
Interpretation of the Gospel of John. New Russian translation expensive us Gospel

I am a door: who will enter me, he will be saved, and will enter, and will come out, and find it.

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came to have life and had abundant.

I am a good shepherd: a good shepherd believes his life for sheep.

And the mercenary, not a shepherd, which sheep is not his own, sees the incoming wolf, and leaves sheep, and runs; And the wolf clears the sheep, and accelerates them.

And the mercenary runs, because mercenary, and nerado about sheep.

I am a kind shepherd; And I know mine, and mine know me.

As a father knows me, so I know my father; And my life I suppose for sheep.

I have and other sheep who are not this courtyard, and those will lead to me: And they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

Interpretation of Feofilakt Bulgarian

Who I me, the door, will enter and will lead to the Father, and will be His Ovtsi, he will be saved, and not only will be saved, but also will receive the Great Fancy, like the Lord, and Lord. For it denotes words "and will enter, and will come out." So the apostles were boldly and left before the lords, and went out joyful and invincible (Acts 5-14).

"And the pasture will find," that is, abundant food. Otherwise: since our person is dual, according to the expression of the Apostle Paul, "internal and external" (Rom.7: 22; 2 Cor.4: 16), then we can say that one who takes care of the internal man and that Again, it comes out who members who are on Earth, and "County County" in Christ (Rom. 8:13). This will find a pasture and in the future century, according to said: "The Lord grabs me, and I will not have a shortage of" (Ps. 22: 1)

Since the attracted to Fedde and Judas, and other apostate were killed and died, it added: "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy," calling them the thieves and like it. "And I," says, came in order to have life. " They killed and destroyed their followers, and I came to live and had something more, it was: the communion of the Holy Spirit, which is necessary to intelligence and the kingdom of heaven. So, in Christ everyone has life, because everyone will be resurrected and will live; And the righteous will receive something more, it is: the kingdom of heaven.

Then he speaks about suffering and says: "I am life (soul) I suppose for sheep," expressing the sim that he goes to suffering not by coercion, but voluntarily. The word "I suppose" shows that no one takes her away from me, and I myself give her.

Hints at the rebels, more than once mentioned. "They," say, did not put life for the sheep, but left their followers, for Mercenaries were. " And the Lord himself acted on the contrary. When they took it, he said: "If you are looking for, leave it, let them come to be fulfilled that none of them died" (in. 18: 8-9, 12) and more when the Jews came to him Worse than wolves on sheep. "For they came," said, - with swords and stakes to take it "(LK.22: 52).

Under the wolf, here you can intelligible and the mental enemy, whom the Scripture calls and Lvom (1 Pet. 5: 8), and Scorpio (Luke 10:19), and Zmeim (Gen. 3: 1; Ps 90:13). It is said that he "abducts" the sheep when devours someone through a thin case; "Accelerates" when, through evil thoughts, confuses the soul. Fairly can be called him and thief, which "plays" through the sly thoughts, "kills" through the agreement with them, "EMD" through the case. Sometimes it is incremented to someone thoughts evil, it will be theft. If a person agrees with a sled suggestion, then, you can say, the devil kills him. When a person actually makes evil, then he dies. Maybe this mean that the words "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy."

The Lord is doing quite differently than this thief. He gives a divine life, illuminates and thoughts our good suggestions, and the bodies of good deeds; It gives something preserves, exactly what we can bring and other benefits through the gift of teacher, as well as the kingdom of heaven, as if giving us some extra award. It is truly a good shepherd, not a mercenary, what are the bosses of Judaes who do not care about the people, but mean only to get a fee from him. For they were looking for no benefit to the people, and their profits from the people.

And from here you can learn the difference between the shepherd and mercenary. The mercenary does not know the sheep, which is because he does not supervise them all the time. For if he constantly watched, he would know them. And the shepherd, what are the Lord, knows his sheep, because he has been sick about them, and they again know him, because they enjoy his supervision and in habit will recognize their patron.

Look. Before he recognizes us, and then we already have it. And it is not different ways to know God, as being moving from him (1 Cor. 13:12). For he had previously learned the flesh, becoming a man, then we already learned him, having received the gift of oblivities. Wanting to show that the unsuitable unworthy to be known from God and not the essence of his sheep, he said: "I know mine, and mine know me," as it is written: "I knew myself" (2 Tim 2:19)

To anyone do not think that he learned how a person. He fisted: "As a father knows me, and I know my father," that is, I really know him, as myself.

Frequently repeats "My life I suppose for the sheep" in order to show that he is not a deceiver. For the expression "I am light, I life" for unthound seemed arrogant. But the words "I want to die" do not conclude any self-esteem, but, on the contrary, express a great care, as he wants to betray himself for people who threw stones into him.

This speaks about the pagans. They are not the yard, which under the law. For pagans are not protected by law.

Jesus - a good shepherd

1 - I tell you the truth: the one who enters the sheepbank is not through the gate, but penetrates with another way, that thief and the robber.2 But who enters through the gate, that real shepherd# 10:2 The political and spiritual leaders of Israel was sometimes called "shepherds", they were required to take care of their "flock", that is, the people. But when they began to catch the "flock", God accused them (see Jes. 34; Is. 56: 9-12) and promised to send a good shepherd, Christ (see Jes. 34:23). This parable needs to be understood in the light of this historical context. These sheep.3 The watchman opens his gate, and the sheep hears his voice. He calls his sheep by name# 10:3 In all likelihood, during the time of Jesus shepherds in Israel loved to give the sheep names (clicks). and displays them.4 When he led all his, then go ahead of them, and the sheep go beyond him, because they know his voice.5 They will never go for others, they will run away from him, because they do not know his voices.

6 Jesus used this parable, but they did not understand what he was talking about.

7 Then Jesus said:

- I tell you the truth: I am a door for sheep.8 Everyone who came to me - thieves and robbers, and sheep did not obey them# 10:8 Here are meant those who entered the "sheep" bank "not through the" gate "(see 10: 1) - the political and spiritual leaders of the Jews who thought only about their good.. 9 I am the door: who enters me, will be saved. He will be able to enter and go out and will find a pasture.10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and I came to give life, and moreover in excess.

11 I am a good shepherd. Good shepherd gives life your sheep.12 The shepherd sheep does not belong to the hired shepherd, and when he sees that the wolf came, he throws sheep and runs away. Then the wolf grabs sheep and accelerates the whole herd.13 The mercenary runs away, because he hired and does not care about sheep.

14 I am a good shepherd. I know my own, and they know me.15 Just and father knows me, and I know my father. I give my life to my sheep.16 I have other sheep, not from this pon# 10:16 There are in mind representatives of other peoples, not Jews who will believe in Jesus., I must also lead them. They will also obedient to my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.17 Father loves me because I give my life to take it again.18 No one can take it away from me, I give it voluntarily. I have the power to give it and take it again. So it was determined by my father.

19 After these words, opinionslistening Jews were again divided.20 Many said:

- He is obsessed and ragged, why listen to him?

21 Others said:

- Obsessed so would not say. Can the demon open the eyes blind?

Religious leaders ask Jesus in the temple

22 In Jerusalem comesholiday Updates # 10:22 The Holiday Updates of the Temple - celebrated in memory of the cleansing of the Temple Maccaves in 165 BC. e., after its desecration by Antihaw Epifan.temple. It was winter.23 Jesus walked on the temple in Solomon Colonnade.24 Around him gathered the people.

- How long will you keep us in bewilderment? - They said. - If you are Christ, then I tell us.

25 Jesus replied:

- I already told you, but you did not believe. The cases that I do on behalf of my Father are testified about me.26 You do not believe me because you are not from my sheep.27 My sheep hears my voice, I know them, and they go after me.28 I give them an eternal life, and they will never die# 10:28 They will not die - that is, they will not fall into hell.Nobody takes them to me.29 My father, who gave them to me, above all, and no one can pick them up from my father's hands.30 I and father - one.

31 Then the Jews again grabbed the stones to beat him32 but Jesus said to them:

- I showed you a lot of good deeds from the Father. Which one do you want to beat me with stones?

33 Jews answered:

- We do not want to beat you for it, and for blasphemy, because you, a man, give yourself to God.

34 Jesus replied:

- Isn't it written in your law: "I said: Are you gods"?# 10:34 PS. 81: 6. In this passage from Psalti, according to various interpreters, the word "gods" (Heb. "Elohim") are named either the judges delivered by God to solve earthly affairs, or the people of Israel, or angels. The fact is that the Jewish word "Elohim" is more wider than in Russian the word "God." And, of course, it was not meant here that those who are called the "gods" were divine nature.35 If the gods named those who were given the Word of God, and Scripture cannot be abolished,36 how long how do you dare to say that the one whom God consecrated and sent to the world is blaspheming, because I said: "I am the Son of God"?37 If I do not do the same thing that my father does, - do not believe me.38 If I do the affairs of my father, even if you do not believe in my words, believe things that you understand and knew that the father is in me and I am in it.

39 They again tried to grab him, but he left them from her hands.

40 Then Jesus went to the other side of Jordan, where John was baptized before, and there remained there.41 There have come to him a lot of people.

"Although John didn't expect any signs, but all that John spoke about him, right," they said.

42 And many there beltied in Jesus.

3. Conversation about the good shepherd (10: 1-21)

The conversation about the good shepherd is developing in the same sense context as chapter 9. The likelihood of people of the sheep, which follow their shepherd, was very popular in the Middle East. So, shepherds called themselves the kings and priests, named the subjects of their sheep. This analogy in the Bible is often found.

Many of the great husbands of the Old Testament were shepherds in the literal sense of the word, i.e., shepherds; It is Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David. Moses and David became, moreover, the spiritual shepherds of Israel. The image of a shepherd occurs in a number of the most famous places of the Holy Scripture (Ps. 22; Is. 53: 6; Onions 15: 1-7).

Jesus uses this analogy in different cases. Communication with the previous one, ninth, the chapter is seen here in opposition to his and the Pharisees of the relationship towards a malicious person. Being spiritually blind, although they claimed a special spiritual vision (John 9:41), Pharisees were lzhepass. Jesus, as a true shepherd, came to seek to need help and heal. His sheep heard his voice and responded to him.

Joan. 10: 1-2.. Verses 1-5 presents the morning scene from the shepherd life. The shepherd enters through the gate (door) in a sheep-bearing pen (in the east, it was spacious, sometimes indoor, premises, fenced with a stone wall). (In the pen was, as a rule, several stades belonging to different owners.) The gateway at the sheep can be a guard, guarding sheep from thieves and wild animals at night. Everyone who tried not to "do the door" to the pen, but to climb through the wall, clearly guided evil intent.

Joan. 10: 3-4. The shepherds, who knew the hedgehog (watchman), reacted the gate, and those by entering the name of their sheep by name (to separate them from the sheep of another owner). And sheep, hearing a familiar voice, went to her shepherd. He pulled them out of the chapter and collected in herd. And then led to the pasture, following the herd ahead.

Joan. 10: 5-6. If a stranger, sheep, not knowing his votes, fled from him. This allegory is built on a familiar to the image of the form of a shepherd collecting her herd. The thought, standing behind him, that people rushed to God, because God calls them, and his voice should be distinguished from other votes (compare with verse 16, 27; Rome 8: 28.30). But the listeners of Christ and from the familiar image did not remove the spiritual lesson; They did not recognize (or pretended, as if they would not recognize) in Jesus their Lord - a true shepherd (Ps. 22).

Joan. 10: 7-9. Jesus, however, continues this allegory. Shepherd, separating his herd from others, led him to the pasture. The output to it was lying through a special fenced space. In the gate he became a shepherd to pass sheep on the pasture; He, in this way, as if he turned to the door for them. The spiritual meaning of this analogy is that only Jesus Christ is the door through which a person can enter God's presence.

Everything, no matter how predetermined, the essence of thieves and robbers. The Lord speaks of those leaders (spiritual and civil) Israel, which "came" and acted on their own will and initiative, not being "sent" by the Father of Heaven, that is, "in addition to Christ" came. These were not careful about the spiritual welfare of the people, but about the satisfaction of their own ambition and power. Jesus, as a good shepherd, provides its "sheep" protection against enemies (who will enter me, will be saved, will be safe).

Lzpasties care about their benefit, often taking away from subjects of property, and sometimes life. Christ, on the contrary, gives his "subject" life and takes care of their everyday benefits and will enter and will come out, and will find).

Joan. 10:10. The development of the thought expressed in the previous verse. The thief (the lzhepastyr, in any kind of appearance he appeared) takes life, and Christ gives life ... With an excess.

Joan. 10:11. Next, Jesus is the image of the sheep and its shepherd at a different angle of view. As soon as the evening fell on Palestine pastures, the danger was hung over the sheep. In the biblical times of the city walls, lions, wolves, jackals, panthers, leopards, bears and hyenas were digged. Even the life of shepherds was at risk, as it can be seen from the fact that the king David, hence his shepherd, had to fight with lions and bears (1-king 17: 34-35,37). Multidudinal life of the shepherd was also rapid by the forefather Jacob (Gen. 31: 38-40).

Jesus says about himself (and repeats it): I am a good shepherd (10:11 Compare from 10:14). In the Old Testament the Shepherd of His People is called God (Ps. 22: 1; 79: 2-3; Eccl. 12:11; Is. 40:11; Ier. 31:10). And they are also Jesus for his people, for whose good he came to give his life to his (compare Ioan. 10: 14,17-18; Gal. 1: 4; Eph. 5: 2.25; Heb. 9:14). (In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is also called "Shepherd Grand" - Heb. 13: 20-21; and "Shepherd Quarter" - 1-Pet. 5: 4.)

Joan. 10: 12-13.. Unlike a "kind shepherd", which "sheep is - their", and therefore he cares about them, nourishes them, protects and is ready to put life for them, a mercenary working for money is indifferent to the sheep. He is interested only in monetary remuneration and protects himself. If the wolf attacks herd, then the mercenary runs away, and the wolf clears the sheep and accelerates them. A lot of self-loveful kings managed Israel, and many false prophets and lzhemesis came to him. Many suffered "God's herd" from such "mercenaries" (Ier. 10: 21-22; 12:10; Zeh. 11: 4-17).

Joan. 10: 14-15. But the Shepherd is kind person personally interested in his sheep (compare verse 3, 27). And I know my - these words emphasizes that sheep belongs to a shepherd. In words, my know me is transferred, that knowledge here is mutual, and the proximity is mutual. She is liken to Christ his own relationship with the Father, fulfilled mutual love and confidence. The love of his sheep Jesus confirmed that when "came his hour", he voluntarily gave life for them.

Joan. 10:16.. I have other sheep, who are not this courtyard Jesus talks about the pagans who will believe in him. He will lead to his death to his father heavenly. And they will hear (recognize) my voice. All of these millennia, Jesus continues to save people who distinguish, recognize, hear his voice talking to them through the Holy Scripture. From the dean. 18: 9-11 It can be seen how it was carried out in practice as the church formation. "I have a lot of people in this city" (i.e. in Corinth) - said the Lord Apostle Paul.

And there will be one flock and one shepherd is the image of a church consisting of believers as a Jewish and pagan "courtyard", which connected in one body, the head of which is Christ (Eph. 2: 11-22; 3: 6).

Joan. 10: 17-18.. Jesus predicts his death again, four times in this chapter repeating that he gives his life voluntarily (verse 11, 15, 17-18).

Father loves Jesus special love for his sacrificial obedience to His will. On the Resurrection, Jesus speaks here twice (in verses 17-18): I give my life to my in order to take it again and I ... I have power ... Again to take it; That is, he emphasizes that the resurrection of him is in his power (in force). He is dominated over his destiny. No one takes her (life) with me. Jesus was not at all helpless pawn on a chessboard of human history.

Joan. 10: 19-21. For the third time, the words of Jesus cause a barrier among his listening (7:43; 9:16). Many in the crowd were hostile to him and said that he was obsessed with demons and mad (compare 7:20; 8: 48,52). But others objected: can it ... Can the devil's eyes blind? (Compare 9:16).

4. Final teaching to the people (10: 22-42)

Joan. 10: 22-23.. Holiday update in our time is known called Hanukkah. He was established in the memory of cleansing the temple of Juda Maccave in 165 to R. Kh. (After in 168 the temple was desecrated by the Syrian king Antioch IV (Epifan), who had established idols in it). This holiday, which was celebrated in December (and was winter), lasted 8 days. He reminded Israel about his last great deliverance from enemies.

Solomon's imposition was a covered colonnade on the east side of the temple.

Since the previous conflict of Jesus with the Jews, which occurred in October (7: 1 - 10:21), during the holiday of Kuich (7: 2), two months have passed. Now Jesus returned to the temple again.

Joan. 10:24. Here the Jews survived him. Jerusalemlians attached to him the hostility of Jerusalemlians all hoped to "drive it into the angle." His mysterious words took them out of themselves, and here they "overturned it", asking: how long do you keep us in bewilderment? If you are Christ, tell us right, they demanded.

Joan. 10: 25-26.. Jesus answered what he said to them, but they do not believe in the words of him or the affairs he creates in the name of his father (compare with verse 32, 38), and they indicate that he came from his father (Is. 35: 3-6; Ioan. 3: 2; 9: 32-33). Father really sent him, but he did not justify their expectations. For it was not similar to neither Judas Maccave, nor even (in serving his own) - to Moses. They "stumbled" about him, and it happened because of their spiritual limitation, insufficient faith. But you do not believe, for you are not from my sheep - it is a simple statement of the fact that determined all their judgments and behavior. At the same time, these words are and about the secret of God's election (6:37).

Joan. 10:27.. "Sheep" of Jesus herds listened to his voice (compare verses 3-5, 16) and respond to his call; And I know them, repeats Jesus (compare with. verse 14), and they go beyond me (compare verses 4-5), i.e., follow the will of the Heavenly Father in the example of the Son.

Joan. 10:28.. Here, one of the most clear statements in the Bible that those who believe in faith in Jesus Christ will acquire the life of eternal, and will not perish forever. Believers fall into the sins and "stumble" on their way, however, Jesus, like a perfect shepherd, will not allow them to death (onions 22: 31-32).

Eternal life is a gift (John 3: 16,36,5: 24; 10:10; Rome. 6:23). Guarantee of the safety of believers - in the ability of a shepherd to protect and protect their flock, and not in the dubious ability of the "sheep" "to stand for themselves." And no one will kidnap them from the hand of my experienced thought of this verse receives a continuation in the following.

Joan. 10:29. My father, who gave me them, the most, and no one can kidnap them from my hand of my father. Here Jesus clearly makes it clear that his all-grade father himself is about his stade. To snatch the rescued soul from the hand of Jesus is also impossible, as from the hand of the father. God's plan of salvation "Jesus Stad" can not "break."

Joan. 10:30. Saying me and father - one, Jesus did not mean that he and the father of the same person. They represent two independent personalities in the Divine Trinity. The meaning of his words in this text is to approve the absolute unity of their goal. In the question of salvation of his "herd" will of Jesus, the will of the Father is identical. Father and son are identical in nature, because they make up one deity (29:28; Compare Phil. 2: 6; count 2: 9).

Joan. 10: 31-32.. Now that he spoke not with hints and parables, but openly, the hostile to the Jews had no more doubt about his claims. Therefore, they grabbed a stone to beat it (compare 8:59). The bitterness and courage of Jesus affected his calm issue: I have a lot of good deeds showed you from my father; For which you want to beat me with stones?

Joan. 10:33.. Jews objected that they had nothing against his affairs. (However, the healings committed by him on Saturday caused them a very negative reaction - 5:18; 9:16.) They de agree that, being a man, he makes himself God. This, they said, blasphemy. They were not aware of course, of course, the whole irony (underlined by their words) of the situation: Jesus, being God, became a man (1: 1,14,18). He did not go through Palestine, arguing: "I am God", although from the relationship of him to Saturday and from his words about his unity with his father heaven should have been that he really possesses the nature of the Divine.

Joan. 10:34. If we take into account the methods of discussion, which the rabbis held in his time, then the nature of the response of Christ Judah will become clearer. Start how Jesus does, with references to the Old Testament: is not written in the law your ... - It was natural. Usually under the "law" understood the first five books of the Bible. But here Jesus meant the entire Old Testament, for it quotes from Psalms. "In your law," he emphasizes, implying that Jews were proud that the law was given to them, and therefore should recognize the inviolability of his authority for themselves.

Specifically, Jesus refers here to Psalm 81, where God speaks about God as a true judge (Ps. 81: 1.8) and the people delivered by the judges who failed, however, to make a fair court to God (Ps. 81: 2 -7). The word "gods" in PS. 81: 1.6 belongs to these judges. It was in this sense that God said to Jews: you are gods, without implying, of course, that they possess the divine nature.

Joan. 10:35. So, Jesus builds his argument on the fact that in a certain context (as in Ps. 81: 1.6) and people are called "gods". In the Jewish "God" or "Gods" sounds like an emotion. By the way, in the meaning of "judges" this word is used in Ex. 21: 6; 22: 8 (in Russian in the latter case transferred as "judges"). And the Scripture cannot break, says Jesus, bearing in mind that no one has the right to refer to errors, allegedly admitted to Scripture. This phrase in the mouth of the Lord is an important evidence of the infallibility of the Bible.

Joan. 10:36. From the above, he concluded above. Since the "gods" of the Israeli judges, Jews, are named "the gods" of Judge Israeli, Jews for the fact that he said about herself "I am the Son of God": after all, he performs the instructions of the Heavenly Father, which for this purpose "separated him" ( Recognized) and sent to the world.

Joan. 10: 37-38. The words of Jesus Judea believed reluctantly, but his father testified about him wonderful things he made through his son. These signs were given to the Jews as (expressing in modern language) "Information for thinking", in order to be in their meaning, recognized that Jesus is one with his father (to learn and believe that the father is in me and I am in it ). Nicodemus realized this and therefore said: "There are no such miracles that you do, no one can create if God's God is with him" (John 3: 2).

Joan. 10:39. And again they tried to grab it (compare 7: 30,32,44; 8:20), perhaps, in order to take to the judges. And again the attempt was unsuccessful, because the time appointed for him by God had not yet come. How exactly he dug off their hands (compare from 5:13; 8:59; 12:36), not decrypted.

Joan. 10: 40-42. Because of the hostility of Jews, Jesus went again for Jordan, Iron. There before I was served by John the Baptist, cross "in Vifavar under Jordan" (1:28). There, Christ accepted much more benevolently, probably because at one time the baptist prepared human hearts for this. John and after his death provided a beneficial effect on residents of this area, who remembered his testimony. Although John did not create any miracle, they reasoned, everything that he said about Jesus turned out to be true. Unlike them, the inhabitants of Jerusalem have seen the wonderful signs submitted by the Lord, and yet did not bother in front of him. In the same many ... I believed in it.

True, truly I tell you: who is not a door enters the yard of the sheepskin, but the Indeed proven, that thief and the robber;and the doorway is a shepherd of sheep.He picks him, and the sheep listened to his voice, and he calls his sheep by name and withdraws them.And when will bring his sheep, goes to them; And sheep follow him, because they know his voice.For someone, they do not go, but run from him, because they do not know someone else's voice.

This parable told them Jesus; But they did not understand what he spoke to them.

So, again Jesus said to them: true, truly telling you that I am the door to the sheep.All how many of them came before me, the essence of thieves and robbers; But the sheep did not list them.I am a door: who will enter me, he will be saved, and will enter, and will come out, and find it.The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came to have life and had abundant.

I am a good shepherd: a good shepherd believes his life for sheep.And the mercenary, not a shepherd, which sheep is not his own, sees the incoming wolf, and leaves sheep, and runs; And the wolf clears the sheep and accelerates them.And the mercenary runs, because mercenary, and nerado about sheep.I am a good shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know me.How my father knows me so And I know my father, and my life I suppose for the sheep.I have and other sheep who are not this courtyard, and those will lead to me: And they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

Therefore, he loves me father that I give my life to my, to take it again.No one takes her away from me, but I myself give her. I have the power to give it and the power I have again take it. This commandment I got from my father.

From these words again occurred between the Jews of Drett.Many of them said: He is obsessed with demons and mad; What are you listening to him?Others said: these are not a bad word; Can the devil's eyes blind?

I came then in Jerusalem holiday Updates, and was winter.And Jesus walked in the temple, in the focus of Solomonov.Here the Jews survived him and told him: How long would you keep us in bewilderment? If you are Christ, tell us right.

Jesus answered them: I told you, and do not believe; The cases that I do in the name of my father, they testify to me.But you do not believe, for you are not my sheep, as I told you.My sheep listen to my voices, and I know them; And they go beyond me.And I give them an eternal life, and will not die forever; And no one will kidnap them from my hand.My father who gave me them most of all; And no one can kidnap them from the hand of my father.I and father - one.

Here again the Jews grabbed a stone to beat him.Jesus answered them: a lot of good cases showed you from my father; For which you want to beat me with stones?

Jews told him in response: not for a good deed we want to beat you with stones, but for the blasphemy and for the fact that you, being a person, make yourself God.

Jesus answered them: isn't it written in the law: "I said: Are you gods"?If he called the gods of those who were the Word of God, and Scripture cannot break, -Whether his father was consecrated and sent to the world, you say: "blasphemy" because I said: "I am the Son of God"?If I do not work my father's affairs, do not believe me;and if you do, then when you do not believe me, believe my business to learn and believe that the father is in me and I am in it.

Then they were looking again to grab it; But he ran away from their hands,and he went again for Jordan, to the place where John baptized before, and stayed there.Many came to him and said that John did not create any miracle, but everything that John said about him was truly.And many have believed there.

. True, truly I tell you: who is not a door enters the yard of the sheepskin, but rehearst the inade, that thief and the robber;

The Lord with the words that you are truly blind in the soul, through our unbelief, reproached the Pharisees for the disbelief. So that they could not say that we are disgusted with our blindness, but in order to avoid cheating, he leads about this prolonged speech. Which one? He exposes signs of both a true shepherd and a wolf - a destruction, and thus shows itself that he is good, referring to the certificate of affairs.

At first, he sets out the distinctive properties of the destroyer. "He says, - not included by the door That is, by Scriptures, for he does not testify not to the scriptures nor the prophets. " Scriptures truly essence door; For we are approaching God throughout them. They do not allow to enter the wolves, for they take heretics, delivering us to security and telling us knowledge about everything that we wish.

So, the thief is the one who is not coming through the Scriptures "into the Ovichovyan courtyard" to take care of the sheep, but goes asges "inade", that is, it makes any other and extraordinary way, as, for example, Fedda and Judas. They before the coming of Christ deceived the people, killed him and died themselves (). That will be a bad antichrist. For they have no written writings. Hints at the scribes who did not fulfill a single word from the commandments of the law, but taught commandments to human and legends.

Decently said "goes back." It goes to the Warmer, which jumps over to the fence and does everything with danger. These are signs of the robber.

. And the doorway is a shepherd of sheep.

. He picks him, and the sheep listened to his voice, and he calls his sheep by name and withdraws them.

Here are the signs of a shepherd. Shepherd enters through the Scriptures, and "Saderman reveals him." Under the commander of the intelligence, perhaps, and Moses, for he was entrusted to the words of God. Moses took the door to the Lord, no doubt what he was talking about him. The Lord himself said: "If you believed Moses, we would believe me" (). Or Sadder is the Holy Spirit. Since the Scriptures, understood when illuminated from the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, indicate us Christ, then the Spirit of Holy Saderman. They, as the spirit of wisdom and knowledge, will decide to the Scriptures, through which the Lord enters the care of us and through which he turns out to be a shepherd. And the sheep listened to the shepherd voices.

Pharisees were often called the Lord a deceiver and argued it with their own unbelief, speaking "Does anyone from the chiefs believed in it" () Therefore, the Lord shows that it is not necessary to be considered a detrimentant for the fact that they do not believe, and they need to be excluded from the number of sheep. "I," says, "in the door." Obviously, I'm truly a shepherd. You did not follow me and themes showed yourself that you are not sheep.

. And when will bring his sheep, goes to them; And sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

Where does she bring his sheep? From the environment of incorrect, as, for example, made a blind land from the medium, which heard him, and recognized him.

And goes to the sheep, although the bodily shepherd happens on the contrary, for they go behind the sheep. Sim shows that he will lead to the truth. And students, "As a sheep, sends into the middle of wolves" (). So, truly, the pastoral ministry of Christ is unusually.

. For someone, they do not go, but run from him, because they do not know someone else's voice.

"For someone, they will not go," because they do not know someone else's voice. And here, no doubt hints at Fevda and Judas, behind which sheep did not follow, because few were seduced, and those, in their death, behind them. And for Christ and during life, and especially after death, "Walked the whole world" ().

Hints at the Antichrist, because he will also seduce, and after his death will not have followers. The words "do not come" the fact that no one will hesitate or follow.

So, the Scriptures are the door. Through this door, the Lord brings sheep to the pasture. What is the pasture? The future pleasure and calm in which the Lord introduces us. If in other places, he also calls himself the door, this does not need to be divided. For when he wants to portray his care about us, he calls himself a shepherd, and when he wants to show that he leads to his father, then calls himself the door, just as he is in different senses and a shepherd. Still under the door of the words of Divine Scriptures; And the Lord himself is and called the word; Therefore, it can be called the door.

. This parable told them Jesus; But they did not understand what he spoke to them.

Jesus told them in these words a parable, or a comparison, and used the obscure speech in order to make them more attentive.

. So, again Jesus told them: True, truly tell you that I am the door to the sheep.

When it reached it, it allows the ambiguity and says: "I am the door."

. All how many of them came before me, the essence of thieves and robbers; But the sheep did not list them.

"All how many none came." This said not about the prophets, how the manianes are mad. They enjoy the simplicity to evict the fact that the Old Testament is not from God, and the prophets were not sent by God. "Here," they say, "the Lord said that everything, as he came, the essence of thieves and robbers." But he said it is not about the prophets, but about Fevde and Jude, and other disturbances. And what said about them, it can be seen from what I added "Sheep did not list them." For sheep did not listen to these disturbances, and the prophets listened, and, how much neither believed in Christ, all over them were sure.

And otherwise: "Sheep did not list them." Said it in praise. But nowhere can be seen in order to praise those who did not listen to the prophets, on the contrary, he strongly condemns and denounces them.

Then, pay attention to the accuracy of the expression "How much has come," And does not say "how much (it was) sent". For the prophets came because they were sent, and false prophets, as well as the advanced rebels, proceeded to the corruption of seduced when no one sent them. So God says: "I did not send them, they ourselves ran" ().

. I am a door: who will enter me, he will be saved, and will enter, and will come out, and find it.

Who I me, the door, will enter and will lead to the Father, and will be His Ovtsi, he will be saved, and not only will be saved, but also will receive the Great Fancy, like the Lord, and Lord. For it indicates words "And enter, and will come out." So the apostles were boldly and left before the lords, and went joyful and invincible ().

"And will find pasture", That is, abundant food. Otherwise: Since our man is dual, according to the expression of the Apostle Paul, "Internal and external" (;), then we can say that one who takes care of the inner man, and he again comes out who members who are on earth and "Plot business kits" In Christ (). This will find a pasture and in the future century, according to said: "The Lord grabs me, and I will not have a shortage of me" ().

. The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came in order to have life and had abundant.

Since the prefectant to Feed and Jude, and other apostates were killed and died, then added: "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy," calling the thieves of them and similar to them. "And I, - says, - came to have life. ". They killed and destroyed their followers, and I came to live and had something more, it was: the communion of the Holy Spirit, which is necessary to intelligence and the kingdom of heaven. So, in Christ everyone has life, because everyone will be resurrected and will live; And the righteous will receive something more, it is: the kingdom of heaven.

. I am a good shepherd: a good shepherd believes his life for sheep.

Then he speaks about suffering and says: "I life (soul) I suppose for sheep ", - Expressing the sim that he goes to suffering not by coercion, but voluntarily. The word "I suppose" shows that no one takes her away from me, and I myself give her.

. And the mercenary, not a shepherd to which sheep is not his own, sees the incoming wolf, and leaves sheep and runs; And the wolf clears the sheep, and accelerates them.

Hints at the rebels, more than once mentioned. "They," say, did not put life for the sheep, but left their followers, for Mercenaries were. " And the Lord himself acted on the contrary. When they took him, he said: "If you are looking for, leave this, let them come to turn the word that none of them died" () And moreover, when Jews came to him worse than wolves on sheep. "For they came," said, " with swords and stakes to take it " ().

Under the wolf here you can intelligible and a mental enemy, whom the Scripture calls and Lvom (), and scorpion (), and serm (;). It is said that he "abducts" the sheep when devours someone through a thin case; "Accelerates" when, through evil thoughts, confuses the soul. Fairly can be called him and thief, which "plays" through the sly thoughts, "kills" through the agreement with them, "EMD" through the case. Sometimes it is incremented to someone thoughts evil, it will be theft. If a person agrees with a sled suggestion, then, you can say, the devil kills him. When a person actually makes evil, then he dies. Maybe it mean "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy."

. And the mercenary runs, because mercenary, and nerado about sheep.

The Lord is doing quite differently than this thief. He gives a divine life, illuminates and thoughts our good suggestions, and the bodies of good deeds; It gives something preserves, exactly what we can bring and other benefits through the gift of teacher, as well as the kingdom of heaven, as if giving us some extra award. It is truly a good shepherd, not a mercenary, what are the bosses of Judaes who do not care about the people, but mean only to get a fee from him. For they were looking for no benefit to the people, and their profits from the people.

. I am a kind shepherd; And I know mine, and mine know me.

And from here you can learn the difference between the shepherd and mercenary. The mercenary does not know the sheep, which is because he does not supervise them all the time. For if he constantly watched, he would know them. And the shepherd, what are the Lord, knows his sheep, because he has been sick about them, and they again know him, because they enjoy his supervision and in habit will recognize their patron.

Look. Before he recognizes us, and then we already have it. And it is not different possible to know God, as formerly known from him (). For he had previously learned the flesh, becoming a man, then we already learned him, having received the gift of oblivities. Wanting to show that the unsolved unworthy to be known from God and not the essence of his sheep, he said: "I know mine, and mine know me," As written: "I know the Lord of my" ().

. How my father knows me so And I know my father; And my life I suppose for sheep.

To anyone do not think that he learned how a person. He fisted: "As a father knows me, and I know my father," that is, I really know him, as myself.

Often repeats "I giving my life for the sheep" In order to show that he is not a deceiver. For expressions "I'm light, I life" For unthisted seemed arrogant. But words "I want to die" No self-esteem, but, on the contrary, express a great care, as he wants to betray himself for people who threw stones into him.

. I have and other sheep, who are not this courtyard,

This speaks about the pagans. They are not the yard, which under the law. For pagans are not protected by law.

and those should give me: And they will hear my voice,

For these in scattering, and they do not have shepherds. And prudent, and most of those who are more likely to faith from Jews were without shepherds, therefore, especially the pagans.

I "appreciate" to collect and pagans, and Jews. The word "appreciates" here means not coercion, but what will certainly follow.

and there will be one flock, and one shepherd.

"In Christ, Jesus has no Jew, no pagan." (), And no difference. For everyone has one image, one stamp of baptism, one shepherd, the word of God and God. Let Manichei, rejecting the Old Testament, will hear, and hear that one flock and one shepherd; For the same God of the Old and New Testament.

. Therefore, he loves me father that I give my life to my, to take it again.

Since he was called alien to the father, a deceiver and a destroyer, and not the Savior of the Souls, then he declares real words: "I'm not your descendant, and I am ready for you to undergo everything, if no longer otherwise, then because God loved you so much What and me he loves for the fact that I am dying for you. How will I deceive you when I know that God loves you? On the contrary, it is not better to die to die for you, if not for anything, then so that my father will love me even more? "

Says it so far away from the condesception, because the listeners did not take when he spoke of himself elevated. It would be ridiculous to give another meaning to this spoke. For, really, the Father did not love him before, but began to love only now, and the cause of this was the death of him for us? Not; And, as I said, he expressed in this way to condescension.

Other can say the following. God and Father was known to us. And God and father saw that her son revealed to us the same kindness, for he climbed and dare for us, and exactly preserves the properties of the goodness of the benefits, therefore his father loved his son, loved her son, not as a gift for the gift His death for us, but because he saw the affinity of the creature with himself in the Son, and therefore love his son was encouraging as if an irresistible law of nature. For it is still not the case of a great love for us, revealed the Son, when she accepted donate death for us, and not only death, but again took his life to kill death and over the resurrection to help our immortal? So, when he says that his father loves me for dying for you, SIM expresses that his father is having fun and rejoices that the Son looks like him and has the same love that he.

. No one takes her away from me, but I myself give her.

"My life does not take me from me." Says it for those who intended to kill him. "You," say, - cram my blood; But know firmly that no one can shed her without my will. "

I have the power to give it and the power I have again take it.

So that anyone does not think that he dies like a slave and servant, according to the order of the other and as a result of subordination to this, then he says: "I myself amply in my death, like the Lord of Death. I have the power to give my life my."Although each of you has the power to give my life, because everyone who wants to kill himself, but the Lord says not about this way of death, but that no one could do this without his will. People do not happen. For and without our will, others can kill us. And Christ would never suffer without his will. Therefore, obeying death only on its own realization, he has a greater right - "Again to take life."

This commandment I got from my father.

"This commandment" die for peace " I got from my father. " "I," says, is not an opponent to God, and moreover, to such an extent that this death is dredge to me by Father. " Before he said about himself high: "I have the power to take my life," What shows the Lord of the Death and the Head of Life in it. Now the humble attributes: "This commandment I got from my father." So dively he connects both so that it does not so much by his smaller father and his slave, so that so far does not oppose God, but equivalent to him and one-country.

. From these words again occurred between the Jews of Drett.

Such a speech really served as much from the listeners. A division occurred between them.

. Many of them said: He is obsessed with demons and mad; What are you listening to him?

Some for which these words seemed to be mysterious, thought he was without reason.

Why didn't Christ answer anything those who said that he fell? Because the opponents of them and the defenders could not make them silence and be more reliable for them. So how did they divide and rebelled against each other, then what else was and to contradict the union of the union, when he would not have any confidence from them?

. Others said: these are not a bad word; Can the devil's eyes blind?

Others, understanding several, said: "These are not bad words." Since the Lord, the Lord could not blame them the mouths (for it also did not understand the words of him, nor would convince their opponents), then try to protect Christ, and say that this word is not bad.

Where does this come from? From things. Does the demon can open their eyes blind? And if it is a divine, these are certainly the words.

. I came then in Jerusalem holiday Updates, and was winter.

What update was in Jerusalem? Some say that the update was celebrated on that day, which was arranged by the Solomon Temple. Others say wrong, but that the evangelist will reasonably update the temple created after returning from captivity. This holiday was bright and crowded. Since the city, after a long captivity, received in the temple as if his own decoration, the day of the refreshment of the temple was considered a day of joy.

It was winter, and after this winter in the first spring month, the Lord suffered. Therefore, and the evangelist noticed this time, with the aim of showing that the time of suffering was close, and therefore the Lord arrived in Jerusalem.

. And Jesus walked in the temple, in the focus of Solomonov.

Jesus arrived on this holiday. Now he often walked in Judea, because the suffering was at the doors (close).

The dockecot is worthwhile, that is, a real life, which is always embarrassed by the spirit of the malice, try and you celebrate the update of your spiritual temple, constantly updating and believing "Climbing his heart" (). Then I will come to you Jesus and will help you to make a holiday update of this, in the focus of Solomon, guarding you with your cover and feeding the world from passions. For he himself will be Solomon, which means "peaceful". So, who, according to the expression of the Prophet, "Waving ... in the blood" () Christ, peaceful, with the fact that Christ himself celebrates the renewal of his soul, the flow of winter, that is, a real life. For the future century is similar in spring; Then everything will be expensive and will receive a new being; Then no one can update the soul; All such things will be completed with the present century.

. Here the Jews survived him and told him: How long would you keep us in bewilderment? If you are Christ, tell us right.

Jews surrounded him and, apparently, from some diligence to him and the desire to know the truth, asking to say to them "Christ"; But in fact, their question was idle and malicious. For how things are proved, he is Christ, they demand words for conviction. It is rather characterized by shalunas and mockery. However, their question, full of ungratefulness and pretendation, reveals their corruption.

They say: "Tell us right." Meanwhile, he said many times straight when he came to the holidays, and said nothing secretly, called himself his son of God and light, and the way, and the door and referred to the testimony of Moses.

. Jesus answered them: I told you, and do not believe; The cases that I do in the name of my father, they testify to me.

Therefore, I cling to them in the fact that they ask with an evil intention, the Lord answers them: "I repeatedly told you, and you do not believe."

Otherwise, "What do you pretend to listen to one simple word? You do not accept cases that I do I not as an opponent to God, but in the name of my father. How will you believe one simple word? " For there is no doubt that things are much more convincing than words. It was expressed and the most moderate ones: "There can be a sinful man to create such miracles" ().

. But you do not believe, for you are not my sheep, as I told you.

"You," says, - do not believe me because you are not from my sheep. " I, like a good shepherd, for my part performed everything that I had to do; If you do not follow me, I'm not an unworthy of the shepherd's title, but you are unworthy of the title of sheep.

. My sheep listen to my voices, and I know them; And they go beyond me.

Having said to them that they are not from her sheep, now inclined them to become sheep. For this and adds: "My sheep listens to my reading, and they go after me."

. And I give them an eternal life, and will not die forever; And no one will kidnap them from my hand.

Then, inciting them, brings what they get behind him. "I, - says, - i give them the eternal life, and they will not perish forever " etc. Of course, with these words, he excites them and inspires him jealousy and the desire to follow him, since he serves such gifts.

How does says "My sheep will go after me, and they will not die"? Meanwhile, we see that Judas died. But he died because he did not follow Jesus and did not have to the end of Ovtion. And the Lord speaks of the true followers and sheep that they will not perish. If someone is lagging behind the flock of sheep and stop following the shepherd, he will soon die.

The happening with Juda can be used and against Manicheev, Judas was the holy and oct of God, but lagging behind: it was in his choice and self-defense. So, evil or good exists not by nature, but it is stopped from free militia.

. My father who gave me them most of all; And no one can kidnap them from the hand of my father.

Why do they not die? Because no one can "Kidset them from my hand; For my father who gave me them, most of all, and no one can kidnap them out of his hand, " And therefore from my hand.

But asks Other: "How the Lord said that no one would kidnap them from the hand of my father, whereas do we see that many die?" It can be answered that no one can steal from the hand of the Father, and many can seduce. For forcibly and selflessly no one can distract them from the Father, God; And about the seduction we stuff every day.

I and father - one.

For my and silent hand is one, I and father one, that is, in power and strength. "HRUKO" calls power and strength. So, I and Father one in nature and essentially, and in power. So I understood the Jews that he declares himself a one-way God, and for making himself the Son of God, grabbed a stone to beat him.

. Here again the Jews grabbed a stone to beat him.

Since the Lord said that I and my father - one, of course, in power and strength, and showed that his hand and father alone, then Jews considered it for blasphemy and wanted to beat him with stones for doing herself equal to God.

. Jesus answered them: a lot of good cases showed you from my father; For which you want to beat me with stones?

The Lord, pursuing them and showing that they have no benevolent reason for frenzy against him, but say in vain, reminds them of miracles that he made, and says: "I showed you a lot of good deeds; For which you want to beat me with stones? "

. Jews told him in response: not for a good deed we want to beat you with stones, but for the blasphemy and for the fact that you, being a person, make yourself God.

They answer: "We want to beat you with stones for blasphemy, for what you make yourself God." He does not deny this, does not say that I do not make myself God, I am not equal to my father, but even more approves their opinion. And what he is God, proves it by what is written in the law.

. Jesus answered them: Whether in the law is not written in the law: I said: Are you gods?

. If he called the gods of those who were the Word of God, and Scripture cannot break, -

. Lee, whom his father was consecrated and sent to the world, you say: blasphemy, because I said: I am the Son of God?

The law calls the book of David, as well as all the Scriptures. The words of him have this meaning: if the burning of the gods () who received the burning of grace (), and this is not supplied to them in the guilt, then what justice, when you condemn me, who according to the nature - God, whom the Father has consecrated, that is, determined for the peace for peace ? For the separated God is called holy. Obviously, when the father consecrated me and determined the salvation of the world, I am not equal to the other gods, but I am a true God. If the same, for whom the Word of God,, that is, I, for I - the Word of God, and I, having grown in them, bestowed them, if they are the essence of the gods, then I can call myself without any guilt, I , In the nature of his God, and others give a gift.

Yes, the words of Arians and Nestorian will be held. For Christ is the Son of God and God essentially and the nature, and not the creature, and gives any other way, to whom it was the Word of God, and not adore himself by grace. Obviously, he is real words distinguished himself from adored by grace and shows that he gave them to them, being the Word of God and having fallen into them. For it is indicated by words "To which the Word of God", with whom it was inhabited.

How can I blasphemy when I call my son of God? For, although I wear flesh and originated from the offspring of Davidov, but you do not know the mystery and the fact that the carnal nature of human does not otherwise take a conversation with God, as soon as he appears to him in the flesh, as if under the curtain.

. If I do not work my father's affairs, do not believe me;

. And if you do, then when you do not believe me, believe my business to learn and believe that the father is in me and I am in it.

"Whether you want," says, - know my equality with your father? " Equality Essentially you can not know, because it is impossible to know the creature of God; But the equality and identity of the cases are taken for proof of the identity of power; For things will be a certificate of my deity for you. And you will learn and believe that I am not different that like father. For, staying in his son and distinguished by the face, I have the same creature; As well as the Father, staying by his father and differing from face, there is nothing but the son, of course, is essentially the nature. Although we distinguish with persons, but faces are inseparable and inseparable, and the father and son are in one in another in another.

We have a father separately from the Son, although one in nature. But in the faces of the Divine, as we have; And they dreamed in another in another. Therefore, it is said about us "Three people", because we are separate faces, and we actually make one thing; And about the Holy Trinity says "one" God, and not three, because the faces are inappropriate over one with another. Prost to this the identity of the will and wants.

. Then they were looking again to grab it; But he ran away from their hands,

Looking for a grab of the Lord, without moving his high testimony of oneself, for they did not tolerate excellent his theology. But he is removed, leaving the anger to them and arranged so that through his removal of the passion of the wrath of them subsided. Contrary to the will of them, with the aim of showing (which we repeatedly spoken), that he would not be taken to the cross, if he had not betrayed himself voluntarily.

. And he went again for Jordan, to the place where John baptized before, and stayed there.

Where is it removed? For Jordan, to the place where John baptized. Without no goal, he retired here, but in order to remind many about what happened there and that John spoke about him.

. Many came to him and said that John did not create any miracle, but everything that John said about him was truly.

What his stay here many pleased, it is seen from the fact that the evangelist adds: "Many came to him and, remembering this place they said that John did not create any miracle. " They have such a meaning: if we believed that (John), although he did not create any miracle, then much more should believe it (Jesus), since he made so many wonders.

Along already John testified of Christ, and the miracle did not create anymore and therefore could be admitted unreliable, then the evangelist adds: "All that Ioann said about him was truly."

. And many have believed there.

Present faith is not Jesus according to John, but John on affairs, which made Jesus. "Therefore," says, " many have believed there ". The word "there" shows that the place it brought them a lot of benefit. Therefore, Jesus often displays people into desert places and removes it from the community of evil people to make more fetus. So, it seems, he made in the Old Testament: he brought out of Egypt and formed in the desert and arranged the people, giving him the law.

Nothing that the removal of Christ is accomplished in the spiritual sense. It is removed from Jerusalem, that is, from the Jewish people, and goes into place having sources, that is, from pagans having sources of baptism. And many come to him, moving through baptism. For "For Jordan" means this, that is, the transition through baptism. For no one comes to Jesus and is not done truly true otherwise, as lasting through the baptism, which is denoted by Jordan.

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