
Star Wars Darth Vader and Ghost Prison. Star Wars: Darth Vader and Ghost Prison

On the occasion of the first cadets of the Imperial Galactic Military Academies of the Cadets of all seven schools gathered at Coruscant to meet with Emperor Palpatin.
Laurit Tom, the best student of the course, first received a destination, but the night holiday was interrupted when fellow students locked it inside the broken fighter. Tom got out of the trap, and at that moment the palace attacked the terrorists. In the following explosions, most clones-attack aircraft died. To reflect the attack, only a small platoon led by Darth Vader. In the very thick of events, fighting next to the sieve masters, Tom found out who exactly is behind this betrayacy ...
The sunrise of the Empire (1.000-0 years before the battle of Javine).
After, it seemed that the final victory over the Sith, the Republic gives up self-abs. In the state there comes a decline, the Senate absorbs corruption, and the election to the post of the Supreme Chancellor seeks the ambitious Senator Palpatin ... The events described in this story occur a few months after the "revenge of the sieves".

In the classic trilogy of George Lucas Empire is shown as the current militarist society, managed by Tyran and its faithful execution of fear and aggression, but it was not always. As with any political and state structure, this also had to go through painful growth processes - and the victory over the republic was only the beginning. On the events of the "Early Empire" laid in the book "Darth Vader and a ghost prison", we learn from the report of their direct member, cadet of the Military Academy of Laurites Toma. So, maybe we are dealing with biased and distorted statement of facts - this young man is too faithful to the emperor. Together with his classmates, future officers and pilots, Tom arrives at Coruscant for participation in the ceremony of accepting an officer oath in person before Palpatin, and immediately turns out to be drawn into the most real coup, which has become a perfect surprise and for the emperor, and Darth Vader. They have to retreat, literally saving their lives, taking both Laurita. While the coup participants will fly political intrigues, trying to submit the power to the legal change, the fugitives keep the way first to the Jedi Temple, turned into a crushed gravestone of the former majority of the Order, and then go to the ghost prison, the secret object of the "punitive type", preserved since the collapsed Republic. And he is, first of all, because it keeps unsightly secrets, sometime completely able to spoil the bright appearance of senators and the Jedi themselves ...

Now division on "good" and "bad", characteristic of Lucasy trilogy, seems naive. Increasingly, the authors of the books, games and comics, admitted to work on the history of star wars, look at the dark side of the power, peer into the shadow, trying to understand the motivation of those who have been stubbornly considered the finished villains. Is it initially bad those who swore to serve Palpatin to the end, and so whether those who opposed the dark emperor and those who preceded him, reasoning about democracy at every step? The script writer, Hayden Blackman, beats the classic plot - the ruler in exile is sent to the wanderer and concludes a contract with the nets of society, with whose help returns power. But it is only entourage, a storyline, which allows you to look deep into the characters and understand the motivation of their actions. Equally, how to realize the fact that darkness unusually penetrates into the soul and the reverse path to the light simply does not exist - but to push the person to her the most good intentions.

Laurita Tom - a disabled person who received physical injury during the confederation fighting, when all his relatives died. It seems that his disability is chosen by the author as an important factor of influence on Vader, who must be seen in this purposeful and rapidly studying guinea himself. However, behind the black mask is not visible emotions, only occasionally falls on her the shadow of old insults and betrayal, causing a new wave of hate to his nearby past. Arriving in a secret prison, Darth Vader immediately suits the deadly battle between prisoners, sifting the weak and choosing a cannon meat for the coming revenge - a deed, there may be an inhuman, but very effective and decisive in the current situation. Walking between the bodies of the dead, he sees only unnecessary corpses, without paying any attention to them. But the fact is still able to see in every cool, crippled human body, warrior, hero with his story and with his own truth. Maybe this is the last human deed young man, because further events will not leave him any choice, definitely putting the interests of the empire above all. And, having crushed the line, the young man will manifest himself a worthy student of Vader - but the most important and unexpected lessons will have to know in his short, experience.

In this book, everything is fine: "Cinematic" drawing Augustine Alessio with a predominance of gray and gloomy shades (the artist also achieves the absolute similarity of the characters drawn by them with the actors of the prequel), dramatic and at the same time the dynamic plot affected by serious questions and so not voiced unambiguous Answers to search the reader on their own, making a difficult choice - who are right here, and who does not have, which solutions require an extreme situation and, as it were, each of us, hitting such a binding. "Adult" and serious comic from the Universe of Star Wars. Serial design, solid cover with selective varnishing (as for me, so "Eternal Classic", when it is necessary to make expensive and beautiful), decent content of five original issues.

At the ceremony of release of the Cadets of the Imperial Academy, a terrorist attack occurred, who was almost worth the life of Palpatin and Darth Vader. The emperor was seriously injured, and mighty imperial officers were the perpetrators of the attempt. So Vader in the company with a fanatical cadet and an unreliable Muffa leaves Coruscant and goes to the secret prison created by Jedii, so that with the support of its prisoners to put an end to the uprising.

Although the entire Epoch of the Empire has passed under the sign of the confrontation of the Palpatine regime and the rebels, they were not the only threat to a new order. The emperor has repeatedly had to face the rebellion of their own approximated, trying to take away the throne from the Lord. One of these attempts of the coup is devoted to the Darth Vader and Ghost Prison, on the scenario of the veteran of the distant Galaxy Khaiden Blackman. He worked on several loud game projects on Saga like Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and about ten years composed scenarios for comics - mainly about the era of the sunset of the old Republic.

Darth Vader and Ghost Prison has become the last time for the work of Blackman in "Star Wars", and finally, he created a real "candy". Although we know that in the end, Vader will come out by the winner of the confrontation with the rebels, the plot still captures from the very first pages and keeps in tension to the final of the final, in which the author still succeeds in suspecting a surprise.

Blackman film works with characters - both old and new. Of course, Vader was not found in the title of comic - he became his main star. The screenwriter perfectly shows the power of the Dark Lord, who almost alone stops the rebellion ... But at the same time we see and completely another Vader, tormented by the ghosts of the past, when he has to return to the Jedi Temple. Very bright and interesting was the leader of the coup, the hero of the clone wars, General Gentis and the young Lautent Laurit Tom, who, although admired by the general, but remains faithful to the emperor. Finally, Blackman managed to play a gloomy and cruel atmosphere of the heart of the Empire. The top of a new order resembles a real ball of poisonous snakes, where the treachery is a harsh life rate.

The artist deserves no less wording. Its drawing is characterized by entertainment and identity, and the combat scenes performed by Alesio are simply great.

In addition to all other advantages of Darth Vader and Ghost Prison, it is great for readers who are just starting to get acquainted with "star wars". Unlike many comics on the saga, this comic is completely self-sufficient and does not require to understand the characters and events of the expanded universe.


One of the best mini-episodes of comics issued within the framework of the extended universe. It is very cool that it was from the "Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison" that the new comic comic on the "Star Wars" is beginning to Russia.

Summary rating: 10 points out of 10!

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