
Ripening apricots. Apricot Common Description, Collection, Properties, Contraindications. What apricot varieties are suitable for middle strip

In winter, it is probably everyone wants something delicious and useful - fruit, berries and other things. Yes, not Chinese pacifiers, where chemicals are a thousand times more than vitamins, but something relative to natural. We are now indulging in fresh apricots. And not just indulge, but, you can say, burn it with them.

There will be no particularly spread about the taste and benefits of apricots. Probably, everyone tried. That they have a lot of potassium, carotene, iodine, iron and a lot of vitamins, that apricots are very useful for vision, hearts, to strengthen and treat the kidneys, that even cancer is treated as an apricot bone , I will not speak. All this is well-known facts, and you can read about them in other places. Today I will tell you about another, about how to use apricots absolutely frequently, and how very cheap can eat these delicious and useful fruits with fresh all year round .

Previously, we have never been harvested apricots for the winter. And now we have a lot. And all the way where. I went someone once last summer in our cityto the market behind fruit. I bought a little plums, some sweet cherries ... I fell behind the apricots.

Already approaching the evening, the market was soon closed, so prices were low. Someone sold apricots for 80 rubles, someone from 70, someone in 60 ... I set up to one "face of the Caucasian Nationality", I ask what his price is. He is me.

Take! For 50 give!

Come on! - I answer.

How old are you?


Take two. For 45 I will give.

Well, come on two.

He imposes apricots, imposes ...

Listen, "says," can you take three? " Good apricots! Sweet! Ripe! Take!

Yes where to me three! Do not!

Take! By 40 I will give!

I thought I thought and agreed. They know how to persuade. Not in vain trading ... And he is right there.

Why are three. Take the whole box, "he sees that I have an eye on my forehead from the perturbation, and immediately. - take! High, 30 will be! Take only!

I think: "Why do I need a whole box? There are 8 kilograms at least, or even more. Although ... a little yourself, a little parents, a little bit ... So there is no box. "

And, okay, - I say, - Come on the box!

I took the box, got a wallet to pay. And he me.

Maybe you will take another one? I just last stayed. I would have got both and went home to you. Take both boxes then I calculate on 20 rubles.

I think: "Well, there is nothing to lose. Where one box, there is different. " In general, I bought him two bins of apricots at a completely funny price - 20 rubles per kilogram. In stores then apricots rubles 100 cost an average.

I barely before the machine, I am these boxes. Brought home. And what to do with them? Well, they filed a little bit. Do not eat a lot - very sweet. A little to the hotels were left. But other?

We decided to freeze them. Like berries. Previously, apricots never froze. Therefore, they doubted: but will not turn into the smear after freezing? Not yet fruits and berries are successfully frozen. But there is nowhere to go. Not to throw out the same, since I heard on free and bought two boxes.

We were waved apricots, cut in half, pulled out the bones and folded here in such boxes.

Then, with other berries and fruits, containers were placed in the freezer.

The freezer is large, spacious. I highly recommend that the freezer. Here is a review about her.

After freezing, apricots slightly changed the taste. But still delicious. We feared that it would be worse. But no, it is possible, quite even. In winter, when good fruits do not buy a berry, so simple to eat such apricots. And they do not risen when they defrost, complete, dense more or less. Now we have all the time fresh apricots. As wanted - got and eat.

More from apricots you can make jam. And you can dry them. We, too, part of the apricots kept - here on such a dryer for vegetables and fruits.

With two bins of apricots, we have a whole bag of bones. They are also very useful. Especially due to vitamin B17. But it is recommended to be done , a few pieces per day. We do this. Already almost all bones ate.

Relative to rumors about terrible sinyl acid which is contained in the grains of apricot and can poison you. Yes, she is in them, and not forget about it. But to choose, it is necessary to at least take at least 100 grains. And from 5 - 10 pieces you definitely does not fall, only the benefits will be. By the way, blue acid is also contained in apple bones, and even in almond. But almonds are not afraid to choose.

Not so long ago I saw such bones in "ASHAN". Kilogram cleared worth more than 400 rubles! Yes, for two boxes, apricots have paid less and the bones in addition received for free!

Apricot fruits

Probably everyone knows what apricot is. This is a tree on which round yellow-orange velvety fruits grow. Most often we have such varieties like Armeniaca vulgaris and Plunus Armeniaca. The fruits of these trees have a sweet, but not too juicy flesh. It is worth noting that the nucleolie is also edible. It is mainly used as a fragrance in confiture.

Many even grow fruit trees on their plot. Of course, many newcomers are interested in this business when apricots ripen and when can they collect them?

A bit of history

For the first time, apricot trees were cultured in China. However, the Latin name of this extraordinary plant and gives the second version of its origin. In Translate from Latin, the name Apricot is translated as Armenian plum. Therefore, many believe that the birthplace of the fruit tree has become still Armenia.

Branch of apricot

These fruit trees were also grown by Hindus and ancient Persians. In Europe, they hit about two thousand years ago due to the ancient Greeks.

Today, apricot trees are widespread in many countries: Abkhazia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and other countries of the world.

As for Russia, the apricot trees are successfully cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd, Rostov.

The earliest varieties of apricots are known to the Crimea. It is for these varieties that the scientific base was created in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

When spit apricots

When apricots ripen? They spit enough early. For example, in Mediterranean countries, fruits are ripening already in March, and in the south of Russia, apricots ripen only in June.

The period that fruit is needed to sing on average is forty days. This applies to the Transcaucasian and Central Asian varieties. The main varieties of apricots can be divided into 4 groups, only on the basis of the duration of the ripening of fruits. Therefore, in order to understand when apricots ripen, it should be determined to include a plant.

Apricot varieties

  • Early grade. Ripening in the first stage. This group includes cutlery varieties and begin to ripen fruit from June 25 to July 5.
  • Medium grade, with the second line of maturation. This group includes all tables of varieties, as well as a slight piece of cans. Maturation occurs from July 6 to 15.
  • Medium-term varieties. They ripen in the third place: from July 15 to 25. In such varieties should be attributed, for example, a pineapple variety.
  • Late apricot varieties. Their maturation begins on July 25.

On this list, we can approximately determine the timing of the ripening of apricots. For example, these deadlines completely coincide with the timing of the ripening of fruits in the Crimea. To determine the time of maturation in Krasnodar, do not have to do computing. The climatic difference is insignificant. Therefore, fruits ripen almost simultaneously.

As for Central Asia, here maturation occurs for a whole month earlier than in Krasnodar and Crimea, as well as in the south of Ukraine, Armenia and the North Caucasus. For mountainous areas, maturation can be divided into two zones: lower and upper. In the lower zone, apricots ripen much faster, and at the top one a month later.

It is worth noting that the time when the ripening of apricots of any variety occurs, depends on some factors, among which can be allocated: the type of fertilizer, irrigation systems, soase, meteorological state, geographical position.

As well as some internal factors according to a specific tree: the force of the crop, the power of growth, health, age.

Of course, everyone knows such a fruit as Apricot. It is round orange fruits with velvety skin growing on trees. Apricot can be found in southern countries and in the south of our country. This fruit is sensitive to sunlight and absolutely undemanded to the soil.

Armenian apricots, grown in the South Caucasus, and in its foothills are considered the most delicious. This fruit that has entered all the energy of the hot sun can rightly be considered the most useful. Rodinnaya apricot, along with Central Asia and China, can also be considered Armenia. According to the apricot bones found during the excavation, scientists found out that this fruit is growing for more than 3,000 years. Read more Consider the most popular variety of apricots shals, as its useful properties care for it.

Apricot description

This fruit variety shalhes (his name is Yerevan) gardeners are called universal. The tree is a strong-resistant, height can reach 5-6 meters, fruits of early or medium ripening time. Fruiting in seedlings begins on the fourth year of life, it lasts from 14 to 30 days.

The tree is quite capricious, gentle, is afraid of strong frosts. Among all Armenian apricots (and they are numbered about 27), Yerevan is estimated as the most delicious. Use fruit fresh, after conservation. Also make dried apricots: Uryuk and Kuragu. In Azerbaijan and Georgia use these fruits in tin production.

Places of Growing

Particularly popular shalters was in Yerevan. But for 10 years it has spread throughout the territory of different countries of Asia. In the Crimea in the Botanical Garden of Nikitinsky, it was delivered to another 17 years of the last century. In the south of Russia, this variety of Armenian apricots appeared in the 1930s.


Fruit and blossom the tree of this variety of apricots may be in early and medium time. At the time of flowering, the climate directly affects:

  • in southern climatic zones, this is happening in early June;
  • in the colder - in July.

The flower at the apricot is a large - 2.8 cm, white with a shade of pink color, with a pleasant honey aroma, petals are a little deployed, have a rounded shape.


The fruits of these Armenian apricots are valued for excellent taste and rather large size (at least 90 g). They have a sweet fragrant flesh and a small bone inside. Beautiful apricot and externally: creamy fetal skin with raspberry blush on the sides.


Of the advantages you can select the middle frost resistance, yield, resistance to disease and pests. In addition, this variety is transported. This allows it to be stored in refrigerators or specially designed rooms. It is good for this variety and for planting with cuttings, as well as for vaccination to other trees, for example or peach.

The ripening time of Armenian apricots

Ripening of apricots directly depends on climatic conditions and from the variety. In the south of Russia, as in Armenia, fruiting begins at the end of May and early June. In the territory of the regions of the Central Black Soil Maturation will begin at the end of July-August.

It is known that apricot fetal extract is included in many drugs from heart disease. Greeks This fruit is called Armenian plum, and Italians are an Armenian apple.

Apricot in Armenia is one of the symbols of national culture. At the annual film festival in the city of Yerevan, the winners are awarded "Golden Apricot". The most popular Armenian musical instrument is called Duduk. Currently, it is very popular in Western countries. In Armenian, this tool is called cyanochoch, which is translated as a "apricot tree pipe".

Manufacturers of musical instruments tried to make a pear, plum and apple trees, but a tool with a special velvety voice is obtained only from Armenian apricot. From the same tree make Shvi and Zurna - musical brass tools.

How to eat Armenian apricots

The apricots contain vitamins A, B and C. It is rich in fruit with iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Fruits contain acid, fiber, tanning substances. Consider how correctly there are Armenian apricots to bring the body maximum benefit. It is worth considering that:

  1. The apricots contain a large number of potassium, which normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the vessels, eliminates the body from unnecessary fluid and, most importantly, strengthens the muscles of the heart. People having cardiovascular diseases should be a daily apricot or kuragu, especially after a heart attack.
  2. The presence of carotene has a positive effect on the skin and vision, increases immunity. It is enough to use these fruits to 300 g per day to get a daily rate of vitamin A.
  3. In the apricots of iron contains more than in apples. For people with anemia, they are simply necessary in nutrition. Fruits with constant use support the level of hemoglobin, saturate by oxygen cells.
  4. The content of magnesium and phosphorus in apricots leads to a normal metabolic rate. Magnesium is able to restore nerve cells, and phosphorus improves memory.
  5. Nutritionists talk about the benefits of apricot and digestion. Fruits maintain the acidity of gastric juice in normal. The fiber favorably affects the digestion of food, normalizes the chair, eliminates the bloating.
  6. The sweet varieties of apricots contain iodine, which is very useful for the thyroid gland, as well as to increase intelligence.
  7. Calcium, located in apricots, makes bones and teeth are stronger, improves blood clotting.
  8. Pectin contained in fruit contributes to the conclusion from the body of slags and toxins.

In recent years, Russian cities are experiencing a surge of interest in markets and farm products. The Village together with experts understands which seasonal products need to pay attention right now and what to buy in the markets in July.

Fruits and berries

Evgeny Kim. Founder of service for the delivery of seasonal fruits and vegetables Vitamins.ru

In July, a large range of Russian products from Astrakhan, Rostov, Krasnodar, Volgograd. This is primarily berries: blueberries, blueberries, red and black currant, raspberry, blackberry, gooseberry. By the end of the month they will come a lingonberry, sea buckthorn. Part is to prepare for autumn-winter.

The season of young Russian apples will also begin, this is the "Melba" variety, "Antonovka", "white pouring". The remaining fruits are imported. The whole month will last the apricot season "Shalah" from Armenia. Conventional and white nectarines from Uzbekistan and cherry, plums and prunes from Moldova will come. In the second half of July, the Uzbek melon "Torpeda" will take the taste. Watermelons will appear from Astrakhan, Dagestan. We advise you to wait for two or three weeks - and you can open the season. Choose fruits that weigh 10-14 kilograms, with cotton sound must be ringing. Watermelons are divided into "girls" and "boys", ask for sellers of the first.


This month has many local vegetables. Cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers, zucchini, eggplants, pumpkin, turnip, young corn. Perhaps tomatoes will not be so luxurious as Uzbek and Azerbaijani, but still fresh, saturated, juicy. Lifehak: give preference to pink varieties, they are the most sweet. Try the "bullie heart", Paradise. You can still take Rostov Cherries on the branch: medium sized, with a thick eye, they are very sweet.

Fruits and berries

July - the main month of apricots and sweet cherries. Apricots come mainly from Armenia, and if you have the opportunity, it is better, of course, to buy aircraft apricots: unlike those who are delivered to Moscow for wagons, airless sweet and fragrant - such as if you were eating them right in Yerevan. The sweet cherry comes to Moscow from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Europe, and again the most delicious sweet cherry - the one, which is broken by ripe and deliver to Moscow by the aircraft from Armenia.

The season of flat peaches is already in full swing - buying them, it is important to watch them, so that they do not have mold in the deepening, and it is better not to take them at times - they quickly deteriorate. The season of round peaches and nectarines begins, they need to be used soft and desirable to try, otherwise the risk take the tasteless and solid. The first deliveries of figs begin, soft black figs are already sweet, and the closer to August, the one will be cheaper.

The season of juicy, sweet, fragrant Uzbek melons begins. By buying a melon, you must remember that the ripe melon is always tasty and smells very much.

Vegetables and greens

All vegetables are already Russian, and they continue to be cheaper to the joy to buyers. Also, now very good and inexpensive greens: dill, parsley, onions, kinza, salad - everything is already near Moscow.


Julia Ilina Founder of online store MyFresh.Ru

At the beginning of the month, the collection of apricots in Krasnodar begins. The most delicious and sweet they will be in the second half of July. In the first weeks of July, the first unusually sweet and juicy peaches of an early harvest are pretended in Azerbaijan - they have an elongated oval shape.

Saw nectarines. At the beginning of the month it is worth buying sweet nectarines of the "Pink Princess" grade from Uzbekistan - these are the fruits of a small size with a thin skin and a characteristic bright burgundy color. In the second half of the month, unusual white nectarines appear - sour-sweet.

In July, the collection of the first harvest of black and green grapes begins both in the countries of the neighboring countries (Uzbekistan) and the Kuban. The most delicious early varieties: "Code" and "Mushatny", at the end of the month - loved by all "Kishamis". From Azerbaijan, at the beginning of the month, the first sweet pears of early ripening are arrived. Plum and Alycha are kept in Kuban.


Kuban sour-sweet cherry, black and red currants, raspberries will delight us all July. At the beginning of the month you need to hurry to have time to pamper yourself with a real forest strawberry. In the second half of the month, the gooseberry is kept - green and red.


In July, it is worth paying special attention to the pink tomatoes from Krasnodar and Rostov, as well as on sweet pepper. In the second half of the month, the Kuban pumpkin of the new crop will begin to appear, at the beginning of the month - real forest chanterelles (they are brought to Moscow, as a rule, from the Vladimir and Kostroma regions).

List of seasonal products

Danilovsky Market

July is a very prolific season, and you can make a whole list of products. So, it is worth buying Bulgarian tomatoes, Armenian apricots and peaches, a mulberry white and black, strawberry from Voronezh, flat peaches from Uzbekistan, strawberries from Ryazan and Vladimir, white chanterelles, brewer and boosainry.

Any novice gardener is difficult to determine when one or another fruit slept. Special attention is paid to the apricots.

Apricots belong to bone varieties. Apricot's taste quality depend on the variety, in most cases they have a sweet and sour-sweet, juicy flesh and edible nucleolo. The color of fruits, during ripeness, apricots have different shades - it can be pale cream, golden yellow, creamy-orange - everything depends on the variety.

It is difficult to catch the inexperienced gardery when the apricots really looked. The maturity of fruit apricot comes when they acquire a color characteristic for their variety. Fruits should be removed well ripe, and it is necessary that the bone of apricot is easily separated from the pulp. You should not disturb the fruits on the tree, they can crumble, and you will lose the whole crop.

The ripening time of the apricots of the Central Asian and Kuban varieties varies from 40 to 60 days, again, depending on the variety. All varieties in maturation timing can be divided into four groups:

Varieties apricot early ripening

Harvest time from June 25 to July 5th. Since these varieties are in need of early form, they are not suitable for preservation. One of these varieties is "big early", it matures at the end of June the beginning of July. The fruits of a large size of a pleasant sweet taste.

Variety apricot early-average ripening time

Harvesting time July 6-15. Data varieties are suitable for preservation, drying and consumption in fresh. By this time of maturation can be attributed to such a variety as "shalters". It has increased sweetness, pronounced smell and juicy flesh. The fruits are quite sweaty, completely ripen in early July.

Variety apricot average ripening time

During this period, the harvest is collected from July 15 to 25. They have high vitamin value, very pleasant taste and aroma. "Hungarian" is one of the best varieties of the average ripening time. This variety has large fruits, juicy and sweet pulp with a pleasant aroma.

Late railing apricot varieties.

The harvest of apricots starts from July 25. All varieties of this period are best suited for preservation and in fresh use. The wonderful variety of late Dryanovsky ripening period, it has medium fruits, has an acidic and sweet taste and a delicate pulp with a pleasant aroma.

This classification will help the novice gardener with ease to navigate in maturation and collect its crop on time.

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