appear, it is better to consult with special.

    Almost all doctors say that the disease is easier to prevent than cure.

    In order to prevent the development of difficulties, it is worth taking only natural shoes of verified trademarks. Slippers must constantly correspond to the sizes of the foot, so that the blood circulation was not disturbed.

    Prevention of nasty sensations

    If a person does not want to feel excessive cheeria of heels, face the peeling of stop and soreness, he must adhere to some ordinary rules.

    They are as follows:

    • If heels scratched, often wash your legs, so that it does not appear
    • Use comfortable shoes
    • Acquire insoles only from genuine leather or fur
    • With an overwhelmed selection of sweat, use special pharmacy or folk remedies
    • Use substances that are able to kill bacteria and disinfect skin
    • Regularly wipe between your fingers, where the skin often sweats

    Prevention spend on any days weeks, if the heels are scratched often either at least 1 member of the family.

    The disinfection is appropriate, which is based on cleaning and processing the floor and walls in the bathroom. In addition, unhealthy must store his room slippers separately from shoes and things of the rest of the family, thereby protecting them from discomfort. Only in this case can be counted for non-proliferation of the ailment.

    With constant toide, pain and cracks in the heels when traveling, it may be worth contacting the help of a qualified specialist.

    Only a doctor will be able to conduct a suppressive examination of the body, identify real prerequisites of the pathological condition and assign adequate healing, if this will be needed. The patient must do what the doctor will advise.

    In the event that, if you comply with all regulations, try to do everything you need and strictly obey the specialties, discomfort will quickly disappear. After this can observe the prevention measures, so that the disease is not returned.

    Itching in the heels is the discount, which can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning. The reasons that cause feelings in the field of stop, a lot. These may be insect bites or symptoms of serious organism diseases. You can get rid of the permanent desire to scratch legs with the help of medication tools by handing pre-analyzes by changing the diet.

    The legs get off and are covered with red spots for a number of reasons. This is due to irritation of nervous endings. Sensory heel receptors react to external pathogens and on the imbalance of the internal organs.

    Insect bites, uncomfortable, poor-quality shoes, synthetic clothing, avitaminosis, allergic reactions and fungal diseases - common causes of the appearance of itching in the footsteps.

    For diseases of the nervous system, pancreas, diabetes, diabetes, discharge eczema and dyshydrosis itching in the legs is one of the symptoms. For a complete picture of the disease and determining the right treatment, doctors are needed and analyzing results.

    If the child complains that heels will be cushed at night, it is impossible to postpone the campaign to the therapist. Immunity in children is weak, such a body reaction may indicate a serious disease. The reasons of itching the heels can be an enterovirus infection, allergic, fungus, dyshydrosis.

    Causeing factors

    The painful, butterior or strong, permanent or appearing night heel items right, the left leg or both is simultaneously manifested due to the following factors:

    1. Incorrect shoes, high heels. The legs do not "breathe", quickly get tired, an unpleasant smell appears, the skin is rubbed, the blood circulation slows down. As a result: redness, pain in the heels or on the side, the feet are peeling, crack and begin to hide.
    2. Sub-quality shoes to increase the density of material is treated with chemicals. Consequently, the skin stop absorbs used in the production of poisonous connections for the body. This may cause discomfort.
    3. Synthetic socks, tights become the reason for excessive sweating. In this medium, the fungus develops quickly and can hit the heels, nail plates. Together with the zone, it comes itching, then pain, burning.
    4. Avitaminosis. Excessively dry skin is a lack of vitamins. If you do not start the treatment, there is a chance that scabies will turn into psoriasis.
    5. Fungal infections - diseases of the skin, which are more likely to cause itch. Pharmacy creams will help at the initial stage. If the skin condition does not improve, the legs smell badly, the scabies do not pass, the appeal to the dermatologist is necessarily. When identifying fungal infections, all family members can undergo treatment. Disease is contagious. In the future, preventive measures are needed: disinfection of the bathroom, bedding, towels, dishes, shoes, clothes.
    6. Allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness of heels can occur on food, a number of medicines, creams, ointments for legs, on the material from which shoes or clothing are made.
    7. The frustration of the vegetative nervous system is irritability, nervousness, cardiovascular, hyperventilation syndromes, high sweating, impaired thermoregulation - can also cause the strongest itching stuff. It is almost impossible to cure the disease yourself. Only a neurologist, determining the cause, can help.
    8. People patients with diabetes mellitus are faced with the problem of itching the skin of the whole body, in particular, heels.

    How to eliminate itching

    To answer the question why itch or bake heels, you need to know the reason. There are different ways to get rid. Each effective when drugs treat the disease that caused itching.

    Lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, D, R, RR can be filled, variety of foods such products: fish oil, liver, walnuts, broccoli, seeds, spinach, rosehip, sea buckthorn, currant, liver cod, sour cabbage, almond , prunes, sesame, dates, Brussels cabbage, dates.

    If the cause of scabies became fungus, it is possible to get rid of it with the help of an antifungal drug. The pharmacy offers varnishes, creams and ointments. For the initial stage of the disease at home, it will be enough to use varnish: the batรขnfin, Losteril varnish, demicten varnish. If the improvements are not observed, substances with a strong action are required to help. The land of the skin, the fatter must be a tool. Before applying the medication, the heel should be unpiring and remove the heated layer of pumice. Apply a layer of varnish on a dry foot. Procedures carry out at least 7 days.

    Antifungal antibiotics, azols, allylamines - medicines that should appoint a doctor. Independent use of medicines can cause unwanted complications and side effects. Instructions of potent drugs are filled with contraindications.

    Allergies are successfully treated with antihistamine drugs. When scabies appear, you need to define an allergen. It may be poor-quality material of the inside of shoes, socks, non-baking products or food with an ingredient provoked such a body reaction.

    Failures in the work of the nervous system, which lead to itching, is treated with drugs and with the use of funds prescribed by the doctor. To improve the state, you need to change the lifestyle, work with a psychologist who can assign a physiotherapy course. Pharmacological agents that improve the health of the patient - vitamin and phytocomplexes, medications for the cardiovascular system, antidepressants, sedatives.

    Sugar diabetes - a disease peculiar to all age groups. It is possible to determine the blood glucose level in the hospital. Diagnosis, treatment of the disease itself, the symptom - the skin of the skin, is carried out only by the doctor.

    If the heels and local drugs do not help, delay the campaign to the doctor means aggravate the disease of the internal organs, cause complications. It is much more difficult to treat them.

    Possible complications and prevention

    Itching in the legs for a long time to make it impossible, even with great laziness will have to look for causes and start treatment. Pharmacy can help, block scabies for a while. After a short term, discomfort will return. This picture of the disease is characteristic of fungal infection, when the disease is not fully cured and prophylactic measures are taken.

    Deals return when:

    • no check of shoes. Wear preferably comfortable high-quality shoes. You can use special insoles made of natural material. They are hypoallergenic, adjusting the fit of the foot, with a special antibacterial impregnation;
    • synthetic socks and tights were not replaced by clothing from breathable natural fabrics;
    • no skin care of heels. After receiving the soul, it is desirable to remove the skinned skin with pembia. For the night to handle the feet with a nutrient cream. 1-2 times a week the baths are welcome. With itching, the people's recipe for evaporation and treatment of legs are practiced: in 2 liters of hot water add 2 spoons of soda, household soap;
    • not resolved the issue with full nutrition. In the diet must be present a maximum of fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. If there is a lack of useful substances in the body, the skin becomes vulnerable, especially on the heels. It is cut, cracks, typify, infections appear, the skin begins to hide much.

    Prevention after treatment avoids the return of the disease, possible complications.

    The heel is cleaned - our ancestors believed that shortness would have to go to the far path. But it is rather a general interpretation, and why the left heel is itching? The question is interesting and about him will be discussed.

    What itchies the left heel or feet

    What itchies the heel and it is the left leg - it does not positive, because it was believed that this side belonged to the demon. The heel or feet of the left leg began to hide - will take it as a journey associated with the death of a friend or relatives, a disease. Often, the left heel is scratched and to the following events:

    • the desire to hide from problems and difficulties;
    • an unexpected trip, fees will be messy.

    Itchies the left heel of the girl - the signs do not bear positive news, a love triangle may arise, or a couple will discern. The right heel of the girl is sympathetic - to the unexpected and new in her life acquaintances. Both heels will be scratched - to an unexpected, but joyful meeting with an old friend or fan.

    Important! If the left heel is drawn in men - it is to negative changes in the family, right up to divorce, quarrel and division of property with scandals. If the right heel is drawn in a man - they will interpreted as success and recognition on a love field. If you get together both feet - a pointer to a kind of intrigue on the side

    Explanation of signs of weeks of week and time of day

    The heel on the left leg is itching - the sign is interpreted with the day of the week. At the very beginning of the interpretation, signs are important to consider, at what time of day such trouble happened.

    If it happened in the morning hours, when it bothers itching on the left stop - a man and a woman will fuss in their affairs. Causes will be both important, meaningful and small and fussy, a lot of strength, time will be wasted. All on this day will be in vain. But in contrast, these are interpretations, if the heel is drawn on the right foot - it promises victory, success in all endeavors.

    Why itchs the heel on his left foot in the evening - wait for the hard conversations and clarifying relationships, difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to alert on such an unpleasant and difficult period. Do not hurry, carefully thinking every word, step and solution. The heel was combed on the right foot - the sign is interpreted with a positive promise.

    The legs are cushed in the winter, the cold months - it means that soon waiting for frost and weather worsening. And no matter whether it will stop the right or left foot - the interpretation is identical for both. If itching worries in the summer months - this is a direct pointer to the heat and drought approach. The main thing in this case should be noted - if it is called the right, then it's just to drought, but if the left is such a bad weather will bring catastrophic crop.

    What itchies the left heel from the days of the week

    What can mean if the left heel is drawn - the sign itself is interpreted and taking into account not only the time of day, but also be sure to take into account the day of the week. This will make it possible to interpret the promise more correctly and in detail. And take measures to prevent troubles.

    • on Monday, such a message acts as a warning - you will have to go on a journey, a long road, but the reason will be sad, serious illness or death of Razi;
    • tuesday I warns such a promise - get ready for a funny celebration, festive, it will help to relax and distract from trouble, forget about the problems. If the tooth began to intensively disturb closer in the evening or night - the sign promises a meeting with a cute man of the opposite sex. The novel is not excluded.
    • there was a trouble on Wednesday - a high probability that the people with whom you caught up will be cruelly distorted. And it will happen unexpectedly - prepare for such trouble.
    • zudit Stop, the heel is on Thursday - dedicate all your strength, general cleaning time. This will allow to prepare properly to the arrival of unexpected guests, colleagues at work or distant, not always the first kinship of relatives. The main thing is not to be impaired, in the future you will be paid to you not in the best perspective.
    • the end of the foot of the left foot, which supproved on Friday is a pointer to the high probability of parting, loss of a loved one, legitimate spouse. Therefore, it is so important to be extremely attentive, careful in everything, starting from words, ending with actions and solutions.
    • saturday day this will warn about the danger - it is worth listening to him, do not attend public places where people are present. The sign of promsing quarrels, scandals, swearing in a flat place, without visible reasons. This is especially true for employees and colleagues in the workplace.
    • if the sign worries on Sunday is a forerunner of future work days, a week that will be saturated with considerable, with a negative color events. Therefore, it is so important to calculate each step, the word, decision - such actions will be fenced from future troubles.

    Summing up the interpretation of the message by day of the week - the title heel on his left leg has a two-way sign, it can be good, can carry a negative sign. In order to avoid negative consequences, preventing the onset of unpleasant moments - it is important to know and be able to neutralize the negative promise.

    Important! The main thing is to remember that much depends on the person - faith and actions, but with proper preparation and formulation of the issue of trouble can be eliminated. To split your own happiness is easy, breaking the links and relationships - it's even easier, to return everything back, the shards will be much more difficult to glue, often even unreal.

    How to avoid negative consequences

    If you summarize some results, then the message itself about the title heel on the left foot for the most part has a negative interpretation. This leads to a logical question - how to eliminate and negative a negative sign, prevent the onset of negative consequences for yourself?

    It will be better to interpret immediately and with negative sign - take action. Especially, if on the eve of a certain serious event or meeting, conversation or signing a contract. To neutralize negative signs - spend a ritual for attracting light forces, good luck in your asset. First of all, scold intense left heels and say out loud words:

    "True your heel, I wipe the washcloth - I give a charging magic, I attract good luck, evil driving away from myself"

    And most importantly - in this ritual you need to make 27 movements up / down in the foot and say the words as many times. But do it without aggression and malice, imagine how you get true pleasure.

    You can also get up on the floor, it is desirable to land with bare feet and scroll around your axis, be sure to talk clockwise and at the same time say the following:

    "I turn around yourself and turn around on the left spat, let my whole day go and sweet and sweet.

    This will make it possible to neutralize the negative meaning. Plus, the ritual acts as a kind of energy magnet for good luck, attracting assistance over.

    Legs suffer most of all during the working day. Therefore, many people do not attach importance to different painful sensations in them. Where easier belongs to the hopping feet. However, qualified dermatologists advise to alert the appearance of such symptoms.

    Why are the heels of legs? Cam does not know what increases the risk of developing the disease. It is always necessary to make a diagnosis to make the right solution: to be treated or everything will be held.

    The main associated symptoms become: coarse skin, dead layers of epidermis, cracks, ulcers, non-healing wounds. In such a state, it is stupid to wonder why the heels of the legs are scratched and what to do. You need to make a diagnosis of analyzes as soon as possible.

    Important! Own speculation may be distant from truth, which will lead to not the right treatment and deterioration of the disease. Only the dermatologist is entitled to assign medicines for recovery.

    First sources causing heels

    Since the legs are constantly in motion, establish a true problem is extremely difficult. Symptoms of the disease can be easily confused with overwork, seasonal weather changes, a dry climate, uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble the reasons thoroughly based on therapeutic practice in such matters.

    How is the heel under the symptoms of skin irritation?

    It is important to immediately resolve the problem with the nervous system. With suspected lack of sleep, excessive stress, irritability It is worth thinking about the course of treatment in this direction. Stable psyche contributes to the elimination of such aids as scabies. Psycho-emotional state affects the work of all organs in the body, and the nerve endings here act as an intermediary. When they are failed to expect more global issues in the psyche.

    If the psychologist does not find deviations, you need to start a healthy lifestyle.

    To increase skin elasticity, you can resort to multivitamin complexes specially balanced for such cases. It will save from erroneous purchases in the store, because not all fruits are equally useful. Unfortunately, this process is very long, and the first results may appear a few weeks later.

    A little soften itching will help shift shoes on a model with an orthopedic bedding. Distributing the load on the entire surface of the foot, it will be possible to avoid breaks on the skin. Especially relevant in the presence of visible cracks. It is contraindicated to wear slaps, sneakers and other shoes with a pronounced flat sole.

    Here is what else I advise Dermatologists:

    Prevention for the skin on the legs

    Hygiene becomes an indispensable step towards deliverance from. Swinging the legs at the end of the day, the skin gets the opportunity to free up all the dirt from his pores, thereby not allowing it to make it in the foot. After, the moisturizing lotion will consolidate the result.

    Pot - a bad environment for your feet. It is advisable to wear shoes with a ventilated surface. From time to time, free the foots from the shoes for their ventilation. It will be even better to moisten them with water to give the skin freshness and getting rid of sweat tracks.

    Footwear occupies an important place in the fight against the symptoms of Chesia. You can never use things from other people. They may remain different microorganisms that are the pathogens of fungus. In extreme cases, always wear a tight sock.

    The last paragraph in prophylaxis becomes antifungal spray. They are now gaining popularity around the world. One spray is enough to prevent the reproduction of microorganisms in the shoes. It is necessary to apply before going out and after. Such a spray can be bought at the pharmacy.

    Conclusion about the causes of irritation on the foot

    Why are the heels of legs? The answer is ambiguous. On the one hand, the person who did not follow personal hygiene is to blame and wore not comfortable shoes. On the other hand, the fungus is able to hit absolutely any if favorable conditions for this.

    Attention! Only the dermatologist is able to distinguish physical damage to the foot from the fungus developing in it. Hence the treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

    To solve the problem, you need to change shoes on a more comfortable model. To air the feet from sweat, which may not appear at all if you buy shoes with breathable soles. Inject the antifungal remedy inside the shoes before and after its use.

    There are many skin diseases, the manifestation of which is a sense of skin irritation, accompanied by an unpleasant burning and tingling of any section of the epidermis. It is noticed by the symptom mainly on human limbs, favorite localization - heels: they are most often subjected to itch. Sources of occurrence of an unpleasant feeling can be different.

    Determine why the heel is hidden, it is difficult. It may appear due to a reduction in human immunity, which is due to constant inappropriate, strong overwork, improper nutrition and the absence of a sufficient number of vitamins and water in the body.

    Avitaminosis is a frequent cause of the bottom of the legs.

    Special attention should be paid to shoes: it can also provoke the appearance of irritation. It is necessary to select this item of the wardrobe strictly in size so that it does not overload the feet and prevented natural blood circulation in the leg. Qualitatively made shoes prevents the overheating of the foot and penetration of harmful substances into it.

    Itching and burning heels is caused by a dermatological disease having fungal nature. The fungus negatively affects human health, so you should consult a doctor when the first disturbing symptoms appear and start treatment in time so as not to exacerbate the situation and do not extend the disease to the large area.

    See also: How to reduce the length of the legs above the knee?

    Anatomical features of a person - flatfoot, closure, inconsistency of the growth of the size of the leg, weighing - can contribute to the appearance of itching.

    After the use of a person or a drug that causes allergies, the response is observed on the heels. Irritation and burning skin as a consequence of an allergic reaction or diabetes - a frequent phenomenon.

    Itching for fungal diseases

    Often, it is a fungus that arose against the background of the weakening of immunity is the cause of grasania, since the body cannot cope with the infection. Itching itching in heels, rough, thick and damaged skin skin in some places can torment their owner for a long time.

    In the case when the heels of the legs are squealing due to the fungal disease, doctors advise:

    1. apply ointments and creams, the action of which is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microorganisms and improving the overall condition of the skin;
    2. comply with personal hygiene rules to facilitate the course of the disease and prevent his recurrence.

    Lack of vitamins

    Avitaminosis arises due to:

    • seasons change;
    • excessive load on the body (both physical and psychological);
    • unbalanced nutrition.

    To eliminate the reason for the reasons for the title feeling, it is necessary to distribute the existing things and alternate their execution with rest, correctly compose a diet and in parallel to take complexes of various vitamins and minerals. Be sure to eat only fresh products. Do not forget about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

    See also: What is the deposition of salts in the heel?

    Drinking vitamins is necessary not only when heels are very scratching, and in advance: if soon the seasons will be changed or you need to download yourself.

    A person without medical education is difficult to understand what kind of macro or trace element is not enough in the body, therefore, for accurate detection, contact a specialist.

    In addition to itching on heels, avitaminosis has a negative impact on human skin, condition of hair and nails, its appearance.

    Uncomfortable shoes

    Low quality shoes serves as a reason for the appearance of itching on the heels. There is a huge amount of shoes and shoes from the material, adversely affecting the skin. Natural fabrics and raw materials are usually quite expensive, so they do not always fall into hand to manufacturers and buyers.

    Shoes not suitable by parameters will also cause the occurrence of itch due to insufficient blood supply or abundant moisture accumulation. In this case, it is worth stopping the inconvenient object of the wardrobe, to handle the right and left foot with antiseptic means and to do warm baths.

    See also: Diagnostics and treatment of leg edema during sedentary work

    Itching with neurological problems

    Itching heels may arise due to excessive psychological and emotional load. Overwork and stress, anxiety, fears, fears, mood swings - manifestations of instability and depletion of the human nervous system. If, when visiting a neurologist, the cause of the itch turned out to be in it, then the treatment should be directed to the restoration of the central nervous system.

    Neurological symptoms do not exclude the presence of fungus or avitaminosis.

    An unpleasant item, in which the left (or right) heel, itchs and hurts, may appear as a result of the accumulative effect: problems and experiences are not solved immediately, but they will dump, there is no time for rest and switching.

    To get rid of themselves from itching and possible nervous breaks, it is necessary to make soothing herbal infusions, arrange an unplanned rest. Having understood in its emotional state, the patient will get rid of itching sensations, if other reasons why the heels of legs are scratched, was not observed.

    Why is the head of the heel at night?

    The time of day is not an important factor in the occurrence of itching feelings. However, doctors have an explanation, why the heels of legs are scratched at night: people are at rest, so any irritation is felt much stronger than the day. During work and cases, no special attention is paid to inconvenience than sleep in a relaxed position.

    The appearance of a strong itching on the heels in the day and at night is deprived of a relaxing rest, does not allow to focus on the fulfillment of important cases. Weak repeating discomfort over time is also annoying.

    If the heels on the legs are kept constantly or periodically, it is necessary to find out what it happens, and what to do to get rid of unpleasant sensations. This article will give an opportunity to learn about possible provocateurs factors, as well as discomfort methods.

    The main reasons for the heels

    With allergies

    For scabes

    With fungal infection

    • Flucostat;
    • Neungal.

    Because of what the heels are scratched

    About itching heels at night

    • wear comfortable shoes

    In order to understand what the cause of the itch is, it is necessary to carefully examine the skin of the stop. Very often, this condition can provoke an insect bite. It remains a little redness and swelling at the bite. For several days pass, however, if there is an allergy to insect bites, you need to contact a specialist.

    Also, the cause of the itch may be a change of season. Immunity is weakening and this is reflected in the irritation in the heel. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary immunity to increase.

    Incorrectly selected for shoes can be an important factor. By purchasing not very high quality goods impregnated with harmful substances and causing the strongest itching in, you need to be careful. If possible, it is recommended to choose insoles from proven, natural materials. Remove unpleasant symptoms will help a boric acid footage (10 grams of 2 liters of water). It is necessary to conduct a procedure for several days to full cure.

    If itching does not pass for a long time, it is necessary to analyze blood, because it can be increased sugar levels.

    When itching is caused by fungal diseases of the feet, it is very important not to let the disease on samonek. Skin lesions can go to fungal disease nail, which is very dangerous to health. Fungi produces toxins that have a poisoning effect on. In this case, experts recommend using special creams: "Exoteril", "Candid" or "Lamizil". These drugs can be used to prevent diseases as prevention.

    Avitaminosis is also the cause of itching. With a shortage of vitamins, the legs of the feet suffers throughout the year. Prevent flaws and can be regularly taking a complex of vitamins.

    Source: Heame.ru.

    The main reasons for the heels

    It is not always possible to determine the factors that caused a similar symptom. It may be a weak scratch, for the healing of which the body sent a greater number of histamine. In this case, itching in the heel quickly and without a trace passes, if it does not injure the skin with combing and follow the cleanliness of the legs.

    There are more serious reasons for the elimination of which a complete examination may need, consulting doctors of various specializations.

    • Allergy. The reaction to external or internal stimuli in most cases is expressed by redness, the appearance of small watery. We can provoke allergies can the residue of the washing powder or air conditioner on the socks, pantyhose, knitwear or wool of low quality, shoes, cosmetics. Especially sharply reacts the skin of the child. There are also cases when heels are cushed due to improper nutrition, medication reception.
    • Fungus. Factors of damage to such an infectious disease: insufficient hygiene, weather change, climate, increased sweating, poor-quality shoe material, decrease in immunity, long-term reception of antibiotics. Spore fungus hit the feet, causing only itching at the initial stage. Without proper treatment, microorganisms penetrate deep layers of skin, combing wounds open the way to attach another infection.
    • Fatigue feet. Long-flowing in the standing position, carrying shoes in high heels, not suitable in size and simply inconvenient causes tingling. Then, during the rest, a person feels extra discomfort: heels are very scratching, the skin "burns".
    • Supercooling. When I was on the street or in an unheated room, my legs are not immediately. A bright manifestation of a symptom man feels in heating. Then heels can hide all night and even a few days in a row.
    • Patology of the pancreas. The impaired carbohydrate and protein balance provokes a feeling of discomfort on the skin. The pancreas does not fully fulfill its functions, as a result, the toxins irritate the cells of the epidermis from the inside.

    Why the heels of legs are scratching at night

    The intensity of itching sometimes depends on the time of day. Sleep impairment makes man irritable, he quickly gets tired at work, avoids an active holiday. Do not endure discomfort. It is necessary to find out why it is stronger, and start treatment.

    Doctors highlight the main causes of itch during sleep:

    • Nervous disorders. Restless condition, tension, make themselves known when a person is not busy. He is trying to fall asleep, at the same time cannot but think about exciting problems. Involuntarily begins to scratch the skin, and the localization of the itch can be anywhere: foot, hands, back, etc.
    • Dermatological pathologies. Skin lesions in the field of stop make themselves to know around the clock. But with an active rhythm it seems that the heels are getting smoky and itching less than during the rest.
    • Diseases of internal organs. Discomfort, the intensity of which differs in time of the day, can be associated with changing the circulatory mode. An important role in this is the position of the body. When diagnosing doctors do not bind night and daytime itching with a certain problem. Just during the rest, the symptom is pronounced more brightly.

    What medications treat itching heels

    Depending on the factors provoking discomfort, therapy methods and prescribed medications will be different. In any case, it is necessary to eliminate it, because the nervous state suffers, and the microcracks formed as a result of strong combing, discover access to the attachment of another infection. If itching in heels appeared from diseases of internal organs, infection, it is necessary to solve the main reason.

    With allergies

    Be sure to exclude contact with the stimulus. Dr. Panthenol, Bepanten apply to the inflamed skin.

    For scabes

    Chesoccal tick dies from sulfur ointment, sprigal spray.

    With fungal infection

    Part of therapy for diseases or an independent solution of the problem are drugs for outdoor treatment.

    • Lamizil. The cream is effectively fighting with fungus. It is enough to apply 1 time a day before bedtime. Due to the possible side effects, the drug is not prescribed to children under the age of 12, pregnant women, patients suffering from renal and liver failure.
    • Loworded. Ketoconazole-based cream eliminates itching, redness, peeling, fights with disputes of any nature.
    • Microspore. Cream is prescribed with fungal defeat. The drug copes perfectly with symptoms, eliminating discomfort.
    • Exoderil. Ointment effectively against mycoses of any nature.

    With a serious defeat, the doctor may assign a reception of tablets or capsules:

    • Flucostat;
    • Neungal.

    During the treatment, the legs should always be clean, the means for outdoor treatment can be applied only after water procedures.

    In many cases, it helps to prevent the heels of the heels to prevent compliance with uncomplicated conditions. It is enough to monitor hygiene. If it is impossible to take a shower, it is necessary to wipe the foot, the area between the fingers is wet napkins. Of great importance is the quality and convenience of shoes, good protection against sweating and hypothermia, compliance with precautions in public places: bath, pool, resort area.

    If nevertheless there appeared the problem, do not try to solve it by their own pharmaceutical means without appointment. Side effects and improper use can cause even more harm. Let the doctor prescribe the right course and trace the result.

    • fungal diseases;
    • avitaminosis;
    • poor-quality shoes;

    Itching with avitaminosis

    How to determine why heels are scratched

    Tomitative and unbearable sensations with itching in heels from time to time have to feel many. Why do the heels be baked? The reasons for such a manifestation are a lot and the heel itch is a completely unsafe state.

    Causes of itching

    To understand why heels are scratched, and get rid of such unpleasant sensations, first of all it is necessary to identify the reason for this manifestation.

    It can be an elementary load load, improper nutrition, all sorts of fungal diseases, a predisposition to allergies, insect bites, the presence of minor microcracks and abstracts, skin pathologies, as well as the disorder of the nervous system.

    We analyze a number of reasons in more detail:

    One of the reasons may be a change of annual season. A person is subjected to a decrease in immunity, and # 171; catch # 187; The fungus is not the slightest work. In this case, the help of a specialist who will establish the correct diagnosis and will determine the course of treatment to increase immunity.

    The insoles play a big role: they should be from natural raw materials.

    Overweight, high growth, non-compliance of the size of the foot with weight and growth of man, congenital distortion: flatfoot, when the stop is not relying on two points, and # 171; closure # 187; Or the deformation of the foot with its incorrect formulation, also encourage the reasons for generating heels to be increasing.

    With a deficiency of vitamins and dehydration, the skin stops all year round. Taking constantly vitamins and using fruits and vegetables, rich in these vitamins, you can avoid flaws and cracking of stop and heels.

    Also, a sugar diabetes belongs to the frequent reason for itching. Therefore, it is certainly necessary to pass the blood test for sugar.

    The effect of the nervous system at itch in the heels

    The perception and feeling of deep and inner itching the heel of the feet begins to form after the accumulation of long loads obtained throughout the day. Most often, the reasons for itching in the field of heels are most common: violation of the functions of the sweat glands, thickening and flaxing of all layers of the foot skin, dry corn.

    The feeling and perception of itch can have more incomparable, disturbing and complex sensations that need a systematic study. First of all, it is a replacement of carbohydrates that correct the pancreas.

    The motif of deep healing itch is diabetes.

    In the absence of obvious prominent causes of itching, inspection and examination at the endocrinologist inevitably.

    Why itchs the heel at night

    The feeling of itching in the field of heels during the night recreation, medicine combines with the following indicators:

    Prevention of illness

    It is also no need to understand the merit of preventive measures. Sometimes it is sufficient enough to get around bitter and annoying complications. Need:

    In any case, if the heels are kept constantly, and there are no obvious and noticeable reasons, it is not necessary to deal with self-medication, you should get advice from the doctor and pass a medical examination to make it a diagnosis and appoint the necessary treatment.

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    What to do if itching and getting heels

    • fungal diseases;
    • avitaminosis;
    • poor-quality shoes;
    • the presence of neurological problems.

    Itching for fungal diseases

    With fungus, itching in heels, which worries both at night and during the daytime. In addition, skin roughness can be observed, its local thickening. If it does not start treatment on time, small uluses and wounds are formed on the affected areas. They can be very painful.

    Itching with avitaminosis

    Unfortunately, to independently determine which component is not enough in the diet is quite difficult. Only an experienced doctor will be able to identify the true cause of Avitaminosis. With a shortage of nutrients in the body, in addition to the healing itch, the formation of deep cracks on the skin is also observed, its uncharacteristic flax, hair loss and nail fragility.

    Itching when wearing poor-quality shoes

    Often, in this case, treatment is not required. It will be enough to treat the skin of the foot by an antiseptic, make a bath from warm boiled water and, for example, change the insoles. To avoid the emergence of such a situation, you should carefully buy shoes with caution. When choosing it is worth paying attention to such nuances:

    • first of all, the shoes must be comfortable and match the size of the legs. Itching may arise due to the impaired blood circulation in the limbs;
    • materials from which shoes are made should be natural. In extreme cases, you should choose at least a leather insole;
    • from the shoes should not come chemical, unnatural smell.

    Itching in the presence of neurological problems

    The instability of the nervous system cause stress, overwork, long alarm, fears. In the case when only one foot is drawn and, along with this, dermatitis appeared on the body, it will be necessary to consult a doctor. If the neurologist confirmed that itching is provoked by the failure in the nervous system, then treatment, in this case, will be aimed at normalizing its work. Soothing preparations on herbs, such as Valerian, mother-in-law, hawthorn.

    Itching heels is a very unpleasant feeling that brings many inconveniences. If itching for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to assign adequate treatment and tell what to do to facilitate the state.

    • Treatment and prevention of nail fungus drugs
    • How to determine, recognize and cure the fungus on the legs
    • What to do if rough heels interfere with living

    I have only one left heel recently itching. And the strong itch begins at night. I did not notice any external changes, no thickening, acne or cracks. In the morning I get up everything is fine, and it's terrible at night! I still suffer, but I read the article wondered, and it can really go to the doctor! Suddenly it is on nervous soil or better to drink herbs, Valerians, for example?

    All the same, I do not know what to think. Maybe postpartum something # 8230; But already as a week it began exactly left and just at night (((



    1. Do not wear other people's things and shoes.

    In people of our modern day and those who lived much earlier we constantly arose different problems associated with health. Moreover, it could be both that require prolonged treatment, and no noticeable infections that arise due to certain vital factors.

    One of these inconspicuous, but very strange and exciting problems is itching in the heels. Agree, when the heels are cushed, a person is experiencing a certain discomfort, which in the future becomes simply unbearable.

    Of course, such a problem is not very serious and solve it is fashionable without interfering with narrow specialists, however, if questions still arise, it is better to turn to a dermatologist, which will reveal in detail the cause of the disease and will recommend the necessary medicines.

    So, let's try to find out why the heels are scratched and how to deal with such interesting ailments.

    1. First of all, it may be an ordinary fungus, which, as a rule, arises on the heels due to the change of seasons, for example, when moving out of autumn in winter or from spring in summer. At such moments, human immunity decreases sharply, and this can cause certain irritation in the field of heels. If this is a fungus, the doctor will definitely write special healing ointments that have rapid treatment, and if everything is in a more running form, then the doctor will appoint antibiotics that will help finally get rid of this disease.
    2. Heels can also hide due to the fact that in your shoes are incorrectly selected. Sometimes it turns out, to acquire not too high-quality goods, which is impregnated with harmful substances. A t. To. The legs are in contact with these harmful substances much more than all other parts of the body, it occurs this itching throughout the leg and in the field of heels including. To solve this problem, try to select and shoes and insoles only from natural, proven materials.
    3. Very often, dermatologists recommend that their patients donate blood on sugar, because itching in heels can serve as an increase in its level in.
    4. One of the most strange, but explicit explanations of the problem, why the heels are scratched, is an unbalanced nervous system. Often, people are about many things, constantly thinking about something, are experiencing certain fears, there are certain failures and restructuring in the body, is in a shaky, suspended state and as a reaction to what is happening it produces itching in heels. To avoid this problem at such a level, it is necessary, first of all, to understand your fears, whenever possible to avoid them, as well as do meditation and relaxation. You will be surprised how your condition will come to normal.

    Do not be afraid to contact a specialist in the questions exciting you. The doctor will help to deal with the problems that have arisen and will quickly appoint the necessary treatment.

    When a person feels itching in the field of heels, it undoubtedly brings him discomfort. This problem occurs quite often, but not everyone pays special attention to it. Why do the heels be baked? How to eliminate this unbearable feeling? What to do in such cases?

    Because of what the heels are scratched

    As a rule, the main reasons for the occurrence of heels is: this is:

    • Bite insects. This condition is characterized by the formation of redness and swelling. If there is no allergic reaction on this insect, then itching will soon pass. If it is, a person needs to contact a specialist to prevent possible complications.
    • The appearance of fungus. It very often occurs during the period of changing the annual season due to the reduction of immunity or not to hold the rules of personal hygiene. Because of his appearance, the heels begin to be hung, peel and crack.
    • Wrong shoes. Heels can be made and peel due to poor-quality and incorrectly selected shoes. If it is too big, the heel part of the foot is overnight and holds it. Narrow shoes, in turn, provokes a circulatory disorder. To give it hardness, producers of cheap products for its impregnation use harmful substances. The use of poor-quality glue can also cause why heels are cracking.
    • Poor-quality insoles. Insoles with low quality consist of harmful additives provoking the increase in the feet of foot and heels. It is they who penetrate the skin of the legs, as a result of which heels begin to hide. It follows from this that during the selection of the steleke, it is necessary to look at the raw materials from which they are made. It should be natural.
    • Excess weight, too high growth, non-compliance of the size of the foot with growth and weight, congenital distortion (flatfoot or tilence) also sometimes provoke the items, namely heels and stop.
    • Lack of vitamins. If the heels are cushed, it can be a reason to revise your diet. To avoid their further cracking, it is necessary to use vegetables and fruits, which includes many vitamins.
    • Increased sugar levels. Itching feet arises for this reason. To do this, the patient should pass the blood test in the laboratory.
    • Problems with nervous system. Because of stress and experiences in the human body, malfunction and reconfiguration of the body occur. In this case, the nervous system becomes a shaky, as a result of which heels begin to hide. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to clearly understand your fears and unrest.

    About itching heels at night

    Very often, the heels will be scratched at night. This discomfort arises due to the fact that it is during this period of day the human body is in a passive vacation. Why are heels at night? The reason for this state can be explained by the following factors:

    1. nervous disorders, bad mood and fear throughout the day
    2. change of blood circulation regime due to stimulation of violations of internal human organs
    3. the presence of dermatological diseases.

    What preventive measures are worth

    To prevent the appearance of itching, cracking and peeling, it is necessary to perform the following:

    • comply with individual hygiene
    • wear comfortable shoes
    • buy insoles from natural materials,
    • with increasing sweating, apply special means
    • disinfection of skin damage to substances that kill microorganisms,
    • monitor dryness and purity between your fingers.

    Interesting is the fact that conducting preventive measures is necessary even when one of the family members complains of itching. To do this, disinfection should be carried out.

    It not only prevents infection, but also helps the patient re-avoid it. Disinfection provides for the processing of the bathroom, floor and walls. In addition, slippers, patient's socks should be stored separately from other things.

    How to get rid of scabies heels

    Why do the heel itch and what measures do you need to fight this unpleasant feeling? This question is interested in people who have a given problem. If the heels are not stopped, it is necessary to perform the following:

    • If the heels of legs are strongly scratched, antihistamines should be applied. They helps to eliminate itching. These drugs include Erius, Tavagil, Supratin, Loratadine, etc. Some of them contribute to the slowdown in the nervous system, so during their application you need to refuse the driving of the car.
    • Such an unpleasant feeling appears due to the presence of fungus. For this, it is necessary to purchase special antifungal drugs. Now such funds are produced in the form of varnishes and creams. Lucky have a weak action, so the creams should be used. In addition, solutions are considered very effective. They are able to deeply penetrate the legs, so they quickly help get rid of the fungal disease.
    • If the main cause of the heels of legs is increased nervousness, it is necessary to take sedatives. These include new-grade, latter tincture, Valerian. Mint and Melissa tea is also effective as a soothing agent.
    • The heel itching due to the appearance of allergic reactions is treated with anti-canceric drugs. In this case, a person needs to know which allergen provokes such a state.
    • You can get rid of scabies with the help of a solution from the economic soap and soda. The water temperatures should vary from 38 to 40 degrees. The time of this procedure occupies an average half hour.

    Source: www.abcderma.ru.

    Nervous system and itching in heels

    The unbalanced nervous system is the strangest, but, nevertheless, explicitly explanation of the itch in the heel region. Experience and fears affect the body in this way. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to deal with their emotions and, if possible, eliminate the cause of experiences. It is very useful to conduct a relaxation session, in the course of which the body comes to normal, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    In any of the listed cases, it is necessary to exclude spontaneous reception of drugs and contact a specialist so that it properly diagnosed the disease and prescribed a true treatment.

    The nature of the skin is different, so take measures to eliminate the unpleasant symptom should only be done after determining its causes. Skin itching can manifest itself slightly or cause damage to the skin, the occurrence of breaks and inflammation.

    First of all, determine all the concomitant skin of the legs - it is possible that in the complex they will make a complete picture of the disease. The first thing to check is the possibility of contact with the allergen. Remember that you were ate lately, it can be new or low-quality products, a large amount of some kind of food, etc. Cell legs and tights, socks or tissue trousers.

    If the nature of it is allergic, you will help special ointments and intakes inside drugs. Antihistamines are valid quickly, and after a few days you will see the result. The composition of creams and ointments should be found out from who confirms the diagnosis and will solve treatment. And, of course, you need to immediately exclude contact with the allergen.

    Sometimes legs in the winter when the body lacks vitamins - eliminate the cause of the avitaminosis and everything will be settled. Take multivitamin complexes and moisturize the skin with suitable nutritional compositions.

    Feet can be made from the fact that the skin has become overly dry - it happens when you shave the legs too often or use the disinfecting compositions as a foam, soap. Try changing the way to get rid of

    When a person feels itching in the field of heels, it undoubtedly brings him discomfort. This problem occurs quite often, but not everyone pays special attention to it. Why do the heels be baked? How to eliminate this unbearable feeling? What to do in such cases?

    Because of what the heels are scratched

    As a rule, the main reasons for the occurrence of heels is: this is:

    • Bite insects. This condition is characterized by the formation of redness and swelling. If there is no allergic reaction on this insect, then itching will soon pass. If it is, a person needs to contact a specialist to prevent possible complications.
    • The appearance of fungus. It very often occurs during the period of changing the annual season due to the reduction of immunity or not to hold the rules of personal hygiene. Because of his appearance, the heels begin to be hung, peel and crack.
    • Wrong shoes. Heels can be made and peel due to poor-quality and incorrectly selected shoes. If it is too big, the heel part of the foot is overnight and holds it. Narrow shoes, in turn, provokes a circulatory disorder. To give it hardness, producers of cheap products for its impregnation use harmful substances. The use of poor-quality glue can also cause why heels are cracking.
    • Poor-quality insoles. Insoles with low quality consist of harmful additives provoking the increase in the feet of foot and heels. It is they who penetrate the skin of the legs, as a result of which heels begin to hide. It follows from this that during the selection of the steleke, it is necessary to look at the raw materials from which they are made. It should be natural.
    • Excess weight, too high growth, non-compliance of the size of the foot with growth and weight, congenital distortion (flatfoot or tilence) also sometimes provoke the items, namely heels and stop.
    • Lack of vitamins. If the heels are cushed, it can be a reason to revise your diet. To avoid their further cracking, it is necessary to use vegetables and fruits, which includes many vitamins.
    • Increased sugar levels. Itching feet arises for this reason. To do this, the patient should pass the blood test in the laboratory.
    • Problems with nervous system. Because of stress and experiences in the human body, malfunction and reconfiguration of the body occur. In this case, the nervous system becomes a shaky, as a result of which heels begin to hide. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to clearly understand your fears and unrest.

    About itching heels at night

    Very often, the heels will be scratched at night. This discomfort arises due to the fact that it is during this period of day the human body is in a passive vacation. Why are heels at night? The reason for this state can be explained by the following factors:

    1. nervous disorders, bad mood and fear throughout the day
    2. change of blood circulation regime due to stimulation of violations of internal human organs
    3. the presence of dermatological diseases.

    What preventive measures are worth

    To prevent the appearance of itching, cracking and peeling, it is necessary to perform the following:

    • comply with individual hygiene
    • wear comfortable shoes
    • buy insoles from natural materials,
    • with increasing sweating, apply special means
    • disinfection of skin damage to substances that kill microorganisms,
    • monitor dryness and purity between your fingers.

    Interesting is the fact that conducting preventive measures is necessary even when one of the family members complains of itching. To do this, disinfection should be carried out.

    It not only prevents infection, but also helps the patient re-avoid it. Disinfection provides for the processing of the bathroom, floor and walls. In addition, slippers, patient's socks should be stored separately from other things.

    How to get rid of scabies heels

    Why do the heel itch and what measures do you need to fight this unpleasant feeling? This question is interested in people who have a given problem. If the heels are not stopped, it is necessary to perform the following:

    • If the heels of legs are strongly scratched, antihistamines should be applied. They helps to eliminate itching. These drugs include Erius, Tavagil, Supratin, Loratadine, etc. Some of them contribute to the slowdown in the nervous system, so during their application you need to refuse the driving of the car.
    • Such an unpleasant feeling appears due to the presence of fungus. For this, it is necessary to purchase special antifungal drugs. Now such funds are produced in the form of varnishes and creams. Lucky have a weak action, so the creams should be used. In addition, solutions are considered very effective. They are able to deeply penetrate the legs, so they quickly help get rid of the fungal disease.
    • If the main cause of the heels of legs is increased nervousness, it is necessary to take sedatives. These include new-grade, latter tincture, Valerian. Mint and Melissa tea is also effective as a soothing agent.
    • The heel itching due to the appearance of allergic reactions is treated with anti-canceric drugs. In this case, a person needs to know which allergen provokes such a state.
    • You can get rid of scabies with the help of a solution from the economic soap and soda. The water temperatures should vary from 38 to 40 degrees. The time of this procedure occupies an average half hour.

    The emergence of rashes on the feet may be accompanied by various symptoms: burning, heels are scratched and itch. This can bring a person a strong discomfort, regardless of whether the defeat on the heels or not. At the first manifestations of the rash or other discomfort on the feet should consult a doctor.

    Chesion of the skin always brings a person in trouble. It seems nothing wrong to scratch your hand or leg no, but what if this desire is permanent, tolerate and resist which there is no strength?

    Chesia can cause:

    • deterioration of the condition of the disease, which was the cause of permanent cleansing of the skin;
    • infection and infection in the body;
    • injury on the skin.

    Strong itching can provoke a constant scratching of the skin, a person may not even notice how scratched his leg to the blood. Then through the earnings that appeared in the blood can get infection. Then you will have to deal with several problems.

    When the heels are squeezed, it may indicate:

    • the appearance of allergies;
    • infectious damage to the skin;
    • problems in the work of internal organs and human systems (for example, diabetes mellitus).

    The rash on the feet usually has a point location with dense vesicles, there may be fluid inside of them. Red stains on the feet can also occur as a manifestation of an allergic or other reaction that occurred in the body, in the form they resemble the plaques. When such reactions appear on the feet, they begin to hide much. There are spots on the feet can have any person no matter how old he is, and what a lifestyle he behaves. If the first signs of rash must appear to the doctor, because it is necessary to find out the exact causes of their appearance.

    In addition to the above symptoms of rash, scales of different types may also form, depending on the cause of the disease and its severity. They may be accompanied by a strong itching and cause foot inflammation.

    The main diseases, against the background of which appear on the feet:

    1. Infective endocarditis. In the event of this disease, a person begins a strong itching, which in the evening is only enhanced, the heels will be bred almost constantly. It is with such a disease that the rash has a form of red spots. These formations can affect human pain, externally, they are very similar to the gloomy.
    2. Allergic dermatitis. With such a disease, the main symptoms become small dots of one-time color, they can also have a dark red shade, the shape of the points are slightly convex. In the case of the neglence of the disease at the points, serous fluid appears. It is this liquid that can serve as a catalyst to the appearance of a strong itching, as well as the peeling of the stop and their burning.
    3. Scabies. With such a disease, the appearance of a rash and a constant desire to scratch skin cover - a standard situation. Red spots appear, bubbles with liquid and ulcers that can constantly get item. At the same time, itching will be strong enough, regardless of which stage there is a disease.

    The reasons for the appearance of one or another disease can be considered only after visiting a dermatologist. He will conduct an external examination of the skin and will prescribe the reasons for the appearance of rash, analyzes necessary to determine the cause. If a person has an unbearable itch and desire to scratch the skin becomes more and more, then you can call an ambulance brigade. Doctors from the brigade will help to get rid of unpleasant feelings for a while and can roughly tell about the alleged diagnosis.


    Treatment of rash on the feet appoints a dermatologist. Before the treatment regimen is discharged, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rash and itching. If the cause of the appearance of rashes on the skin was the disease of the internal organs, the patient will be directed to a narrow profile medical specialist so that it prescribes the appropriate treatment.

    The dermatologist can only write out ointment or cream in order to reduce the unpleasant sensations and reduce the symptoms of the underlying disease until the person proceeds to the main treatment. Unless of course the reason for the rash is not skin problems.

    In situations where the spindles on the skin were due to an allergic reaction to a certain substance or product, the first thing that will require an allergist will make it exclude an allergen from a person's life. Then the attending physician will appoint a course of therapy to get rid of allergy symptoms and the restoration of general immunity.

    When a patient has an infectious disease, which was a catalyst for the appearance of rash and itching on the feet, you need to visit the relevant specialist. With the help of analyzes, it will diagnose and add appropriate treatment. To get rid of rash on the feet, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes and high-spectrum antibiotics.

    By self-medication, with such an a fee, it is impossible to engage in, despite the fact that at first glance the problem does not seem serious. But, itching and burning sensation can reach such a peak that a person will not be able to lead a normal lifestyle. Especially in the event of a rash on the legs in children, you need to immediately contact the doctor. In another situation, the parents of the baby may not even notice how it will calculate the rash and make an infection, which only aggravates the situation.

    It is necessary to use medications:

    1. Suprastin.
    2. Phenolic gel.

    In the treatment of children is effective for use activated carbon.

    Prevention rash on the feet

    To prevent the appearance of rash on the feet there are several rules:

    1. To avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases that can cause rash and itching on the feet, it is necessary to pass vaccination. It is they who help the population of the Earth to avoid many severe and rare diseases. The use of vaccinations can badly affect the child's health, so if parents noticed the body temperature or other symptoms need to be applied to the doctor. It will help to save the child from unpleasant symptoms caused by vaccination, and will prescribe general medical facilities for improving immunity.
    2. In order to protect against allergies, which can cause rash and itching, you must try not to eat allergenic products, follow the cleanliness in the house and not mess with pets (if you are allergic to wool). Each person who is tormented by the problem of allergies for a long time, also knows his allergen, and always tries to keep him away.
    3. Diseases of internal organs and human systems that are able to cause rash and itching can also be monitored by regularly visiting a specialist of the profile that conducts treatment of this disease. Of course, this is possible when a person is already aware of the presence of a specific illness. If this is not the case, the disease that appeared in the body can be noticed when the cloves is passed. In case, in the enterprise, where a person works there is no regular testing of medical workers, it is worth do it yourself, at least once a year.

    In the footsteps, a child may have a rash due to the use of incorrect cosmetics for care. Therefore, when choosing for a child purchased gels and creams, it is necessary to carefully study their composition. In case of non-compliance with such a rule, the kid may appear red spots on the feet.

    Supervised people were time immemorial.

    This is especially true of acceptance and superstitions associated with legs.

    What is the right or left heel? Let's figure out.

    What itchies the right heel sign, superstition

    Our leg ancestors were associated with movement, travel, so each sign that concerned the legs, one way or another he said that a person could either move to his goal. Of course, you should not confuse the signs and prejudices, superstition. Some people develop phobias in themselves and begin to be afraid that something is really terrible to happen to them if any part of the body has been combed.

    In such cases, superstitions really interfere with living. Initially, they interfere with only small inconveniences, then they will develop in phobias and chronic fatigue. But what to do, so that this does not happen? It is reasonable to approach the matter. Initially, it is worth studying all the interpretations that will take themselves with itching and even then make decisions and active actions.

    It is also worth indicating the fact that quite often itching in the heel area can serve as not only by the body signal about the approaching event, but an absolutely objective problem. So he can be caused precisely the general ailment of man. If he overheated, or heavily, then due to the violation of blood flow in the legs of the heel will be stuck. It is also possible due to a fungal disease, which can hit not only the foot, but also it is the heel area.

    Allergic reaction to unnatural shoes, cream and other stimuli can also cause itching. The seasonal avitaminosis leads to a peeling of the skin, and he, in turn, to cracks on the heels, to their ferrous. Often, the injuries of the foot lead to itch during the healing of muscle and soft tissues.

    Those girls who love high-heeled shoes practically do not need to react to itching items, because it objectively can occur due to the wrong foot pressure distribution when walking. In antiquity, people had no problems with high-heeled shoes and fungal diseases, so if itching occurred, and even more shorter, they unequivocally knew that it was exactly the signal of the body about the approaching events. But good, or bad? It is worth understanding.

    The right side of the human body, and actually speaking the right heel symbolize the positive side of the nature of a person, his life, so if itching occurs exactly there, it means that only positive changes are expected. What exactly?

    What itchies the right heel sign

    What itchies the right heel signs the journey and quite not bad. On the way there should be only friendly people and good events.

    Also, this is a promise:

    Meeting with pleasant people;

    Meeting guests with gifts;

    Hike to visit those who have not seen for a long time;

    Meet with an old friend, while sudden.

    Also, she can hurry to the ambiguity from far, they say that they will bring these to conduct completely unexpected people. For those who are resolved for admission to study, this sign promises success. Also worth the marriage without any doubt. If you have been heated for several days and can not make a decision, then it is really worth legalizing the relationship, because the sign promises you rapidly promotion in life with your second half.

    If the trip or event was planned in advance, then itching in the right heel can mean exceptionally good friendly communication at the meeting. It is worth noting that it will take to expand directly before the event itself or expect the realization of the intended day in the coming days. Signs of this kind do not work for the long-term perspective, they are implemented almost instantly.

    Therefore, if the right heel was worshiped with you from a month ago, and today you met an old friend and chatted with him, the meeting is rather random. If you oscillate in the adoption of a professional decision, then it is not worth it. It is better to immediately voice all your wishes. If the itching of the right heel is active and occurs in the thoughts about the change of position, leave for vacation - it means such an event is very rational.

    If the child is hidden the right heel - it means that it will be active and firmly stand on his feet. If you shook other slippers or shoes and felt itching - it means a person is far from you and it is waiting for a pleasant pastime.

    What itching the left heel is sketched

    If you got up from my left foot - then all day will go wrong. They knew our ancestors. It was impossible to start a new path from the left leg, on the wedding trench, it is also taken to become with the right leg, and not with the left.

    But why so superstitly our ancestors treated left leg and to the left side of the body as a whole? Everything was simple - it was believed that he would seek the left side of the evil spirit and wait for him to be overlooking him. It is also considered today that on the left shoulder, each person sends his evil spirit, his flavors and troubles. Therefore, the left leg, namely the heel personifies the movement in a bad, not true direction.

    What itchies the left heel sign Sulit:


    Gossip and barriers;

    Fears and phobias on the path to the goal;

    Closing roads.

    Of course, the human thoughts are material, so it is worth picking up them carefully. And every time the heel is cleaned, and in particular the left - you should not beat the alarm. You need to fully weigh everything for and against the event that you gathered either the path you chose.

    Itchies the left heel of signs may indicate the need to make an incorrect, but such a necessary act. Errors will certainly not be avoided, but you can minimize their consequences.

    If the child was worried about the left heel - it means that he will fall and get injuries. It is better to postpone with active recreation and variety of entertainment. Sometimes the child begins to hide the left heel as a sign that you need to leave the house in which he was met unfriendly.

    Children are more sensitive to energy sessions and to negative influence. If both heels are cushed at the child, then it is better to repaid at home. If an adult person who decided to radically change the life, both heels will be cushed - then this means that none of the options are faithful. It is worth thinking. Find the third way to solve the issue.

    In fact, listen to the signals of your body you always need. Sometimes the brain thanks to the impulses sent to a particular body warns a person from stupid and empty actions. Doctors argue that spontaneous itching can also be a sign of a starting spiritual disorder. But it is rather an exception to the rules. Often itching calls upon a person attentively treat his body and the case he is busy in life.

    It is worth reconsidering their attitude towards others and their relationship to you, it is very likely that among them there is a traitor and that person who wants to block the path. But if the fifth heel is drawn - it is safe to go on this path. Psychologists advise not to be afraid of superstitions, and a couple of times check on their own experience, make independent entries and only then to judge. The main thing is to have a positive resolution of all exciting issues and problems, to eliminate obstacles in life.

    When the heels are cushed, it is not only unpleasant, but can also be unsafe for a person. Sometimes the causes of the itch are easily eliminated and consist in improper nutrition or wearing poor-quality shoes. But there are situations where itching in heels is associated with the development of fungal, infectious or other diseases that require long-term treatment. What if the heels are scratching? How to cope with itchy sensations and prevent their occurrence?

    To the main reasons of the fact that the feet began to get item, belong:

    The exact reason why the heel is cleaned, the doctor can determine. Therefore, you should not postpone the visit to it. This is especially important if the child has an unpleasant feeling and a rash or spots appeared on the skin.


    The doctor can only be prescribed after it is established why heels itch.

    Depending on the cause, therapy is to use:

    • antifungal agents (mineraconazole). The duration of reception ranges from 7 to 14 days, depending on the prescribed dosage of the drug. Many funds of this group have a lot of contraindications, therefore, to recommend their use must the doctor, especially if children are treated;
    • when combating the fungus stop, additionally to receiving tablets prescribed drugs for local use (ointment, cream). They apply them for 1 week (or before the disappearance of itchy sensations) on the heels 1 time per day (recommended for the night);
    • with an elevated level of sugar, the doctor will prescribe drugs to reduce it (maninyl);
    • to relieve irritation that caused itching, and reduce nervous overvoltage, vegetable preparations are used with a sedative effect (perrsen);
    • with the fatigue of the lower extremities, cream based on horse chestnut, propolis and other natural components are used;
    • when avitaminosis shows the use of vitamin and mineral complexes;
    • hardwrite and allergic rash that cause the strongest itching is treated with antihistamine drugs in the form of tablets or ointments. It is important to eliminate substances (food, hygienic agents, etc.), which provoked rash, red stains on heels and itching;
    • in case of violation of the functioning of the pancreas is prescribed omeprazole.

    If you get rid of the main cause of itching, rash or spots on the heels, then the discomfort will disappear.

    So that it does not appear itch and rash in the footsteps, it is important to comply with some preventive measures:

    1. Do not forget about leg hygiene. Every day, before bedtime, they need to wash warm water and wipe dry.
    2. Select high-quality and comfortable shoes. There should not be quickly tired in it, sweat and discomfort should not occur.
    3. If you have to spend a lot of time on your feet, time from time to time should take a break, giving rest limbs. You can make a lightweight massage, and if you have the possibility of a warm footbath.
    4. Avoid stressful situations. For the normal operation of the nervous system, it is important to rest fully rest, longer walk in the fresh air.
    5. It is easy to eat, especially in winter and spring when the body is lacking for vitamins and other beneficial substances. In a daily diet, a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and fermented milk products should be present.
    6. If you have allergies to any food, it is completely excluded.
    7. Daily wear clean socks or stockings. It is necessary to wash them only in high-quality powder or economic soap.
    8. Do not wear other people's things and shoes.
    9. In the presence of diseases of the busty, diabetes organs or other pathologies in the body, it is important to treat them in a timely manner.

    If the heel is drawn, rash or stains appeared on it, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

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